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22031409 No.22031409 [Reply] [Original]

help, i dont know how to talk, or talk to a woman, or build a relationship with somebody, can somebody rec me books on it

>> No.22031450

I figured not saying extra useless shit/small talk works, don't use extra words to sound smart, that's cringe, always be straight to the point but don't be too blunt it comes across as autistic

>> No.22032721

Talk to a therapist, if you are like me you probably have DID (disassociative identity disorder) as a result of early childhood trauma, to the point where you cannot even remember the details of the trauma. If you do acid and things like this you will be able to a bit more introspective, learn to love life, there's nothing to be scared of.

>> No.22032735

The truth is that no one does, some are just better at acting like they do but most of us just accept muddling through.

>> No.22032744

no book will teach you how to talk to people. however, robert greene's "the laws of human nature" does a pretty good job of outlining the boundaries and expectations

>> No.22032747

>how to talk to a f*oid
That shit is fucking easy you sperg just ask them softball questions about themselves. Thats like the three top things bitches love right there. Male attention, talking about themselves and hearing the sound of their own voice.

>> No.22032820

a book will only do so much. the best way to learn how to talk to people is to just put yourself the fuck out there. i have faced a lot of rejection and awkward social situations where i felt totally ostracized from everyone else, but if it weren’t for those moments i would still be socially inept. it is simply trial and error. oh, and smile. i never realized or cared to consider how much of an impact your body language can make on people. just saying shit you would normally say but while smiling can change the entire reception of whatever it is you said. best of luck to you

>> No.22032960

Ask them who their favorite Greek philosopher was, and no matter what they say call them a retard and explain why they're wrong. Bitches love that shit. Good luck.

>> No.22032972

Honestly, "How to win friends and influence people"

Then this

>> No.22033550

If you are talking to women or building a relationship it's the opposite. The small talk and the beating round the bush are the conversation. Having an actual point is almost extraneous. Being straight to the point is for talking with other men or doing business.

>> No.22034028

I'm very inconsistent when it comes to talking.
At work/school I turned into a quiet guy at around 18. However when I leave the school/work I suddenly am able to speak freely and people often ask why I wasn't like this before.
It's so weird and it keeps happening. At the last job I left I thought 'okay, lets see how comfortable I get and suddenly become social' and it happened again.
With family/friends I'm good and when on a date I'm fine too.
There's some mental blockage that I can't seem to fix in some situations.
I've contemplated going to work/school drunk because of this.

>> No.22034943

It's called practice dude.

>Be confident (don't mumble and avert eye contact)
>Be witty (make jokes about shared interests or pasts experience)
>Be kind (ask questions and take genuine interest in people's responses)
>Be smooth (maintain a good pace of conversation by including others and changing topics in order to keep the conversation flowing)
>Be interesting (Share stories from your personal experience that people might find unique or worthy of further discussion)

If all that fails, just get a bit drunk and let it all flow out. You'll get the hang of thing eventually.

>> No.22034950


>> No.22035358


Eloquence consists in the harmonical warmness of preciseness; elegance consists in the rational coolness of conciseness.

Be cool like the shore, and warm from the core —or emulate a "Yu-Gi-Oh!" trainer, or something.

>> No.22035458

>[...]or emulate a "Yu-Gi-Oh!" [dueler], or something.

>> No.22035512
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The quality of warmth does not easily translate to the quality of precision.

>> No.22035530

read aristotle's and cicero's on rhetoric
total self help nigger death

>> No.22035652


Harmony is not always easy to achieve, but styleful reason makes way for it.

>> No.22035748
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>> No.22035770


That is what your post deserves, and matches, so, technically, it is 5/5.

>> No.22035850 [DELETED] 
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>> No.22035858 [DELETED] 
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:( Gestell

>> No.22035866
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:/ Gestell

>> No.22035897
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