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22016769 No.22016769 [Reply] [Original]

If I’m interested in socialist theory, is it best to start with Marx or someone more contemporary? If Marx, which work?

>> No.22016771

socialist theory is just whatever the crown wants you idiot

>> No.22016784

Jacobin is yet another megaphone from the Pentagon.
No. Marx is not the place to start. There’s a whole age before that snake. Old Jacobins and what we’d see as social-democrats came first. Reformists, statists, but the starts of the real and necessary theory came from. William Godwin, Proudhon, Max Stirner, but Mikhail Bakunin is crucial.

Fuck no.

>> No.22016787

What even is that title?

>> No.22016798

It depends on what you want.

The Communist Manifesto is to socialism what Divergent is to literature. It's technically there, but it's dumb to expect too much from it. On the other hand The Capital is stupidly big, it's one of the first serious economy books that take in consideration production processes and costs which was huge at the time and still holds insight but do you really want to read 4 volumes of early economic theory?

Lenin is pretty good. State and Revolution and Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism are the go to.

If you're a /pol/ack wanting something to be mad about Gramsci wrote about cultural struggle. I think The Prison Notebooks are the standard rec.

For historical materialism you always have Hobsbawn. He's comfy but a bit generalizing for a historian, he's the iconic arm chair historian example. But it's a fun read.

Passages From Anitquity to Feudalism by Perry Anderson is also a great history book.

If you want modern hip authors I don't really know what kids are into this days.

>The worst failure of the young hegelians
>Most stuff written about him was Marx in his 20's shitting on him.
Please don't take memes that seriously, 4chan isn't the right agregator for actual competent thinkers.

>> No.22016800

>I refuse to understand a topic because the internet told me it's evil so it must be made up and everyone who disagrees with me is a doo doo head

>> No.22016804

That post had to be a psyop

>> No.22016812

>Embrace socialism
>Those who championed it at the beginning are among the first to starve to death
>State collapses
I actually think a good dose of socialism is what's needed right now.

>> No.22016815

>the worst failure
>inspired Nietzsche’s whole schtick
>inspire generation
>Marx so butthurt he can’t come up with anything after a couple of volumes that wasn’t already retroactively refuted in Striner’s Critics.
Please. Put your head in the toilet and flush it a few time. For Marx.

>> No.22016834

It's great how no one starves in Africa thanks to capitalism. How's Haiti doing? Great job in the middle east, really improved living conditions. It's so cool how the invisible hand of the market makes you pay 10 times more for insulin than in a third world country. Really educating with the example, people could have free hospitals like in Bolivia but that would ruin the country. I guess it makes sense when you have the population of New Zeland just in provation.

Clearly the superior system, the future everyone wanted.

>> No.22016843

The main picture you have of him is a caricature Engels did mocking him.
>By the middle of the 20th century, if Stirner was mentioned at all in works on Nietzsche, the idea of influence was often dismissed outright or abandoned as unanswerable.
>the most significant problems with the theory of possible Stirner influence on Nietzsche are not limited to the difficulty in establishing whether the one man knew of or read the other. They also consist in establishing precisely how and why Stirner in particular might have been a meaningful influence on a man as widely read as Nietzsche.

>> No.22016849

>Replacing something with a proven record of not working with something else with a proven record of not working
I'm in your corner on this one, friend. :^)

>> No.22016858

>no one starves in Africa

enjoy babysitting black people while the chinese develop spaceships

>> No.22016872

That's not how it works. There is no proven record of an ideology working or not working, it's about implementation and material conditions.
Now, capitalism is pretty well implemented. Things work as they're supposed to work. Billionaires are winning and the serfs are supporting their empire.

Socialism failed in Rusia where capitalism isn't really working that well for people. It failed in Eastern Germany compared to Western because one of those had constant economic support and the other one didn't. It's not that they didn't pick the right magical thinking.

China is doing their own weird shit that no one wants to take credit for and everyone blames someone else.

>> No.22016874
File: 83 KB, 850x400, 1658785203948147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should absolutely read and engage with Marx, but you should make national socialism, or some variant of it, like national syndicalism, third positionism, integralism, Catholic social teaching, or Italian Fascist corporativism, your endgoal. Marx did some great diagnostic work, and when coupled with the up-to-date (for the last time history was actually moving) praxis of people like Othmar Spann, you can get a lot done. Was the Kingfisher assassinated? Probably. Can one critique Hitler "from the right," like Julius Evola did? Yes! Are Pol Pot, Mao, Ho Chi Minh, and Gramsci appropriatable in a fascist intellectual framework? Of course.

Just remember: Combine Marx's diagnostics with national socialist or national syndicalist (fascist) praxis and you will definitely piss off liberals and the kinds of leftists who hang out with trannies.

>> No.22016875

The chinese are the ones babysitting Africa. They keep extending their loans and asking nothing in return.

>> No.22016878

>national socialist or national syndicalist (fascist) praxis
like what

>> No.22016886

>are Pol Pot, Mao, Ho Chi Minh, and Gramsci appropriatable in a fascist intellectual framework? Of course.
what the fuck are you even saying? those 4 have nothing to do with it. Why even have Gramsci in there? You do know he wrote his main works while being jailed for the type of worker protests that Mussolini made a career out of squashing, right?
Absolutely nothing in the praxis of those 4 relates in any way.

>> No.22016890

/pol/ shit

>> No.22016901

I'd suggest Marxism-Leninism-Maoism Basic Course, the Communist Party of India (Maoist) which is currently leading a People's War in India is using it as an introductory textbook. You can find a PDF for free at Foreign Languages Press.


>> No.22016908

>not a single mention of banks or bankers in this thread
yet another topic doomed by midwits.

>> No.22016921

>how there day mentioning history books instead of propaganda about my boogieman! they're all retards! we all know it's the boogieman!

>> No.22016924

thanks for narrating your thoughts for me, so i don't have to assume you're silly without proof.

>> No.22016927

Sorel for example. Zeev Sternhell and A. James Gregor are a good starting point for how meta-Marxists like Sorel began to see how nationalists might carry out the anti-bourgeois anti-capitalist mission efficiently. Sorel admired Lenin and Mussolini on an equal plane, just like the fascist Ezra Pound admired Mussolini and Lenin (not so much Stalin) on an equal plane. Marx, Engels, and Lenin all believed in the persistence AND utility of nationalities after the proletarian revolution.

You have likely been lied to by CIA psy-opped Marxists who want you to think that being a Marxist is "all-or-nothing" internationalist vs. nationalist, but Marx, Engels, and Lenin were perfectly fine with nationalities continuing to exist post-revolution, and even leveraging national solidarity against international capital. Gregor shows conclusively that Mussolini was a perfectly mainstream, leading Marxist in Italy for example. He simply chose the the national revolt against international capital via Corradini's "proletarian nations" (which anticipated Lenin's theory of imperialism).

The Axis was destroyed because it ACTUALLY overthrew international capital.

Gramsci is one of the founding fathers of the French Nouvelle Droite (New Right), most of whom identify as Gramscians. Most orthodox Marxists see Maoist as crypto-fascist heterodoxy. Ho Chi Minh famously, infamously, said "first we liberate the nation, then we carry out the international struggle." Ho Chi Minh was a a national socialist. Dugin describes all of them as "nationalist-socialists," and says they are perhaps the only effective form of anti-capitalist, anti-liberal, anti-NATO resistance in the 20th century.

Marx was a fascist. Only modern tranny university-educated fake leftists think Marx was some kind of fetishistic quasi-anarchistic utopian socialist. Real socialists fight capital, real socialists are "red republicans" (direct quote from Marx/Engels), real socialists are National Socialists.

>> No.22016934
File: 46 KB, 488x488, 1643865981261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks."
Lord Acton

>Quigley summary on the power of bankers:

Daily reminder that NOTHING is so complex the average man can't understand it. Read Ezra Pound. Bankers are scum. "Goldbugs" are scum. No matter what you do, FIGHT FINANCIAL TYRANNY and you are serving your people.

>> No.22016938
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>> No.22016946
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>> No.22016958

>Marx was a fascist. Only modern tranny university-educated fake leftists think Marx was some kind of fetishistic quasi-anarchistic utopian socialist. Real socialists fight capital, real socialists are "red republicans" (direct quote from Marx/Engels), real socialists are National Socialists.
That's why the socialist party was banned by fascists and union members were the first sent to the camps? Because the worker revolution is supported in eliminating workers?

Fascists used socialist discourses but never implemented socialist policies. By the 50's the US was more socialist than any fascist government ever was. You're buying the discourse and ignoring the praxis, which is the least marxist thing you could ever do.

I'm really curious how your world vision justifies Ho Chi Minh being the one to take out Pol Pot righ after the US left. How is that focusing on the country first? How are they compatible thinkers?

You also imply that Mao starting schooling, standarizing chinese, and spreading doctors through the country is in some way the same as Pol Pot killing them and forcing people into work. You have a bizarre view of history that lacks any sort of materialist take.

>> No.22016960

>rail roads
>full employment
>free medicine
>building rural hospitals
yeah, sure, the true champions of the people are big pharma and Amazon. Those are the guys really improving living conditions.

>> No.22016964

Here you go if you're sincerely interested, OP
In beautiful web 1.0
The thread is just hegelian retards that can't distinguish historical materialism from idealism. Which is what usually happens when this threads pop up. There's no real point asking or discussing it here.

>> No.22016966

The SDP overwhelmingly voted for national solidarity and supported the Volksgemeinschaft. The KDP (communist party), a tiny SPLINTER from the historic German socialist party that had actually arisen under Liebknecht and been persecuted by Bismarck (the SDP), was persecuted by the SDP itself for supporting irrelevant vanguardist revolutions like Rosa Luxemburg's, which went against Marx's actual ideas (in which vanguardism is forbidden).

>Fascists used socialist discourses but never implemented socialist policies.
They did:

In this context the Hitler Youth generation also argued that there had been
a stronger 'social side' to National Socialism than later generations
and most outsiders have been willing to acknowledge. Such things as
the training competitions, for example, the fact that there were no
school fees for the poor, the introduction of coeducation, com-
petitions for the most social factory or more generally working for
'the community' were cited as examples.

Another important point which has now become well established
in the historical literature is that despite the official National Social-
ist ideology on woman's role in society, girls and young women in
the youth movement gained new experiences and responsibilities
very much outside the domestic sphere. The experience of exercising
authority within the organisation collided with the official image of
women as mothers, tied to church, children and the chip-pan.

Most had formed, as we
have seen, their own complex picture of positive and negative
experiences and were now outraged by the blank negative judge-
ment being cast on the Third Reich. Even those who had never
regarded themselves as Nazis found that it was no longer permissible
to mention even the 'positive things' about the Third Reich without
being treated as such.

In fact, the legacy of the HJ experience was ambiguous. On the
one hand, the HJ had encouraged many members and particularly
those who had taken on significant responsibilities within the move-
ment, to be very active. It had conveyed the powerful experience
that for those willing to put in the effort to the collective, the reward
could be considerable personal advancement. The dissolution of the
HJ consequently left a vacuum in the post-war period that cried out
to be filled with new activity ...
The resulting ambivalent outlook was probably extremely significant
in explaining the particular pattern of behaviour which emerged in
both Germanies after the war. Both societies seem to have been
characterised by a willingness to put in enormous effort in return for
recognition and personal advancement.
The lesson the HJ generation drew from
the past, then, was Pflichtbewusstsein, a willingness to do one's duty, or
better Leistungsbereitschaft, a willingness to give it everything one
had, largely irrespective of whatever state form or political system
happened to be in operation at the time.

>> No.22016971 [DELETED] 

In this context the HJ generation also argued that there had been
a stronger 'social side' to National Socialism than later generations
and most outsiders have been willing to acknowledge. Such things as
the training competitions, for example, the fact that there were no
school fees for the poor, the introduction of coeducation, com-
petitions for the most social factory or more generally working for
'the community' were cited as examples.

Another important point which has now become well established
in the historical literature is that despite the official National Social-
ist ideology on woman's role in society, girls and young women in
the youth movement gained new experiences and responsibilities
very much outside the domestic sphere. The experience of exercising
authority within the organisation collided with the official image of
women as mothers, tied to church, children and the chip-pan.

Most had formed, as we
have seen, their own complex picture of positive and negative
experiences and were now outraged by the blank negative judge-
ment being cast on the Third Reich. Even those who had never
regarded themselves as Nazis found that it was no longer permissible
to mention even the 'positive things' about the Third Reich without
being treated as such.

In fact, the legacy of the HJ experience was ambiguous. On the
one hand, the HJ had encouraged many members and particularly
those who had taken on significant responsibilities within the move-
ment, to be very active. It had conveyed the powerful experience
that for those willing to put in the effort to the collective, the reward
could be considerable personal advancement. The dissolution of the
HJ consequently left a vacuum in the post-war period that cried out
to be filled with new activity ...
The resulting ambivalent outlook was probably extremely significant
in explaining the particular pattern of behaviour which emerged in
both Germanies after the war. Both societies seem to have been
characterised by a willingness to put in enormous effort in return for
recognition and personal advancement.
The lesson the HJ generation drew from
the past, then, was Pflichtbewujitsein, a willingness to do one's duty, or
better Leistungsbereitschaft, a willingness to give it everything one
had, largely irrespective of whatever state form or political system
happened to be in operation at the time.

What was the psychological state and social condition of German
youth as the war came to an end? There is little doubt that the
Nazis' comprehensive youth programme had left a deep impression.
More than any previous regime, the Third Reich had created a
unified youth, with mentality, attitudes and values that transcended
differences of class and region

>tldr: Hitler Youth actually accomplished what communist trannies only talk about

>> No.22016975

Perhaps the most important positive experience was the fact that
socially, too, the HJ and other institutions helped youngsters dis-
cover new territory. Because the HJ aspired to bridge class barriers,
many of its members were able to meet youngsters or adults from
different backgrounds and thus break out of their own milieus.
Ambitious HJ members could rise up through the ranks. Sometimes
working-class children found themselves in authority over young-
sters with a grammar-school background. Those who performed
well in the HJ might well also find their social mobility enhanced
outside the organisation. A good HJ record could open up oppor-
tunities for youngsters whose parents' social status would in the past
have denied them much chance of advancement. For example,
successful HJ members might be able to get into one of the National
Socialist political academies or into a better school; they might be
able to obtain an apprenticeship in a sought after occupation or gain
entry into a white-collar profession. For many youngsters, the old
adage from the working-class milieu of the 1920s 'them up on top, us
down below', no longer seemed to fit.

The HJ also encouraged youngsters to take on positions of leader-
ship and responsibility. At some time or other almost all boys and
girls took on some office or higher rank, be it in the DJ or the HJ.
Those who joined the Jungvolk as 1 o-year-olds, for example, moved
in only their second year into positions of seniority over the new
entrants. Thus the old youth movement principle that 'youth should
be led by youth' became a reality for many young people. Those
promoted received new badges and insignia as marks of their auth-
ority. The chevrons and frogging were highly important for the
self-esteem of those involved, And, again, outside the HJ, too, the
uniform or the higher rank brought recognition. Many of our
interview partners mentioned the fact that when you wore the
uniform you 'were somebody' and could not just be dismissed as a

Many of the respondents - and not just the enthusiasts - dwelt on
the fact that they had been involved in useful and socially meaning-
ful activity. They helped on farms or in land reclamation or col-
lected metal for recycling; they looked after elderly members of the
community, collected for the Nazis' 'winter help scheme', knitted for
the poor or sent parcels to soldiers at the front. Because of the
blanket condemnation of the HJ in the post-war period, our inter-
viewees were at pains to emphasise this positive useful side.
Respondents of both sexes believed that their HJ activities had been
a lot more worthwhile than the activities of modern youth who 'just
hang around outside discos' and did nothing useful.

>> No.22017032
File: 70 KB, 800x509, 3.-Ines-Donati.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like what
Reflections on Violence
>Why even have Gramsci in there
He should have Bordiga there who was referenced by Mussolini constantly.
> You do know he wrote his main works while being jailed for the type of worker protests
Do you even know *why* Gramsci was suggested? What were the charges? Officially he was abusing his diplomatic immunity for agiprop. Gramsci's Grandson even claim Stalin was mingling with Gramsci's release becase he was suspected.
>worker protests that Mussolini made a career out of squashing
Mussolini, surprisingly made a career out pacification.
>After the peace pact was announced, many of the leading ras opposed it, including Dino Grandi, Italo Balbo, Roberto Farinacci, and Piero Marsich, who refused to recognize the pact, creating a serious split.[21] In the city of Bologna, posters appeared that accused “Mussolini as a traitor to Fascism.”[22] In many Italian cities, including Florence, the local fasci decided to dissolve their local chapter to “protest against the Pact and Mussolini’s leadership.”
You are making the amateur mistake of lumping all of the FASCISTA into one movement when in reality it was a multitude of different independent groups with the shared zeitgeist of nationalism.

Here is a photo of Fascists volunteering for the city sannitation after a strike. The blackshirts were worki unform for a factory, though I forgot which. The myth of Fascism essentially begins, when during the post war crisis the workers raised the tricolor flag rather than the red one. But why did the Mussolini oppose the general strike? Well this comes from his own experiences from defending the general strike when no one else would.

Our position is different as regards the Socialist Party. In the first place
we are careful to make a distinction between party Socialism and the
Socialism of Labour. (Comments on the Extreme Left.)
I am not here to overrate the importance of the syndicalist movement.
When you think that there are sixteen millions of working men in Italy and
of these hardly three millions belong to the syndicates, whether the General
Conference of Workmen, the National Italian Syndicate, the Italian
Workmen’s Union, the Confederation of Italian Economic Syndicates, the
White Federation or other organisations which do not concern us, and that
their membership increases and diminishes according to the times; when
you think that the really advanced and scrupulous thinkers are a scanty
minority, you will realise at once that we are right when we do not overrate
the historical importance of this movement of the working classes.

>> No.22017034

Are you too lazy to pick relevant fragments? Are you gonna copy paste a wall of text in some sort of war of atrition?
>which went against Marx's actual ideas
he wasn't in favor of electoralism, so from the get go an elected party doesn't have any right to proclaim purity.
>X is forbiden
If you had bothered to ever read Marx before pretending to know everything about the subjext you'd feel really dumb making that statement. But since you have no understanding of historical materialism I'm not surprised you have a superficial idea of him as some sort of paternal figure or something I guess.

Now, let me see your copypasta with no sources, I'm gonna assume you had this prepared in a txt file or something.
>post 1
>the role of women
I don't give a fuck about the role of women. I agree with Mao that they hold half of the sky but if you make unions illegal then you're fucking them anyway. It doesn't matter how nice you are the ones that join your party.
>a willingness to give it everything one
had, largely irrespective of whatever state form or political system
happened to be in operation at the time.
Except their colonies I guess?
That's some charityl bullshit. Socialism isn't about being nice to the poor, it's about taking away the exploitation that keeps them relegated.

>post 2
Oh, you failed to copy paste. Pretty lame, but it's less to read.
You're tl;dr seems completely unrelated to what you're saying unless you think "communist trannies only talk about" sports, social clubs and charity in a limited amount of the people you're in charge of. Again, Germany had colonies in Africa. Where are the sports and charity and chances for women there?
It's easy to be prosperous when you have other people do your work. With this logic aristocracies were more socialists than the germans.

>meritocratic system
liberal bullshit. 1% of the serfes gets to go to the real people school isn't a success story. Maybe it was more than 1%, but if it was a decent number the text wouldn't hide how much it was.

>indoctrinating stratification
yes, the international worker union is synonimous with a boss choosing the superior members to lead the rest. It makes total sense. Nothing feudal about this.

>they did a variety of charity work
Real material change you have there. Those scarves surely improved material conditions and collecting the soldier's trash solved the inherent contradictions of the capitalist system. Now if you are the best in school you get to clean after the soldiers! What an utopia.

>Respondents of both sexes believed that their HJ activities had been
a lot more worthwhile than the activities of modern youth who 'just
hang around outside discos' and did nothing useful.
What the fuck is your source? Your grandpa complaining that kids don't drink from a hose anymore?
Kids this days only want to Disco! Back in my day I worked in a farm a full day and my officer in charge told me I was doing my part!

>> No.22017045
File: 12 KB, 236x271, 3c51097f170f415fa97f350f13efe0f8--italian-symbols-fascist-architecture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But we recognise the fact that the General Federation of Workers did not
manifest the attitude of hostility at the time of the war which was shown by
a great part of the Official Socialist Party. We recognise, also, that through
the General Federation of Workers technical forces have come to the front
which, in view of the fact that the organisers are in direct and daily contact
with the complex economic reality, are reasonable enough. (Interruptions
from the Extreme Left and comments.)
We—and there are witnesses here who can prove the truth of my words
—have never taken up a priori an attitude of opposition to the General
Federation of Workers. I add also that our attitude might be altered later if
the Confederation detached itself—and the political directors have for some
time considered the possibility of this being done—from the political
Socialist Party—(Comments.)—which is only a fraction of political
Socialism, and is formed of those people who, in order to act, have need of
the big forces represented by the working-class organisations.
Listen to what I am going to say. When you present the Bill for the Eight
Hours Day, we will vote in favour of it. We shall not oppose this or any
other measures destined to perfect our special legislation. We shall not even
oppose experiments of co-operation; but I tell you at once that we shall
resist with all our strength attempts at State Socialism, Collectivism and the
like. We have had enough of State Socialism, and we shall never cease to
fight your doctrines as a whole, for we deny their truth and oppose their
We deny the existence of only two classes, because there are many more.
(Comments.) We deny the possibility of explaining the story of humanity in
terms of economics. We deny your internationalism, because it is a luxury
which only the upper classes can afford; the working people are hopelessly
bound to their native shores.
Not only this, but we affirm, and on the strength of recent Socialist
literature which you ought not to repudiate, that the real history of
capitalism is beginning now, because capitalism is not only a system of
oppression, but a selection of that which is of most worth, a co-ordination
of hierarchies, a more strongly developed sense of individual responsibility.
(Applause.) So true is this that Lenin, after having instituted the building
councils, abolished them and put in dictators; so true is it that, after having
nationalised commerce, he reintroduced the régime of liberty; and, as you
who have been in Russia well know, after having suppressed—even
physically—the bourgeoisie, to-day he summons it back, because without
capitalism and its technical system of production Russia could never rise


>> No.22017052

>Do you even know *why* Gramsci was arrested? What were the charges? Officially he was abusing his diplomatic immunity for agiprop. Gramsci's Grandson even claim Stalin was mingling with Gramsci's release becase he was suspected of being a Trot

>> No.22017112
File: 74 KB, 850x400, quote-you-will-have-to-go-through-15-20-50-years-of-civil-wars-and-national-struggles-not-karl-marx-57-70-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh living standards is socialism
>muh socialism is a policy to be implemented
Retards like you is why the USSR collapsed. You have bourgeoisie ideology sweeping in, muh disco, muh dance, muh exotic fruit, muh bread, muh circusses.

everyday 24/7 man woman child should have been preparing for total war. because that is what socialism is. and this war will will go on until there is no more opposition to socialism.

>> No.22017133

that's just feudalism, retard. You like having a king to adore and serve so he can shine glorious while you starve. At least be honest with your larping.

>> No.22017142

>That wasn't real socialism
keep me posted

>> No.22017151

I never said it wasn't real socialism. Now explain to me how Haiti is not really capitalist. We'll then go through the rest of the caribean and go to south america, which is an easy warm up before going to Africa and how the US implemented capitalism in the middle east.

>> No.22017153
File: 44 KB, 694x507, stalin possession.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's just feudalism, retard
Imagine spouting shit like that and having the gall to criticize another anon's applicaition of materialism.

>> No.22017159

except they are really capitalist and they are supposed to fail.

>> No.22017180

lmao why are you assuming that I am pro-capitalism? Proponents of socialism are equally as retarded as capitalist diehards, especially when they say, "No, NEXT time it'll be different." Stop deluding yourself - it won't.

>> No.22017203

Dreaming of a total war scenario is the anthitesis of materialism. It's the dumbest strategy that can only lead to selfdestruction, you get nothing out of it besides the masturbatory fantasy that your team is winning while completely fucking your own class interests. Pure idealism. Go pray to Hirohito's tomb or some shit.

>> No.22017288


Peter Kropotkin - Mutual Aid

Nature shaped species so their individuals aren't purely competitive, but naturally aid each other.

>> No.22017320

>completely and unequivocally destroying your enemy in war is the anti-thesis of materialism
you do not have the temperament for revolution

>> No.22017334

You don't have the most basic feeling of class solidarity. Which isn't surprising when you're stuck in the epicenter of the empire.

>> No.22017348

Tell me you’re bourgeois without telling me you’re bourgeois

>> No.22017356

There's nothing wrong with being craven but attempting to mask your temperament from yourself via faked goodwill will only hurt you in the long run.

>> No.22017366
File: 343 KB, 1164x1534, leftypolmoment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah start with marx probably gotha programme+the memefesto
shut the fuck up retard

>> No.22017369
File: 1.24 MB, 1462x1667, 1675405325318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22017387

I'm not being craven, I understand that the people in other countries get as little of a choice as I get, so I don't wish for them to suffer. You grew up with empire propaganda so you lack this empathy, it happens, you too are a product of your material conditions.

>> No.22017394

fuck jaKKKobin and fuck twitter pinkos tbqh
getting real fuckin sick of this howdy doody build-a-train bullshit

>> No.22017397

You're not selling me on your emotional detachment when you do this desperate I have teh moral high ground move every time you're asked to commit.

>> No.22017405

>start with marx
Marx isn't a socialist. Socialism and communism are not the same thing.

>> No.22017407

>this howdy doody build-a-train bullshit
what does that mean?
is it a saying? did someone build a train and demand attention? is it a brit thing?

>> No.22017413

This. Socialism is more like Sweden or France

>> No.22017418

they're part of the same process you revisionist burgeois swine

>> No.22017420

comit to what? your imperial expansionist feudal fantasy? Just become an Amazon fanboy and you're done.

>> No.22017432

the yalls folks shit they do to identify eachother and their stupid simplistic solutions to various problems like nuclear powered passenger trains and craft unions for condé nast hack writers etc. it's been eight years of them just ""irony""posting and spinning their tires for the most part and quite frankly i'd like to move on

>> No.22017581

how many hours in a day did a factory worker labor in russa in the ussr during ww2? are you aware? are you aware of what the crime was for refusing to show up for work?

>> No.22017652

Based, learning about banking, finance and general capitalisms general trend towards oligopizarion via anti-market & competition behavior was a big eye opening for me

>> No.22017660

Who is your class? You do at least have a detailed understanding of who falls under that umbrella that forms the core of your identity right?

>> No.22017677

Yeah and it's not the Chinese sending Africans free food and natal care that's responsible for their population exploding beyond their means

>> No.22017681
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Get a lobotomy and u will understand it perfectly well.

>> No.22017690

A lot of intelligent conversation going on in this thread. I shall add to it.

Poo pee and shit and brown yuck and stink farts of green gas that go smellstink vomit spewspew on bums that poo out bumpoo and pee and shit and stinky big farts

>> No.22017694

railroads? really nigga?
Anyway most of this list reminded me to go offer donations at my nearest Catholic church, thanks

>> No.22017795

Starting with Marx is fine, Capital vol. 1 is more accessible than people give it credit for and will give you a basic grounding in how Marxist critique differs from the bourgeois economists.

If you’re really lazy, Value, Price, and Profit is essentially Marx’s tl;dr of vol.1. Some dislike it because it was written as a lecture and is responding to a specific 19th C moron, but if you can past that it’s a breeze.

>> No.22017805

Every post is a psyop. Even yours. Even mine.

>> No.22017813

Take it easy, man. I just barely got here.

>> No.22017814
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You wish. Millenial socialism was retarded from the jump.

>> No.22017827

Billions must starve.

>> No.22017852

Dont start with Marx. Start with Adam Smith. Concepts that had been focused by Marx like division of labour, labour theory of value, currency, price of commodity, etc were being derived from Adam Smith.

I find it so funny when someone who calls himself marxist never read Adam Smith. It's like when someone loves reading rennaissance philosophy but never read the greeks.

>> No.22017864

There's no reason not to read the Communist Manifesto, it's 23 pages long and if you read them, you have already studied communism for longer than Jordan Peterson did when he debated Slavoj Zizek.

>> No.22017876

He is most likely not. He's just stupid.

>> No.22017946 [DELETED] 

>no NO don’t look at the history of social. Just obsess yourself with Marx!
Stop being such a dumb ass, liberal

>> No.22017982

>no NO don’t look at the history of socialism. Just obsess yourself with Marx!
Stop being such a dumb ass, liberal

>> No.22017994

Millions are starving now because of capitalism.

No Marxist

>> No.22018001

Capitalism more than tripled the population of the world you stupid incel.

>> No.22018077

That's the problem.

>> No.22018116


>> No.22018143

The kvetching in the comments of this video is hilarious. Such an old video its a classic atp.
>There are so many lies and false conspiracy theories in this video, that yes, it makes people understand the monetary system less well. Nothing it says is true.
>I mean sure Thomas Jefferson did say "banks are more dangerous than standing armies" but what does that have to do with anything? I could say, sure, banks can be dangerous without proper regulation, but that doesn't change the quality of this video (which is extremely poor).
>As far as inflation, sure there's been inflation. Now home prices, yes, have been going up way faster than inflation. That's because people are buying them as investments. That's a bad thing, I agree, but it's not as simple as inflation = larger home prices. Either way, it's not a "globalist" conspiracy. It's perfectly consistent to say this video is complete anti-Semitic trash that should not be allowed on YouTube, and then to also say I'm concerned with rising home prices. There's no conflict there.
No one even mentioned jews in the discussion they were having. Guilty conscience?

>> No.22018151

Thank you capitalism for creating 5 trillion brown people as easy labor the ruling class can leverage to lower my standard of living

>> No.22018727

Shitlib squealing over banking and jews always exposes them as the little plaything of porky, hapless and impotent

>> No.22018742
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Really makes u think.

>> No.22018751

>The world is going to bitch
>The propaganda uses this rhetoric to try to hide their shit

Queer eye what mean?

>> No.22018756

>implying I don’t know about the rothchilds
>implying you can just blame Jews for all the ills of financial capitalism and market monopolization
Anon, you’re a stupid fag, and an extremely unoriginal one at that

>> No.22018777
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>instantly jumps to their defence

>> No.22018786

The point is not to replace extreme capitalism but to improve it with concepts from socialism (socialized healthcare, abolishment of monopolies, worker associations etc) and communism (state-owned enterprises etc), regulation of the market so it is harder for businesses and businessmen to achieve control over large parts of the market, and to monopolize it.

It should not be either (extreme) capitalism, socialism or communism but all at once; which is very possible.

>> No.22018797

Nope, I’m not, I just don’t use retarded race theories as a replacement for my understanding of elite political economics. You should try that instead of posting /pol/ smuggies

>> No.22018798

Trustbusting, or anti-cronyism, isn't really unique to socialism/communism.

>> No.22018808
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But socialized healthcare has already been proven to be garbage.
>Fat people drugs users who harm themselves tank the system on the taxpayers expens
>People who dont even work or pay taxes are allowed to take advantaage of it
>Waiting lines so long you have to wait 2 years for a simple operation.
Even if it is expensive the american healthcare model is more reliable than 90% of the first world.

>> No.22018821

> China is doing their own weird shit that no one wants to take credit for and everyone blames someone else.

China implemented both capitalism, socialism and communism and it works very good for them; albeit the peasants outside of Beijing suffer.

Most of the countries in Europe (western, central and Eastern) also implemented the idea of “state-owned enterprises “ and they work pretty well, also at around 1922 Russia appointed trustees(CEOs) to manage their state-owned companies after they discovered the government cannot allocate resources efficiently.

>> No.22018837
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>Russia appointed trustees(CEOs) to manage their state-owned companies
You mean the people who funded the bolsheviks got special privileges? Honestly if ur this naive and stupid u might aswell just kill urself right now, because u are a lost cause.

>> No.22018853

Bullshit. Socialized healthcare in Canada, Europe and Israel has proven to work, compared to the bullshit healthcare in the states. Btw i have shares in UnitedHealth Group Incorporated just to profit off poor American lives :))

>> No.22018855
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>>Socialized healthcare in Canada, Europe and Israel has proven to work

>> No.22018862 [DELETED] 

Said the stupid lost cause doomer whom should khs lmfao
Seethe and dilate more faggot

>> No.22018868

So the complaint is that it doesn‘t function when grafted onto a capitalist society where unhealthy behaviors (drugs and fast/junk food) still generate profit and a negro underclass is still sustained to break solidarity/divert from economic issues/exploit on occasion as easy labor.

>> No.22018869

Nobody was posting /pol/ smuggies. You instantly constructed your little strawman from a simple post outlining your blindspot.

>> No.22018870 [DELETED] 

U r da bait

>> No.22018884
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Tell me of the healthy diet they were fed in the Soviet union or China during Maos reign again?
Oh wait! Thats right, they didnt even got eat.

>> No.22018887
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Oh yeah, >>22018742 totally isn't a /pol/ smuggy that I haven't seen 100 times already before over the last 10 years by countless morons who think just like you.

Pic related is some actual political-economy for you. And guess what! It names the Rothchilds, along with goyim bankers, without blaming all of capitalism/imperialism ills on muh jews like moron /pol/tards do.

>> No.22018898

/pol/acks don't know anything about Gramsci. He's the most likely to be appropriated for his comments on the nature of hierarchy

>> No.22018911

Yes. You consciously avoid thinking of jews when anyone mentions rich people. Just like you felt the need to specify what you don't think about them unlike those mean hecking chudderinos who definitely do this.

>> No.22018933

>Amazon employees unionize
>Starbucks employees unionize
>unionization in the states
Thats a thing, and thats also an idea of socialism. Americans slowly opening their eyes to their grim reality and try to improve their lives (something you haven’t discovered yet).

>> No.22018934 [DELETED] 
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What a worthless post. Go back to your containment board.

>> No.22018937

>calls ME a faggot

>> No.22018940

Yup! You're a worthless, retard faggot. Go back >>>/pol/

>> No.22018943

You're trying way too hard for this.

>> No.22018945
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Was it also socialism idea that all those unions became corrupt as shit or are u gonna blame that on capitalism aswell? In the workforce individual ability has been proven to be more worth than the collective ability. And this is a fact u hate seeing and it makes u seethe and dilate to no end. because u cannot refute it.

>> No.22018957

Thats just corruption, the same corruption that drive capitalists to cheat , exploit and endanger others for more shekels in the balance sheet.

>> No.22018973

>Blames capitalism just like i predicted.
Like clockwork, go to bed nigger and get a job. As my last post to a pathetic mongrel like u i will advice u to read Atlas shrugged by Ayn Rand. Despite it being written by a kike, she makes some good points about how the world is being run today. It may even help you grow out of your PC r*ddit phase that u are having right now.

>> No.22018992

>t. Crying baby
You cant even read properly. Im blaming human nature which cannot be changed— both capitalism and communism suffer of the same corruption. The free education you enjoy was thanks to socialism retard, otherwise you would be an illiterate serf whom cant read Mein Kampf.

>> No.22019026

>Socialism will be a Queer Eye makeover
That makes me want it less! Are salty orthodox Marxists this desperate for attention? They should have died an hero like Deobard or Pol Pot or something. "socialism" in 2023 is an embarassment.

If your interested in socialist theory there is one thing you have to know: before the Bolshevik revolution socialism wasn't an inherently left wing thing. There were right wing socialists, there were socialists who were basically messianic Christians or occultists. The word was so vague, it overlapped heavily with anarchists. Just reading Marx isn't going to give you a good perspective on socialist theories because there are so god damn many of them and they have little in common!

>> No.22019031
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>> No.22019035

Capitalists having to resort to extreme cases practiced by buglike races to make their system look tolerable by comparison. Nothing ever changes.

>> No.22019037

>shutin frogposter talks about jobs and unions
always hilarious

>> No.22019048

The free education was thanks to the monarchy dumbass.

>> No.22019101

Communist Manifesto Chapter III

>> No.22019105

>China during Maos reign
No, now. Look at it now.

>> No.22019160
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>Codreanu’s most effective propaganda in these years was to be work, action, and [leading by] example. Hundreds of voluntary labor camps of the Legion, then called the TPT Party, dotted the map of Romania, repairing village bridges, roads, and churches, building dams, digging wells and working “for the collective and national solidarity.” In these camps, the boyar son worked side by side with the son of the laborer and the peasant, creating a powerful feeling of national unity and renovation. If the new intellectuals who graduated (or failed to graduate) in increasing numbers from the universities and joined the ranks of the Legion were strongly anti-Semitic because of the Jewish middle classes blocking their way, the lower classes came to the Legion because they hoped to fulfill their desires for a social justice on a national rather than a Russian Bolshevik platform.

>As the Legion increased in importance, it had to take a certain number of stands on practical issues of the day despite its acute revulsion to dealing with the problems of the sordid twentieth-century industrial age. These stands and attitudes were taken on an ad hoc basis when the Legion had to face them, and the result was a curious mixture of their ideology and more realistic considerations. Although it concentrated its activities in the villages, the Legion formed the Corps of Legionary Workers in 1936 and in addition to the dozens of labor camps, Codreanu ordered the Legion to enter a very new field for Romanians, commerce. He wanted to prove that not only Jews could be successful in this area. "In less than a year, the Battalion of Legionary Commerce founded a chain of Legionary restaurants, groceries, and repair shops covering Bucharest and the provincial towns. The income from these establishments financed vacations for underprivileged children and provided funds for the movement.” Besides the commercial establishments, there was a Legionary welfare organization, and steps were taken to organize Legionary cooperatives. At the opening of the Legionary sanatorium in Predeal, different payment rates were established. Everybody was to pay according to his conscience; the poor were not to pay at all.

>> No.22019161
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>Fascists used socialist discourses but never implemented socialist policies.
what about these fellas

>> No.22019189
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>copypasta with no sources
The source is Mark Roseman, "The Hitler Youth generation and its role in the two post-war German states," Generations in Conflict: Youth Revolt and Generation Formation in Germany 1770-1968

Didn't read the rest of your gay "i've been arguing on internet forums for 20 years and think it's praxis" greentext sarcasm takedown, I'm here to convert people who are politically relevant to fascism not talk to terminally online communist forum faggots. Kill yourself.

>> No.22019224
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The NSDAP was a truly transformative party that had more or less general support from the population, including the working class. Meanwhile the SPD was a thoroughly bourgeois liberal-parliamentary party that existed only to form coalitions with other liberal/center parties, just like it is today, and the hard-line KPD (Communist Party) was a tiny insignificant splinter movement that was useless and irrelevant until it later re-fused with the bourgeois SPD anyway.

The NSDAP pulled all actual socialists away from the bourgeois SPD and the LARPing Bolshevik fifth column KPD. The National Socialist revolution was a true socialist revolution in Germany. Did it have flaws? Yes, but as Marx said, see >>22017112 , these would be ironed out in time. What matters is that it did what communists always promise to do in a thousand years but never actually do: it sublated bourgeois society by having an actual revolution, and it even did it peacefully (compare that to Bela Kun and Lukacs short-lived terror regime, or Luxemburg's pathetic putsch, or the Bavarian Social Republic).

All actual revolutionary energy is national socialist revolutionary energy. Every true socialist and even true anarchists have always known this. Proudhon, Blanc, Lenin, Marx and Engels, all of them knew that nationalities were natural organic formations. The socialists and syndicalists in France and Italy naturally gravitated toward Corradini's "proletarian nations" concept, which predated Lenin's imperialism thesis by 10+ years, which means they naturally gravitated toward an organic fascist synthesis. The greatest syndicalist theorist, Sorel, admired Mussolini as much as Lenin. Junger and the German right admired Lenin and Mussolini for the same reasons. Ezra Pound equated Mussolini and Lenin. Lenin was ardently, passionately anti-internationalist, if by "internationalist" one means the neoliberal post-nationalism of fake Marxists with university degrees.

>> No.22019251
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The idea that fascism arose as a defensive reaction of capital against the rising socialist movements is a total myth, originating in deliberate Stalinist propaganda efforts and developed by R. Palme Dutt, and later taken up and developed further by CIA in the post-war period to discredit fascism (part of the same efforts that led to the assassination of the Kingfisher and the marginalization of Father Coughlin in America, and the political demonization and isolation of figures like Oswald Mosley and Enoch Powell in the UK - along with, probably, the assassination of philo-fascist/potentially charismatic leader-figures like Lawrence of Arabia and General Patton). One can see these efforts in obvious propaganda books no longer in print (now that the myth is so pervasive, such heavy-handed interventions aren't necessary), like The Other Germany by Erika and Klaus Mann.

Fascism subordinated and nationalized industry, and bankers hated and feared it. More international bankers funded Soviet Communism from the safety of New York and London than gave any support to fascism. Solzhenitsyn clearly documents a hatred of the Russian people among Jewish emigre financiers, and a desire to get revenge on ethnic Russians by financially supporting the Soviet terror regime from afar. It is well-known that a huge percentage of the early communist bureaucracy was made up of disenfranchised Jews who had few ethnic or cultural ties to the pre-Soviet Russian society and every reason to support a radical atheist revolutionary regime. Lenin even explicitly says "let's use Jews, they're deracinated and want advancement and will gladly do whatever liquidating of the old Russian society is necessary, so it's win-win for us" in letters.

>> No.22019263

>"Line go up" is socialism
Holy kek

>> No.22019274

Imagine criticizing someone for imperialist lack of empathy while your priorities are clearly shaped primarily by imperialist decadence

>> No.22019283

Gonzaloist groups are not MLM.

>> No.22019684

Read the Bible instead so you can learn why socialism is evil.

>> No.22019716

that's just a list of the things the great leap forward did tho
It doesn't include projects that failed like standarizing farming through China and helping people make their own iron, which were incredibly short sighted and dumb.

>> No.22019812

Marxism is the same as any other authoritarianism, and it’s state centralized capitalism to ad insult to injury. Your little meme isn’t adding anything to the conversation.

Yes, OP. Read nothing of the Marxist’s statist socialism. Contemporary or not. Investigate libertarian-socialism

>> No.22019831

The end goal of marxism is a stateless society, the russians are the ones that added the authoritarian middle step. Stop pretending to know stuff because you read about them online. The same way you have a simple general idea on the topic, that information came from someone else who also have a simple general idea.

>> No.22020030

the end goal of marxism is british intelligence turning everyone gay with mind control beams

>> No.22020073

Ah, I see you did :)

>> No.22020081

Solid suggestion

>> No.22020093

>Tell me of the healthy diet they were fed in the Soviet union

Here you go


American and Soviet citizens eat about the same amount of food each day but the Soviet diet may be more nutritious.

According to a CIA report released today both nationalities may be eating too much for good health. The CIA drew no conclusions about the nutritional makeup of the Soviet and American diets but commonly accepted U.S. health views suggest the Soviet diet may be slightly better. According to the Central Intelligence Agency, an average Soviet citizen consumes 3,280 calories a day, compared to 3,520 calories for the American. The average daily calorie intake in the Soviet Union is: grain products and potatoes, 44 per cent; sugar, 13 per cent; dairy and eggs, 11 per cent; fats and oils, 17 per cent; meat and fish, eight per cent, with seven per cent other products. The American consumes daily: grain products and potatoes, 26 per cent; sugar, 17 per cent; dairy and eggs, 12 per cent; fats and oils, 18 per cent, meat and fish, 21 per cent, and six per cent other products. Americans eat more meat and fish, more sugar, more dairy products and eggs, and more fats and oils and less grain than the average Soviet citizen, and consume more calories. Generally held nutritional standards suggest individuals need fewer calories, less meat, less sugar and more grain to stay fit

>> No.22020104

>Bismarck (the SDP)

>> No.22020109

Yes the truth of the famines are really worse. They were man made to squash the peasantry and label them subservient to the state.

>> No.22020112

Look into Gramsci or Xi Jinping

>> No.22020121

>man made famines
Tell me, how do you do that?
Besides burning your own crops and butchering your own cows, of course

>> No.22021246

>Generally held nutritional standards suggest individuals need fewer calories, less meat, less sugar and more grain to stay fit
>more grain
>less meat

>> No.22021294

Pushing ill though out farming projects (classic attack to the CCCP but the US did the same in Oklahoma in the late 20's wrecking the state for half a century), land owners refusing to use the land to produce the food needed in favor of a product that gives better profits (the United Fruit coup, Irish famine), another country comes and burns the shit out of your crops (WWI, WWII)

>> No.22021311

you can't produce enough meat to replace grain, what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.22022179

National socialism works

>> No.22022315
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Don't bother. All socialists intellectuals are nothing but articulate retards.

They make up all these concepts, successfully invoke obscure philosophical questions and ideas, quote each other to the point they have a gigantic body of work that on the surface seems solid; but at the end of the day they say nothing.

"Society is broken", "poverty is bad", "rich people amass more and more money while the working class starve" are basic bitch ideas that any navel-gazing 15-year old can come up with. Socialists have failed to provide or suggest a system that works better (hell, one that works at all) outside of their masturbatory books and pamphlets.

>b-but Marxist critique of capitalism is good!
Any retard can criticize capitalism (case in point, redditors do that 24/7) so if that's the best your authors can do then that's a very bad sign of his intellect.

>> No.22022439

Marx lost. Read the fabian manifesto. They won.

>> No.22022442

More meat is good and important if you are exercising regularly. Not quite americans‘ forte.

>> No.22022447

Walking to your bus stop is not exercising, tranny

>> No.22022454

What a weird thing to jump immediately into your headspace. Seek help.

>> No.22022461

Ok busrider

>> No.22022665

The pics seem a memes anyway.

>> No.22023557


Africa's population has exploded due go the influx of free food and other assorted gibs they receive from the rest of the world. Likewise with Haiti. The Middle East is a big place with vacillating standards of living; most of the insanity there is caused by governments and religious fanatics. Medical care in the US is one of the most highly regulated sectors of the economy; it's guided by the heavy hand of bureaucracy.

Honestly, you chose aspects of the modern world most affected by tyrants and least by free markets. Not that I'd expect any better of a retard.

>> No.22023633

>The end goal of marxism is a stateless society
Authoritarianism does not lead to freedom. Anon. It leads to liberal sham states (oligarchy) or it stays an authoritarian pseudo cult like China or North Korea. Marx was a disingenuous liar. He wanted to rule Germany and it would be little different from Bismarck’s regime. His model was Robespierre, he’d approve of the Leninist Soviet Union. Don’t blame Lenin for misunderstanding the program. Look how free they all are now.
>Pretending to know stuff because you read it online
I read it from a book and a contemporary of Marx and a translator of some of his works. Bakunin understood Marx’s plans well enough.

Stop following the man’s cult (his economics is another matter. He was an intelligent man, but no one I’d allow in government)

>> No.22023642

>and it would be little different from Bismarck’s regime. His model was Robespierre,

wtf I love Marx now

>> No.22023731

skip marx and read capital in the twenty-first century

>> No.22024137


>> No.22024203

Every glowie does

>> No.22024464

Jesus was a proto-socialist

>> No.22024475

Prove it.

>> No.22024505

Talk to your pope, little one. He knows.

>> No.22024532

read debord, althusser, zizek, baudrillard

>> No.22024533

The burden of proof is on you, you communist faggot.

>> No.22024540

rich people don't get to go to his private club until they invent a needle that uses ropes

to be more specific, the pope said communists were confused christians

>> No.22024555

When did Jesus claim the meek shall not inherit the Earth, bonehead?
If you aren't catholic, you can read it yourself. If you are catholic ask your priest. I did say "proto-socialist" of course. There are no commandments extolling greed as a virtue like in capitalism, but I am still just speaking of Jesus.

>> No.22024561

Christ never condemned wealth. God blesses people with wealth (see Abraham and Job). The love of money is the root of all evil, not wealth itself.

>> No.22024595

The jew god didn't, but Christ kicked merchants out of the church and said rich people had no place in heaven. Not really socialist, you don't focus on class distinction to make your religion grow so even if he did it isn't in the bible. But Christ was openly against the market and rich people.

>> No.22024622

there are no good marxism threads on this board, half of them are retarded conservative talking points that make no sense and the other half is boring walls of texts from leftists

>> No.22024651

Quote scripture or your word means nothing.

>> No.22024690

Wow, this guy really nailed it. Socialists are just a bunch of nerds who read too much and don’t understand how the real world works. I mean, who could possibly care about inequality, oppression, exploitation, or justice when you can just enjoy the fruits of capitalism like poverty, war, pollution, and alienation

>> No.22024699

dumb fuck the purpose of socialism is to rewrite history and eliminate references to magic so that some government eunuch can report your bowel movements to the pope

>> No.22025000


>> No.22025027

I'm not against the pitch, but I don't really get how you'd eliminate magic and keep the pope. Is it like a cyber pope following tech jesus? Or would the church feign its dead while staying in the shadows?

>> No.22025782

Why is this ragebait garbage still up? Mods, do your fucking job.

>> No.22025785

>who could possibly care about inequality, oppression, exploitation, or justice
Everyone does. It's doesn't show intellect and doesn't mean that your ideas are good.
>when you can just enjoy the fruits of capitalism like poverty
Capitalism has risen more people out of poverty than any other economic system in existence. Even Africa has less extreme poverty now than 100 years ago.

The countries were poverty has increased are socialist ones like Venezuela and Cuba.
Communism requires a perpetual war. Every single communist country has engaged in war against its own citizens. The Soviet Union orchestrated wars and coups all over the world and created guerrilla groups that continue murdering people to this day.
Nothing in Marxist theory can deal with this.
>and alienation
Even using Marxist definitions, the working conditions in the Soviet Union and Cambodia were far more alienating than the working conditions in the USA are.

>> No.22025812

Anal sex with boys

>> No.22025815


>Capitalism has risen more people out of poverty than any other economic system in existence. Even Africa has less extreme poverty now than 100 years ago.

But it increases the suicide rate and has monetized ignorance, and as hor result the world is near to imploding.

Capitalism is the perfect system for those who don't give a fuck about others,

>> No.22025845

>Talk to your pope, little one. He knows.

You are the keeper of a great secret.

But you wake up and find out you are an autist.

>> No.22025847

>But it increases the suicide rate
As opposed to people starving to death, tortured to death for opposing the party, worked to death, murdered by a communist guerrilla, murdered during a communist coup, murdered during the civil war that ensured after the communists took power, dying of disease after the centralized economy collapsed, etc.
>and has monetized ignorance
In communist countries ignorance is government-sponsored and anyone who dares not be ignorant is considered an enemy. Hence Pol Pot literally murdering intellectuals.
>and as hor result the world is near to imploding.
You mean the USA and EU which are politically unstable due to queer theory and racial theory, all of which are based on the academic works of French intellectuals all of which were socialists and based their theories on Marxist crap?

Or you mean like China and the Soviet Union using Maoism and Leninism respectively to actively subvert and take over other countries and exploit them for their own political and economical gain until they collapse, like the Balkans and North Korea?
>Capitalism is the perfect system for those who don't give a fuck about others,
Socialism is the perfect system for narcissistic assholes who claim to care for others because it makes them look good.

>> No.22025873

> You mean the USA and EU which are politically unstable due to queer theory and racial theory,

19th century French economics didn‘t bring niggers to the US because slave labor was profitable and the landed classes didn‘t care if poor Whites were out of an honest job, it didn‘t bring chinks into the west for the same reason, and isn‘t bringing beaners from the south while exporting its trash to Europe for the same reason today. As for homos you might want to check on what the real incentives for promoting a DINK lifestyle are.

>> No.22025913

>19th century French economics
I'm not talking about that.
>didn‘t bring niggers to the US because slave labor was profitable
Neither did capitalism.
>As for homos you might want to check on what the real incentives for promoting a DINK lifestyle are.
Yes, monetary incentives. Soviet-style coups are passé and so they've spent since the Cold War infiltrating democraric institutions, academia and corporations and used their tools to further their agendas. Chávez' XXI Century Socialism, for instance, requires the soon-to-be dictator to win elections and slowly change laws and institutions instead of simply staging a coup.

>> No.22026214

>Socialism is the perfect system for narcissistic assholes who claim to care for others because it makes them look good

I have spoken about the world and you in your superiority want to find a political meaning.

Go out and close your devices, you have a soul that is full of hate.

>> No.22026295

>you have a soul that is full of hate
Yes, because my mother lost her job at the City Hall for not being enough of a party bootlicker, my father's store was taken by force, he was jailed for protesting against it and we ended up moving away. I lost everything: friends, the best girlfriend I've ever had and couldn't finish my college degree (so I'm working as a waiter and will continue to do so into my 30s even after 3 years of Electrical Engineering) and still I must deal with the absolute imbeciles that are Starbucks socialists, the ones that have never dealt with these policies (or had any real struggle in their lives) talk about being "compassionate" and "care for others."

Even then I'm lucky because I wasn't jailed, tortured or executed by a oh so compassionate revolutionary and his love-shooting weapon.

So yeah, I hate you. I hate Marx and all the mentally retarded useful idiots that have ever fell for his garbage ideas.

>> No.22026321

>can't afford college
>this wouldn't happen in a capitalist country!
Dude, free college is thrid world level comodities. That's just a failure on part of your country.

>> No.22026323

I would recommend starting with the State and Revolution and then reading Lenin's Imperialism. After that, you can go back and read marx

>> No.22026379

That‘s just brown people/slavs being brown people/slavs. Take this jewish money-worshipping as the counter-projection of your ills back to whatever hole you crawled out of and let first world countries be first world without your poison.

>> No.22026543

>So yeah, I hate you. I hate Marx and all the mentally retarded useful idiots that have ever fell for his garbage ideas.

Or choose capitalism or choose Marx, why you are sure that you have a brain?

>> No.22026567
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I ain’t reading this whole thread but this book had some interesting chapters on pre-Marx socialists
Most of them had their roots in the French Revolution

>> No.22026580

You got a real life lesson in the reality of political power but drew completely retarded conclusions from it.

>> No.22026596

So, you've been doing this shit the whole thread. Maybe you think it's cool and cryptic, like standing in a corner smoking and looking at people. And it is like that, it's cringey. If you want to support a posture do that, if people missunderstand you explain yourself.
>oh, but maybe there's another way, don't assume things
it's retarded pseud shit, it reads like someone scared of exposing his personal view, in an anonymous pottery network.

>> No.22026675
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>> No.22026683

Your issue is with authoritarianism, not socialism. Authoritarian policies can also exist under a capitalist economy.

>my mother lost her job at the City Hall for not being enough of a party bootlicker
And if you were an open Trump supporter employed in the San Francisco, Portland, NYC city governments, you would probably be fired as well

>> No.22026699

>my mother lost her job at the City Hall for not being enough of a party bootlicker, my father's store was taken by force, he was jailed for protesting against it and we ended up moving away.

this could also happen in a capitalist nation/market economy with an authoritarian government. there are many ideological currents of socialist thought that are anti-authoritarian, anti-statist, etc

>couldn't finish my college degree
a socialist economy would have free or extremely cheap university, while a capitalist state is more likely to charge high prices for it due to the profit motive (as can be seen in the united states)

> Starbucks socialists, the ones that have never dealt with these policies (or had any real struggle in their lives) talk about being "compassionate" and "care for others."

i assume you are american. there is no legitimate pro-worker or economic left movement in the us. how many of these people are motivated by genuine economic socialism and not just social progressivism labeling themselves "socialists" because they fell for the fox news framing welfare programs and corporate neoliberals as "socialism"

>> No.22026711

>there is no legitimate pro-worker or economic left movement in the us

Yes there is. It's the Bernie Sanders movement. You can claim that's just "social democracy" and would be centrist in Europe all you want, but many of his voters are motivated by economic concerns in addition to their obsession with anti white male identity politics.

>> No.22026716

His voters are lumpenproles and upper middle class coastal elites who want to vote for The Most Liberalest Leftistest Socialistest One, Which Means Gay Rights for Trannies

Also he proved that democracy doesn't work unless it's backed up by real power like the threat of a general strike, when he took all his "working class" donors' money, gave it to their class enemies, told them to vote for their class enemies, and then meekly voted for all their class enemies' political appointees

>> No.22026722

>Marx was so buttblasted about Stirner he continued to talk shit long after the egoist died
It’s simply not a good look

>> No.22026730

Bolivia doesn’t have free hospitals. Most locals there run to Argentina when they need medical treatment. They go back home right after, leaving Argies to foot the bill.

>> No.22026752

yes, it's hilarious. People don't need to be perfectly polite and reassonable all the time. Sometimes you really hate that one dude you barly talked to in class ages ago.

Bolivia also didn't allow 90% of its population to vote until a couple decades ago. It's a process. Their medical law in general is extremely dumb, they had a protest a few years ago because doctors opposed coding malpractice into law.

>> No.22026782

American unions have won healthcare for their members through conflict with their employers. This is socialism in action; workers using their own class organs to enforce their interests. Sanders seeks to undo these modest victories and replace them with universal healthcare.

>> No.22026801

no, individual victories are not a system. Universal healthcare is objectively superior, it drives down costs and becomes a tool to keep corporations in check. The only ones winning with a job based health care system are pharma companies and psychos threatening you with withholding cancer treatment if you don't do what they say. It doesn't matter if some people lose their particular victories because they'd be in a better position too, mongrels fighting for scraps are pathetic.

>> No.22026868

Couldn't finish college because I had to move to another country.
Socialism is inherently authoritarian.
>give me all your property or else!
>share the fruits of your labor or else!
Again, any fucking retard can criticize capitalism. Communists have never, NEVER managed to suggest an alternative system that actually works.

>> No.22026876

Communists have historically slaughtered Christians en masse, by the hundreds of thousands, in anti-Christian genocide.

Even today, the CCP heavily persecutes people for being Christian.

Much like zionism is to Muslims, or how nazism is to Jews, so is communism to Christians. Modern ideologies that facilitate failed religious genocides.

You won't find that in your theory books, only in your history books.

>> No.22026953

I would say communism persecutes Muslims too, even more than Zionism perhaps

>> No.22027014

Not that anon but that's pretty incorrect considering loads of muslim countries had socialist governments and the USSR commies were de facto pro-muslim compared to their treatment of every other religious group

>> No.22027256

I am really not sure why so many of you are eager to discuss Marxism so much when clearly the most important discussion of our time is in regards to liberal democracy and its future. It's just strange. Like Zizek said, where are the Marxists? Where are the communists? Unless you're in China or Cuba or some African country, they're on Twitter and nowhere else. Everything you attribute to "cultural Marxism" is actually a product of 21st century liberalism and is facilitated by every liberal state. To discuss shit like the Paris Commune and Leninist theory just feels so utterly obsolete to everything actually happening in the world today.

>> No.22027311

I don't even want to know anymore

>> No.22027356

>Like Zizek said, where are the Marxists?
he was refering to US academia
is it hard for you to understand context or did you watch that debate in selected clips?

>> No.22027383

Marx and Engels in chronological order, then Lenin, then Stalin, then Hoxha, then Razlatsky, then some non-marxists. DO NOT FUCKING LISTEN TO ANYTHING ANY LEFTIST TALKS ABOUT ON THE INTERNET

Also, don't take anything for granted, it's not a religion, there are no answers from above, skepticism and shit

>> No.22027386

if anyone itt said hegel, i will find you, someday.

>> No.22027397

If Marxists aren't pulling the strings in academia then where are they pulling the strings? They're fucking powerless in the West.

>> No.22027406

nobody itt knows what socialism is, nobody has studied it, and yet somehow everyone knows it existed, and they all know that it has failed, and they all know that it has failed due to its own contradictions, and they all use arguments that even utopian socialists and petty bourgeois economists wildly destroyed 100 years before Marx wrote his first book. excellent /lit/, the literature and books board, never stop not reading.

>the scary communism is gonna brainwash you if you so much as touch simple books!
maybe you have this fear because you know you can't think for yourself? or maybe you just think it's a waste of time? well, then you wouldn't be wasting it on threads like these, so that's not the case. you know, if you're an anticommunist from the start, you might turn out like Kautsky, because theory is secondary to your life choices.

>> No.22027442

what's funny is that even the open ones, who wanna be marxists so bad, like Wolff or some other mainstream dipshits, or even "opposition" like Haz really don't know what they're talking about and continue saying anti-marxist points.

If it was more than a scare, people (concerned conservatives) would be studying marxism, and they'd find out what people told them about marxism is mostly what marxism criticizes itself. They'd also find out everything their favorite lefty queer marxist super cool and nice youtuber is saying about marxism is a heavy distortion of it, like an LSD distortion of the world, it's a lie and, in essence, anti-marxism.

But that is only if they studied Marx first, then compared what he said to what leftoids nowadays say. If it's the other way around, they're gonna misinterpret Marx to fit what they already know about marxism from internetz. For example, thanks to Deborinites and soviet revisionism, marxism apparently is philosophical

As an example:
>In both cases modern materialism is essentially dialectic, and NO LONGER NEEDS ANY PHILOSOPHY standing above the other sciences. As soon as each special science is bound to make clear its position in the great totality of things and of our knowledge of things, a special science dealing with this totality is superfluous. That which still survives, independently, of all earlier philosophy is the science of thought and its laws — formal logic and dialectics. Everything else is subsumed in the positive science of nature and history. (Anti-Duhring)
So there is no philosophy in marxism, but dipshits who like to speculate on «quantity changes make quality changes», having a wrong understanding of it (chapter 10 of Anti-Duhring, Engels criticizes the neohegelian approach to dialectics that we see today from self-proclaimed marxists), use it to prove their batshit theories, without a grain of empirics.

I'm so frustrated with this shit, feels like nobody really understands marxism, god how i would love if the conservatives' schizofrenia about marxists everywhere was true. I feel so alone.

>> No.22027444

Read «My Past and Thoughts» by Herzen (very much related)

>> No.22027448

Did you really need five paragraph to say
>I get it better than they get it and it says I'm right

You's just being puritanical, most materialists disagree with him on different things and progressing beyond his writing is what he expected people to do. That's why he called it a science. What you're doing is quoting Freud to prove how neuroscience is fake.

>> No.22027452
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>I'm so frustrated with this shit, feels like nobody really understands marxism, god how i would love if the conservatives' schizofrenia about marxists everywhere was true. I feel so alone.
We should make some sort of award for the most retarded drama queen or something. I don't know, you fucks rarely hit this level of pretentiousness

>> No.22027459

>What you're doing is quoting Freud to prove how neuroscience is fake.
No, it's just that most leftoids think in dogmas.
Also, how has it progressed? What has changed, other than deborinites claiming that now there is hegelianism in marxism? Has Marx' critique of Bruno Bauer and Co stopped from being true? How so then?
What you're doing is saying Freud was wrong in some aspects and using it to prove that not a single one of his teachings was right.

Don't care, plus I love being a drama queen.

>> No.22027479

When they need it, here's a Marx quote.
When Marx is saying something opposed to
what they're saying, we can't be dogmatic.
What if instead, we looked at arguments, you know, followed «The law of sufficient reason or rational inference»? Oh no, that would be too rational, you have to keep showing reactionaries that everything they say about marxism being a religion is true (because you have turned it into a religion).

>> No.22027988

Then tell me, how authoritarian ideology is any better for being russian and serving to harness murderous oligarchies wherever it is implemented, compared to whatever other murderous oligarchies are preaching

>> No.22028018

This is totally incorrect. The Muslim countries that had communist governments banned hijab and often even had rules against growing beards, the legacy of these states is still in Eastern Europe. The communists after their coup were driven out of Afghanistan (at the expense of over a million Afghan lives) but in Uzbekistan the legacy is still there. Thus as soon as you cross the boarder, there is a totally different culture where everyone drinks and no believes or they are persecuted if they do. They state has even legislated against Muslim names. In Somalia during the communist regime you had similar policies

>> No.22028032

Tajikistan is another example btw where it is much much worse. I named Uzbekistan because I actually know a brother who was imprisoned there. Basically communism in Muslim countries was Kemalism on steroids, aside from the economic policy

>> No.22028099

Leftists trying to claim Islam and protect Muslims as an oppressed minority group is one of the greatest evidences of its decline. It is completely at odds with Marxism and socialist history. Older leftism endorsed the polar fucking opposite. Marxism is unambiguously atheistic, virtually all socialist regimes tried to remove Islam from power and public life through violent means. And yet, miraculously, modern leftists have rewritten this history. They regularly try to reconcile religion with communism. They've covered up Islam's former conflicts with Marxism, now they're cheerleaders for Muslims on the basis that they're unfairly targeted by the West. Islam is still anathema to nearly all of their beliefs but they've managed to erase that perception.

>> No.22028107

Yep, and Marx and Engels specifically promoted colonialism and the French invasion of Algeria as good things because they would pave over indigenous "barbarous" culture with European bourgeois/industrial civilization, thus hastening the dialectic of capital.

They didn't give a shit about anything other than the atheist bourgeois cum proletarian industrial urban society they saw as inevitable and normative (since it is latent in the action of capital, at least once fully unleashed by bourgeois production).

>> No.22028143
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>atheist bourgeois cum proletarian industrial urban society
okay and all modern leftists support that, even to the extent of embracing liberal progressivism. isn't that technically consistent with Marxism? wouldn't the proper Marxist initiative be to support the West forcing modern ideals on 3rd world countries like the LGBT? It's essentially modern colonialism. This is exactly why the "cultural Marxism" thing exists in the first place, because really what these libshit leftists do is still consistent with the Marxist dialectic. They support liberal capitalist cosmopolitanism fully. It might seem contradictory to Marxism on the surface but in the long-term it fulfills the Marxist predictions of all religion and culture decaying into an urban blob. That's precisely why they support degeneracy.

>> No.22028181

As a Muslim, I find leftists support Muslims as long as they are an impotent minority (for example in India, communists are supportive of Muslims against Hindus), but wherever Muslims are a majority or have any will of their own, leftists turn on them very viciously. Socialists have persecuted Muslims as much as Zionists do but on a larger scale. And it is perhaps worse as Zionists only want to ethnically cleansed Muslims but communists want to cleanse Islam from Muslims and then purge who can’t be lobotomized of their spirit.

>> No.22028192

Yes and leftists fail to understand that forcing Muslims to retreat into rural spaces and become political dissidents is exactly what gave the religion a second wind after having catastrophic losses in the 20th century. If they played their cards correctly they probably could have made Islam go the way of Christianity, but instead it's the largest religion in the world and they're still very resistant to other ideologies. Progressive liberalism will fare much better against Islam by infiltrating it rather than fighting it

>> No.22028212
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>In a slick video released on Facebook with over one million views so far, a hyper-feminized/sexualized 8 year old boy (who some have compared to a drag version of JonBenét Ramsey) is featured partying in a hypersexual adult LGBT environment and telling kids watching that if their parents or friends do not support their desire to be drag (or trans), they need to get new parents and friends. As “Lactatia” speaks to his peers, while an all too happy host leers, bold text leaps out at the viewer saying “YOU NEED NEW PARENTS! YOU NEED NEW FRIENDS!” You too can be a drag queen or transgender superstar and perhaps head out on the town to party with the wild LGBT boys and “Lactatia.” If your parents won’t get on board, they can simply be replaced with a new “glitter family.”

>Masked Antifa protesters show up brandishing weapons at Texas 'drag brunch' with kids









yes we should definitely trust these people, nothing suspicious going on in here, these are just individuals who want to express themselves and be left alone, not brainwashed tools of a totalitarian corporate social engineering agenda /s.

>> No.22028214

Communist Manifesto
Socialism: Utopian and Scientific

>> No.22028235

Ellul is a dangerous thinker because he's a crypto reactionary and a christian fundamentalist science denier hiding behind superficially left wing sounding arguments. he'd have you believe marginalized folks fighting for the right to exist are morally equal with fascist white supremacists because its all propaganda.

There is a aanger of criticisms of technological society ignoring the whole context of white supremacy and settler colonialism its disingenous and cryptoconservative because it allows for middle class white cis males to act like they are oppressed instead of beneffitting from oppression, like you people had no trouble at all with industrial society and compulsory schooling and big pharma the mass media when those clearly served you but the moment those institugions start recognizing historical injustices and demanding accountability from you and the responsibilities of an ethic of care are you really radical if you arent ready to say blacks lives matter if you arent ready to protect trans kids or sex workers if you dont have the humillity to take a back seat and listen to marginalized people and adopt an empathy based mindset that places those most vulnerable first. Are you really against big pharma or are you just peddling right wing ableism and transphobia? This is the mindset of the entitled white boy who thinks he knows more than more qualified women or PoC.

ou think you are edgy but you are just parroting the hegemonic christofascist reaganite neoliberal ideology. selfish petty bourgeoisie individualism and white male settler frontier fantasies, fascism. you dont understand class struggle or are outright on the side of the enemy. you ignore the long running attempt to defund public education and squash teacher's unions. public education is necessary for the same reason vaccination is neccesatry, homeschooling will always benefit rich parents and perpetuate inequalities, it alows for the perpetuation of ideologies such as white supremacy, christian fundamentalism, extremism that feed into the system of domestic terrorism. You show no understanding of how privilege works. Basically falling for the same old neoliberal trick that scapegoats marginalized folks such as queer or PoC or sexworkersand public sector unions,anti intellectualism against journalist scientists and academics in order to defund public services.the discomfort 'political correctness gone mad' makes you feel is not even one billionth of the humilliation queer people or people of color go through every instant of their existence in a cisheteropatriarchal white supremacist society. Yes i am a SJW, i am an antifascist, a feminist killjoy and the postmodern neomarxist jordan peterson warned you about, I would burn every last page of the western cannon if it meant ending racism and sexism, disinformation and white privilege and transphobia and whorephobia. and no this is not radical, but the least that should be expected of a decent empathetic human being.

>> No.22028250

ChatGPT schizo post

>> No.22028270
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science and victimhood:marxism's putrid liturgy. joe biden's rabid dogs the party of science and love, everyone.

>> No.22028279

>because it allows for middle class white cis males to act like they are oppressed instead of beneffitting from oppression

protesting too much mr skynet

>> No.22028283

How could anyone be this lacking in self-awareness? You're exposing a child to your sexual fetishes. There is no way to get around this interpretation. They must know what they're doing. What kind of fucking freak does this? Do they have no perception of childhood innocence? The kid doesn't have the categories to sort "bad person taking advantage" from "funny person being silly," they trust by default because they are kids. How can you not know you're taking that and running it through the mud of your sick bullshit?

>> No.22028288

>marginalized folks fighting for the right to exist
and who would those people be?

>> No.22028291

Those dudes are gay as fuck. That girl doesn’t interest them in the slightest. Stop with your fearmongering propaganda

>> No.22028298

What does it matter whether she "interests" them you disgusting fucking faggot retard, they are in bondage gear and acting out sexual fetishes in front of a child. That is never right. Kids shouldn't be exposed to any form of sexuality, let alone faggot freaks in bondage gear letting her touch them. They're clearly doing it "in character" too, they are not dropping their fetish roleplay because a child is nearby and mistakenly engaging with it, again because she's a kid and doesn't understand what it is.

Pedophile enabling faggot. Kill yourself.

>> No.22028299

the myth of childhood innocence is white supremacy. oh the horror children are learning white privilege exists, they are learning queer people exist, they are learning sex workers exist! maybe they will grow up to be queer or sex workers themselves and betray white supremacist settler mentality!

>> No.22028307

have already read lots of anti queer books so by this point id be more interested in reading pro queer literature. What could possibly justify this madness?what is some science or theory i can read which can help me check my privilege and learn more about the awful plight the diverse and vibrant culture of these warm body politically correct victimhood unit NPCs, this snivelling priesthood of pedophilic apparatchiks, cowardly hiding behind political correctness and victimhood in order to rape, groom abuse and indoctrinate our children, purpose engineered biopolitical clientele for pharmaceuticals the sex industry, the managerial state, NGOs the corporate monoculture and the democratic party, i mean these most noble and progressive these most pitiful and wretched of creatures?

Any lgbt/ gay/queer theory/ transgender/ cultural marxism books you would recommend to a straight white cis male who is trying to overcome his deepseated heteronormative prejudices, and be a better ally to our politically correct friends in the corporate social engineering and propaganda/child molestation community?

>> No.22028310

i mean, but you are ok with children being exposed to white heteronormative sexuality and compulsory gender roles starting from birth

>> No.22028314

"666 toronto protocols"

"hesiod's theogony"

>> No.22028321

OK, groomer.

>> No.22028344

i mean these ''people'' will fuck anything that moves, it is proven some of them have been known unprotected sex with hundred or even thousands of partners. whatever it is they are doing i doubg one can call it ''love''

>> No.22028352
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Woah YAS kween slay! such science! such victimhood! such love! such identity! Such NPC! Such DEI EGS! Such LGBT! Such Bioleninist pedoganda! Such Cultural Marxism! Such vulnerable! Such marginalized! Such Diverse and Progressive! Such objective scientific and psychiatric authority! Such Sex Work ! Such BLM! Such unlimited expansion of the administrative state! Such such democracy! such empathy and basic human decency!

>> No.22028513

My heart aches for this genetically improper pupper. :(

>> No.22029149 [DELETED] 

Take your meds, Amerifat.

>> No.22029152

You're as mentally ill as trannies and as resentful as leftists. Well done, I hope it was worth it.

>> No.22029180

Legend says that his saliva transforms you into a socialist.

>> No.22030222


>> No.22030434

Start with Edmund Wilson "To the Finland Station." It will take you through the whole 19th century, the ideas that inspired Marx, information about Marx/Engels, what they wrote, other characters like Proudhon and them, and then finish with Lenin.

>> No.22031253

literal baby tantrum

>> No.22031259

t. guy who wants to fuck babies

>> No.22031274

Your vapid twitter sarcasm is really turning social consensus in your favor, I think another few years and people will finally accept trannies and faggots showing their genitals to kids. Keep going, your utopia has almost arrived

>> No.22031295

aww baby gonna cry now?

>> No.22031319
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>> No.22031807

It's always the illiterate that parrot others critique. Man up and read it for yourself so you may come up with your own critiques.

>> No.22031822

t. faggot that spends more time on image-boards than reading
Nothing of value and full of buzzwords, just like a twitterfag.

>> No.22033039

The west has fallen. Millions must die.