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/lit/ - Literature

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22020292 No.22020292 [Reply] [Original]

>play chess for 3 years
>no progress, just humiliation and loss
Welp, better get back to literature and philosophy, at least in these fields nobody can legitimately prove that I'm a dummy and hopefully I'll manage to convince some smart people they're dumber than me

>> No.22020301

>nobody can legitimately prove that I'm a dummy and hopefully I'll manage to convince some smart people they're dumber than me
with this attitude you'll be certain to convince everyone you meet that you're a colossal faggot

>> No.22020306

i would be at best a retard anyway, at least i have a chance in faking it rather than wallowing in the humility of my mental faculties

>> No.22020309


>> No.22020311

i reached at best 1300 on chess.com rapid and 1350 on lichess though it fell to 1250

>> No.22020318

All I need to do is avoid any situation where I have to play a game or do anything objective, and I'm good and people will think I'm intelligent.

>> No.22020346

A lot of chess is intuition. I realized this when I play moves that just "feel" right, I don't do any calculation and often they're the best moves. I think any field dealing with mathematics is like this. But objective truth isn't limited to calculation, so don't think lacking intuition means you have low intellect.

>> No.22020357

intuition in chess is nothing more than pattern recognition, moves feel right for reasons

>> No.22020372

a feeling i'll never understand, as an idiot. well, my compensation is overshadowing any intelligent person with my pseudery in discussions.

>> No.22020433
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I thought you're stuck at 500 the way you complain about it

>> No.22020443

no i mean i developed to this point and have got stuck there for a long time, apparently reaching my intellectual limit where it feels like absolutely incomprehensible this early. This means I will never gain anything worthwhile from literature, except the results of pseudery.

>> No.22020451

Sometimes I make moves "in the blind" so to say, I don't even realize pieces are there but my muscles make moves on their own (this being blitz chess). I would say a lot of top grandmasters are born with this ability that's not dependent on pattern recognition.

>> No.22020466

I remember asking about how grandmasters are grandmasters in biological sense in the science board and they trash my thread saying it's just a board game

I was wanting to start a discussion on Magnus Carlsen's skill on how did he get to where he is, it was a debate between memory strength vs ability solving problems, something like that. However how he have either a strong memory and ability to come up with a solution fast remains unclear, practise, yeah? But I suspect it's more than that

>> No.22020468

Intuition itself is pattern recognition and foresight lmao

>> No.22020473

>But I suspect it's more than that
it's a radio controlled dildo up his ass, right?

>> No.22020476

I don't know! *Cries*

>> No.22020483


>Press "X" to doubt
>Press "O" to accept


>> No.22020553

Why don't you learn tactics? That alone would get you to 1200

>> No.22020558

>>no progress, just humiliation and loss
Did you study hard like a student of the game?

>> No.22020585

Is rapid 5 min? If 1300 is like the 90th percentile isn't it?

>> No.22020592

You probably never play with Classical time controls

>> No.22020595

In hardcore chess players they consider each hundred to be the age you should be. 1200 is a 12 year old, 1300 is a 13 year old.

>> No.22020601

You can get pretty by just memorizing OP. Don't memorize opening lines, instead memorize entire games by playing them and analyzing them over and over until you understand every move. If you do this for just 10 games, you'll already be around 1700-1800 strength.

>> No.22020603

I've played in tournaments and I have literally never heard anyone say this ever.

>> No.22020611

>i reached at best 1300
What the fuck. This must be bait. You should be at least around 1700 after three years, and that is if you have only been playing for fun and haven't studied theory. If you study and play seriously, you should be around 2k.

>> No.22020617
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>you should be nearly an im in 3 years

>> No.22020625

More like in the low 2600s...

>> No.22020631

Well, I'm retarded, I established that already. Good thing though I have high verbal IQ and can steal admiration that belongs to genuinely intelligent people and laugh at them.

>> No.22020636

You dont have to be good at chess to be smart. Pick up learning about a science or mathematics along with philosophy to be more well rounded.

>> No.22020640

Liver status: fried

>> No.22020653

Idgi, if you’re not inclined to book learning just do something else. Smart people can smell out a pseud and anybody who’s not autistic is gonna think you're an asshole for trying to get one over on them

Become a meat head, or a DJ, or even a weeb or a gamer. Cultivating genuine interests is gonna make you much happier and personable even if those interests aren’t as chic as Heidegger or Russian lit or whatever

>> No.22020672

I definitely know what it’s like to routinely do something everyday for years and never get any better at it.

>> No.22020678

>a gamer
too stupid for them
>meat head
low t nerd in everything else except smarts
I would always remember it is only due to my failure at being intelligent
It's not interesting

I don't believe smart people can actually smell out a pseud that well, so I have a shot there. Any possible interest I might have is at this point clouded by the sense of failure, knowledge of my lack of intelligence. There's nothing interesting in this situation.

>> No.22020686

Just make at least $200k/yr and nobody will care or ask questions.

>> No.22020688

too stupid to make any money though

>> No.22020692

>low t nerd in everything else except smarts
If you’re smart then you wouldn’t have made the thread. Piss off

>> No.22020697

That doesn't imply I'm smart, it implies that low t NERDS are often SMART, and i share a lot of qualities with low T nerds, except that of being SMART

>> No.22020724

Sounds like you need to be a comedian

>> No.22020733

That may be what you intended but it’s not what the sentence implies. I could draw a syntax diagram to prove it to you but I gather that you wouldn’t be able to follow it

>> No.22020742

It is exactly what the sentence implies and you are being outdone by a retard. "Low t nerd" doesn't even make sense as a general descriptor of "being bad at something" since to be nerd at something is not at all related to being bad at something. If you're even stupider than me, you should forget all about this reading thing, only you're just stupid enough to not even realize how stupid you are.

>> No.22020752

playing chess isn't a way to demonstrate that you're smart, at least, not beyond just having a chess set in your house that you own or something. just have the chess set there and you're good to go. being good at chess is a joke

if you want to do it just study very basic opening theory, play a handful of puzzles and games per day, and do the end game puzzles until you know them. that's literally it. you'll get 2k and never be in awe at the game again

>> No.22020760

imagine failing so hard at reading comprehension on a board dedicated to literature

>> No.22020800

Just play 1 minute time control. While normalfags play a few classical games lasting multiple hours each, you'll play thousands of games and see many useful patterns.

>> No.22020845
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>age 4

>> No.22022097

so what's your endgame?

>> No.22022107

This is why I don't do maths, desu.

i hate being retarded so fucking much; though, i guess everyone except the n1 intelligence man feels that way at some times.

>> No.22022114

studies have shown that chess has almost no correlation with intelligence

>> No.22022118

This is true
Watch Hikaru videos sometimes.
He’s a genius at chess but is otherwise retarded

>> No.22022589

I don't know how much genetics have to do with it. He was playing from a very young age which is the secret spice that makes anyone great at something. He also lives in Norway and probably has a rock solid private life that offers him little strife or distraction which is pretty much necessary to be able to perform at something consistently well.

>> No.22022595

But my genuine interest is making people feel like they are mentally inferior to me.

>> No.22022600

>at least i have a chance in faking it rather than wallowing in the humility of my mental faculties
...Even though I hate being made to feel mentally inferior to others. Im a good person who's existence has intrinsic value by the way.

>> No.22023022

lmao this buttblasted samefag got rustled by his own bait

>> No.22023058

wait, the guy who had the reading comprehension of a 4 year old or the dumbass OP was buttblasted? they honestly both seem so stupid that they should just both give up literature or else be consigned to a life of midwit mediocrity

>> No.22023189

If youre too stupid to even understand what he was talking about, when even I managed to, you should consider quitting literature, as it is not likely you will ever comprehend it if following the simplest of discussion chains is so hard

>> No.22023198

I hope you turned your experience as a failed chess player into the next Infinite Jest. What Shakespeare quote did you use for your title?

>> No.22023270

>no you!
Pathetic. I’m sure you understood because you wrote it mr. buttblasted samefag. In fact everyone understood, everyone is just amazed how you completely misinterpreted it and got so rustled that others called you out. But nice try, mr. redditor

>> No.22023284

Just face the fact that you're a retard that can't follow a discussion and will consequently miss most of any book he reads.

>> No.22023291

Nice one, mr. redditor.

>> No.22023293

t. 60IQ

>> No.22023297

Good one, must have got that one from r/teenagers, mr. redditor

>> No.22023298


>> No.22023300

t. 60IQ

>> No.22023303

Nice one, mr. redditor

>> No.22023307

t. 60IQ

>> No.22023308

Nice one, mr. redditor

>> No.22023310

t. 60IQ

>> No.22023312

Nice one, mr. redditor

>> No.22023313

t. 60IQ

>> No.22023316

Nice one, mr. redditor

>> No.22023317

t. 60IQ

>> No.22023319
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Same but with basketball. No one can yell at me for being bad while I'm reading

>> No.22023320
File: 1.01 MB, 2000x1333, Go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can git gud at chess with reading and practice, it's a skill that can be acquired. There is a great deal of cheating and mind games going on in chess as well. I know the rules, I'm halfway decent at chess, but I've never been a huge fan of the game or enthusiast of it. I'm pretty good at poker, can win consistently, but I'm starting to learn more Go as it seems like a very serious challenge and a meditative/relaxing game. It's a more complex game with less cheaters, but it's more difficult to master and win.

>> No.22023323

Nice one, mr. redditor

>> No.22024145

>In hardcore chess players they consider each hundred to be the age you should be.
Absolutely tortured English. Like a talking gorilla.
Amazing to see this on a literature board.

>> No.22024165
File: 481 KB, 619x618, BEAF82D7-873D-4E39-A7AA-61A1DEE0293E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never played Sudoku
>download an app
>put it on easy
>first game ever takes me 30 minutes
I know how it feels to be retarded OP. I wish I wasn’t a brainlet…

>> No.22024166

Chess is pure autism. Time is better spent learning to play music or reading non-fiction. Even building or fixing things is better.

>> No.22024192

>In hardcore chess players they consider each hundred to be the age you should be.
>With hardcore chess players they consider each hundred to be the age you should be.
Fixed in one preposition, EOL. What's the matter, can't break 1000? Only as smart as a 10 year old child?

>> No.22024282

Wrong, try harder

>> No.22024289

Congrats you got him.

>> No.22024294
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>> No.22024310


It's a freak olympiad sport involving no abstract thought whatsoever. Trivia gameshows are more impressive

>> No.22024736


Go to chesstempo and solve tactics puzzles
Chesstactics.org also helps

Read chess fundamentals by capablanca

>> No.22024741

Also, remember the key to solving puzzles is to consider forcing moves and see if you could complete a goal (win material, better position, best case scenario is checkmate lmao)

Forcing moves are ranked from best to worst

Threats to check or capture

>> No.22024799

All the legitimate smart people are out there doing good, productive work rather than talking shit on 4chan. And by the rare chance that a smart person really is on this board, they're certainly not in this thread lmao.

>> No.22025242

>Like a talking gorilla.
Holy fuck. This made me laugh so hard, I turned lightheaded.

>> No.22025544
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Is this a reference to the fried liver attack?

My rule is when I lose 3 games in a row I have to go through some more chapters in a chess book and some puzzles for a while. Then when I get back in I'm sure to jump 50 points. At the moment I'm on 1250 after 4 months of this system (starting at 900, I played some chess as a kid) . Pic related really helped me out.

>> No.22025567

I played for 3 years and went from beginner to 1950 chesscom blitz at my peak. You just have to be
1. obsessed
2. autistically efficient/streamlined with training
But more important is 1. If you aren't genuinely in love with the patterns of the game itself your brain won't form the new connections required to improve. I stopped playing because I stopped improving because I stopped getting high from learning the game, kind of a negative feedback loop. If you want to get really good you need to get a positive feedback loop going of practice->improvement->reward (elo gain).