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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 137 KB, 900x900, channels4_profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22018936 No.22018936 [Reply] [Original]

which booktuber do you watch?

>> No.22018959

I don’t, since I don’t have down syndrome and am not an e-celeb worshipping faggot

>> No.22018963


>> No.22018969
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The only non-gay male one

>> No.22018993

He looks like a faggot dying of AIDs. Anyone who looks like that is certainly a moron.

>> No.22019044

i stopped watching her after she got a boyfriend. I just think of him treating her pretty mouth like a mailbox and i get so jealous

>> No.22019051


>> No.22019054

Nigga even without her having a bf, you dont have a chance

>> No.22019059

>spends 3 minutes talking about the book, clearly a summary of the "Plot", "Themes" and "Critical Reception" sections on wikipedia
>spends 17 minutes talking about how he drinks whisky and does cocaine and rides a motorcycle and travels and has lots of casual sex with attractive women
Truly the /lit/erary lifestyle and a beacon and ideal for us all.

>> No.22019062

leaf by leaf (not that often maybe once a month)
better than food (once a week)
paperbird (never missed an upload)
Waste mailing list (I've watched every video of his, there are like 7-8 vids)
g c McKay (nonfrequently)

>> No.22019089

I watch a few Tolkien analysis channels like Tolkien Lore and Tolkien Untangled if those count

>> No.22019093

>fat by fat
Corpulent, no-chin pseud
>cliff charlatan
Retard incapable of even talking about the book
>waste mail pseud
Another retarded grifter with money who made books his personality like a woman. Incapable of saying anything remotely interesting about books — his twatter is even worse
Earnest, but autistic

>> No.22019094

oh forgot,
Benjamin McEvoy (watch very frequently)

>> No.22019096
File: 10 KB, 222x207, 6sb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I watch some scrub talk about books when I could just read them?

>> No.22019098

fat greasy hands typed this

>> No.22019103

well I don't know about OP but I watch YouToobers cuz they might have different views than me, even if they're wrong. perspective matters you fat retard

>> No.22019106
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/lit/ users do not read.
Based captcha kek

>> No.22019113

I sometimes look up reviewers so I can find recommendations for ya enemies to lovers romances

>> No.22019123

Keep crying, fat by fat.

>> No.22019131

>fat retard calling anyone who is no an e-celeb worshiping mong a fat retard
>but I watch YouToobers cuz they might have different views than me, even if they're wrong
It makes sense that someone with Down syndrome would feel the need to watch losers who can’t even do basic literary analysis and criticism. Similar to the retards who watch video game streamers

>> No.22019146

basement dwellers are really miserable, no wonder you faggots are incels and shit

>> No.22019153

>watches e-celebs
>gets offended when his e-celeb retarded bf gets called out
>collapses into calling anons basement dwellers and incels
Why are these gits such buckbroken dorks?

>> No.22019201
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I bet she's kinda shy in bed but after a glass of wine gets freaky.

>> No.22019211

so I can see a cute girl talk about books, something I will never experience in real life

>> No.22019218

For masturbation purposes? Anything with tits and a pulse.
For any other purpose?:None I am not a fucking subhuman nigger faggot animal that should be put down kek.

>> No.22019225

I literally cannot stop myself from thinking of how I would kill people in my head when I meet them. It’s never a conscious thing I engage in and often when it is a nice person I feel quite ashamed but I have had these intrusive thoughts for some time now. I believe I may actually be going partially schizophrenic because unlike other intrusive thoughts I literally cannot stop this one no matter how hard I try. For instance, I would put this woman in a pressure cooker on a solid 150 F with carrots and brine so that she could live for a little longer than 3-4 days while she boils. It disgusts me to say it, moreso to think it against my will, alas, there is nothing I can do. Recently I have had a bad eye twitch during high-stress times at my work. I think that this compounded with my general RBF has given my coworkers the impression that I am losing it, and I really might be.

>> No.22019228

>g c McKay
He's based bong. He kind of looks really sad these days.

>> No.22019243

Fugg :DDDD i lods :DDDDDDDD

>> No.22019280
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>> No.22019281

time has it's side effects you know

>> No.22019287

Just imagine her fertile pussy. Damn.

>> No.22019301

What happened to his Spanish gf?

>> No.22019327
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, cheersmalc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic rel occasionally

>> No.22019336

She's the perfect gf. Why can't more women be like her.

>> No.22019341

visceral anger reading this post

>> No.22019343

I can't stand liberals.I dont know if she is one of them.

>> No.22019483
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Is anybody going to tell her that He rapes his sister, Phoebe?

>> No.22019517

Read Crime and Punishment

>> No.22019524

>shows himself on camera
That's a cocksucker supreme if I've ever seen one

>> No.22019564
File: 2.46 MB, 1280x720, lit.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not just going to local book club?

>> No.22019574

literally me, but also read the introduction

>> No.22019586

I watch attractive young women booktubers, because I will usually disagree with their facile analyses, but it makes me rock-hard imagining she makes me lick her asshole while delivering exegesis that is clearly of inferior quality to mine. It is extremely hot that no matter how dumb a woman is, she can enslave me just by having a musky butthole and telling me to lick it. Literally all it takes.

It is a tale as old as time. In the medieval period is was written down as the cautionary tale of Phyllis and Aristotle, and I'm Aristotle, and I want to nuzzle, smell and lick Phyllis' butthole.

>> No.22019593
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I would argue with you about it but his last few reviews have basically been this exactly. Even I noticed it and I'm a brainlet
She's good only because she reviews utterly dogshit books and I like hearing about the worst literacy has to offer.

>> No.22019612

What anime?

>> No.22019625

Why watch booktubers when you could just read books?

>> No.22019680
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I'm not suscribed to any, but I do get a couple regularly recomended by youtube that I might watch. I enjoy when they break down some YA trash, limit the plot to the basic skelleton and then try to imagine the though process for the parts they used to fill it. But it's barely above background noise, it could be a movie review or documentary about a long dead corporation.

What would a sincerely good booktuber do for you?
Imagine that you can redefine booktuber to whatever you want, your ideal trail blazer that dozens would copycat until you don't like it anymore.

>> No.22019696


>> No.22019700

Bernard-jou Iwau (As Miss Bernard said)
The main issue it had for me was that the jokes were a bit too easy, the kind of stuff you'd consider mildly funny in a post. But I really enjoyed how universal the relationship with literature can be, it's a moe anime about the worst pseud torturing three types of readers (I think there was someone who just liked cool fantasy, someone liked deep introspective narrative fiction and the third was all about academic expectations). And 90% of the jokes would be perfectly suited for an american or european reader. It made me want to see what 2ch's equivalent of /lit/ was like.

>> No.22020162
File: 147 KB, 1280x720, 260DC8D3-2DD6-4F75-98D9-36B2A2F98757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've watched the girl you posted and this fertile Latina zoomer, been a while though

>> No.22020175
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zoozuh but i dont speak polish

>> No.22020209

who? I want to learn Polish and would be good for input

>> No.22020234
File: 332 KB, 389x412, 1593887534385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been 11 months since /ourgirl/ uploaded a new video...
Kat bros... Is it over?

>> No.22020286

holy fuck those annotations

>> No.22020380


>> No.22020452
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>> No.22020488
File: 202 KB, 476x398, wenditroon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently saw Wendigoon's video on Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy

It was really interesting, it's what sparked my interest in books and what brought me to this website, more specifically this board of course

>> No.22020494

>Europeans were rolling around in the mud while there were universities in Africa
she said this in her video about fantasy tropes

>> No.22020496

you need to go back

>> No.22020499

Put more effort in your baits

>> No.22020512

this tbf

>> No.22020574


>> No.22020624

I watch her too. She's so incredibly dumb, but makes me laugh. Most of these booktube bitches take themselves too seriously. In particular, I can't stand Dakota's videos. She's hot as fuck, but she's so cringe, man.

>> No.22020628

>It was really interesting
Nigger, he just retold the novel.

>> No.22020634

>treating her pretty mouth like a mailbox
I don't get this. Can a fren help an illiterate brother out?

>> No.22020641

Letting it open once per morning except on Sundays.

>> No.22020645
File: 68 KB, 406x720, hq720_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does she count?

>> No.22020662


>> No.22020665
File: 685 KB, 1830x1182, 98234987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this just reminded me of those youtube movie recap videos. A text to speech narrator telling the plot of a movie, point by point in 20 minutes or less. Diluting an entire work of art into a zoomified wikipedia article by some random monkey who now acts as a some film curator to the brainless watchers.
What will happen in 25 years when all kids can see is a 1 minute breakdown of breaking bad? We're fucked

>> No.22020667

>existential angst
Retarded term used by pseuds to sound smart

>> No.22020673

Real intellectuals use ennui to sound smart

>> No.22020714

That is very retarded. But I do think there's a lot of potential for Imperial China as a setting. I wish there was more about it that I could read (I don't know Chinese).

>> No.22020720
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She's so cute.

>> No.22020744

does anyone value anything these booktok whores say & give opinions on? I honestly feel like at least 95% of their viewers are beating their dick or just watching cause theyre pretty.

>> No.22020751

I watch on mute.

>> No.22021013


>> No.22021406
File: 90 KB, 1080x1080, 58E696B9-3399-4C16-92F9-67C96B8AF6F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you I'm in love

>> No.22021415

I like to hear about crappy novels I'd never read while doing other stuff. But I also listen to ugly booktubers judging by this threat.

>> No.22021475
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>> No.22021490

Diamondcucks stay losing

>> No.22021491


>> No.22021610


>> No.22021626
File: 112 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

him but only bc i fucked him once while in uni

>> No.22021695
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>> No.22021768


Maybe they sell insurance together?

>> No.22021827
File: 322 KB, 1024x1024, dfwpiz1-bc0c1aa6-1ffa-428b-ad59-dba4537b75a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad I have a person irl i can talk to about books

>> No.22021838

>Alright you guys, votes are in for the next book were going to read together
>The bell jar
>12 votes
> S-Solenoid?
>1 vote

>> No.22021859

the cope is massive

>> No.22021887

>I bet she's kinda shy
not in 2023

>> No.22022017

a girl has doesnt know what angst mean

>> No.22022127
File: 125 KB, 828x465, F6ADF6E3-4432-4523-BA44-9EC63CDA3807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cari, because she only reads the worlds most horrendous reads and it feels like gossip. I wouldn't go to a choober for an actual opinion on a good book.

>> No.22022136

Yo be a lot cooler if u didd

>> No.22022141

Not everyone is an insecure incel who can't bare to look at himself.

>> No.22022309

kek, same.
I only want to watch single, non-copulating people, that includes males.

>> No.22022324

She’s a bitch.

>> No.22022343


>> No.22022351


Go watch this based male instead if you want something in polish

>> No.22022353

diamondcels...we lost.

>> No.22022354

ah yes, the budget esmenet

>> No.22022374

used to watch jessethereader years ago

>> No.22022383

I have watched some but I do not anymore. I found they have one or more of the following aspects that make it hard to watch them:
>they don't actually read books
>they read bad books
>they have either very general takes on books that anyone could have googled
>they have bad takes on books
>they only read recently published garbage
>they make videos in youtube
>they have a camera
>they showcase their cringe bookcase
>every youtuber looks and feels the same and they all read the same books
>if they ever write a book (like most of them will write) they are the worst literature you have ever read
You will get so much more from just reading the whatever introduction the classics usually have in good editions of them.

>> No.22022394
File: 16 KB, 125x125, 1647978978350.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that guy isn't even a reader, he doesn't appear in her videos nor her social media.. he is probably really good looking and dominant.. she can't even hold a book while he is pounding her againt the bookshelves... its over bros we cannot compete

>> No.22022396

come on now...

>> No.22022766

Name (likely) attractive female booktubers who don't show their faces. Here's a French one.

>> No.22022964

he is gay right

>> No.22022989
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>zoomers will sit through a 5 hour youtube video then complain about reading a page from a book that takes then 10 minutes

>> No.22023016
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>> No.22023118
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colour me surprised

>> No.22023237

The only book youtuber I actually watch is Paper Bird.
Also some Norwegian girl with dissimilar tastes to myself.

>> No.22023390

Jesus Christ, that makes it even hotter.

>> No.22023394


>> No.22023470

The French language sounds so bad.

>> No.22023708

yes met him through grinder hehe

>> No.22023835
File: 304 KB, 1200x1204, E571380D-87C9-4B7F-9AAC-99E8524719F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay thank you brother
do you have any polish music recommendations? I like picrel but I listen to all genres

>> No.22024043

None. I only watch DistroTube and Eizelganger.

>> No.22024139

I like this guy, he's cute and i like his choice of books
Same for this guy
Im on an online book club... We did read bell jar, we loved it
Too gay and british, he placed Hoover on the same tier as Austen once so i stopped watching him completely

>> No.22024293

Where my Donoghue enjoyers?

>> No.22024306
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I don't actually watch reviews but this ones pretty cute, thoughtfull and doesn't have the typical Youtuber expensive middle class show off livingroom background that I hate, just some books and some owls.

Jerome Weiselberry

>> No.22024314

He's been doing it for years. He's an image-obsessed pseud who cares more about being seen than being heard. Which is why so little thought goes into his videos. He's very open about how he got into YouTube because he wanted to be "the Anthony Fantano of book reviews." A shameless clout chaser.

>> No.22024497

how to get milf philosophy gf?

>> No.22024516

If I wanted a shallow outlining of the plot I'd just read the synopsis on the back.
No point in listening to a woman stretch that out for 10 minutes in video format.

>> No.22024522

What the fuck. Most peruvians are subhumans and so ugly.

t. South American

>> No.22024707

Who's this?

>> No.22024858

Malcolm Guite

>> No.22024868
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>> No.22024890

But Jerome is a man's name.

>> No.22024914

I hope he dies.

>> No.22024939

jesus christ, is nothing sacred anymore?

>> No.22024946


>> No.22024956

the goat

>> No.22024960


>> No.22025099



>> No.22025111


She has some stupid reason for calling the channel that.

Or might be a tranny.

>> No.22025829

>Or might be a tranny.
that's what i suspected at first from her phenotype but her voice doesn't fit the tranny hypothesis.

>> No.22025972
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>> No.22026600

aw man I actually like her all things considered. probably the only 1 I consistently watch.

>> No.22026640
File: 397 KB, 720x692, 1683300169402990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are avid reader girls usually the super leftist jewed type?

>> No.22026661

not really, but I'd assume that your 4chan mind rot makes 99% of the population "super leftist jewed" types

>> No.22027499

Yes. May as well kys now, clown world

>> No.22027658
File: 67 KB, 750x700, 9c8dx6lem0q31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only good ones

>> No.22027667 [DELETED] 

The best one


>> No.22027933


>> No.22027961

super leftist is kind of the default position among people in "educated society" so yeah they are. though to be honest i'm not sure if i'd like some terminally politicized right wing girl either.

>> No.22028040

Propaganda is effective and there's lots of it making claims like these. Propaganda is particularly effective on women (Orwell was very based about this in 1984)

>> No.22028152

Girls are cuter when they're a little retarded

>> No.22028170

She's perfect.

>> No.22028587
File: 379 KB, 1900x2043, 92efadfm3MEME010523.jpg-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flashes interracial porn during a book review

>> No.22028642
File: 1.85 MB, 1920x1080, gimptree-seed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shows multiple instances of squirrels being sniped with an airsoft gun in slow motion during a book review
>shows a woman in a gimp suit getting mummified in packaging tape, put in a hole in somebody's backyard, get buried in dirt, then covered in cement with only a little snorkel thing preventing her from suffocating to death during a book review
same vid btw

>> No.22028668


Nah she's not, I watched the video of why she called it that It's the most autistic shit i've ever heard and I no longer want to watch her videos

>> No.22028678

who is he

>> No.22028772


>> No.22028947

why do female booktubers always look like they smell bad?

>> No.22028956

you mean stink good

>> No.22028989
File: 561 KB, 822x577, Screenshot 2023-05-14 at 08.33.27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drunzo is the only real nigga breathing

Obnoxious low IQ homosexual poseur, doesn't even qualify for pseud or midwit status.

>> No.22029215

>Not wanting your fantasy world being based on people rolling around in the mud
>What is Seventh Seal
>What is Andrei Rublev
>What is Mad Max
I mean I did do it to myself clicking some retarded yt-link, but you all should be ashamed wasting your lives on this shit

>> No.22029227

Seriously, why are all the male booktubers gay...reading isn't a homo hobby.

>> No.22029245

But youtoobing is

>> No.22029296


>> No.22029427 [DELETED] 

scott bradfield

>> No.22029433

scott bradfield

>> No.22029514

men who read books don’t care about what others read and don’t follow trends
only women and faggots attention whore

>> No.22029527

Which is another reason I don't watch youtubers/streaming. I like to discuss things, not just hear it and then post a comment hoping the guy you read it.

>> No.22029550

This guy someone on /lit/ linked me like two years ago: https://www.youtube.com/@ShawnDStandfast

Warning, his interviews can be painful, I'd recommend skipping them.

>> No.22029672
File: 119 KB, 485x352, dan the man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am forgotten

>> No.22029716

This girl is so fucking stupid I love her.

>> No.22029729

are you freaking serious? thats so BASED!!!! that was so funny when you said "same vid btw"" too haha

>> No.22029740

glad you liked it :)

>> No.22029762


>> No.22029843

What a legend, he tries to make it seem like somebody else compiled and posted that poet video on his own channel just so he can write 10 pages of text sucking his own dick and try to act like it was genuine praise.
>labels himself as one the greatest poets of all time
>equates watching this broadcast of himself writing a poem to watching Vermeer or Dali create a painting
>"He also underrates the finished sonnet, which is clearly great, reflecting his own dictum of being much critically harder on his own work than that of others." - Dan Schneider on Dan Schneider
I also enjoy how the text gradually increases in speed, I'm not sure what that means but I'm sure it's very profound.

>> No.22029867

Cosmoetica is the name of his website. I don't think he pretends it's not his channel.

>> No.22029868

Her father realised that recording her bare/socked feet for YouTube is less profitable than recording her bare/socked feet on another website.

>> No.22029874


>> No.22029908
File: 1.11 MB, 1311x798, e-cosmoetica.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosmoetica is his website, youtube channel is called E-Cosmoetica, I'm pretty sure it's his lol.
His wikipedia page is also a fun read
>According to his memoir and press accounts, at age six Schneider witnessed a murder, the first of many. During high school, Schneider was a gang member.
>the first of many
>In 2007, Ranking.com ranked Cosmoetica in the top half million literary websites.
big pimpin

>> No.22031020


>> No.22031181

this bitch is ugly and has an unsightly unibrow. she's not very interesting either

>> No.22031427
File: 228 KB, 900x900, AATXAJyQVhth_YulKs4VdclnJ23SQo1Wh2BHKRNEdg=s900-c-k-c0xffffffff-no-rj-mo-439102663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised no one has mentioned her. I haven't watched her stuff in a while and just watched her open mic... why do they always have to ruin the fantasy?

>> No.22031774

I can never mention Blood Meridian is my favourite book ever again

>> No.22032031

Looks way too attractive to have anything meaningful going on behind those eyes.

>> No.22032053

She looks nothing like that in person, all women take pictures like that. That pic is 80% filters, lighting, angle.

>> No.22032144

She's cute and I want to put my penis into her vagina.

>> No.22032270 [DELETED] 

she only takes gorilla nigger dick. sorry.

>> No.22032298

Cope. That's not why they're faggots and you know it!

>> No.22032813

You faggots need to mention their username instead of posting lust provoking images

>> No.22033158

Well that was disappointing.

>> No.22033165

>booktuber thread
>almost 200 replies

Kill yourselves. You are no better than booktok, booktube, pornbook, or whatever faggotry shit you make fun of

>> No.22033171

I loved that vid

>> No.22033465

You first.

>> No.22033563

Trans women aren’t women

>> No.22033569

Masterbather reporting in

>> No.22033574

Big Hard Books and Classics is the only channel for me.

>> No.22033600

oh, yes. another mediocre bitch, but IN POLISH
ogarnijcie się kurwa ćwoki

>> No.22033604
File: 64 KB, 1280x720, 1669390565771271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I date a 105 IQ tradcath who wants to have lots of kids or do I go get a Master's of english in a top program and meet someone more compatible?

>> No.22033649

>105 IQ tradcath who wants to have lots of kids
this one. "someone more compatible" you meet in a top program of english will leave you miserable

>> No.22033667

I agree. But I'm apprehensive about possibly having kids who turn out dumber than me, since my IQ is 130 (tested in public school)

>> No.22033675

Vids or it didn't happen.

>> No.22033685


>> No.22033696

IQ is an arbitrary score. If you let your kids watch youtube and tiktok from the getgo it doesn't matter if they could've had a 140 iq genetically, they'll be fucked. Raise them right and they can be intelligent. IQ is genetic but it's not the average of your two parents; I have a higher score than both of mine

>> No.22033737

It's somewhat arbitrary but unless I deprive them of breast milk and feed them lunchables everyday, they should come close to their genetic potential if their mother was as smart as me. Whereas, if I do everything right with someone significantly less intelligent than me, they can only go so far.

>> No.22033753

What he said is true, it's not necessarily an average although statistically it may work out that way over enough people

>> No.22033760

I won't concede that if you want your kids to be smarter than you, having kids with someone dumber than you is a good idea. But I will concede that a stable religious family life will functionally make your children go through life more intelligently than a higher IQ child of divorce.

>> No.22033779

What's the difference between those two ideas? I also agree in general having kids with someone with a higher IQ will result in those kids having a higher IQ, yes; but a "good idea" includes other considerations, as you say.

>> No.22033930

not him, but essentially two high iq people having kids might give a higher potential for iq but if they lack the means to fulfill that potential it's useless, whereas an average iq person with a high iq person can result in a higher iq person if they have the right means to raise it, ultimately resulting in a higher iq person than if two high iq people had a kid

>> No.22033941

She is a slut.

>> No.22034393


>> No.22034403

>Master's of english
>top program
Topkek there’s no such thing as a “top” master’s degree. You’re just a loser trying to justify your failure to get admitted into a PhD program

>> No.22034508

projecting ESL

>> No.22034656

minmaxing your life like this is retarded, are you going to tigermom and try to set your kids up with high IQ mates too? you cant micromanage where your bloodline ends up after you, just love your children, end of story.

>> No.22034686

good point

>> No.22034760

I stopped watching fantano for the same reason desu