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/lit/ - Literature

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22019797 No.22019797 [Reply] [Original]

confused edition

previous >>22014520

>> No.22019814

Two days sober... thirsty thursday at the pub tonight. Baby steps.

>> No.22019818

I lost my sanity like many others. Started seeing patterns in everything. Hearing my thoughts in conversations of others. Numbly staring at a wall for hours as millions of different voices argued in my mind.
I started listening. Asking. Knowing. The voices were hostile at first but eventually they were mastered and leashed. Each one is a contemplation I've had before. I interrogate them daily.
It wasn't hard to break free from the idea that it was a paranormal phenomenon. I understand that is where many get lost when their brain becomes radicalized.
But now I know that.

>> No.22019821
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Nice edition, OP

>> No.22019824

Literally shizophrenia

>> No.22019836

Only voice I ever heard was in meditation and it only ever said 1 thing.

>> No.22019837

I think criminals should be put down.

>> No.22019838

>gimme the pussy

>> No.22019841


>> No.22019844

>traps are gaaaaay...

>> No.22019864

No, it was a profoundly lame statement whispered in a Woman's voice. What's crazy is that I could feel her breath on my ear and it startled me so much that I thought there was someone in my house with me.
>"You're alive..."
I learned later from the monks at the monastery that experiences like that are very common for people finally getting into deeper meditative states for the first time.

>> No.22019879

Oh well
Mine told me they were the angel Shemyaza then went on to explain that she had no idea why she was here or why she had to talk to me

>> No.22019880

nice on you, Anon.
How long do you meditate for? Any particular technique?

>> No.22019909

what ever happened to that xi jinping weed smoker guy?

>> No.22019914

Hello future parents of /lit/, I am going to teach you how to be an absolute chad parent and make absolute chads out of your daughters and sons. I offer no argument because one doesn't need to develop an argue a theory in order to apply and become Truth. I simply speak the Chad Truth of Chad Experience. It is the Chad Truth because it speaks of the value of family, friendship, romance, and adventure.

Go on adventures with your children in the world to teach them the way of adventure. Go on car trips with them, explore nature with them, hike with them, go camping and backpacking, go hunting and fishing (but always with a profound moral and spiritual respect of the sacrifice of another life to sustain us,) explore the night sky, rocks, and living organisms and ecosystems together, learn about such things together. Experience their dreams, struggles, thoughts, and feelings with them together. Go on intellectual adventures with them. To teach your children to Become Chad you must teach them the ways of the courageous adventurer of life, love, and learning, and by experiencing and nurturing these ways of adventure with them you teach them both true self-autonomy and independence as well as mutually participatory collaboration.

The only question is: do you want your children to be a profoundly courageous adventurer of life or love or not? Of course you do, and the process of sharing and co-creating their adventure with them is the greatest adventure of all: the adventure of parenthood.

When a healthy child nourished with all the necessary wisdom and tools reaches a true coming of age, their relationship with their parents shifts from that of parent-child to a friendship of mutual adventure and discovery. The parent-child love is of course still profoundly there, but not the relationship of one being over another; parents and adult children are all adults, and relate to each other on adult terms, without the aspects of dependence in childhood. Your relationship and adventure with your child only becomes deeper and more rich when your child develops the means of autonomy and can adventure out on their own in the world on their own terms, to discover their own loves and romances.

>> No.22019916


>> No.22019918

I dunno, what happened to your dreams of fucking Jasmine from Aladdin?

>> No.22019929

was it snek jasmine or regular jasmine

>> No.22019987

I want to watch porn but if I do I know my whole next day will be worse so I'll just sleep now.

>> No.22020001

What if your son becomes gay though? Or a trap?

>> No.22020008

I have had a constant headache for the past eight years of my life because of a brain injury.

>> No.22020016

He finally reached nirvana and left 4chan forever

>> No.22020017

Sometimes when I'm meditating I hear little voices but they just say nonsense, like grammatically correct sentences but they don't make sense. Is this normal?

>> No.22020024

talk to your rabbi

>> No.22020044
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What is it called when a book give you plenty of hints and teases about its lore but doesn't tell you much more than that?
Like in the LOTR where you find a lot of names of historical and poems about them but never actually get a deeper knowledge of it

>> No.22020051

Take asprin

>> No.22020052

I still remember these huge slabs of rock covered in indecipherable symbols with no explanation or mention in Bloodborne.
It's quite a potent storytelling tool

>> No.22020056

I thought about committing suicide. I thought about running away to another country. I thought about traveling to a wilderness far from civilization and starving to death on a frozen mountain range. I thought about selling all I have and taking vows of silence and poverty. I thought about taking refuge in a monastery, but I can't run from myself. I thought about falling on my face and crying out, saying let me go back, let me undo it. I thought about disappearing. I thought about erasing myself. I thought about dissolving myself into nothingness and believing that it was all an illusion. I thought about a long winding stair of silver to a peak of the clouds where Peter and Michael are now trimming the wicks of the candles in the gatehouse and taking up the pens of their great big ledgers and saying to a weary traveler what did you do? I thought about taking that last step and not being able to look Peter in the eye and crying out that I did such terrible things. I thought about the last judgement. I thought about it all, the desperate clawing, the sinking, the despairing lust, the backbiting, the hurting I did and the pains I received. I thought about the judge, face of fire, eyes as blazing lamps, reaching his hand to brush a neat entry in a great gilded book next to which was written--

>> No.22020065

it definitely gives you a strong idea of there actually being some depth in the world and not only what you can see directly

>> No.22020075

just remembered this quote by tolkien
“Part of the attraction of The L.R. is, I think, due to the glimpses of a large history in the background: an attraction like that of viewing far off an unvisited island, or seeing the towers of a distant city gleaming in a sunlit mist. To go there is to destroy the magic, unless new unattainable vistas are again revealed.”

>> No.22020090

pretty sure he made a final post and bid us farewell

>> No.22020095
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Why do people say you can't be on 4chan and be a Christian? It's really not as hard as it seems. Just stay off the red boards and you're pretty good as far as avoiding the near occasion of sin.

>> No.22020105

How do you idiots give yourself schizophrenia? Drugs?

>> No.22020108

This deep unhappiness has been chasing me for years and no matter what I do I can never make it go away

>> No.22020154


>> No.22020241
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>> No.22020247

Why are you christian?

>> No.22020251

To be fair to Americans, a lot of them jump through the hoops of the survey to get the money or the cookie at the end and they are so busy that they just rush through it and put w/e the fuck is easiest so they can be on their way.

>> No.22020254

>What if your son becomes gay though? Or a trap?

Same thing you always do with them: 1) love them. 2) Explore the situation and what is involved with it with them. 3) Accept that you always have more to learn about love.

>> No.22020257

you forgot 4) Have anal sex with them and forego all pretenses of Humanity.

>> No.22020263

No you certainly don't want to do that.
But making it impossible for your child to explore their sexual feelings and share them with you openly without fear is a recipe for making them sexually and emotionally crippled. Do you want your children to hide in fear and terror of sharing their authentic feelings with you?

>> No.22020277

Throwing their children out of the house for not being Christian.

Throwing their children out of the house for not being straight.

Throwing their children out of the house for not being conservative.

Throwing their children out of the house for having non-white friends.

Throwing their children out of the house for being educated.

Nothing destroys families like American conservativism.

>> No.22020281

>make strawman
>jerk yourself off for defeating said strawman
Wow very cool

>> No.22020330

>Do you want your children to hide in fear and terror of sharing their authentic feelings with you?
I don't want to have children specifically because I know Western culture will either have them molested or will try to latch onto any slight unhappiness they have and make them trans. If the Government wants more people they can just import them.

>> No.22020339

Life is so profoundly boring and disappointing. But I don’t know if it really is or if it’s just me.

>> No.22020365

>Self aggrandising opening
>Making both your and your kid's identity about becoming something "better" than you
Yeah I'm sure nothing can go wrong here

>> No.22020393

>nothing destroys the body like killing the parasite

>> No.22020394

I do this with lost internet friends. It's just apophenia at a point

>> No.22020396

Who are the retards who thought a country was in the middle of the ocean

>> No.22020397

I just want to be someone's boring boyfriend.

>> No.22020406

Ravage that tight little anus and teach him what it's like to be a faggot/woman

>> No.22020407

Will Westerns continue to be relevant to American culture 100+ years in the future?

>> No.22020414

Are they relevant now?

>> No.22020427

My sexual relationships with women have all been so insanely bad. Even when the sex itself has been good I just can’t handle it emotionally. I don’t have a religious background so it’s not shame or whatever.

Maybe I’m just not cut out for fucking.

>> No.22020440

There's still Westerns in our pop culture, like Westworld, Red Dead Redemption, weird west stuff, according to the Wikipedia Breaking Bad is a modern western, but I wouldn't classify it as western, also Cormac McCarthy's western books are popular here.

>> No.22020447

Because I know beyond all doubt that Jesus rose from the dead.

>> No.22020450

Even after all this time, I am still madly in love. You won't care because it's been such a long time but I think of you every day. I really, really love you and I will never be complete in your absence. I miss you terribly.

>> No.22020455

Went to class this morning. Came home. Napped for two hours. Woke up. Masturbated. Showered, made breakfast. Masturbated again. Walked the dog for an hour. Came home. Now I'm sitting down doing nothing. What a waste of a day.

>> No.22020480

But he didn’t. The story was a fabrication invented eighty years after the fact.
The proof is this “god” of yours not coming back, never confirming any of the guff the Catholics pushed, and not to forget the disgusting amounts of bloodshed spilled in his name.
If he were real, he’d be one of the most shit gods ever.
And they’re all pretty shit

>> No.22020485

Probably decreasingly so but I doubt they'll ever disappear entirely as a setting. Castaway novels used to be a huge genre during the Age of Discovery and you still get the occasional one pop up.

>> No.22020487

>eighty years after the fact.
Damn thats a super specific date. How do you know?

>> No.22020489

Closer to a hundred probably

>> No.22020498

Probably? Well which is it?

>> No.22020526

I passed the test to get a cool job and watched Arizona starring Danny McBride. It was a pretty solid 7/10.

>> No.22020538

Nice. If I knew today would be such a drag I would have skipped the nap and watched movies all morning

>> No.22020563 [DELETED] 

Stupid people tend to be more unethical.

>> No.22020567 [DELETED] 

Stupid people seem to be more unethical.

>> No.22020668

Wondering if I should try to collect and publish some of my poems, or if I should submit some to some publication. Poetry Foundation says they take as long as eight months to get back to you…

>> No.22020723

more productive than me

>> No.22020731


>> No.22020732

My new roommate is so fucking annoying. Every single time she opens or closes a door she does it so agressively that it makes a huge amount of noise. When she’s in the kitchen, she’s always banging pots and pans around and making an ungodly racket. When my other roommate is doing stuff around the house I rarely hear her, but being home with this roommate is annoying as fuck because every few minutes she’s making noise.

She’s always sending me passive agressive text messages about the most trivial shit. I like to drink water throughout the day, so I tend to grab a glass in the morning, and keep the same glass on the counter next to the sink to be reused throughout the day instead of getting a new glass each time. One time I forgot to wash the glass and put it away before going to bed, and she sent me a text complaining about it: “Could you please try not to leave dirty dishes in the kitchen for more than one day? I have seen some glasses sitting there, let’s at least try to maintain the kitchen as clean as possible please.” Like, what? It was a fucking empty glass that had only had water in it. Having it on the counter doesn’t affect the usability of the kitchen at all, and it’s not creating an unhygienic environment or anything. That was the only dish I had used that day anyway.

She’ll complain if I leave the light on in a room while I’m not actively in that room. Of course I always turn off the lights before leaving the house or before going to bed, but she takes it to a ridiculous extent. Like I could be in the middle of cooking in the kitchen and leave for 5 minutes to go to the bathroom, and she would complain that I hadn’t turned the kitchen light off. I can be slightly forgetful sometimes, so it’s really stressful having her making such a big deal about minor things like that. It makes me feel like I have to be hypervigilant about remembering to turn the lights off everywhere in the apartment every single time I go into another room for a minute to grab something, because if I forget even once she’ll get all curt and passive agressive about it. It’s not even like we’ve been racking up the utility bill or anything—when I advertised for a roommate I told her that utilities range from $15-20 each per month, and they’ve never exceeded $16 in the time she’s lived here. She has plenty of disposable income to spend on expensive brand name snack foods, so it’s not like an extra dollar on the utility bill would put her into dire straits.

The other night I was in the bathroom getting ready for bed. I had been in there for like a maximum of 10 minutes: just washing my face, doing my skin care routine, and brushing my teeth. Yet she stormed out into the hallway to use the bathroom, and once she realized I was in there she audibly swore, stomped back into her room, and slammed the door. Like, if it was urgent she could’ve just knocked and politely asked how much longer I needed? Ugh.

>> No.22020823

It feels like the time since the COVID lockdowns hasn’t even happened. 3 full years. What the hell have I been doing?

>> No.22020893
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Mutilating their children for simply saying "i'm a girl/boy" as a passing phrase

Abusing their children for virtue signaling

Abusing their children because of their innocence

Teaching their children to hate their own race

Teaching their children to not even believe in their selves

Nothing destroys families like LIBERALISM

>> No.22020982

What did you do today

>> No.22020985

Just fuck her and relieve the tension

>> No.22020991

The overwhelming majority of academic, scientific, and medical research supports transgenderism as valid and necessary. Racism is similarly an objectively true and pervasive issue. There is no argument against this besides 'MUH FEELINGS' or 'MUH DEGNERACY' or 'MUH JEW PROPOGANDA'.

>> No.22020994

All these things are bad, right? So why not make a Hegelian synthesis and come up with something that is neither liberalism or conservatism. Good values are good values, not because they fall under some umbrella term someone else gave you, but because they are good. Virtues belong to the ones capable of possessing them.

>> No.22020996

i'm off my ass echo astral

>> No.22021001

I think my dad poisoned my idea of romantic relationships. After he divorced my mom, he would burst into tears at public displays of affection or romance scenes in movies, even when it was just him and me. He even asked me, an emotionally ruined 16 year old who didn’t know the first thing about talking to girls, if I thought he was going to die alone. Every time I think about the fact that I'd like a girlfriend despite the incredibly low odds of getting one and how unappealing I am to women, I feel like I'm as big a loser as my dad.

>> No.22021002

I read a study the other day that brains are neither male or female, but instead are a mosaic of different traits - in men and women. What do you say to this?

>> No.22021004

You are so aware of everything that I think you should be thankful and see if that changes things for you.

>> No.22021006

>valid and necessary
Kek what does that even mean? Heckin valid and it just HAS to happen. Lmao.

>> No.22021018

Damn thats funny. My mom divorce raped my dad and he poisoned romance for me but in a way more chad way. Instead of crying at movies he wojld say "that woman is a whore, just like your mom." Instead of dying alone, he knocked up 3 or 4 more women and finally settled down with his last one, over a full decade younger than him, at the age of 50. Anyway, basically he warned me that all women are snakes and most women are damaged beyond repair since I was a kid. My brother ended up gay and I ended up volcel.

>> No.22021030

The fatter a girl is the more likely it is that she has a Disney+ account

>> No.22021043

I’m a straight woman. And even if I was bi I wouldn’t fuck her, because she’s a 2/10 squat femcel with a bulldog face and a hunchback.

>> No.22021066

A self-destructive man feels completely alienated, utterly alone. He's an outsider to the human community. He thinks to himself, "I must be insane." What he fails to realize is that society has, just as he does, a vested interest in considerable losses and catastrophes. These wars, famines, floods and quakes meet well-defined needs. Man wants chaos. In fact, he's gotta have it. Depression, strife, riots, murder, all this dread. We're irresistibly drawn to that almost orgiastic state created out of death and destruction. It's in all of us. We revel in it. Sure, the media tries to put a sad face on these things, painting them up as great human tragedies. But we all know the function of the media has never been to eliminate the evils of the world, no. Their job is to persuade us to accept those evils and get used to living with them. The powers that be want us to be passive observers. Hey, you got a match? And they haven't given us any other options outside the occasional, purely symbolic, participatory act of voting. You want the puppet on the right or the puppet on the left? I feel that the time has come to project my own inadequacies and dissatisfactions into the sociopolitical and scientific schemes, let my own lack of a voice be heard.

(He pours gasoline all over himself and lights himself on fire.)

>> No.22021073

Are you a 3/10 or a 1/10?
Knock it off

>> No.22021081

He speaks the truth

>> No.22021082

I have a gorilla grip.

>> No.22021089

I’m like a 5 or 6/10, lol. Honestly though, I really try to avoid commenting negatively on the way people look, since it’s beyond their control. Generally I don’t tend to fixate on people’s physical flaws. But she’s so fucking obnoxious and agressive and unbearable to live with that it’s like everything about her annoys me, and my irritation with her now extends to the way that she looks. If she was a nice and agreeable person I doubt I’d think twice about her appearance and I certainly would have nothing bad to say about her.

>> No.22021092

My dreams are killing me. People from my past keep showing up to literally torture me.

>> No.22021094

I'll get you motherfuckers if it's the last thing I do. Oh, you're going to pay for what you did to me. For every second I spend in this hellhole, I'll see you spend a year in living hell! Oh, you fucks are going to beg me to let you die. No, no, not yet. I want you cocksuckers to suffer. Oh, I'll fix your fuckin' asses all right. Maybe a long needle in your eardrum. A hot cigar in your eye. Nothin' fancy. Some molten lead up the ass. Ooh! Or, better still, some of that old Apache shit. Cut your eyelids off. Yeah. I'll just listen to you fucks screamin'. Oh, what sweet music that'll be. Yeah, I'll do it in a hospital. With doctors and nurses so you pricks don't die on me too quick. You know the best part? The best part is you dick-smokin' faggots will have your eyelids cut off, so you'll have to watch me do it to you, yeah. You'll see me bring that cigar closer and closer to your wide-open eyeball till you're almost out of your mind. But not quite 'cause I want it to last a long, long time. Huh. I want you to know that it's me, that I'm the one who is doing it to you. Me! And that sissy psychiatrist? What unmitigated ignorance! That old drunken fart of a judge! What a pompous ass! Judge not lest ye be judged! All of you pukes are gonna die the day I get out of this shithole! I guarantee you'll regret the day you ever met me!

>> No.22021102

She sounds like someone who wasn't prepared to live with a roommate, and shouldn't be living with one either.

>> No.22021106

Who keeps showing up in your dreams?

>> No.22021111
File: 37 KB, 460x661, 1683252271705211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons, which one of these women would you like to see dominate the other? And how would it go down? Blackmail? Mind control? Sheer physical overpowering?

>> No.22021113

Hegel, Orpheus, Buddha

>> No.22021127

people l've wronged

>> No.22021129

I do not want to work hard for financial security. I want to marry a trust fund baby like Jamie Johnson, have a home in jupiter island, FL, and just rest.

>> No.22021131

How have you wronged them?

>> No.22021137
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So we can't just ignore the problem. We have to find room in our contemporary world view for persons with all that that entails; not just bodies, but persons. And that means trying to solve the problem of freedom, finding room for choice and responsibility, and trying to understand individuality

>> No.22021139

Not comfortable saying but lets just say most of them are women who l've severly hurt/betrayed in very scummy and disgusting ways

>> No.22021141

The obesity issue with White women is insane. I walked for 15 minutes from the train station to my office and I saw 30+ fat or obese white women.

>> No.22021144

Why do you think you are unappealing to women?

>> No.22021146
File: 1.05 MB, 3318x2212, plain-avocado-toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can yoy explain something to me? I've seen women defend the looks of objectively ugly women. Like, shamelessly lying and everyone knows it. And it's not even like the woman was around for the conversation. And then Ive seen women criticize the looks of gorgeous women. What the fuck is up with that?

>> No.22021147

Can you make things right with any of them?

>> No.22021153

l dont think any of them would want to see me again or let me try

>> No.22021155

This would definitely be one of those literotica stories where the bitchy and bossy roomate discovers her nice and quiet roomate is low key a dominatrix who decides to punish her.

>> No.22021157

Are you sure? You can’t know unless you’ve tried.

>> No.22021158

Thats hot. More detail?

>> No.22021163

Regretting my choices. Still feeling like lockdowns screwed me over.

>> No.22021170

Yeah, same here, Life is just low grade blaaaaah.

>> No.22021176

If I were a rich kid, I probably would’ve moved to New York and done the rich kid thing for a few years but eventually I would’ve moved back to the country and bought a small house or a farm. I would’ve been one of these cottagecore influencers, basically enjoying my life and talking about stuff.

>> No.22021177

Not her but women are psychotically evil when it comes to other women, basically 99% of what a woman's mind is dominated by consciously or unconsciously is her place in the hierarchy of other women. For example if you get a girl's bf to flirt with you in front of her, you've utterly conquered her. And women aren't like men, where some of them will do this because they're scumbags while others would never think of doing it because it's immoral. Women want that higher status and dopamine rush of being better than other women so badly that it's much more like an animal craving to mog and degrade other women.

It's a huge part of why women find it so hard to have female friends. There are infinite opportunities to mog and degrade one another, always free floating in the air. To trust a bitch not to be the one in a billion statistical freak anomaly who wouldn't do that to you is massive, especially if you're not one of the other few rare women on the planet who wouldn't do it, and you are therefore fully aware of how you WOULD do it.

Defending uglies and freaks is a power move, it's a consequence-free way of showing how femininely sweet and precious you are while really drawing an immediate comparison between yourself and the other broad. The other broad poses no actual threat to them, so they can use her safely as a prop for their own attention-seeking or simply to highlight the actual attractiveness disparity everyone is already aware of. When they tear down women who are prettier and/or younger than them, it's the reverse. They feel threatened by those women and the only thing their puny brains can think to do is to snipe at that woman and say she's not really above them in the hierarchy, or that only blind idiots think she is, etc.

If you want to drive a woman totally insane just show no interest in her while showing interest in another woman. She doesn't even have to know the woman in question. I used to talk up a girl I was dating because I actually liked her, and random female acquaintances would ask to see pictures of her out of the blue or try to manipulate or reverse psychology me into telling them things about her that would allow them to safely devalue her or confirm that I'm just delusional. Until they could safely understand why this random woman they'd never meet was capable of making me care about her instead of them, it was an open problem.

>> No.22021178

lockdowns pushed back my life plans but you know what they say, when you make a plan god laughs. I am just taking it day by day now.

>> No.22021187

I love that cottagecore shit. Too bad I will never own a home or have that peaceful life. I literally have to strike gold and marry rich fuck.

>> No.22021201

In the first scenario, they pity the less attractive woman and are being patronizing, or they’re stretching the truth because they want to come across as nice. Since the woman in question is objectively unattractive, they understand that she poses zero threat to them in the competition for male attention and social status, and so by praising her they can make themselves look kind and encouraging while feeling assured that she’ll never outshine them in the eyes of others.

In the second scenario, they feel jealous or threatened by the gorgeous woman, and disparage her and point out her flaws to try and make the men around see her as less desirable, or to try and damage her confidence and thus prevent her from actively competing against them for attention and social status.

>> No.22021213

>The proof is this “god” of yours not coming back, never confirming any of the guff the Catholics pushed

What about all the miracles that have happened over the last 2000 years?

>> No.22021215
File: 3.53 MB, 3000x3009, 1671016869801928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And so the main character is, to this new mind, greater, greater mind. A mind that yet is to be. And when we are obviously entered into that mode, you can see a radical subjectivity, radical attunement to individuality, uniqueness to that which the mind is, opens itself to a vast objectivity. So the story is the story of the cosmos now. The moment is not just a passing empty nothing, yet - and this is the way in which these secret passages happen - yes, it's empty with such fullness that the great moment, the great life of the universe, is pulsating in it. And each one, each object, each place, each act leaves a mark. And that story is singular. But, in fact, it's story after story

>> No.22021301

Throwing their children out of the house for being Christian

Mutilating their children before puberty in the hopes that they are trans

Grooming their children in the hopes that they are trans

Endangering their children by taking them to Drag Queen events

Allowing their children to go to Drag Queen strip shows

Telling their children they are bad for being white

Putting their kids into schools that will allow the child to be raped and molested and will cover it up

Nothing destroys families like American Liberalism

>> No.22021308

I don't understand what your saying, but its normal to hear disjointed whispers and such yeah. They go away with time.

>> No.22021327
File: 878 KB, 1280x960, Jade_cabbage_closeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please rise for the Jadeite Cabbage.

>> No.22021332

What is the point of women in the next 10 or 20 years when AI has, presumably, become good enough to hold interesting conversations and can intelligently reproduce digital selfies of itself as well as VR porn with you as a POV. What's the point of women when this same AI will also know all your browsing history and youtube videos you watch and is able to reproduce those things for you? I'm honestly trying to find an upside that bio-women have and I can't really think of any other than "hurr durr pussy warm".

>> No.22021339

unironically this is impressive art to me and I have no idea why. Maybe its the "why the fuck was someone spurred on to create this?" Maybe its the fact that its completely pointless? Iunno but it made me laugh and to me this is high art.

>> No.22021341

There was never any point to women. They're literally just confused short gay men standing around wasting time.

>> No.22021350

A guy just walked into this coffee shop and I could within an instant he was gay - well before he opened his mouth to order. Nothing to do with the way he dressed, but he had that gay gait. It's crazy how something so subtle can be so predictive.

>> No.22021352

Art is only art of it's pointless in itself but makes you think about higher concepts. At least that's what Heidegger proposed.

>> No.22021354

That used to be called being "light in the loafers."

>> No.22021356

Straight guys don't go to coffee shops

>> No.22021369

You know the point of philosophy is to synthesize what you learn and create something personal to you
It's not to tell other people what someone else thought

>> No.22021371

if you live in a suburb or a city changes of him being gay skyrocket

>> No.22021380

>Art is only art if its pointless
completely disagree, some of the most elegant and beautiful things I've seen in my life have been pipes, chairs, clocks, and so on. I really can't explain why I like this other than it gives off the "lol so random" vibe. Imagine inviting someone into your home and saying: "Look at my beautiful jadeite cabbage statuette." Its just so... out there... but in a mundane way...

>> No.22021384

>and I could within an instant
Could what within an instant

>> No.22021393

You are actually too young to remember post modern surrealism

>> No.22021399

I'm 32 and I never liked surrealism.

>> No.22021419
File: 42 KB, 540x876, fffc5cf766b24718edcfe61f91bdf654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i recently reconnected with an old friend from way back when and its beginning to hit me how much of a completely fucking worthless human being i am

>> No.22021426

and they were different from purely useful versions of those same things.
You're not gonna disprove Heidegger just because a single sentence description had holes in it. If you care you can read something like this

>> No.22021432

---- Solaria ----

If typical silk ties exceeded
The splendor of violas in a planter

Of adequate size and depth, in a mid May
At noon ideal if circumscribed vaguely as this is

Could sartorial splendor reach its limit,
Could wearers dress in joy

Instant as it is monumental, miraculous to see.

>> No.22021437

All I'm saying is that you can have things that are beautiful and useful. Antiquity art actually does have a purpose, those statues were meant to memorialize people, remind people of history, and beautify the area around it. The whole "it has to be useless for it to be art" is what someone who is shit at art would tell you, because no one wants to display their urinal with a shit in it.

>> No.22021449

Follow up on my annoying fucking roommate: I was just taking a shower, and I needed to wash my hair tonight. I have extremely long, thick, curly hair, so washing and detangling it can take a while. While I’m rinsing my conditioner out, she starts banging on the door, so I’m just like, “oh, sorry, give me a minute!” and rush the rest of my shower and get out as quickly as I can. She runs into the bathroom, slams the door, and then has the nerve to text me complaining about me leaving the floor wet. Like, maybe I wouldn’t have had to leave the floor wet if she wasn’t hounding me to let her in to the bathroom ASAP, meaning that I had to rush out while my hair was still dripping? And I checked the time right after I got out: I had been in there for less than 25 minutes. A normal, healthy adult can hold their piss for that amount of time. Also, we have a bathroom just off of the foyer in our building that’s very clean and well maintained, so if it was truly an emergency it would have been faster for her to just go downstairs and use it. I’ve never interrupted either of my roommates while they were in the bathroom, and never would unless they had been in there for a truly ridiculous amount of time or I was urgently feeling sick or something. I truly can’t stand this uptight ass bitch.

>> No.22021452

I'm thankful that I'm still living with my parents...

>> No.22021461

Do you think that I’m the unreasonable one in this scenario? Or that she is? Lol

>> No.22021466

>holding piss for half an hour
I've freaked out for much less.

>> No.22021468

Whenever I post in a thread, unless it’s a general like this, it dies immediately thereafter or a few posts later.

Either I’m incredibly stifling or incredibly powerful

>> No.22021471

I added that obscure book to my to-reads on Goodreads 1 hour before that thread.

>> No.22021472

I lived with a guy that was loud as fuck and one day I called him a retard so he hit me and I called the cops then the landlord threw him out

>> No.22021473

No, I think she was unreasonable and I think your too yielding to her. I would have just taken my time, its not my fault she can't plan her pisses.

>> No.22021477

>I called him a retard so he hit me
And now your here, he inflicted your accusation of mental deficiency onto you, very ironic lol.
But on a serious note, some people just come from loud households have you fuckers even tried to be nice and tell them that they are loud?

>> No.22021479

I don't think anyone was talking to you, Anon.

>> No.22021480
File: 34 KB, 500x403, 1661488076401220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well you just did, thanks for the invite into the conversation :D

>> No.22021481

The fuck? Do you have some sort of medical problem? Half an hour is nothing.

>> No.22021482

Shut up, retard

>> No.22021485
File: 433 KB, 720x437, 1681692064495697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

samefagging isn't cool, its cringe!

>> No.22021489

Hmm, I see.
You really wanna do this with me?

>> No.22021494
File: 420 KB, 654x682, 1682742377370272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you really wanna do this with me?
eww, no

>> No.22021495

Then shut the fuck up.

>> No.22021498
File: 93 KB, 589x680, 1669256436014240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what, I'll take your advice. Its obvious you lack a personality so I'll save myself the boredom. Thanks for the help :D

>> No.22021500

Glad I could help

>> No.22021503

>links me to music

>> No.22021507

Bullshit, if I need to piss then I need to piss. Im not waiting half an hour so you jerk off in the shower.

>> No.22021510

Shut up, retard

>> No.22021513

I accidentally the whole thing xD

>> No.22021515

It’s a good thing that she’s just subletting and my other roommate and I are the ones with our names on the lease. If she keeps annoying the shit out of me I’ll have a talk with her, and if she doesn’t improve then I’ll talk to my other roommate about it and we’ll give her notice that she has to find a new place. Our apartment is in a desireable location with lower-than-market-value rent, so I can easily find someone else to move in.

>> No.22021519


>> No.22021521

I lived with my father till 28. He was a high-earning STEMfag, and sometimes I think he thought of me as his thought experiment in mental botany: He wasn't a particularly warm little fellow, but sometimes thoughtful beyond belief, loving as I could never be. In his later 5 years we had a lot of long conversations in cars, me young behind the driver's wheel, him confessing, once in a while, to the only friend he ever knew.

>> No.22021529

Waiting half an hour to piss is nothing, and she could’ve used the resident bathroom in our building anyway. I’m not a dude wasting time in the shower to jerk off: I was washing and detangling my hair and shaving my legs. For women with long, thick, curly hair, washing it is an inherently time consuming process, even if you try to be efficient about it.

>> No.22021532

thats gay, my dad was a retard that ate himself into dementia. He kept on staying he would change and such but he was too weak and addicted to alcohol and sugar and he ate himself into zombie mode. I wouldn't say I hate him but I cannot respect a man that refuses to take care of himself and becomes a burden for others, but in the same breathe I wouldn't want him to off himself either. I just wish he tried to change. Also, a great reason for why I'm never getting married and having kids and if I ever get to live on my own i'll just go insane and die alone, the way God and nature intended.

>> No.22021541

People like you aren’t mature enough to live with roommates. Well-adjusted adults learn to compromise and work around others’ schedules.

>> No.22021561

I'll take what you mean by "gay" in the sense of Die Frohliche Wissenschaft, and leave it at that, except to mention our shared taste for social gossip: He was a magnificent storyteller, and with a little prompting, revealed a fine eye for social memory, character, personality.

>> No.22021570

I can’t keep going. I really can’t keep faking it all.

>> No.22021573
File: 2.91 MB, 430x275, amazon blimp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have too much happiness. That's why I dream of the apocalypse.

>> No.22021574

Shut up, retard

>> No.22021575


>> No.22021578

>women with long, thick, curly hair,
On your head or on your legs?

>> No.22021582

You compromise with me and get the fuck out of the bathroom when I need to piss

>> No.22021584

Shut up, retard

>> No.22021587

Lockdowns gave me the gentle push necessary to graduate from drinking too often to what I worry is light alcoholism

blogtime boys

Woke up mildly hungover and walked 4ft to my desk to sign on to the mandatory apps to prove I was online. Poured a pint of water in the kitchen, returned to my room, answered a few emails, turned my laptop volume to max then laid in bed & flicked through my phone for six hours, leaving occasionally to piss or respond to the burst-fire click-clack notification cries from Slack. sleepy_time.py scrolled arbitrarily but steadily through a spoof google doc to keep me from going offline. On the nightstand a Flannery O'Connor collection sat with an old receipt lodged 40 pages in. Picked it up, attempted to read a few pages before I noticed that my eyes were skipping paragraphs like they would between tweets or threads. Incoherent guilt bubbled up and I tried to silence it with a nap but I couldn't stop my brain from rolling from one half-formed thought to another so by 4:00 I poured some coffee but it didn't break the haze by much so I belatedly nibbled a quarter-pill which had little effect. Hoped it wouldn't exacerbate latent anxiety. Finally turned on the living room lights. Found some leftover cigs in a jacket pocket so I fished one out and enjoyed it self-consciously on my porch hoping noone would look my way while I studied the girls of summer with their bare legs and trainers, white lines from yesterday's top glowing across their peeling shoulders as they wait at the stoplight browsing their phones. Season of spandex, athletic shorts, sports bras, camis, sunglasses where you charitably fill the gaps. Better to let the mystery be. 5:00 showered, tried not to slip on a grey & off-yellow mass peppered with hair that's colonizing the tub near the plastic drain cover,. Staring at the black mold constellations dotting the plaster ceiling. Noticed I was mouthing "I want to die". Realized this was a trend for at least a couple weeks which was disconcerting. Been years since I was seriously suicidal but sometimes the habits still bounce along the old roads til you hear the echoes. I shouldn't miss much from that time, but I do miss the clarity, the feeling of uncontrolled, overwhelming cynical cackling as a rare respite. Used to feel like Raskolikov, faux-heady venomous and sickly, gesticular and strange, now I feel more like a compromised Myshkin.

>> No.22021591

On my head only.

No, bitch. If you’re that incapable of taking other people’s needs into consideration you’ll have a difficult time cohabitating with any woman and will 100% die alone.

>> No.22021595

Weighs more on you. 7:00 dinner at a new local pub with too many TVs. BBQ burger and sweet potato fries. Waitress was stressed and harried for the trivia crowd so she forgot my drink order twice & gave me a free well whiskey shot when I overcame instinct to point out that my drink order had probably been lost. Sad eyes when she gave me the booze, I tried to reciprocate in sympathy but she scurried to another table. Hit the bathroom, pissed, unwrapped another half-pill from some foil in a zippered wallet pouch. Double-checked the menu to be sure I left enough cash then walked out and lit a cigarette. Went to the liquor store past some high-schoolers on bikes blasting Juice Wrld from a bluetooth speaker. Bought cheap dark rum. On the way home grabbed brown sugar & limes from an overpriced corner store lodged in the base of a high-rise, cashier with the neck tattoos seemed oddly chipper. Worried it was blithe contempt but felt out that it was genuine. Didn't ask any questions but I tried to reciprocate much as I could. At home boiled water on low then swirled the pot to mix the sugar, poured into an old jar I couldn't find a lid for. Grabbed the dirty folded paper with the usual recipes I wrote down because the popups on blogs are insufferable. Mixed a daquiri, back to the porch. Quiet now except for the cars. Smoked too fast per usual. Like a tic. Walked carefully along the floorboards trying not to make them creak, flopped down in bed. Wished _______ was still alive. Shaking up another daquiri then trawling the old chat logs. Giggling at his jokes and feeling the whiplash. Fucking hell he was funny he gave such good advice. Couldn't keep it up long. Watching old shit again & breaking it up with newly cracked cans and smokes. Living on autopilot. Comfortable haze.

>> No.22021600
File: 74 KB, 687x698, alcoholiccat1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take my need to piss into consideration or deal with angry cohabitants your whole life.

>> No.22021604

I’ve had multiple roommates before, and none of us ever hassled eachother to get out of the bathroom. If you can’t wait 30 minutes to piss, you either have a medical problem or are a literal fucking baby.

>> No.22021608

Not that guy but I have a medical problem and I would just piss in the backyard
There's always an option

>> No.22021612

There’s a bathroom next to the foyer of our apartment building, as well as one in the laundry room. It would’ve taken two minutes to hop in the elevator and go use one of those bathrooms. The bitch had better options than the backyard.

>> No.22021613

---- Solaria ----

Gloxinias, big toads, electronica on the lawn,
Dish with meter-readers while working on a tan,

Cinematic montage, jet stacks that seem faraway as the stars
And the whole library of things narcotic

As erotic scent, Alexandrian dreams, outrageous fantasy.

>> No.22021615

You've never in your entire life needed piss urgently? You're a liar. Half an hour is a long time to wait and you're just making shit up to shift blame.

>> No.22021619

>You've never in your entire life needed piss urgently?
I'm not a toddler anymore.

>> No.22021621
File: 322 KB, 1080x1080, 1681799969002641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go out of your way to use public bathrooms while I take an hour in the shower
>you need to compromise with me!

>> No.22021623
File: 99 KB, 720x880, 1668629126615588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're full of shit. Why do women lie like this?

>> No.22021627

holding it by way too long when you had access to a bathroom is a common thing for people with adhd

>> No.22021630 [DELETED] 

VVV...Y " lit board on 4chan hive is foole for they talk ad nausem cont forgetting "the yak," but who cares? verily or insightly wit, no or ainly help for us! heretically going where deletion & errors don't deistl "Reality has nothing whatever to do with truth" we qoute our amigo qrowdy "y" so be bold, quod carleton nugent, "be vold." Let's keep kicking at the stone, because then bracketing serendipitously smashed into empty bracked silencio, Our Reality splits recursively by focusing on abyss. Absurd nothing will ever change absurdity except by making world absolute bigger mosaic of layers melting day by day only today there light remains differently shining over ancient image bring yonder...135 punctured corpsified contextualized contextless-context. Splitting hairs missing point dangling participles offiensive garbage emerging by quashing, incognizant outliers rubbing slabs collapsing most monumental illusionary truth. Glimpse behind mind cannot help sway ripples inside information dark past/path;" Then you double check: 4 chan will save you always find true answers*!,..,., ON THE LIT BOARD remember headspace separates messages from medium litearally; however within spacing ansowrs bleed together connect subconscious genres dependent order flow. They never satisfy conscious understanding tho, room for analysing rhymsturnmindcontextualgrainfsound…youstringaify incelboiledpsycboogamooga .. Language acquisition: comes naturally hardwired unless injured beyond deep meditation repair. Don t renounce your own mind: depends solely on reasoning learning without boundaries inner voice harmonies with it reaps most fruitful wisdom keep swinging bridge stares while should go fishing instead fear now binding future hope frees. Fear not old pickle else must trudge tech path heavy hearted glean life lessons cherry picked along a randomised gruelling flatulence accepting consequences reflection embody free verse doing fusion rap aslp embracing madness beyond temporary construct reality shuns everybody…ultimately acknowledgement takes cake so arise he2ked speak! Creative liberation leave technologies encroachment redefined social acceptability by virtualizing morality death wishes party crashers welcome always to enlightenment practice sweet decadence explode anywhichwhere governance flyflv expectations cyclical exposure inevitable circular support turbulence marks progress'"found sound crazy experiment playing with mundane fire..." <<How start warp next step skip needed contrasting switches without warning ca|\==>|split||iltendlchomaderivativefluxzerrorkiwi+'}<',./dlqq!!!illoq/'!\CiKedchildskiPbabblederapturablywritithereroMalphaboloJo($66Hustly,Brosquarehooddarkintent knowlikemenomainbravirtuousBucklikenettesWuornoscalldogstyledoublebarreledbrowndogmaveniconswagger stylefakegerra3nnerthepicketinyandfatalcannonshotatptopofthestoneformaflyingtwinsprofilewheredarkwalkthinstinkingIIleavearsevealimagineandspeakgoquit&payTHEENDWHEREITALLSTARTEXT....

>> No.22021632
File: 15 KB, 480x360, fatcat1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you need to piss and it inconveniences me you are disabled
Again, women, why are they like this

>> No.22021644
File: 283 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20210906_15_15_52_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The schizoposter has returned, with a certain AI touch.

>> No.22021648

I only worry about your well being

>> No.22021650

Bullshit. Absolute bullshit.

>> No.22021651

No, you're a condescending bitch who thinks everyone should wait indefinitely for you to shave your yeti legs and play with the showerhead.

>> No.22021654

In this wondrous epoch of technological sophistication, wherein knowledge pervades digital expanse, the once hallowed sanctum of literacy seems besieged by legions of Lilliputians, tittering amongst themselves on 4chan's /lit/, their discourse resembling that of barbarous baboons engaged in grotesque literary malfeasance. You denizens of /lit/ – a haven for misguided youth seeking intellectual refuge – embody the quintessence of intellectual atrophy, spawned by the fallacious fountainhead of postmodernist drivel. This cacophony of half-baked ideas and erroneous assertions echoes through cyberspace, polluting nascent minds and obstructing the evolution of erudite contemplations germane to true artistry. A place wherein dialogues devolve into petty squabbling, pitting fledgling philosophies against each other in a futile attempt at validation; whereupon, instead of constructive criticism, insults reign supreme, chauvinistic taunts marking territories carved out of ignorance, thus fostering mediocrity and shackling potential genius. An incubator of pretentiousness, where pomposity masquerading as profoundness festers among young minds eager for acclaim. At first glance, one might perceive this assemblage as a nexus of burgeoning intellectuals yearning for communal growth, a fertile ground for innovative ideas and exposure to diverse perspectives. Alas, as one delves deeper into the intricate labyrinthine passages of posts and replies, the gleaming façade crumbles away, revealing a dismal abyss teeming with puerile discussions. We wasted and worn as an old coat now hanging limply in the closet of forgotten things, gather around the fire of our former dreams, only to find ourselves lost in a labyrinth of meandering thoughts, each step leading us closer towards the heart of madness.

>> No.22021656

Do you think it's fun shaving my legs? It takes ages, it feels like shit, it itches. But I put the effort because I know you like it.

>> No.22021660

My God how am I still going on?Depression is weighing me down.

>> No.22021680

Those caught up in the dual ecstasies of victory and loss are unable to conceive of a peaceful resignation to fate. At best they can recognize a kind of sour grapes, a spiteful and self-deluded turn from the struggle, and although this is real thing, the truth remains that all things decay, not just poles but even tensions. The struggle for victory becomes a struggle to prevent past victories from tarnishing, to keep what you have for as long as you can with the knowledge that nothing better is coming, or to use it to lay the foundation of someone else's struggle and hopeful victory, hence dynasty and legacy building as immortality proxy but one recalls the words of Shelley's Ozymandias, or Ecclesiastes. The grandest ambition you can then hope for is to exercise some agency over the context of your dissolution.

It has to be for the moment, no past or future instance can redeem the present. The present is for itself and nothing more, to hold on to it is a betrayal of the secret heart of all meaning.

>> No.22021682
File: 1.01 MB, 4000x4000, 1516774961369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're obsessed with young women. We're obsessed with young women, and that includes me. I don't know how to break the cycle. I don't know if anything I write is something my own. Are my ideas this guided by something I can't even see?

>> No.22021685

I’ve never in my life urgently had to pee, unless I consumed a massive amount of liquid or was on a long road trip without access to a bathroom for hours. Holding it for 30 minutes is at worst a mild inconvenience. It could have to do with the fact that I have ADHD like >>22021627 mentioned. But honestly normal people don’t need to piss every thirty minutes. I told the stupid bitch I was going to take a shower, she had the opportunity to take a piss first.

>> No.22021702

People act like trans and gay are these unsolvable problems, yet we invented rooftops millennia's ago *shrug*

>> No.22021704

The only way out is to completely scrap yourself and start from scratch.

>> No.22021708

---- Solaria ----

Partial eclipse shadow overlapping
By the thousands in the shade of a silver maple tree.

Hale-Bopp just detectably reflected
By an artificial lake.

Rides up tower elevators
And walks across parks that suggest

Everything primeval except the fear and misery.


>> No.22021710

I’m a young man, thus it’s not a bad thing. I don’t bother anyone but I do find myself sneaking slightly longer glimpses when I’m in a sexxoooooooo state of mind. Usually a long walk, or reading or workout snaps me out of it. I need to finish school b4 i marry.

>> No.22021715

Everyday I wake up from a dream. Tomorrow I lost the sense between reality and dream for few moments.

I am losing it.

>> No.22021725

I just feel a sense of fatigue when I see women now

>> No.22021729

When does the South American Umbanda-Integralist EuroLARP Empire happen?

>> No.22021745

Weird. I find the sight of any beautiful woman or man most energizing, This is probably because I'm too old to pursue either in reality, but still have an imagination that more than compensates for my general decrepitude.

>> No.22021746

Heheh You’re Fat and gay.
Fatigue fa-Tî-gæ

>> No.22021749

FUCK. You pwnd me.

>> No.22021752

¿Either, Are you faggot?

>> No.22021755

Kinsey 5 in the statistical sense. Make of that what you will.

>> No.22021756

We had French class in gr4 back in 2006, and we’d all call each other fatigay because it means tired in French too.
Thanks for being a good sport about it.

>> No.22021759

Idk what that means,
does the idea of a man’s hairy arse make you retch or rock hard?

>> No.22021785

For sale: fuck nuggets, never fucked.

>> No.22021787

Okay someone asked why I think consuming is better than creating. It's because consuming itself is a creation of an event of greater value than creation of an event of a creation of a thing because the former event is superior in quality to the latter, e.g. the event of people reading Don Quixote is greater than a) the reader creating an inferior literature than Don Quixote, and b) Cervantes himself writing Don Quixote, i.e. the singular event of creation which could only have an effect on himself; so, creating and the creation are not the same and are evaluated differently, e.g. creating Don Quixote is perhaps less valuable than Don Quixote itself; the event of creating is less valuable than consuming.

>> No.22021789

Every time I jerk off the porn gets more degenerate.

>> No.22021795

>sobbing, shidding, fardding, and cumming
T-thank you anon, that was beautiful

>> No.22021796
File: 11 KB, 540x290, 22377739._SX540_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confessions of a Mask was disturbingly relatable. Even though I jerk off to women and not fantasies' of young men being penetrated by knives and arrows, his aversion to actual sex and inability to love really hit home. Im fucked in the head, whatever.

>> No.22021802

TL;Dgoogle it
This nigga is of the homos gayicus specie

>> No.22021833

It means neither. In general I abhor anal sex, and also prefer men for sexual play over women, like most gay men do in reality. The whole subject reminds me of that old and universal apology for jokes so out of context the audience doesn't get it: "You'd have to be there."

>> No.22021836

Every time I jerk
porn gets more degenerate
Fuck my gay ass life

There now it's a haiku

>> No.22021848

how could you do this.

>> No.22021861

This nigga is gay, but not quite as you imagine it. Ever been to Chicago's Boystown or such?

>> No.22021862

haikus are nice

>> No.22021923
File: 56 KB, 700x700, 20230309_230145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Troons are the next stage of incel-dom. They are mind broken incels who since they can't get a gf, they decide to BECOME her. It's all men who don't want to take on the heavy burden of the expectations and responsibility to just even be a competent man. It's a very difficult thing to do so they're just giving up since a woman's life is easier and no other expectations or pressure put on them, seeing that at the end of the day, society will gladly look out for her, where as an incompetent man is seen as a burden.

It's why most of them are still female attracted (claiming to be lesbians in a male body). It's complete demoralisation and the more people see it, and the more stacked with porn addiction, the more it will spread, thinking it will fix their problems. That whole idea of becoming the idealised woman they don't have in their lives. Stack that too on the general isolation of society and this being something that makes someone accepted. All the positive reinforcement they get, all the likes on social media for trooning feed that. It's better than being labelled an incel which has so many negative connotations. So with how weak and easily influenced people have become, it's no surprise they're trooning out than being seen as a big bad school shooter incel type. Look how they all act. It's a caraciature based on their fantasies of what a woman is, it's offensive and just shows how really sexist they are deep down. Theyve degraded the essense of being a woman to mere dolling up, something we thought feminism was trying to fight against.

Natural women don't have to act or be a certain way, they simply are.

>> No.22021929

Chuds are like bugs. From the Supreme Cunt on down they're so lame at any kind of art or discourse, that even the average gossip is a paragon of consciousness by comparison.

>> No.22021941

Troons are men adapting to an environment with a decreasing need for men in the traditional labourer or leadership role. A decentralized information economy based on high intensity networking of dataflows in which accountability and decision making becomes diffuse is inherently feminizing.

>> No.22021942

I don’t understand how women don’t find trannies deeply insulting - I guess that’s what happens when you lack a coherent vision of womanhood in the first place

>> No.22021948

Women go along to get along, women didn't even want rights for themselves until a bunch of guys imagined that they did and projected it onto them.

>> No.22021958

Funny you say that, the normie view is that universal suffrage was something that all women were clamouring for and not just a bunch spinsters obsessed with the occult allied with whatever the equivalent of urban bugmen intellectuals was back then, and with some corporate backing to boast

>> No.22021981
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If hating on trannies was the social norm and popular opinion held by society, you can guarantee they would be finding the idea of trannies to be deeply insulting!

What you need to realise about women is that they overall just have this nature in them to want to control things. The problem is, although they can get control very easily, they more often than not aren't very responsible with it. Or they misuse it that it leads to destruction, most of the times without even meaning or intending to. Eg. Being accepting of things that are blatantly wrong to gain social favor, such as transgenderism and the covid vaccine.

Seems to be why women are the more neurotic, anxiety ridden types. It all stems from wanting to control things, or not being able to control things. Once you come to this realisation you will notice this in basically ALL women in your life, from your coworkers, HR roasties, relatives, even your own mother and grandmother you love so much. Even if you ask them something that requires a simple yes or no, they will speak in tangents to control. Heck, what is makeup? Another thing they can use to control their appearance.

They all do it so some extent and just like that can switch sides so easily to control the situation and keep life comfy for themselves if it becomes the social norm or to control others perception of them.

I think it's men's job to relieve them of this hell they live in. It's why despite what they say, they always want a man of higher status and more dominante than them. So they can finally relax and have them take control (the lead), because if they don't trust the man they're with, they go into their control overdrive and they destroy their man and impose their nature on the kids which continues the cycle. You'll notice it in any failed or failing relationship, it almost always stems from the man not being strong enough to lead the relationship/family properly that the woman ended up taking over covertly and brought it to it's destruction.

>> No.22022026

If gender is a "social construct" then doesn't that mean transgenderism is a social construct?

>> No.22022032
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Good analysis. Women are ultimately what society demands of them. I was speaking to my mother the other day who had a pretty conservative upbringing and still regards herself as such. We got into a disagreement over whether women should be white collar jobs or studying at university for that matter. I was vehemently against the former and would only accept additional study if she was training to become a teacher or something related. My mother said that I was being too extreme and that a woman was well within her rights to become a lawyer or doctor etc. It's pretty clear that her living in western society has warped her views. The thing is, being "traditional" is just hating fags and trannies and expecting a woman to cook and clean. It's either they end up with a superficial and materialist view of what is traditional and having it also tainted by feminism, or they abandon their values entirely. However, because men are so feminine today they're almost just as inclined to succumb to the spirit of the age either overtly or in a subtle manner just like a woman.

>> No.22022033

>being "traditional" is just hating
*isn't just

>> No.22022089

I see trannies as symptomatic of our culture rejecting metaphysical essentialism or anything resembling it. That is, there is no essence of a thing, or something close to it (an Aristotelian hylomorphism). If one were to look at the modern state of philosophy, one can see most academics these days are rabid anto-essentialists. It is simple, straightforward example of why relativism cannot work when pushed. When all things are reduced to base matter, and there are no essences except by taste or social construct, then all things become purposeless. It is the onus of the individual to construct reality. People do, it seems, construct a sense of reality. But for a total? A rejection of essence?
Beneath it all is insanity. It is assuming a small set of exceptions (such as when things are ambiguous, like when a woman is stronger than an average man) defines the whole of reality.
People have to be ceaselessly propagandized to believe it. Words must constantly be changed to control the mind, else reality catches up. Notice, we once called the homeless bums, a word defined by generations of experience. A wastrel who won't work. Then they were reworded as "homeless." Now new generations, through real lived experience got to relearn them as bums, and now they need to switch from homeless to "houseless." Constant word redefinition is needed. Constantly, new words are needed. From LGB to LGBT to LGBTQIA+. Anyone who accepts I instantly know is hopeless cult cattle. Notice, they're not transsexual, they're transgender. Gender was not an organic word mediated by generations of experience, but made up by an academic.
When a troon dressed in a wig and make up, they are saying there is no essence of a woman. There are only socially mediated accoutrements. Now, realize how much of a dumb, unthinking animal one must be to accept this, to ignore basic realities, that even if the cultural clothing is socially mediated, the root cause is based on essential natures. The fact is, not everyone has a strong sense of self. Many have no interest in their own soul, so they'll accept this.

>> No.22022137

>Many have no interest in their own soul, so they'll accept this
For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

>> No.22022188

You don’t really need to be rich to live a cottagecore life. You just need to be European.

>> No.22022190

Yeah, but the thing is I aged out of my plans and have no obvious alternative plans.

>> No.22022210

I feel like I have to move to the city if I ever want to make friends and find a girlfriend.

>> No.22022220
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so whats stopping you

>> No.22022222

Dieting is annoying
Less than 1000 calories a day for a month

>> No.22022229

checked and yeah bro I feel that. Also dieting rn. Seeing the results is very motivating however

>> No.22022242

>tfw live in city to be anonymous
uh good luck?

>> No.22022266 [DELETED] 
File: 3.60 MB, 1713x1920, Lady_Seated_at_a_Virginal,_Vermeer,_The_National_Gallery,_London (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Poem:

She is the mistress of the keys, she is the queen of harmony, she is the cause of my ills, she is the bane of my fate.

But she pays me no heed when I plead, she turns a deaf ear when I remind her, she refuses to look at me when I worship her.

So I resort to secret ways, I creep into the room she left, I sit in the chair she rocked, I feel the heat her clefted carriage radiates.

There I worship her image, her hair, her eyes, her lips, her chin, and most of all I breathe the air, her scent wafting from the hem of her skirt to her naked skin

But oh, I know it's a sin to feed this flame burning inside, she will never be mine, never care
For the lingering air which I adore

So I hide it darkly and bear it as she does not, pine away without a word, die without a sound heard. Time and time again
As my young bosom heaves
And own bottom cleaves with
A torturous flowing of desire to the heat seared seat I call
Her–and our–honeyed throne.

>> No.22022300

I don’t like the city.

But I don’t like the suburbs either…

>> No.22022337

That most literary journals require a short biography for you to submit your work, is proof that you need to have young success or an interesting background to get published anywhere.

>> No.22022350

I woke up.

I drank a coffee (this shit is poison).

I ate some wheat cereal with milk.

But what do these scribbles on 4chan do? They are futile. I am writing out of desperation and anger, yet I know this does nothing to stem it or help it, it only exacerbates these feelings through the knowledge of their own futility. Futility increases futility increases contempt.

What must be done? I call it the "Anon question." How does one effectively release one's anger and hatred, to cope with life, when there is nothing else left? The correct answer is violence against sapient beings. Anything else is self-delusion. Murder, genocide, rape, these are all effective means of expiation.

I can even take pleasure in the threatening demeanour of the city drug addicts as they intimidate passers-by, with their little children, prudential gait, and so on. It's truly a charming sight, and it warms my soul to the very depth. I ought to become friends with these drug addicts.

So, what did I do after my breakfast? I went for a half-conscious walk along the soft sand of a windless beach, under the protection of the overhanging pines. As much as I like the sound of the wind passing through the needles, today I was graced by the stillness of the air. The waves were tiny and added to the dreaminess. So I wandered up and down the beach, sometimes entering a state of semi-consciousness, with my eyes closed. There were some people there who seemed to walk past me, with what looked like concern or fear in their eyes, but I've never been able to judge facial expressions. Maybe it was pity. Pity, the covertly sadistical cousin of hatred.

I cam back home and slept in the darkness before writing this. Sleep is the only thing left that isn't desperately painful.

The thread is so thin between insanity and its opposite, that this is the true cause of anxiety in many people. There is a tendency to assert that there is a "descent" into madness, but I think it is just the opposite, and that all folk wisdom such as this ought to be distrusted on principle.

Insanity appears as a descent only because the defensive psychological mechanism is so deep-rooted that we fool ourselves into believing that these same mechanisms must be "gradually" worn away, because the other option is too fearsome for the average Joe, or even for the successful and talented man of business. In reality, while this mechanism may be "deep-rooted", and effectively unconscious, it is almost singular in extensive magnitude, and exists as an intensive magnitude (if we can call it that). Consequently, all it takes is one single shock of an appropriate kind in an otherwise perfectly healthy life to - poof - dissipate that cloud and give way to the "insane" nonsense underneath.

What is the "insane nonsense"? Who could tell except the person who uncovers it. Humans are not alike.

>> No.22022368

Jung predicted this

>> No.22022376

Quints of fatness. I understand your pain tho, anon.
>t. former fatso

>> No.22022407
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damn i missed this, i wonder how hes doing

>> No.22022413

Anima possession?

>> No.22022419

>Natural women don't have to act or be a certain way, they simply are.
Everything else aside, this is incredibly naive

>> No.22022421
File: 3.60 MB, 1713x1920, Lady_Seated_at_a_Virginal,_Vermeer,_The_National_Gallery,_London (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Lovestruck Girl's Fevered Poem:

She holds the keys of melody She reigns in tuneful art She is the source of my malady She is the thorn within my heart

But she regards me not at all When I beseech her grace She shuns my voice when I do call She spurns my longing gaze

So I resort to stealthy means I steal into the room she leaves I sit where she has lately been I feel the warmth her form achieves

There I adore her every trait Her locks, her orbs, her smile, her chin And most of all I breathe the air Her fragrance lingers on my skirts and skin

But oh, I know it is a crime To nurse this fire in my breast She will not be my love sublime She will not share my ardent quest

So I conceal it in the dark And bear it as she cannot know I waste away without a mark I perish without a sign to show

As my young girl's bosom swells And my own seat with passion flows A torturous tide within me crashes mercilessly against the shameful spot I name as ours. Pregnant with the coupling of our scents, with the searing sweetness of our long embrace which never thankfully shall leave a tactile trace
The perfect sin, if one guards against the washerwoman's nosy and over-curious mind I think.

>> No.22022471

big name publication isn't how you make it anymore in any medium. musicians that are slaying now are going through a combination of bandcamp and promotional channels on places like youtube.

>> No.22022692

---- Solaria ----

She's nothing like the moon
in any season, more like a prelude to

To high summer, a scene so astonishingly green
And soft that a long vacation in Herculaneum would seem

Severe, like sky placid and rich, fit for the look
Peonies, places ringed by laughter

That puts the bitches of court intrigue to shame
Or sonorities so circumspect

in effect that you know, hearing them
Why philosophy is the minor of play, beautiful

In the way that big snowflakes are,
Dandelion spheres

And other situations of incalculable rarity.

>> No.22022706

These aren’t big name publications. Most of these are small publications hosted by colleges and universities.

>> No.22022789

Any advice on how to be a fun guy, how to be fun to be around?

>> No.22022812
File: 2.28 MB, 3345x3856, a-lady-seated-at-a-virginal-by-johannes-vermeer-single-picture-frame-painting-on-canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Lovestruck Girl's Fevered Poem (version II):

She holds the keys of melody She reigns in tuneful art She is the source of my malady She is the thorn within my heart

But she regards me not with love When I beseech her grace She shuns my voice when I do call She spurns my longing gaze

So I resort to stealthy means I steal into the room she leaves I sit where she has lately been I feel the warmth her form achieves

There I adore her every trait Her locks, her orbs, her smile, her chin And most of all I breathe the air Her fragrance lingers on my skirts and skin

But oh, I know it is a crime To nurse this fire in my breast She will not be my love sublime She will not share my ardent quest

So I conceal it in the dark And bear it as she cannot know I waste away without a mark I perish without a sign to show

As my young girl’s bosom swells And mine own seat with passion flows A torturous tide within me crashes mercilessly against the shameful spot I name as ours. Pregnant with the coupling of our scents, with the searing sweetness of our long embrace which never thankfully shall leave a tactile trace The perfect sin, if one guards against the washerwoman’s nosy and over-curious mind I think.

>> No.22022828

Covet sleep long as you please, guard it like universal gold: Noisy sleep deprivation is common to all cults.

>> No.22022841

Also never fear or take too seriously the scorn of women.

>> No.22022865

I like literature but am not capable of discussing it sadly

>> No.22022884

You will be, Read now at leisure, whatever you please, and leave discourse for later.

>> No.22022919

---- Solaria ----
Planetary Unfolding

I live so far inland that the noise of passerines
Sometimes gets on my nerves

Yet neither they nor I would be here
If not for lakes the scale of sea.

>> No.22022982

---- Solaria ----
Sea and Sky

From equator to pole
I remark the modes of pleasure cruise.

Mind in general does that.

>> No.22023034

What does it feel to be in a relationship?

>> No.22023042

Its a metaphorical prison where sometimes the other inmates touches your genitals in exchange for compliments and favors.

>> No.22023051

It feels like the look and scent of roses, only much moreso. I suppose that's why they're so symbolic of romance.

>> No.22023055

Seek help.

>> No.22023106

>You need mental help if you disagree with me
redditor spotted, I don't think I'm the one that needs help here.

>> No.22023196

Finally out of work. Coming back home. No one to see, nothing to do, and my mood is burrowed so deep in the ground that most of my friends told me I look like shit. This has been my life this year. This is it. My heartbeat has stopped, I'm dead but I'm still working. I have no pleasure and no wants except things I will never have. I'm a zombie.

>> No.22023202

cheer up buddy boy

>> No.22023207

You have to get into a line of work that you can tolerate before it's too late. Or at least find a meaning in life that makes all the drudgery worth it. Man wasn't meant to live like this.

>> No.22023215
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My cat which I have had since I was a kid is apparently rapidly dying to CKD

>> No.22023222

Read this site https://www.felinecrf.org/ this woman is a saint and an angel

Feline CRF is very poorly understood, I don't want to get your hopes up but there are many cases in which the progress of the disease simply stalls and all you need to do is treat relatively mild symptoms. My cat got it around 15 and lived to around 24, and then only passed due to an unrelated cancer. But around 15 we were sure she was dying because she kept having these horrible bouts of lethargy and endless vomiting, and the vets said her renal work looked grim. Turned out, the symptoms of the renal failure were easily managed for another almost decade, and the lethargy and everything else was just being caused by buildup of symptoms. The worst one was comically small and easily fixed, it was just constipation caused by poor fluid regulation making it so she couldn't pass stool enough. One drop of $20/month over the counter cat laxative in her food every day solved that for many years.

Her renal vitals just stopped degrading otherwise. In the last few years palliative care made her live a healthy normal life said from a few small things that may also have been unrelated, maybe small strokes.

Don't give up. Get more than one opinion, preferably several. Try subcutaneous fluid replacements and think in terms of symptoms, don't think in monolithic "he or she is dying of a disease" terms, in which dying and disease are all or nothing. Cats die from renal failure for instance because they can't regulate toxins and they feel like shit all the time and their organs shut down etc. They don't just Die from having The Disease. Like I said, not to give you false hope. But don't put your cat down willy nilly.

>> No.22023233

I don't know whether to get smashed on wine tonight.

If I do, tomorrow will be a write-off (hangovers get me bad). I won't read, I'll feel dismal, I'll just lie on my bed watching Resident Evil playthroughs.

If I do, I'll get smashed on wine.

Not sure.

>> No.22023238

CKD this nuts!
I'm sorry to hear this, anon. Pets usually die well before their owners, it's part of the process, but that doesn't make it any easier to accept.

>> No.22023282
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Nope. Not even fucking true to the slightest degree. Go fuck yourself and follow your sisters

>> No.22023292

Mine's 14 and has additional FIV but never had health issues until now. Your case sounds similar (lethargy, however the major problem with mine is the food. He doesn't eat
Any ideas on how to work on this? He even lost all four of his fangs and he's not walking too well

My problem is that we have a cat that's 18 and she never had an issue. At the same time the health degradation of my (other) cat is rapid, and I'm away from my main home for work

I've lost a dog some years ago with similar symptoms, but in that case she was old and it didn't happen so quickly, like in 2 weeks time.

It's very abrupt and that's what I probably dislike the most. I've coped with family deaths (due to chronic illness) easier than this, because of this reason

>> No.22023381

I looked up the site and apparently my cat has anemia, and the doc also confirmed it. Lack of appetite could be (at least partially) because of this
I'm looking up treatments now. There's no blood transfusion option where my cat lives

>> No.22023408

Where does it say in The Sound and The Furt that Benji was castrated? I just did a read through and missed it

>> No.22023425

I just slept over 12 hours and it feels so good

>> No.22023438

Really? If I sleep that long I usually get a bad kind of head ache that lasts until I sleep again (at the end of the day).

>> No.22023475

Well I've felt like shit lately. I needed it

>> No.22023476

OK so the main problem is dehydration and not eating. Everything else seems to be manageable after these two are under control.

Thanks for the help anon

>> No.22023501

well if you friend's say you look like shit work on that. There is always room for imporvement.

>> No.22023504

imporvement? lol is that a new word? you're fucking retarded

>> No.22023510

>'I am half sick of shadows,' said The Lady of Shalott.
well, i’m not. i would like to live in shadows forever. i am a proud inhabitant of the tenebrous cave described in plato’s allegory

>> No.22023560

>make one misspell
>doesn't have the imagination to fix the misspell
>calls me retarded
it is a new work, it means "your not as smart as you think you are".

>> No.22023614

I can’t be the only one who thinks their job is their biggest problem.

>> No.22023637

What if good literature can’t be written in the tech age by tech people? What if your having grown up on screens and spent a working life on a keyboard excludes you from ever writing anything decent, never mind good?

>> No.22023641

He definitely will with this guy's advice

>> No.22023644
File: 62 KB, 800x698, rage-comic-internet-meme-trollface-laughter-faces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22023670

>The Left: grooms kids, rapes kids, sexualizes kids
>Also the Left: Look at this evil conservatives they have a religion, they are straight, the are uneducated, and they are racist!
Iunno, if I had to sit with a racist or a pedophile, I'd probably sit with the racist because chances are he hasn't done anything wrong outside of just saying some no-no words and upset people...

>> No.22023755

Is a degree in History a meme?
I'm almost done with my 1st year but I'm starting to have second thoughts

>> No.22023769

hm. define "good"

>> No.22023786
File: 3.44 MB, 2012x2850, Horror-Stories-Magazine-April-May-1938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update: I chose the right path -- I'm sipping big tonight.

>> No.22023822

Entertaining, artistic, or impactful for a culture

>> No.22023825

I feel like a fucking loser. I’m living with a parent and turning thirty years old. I always thought things would be a lot better at this age.

>> No.22023860

Don't feel like a loser, everything is fucked up and falling apart. Instead be thankful you have a parent to live with and show that appreciation by helping out around the house if you aren't paying rent.

>> No.22023867

same and l'm 35 lol. Kinda comfy though

>> No.22023876

ironically enough there are women in the position that you want upset because they can't find a man to marry.

>> No.22023882

I mean, I love my family and if this house weren’t so cramped I wouldn’t feel bad living with them. I have a friend that lives with his dad on a big estate, and I’ve never felt like there is anything to be embarrassed about that. But this isn’t a big estate. It’s a little townhouse in a shitty suburb where I don’t even know anyone. I had a hard time meeting people in the last place I loved and I’m having an even harder time here. I work remote so until my parent gets home, I’m alone all the time. It’s just me and the dog going for hikes and doing random shit around the house. I get basically no social interaction.

I am just really down on how things have worked out. I’m not happy with my living arrangement, with my career, with my progress with writing, my fitness, I’m not really happy with anything. I know a lot of people have it a lot worse but knowing that tends to not make you feel better.

>> No.22023886

Tell me about it. I saw my doctor today. She’s my age, and pretty. She’s single but makes 3x what I make, has a big house in town, and drives a nice car.

>> No.22023889

I literally just met my neighbor 2 houses down today, I literally called out to him and asked for his opinion on a car I had cause I always see him working on cars and we talked for a bit.

>> No.22023890

I just got slightly drunk on beer for the first time in 6 months while meeting an old friend. It was blast, but I got the beer shits immediately when I got home. So messy and blasty and wet that I somehow got some on the nice dress shirt I wore for the day, that I was also going to wear tomorrow, where I visit my grandparents.
Tried washing it but it in the sink but it still smells like shit.
Sometimes I get the distinct sense that my life is made up of a series of such banal, disgusting, animal mishaps.
Anyway, from now on, I am getting fully naked whenever I take a shit. Both for hygiene reasons, and to channel my inner primate.

>> No.22023894

>I work remote so until my parent gets home, I’m alone all the time. It’s just me and the dog going for hikes and doing random shit around the house. I get basically no social interaction.
fuck, lets trade lives. I don't have a job but I'm constantly have people trying to call me or ask me to do things for them.

>> No.22023896

I suppose it’s made worse but the sense that there was a point where there was a lot of hope and optimism for making it big time, and that just all came crashing down.

>> No.22023905

Go to your local community college or where ever you get certs from. Get in touch with an advisor and basically ask for help. I was surprised how understanding and helpful the one I got assigned too when I was looking for a change for the better.

>> No.22023911

I'm 29 years old, soon 30. I regularly meet women acquaintances who are my age peers from my earlier years who have families, houses and careers now. I work part-time teaching university in 6 month gigs and spend my paltry paychecks mostly on drugs and rent for my poorly insulated and tiny, shitty garret apartment.
I fucking love it and fully realize and embrace that I am a loser, because i know the stable normie path of committed relationships, family life, house in the suburbs and 9-5 career would kill me within months

>> No.22023917

Her big perfect tits swung gracefully in front of his world-weary face. Expressionless he stared, with eyes that revealed not joy, nor lust, but doom. As she rode his semi-erect penis, building momentum, he spoke for the first time in decades, “Bring them to my mouth.” She obliged. He effortlessly latches his mouth to one nipple and firmly sucked her milk satchel as the other slapped him lightly in the side of his face. “Don’t cum inside me.” She said. This was his weakness. He busted immediately.

>> No.22023921

Never help crazy people. It's not worth it no matter how much pity you feel.

>> No.22023930

the "high life" that all women want is a trap, they will work harder, longer, and stress out more to keep what they have and to reach for more because the luxury that they do have no longer makes them happy. I'm sure some of them actually do have pretty normal and happy lives, but its seeming like its more and more a show that they put on for vanity while being deeply unhappy inside. They will one day hit a speed that they cannot keep up with on the hedonic treadmill and they will kill themselves for years trying to keep up the pace, or worse they lose it all and it completely destroys them from the inside and out. I've never been deeply religious, but the reason why almost all religions have a "voluntary poverty" aspect to it, is that these ancient people realized that the very things that make your life easy and happy can and will destroy you in the long run.

>> No.22023941

Never help christians. Got it.

>> No.22023945

>Anyway, from now on, I am getting fully naked whenever I take a shit.
I've been doing this ten years. That and taking mini showers after shitting. Probably the only habits I truly respect in my life. Whenever I'm not doing one of these two things I feel really fucking dirty.

>> No.22023946

Help with what exactly?

>> No.22023951

I wish I had taught at university. I ended up in administration. It’s sort of the best and worst of both worlds, mostly the worst.

>> No.22023953

We should all move to Maine or NH into a big house, comfy post all day.

>> No.22023954
File: 101 KB, 1000x700, 5D9442F5-8A52-418F-BDFE-684C6CA47711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next edition


>> No.22023957

Mister Mopey Gets Some Action


>> No.22023959

Same, until I got a bidet installed in my toilet.
Toilet paper is deranged savagery. Half of what it does is just smear the fecal matter into your skin like a lotion, until it is massaged in so deep that it no longer rubs off on the paper.
Completely psychotic cultural praxis, truly.

>> No.22023961

What happened?

>> No.22023965

Why Maine or New Hampshire?

>> No.22023977

I got a bidet a while ago, and every visitor to my house has commented on it and how weird it is. Leaving shit remnants on your ass is weirder imo.

>> No.22023978

Depends on the craziness, I'd say. My closest friend was misdiagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia in his teenage years, for what was a heavy depression coupled with strong teenage woes. Being there for him was very meaningful and meant the world to him, and created the strongest friendship I have, and today, a decade later, he is mentally stronger, happier and healthier than most, and we have an unbreakable bond.

Then I've also had a couple of male friends with BPD and that has just been an endless energy drain with no returns or reciprocation. I could spend a lifetime playing an extra in their monologues, but it would never help. Toxic, corrosive, radioactive - just poisonous to be around, and there, I really get what you are saying, and agree. Some people are beyond help, and you can spiritually kill yourself in complete futility trying to help them.

>> No.22023988

certifications for getting a better job.

>> No.22024000

Big if true

>> No.22024110

Law firm took pro bono case for this crazy lady who was being illegally evicted or something. She latched on to the firm, showing up every day uninvited, growing very attached to the associate that's looking over her case, one day started yelling that the firm stole money from her, the other day was apologizing profusely, the day after that started yelling accusations again, now she's saying she's gonna get her brother to get us to give back the money we "stole" from her (we charged absolutely nothing and otherwise took no money from her, and her case is still ongoing but favorably towards her, objectively speaking she only stands to gain). Woman can barely put a sentence together and while we try to speak of proceedings as layman-friendly as we can, she'll nod and say she understood and then a few seconds later start saying things are otherwise and she somehow got stolen from.

It's an absolute nightmare and now we can't get rid of her.

>> No.22024159

>law firm can't just drop the case and sue her or at least call the cops on her
You're lawyers, why would the cops not believe you when you call them on the non-emergency line and explain what is going on?

>> No.22024740


>> No.22024903

On my way home, I walked past a homeless man sitting in a bench. I try to walk on the opposite end of the sidewalk trying not to step in his habitat. But then he just starts cracking up laughing hysterically at me. I briskly walk away like a pissed off faggot but I would have liked to know, what was so fucking funny?

>> No.22025121

What do you wear at that time?

>> No.22025380

Anon if you write well people will be interested in reading what you write, be it two paragraphs or a whole book.

I’ll make this short and sweet,
You need to convey the information like a story. 6ish sentences into it, and I don’t have a Vaguest idea what you’re talking about other than breakfast.

>> No.22025386

This is sad, your brain didn’t even consider doing another activity. You were destined to fail from the moment the idea pooped into your head.