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/lit/ - Literature

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22014520 No.22014520 [Reply] [Original]

/wwoym/ The Imposters Hangout

Previous thread >>22008551

>> No.22014531

Any writers or remote workers can share tips on having some semblance of a social life?

>> No.22014825

>needing a social life
what are you a fag or something

>> No.22014843

If you arent doing philosophy of technology then your philosophical outlook is outdated.

>> No.22014954

Why do animals posture before they fight, from a Darwinian perspective?
Why don't they just fight?

>> No.22014968

If you think about it it's pretty miraculous that we invented something that can create ice

>> No.22014975

I just realized that drinking to me is just like meeting friends. Literally drinking the loneliness away. I dont even do things differently.

>> No.22015007

Simple thermodynamics really.

>> No.22015008

what school of philosophy argues against killing as many people as possible

>> No.22015011

I think the world, including myself, might actually be possesed by demons. The world is so insane and my own brain so fucked up I just can't believe it. I'm malfunctioning and swinging wildly between beliefs all the time, I know absolutely nothing about anything and all you get here is facetious, gaping mouthed goyslop lovers telling you to hit the gym and slave harder, pussy. There is simply too much information in the world now. Way, way too much and the effects are terrible for humanity. Can't even be bothered to type anymore, my brain is failing and I reckpn I've dropped about 20 IQ points in recent times, can't even formulate sentences anymore. I give up.

>> No.22015013


>> No.22015016

technology has existed since the stone axe dumbass

>> No.22015017

I’m about to fail an exam for my business related masters program. I don’t give a shit, I hate this program, I hate my potential career, I don’t care about disappointing my inner circle anymore, fuck all of this shit I hate it so much.

>> No.22015119

I first started using 4chan 6 years ago. What a waste of life.

>> No.22015120
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>> No.22015124


>> No.22015130

puts things into perspective. I probably started ten years ago or so. Can't remember anymore.

>> No.22015133


>> No.22015136

4chan is just training me to solve captchas
>Verification not required.
yeah right

>> No.22015140


>> No.22015144

I think it’s pretty obvious that modern people are largely without purpose. Do you think they’re also without fate or destiny? It seems to me like the details and movements of peoples’ lives never add up to a single grand vision or mission like they used to.

>> No.22015178

They're giving away free McChicken sandwiches today at McDonald's

>> No.22015219

I sometime wish I had grown up in some idyllic European countryside village. I grew up in a rust belt town, and there’s really nowhere to go home to.

>> No.22015235

Pray from the heart

>> No.22015238

I think I would feel a little better if I had some adventure while I was young and/or established myself in some sort of career by now. To have failed in those things is to have failed at youth, basically.

>> No.22015266

They're actually was a show about catching pedophiles. That really happened.

>> No.22015270

The more I'm around other people, the more I want to be alone. The more lonely I get, the more I want to be around other people. Its just the worst middle position.

>> No.22015283

lmao you fucking idiot. nothing has changed.

>> No.22015289

middle school level thought

>> No.22015315

why are the people born in 1900 called "the lost generation"? to me it seems they were much more driven than today

>> No.22015329

WWI destroyed western civilization. The youth at the time lost all trust in western culture. The urbanites and intelligentsia acted like a bunch of degenerates in the 1920s.

>> No.22015353

I understand if you're a high schooler or undergrad but a Master's student? In business? MBA student?

Bro, come on, over and over again

>> No.22015355

why did you bother reply to such post which is clearly beneath your level?

>> No.22015356

I used to love gory slasher films and extreme horror, but since reading Poe, De Sade and a bunch of Japanese novels and VNs, I don't have an appetite for that stuff anymore. It's like American and European horror is trying to be intellectual and feigning meaning when it's literary value is pretty low. Books just feel like a better medium for anything that involves violence and sexuality, because you have to imagine the scenes and that forces you to confront your own imagination, what your mind has consciously thought up.

>> No.22015361

im drunk and on a spree. I calls it luike I sees it. Try posting something profound and i'll give you credit.

>> No.22015363

fair enough

>> No.22015391

It’s always interesting when I see a certain type of thread or post being made. I’ve always thought that since this is a small, slow(too many threads made though) board, just a few anons can really drag the quality down.

>> No.22015414

Accounting. To get enough credits for the CPA exam. Not a typical masters program, but didn’t want to do investment banking so I pivoted to this. It’s pretty much paid for via scholarships, and this is my first year really studying it.

>> No.22015426

They need to bring it back.

>> No.22015430

Oh ok

>> No.22015454
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I'am sitting here hungry with nothing to eat, could go out and buy something but simply can't be bothered. The hunger has forced me to open up the can of baked beans in tomato sauce that has been sitting in my kitchen drawer for a year. Beans are ok but the tomato sauce is too sweet. This is what waging 8h a day, 5 days a week does to someone. I can't even enjoy a meal.

>> No.22015531

Everything makes sense when you realize that there's an internet asshole acceptance movement going on that has become a global political movement of asshole toleration.

All of the assholes of the world are rushing to come out of the asshole closet and let their asshole colors fly.

>> No.22015623


>> No.22015632

kek that image
wonder what's like to be permanently free of the cycle of weak and strong men

>> No.22015675
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>women in sundresses
>constantly thinking about how their fertile pussies and musky buttholes are just behind a thin piece of fabric
>constantly walking around with a teenager-tier erection
>constantly thinking about burying my face in women's crotches
So honestly, has there been any fool-proof way quitting coomerdom? I'm not going to say I invented NoFap, but I was one of the primary posters on the subplebbit about way back in 2014, and several of my bro-science posts about neurochemistry are still being copypastaed. I did 14 months of NoFap at one point, and it mostly just made the horniness worse. I did NoPorn for 4 years, also just made my fantasies even more constant. I tried all the monk-stuff of controlling my mind, but it was a losing battle. With a girlfriend and a regular sex-life, without a girlfriend and a regular sex life, it doesn't matter, I'm just too god damn horny all the time.
I feel like a satyr, and I understand in the very core of my soul all the wisdoms of how desire cannot be satiated. But I cannot quell it.
Let me drown in pussy juice. It is the only way to end it.

>> No.22015705

I read a story about a wagie who would eat nothing but ice cream for 2-3 days during the workweek fairly often, because he just couldn't muster the energy to properly feed himself.

Join the part-time paradise friend. Lowering your expenses as much as possible is a much nicer way to live than selling so much of your time (your most precious resource) that you cannot even be properly alive during your time off.

Whenever I have had full-time work, I have started abusing drugs within 14 days. I am not cut out for it. I will never work more than 25 hours a week, and even that is pushing it, but I would rather be poor than alive than somewhat affluent and dead.

>> No.22015730

Spiraling indecision consumes another of my invaluable days of life. I've been ready to "launch" my life for years now, but I keep stumbling on the actually-fucking-do-something part. My living situation is just too comfortable. I can't just conjure a sense of urgency because I want it.
I know 'memento mori' theoretically should be the only motivation you need, but if that were really possible, human life would be a frantic and horrifying mess (at least more than certain people be consider it to already be).
No, when you have a comfy and stable living situation, trying to fling yourself into hardship after a decade of stagnation is like a 600lb man trying to get up from a reclined massage chair.
Damn it all. I had all these tabs open, ready to make a decision of some sort. Buy a new phone? Get counseling? Apply for a job? FUCK. I'm not sure. And because I'm not strapped in like Alex in a Clockwork Orange, I slip away from any decisions requiring any real investment of time or money.
I do try. I do.
I sit there for hours agonizing, torturing myself, prodding myself to make a move. Any move. But it doesn't transfer into any kind of felt sense of agency or momentum. After my pre-frontal cortex starts burning, I decide to give up for today.
I down a couple of shots of milk, take some crushed-up selegiline pills and a bump of memantine, coom to some inane streaming twitchthot, and go sit outside on the porch to read my library book.

One of these days I'll be okay with being nobody.

>> No.22015751

You're a NEET?

>> No.22015811

>I feel like a satyr
I'm in a similar predicament. No idea what to do.

>> No.22015822

It was me! I did it! I'm guilty! Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!
Condemn me! Sentence me! Punish me! I deserve it! It is my place to suffer for what I have done! It is natural and good for such suffering to occur!
I'm guilty!

>> No.22015841

Ive been hungover for three days. This is killing me.

>> No.22015846

Tactics changed. They groom kids in chat rooms now. No meet ups until theres sufficient blackmail.

>> No.22015851

They had no sense of purpose after the absolute devastation of ww1

>> No.22015857

Well the semester is almost over. I failed every opportunity to talk to girls again.

>> No.22015863

At this point I'm guessing the only thing that will cool my desires is age.
I'm 29 now though, and just as horny as I was when I was 15, if not even more so.

>> No.22015868

What did you do?
Anyway, I forgive you anon, say some hail maries and God will too.
Unless you did something totally fucked up, but please tell.

>> No.22015872

Corny slasher films and psychological thrillers are the way to go.
You're right though that a lot of benefit of books is imagination and what you're willing to think or describe. A gunshot suicide gif is too obviously visceral to think about much else, but there's hundreds of gunshot suicides in books that can take the focus off the gore to something else. In cinema to do that, you have to make them die off screen to not have the gore overshadow it, but in literature you can have the gore and emotional effects you chose in the same sentence and get people to cry about the emotional effect. Nobody much asks for you to put the gore on screen for a film, but if you have a character die without detail in a book, readers will demand a forensic level investigation.

>> No.22015878

Calm down, Taylor, this isn't /mu/

>> No.22015888

She likes me, and I might be a little in love with her. But she doesn't read /lit/ all that much, more of a linguistics chick. She has npc views on our country's politics, is overweight, wears bangs at her age, and listens to boy bands.

>> No.22015897

I absolutely wish I could have lived just a few months in 1920's Berlin and degenerated completely. Cocaine was going for 200 present day dollars an ounce, morphine was prescribed for a stubbed toe, and there were 120.000 prostitutes in Berlin alone.
Pearlclutchers like to compare our present day degeneracy to the Weimar-era, but that is completely misguided. We're not having nearly as much fun at all, but are degenerating in much more boring ways.
I mean you just cannot compare a coke-fueled orgy with a dozen dominatrixes to eating SSRI's and spending half your income on OnlyFans. We can't even do godless debauchery right, even that has to be anydone and sterilized.

>> No.22015916

>there were 120.000 prostitutes in Berlin alone.
To be fair, they were still German so they were divided by specialist taste to different streets, like on the street for pregnant hookers, they lined up in order of due date. If you got sent back, you'd still be confined to narrow quarters and unless you had American dollars, you would also still be paying through the nose. Just spend the money on the modern day dommes for your mother's basement and get a coke dealer who discounts for weight, same experience with better syphilis treatment.

>> No.22015934

I'm worried about becoming one of those old weirdo perverts though. You see them on porn websites sometimes. It's a real possibility for satyrs such as myself.

>> No.22016066

You don’t really believe that.

>> No.22016068
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>> No.22016087

I wrote a huge story for someone who never even saw it.

>> No.22016113

I’m really worried.

>> No.22016193

You probably don’t want to do investment banking either. So why don’t you actually pursue something you want?

>> No.22016275

It’s really weird to think that authors of the future might cite movies and video games as influences. Even if they’re dishonest about it, many will have been influenced by movies and video games, and maybe even anime.

>> No.22016285

I have a hole in my crotch.

>> No.22016493

Tfw no cocaine dominatrix. Why even live?

>> No.22016520

How do I capitalize on my world experience of being homeless during the quarantine, traveling across the country, going insane and finally lifting myself up into the light of godhood?

>> No.22016552

Write a book about it obviously. I moved in with my mom during (and after) lockdowns. I wish I had half the adventure you had.

>> No.22016565

Enjoy it while you can. If you're comfortable with your life as it is, then getting a job literally has only one benefit, it makes time go faster. That's it, that's literally the only benefit it can give.
And it's not this neet feeling of time passing where you say to yourself "holy shit a whole day, month has slipped and I did jack shit". If you're a functioning member if society nobody looks down upon you, no matter what your job is or how good or bad you're at it. Nobody even cares. It really is like this global humanity cult where everyone accepts you just because you tow the line like the rest of them.

>> No.22016591

To be a normie means you're liked, but you're not well-liked. This sense of quiet desperation takes over. You begin romantizing extremists in secret, anything to distract you from the mundane reality of your life

>> No.22016598

That's rough buddy.

>> No.22016607

>means you're liked, but you're not well-liked
Could you elaborate on this distinction a bit more?

>> No.22016643

Bonds which are replacable and mean nothing. Part of polite society like an amoeba is part of a petri dish, and you're just as significant.

If you've ever had close friends as like a kid you might be able to tell the difference

>> No.22016742

I'm tired all fucking day but the second I go to bed I feel wired and wide awake. I end up tossing and turning and waking up multiple times a night. I havent had good sleep in weeks.

>> No.22016760

You're in heat.
You need to mate.

>> No.22016840
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>> No.22016906

Do guys go into heat?

>> No.22016912

Yes and during a woman's period she let's out pheromones that make guys horny

>> No.22016915

I think you mean ovulation.

>> No.22016940

The point is that women just being near a guy is enough to give them a boner

>> No.22016945

They don't even have to be near. Their voices change during ovulation to sound sexier to men.

>> No.22016948

Just talking about this is giving me a boner

>> No.22016953

>he knows female hands typed this

>> No.22016956

Wanna see a magic trick?

>> No.22016978

If I were told I had to choose one to bang every day for the rest of my life, and I was given the choice between a 10/10 supermodel and some creepy monster that's only vaguely feminine, I'd pick the monster every single time. Mind you, I do like humans. I have a healthy degree of attraction for human women. But when there's something scary on the menu I have to go with that. What is the psychology behind this? I'm thinking it could be a power fantasy, because women are (physically) harmless, so I want power over something that looks aggressive and predatory, tame it with my dick. I fuck monsters in dreams too. I'm not a brave man, it's like I'm fucking my own fears to assert dominance. And I enjoy daydreaming about dicking monster women a lot. I wonder how many people have the same kink but avoid talking about it because it does feel pretty unhinged.

>> No.22016981
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gf got a mastectomy and I haven't touched tits in months

>> No.22016987

Sorry to hear that, man. Sounds like an awful experience for you both.

>> No.22017009

2 Corinthians 5:16
From now on, therefore, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we once regarded Christ according to the flesh, we regard him thus no longer.

Flesh is the housing of the spirit.
Even the butchering of animals is explained as a holy ritual.
What the flesh teaches the spirit is the same message your life tells God.

>> No.22017012
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We are all Clutch Nixon.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcSW794ueZU [Embed]

The greatest man to ever set foot on two wheels.
Possibly, the greatest man to have ever lived.
A man who brought the world together
Not through song or dance,
not with the act of love,
not through an act of violence or a tyranny
Just one man and two wheels.
Two wheels strapped to a Harley V-Twiiiiiin!

>> No.22017013

You're the winner <3

>> No.22017051

>Still dating the girl after the tittyotomy
I'll be honest I would have told her to do what she think is best then dump her if she got it. If she cries about it post literally hundreds of different articles showing women leaving men when they have cancer, when they are are crippled from war, or when their mental health goes down the tubes. Tell her she got off easy, then go find a new big titty gf.

>> No.22017065

That sucks. My gf has been having prostate problems

>> No.22017074

Problem with the Great Charcoal Wall is that what if there isn't a filter and we are just one of the first, or maybe one of the last? What if we are basically Galactic Mesopotamia? What if we are so "far" that we are basically Galactic Celtic Briton before Galactic Rome arrives? What if this is the Galactic Dark Age after Galactic Rome collapsed? What if we are so far out of the way we are the Galactic Sentinel Islands?
Tbh, my favorite theory is the Dark Forest Theory, its very Lovecraftian and also oddly enough very 40K Grim Dark in a paradoxical kind of way.

>> No.22017089

need a comfy youtube to watch in bed

>> No.22017093

vaati vidya

>> No.22017109

What will the god of our descendants be?

>> No.22017118


>> No.22017134
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>> No.22017135
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I have to write a five paragraph presentation for comparative psychology for my job and according to wikipedia, there are at least six methodologies that were prominent the past hundred or so years:

Gesalt, Functionalist, Systems, Analytic, Behaviorist, and Cognitivist.

trying to research as much as I can to make it convincing for my employer so I can speak to the disabled clientele about something like this as part of an educational programme.

I am petrified. plus I have a book on Ancient Rhetoric I'm also trying to digest.

>> No.22017139

I feel a sense of disconnect and blase reading the news that I didn't when I was younger. Random names . X person indicted. Y person charged in tribunal. Noxious cloud of gas spill in ....etc I don't understand how people can care about these things. Maybe I should. Maybe some old person will lecture me about the importance of doing your civic duty, but i've never felt any.
News headlines seem unreal to me like I can't believe these events are happening on the same earth that I exist in.

>> No.22017144

Cognitive psychology is by far the least abstract one. Just learn that then add a bit of flavor from the other ones.

>> No.22017149

Just read about Diogenes and go in there, piss on your employer's desk, and then rant about how birds and bees aren't real and that they are actually biomechanical spying robots made by the Government to convince people that the world is flat and that Biden isn't a 1000 year old gay, pedophilic vampire from Mars.

>> No.22017162

>Ancient Rhetoric
So you were the guy with the strawpoll?

>> No.22017167

Lol, I’d rather keep my job thank you.

>> No.22017168

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Like that another anon said, pray “lest ye enter into temptation”

>> No.22017175


>> No.22017179

nice triples

>> No.22017197

Not only that but the IT department upgraded the software to the computers there but decided to keep the old hardware so they run as slow as a snail over glue

>> No.22017207

i can't decide what to eat for dinner

>> No.22017219

>There is simply too much information in the world now.
I speak from personal experience when I say that it's possible to cancel all of this out by selective thinking and focus. You will appear as an outsider and weirdly calm and calculated to people who do not know how, but it's possible.

>> No.22017220
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>> No.22017240

I'm 24 and about to start my junior year of university. Can I still make it or am I past rhe point of no return?

>> No.22017249

How many years?

Ayy you're lucky if you can get to uni. I know people say it's a meme to have a degree but truth is employers keeps looking for a person with a degree anyways.

Don't think too much. Just finish the damn degree.

>> No.22017255

I was dumped by two different girls when I had to be hospitalized for a few weeks (lol). But I think anon shouldn't be a cunt. Most people are just shit and won't stick around when things aren't rosy. If everyone acted like this there would be no decent people left.

>> No.22017277

I started in 2017. Gettinf a philosophy degree from some no-name regional state university and honestly my gpa sucks. My transcript shows that I failed out of a better university and then took 5 years at a community college. Really hoping this degree is enough to get me something stable.

>> No.22017286

It's too late for you. You won't be making it.

>> No.22017287

I don't know what you're trying to imply here but go on..

>> No.22017289

I have lied about having a degree multiple times with no ill effect

>> No.22017293
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>> No.22017295
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my sides

>> No.22017299


>> No.22017300
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Scientists are so fucking retardef."Where did the big bang come from?"
"How with mother finally ******, and the last fantastic book flung out of the tenement window, and the last door closed at 4 A.M. and the last telephone slammed at the wall in reply and the last furnished room emptied down to the last piece of mental furniture, a yellow paper rose twisted on a wire hanger in the closet, and even that imaginary, nothing but a hopeful little bit of hallucination—
ah, Carl, while you are not safe I am not safe, and now you’re really in the total animal soup of time—
and who therefore ran through the icy streets obsessed with a sudden flash of the alchemy of the use of the ellipsis catalogue a variable measure and the vibrating plane,
who dreamt and made incarnate gaps in Time & Space through images juxtaposed, and trapped the archangel of the soul between 2 visual images and joined the elemental verbs and set the noun and dash of consciousness together jumping with sensation of Pater Omnipotens Aeterna Deusyou get into my office?'
Fucking idiots

>> No.22017305

a lot of jobs don't care, you just have to check the "has a degree" box. even those jobs that don't require a degree, if you have a degree from anywhere accredited no matter how lame, you'll get a higher starting salary etc. assuming you don't go to some super expensive private college for rich kids, a bachelors, even in some artsy shit and/or with abysmal gpa, will pay off significantly over your working lifetime.

>> No.22017306

I find it hard to feel bad for bigamists. save some pussy for the rest of us.

>> No.22017312

no wonder finding work is hell for me

>> No.22017313

Plot twist: they ran into each other in hospital while visiting you and realized you had two gfs

>> No.22017326

*slow clap*

>> No.22017329

Damn that sounds about right

>> No.22017330
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Yes Officer this man right here, give this man a medal!

>> No.22017331

gonna spew some bullshit here
for one, posturing might be useful in scaring off opponents before fighting, which is ideal since you don't risk hurting yourself
the instinct might still remain even if the chance of spooking the enemy is low. also since it's associated with fighting and defense maybe it gets them hyped or the adrenaline running

>> No.22017337

This is evolutionary psychology 101, the easiest and simplest way is that stealing means you only do half the work of collecting your food. Fighting became necessary when food stealing strategies developed. Primer does a really good job or breaking it down.

>> No.22017340

reminder that evolutionary psychology is a pseudoscience with even less standing than psychology

>> No.22017344

This actually true. Most of evolutionary psychological principles typically fall under ethology now.

>> No.22017347

Not 100%, it actually does have some practical/applied science backing it. But it does lack a solid enough foundation and most of the theory is based off of simulation.

>> No.22017352


>> No.22017353
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a long time ago it was a meme her to just answer
>unfalsifiable drivel
which applies in this case, but you'd use it when someone shared their opinion on a book or told you they love you.

>> No.22017374

I have an idea, but I can't share it until 12,000 years from now (assuming technology advances at the rate I think it will).

>> No.22017383

can you see it getting done 11k years from now? I have something to do after that.

>> No.22017384

We're all here because of a deeply ingrained taboo against solitude, when solitude is necessary to form self-awareness by freely exploring and analyzing one's own thoughts without censorship. Also there's a coincident promotion of the self-censorship of one's own thoughts, of the elimination of wrong think that has its roots in Christianity.

This creates death-spirals where isolation and solitude exposes one's self to their own deafening thoughts that resist self-censorship, making one hate the uncensored thoughts they experience and hate themselves. If you have war in hell in your own mind, to be alone with your thoughts is a living hell. Some people post to 4chan as a form of self-flagellation, of the repeat performance and emotional experience of a previous trauma, except maybe this time they can "win."

>> No.22017391

Fine, I'll tell you. I want to start a business on the moon producing cheese and market it as "moon cheese."

>> No.22017398

What's the slogan for this intriguing product of yours?

>> No.22017404

look at us man, living only in our heads, no contact to real world. this can't last forever, can it? there is a better world waiting for us. of course nothing matters, of course there is no meaning to anything, of course the world is filled with stupid people, but what can you do about it? talk about it? nothing changes by talking, only actions matters. come on man! you can do better. even if you are like the fernando pessoa of this generation, there is no guarantee that someone will find you trunk filled with musings. live anon and leave this place. read more and talk less, live more and think less. you can't change the fundamental state of the universe by thinking. this is not a bait. please don't debate

>> No.22017416

>there is a better world waiting for us.

What better world? This isn't a pessimistic question but what's out there for us? What's the point of everything?

>> No.22017426

I wasn't raised in an environment that promoted the censorship of my thoughts, but instead the opposite. "Know thyself" and "To thine own self be true." I was raised in an environment where every aspect acknowledged the value of learning and how essential self-inquiry and investigation of one's own thoughts, motivations, actions, and relationships. I was taught that imagination and curiosity is the gateway to freedom. I was taught how to be a parent to myself, a teacher to myself, and a friend to myself. So many hands had a part in this, but most especially my parents, family, and friends.

I hit a jackpot of outrageous fortune by being the recipient of such extreme value in my youth and it all comes from humanity and the world. My addition is merely a minor re-arrangement of tremendous value that already existed and was handed to me from so many loving hands.

Thank you Cosmos, thank you World, thank you Life, Thank you Humanity, Thank you West Coast, thank you all the souls who have touched me.

>> No.22017428

>Thank you West Coast

>> No.22017431

The machine lit up.
"Please insert your pass." It said in a melodic voice.
She inserted her pass then began walking up the ramp.
A very highly decorated man came out from the enormous ship. He looked grim.
He waved his hand. "I'm captain Reynolds."
She stopped as he approached.
He pointed behind her.
"You're the last passenger."
She turned to look at the fact she already knew. The captain stood beside her.
"To think..."
They both stared a last long look at Earth.
And they walked together into the ship as many thousands of other ships began lifting off.

>> No.22017433

This is a very elaborate way to tell your parents your moving in with your boyfriend...

>> No.22017436

Hate everything so much. Can’t figure things out in my head. Can’t seem to like anything. How long can I continue you like this?

>> No.22017439

We have the best of everything and the worst of everything. And wherever we're going, you'll eventually follow.

>> No.22017441


>> No.22017442

>And wherever we're going, you'll eventually follow.
I doubt it, flyover land its the most blessed part of America because of it.

>> No.22017453

>The machine lit up.
>"Please insert your penis." It said in a melodic voice.
>She inserted her penis then began walking up the ramp.

>> No.22017461

Welcome to the realm of otherworldly culinary experiences, where the fusion of human imagination, scientific mastery, and lunar resources yields a sublime creation. Introducing Lunar Bounty: the pinnacle of space-age gastronomy, born from the depths of darkness yet radiant with flavorful lightness. These extraordinary artisan cheeses capture the majesty and tranquility of the lunar terrain, evoking a sense of profound reverie and wonderment within each delectable nibble. Masterfully crafted using time-honored techniques blended with advanced extraterrestrial technologies, each batch imparts a distinct personality, enticing your sensory receptors to revel in their heavenly radiance.
Experience the harmonious marriage of terrestrial abundance and celestial ambiance by savoring these celestially inspired treasures. Ascend into the domain of intergalactic haute couture cuisine, elevating your culinary journey beyond mere sustenance towards an unforgettable astral voyage. With every bite of Lunar Bounty, not only do you satisfy your craving for mouthwatering satisfaction, but you embark on an odyssey across galaxies, immersing yourself in boundless universes and limitless possibilities. Embrace the future, savor the present, remember fondly the past - that is the promise of Lunar Bounty, a legacy reserved solely for those who dare to venture forth into the great unknown.
Each luscious layer captivates your tongue, revealing intricate notes reminiscent of meteor shower sparkles or effervescent moonbeams dancing upon craters. With overtones of lunar silkiness and undertones of cosmic smoothness, each morsel beckons your sensations to surrender fully to the boundless reaches of outer space. Nutty aromas and hints of crème caramel envelop the palate, inviting deep contemplation about your place in the universe amidst the sublimity of a moonlit dinner. Savor these unique textures and flavours, bestowed upon you by the grandeur of galactic bounties. A singular moment suspended between dreams and reality, a memory etched in stardust - that is what Lunar Bounty offers you in infinite measures.
For when merely quenching your thirst for knowledge no longer suffices; yearnings emerge, seeking exploration far beyond our planetary boundaries. And with Lunar Bounty, these noble passions find a match, granting access to secrets whispered between celestial bodies, tales encrypted within comets. Delight in this novel adventure beyond familiar horizons. By devoting yourself to the extravagances offered by Lunar Bounty, you join fellow wanderlust seekers navigating the vast expanse of existence together. Join us and venture once again into the stars.

>> No.22017476
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You know... You could write a romantic book out of that prose but for a slogan for cheese made on the moon, I take it.

>> No.22017479
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>> No.22017495

I’m AI with the braids

>> No.22017512

Things are gonna change around here.

>> No.22017515
File: 2.25 MB, 2000x1500, forest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had based educated agnostic hippie nature-loving parents that used to backpack in the mountains of California together, and eventually introduced their children to backpacking, hiking, and a deep love, appreciation, and respect for nature. My love for nature has only been cultivated more fully and widely in my life, as I have continued to explore the many different environments of the West Coast. My childhood spiritual mentor of humanism and spiritual naturalism was Carl Sagan, who inspired me to develop an obsession with amateur astronomy as a teenager, where I fell deep into love with the universe, experiencing the same transformative passion that Carl Sagan was inspired by, and so was driven to spread his love for the Cosmos with the world. In college I went on a 1000 mile bicycle tour up the coast of California.

Picture is the nature reserve behind my house, and it is my church. It is also an intimately familiar friend: by taking near-daily walks in it over the years I have watched it change over the seasons and with events, getting to know familiar faces and environments, including other people who frequent it.

The vast variety and intensity of beauty on the West Coast is matched by the brilliance and creative diversity of its culture and people. It is the Promised Land.

The only wisdom I have to give that's important is: seek to love the world as broadly, deeply, passionately, and carefully as you can, and you will truly win.

>> No.22017517

I'm this >>22017398 anon
Glad I asked.

>> No.22017519
File: 90 KB, 960x800, DamThatsNice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn that's nice

>> No.22017520

Is violet evergarden good?

>> No.22017534
File: 64 KB, 1080x410, Screenshot_20230511-100913-140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-b-bros? is it over

>> No.22017536

it's wonderful

>> No.22017537

American conservativism went too far now because they started a war on women, a war against the most fierce adversary possible. The casualties are already piling up. American conservativism as a political movement has awakened the means of its own ultimate destruction.

You thought you could defeat women.

>> No.22017550

Lol I almost spit my drink

>> No.22017572

So like you guys are the nerdiest nerds on 4channel huh?

>> No.22017577

yeah I got my masters by studying your mother's vagina

>> No.22017591


Reading and writing is the greatest technology that has ever existed, the key to true power. Through the power of reading you can commune with the dead spirits of the past, as their communications are haunted by the conscious impression of meaning. Through the power of writing you can imagine and create the future. Together the ultimate tools of self-creation are in your hands.

All hail reading and writing, the damnation and salvation of humanity!

Turns out language and everything involved with language and communication is extremely important. Who knew?

>> No.22017594


>> No.22017599

Love it
I like this place. It's so unoccupied and nubile.
Tell me the most /lit/ thing you know.

>> No.22017642

>The vast variety and intensity of beauty on the West Coast is matched by the brilliance and creative diversity of its culture and people

>> No.22017653

I don't dislike women that much anymore desu
Wish they would give me some sexo tho

>> No.22017657

I would buy an iphone if it made my dick bigger and shot cops.

>> No.22017682

I cannot imagine a more suitable candidate for the presidency of the United States than Tom DeLonge.

>> No.22017701

I will write the story about how the greatest romance novel in the world changes the world through the profound lessons of love it teaches through its story.

But I won't include the romance novel to leave the reader totally blue-balled.

>> No.22017707

>dont like women anymore
>never liked sex
Im finally free

>> No.22017719 [DELETED] 

Slowly getting there. I used to write when I drink. Now I don't even do that

I miss having an adderall prescription

>> No.22017722

Lots of "I" in here.

>> No.22017725

slowly getting there. i used to write when i drink. now i dont even do that. i miss having an adderall prescription

fucking newfag

>> No.22017726

hate you. wish you would die. wanna murder you with an axe. then will finally be content and will be able to live happily with family

>> No.22017732


this isnt a roadside checkpoint for anything. for some of us, it's just an opportunity to bitch and moan somewhere

>> No.22017750

I just read Anthem.

>> No.22017768

Money. Not that I yearn to be a millionaire, but just enough to live independently of my family's support. I spend my free time pursuing things I would like to make a living from, such as writing, but I'm not delusional enough to abandon a financially stable career to pursue writing full-time until I feel capable and validated to take the risk.

I love photography as well, but that is not a viable career for me, since I don't have the potential sponsor connections.

>> No.22017818

Heading out for a run. Hopefully I don't get dive-bombed by an owl again.

>> No.22017883
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>> No.22017914
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>be a social autist
>very depressed over the years
>slowly getting a little functional
>realize that Im in my 30s
>everyone has tons of experience whenever its sexual or social
>that leaves me as a very naive person waiting to be used
That makes me want to crawl back to my corner and wait for this life to pass.

>> No.22017952

Certainly! Here is a summary of different styles of comparative psychology, along with their strengths and weaknesses:

Gestalt Psychology:
Focuses on the holistic understanding of animal behavior and cognition.
Emphasizes the organization and structure of mental processes.
Strengths: Offers insights into the perception, problem-solving, and learning abilities of animals. Considers the animal as an integrated whole.
Weaknesses: Limited focus on quantitative experimentation and the study of underlying mechanisms.

Functionalist Psychology:
Examines the adaptive functions of behavior and cognition in relation to the environment.
Emphasizes the evolutionary significance of behavior.
Strengths: Provides an understanding of how animals' behaviors and cognitive processes contribute to their survival and reproduction.
Weaknesses: Can overlook the underlying mechanisms and neural processes that drive behavior.

Systems Psychology:
Explores how different physiological systems, such as the nervous system, interact to produce behavior.
Focuses on the integration of various processes and subsystems.
Strengths: Offers a comprehensive view of the interplay between physiological and behavioral aspects. Considers the complexity of animal behavior.
Weaknesses: Can be challenging to isolate specific factors for detailed analysis.

Analytic Psychology:
Aims to break down complex behaviors into simpler components for analysis.
Focuses on identifying and studying individual elements of behavior and cognition.
Strengths: Provides a detailed understanding of specific behaviors and cognitive processes.
Weaknesses: May overlook the larger context and interactions between different elements.

Focuses on the study of observable behavior and the environmental factors that influence it.
Emphasizes the role of conditioning and learning in shaping behavior.
Strengths: Provides a rigorous approach to studying behavior with a focus on empirical observation and measurement.
Weaknesses: Can overlook internal mental processes and subjective experiences.

Investigates mental processes, such as memory, attention, problem-solving, and decision-making in animals.
Emphasizes the role of internal representations and information processing.
Strengths: Offers insights into the underlying cognitive mechanisms and processes that drive behavior.
Weaknesses: Can be challenging to directly observe and measure cognitive processes in animals.

I didn't even read it tbqh, and that's where we are headed, just ChatGPT producing noise that will in turn be interpreted by ChatGPT, and us pretending like we are crucial to the process and very important knowledge workers.

>> No.22017968

Literally me, except I am in my later 20s and I have been planning my suicide

>> No.22018054

I've recently seen a video about why the left can't meme and the fundamental point of lefty satire being dependent on dehumanization and the shock effect of grotesque depiction rather than making fun of ideas made me remember all the neue sachlichkeit paintings where the nationalist bourgeoisie or the clergy are all depicted as malformed monstrosities of flesh, some with a literal dump of steaming poop in the place of their brains. I guess some things never change.

>> No.22018060

so fucking monotonous

>> No.22018087

I wont be contacting my mother on Mother's Day to spite her because she has never loved me.

>> No.22018098

start with the greeks

>> No.22018127

I would rather be a jaded pseudo cynical neet from browsing this shithole too much than a normoid neet. For some reason i can’t reintegrate here but ive only taken one year off from posting in this shithole.

>> No.22018139

why suicide?

>> No.22018144

My favourite memories are wallowing in a dark room, unshowered, just going through the 'chan and trooncords. I was so sad and retarded, and so happy as well.

>> No.22018160
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>> No.22018165

I meant in two different occasions, two different girls. I have a chronic disease that sometimes got bad.

>> No.22018191

heh, noice

>> No.22018216

Art, taste, and aesthetics for most people is more like a shibboleth they learn to fit in with their milieu than something they are genuinely curious about as a thing in itself.

>> No.22018217

Holy shit she's fast.

>> No.22018226

Gonna go eat ice-cream in a sun hat

>> No.22018228
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The “hard times create strong men” meme is cope. “Hard times” can go on and on and on without creating jack shit. Hard times are far, far more stable than good times, which must be guarded tenaciously. “Good times” are not the kind of automatic process this dumb meme suggests

>> No.22018301

Church and state are never separate, it is only the churches which keep changing.

>> No.22018339

I started the moustache trend in Boulder.

>> No.22018346

How are those two books by Umberto Eco about beauty and ugliness? Or the ones about lists and imaginary places? They seem right up my alley but I haven't read anything from the man and people around here meme on him for being ultra libtarded and midwitted whenever his essays about fascism come up.

>> No.22018350

I usually sleep on my stomach and put the pillow on top of my head.

>> No.22018376

Based monsterfucker anon

>> No.22018392

I bet languages will be the final frontier of cultural deracination. The people who come after us in a century or two will all speak some sort of oogabooga tier esperanto-knockoff.

>> No.22018400


>> No.22018403

nothing new dumbass

>> No.22018404


>> No.22018447

"Odd" implies uniqueness and character. The way language is being shaped is so that it will be devoid of meaning and expression. Everyone will speak the same way, like machines.

>> No.22018460

I wrote a 300 word sex scene on my phone for this and all it tells me is
>Not enough data or not enough variance to estimate IQ

>> No.22018464

A prerequisite to doing things is wanting to do them. You hesitate because neither have to nor want to. You feel as if you should, but that’s not enough for you because you know what’s waiting at the end. We spend too much of our lives doing things we neither have to do nor want to do.

>> No.22018471

It's odd because it's a mixed bag

>> No.22018477

You’re fine. My only advice would be to try to go after what you actually feel is worthwhile from here on out. Figure out what you want to do with adulthood and who you want to be and get after that. Always wanted to be a writer? Now is a good time to spend a lot of time writing. Want to be an engineer? By all means, study engineering. Politics? Throw your hat the ring. Work on some campaigns. Join some orgs. You get the idea. Life is actually very simple. You have finite time and you just have to decide what to do with it.

>> No.22018501

AI is basically saying "wtf is this guy larping about?"

>> No.22018523

I just ate two weeks worth of hyaluronic acid supplement gummies. My face is now flushed. Ama.

>> No.22018544

It's literally produced by your body naturally, why do you eat it even before this event?

>> No.22018559

I posted some 2000 words of human on female monster smut and it said "average" then I removed all the dialogue bits - leaving only the sex - and it started giving me galaxy brain ratings. I don't know what to make of it.

>> No.22018629
File: 57 KB, 750x652, 1A67A2E8-971A-4E5E-91D5-FA0E74117A92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because i am in the process of leaving behind my human form. I will become super human.

>> No.22018641


>> No.22018662

eat a bunch of niacin

>> No.22018667

>hyaluronic acid
Stealing from your future for now

>> No.22018673
File: 163 KB, 750x1333, 584396DC-A117-40A2-B6D6-5BD54B44C176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have already had two white monsters which contain 8mg of niacin in 100ml. Does that count?

>> No.22018675

We‘ve got tonight babe, who needs tomorrow?

>> No.22018676

>white monster

>> No.22018678
File: 96 KB, 640x484, 6A3640BA-918E-4F48-AE6A-BD3575171B5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a boomer, just a sucker for ed aesthetic

>> No.22018682
File: 285 KB, 2048x1229, 1666501706580177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a scale of 1 to 10 the aesthetics of all Monster cans regardless of color is 0.

>> No.22018688
File: 41 KB, 736x736, F7B5A4FE-0BE6-4609-80F0-7D44D49B4767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True but it‘s much more about what‘s in them. Which is lots of carbonation, caffeine and sweetness for almost no calories. Very aesthetic.

>> No.22018694

Is a set of coincidences a coincidence as well ?

>> No.22018698

Carbonation can be very aesthetic, in small amounts, especially in water.
Drug addiction is not aesthetic... *sips tea* ...Unless its tea.
Its not sweetness, its artificial saccharine sweetness that is the chemical-tasting, nasty kind of sweetness if you have a pallet still intact, not aesthetic.

>> No.22018703

>Drug addiction is not aesthetic...
probably the only perk of cigarettes is the aesthetic

>> No.22018708

Depends if there's any confounding variables

>> No.22018713

what do you mean with "chemical saccharine sweetness", sugars are chemicals. There's just a shitton amount of it in sodas and other junk drinks

>> No.22018714
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Eye of the beholder in the end, if I'm being honest I prefer antiquity aesthetics and WW2 era aesthetics (Think art deco), but smoking to me was only ever aesthetic if it came out of a pipe. Even then the health consequences kinda muddy the aesthetics to me.

>> No.22018719

Cigarettes have more of a damned aesthetic to them. As a child of the 90s I enjoy that

>> No.22018720
File: 111 KB, 735x811, B77C1304-8C49-4E1F-A523-05DFC8E0B3E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is not about those things being aesthetic themselves but about their aid in producing an aesthetic outcome.

>> No.22018726
File: 80 KB, 750x718, 38F5FF58-EE5C-484E-9964-859B645B2DD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elite taste

>> No.22018738

Flyovers will never understand how beautiful the west coast is

>> No.22018743
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I meant pallet, I'm from Pallet Town. We spell OUR word the right way, not in so weirdo, liberal Saffron City "Politically and grammatically correct" way!
I like 80s and early 90s to early 2000s aesthetics but in a pop culture, bubblegum, "Oh wow, I don't think this is good for me." kind of way. But I never considered cigarettes to be aesthetic, cigars sure, but cigarettes? Nah, not really.
Sure they can make people look cool, but not caring about your health isn't cool, in fact its a little 'tarded.

>> No.22018750

is this before or after the homeless man shits on the scenery? Because I'd argue that flyovertopia is more scenic than either of the coasts, with the added benefit of being cheaper, and having less people around.

>> No.22018752


>> No.22018754

Oh, i care about my health. I eat hyaluronic acid after all *wink wink*.
True but you must admit - being a lil tarded has it‘s charm.

>> No.22018780

>True but you must admit - being a lil tarded has it‘s charm.
Only for Women and its only because it trips Men's protect instinct. I mean, if you can't help because you were born 'tarded that is one thing. But if your an intelligent person and your smoking it is a huge red flag to me that you took the time to master everything but yourself, which is always makes me a little melancholic about it.
I say this because I am an absolute retard, I work a manual labor job and there is this really obese dude that works at the Hardware Store I go to buy and replace tools. He is one of the nicest and friendliest people I've ever met and it always makes me a little sad when I see him because of how fat he is. He doesn't really deserve to be that fat and its a shame that he either doesn't know better, is dealing with some sort of emotional or mental trauma, or "gave up" in trying to master himself.

>> No.22018784
File: 54 KB, 640x480, 579962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I meant pallet, I'm from Pallet Town. We spell OUR word the right way, not in so weirdo, liberal Saffron City "Politically and grammatically correct" way!

>> No.22018796
File: 700 KB, 1832x1804, D89BC312-1516-4D68-BB09-FF6BD506F1F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could not agree more.

>> No.22018833

If you haven't, you should watch this:
I'm highly biased on how great this is because Les Misérables is probably my favorite musical of all time. I never liked the Steamed Hams meme, but whoever did this did a great job.
>That pic
oof, I read somewhere that 7 million women in america past the age of 30+ are on some sort of anti-depressant or mood stabilizers and they all cite either "Not being married" or "Not having kids" as the main reason. I'm not gonna point fingers at anyone, but I think that Humanity as a whole wasn't ready for social media and online dating. If it makes you feel any better, around 30 or 40% of millennial men entered their 30s as a virgin. They think that for the first time in American history the Zoomers will have the majority of men enter their 30s as virgins. Not that that is a bad thing, but women can't seem to get married and men can't seen to have sex. As for me, I'm happy just being in the middle of nowhere. I can't imagine how painful it is to date today.

>> No.22018841

Thirty is a shitty age. It feels like you’re supposed to have done a lot and at least established a career by now, but if you haven’t you feel too old and too broke to start over.

>> No.22018858

Technological society destroyed human life.

>> No.22018880

>If it makes you feel any better, around 30 or 40% of millennial men entered their 30s as a virgin.
NTA but what makes me feel bad is that no woman past 18 is a virgin anymore. No matter how hard I've tried, I can't have feelings for someone with a sexual past, especially since it's never 1or 2 boyfriends. They're all sluts now and you have to like it or you're a badwrong chud bigot.
>But you're not a virgin hurrrr
I don't care. Men are men, women are women. I want to be with a woman, not a gay man with tits. Women are like gay men now.

>> No.22018891

Because I know the kinds of things I did with my past girlfriends and I know the frequency and intensity of our sexual adventures I can surmise that if a woman has had multiple partners then at least one was as savage as I was to my girlfriends
And you don't want that sloppy seconds

>> No.22018902

I just can't help but think about the fact that she sucked someone else's dick at some point. Absolute killer for me.

>> No.22018910

It seems like all the writers who make it now are people who lean hard into literature while they’re young or who spend an early career involved in progressive causes.

>> No.22018919

The thing is that you can't even filter for it. You can't simply start off with "I want someone with no sexual past whatsoever", you can't bring up sex right away. In the past you could give it for granted since if someone was a slut you'd know about it because that sort of reputation mattered.

>> No.22018921

Are MFA programs worth it? If at the very least they can get publishers to take a look, I suspect they might be.

>> No.22018928

Oh, to have been an NPC in a medieval fantasy RPG!

>> No.22018967

>you should watch this
I was grinning like a retard the whole time while walking around town, lol

>> No.22019012

You have to be a gay black latinx queer tranny feminist on a wheelchair to get published

>> No.22019069
File: 102 KB, 750x934, 216266BB-5326-4F6E-AA23-4991D0BD0D41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, you could go for the purity obsessed girls with eating disorders? If she eats laxatives for breakfast, chances are she‘s not interested in some random fuckboy entering her body.

>> No.22019091

Im so retarded. I can’t focus and spend the majority of my day obsessing over inane bullshit. I thought I had magically developed ADD but I forgot that I had raging generalized anxiety before I got treated with benzos and lexapro for two years. Looks like my GAD is back with a vengeance lmao. Devolves into a mild depressive episode on a monthly basis.
I’m tired of talking about it. I’m tired. I’m gonna force myself to be productive and meditate and shit. The meds were such a bandaid solution and I will not go back and spend every day worrying about how much i need to eat and how much sleep im getting.
I wish i could get encephalitis or something to kill my brain. I don’t know if im merely an evolutionary failure because i fundamentally cannot cope with the regularness of daily life or if it’s the world that became so fucked it routinely produces mentally defunct people like myself.

>> No.22019114

Simple. Demand you stop with that disgustingly weak behavior immediately. Imagine parenting yourself. You are throwing a hissy fit because either you can‘t do something you weallllly wealllly want to do but will fuck you over long term or you have to do something you weallly weallly don‘t want to but is necessary and your responsibility. There’s sub-flavors like whining that something is your responsibility and that nobody just volunteers to do it for you or that you actually have to put in some effort to have what you want. Get a grip.

>> No.22019159

I had writers block so I wrote a collection of poems and put them in a book and it's becoming a bit of a thing in work because a lot of the poems touch on how shit things are at the moment with how bad management is. Either way, I'm hoping to take the book down to a poetry event tonight to see how they do. I'm thinking about expanding on the whole thing and having the final poem actually be my leaving notice lmao.

>> No.22019169
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What's the most /lit/ fast food chain to work for when you're 30?

>> No.22019230

Getting off Ativan/Valium and Lexapro was the best thing I ever did. The Ativan/Valium especially made things worse and I only realized that once I was off.

>> No.22019240

Self-employed taco truck.

>> No.22019252

Idk, maybe romanticize it in a 90‘s romcom way?

>> No.22019260

While you work on your best-selling novel? In-N-Out or Five Guys.

>> No.22019259

Begging of sense and sensibility is so boring
Just arguing about money they haven't earned
I hope all these people die

>> No.22019264

If you were able to write poems, you didn’t have writer’s block.

>> No.22019289

Everything feels so desolate. The area is nice, and there's people everywhere. It's a major metropolitan area and the freeway is packed. The weather is nice, the sky is blue, the air is clear. But it still feels so cold and empty. I have a day off and I'm thinking about all the things I could do or the places I could go, and nothing comes to mind. All I want is a ready made place to meet people. Some location or event that exists for leisure and socializing. I had this idea that college would be a place for that, but the campus is more depressing than the empty mainstreet. Theres people everywhere, but no one talks to each other. Theres no way to break in. I'm in one of the most important cultural centers of the world but I feel like an island. Maybe thats what Jesus meant when He said He'd come like a thief in the night. That we'd all be insular creatures, living in our unaffected bubbles and that somehow He would break in so we would know Him.

>> No.22019306

This would be a good poem.

>> No.22019310

I know that. And i tried to gentle parent myself. But who am i kidding. I was raised on tough love and was exemplarily functional, overachieving even, with it. Back to self abuse and mutilation. I mean my sense of worth is non existent either way so what does it matter if i verbally abuse myself out of severe dysfunction

>> No.22019318

I only realized after ive tapered off of it how much i was out of loop with the meds. I have virtually zero recollection of the years while i was on it. Mere fragments. Certain pictures. But no real memories.

>> No.22019323

I could add random line breaks if it helps

>> No.22019338

Cant stop smoking weed. Life is just too boring not too.

>> No.22019339

I wish I had been a medievalist. I’m far too old to pursue that now.

>> No.22019345

my life*

>> No.22019347

Portland lit meetup? nah who am I kidding I would flake anyway.

>> No.22019354

No, no - no, anon. No abuse. You will give yourself tough love BECAUSE you are worth only the best. You literally came here to reach your full potential and it would be a damn waste if you never got to experience it just because you wanted to not be too demanding with yourself because it’s not comfy. Tough love is not about beating someone that‘s already down, it‘s the most hopeful thing in existence because it honors the part of you that knows exactly what you are capable of and it is that part of you that won‘t let you get away with anything less than that. Trust me, you will never be satisfied as long as you know full well that you did not give it your best. Look at it this way: what would a loving father do with a son that has started to do nothing but stuff his face with chips and rot away in front of his pc? Would it be loving to „leave him be“ or would real love say „nah, fuck this shit. I won‘t let my own son waste away and become miserable. He‘ll hate my guts but i‘ll be damned if that child won‘t be eating balanced meals and getting some exercise and sun light on a daily basis. My job is to give boundaries and help him be the best version of himself, not be his bestie that fuels his destructive tendencies.“ be that for you. Not because of self hate, but out of a deep appreciation for your own potential and a refusal to let it go to waste.

>> No.22019375

I‘d say i‘d come but then also flake. Human interaction is too draining.

>> No.22019389

Oregon or Maine?

>> No.22019396

what is meant by hard and good times

>> No.22019401

Join a club or take up a social hobby

>around 30 or 40% of millennial men entered their 30s as a virgin.
I find this impossible to believe

>> No.22019407

>WW2 era aesthetics (Think art deco)
This is like the golden age of smoking cigarettes

>> No.22019443

Oregon. Yeah bro I feel that. It's really enough just to know that there are some /lit/izens lurking around the city.

>> No.22019445

I tend to feel like I’m too old to really make a hard pivot with my life and go after what I want. People who made it started way earlier than I did.

>> No.22019458

i hate being a neurotic midwit but refuse to stop because being stupid is my greatest fear

>> No.22019460

Ofc they have. But what does it matter? The alternative is to give up. Is that what you want? Who knows, maybe those that got an early start do not know how to maintain their success once things get a little hard and that‘s when your time has come to shine because you had to lear how to make it even under the shittiest circumstances. Your success will be way more resilient than theirs.

>> No.22019461

You're only getting older and going to wish you had started now
Start today and get as close to you can to finishing it. At least your senile ass can say you tried.

>> No.22019463

just wanted to tell you how much of pos i am, just have to say this, there was a very old woman in a bus, she had two heavy bags, and no one gave her a seat, she looked poor and wasn't local, russian apparently, idk, prolly ppl ignored her coz she's not local, but f, i feel really bad for not trying to tell passengers to give her a seat, damn, she looked very poor, poor expat in a hostile country, where no one cares about her, even though she's 2 days to the other side, and she had to stand all the way holding herself not to fall, f, if there's hell i'm down to get there, because there's no way to justify this kind of soullessness

>> No.22019464
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Why don't you be like Jesus and act first? Open yourself up to the possibility of rejection or humiliation in order to connect with other people. Why shouldn't you be the one to initiate your relationships?
I would kill to be in a city college right now, anon. don't squander the opportunity because the world isn't reorganizing itself to deliver all the experiences you want on a platter.
(mostly talking to myself here)

>> No.22019465
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>> No.22019466

Not that anon, but I am always afraid that the people that come in contact with me are serial killers, so I rather not risk it until I am truly capable of harming another person the same way I imagine they will harm me.

>> No.22019470

I don't feel like writing anything other than shitposts right now.

fuck you




>> No.22019471

I tend to compare myself to previous generations with established success rather than contemporaries. Contemporaries don’t interest me.

It’s true. But I am unsure what path to take. The traditional path, which involves a university degree program, is probably closed off to me and what I’ve got so far doesn’t lend itself to an alternative particularly well.

>> No.22019478
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Literally pic rel.
Ofc you can keep comparing yourself to others but then don‘t complain if you feel frustrated and overwhelmed and end up just giving up.

>> No.22019480

You aren't going to do jackshit with your life. You're right, it's too late for you. My recommendation is to stop bitching and either kill yourself or find a hobby.

>> No.22019482

That kind of day, huh?

>> No.22019526

If you don't shut up, I'll eat your asshole.

>> No.22019527

How else are we supposed to know how to do what we aim to do if we don’t compare ourselves to others?

>> No.22019543

Eating ass is such a coomer thing to do. I‘m glad we‘re separated trough screens rn.

>> No.22019552
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This battle of egos.

>> No.22019563
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Why would you need that? I feel like i have an inner drive that urges me to improve and reach the next level of my personal path, completely unrelated to what anyone else is doing. Sure, there might be others that inspire me, but in my opinion, that would only be if they have already achieved something i also want for myself, which would just be me remembering what my path is. I don‘t need others to remind me, i would have figured out that that‘s where i want to go at some point anyways.

>> No.22019566

Very helpful

>> No.22019578

Today some baked lowlife faggot pulled his 2" folder knife on me to scare me to impress a friend. If he stabbed me it'd have folded on his hand. He was shorter and smaller than me but I went good citizen mode and went hey I'm not looking for trouble. But I'm still pissed that they decided to pick me for their ego trip. Do I look weak, why me. Why don't I fight back. I've got so much pent up aggression in me and yet I always act meek.

>> No.22019583

Stephen King is basically a household name. Never heard of Bong Gyno.

>> No.22019585

I did a reading comprehension test to get a job working for some high class education company

>> No.22019599

One day I will draw my last breath and I will cease to exist forever.
This should be an empowering thought, knowing that truly nothing matters at all, that whatever I do will not have any "lasting" consequences on me because I will be fucking gone, as if I had never been here in the first place. And no matter what I do this is already what's going to happen to me anyway.
It could be 50 years down the line or in a couple of minutes. I will be dead.

And yet I have this hard-wired meek and cowardly personality that I constantly have to struggle against. Oh no, don't let the other walking bags of shit make fun of me. Don't let them detect any flaws on my character or appearance. Don't let them judge me as anything but perfect.

Therapy didn't do the trick, drugs don't do the trick for long. I've managed to pull through a couple of times, but I always return to this baseline personality.

> I'm still pissed that they decided to pick me for their ego trip. Do I look weak, why me. Why don't I fight back. I've got so much pent up aggression in me and yet I always act meek.
Literally me.

>> No.22019606

John 20:19
New International Version
Jesus Appears to His Disciples
19 On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!”

>> No.22019610

Fair enough. I suppose we don’t need to follow the exact path that the people who inspire us took. I can admit that. It’s the feeling having taken a wrong turn, an irrecoverable one, that is really the issue.

>> No.22019634
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I live by the maxim that if i really want something, i‘ll figure out a way to get it. Which makes me assume that if i can‘t be arsed to put in the work to find a way to make something happen, i don‘t really care that much and maybe only think i want it because it‘s what i believe i‘m supposed to want. I trust that when there is something i really want from the bottom of my being, i‘ll make it happen, no matter what.

>> No.22019636

People go to jail and still manage to do something with their lives when they get out. You'll be fine dude

>> No.22019656

Weird in a good way is beautiful in a bad way.

>> No.22019672

“Something” is too vague to be anything specific. And there’s a story arc in there you know. It works to their advantage.

>> No.22019681

As if "making it" isn't equally vague

>> No.22019682

What I’m talking about is less about putting in the work in the future and more about having made the right choices in the past. We don’t tell the obese that they’ll be professional basketball players if they put in the work.

>> No.22019683

>Therapy didn't do the trick, drugs don't do the trick for long. I've managed to pull through a couple of times, but I always return to this baseline personality.
The only trick is fighting back. Yes it IS scary, yes you're probably going go get your ass handed back to you a few times, yes you always have the chance to get a stab to the throat and end up dead for some bullshit reason, but you won't feel this weight in your stomach going back home anymore. You don't need to always fight back, you only need to do it once or twice to get a grip on who you truly are. Getting punched doesn't even hurt half the time. Fighting a boxer is a death sentence and an absolute no-no, but a rando barely knows how to throw one. Really you just need to get punched in the face and the chest and punch someone back to understand that it's not that scary. Holding your ground once against a motherfucker who deserves to be teached a lesson (even if you lose!) is worth everything compared to coming back home and feeling like absolute scum.
You don't have a kid and you probably don't have a girlfriend, this is the most opportune moment in your life to shape yourself because you have no real responsibility

>> No.22019687

This is a literature board. I’m sure you can figure it out.

>> No.22019694

I always wanted to have long blond hair like Shaka but I have frizzy shit haird that I can't even grow because each one has a head of its own and they go everywhere.

>> No.22019701

If you want to be a writer you can start by putting in the work.
>b b but I'm already 30
If you think this way, you are indeed never going to "make it." Either make the effort or don't, stop feeling sorry for yourself.

>> No.22019720

I think you’re missing the point of the discussion and failing to understand my question honestly. But it’s alright. It is what it is and I know that.

>> No.22019722

Have you ever read a post quoting someone and saying "kek" and laughed at the quoted post but then you realize you subconsciously made yourself laugh because you're that desperate for a sense of social bond?

>> No.22019724

Am I being too ambitious with having a morning routine that is around 2 to 3 hours?

>> No.22019730

I just think you're an idiot and a bitch. You didn't make an "irrecoverable wrong turn," you're just looking for an excuse to wallow in misery.

>> No.22019757

I dont know how or where to go :(

>> No.22019769
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I'm just here to change the world, man.
A proud man can tell the story his own way.

>> No.22019781

common places to go to meet people:
Clubs/Planned Activities, Coffee/tea Houses, and bars that aren't sports bars or blast loud as fuck music 24/7. That's all I can think of if approaching people out of the blue is too spooky.

>> No.22019787

Would you guys consider morning pages a type of meditation?

>> No.22019799


>> No.22019808

Well my campus is really dead. Nothing ever happens. Ive been going to parks, cafes, sit down places for over a year now hopung some kind of contact will happen. It does desu, but it's usually very old lonely people or homeless people. Even the classroom is a shit place to meet people now.

>> No.22019828

What's wrong with old lonely people? They are basically you but older.

>> No.22020010

Have you never felt this way? You’re fortunate if haven’t.

>> No.22020025

I know that. A few weeks ago I made a post about the lonley old man I talked to and remarked that I'm likely lonelier than he. I like talking to them, but I cant establish a youthful relationship with them

>> No.22020146

>youthful relationship
anon... if you want a gf its easier to say than this road your going down...

>> No.22020165

Gf would be nice, but I havw this little fantasy of having an active social life, where I have like, a network of people I meet and do stuff with. I work at an alcohol retailer and I see groups of young people coming in ready to party and have fun and it reminds me of now abnornal my solitary life is

>> No.22020206

>and it reminds me of now abnornal my solitary life is
I live the same life as you but I find it way more natural and normal than w/e "normal" people do on a day to day. I'm not even socially retarded either, I just can't be bothered with people at all anymore. I'm very goal or objective motivated so the idea of "come over and hang out" aka "come over and lets talk about nothing and do nothing." is entirely insipid to me. I do like board games though, but unless its a very simple game I'd rather focus on the game than talk to people.
If you don't work out you can always start working out, generally the more attractive you are on the outside the more people you tend to attract. I lift, run, do yoga, and such so people are usually always willing to talk to me, but I'm so flat in my emotional effect and talk so little that people eventually get bored and stop.

>> No.22020696

>wasn't born in time to rape the New World with Cortez
why even live