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/lit/ - Literature

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22007861 No.22007861 [Reply] [Original]

why is it that the worst writers are the most prolific youtubers?

>> No.22007867

Good products can get by with word of mouth. Bad products need intense marketing strategies.

>> No.22007888

Because they’re good YouTubers and bad writers?

>> No.22007896

Imagining taking advice from someone who looks so utterly homosexual

>> No.22007898

Waldun is a great author. He touches upon subjects that every writer shies from

>> No.22007914

21st ce Shakespeare

>> No.22007917

>consider this
I shan’t, actually

>> No.22008535

I tried to read l'academie and quit at the first page. It's that bad

>> No.22008544

Current economy reward attention and low-midwit IQ

>> No.22008582

>better prose
>holding that book
fuck you

>> No.22008750

Is he a hapa? I’m expecting my first child with my Asian gf in 5 months and I really hope they don’t turn out like that

>> No.22008859

Read "Tiger Mom" and do the opposite. Overbearing sociopathic social striver chinkess mothers and doormat wigger men are the issue. Don't fall for the 'little Mozart' Boomer traps, those yung piano lessons and whatever else aren't EVER going to stick before 10-11 UNLESS they specifically demonstrate interest and ask for them.

>> No.22008963

Hapas are insane.

>> No.22008993

Every single time I see his face I fantasize about killing him. Curb stomping his face. Stepping on his stomach while he lays down on the ground. Executing him Hotline Miami style. Beating him up with a baseball bat or a crowbar or something like that. And then I hear his voice and all these feelings are intensified. I hear his voice and I just want to know what sounds he'll make while he dies. How would a cry of despair sound like, coming from his vocal cords that would soon be destroyed together with his head and skull and shitty brain. I wonder how his face would look like all bloated up from being punched and kicked. I want to see, in detail, the purple around his eyes. I want to touch it and hear him groan in pain, moan in pain, ask for me to finish him, asking for mercy, for swiftness, for God, forgetting all his endeavors in poetry and prose and non-fiction and trying to use his brain to devise a way to get out of wherever I'd put him. He would fail. I feel I wouldn't need to do much to prevent him from escaping. I feel this "man" has never felt an ounce of true suffering in his life that's not provoked by the whore he fell in love with dating a real man instead of him. I feel he'd give up pretty quick.
He'd show his true colors. His blood green instead of red. Not bones but an exoskeleton. Just like the bug he is. Yea, that's how I'd crush him: like the bug he is...

>> No.22009059

Because their art form is YouTube, not writing.

Also why would anyone take writing advice from an ESL?

>> No.22009064

I’ve never met a successful man with an overbearing mother.

>> No.22009583


>> No.22009596


>> No.22009599
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I bow...

>> No.22009602


>> No.22009620

Was Schopenhauer a success though?

It was Hitler’s father who was overbearing, not his mother.

>> No.22009665
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tell us about yourself
what are you successful in, Anon?

>> No.22009837

Holy shit, I thought I was a bad writer. He makes money off this?

>> No.22009911

It's hard to get really good at more than one thing at a time.

>> No.22010285

Make sure you play with him a lot and do what you want him to be and bring him along. Also, get married you degenerate. What kind of man are you? Or do you expect your child will not end up as you did?

>> No.22010626

They talk to a specific target while a book has a more range of the public.

>> No.22010753

I bet this faggot doesn't even listen to Peste Noire.

>> No.22010874

This dude looks like a ventriloquist dummy.

>> No.22010878

This is unreadable.

>> No.22010926

Because it's easier to make a 10 minute video about how to write, than to actually write.

>> No.22010936

Hooo boy. One sentence per page is OK, but this?? oh boy.

>> No.22010982

>Laughter, soon came forth.
What's with the comma?

>> No.22010994
File: 35 KB, 643x292, Screenshot 2023-04-29 at 00-30-20 _lit_ - The most fucked up prose ever written. - Literature - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22011191

>It’s not bad art, it’s avant-garde

Every time.

>> No.22011203

Even if a shitpost, I always stop reading since stream of consciousness is always misused and misunderstood by these retards

>> No.22011219
File: 112 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of youtubers, has this sissy ever been mentioned on /lit/?
Apparently he's one of the most popular book channels, majored in English and works in publishing. Yet he's an obnoxious midwit and hasn't even heard about some of the most famous classics ever written.
I've been watching booktubers in French, Spanish or Italian and making a YT search in English has been a shock.

>> No.22011231

You know he read back that last paragraph after writing it and felt proud. It’s almost so bad it’s good that I kinda want to read it.

>> No.22011236

He’s a grifter that knows what he’s doing. I don’t blame for taking advantage playing to the female literary audience.

>> No.22011250

Thanks for proving his point.

>> No.22011542

How is something avante garde when it's been done for a hundred years?

I do agree with you though that Waldun is the greatest writer of his generation, the Shakespeare of the 21s century. I just don't think he's avante garde. But brilliant, a geniius, yes there is no doubt.

>> No.22011570


>> No.22011604

I'm a hapa, not that bad desu. AMA

>> No.22011608

Would you have unprotected sex with Walden?

>> No.22011626

Last time I had unprotected sex I got balanitis so no

>> No.22011808

i dont know why you're asking for advice from channers. i guarentee Waldun is a better than 90% of the guys that post here.

>> No.22012832

>Waldun is a better than

A better what?

>> No.22012841


>> No.22013128

>defensive Waldunchad is also illiterate

>> No.22013168

Its like this guy really wanted to do poetry, but decided to write a book instead. This style is so hard to follow.

>> No.22013232

No, what happened was he took the Dark Academia aesthetic (a pre-packed personality, like being goth or emo or gay) and then was like "oh fuck, I actually have a following now, I need to write something" but then because he LARP'd as a well-cultured Ivy League renaissance man, he had to make up for it by trying (horribly) to mimic Joyce, in the attempt to save face (something that the Chinese value more than honesty or anything genuine)

>> No.22013619

Oh. I thought you were trying to say he’s a better writer than 90 percent of the people here, which he probably isn’t. What does being a “lover” have to do with anything? He doesn’t look or act like the kind of person who’s ever been given the opportunity to be a lover to anyone.

>> No.22013637

>cultured Ivy League renaissance man

Which is weird because doesn’t he live something like 10,000 miles away from the nearest Ivy League school? I assume he’s never even visited one. He’s in Brisbane or something, no? Talk about being born under a bad star for writing: living in Australia and a Chinese ESL.

>> No.22013669

>Arthur, Mon Amie
Did Arthur just get misgendered?

>> No.22014771

>He crossed the road in a straight line

>> No.22015015

I’m sure it was unintentional.

>> No.22015257

Holy shit, it's like every sentence is backwards. Like fuckin Yoda or something.

>> No.22015267
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>having kids who don't look like you
what mental illness compels this?

>> No.22015313

>anon in /wg/ screams on and on that if you aren't "putting yourself out there" as a writer doing networking and publicity stunts like youtube and slam poetry readings at your local antifa-run bookstore while wearing doc martins and a BLM pin, you must also not put any effort into your craft (writing a good manuscript)
>this thread
To that anon: Fuck you a thousand times. Eat shit and die. You utter faggot.

>> No.22015351
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Dude, relax your persecution complex. Every single post included some sort of "this isn't an absolute rule". But yeah, I get it. If 3 posts in a /lit/ thread not aimed at you are too much I can't see you reading your work in front of others. I was asking too much of you.

>> No.22015358

>agents forbid us to use a semicolon so that people can slaughter the English language with comma splices and sentence fragments instead
Every agent should be dragged into the street and shot. They are the cancer killing literature.

>> No.22015366


>> No.22015368

It didn't. He was insisting that if we didn't attend creative writing workshops and whore ourselves like a manic onlyfans thot, we must be slipshod and not even edit for spelling and grammar. Fuck you fuck him and fuck extroverts. I'll kill you all, I'll fuck your corpses.

>> No.22015378

He looks like a sperm dumpster for nogs

>> No.22015379

He's a chink faggot that probably gets inspired to you-tuu-bee by taking it up the ass

>> No.22015386
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>> No.22015392


>> No.22015402

I believe he is paying homage to James Joyce

>> No.22015412
File: 15 KB, 600x600, e99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get over yourself I'm not who you're replying to. I just saw a sperg out portrayed you as the angry chud wojak.

>> No.22015429

I'm sure if you post your blown out homosexual asshole on youtube while reading sections of your manuscript an agent will finally publish your novel, just be enough of a sperging fruit hyped up on crack so you can do a complete cracked-jaw snake smile with sanpaku eyes

>> No.22015437
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>> No.22015464

>I just saw a sperg out portrayed you as the angry chud wojak

>> No.22015471
File: 40 KB, 680x566, d2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22015570

No, Arthur goes by she/her

>> No.22015687


I don’t care if it was an homage; it reads like hacky dogshit. Waldun should be utterly embarrassed for submitting this piece of waste-bin trash, and his faggot editor should be sweeping dusty floors and wiping down soiled toilets.

>> No.22015779

Hapa anon here, I look more like my dad than my mom. Some hapas look way more asian than others for some reason

>> No.22015948

Which one is Asian? Mom or dad?

>> No.22016103

>Chinese ESL.

He's not even Chinese you ignoramus. He's Australian.

>> No.22016122

he's a real chinky lookin aussie, that's for sure

>> No.22016211 [DELETED] 

>please rate

It has been twenty-seven years since God gifted me out of my mother's womb and ten years since I took up the cross in his service. The Lord's will deemed that the vile be smited from Eden and we the righteous must see to it to cleanse paradisio from all those wicked.

He has entrusted you, Dr. Yoryick, with a vial that would save our souls. I, Joan of the Faith of Holy Cross, from the town of Orleans, pray to you to provide me with one such vial so that I may continue to serve the Lord in his name. It is a calling for you, and a sacrifice for I. There is no refusal, for I have seen your generosity. Visions, as you may define it, but duty for me.

Gifted inside the box accompanying this letter as you can see is a box filled with the heads of those that succumbed to the virus itself. My work isn't to tend to the weak, nor ease the suffering of those afflicted; my devotion is to the purge and return salvation to humanity. None can show mercy to these beasts, and none you will find from I. Hearts beat with every breath, and no hearts were found in the eaters of men. You need not provide me with ammunition, rations, nor blade, for my devotees, the Interitus, the Salus, and the Messorem, protect me from the beings that now wander the Earth.

Insomnia is charity, and I have an abundance of such wonder. A simple consumption of the vial and to fulfil my destiny. I devote to you, and those living in your quarters, the protection necessary to continue God's plan. Perhaps one day I will join you and cast aside the rosary, but for now, my mission calls for me. These monsters know nothing but the language of death, and I will show them death.

I will not appear before you in my saintly gown, but as a shepherd with others clean from infection. Keep the flock quarantined, they will be of service in the future. Under purgatory and the words of Saint Peter, guaranteed safety of your compound exists as long as I draw breath.

>> No.22016214

wrong thread

>> No.22016215

My bad.

>> No.22016276

A rat born in a house is still a rat

>> No.22016279

>brown drink? drink the brown.
fucking kek

>> No.22016426

Not at all. You know a lot of Nordic people also have "chinky" eyes.