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/lit/ - Literature

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22038466 No.22038466 [Reply] [Original]

>imagine buying books
>just go to the library

>> No.22038474


>> No.22038492


>> No.22038494

I have a personal library of 1,200+ books (and increasing). Shan't ever go to a glorified homeless shelter.

>> No.22038506

>getting goods in exchange for money is cuckholding

The brain of a poorfag. I don’t care about the money, I’d rather have the book. It is I who is cucking them

>> No.22038512

I have niche tastes unsatisfied by your average library collection.

>> No.22038623

>lives in a jewish society.

>> No.22038624

>not pirating ALL your books and putting them on an ereader

>> No.22038656

Hello Anon 22038624,

We hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inform you of an important matter concerning the content on your Kindle device. Our records indicate that copyrighted material, which may have been obtained illegally, has been detected on your device.

At Amazon, we take copyright infringement seriously as it violates intellectual property rights and undermines the hard work and creativity of authors, publishers, and other content creators. As a responsible digital platform, it is our duty to address any instances of copyright infringement promptly.

We kindly request your immediate attention to this matter. In order to avoid any legal consequences, we require you to remove all copyrighted material from your Kindle device within the next five days. This includes any books, documents, or other digital content that may infringe upon someone's copyright.

To remove the copyrighted material from your Kindle device, please follow these steps:

Turn on your Kindle device and navigate to the Home screen.
Select "Books" or "Documents" from the main menu.
Locate the copyrighted content in question.
Press and hold the title until a menu appears.
Choose the option to delete or remove the item from your device.
Repeat these steps for any additional copyrighted material.

We understand that mistakes can happen, and it is possible that the presence of copyrighted material on your Kindle device may have been unintentional. However, it is crucial that you take immediate action to rectify this situation to comply with copyright laws and protect the rights of content creators.

Please be aware that failure to remove the copyrighted material within the specified timeframe may result in further legal action being taken against you. We strongly advise you to review your Kindle content library and ensure that all items are obtained legally.

If you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support team. We are here to help you through this process and ensure that your Kindle device remains compliant with copyright laws.

Thank you for your attention to this matter and your cooperation in resolving the issue promptly. We appreciate your understanding and commitment to respecting the rights of content creators.

>> No.22038661

>implying I can find eBook version of the books in my native language.

>> No.22038665

Great copypasta. Will be saving this. Also,
>owning a kindle
>ereader not on airplane mode 24/7

>> No.22038674

Dear Anon 22038665,

We hope this email finds you well. We are writing to follow up on our previous communication regarding the presence of copyrighted material on your Kindle device. It has come to our attention that despite our initial notice, the requested action to remove all copyrighted content has not been taken.

We understand that dealing with copyright matters can be complex, but it is imperative to address this issue promptly. We must emphasize that even if your Kindle device is set to airplane mode, Amazon still has access to the content stored on the device. Our commitment to protecting intellectual property rights remains unwavering.

We urge you to reconsider your position and take immediate steps to remove any copyrighted material from your Kindle device. Failure to comply with copyright laws may lead to legal consequences that could have a lasting impact on your personal and professional life.

As an Amazon customer, we value your satisfaction and want to work towards a resolution that respects the rights of content creators. We kindly request that you review your Kindle content library once again and remove any content that infringes upon someone's copyright.

If you require any guidance on how to remove copyrighted material from your device, we are here to assist you. Our dedicated support team is available to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

We believe in the importance of upholding copyright laws and fostering an environment that promotes creativity and innovation. By taking action to rectify this situation, you contribute to the preservation of the rights of authors, publishers, and other content creators.

Please be advised that failure to comply with copyright regulations may result in further legal actions being taken against you. We implore you to act responsibly and swiftly to address this matter.

Thank you for your immediate attention to this serious issue. We trust that you will take the necessary steps to resolve this matter in a timely manner. Should you need any assistance or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support team.

>> No.22038688
File: 269 KB, 922x1409, Screenshot from 2023-05-16 13-28-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you nigga

>> No.22038694

Kek. What does this even mean?

>> No.22038697

Wow dude good job on letting us know you’re retarded. Congrats!

>> No.22038712
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>> No.22038723

retard alert.

>> No.22038732


>> No.22038741
File: 1.25 MB, 1310x1614, 1684258877604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good horror story. Should leave an average kindlecuck trembling for his prescious collection of poorly formatted MOBI shitfiles.
Unfortunately for you, Jeff, my Kindle is my property forever. I've jailbaited and buckbroken the shit out of that reader, and there's nothing you can do to cuck me now.

>> No.22038744

In what society is money not exchanged for goods you want?

>> No.22038858

>190 files found
Kill yourself, OP

>> No.22039030

I just disconnected mine from the internet and have left it offline for the past three years. How did you jailbait/buckbreak (kek, btw) yours?

>> No.22039394

Guide https://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?t=346037
Might be confusing, feel free to ask for details. New devices with latest firmwares can't be jebaited anymore because this makes Jeffy very sad, but since yours has been offline for years, it has to be eligible. I'd advise to manually upgrade to 5.14.2 and follow the guide if you decide on it.
Afterwards, autoupdates can be blocked forever. Various apps can be installed - it's Linux, after all. I use Syncthing to sync the entire library with my other computers, and Koreader to read the books. I also pray to the Amazon god, thanking him for granting me full control over this marvelous device free of charge.

>> No.22039407

Non-university public libraries literally don't stock anything that isn't
>Harry Potter
>Beginner's Quilting (1992)
>Birds of the Southern United States
>LGBTQ YA/graphic novels

>> No.22040098

I don't like ebooks

>> No.22040102

Two words:
Interlibrary loan

>> No.22040327
File: 27 KB, 539x960, 1544157680335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>public library does massive renovation and expansion
>the only DFW item in their collection shared between another library is The Pale King

>> No.22040340

just pirate

>> No.22040733

OP, libraries are for the dirty poors.

>> No.22040785

they dont like this at my local library when im requesting like 2-3 books a week from the state library

they say it costs too much i think they just dislike me

>> No.22041573

Imagine not having books on hand to reference as you study. Pleb.

>> No.22041980

>gets filtered by Beginner's Quiliting (1992)
many such cases

>> No.22043038

Lol fag. You arent supposed to return the books

>> No.22043056

You sound like a nerd. I bet i could beat you at arm wrestling

>> No.22043093

>public library hates liberals
dare I say based?

>> No.22043148

Every single book on my to-read list is unavailable in every library in the greater metropolitan area. The only exception is Stephen Kotkin's books.

>> No.22043159

He's a libtard worth reading.

>> No.22044525

Unless you have a really good university library, or just so happen to live near the central library of a big city (even this can be bad), a library will never have near anything specific you're looking for. Sure there is likely plenty of good stuff, and no I'm not doing a fucking inter-library loan. I will buy books new, I will buy books used, I will buy books online, I will go to to my shitty branch library, I will read PDFs, I will do whatever I want.

>> No.22045124

Anons I hope you realize that you're outing yourselves as monolingual when you say to just use ebooks.

>> No.22045132

Anon, i hope you realize that you are outing yourself as retarded when you can‘t even find ebooks in different languages and when you think that everyone‘s first language is english.

>> No.22045147

I don't think everyone's first language is english, but if you think pirating ebooks is a solution you have not really ever tried looking for non-english works, and so I must assume these people are english monolinguals, because the alternative is that they do not read in their native language, and that is too repulsive to consider

>> No.22045176

Idk what you are talking about. I am easily able to find books in german, french and russian. There are no other languages that have any books worth looking for. And you only run into issues if you‘re trying to find some language-specific newer pop authors. The classics are all there.

>> No.22046980
File: 58 KB, 720x709, 1653826976022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feel like buying a new book after a long while
>go check bookdepository
>it's shutting down
well I guess I'm just going to continue to pirate my shit then, fuck you.

>> No.22046996

i went to my local library (just moved back to small rural town of about 5,000) and there are absolutely no classics, or even non-fiction in subjects i'm interested in. some standouts are:
books on horsemanship
books on gardening
nutrition books
the rest is children's/women's/large print