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/lit/ - Literature

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22022073 No.22022073 [Reply] [Original]

You're not a kid anymore read something with a benefit for you.

Read on buisness, psychology, communication, family, fatherhood, read studies, read geopolitics, read something useful dont fall for the fiction trap.

>> No.22022078

I already did that. That's why I went for fiction. Did you know how good Victor Hugo writing is?

>> No.22022080

>read something with a benefit for you.
fiction has benefit
go fuck yourself with a cactus

>> No.22022085

Mmmmmm no

>> No.22022094

Easy said, but finding a non-fiction book that is actually useful takes a whole volume of non-fiction books in itself.

>> No.22022095

>buisness, psychology, communication,
>read studies
This stuff is a waste of time. Quality fiction, from a quality writer, is always superior at any of this junk than what it aims to do. If you don't understand why, you are a pleb.

>> No.22022098

I'm french and I read le dernier jour d'un condamné and Notre Dame when I was a teenager, didnt like either of those. I also had to study his poems.

Cope, fiction is a loss of time and will always be.

>> No.22022099

>read exclusively non-fiction for a decade
>start reading fiction again
fiction is just as educational OP. literary fiction is not entertainment, it's serious

>> No.22022105

People write fiction because they do not have the I.Q and logical thinking necessary to right treaties and conving essays.

Fiction is cope for people with a "literary fiber" to allow themselves to write bullshit stories and live off of it.

>> No.22022110


It's not, it's a waste of time and you can make the author say whatever you want him to say.

>> No.22022116

You are a completely soulless bughuman if you do not see the value in fiction.

>> No.22022125
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This is the attitude of a true bug-man. A bug-man lives like a bug. A good bug fits their new bug ecology. The bug-man finds himself in a world of urban industry and technology, so like a good bug-man they fit their new environment.
The bug-man must necessarily think with an insect brain: practicality for its own sake. That which does not comport with instinct must be discarded. The bug-man looks and copies those cultural mutations with the appearance of success, most reducible to mere money and physical objects and physical pleasures.
To be a man with a soul is to realize the mind breathes its own rewards. The soul-man puts practicality where it belongs: in service for his own soul. The growth and expanse of the soul is his telos, not his instrument. The sensible world is just a proving ground for the image of God. It cannot touch the soul-man, it can only be means to express his soul, and to have it tested before the Divine, for the spark so precipitously planted.
The soul-man must not hate the bug-man, rather pity his impoverished mind, never knowing the true joys of the life of the mind.

>> No.22022129

Based and Enlightened

>> No.22022130

you don't believe that

>> No.22022131


>> No.22022132

Look at how much seethe criticizing fiction causes. This is because you are failed humans unable to read logical thinking without being led by a pretend story. You are manchildren and the whole culture of fiction and entertainment is poison. There is no beauty without planning and logic, there is no beautiful impulse. Lay your kid's book down and stop wasting your time.

>> No.22022140
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>act retarded
>be called a retard
>"look at this seethe"
kys, nigger

>> No.22022143

The image of God reveals itself in mathematic textbooks not in man-written fiction. Fiction is all cope for individuals to try to be intellectual without intellect, hence the extreme kvetching and ad hominems I have received.

>> No.22022144

We've been telling fictional stories since we were cavemen. I'll go with what's worked for hundreds of millenia.

>> No.22022147
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>Look at how much seethe criticizing fiction causes. This is because you are failed humans unable to read logical thinking without being led by a pretend story. You are manchildren and the whole culture of fiction and entertainment is poison. There is no beauty without planning and logic, there is no beautiful impulse. Lay your kid's book down and stop wasting your time.
>The image of God reveals itself in mathematic textbooks not in man-written fiction. Fiction is all cope for individuals to try to be intellectual without intellect, hence the extreme kvetching and ad hominems I have received.

>> No.22022149

>The image of God reveals itself in mathematic textbooks
A reflection of God maybe. Not the image.

>> No.22022151

I don't care what you think, you already read them, of course you don't want to again

>> No.22022154
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>Look at how much seethe criticizing fiction causes. This is because you are failed humans unable to read logical thinking without being led by a pretend story. You are manchildren and the whole culture of fiction and entertainment is poison. There is no beauty without planning and logic, there is no beautiful impulse. Lay your kid's book down and stop wasting your time.

>> No.22022162

OP, how does it feel to be BTFO?

>> No.22022164
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Read on buisness, psychology, communication, family, fatherhood, read studies, read geopolitics, read something useful dont fall for the fiction trap.

>> No.22022168

This is your mind on fiction.

>> No.22022171
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Spoken like a true neoliberal
I'm afraid I'm not interested in being useful
I'm a useless animal and I'll die that way

>> No.22022185

What I say has nothing to do with neoliberalism or economics. The fact of the matter is that books have the ability to make you a super-human almost, bring you closer to God, explain your defects and fix themw allow you to a better son, brother, father and so on. But you use the power of books to entertain yourself with bullshit stories. Literally just play video games or watch movies, not memeing.

>> No.22022197

Stop reading on business, psychology, communication, family, fatherhood, studies, read geopolitics. Reading is a waste of time.
Get the blinkist versions, that condense these books into 10 minute summaries.
Then get them as audiobooks and play them at 5x speed.
Then make sure to to use earbuds, and listen to one book in each ear a once, to double efficiency.
As a tier 1 operator, I have made my life more efficient than many of you dare to imagine. The last 10.000 meals I have had were instant Onions nuritional shakes. When I have sex, I orgasm in 0.04 seconds. I am fond of music: I have been able to take my favorite symphonies, usually played by a 100 musicians, and via ableton's music software, I can add tens of thousand musicians who take over some of the notes of the other musicians, thus reducing the amount of time needed to enjoy an hour-long sympony down to 7.4 seconds.
I have already written an automated script that makes ChatGPT wrie birthday cards, wedding speeches and funeral oratories for every one of these events projected to happen in my social sphere for the next 40 years.
You cannot compete, you absolute troglodyte. Reading books will never in a million years lead to your peak performance in mental metabolism.

>> No.22022202

I guess the lesson I've learned is to never put yourself between people and the time they want to waste.

>> No.22022207

One of the tell-tale signs of clinical autism is the inability to appreciate fiction.
Your opinions are an artifact of your dysfunctional brain.

>> No.22022209
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I don't want to be a super human
I want to be a regular human
And that's already what I am
Enjoy devoting your life to being useful for someone else

>> No.22022211


>> No.22022212

>Read "feminist ways to make capitalism your bitch"
>Read jordan peterson
>Read how to win friends and influence people
>Read BAP
>Read tradman 3000
>Read the latest study on why reparations are good for climate change
>Read something about trump and putin being hitler
I made 50 million in one year after going for pure cutthroat non fic bros. I diversified my portfolio and made BANK on the soupmarket. Anyone who says you gotta have a soul to understand high tier lit is a retard. I read Moby Dick and I didn't get why they just didn't use a cannon to blow up the whale.

>> No.22022216

That's a terrible lesson to take from this. Use blinkist. Use audiobook versions of them at 5x speed. Drink the instant meals. Get ChatGPT to do your communication for you.

I literally spelled it out for you, but I guess you're right, if you want to waste time reading books like some sort of medieval peasant, then by all means, waste your time. Just don't be a hypocrite about it and pretend like you are less of a time-waster than someone who reads other books.

>> No.22022223

Based, very based. Good to see another tier 1 operator such as myself.

>> No.22022225

Personally I've never understood why people think reading non-fiction is useful
I mean sure, read your self help books if you want but don't pretend that studying history or geopolitics will provide anything other than entertainment with the veneer of respectability and seriousness
I read history books not because I want to apply the knowledge I find to my own personal life, I find the idea that we should study history in order to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past to be laughable
My entire life I've had an innate desire to know about things, I've felt excitement and fascination since I was a child and never once did I have to justify that pursuit with lies about how it is actually useful or important for me to read it
In fact it's the exact opposite for me
I have to tell myself how useless non-fiction is and that I'd be far better off reading literature yet the temptation of knowledge is often too strong for these facts to dissuade me
Art for Art's sake
Knowledge for Knowledge's sake

>> No.22022232
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> What I say has nothing to do with neoliberalism or economics.
You literally said to read business, psychology, and geopolitics.

>> No.22022233

High tier lit is published in the NEJM and Science Advances not at Barns & Nobles

>> No.22022248

Only if the publications are less than 100 pages. If not, it's not good enough to explain concepts properly. I don't need fluff, I need something useful.

>> No.22022251

I am way less of a time waster than fiction readers and yes you should want to improve everyday. Thats my problem with people that read fiction if they had the honesty of acknowledging the absence of benefit and value of their hobby like gamers do or people that watch fast and furious do I would never have made this thread. But for some reason fiction readers think that their hobby is superior to others when it's just a waste of time.

>> No.22022257

>I just read long books instead of having the condensed version of the concept because, BECAUSE ITS JUST BETTER THAN OTHER THING OKAY
This is why your name will be forgotten

>> No.22022261

>I am way less of a time waster than fiction readers
Do you eat homecooked meals instead of instant meals? Giant waste of time, in the order of 30-90 minutes a day.
You read non-fiction instead of the proposed blinklist audiobook method: say you read 60 minutes a day. With the proposed method, you can get the same information in 240 seconds.
You post here instead of writing automated scripts for ChatGPT: projected time waste: 100.000 hours.
Do you have sex? If you are not orgasming immediately, another waste of time added to your already grievous list of waste.
What are you doing right now? Writing faggy posts instead of improoooving, while simultaneously claiming you do improoooove.
You may be better than fiction readers. From where I am standing as a tier 1 operator, however, this is like watching a 30 IQ man brag that he doesn't have a 29 IQ.
Get better, get improving, drink the söylent and write scripts to automate your life.

>> No.22022264

Pretty funny how the idea of self-improvement sends your mind in outer space.

>> No.22022279

Why? Of course it does. I am escatic with self-improvement, Of course it takes me to the proverbial seventh heaven, not just metaphorically, but it may do so physically as well, as if we all self-improve enough, we will get to colonize Mars.

What I don't understand is how someone like you can take a teeny-itty-bitty baby step in the same direction as me, but then refuse to act consistently on it. Every post of cope is further proof that you are not adamant enough in your resolve. Every denied lifehack is further proof that you prefer to rest a stagnant quagmire of mediocrity.

I've been writing these posts while running on a threadmill, but now my workout is soon over. What have you done in these ten minutes? Nothing?
Get real.


>> No.22022292


>> No.22022305

Art (poetry) and escapism (fiction) are more worthwhile than all of those things save for fatherhood I suppose.

>> No.22022316

I'm an author of fiction.

>> No.22022373

If fiction is useless then philosophy is useless as well.

>> No.22022403
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>tier 1 operator

>> No.22022415

Psychology is literally all fiction and there are no good books about it, it's just overtaken by self help trash. You cannot possibly get anything out of psychology books because it's just 300 pages of basic shut from Peppa the pig about how it's nice to go outside on a sunny day and brushing teeth is good. You have to be retarded to read it.

>> No.22022423

>maximize utility at all times

>> No.22022425

did you buy the dip and told guys in youtube ads to joins your course for 300 dollars?

>> No.22022434

Self help books are masturbation.

>> No.22022440

The image of god reveals itself in all things good. Literary fiction is good. Math text books are good. The fact that you shit yourself off from one in favor of the other because you have internalized the lie of modern "culture" is the thing that you should be pitied for.

>> No.22022445


>there's actually people who read fiction and don't understand even the most simplest of metaphors and how to apply that understanding towards your life.

>> No.22022450

>I read Moby Dick and I didn't get why they just didn't use a cannon to blow up the whale.

You read Moby Dick and you didn't understand the metaphor how the pursuit of the Whale destroyed the man, and here you are pursuing the Whale of Self Improvement and you will not see yourself sailing to your demise even after the deed has been done. The ignorance of Autism must be nice.

>> No.22022455

>Read on buisness, psychology, communication, family, fatherhood, read studies, read geopolitics
I already understand all of this, I can't comprehend the beauty of this world and its people

>> No.22022463

I thought you said to stop reading fiction
oh, I see. you just can't tell the difference

>> No.22022504

Most of this board reads more non-fiction than fiction. Fiction reading should be encouraged you piece of shit newfag degenerate.

>> No.22022507

>right treaties

Ok OP.

>> No.22022517

>read on fatherhood
Just imagine the type of subhuman nigger father that has to read books to figure out how to be a father. That's how school shooters are raised lmaooooooooooooooo

>> No.22022518

>read something with a benefit for you.
kek I read mostly non-fiction and it is to entertain myself.
most nonfiction is fucking bullshit

>> No.22022523

>You're not a kid anymore read something with a benefit for you.
Nothing has benefited my life more than reading fiction. I dont expect a simpleton like you to understand.

>> No.22022524

there is quite literally no better reason to read fiction–– or engage with any form of art–– than to experience something beautiful. dilate tranny

>> No.22022526
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>> No.22022528

Fiction helps you empathize with your fellow man

>> No.22022530

>benefit for you
yes this will surely help me negotiate with other statesmen and diplomats, great rec

>> No.22022544


I imagine these are books written by women.

>> No.22022703

Case in point - Stealing the Network. It's a better delivery vehicle for the information than most technical texts.

>> No.22022815

forced memes are not so bad until they are forced by 9 years old
fuck off

>> No.22022864

And suddenly, all was revealed.

>> No.22022980

Yes, everything I do in my life must be for material ends, I should not engage in ANY activity to benefit my heart and soul. That would be UNPRODUCTIVE, and PRODUCTIVITY IS THE HIGHEST GOAL IN LIFE.

>> No.22023048
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>Learn only to create

>"Philosophy must not be 'edifying'!"

>> No.22023049

My ROA went through the roof after listening to Jocko Rogan Goggins' audiobooks on 5speed. The increased productivity leaves me with more time to make more money.

>> No.22023053


remember when printed words were super important because life only consisted of a field and manual labor?

pepperidge farm remembers

>> No.22023093

the image of god is man, and man expresses his humanity in fiction. do you think mathematical systems are more precious in the sight of our father than the spirit which he instilled in us

>> No.22023097

>bring you closer to God
Thread over.

>> No.22023119

Retard. Aesthetics are an expression of the divine spark within man. To express it through the medium of fiction seperates man from animal.
Fiction can also teach you things while also being actually pleasing to read. LotR taught me more about manhood than any retarded self help guru.

You sound like a 17 y/o musk drone with a shit life that is coping with
>le self improvement

>> No.22023124

that's autistic and so are you (shocker). fiction speaks to human nature better, retard

>> No.22023128

Ironically, you write better non-fiction than OP ever could. Standard for a fiction chad; just like Goethe.

>> No.22023135

>early modernity farmers read books
while there's space to debate this in academic spaces, in common parlance made up imaginary scenarios are not memories.

>> No.22023156

Goethe smiles upon this post

>> No.22023272

Fiction is not filling up your soul. The human soul benefits from connecting directly to God through prayer, if you're an an atheist then just give up the soul concept and stop bullshiting yourself on why you read fiction.

>> No.22023277

Anyway I think that we can all agree that fiction sucks and that you should all read books about the real world and not made up stories.

>> No.22023287

>Whole thread shits on him
>"Anyway I think we can all agree that fiction sucks"
good bait

>> No.22023290

Agreed. Every single part of The Bible that is allegorical and not literal should be excised.

>> No.22023338

God made man in his own image, as in within his own image, not as a reflection of what he is (though there is a bit of the creator in everything created). Everything in creation is the image of god. People love to try to make distinct separations because they feel like they need to in order to keep god from being evil but evil is a mistake of the harmony of matter and soul trying to make soul judgements about material matters (matters of material generation and sustenance of material forms. This mistake is the fall of man from eating from the tree of knowledge). In other words its not of creation, but an illusion caused by mans duality when soul and body combine and start making judgements. But when you draw such distinctions you close yourself off from certain aspects of the image of god and creat demons in there place where there weren't any.

>> No.22023361

>You're not a kid anymore read something with a benefit for you.
>buisness, psychology, communication, family, fatherhood, read studies, read geopolitics
I don't see how those things can benefit my life. Except for the geopolitics one, but that's what the news are for.

>> No.22023414


>> No.22023722

French frog got filtered. Fuck off with your despotic bs thinking. Who tf r u to tell people what to like, you nazi. Do the world a favor and hang yourself, french faggot.

>> No.22023736

Hello french anon. French learner here. Could you tell me where to read up on impartial geopolitics in french?

>> No.22023744
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>the real world

>> No.22024143

A reflection is an image. A projection is an image.

>> No.22024274

I spent 25 years reading almost nothing but nonfiction.
It's time for me to become cultured as well as book smart.

>> No.22025629


start with the classic history / geopol author René Rémond, short and easy to read

>> No.22025674

Peace may be to whatever OP had in place of his soul.

>> No.22025686

And the dumbest thread of the day award goes to you!!!

>> No.22026202


The only things I read are the medical inserts for packets of Pirvitin. I love the medical inserts for packets of Pirvitin, and I love to read the medical inserts for Pirvitin. The medical inserts for packets of Pirvitin recommend reading the medical inserts for packets of Pirvitin, but I wouldn't know about the medical inserts for packets of Pirvitin, because all I do is cook meth in momma's basement.

>> No.22026225
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>Enjoy devoting your life to being useful for someone else
how can I achieve peace with the fact that I will likely stay a mere mortal?
find a woman I love and family?