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22012914 No.22012914 [Reply] [Original]

I want to read this but only have a basic understanding of Deleuze and Guattari - what should I read before diving into pic related?

>> No.22012946

Also what should I read before Anti-Oedipus

>> No.22012980

You can read Land without having to read anything else and you will still get the basics. I've seen some of Land's followers who have also read the texts Land quotes in this compillation and they act and look exactly as Zarathustra's Ape.

>> No.22012983

There are only 2 essays which talk about Deleuze iirc and he pretty much explains his significance, he doesnt just name drop him. So you dont even really need to read him

>> No.22013027

dont read it i started abusing drugs and attempted suicide and ended up in a psych ward for 8 weeks because of this book. also land is a reactionary retard. deleuze W

>> No.22013030

The book didnt do anything to you you dumb commie

>> No.22013033

gay ass schizo book

>> No.22013062

I downloaded the PDF and got confused within the first 2 paragraphs, shit's frustrating. I've watched some YouTube stuff on Land and it makes sense when I have someone else deconstructing what he's communicating but I really struggle doing it on my own. Same with stuff like Fisher's Capitalist Realism.

I'm not well versed in Philosophy other than watching YouTube videos from Plastic Pills and other channels, maybe I'm in over my head at this point

>> No.22013084

Then you are wasting your time. Read/see the fiction that influenced Land or go read some books you can understand or enjoy.

>> No.22013087

>I'm not well versed in Philosophy other than watching YouTube videos from Plastic Pills and other channels, maybe I'm in over my head at this point
Lol you think. At least read some summaries of Kant, Hegel, and Nietzsche if you're not going to read the texts

>> No.22013134

Fisher was a possessed demon

>> No.22013152

just take amphetamines

>> No.22013155

was it fun?

>> No.22013158

>struggled with Fisher
dude, give up
no joke

>> No.22013161

He might be a teenager who has never read anything, dont discourage him

>> No.22013174

>pop culture references are hurting his brain
the weak shall perish

>> No.22013176
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We shall all perish

>> No.22013314

>watching YouTube videos
You will have to go back to the basics. Start with The Very Hungry Caterpillar

>> No.22013330

french philosophy is a meme

>> No.22013748

How so?

>> No.22013788

>Spengler, DotW chapter on Numbers
>some Bataille, Kant
Just read it and figure it out later.

>> No.22013891

This book is fucking garbage. I literally put mine in the trash because it was embarrassing to have on my shelf and I didn't want to inflict it on anyone else. Thanks /lit/.

>> No.22014552

"Kantian transcendental philosophy critiques transcendent synthesis, which is to say: it aggresses against structures which depend upon projecting productive relations beyond their zone of effectiveness. In this configuration critique is wielded vigorously against the theoretical operation of syntheses, but not against their genesis, which continues to be conceived as transcendent, and thus as miraculous. Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, and a succession of thinkers influenced by their drift, have taken this restriction of critique to be a theological relic at the heart of Kant’s work: the attachment to a reformed doctrine of the soul, or noumenal subjectivity."

"Schizoanalysis methodically dismantles everything in Kant’s thinking that serves to align function with the transcendence of the autonomous subject, reconstructing critique by replacing the syntheses of personal consciousness with **syntheses of the impersonal unconscious. Thought is a function of the real, something that matter can do. Even the appearance of transcendence is immanently produced: ‘in reality the unconscious belongs to the realm of physics; the body without organs and its intensities are not metaphors, but matter itself’.3 Where Kant’s transcendental subject gives the law to itself in its autonomy, Deleuze-Guattari’s machinic unconscious diffuses all law into automatism. Between the extreme fringes of these two figures stretches the history of capital. The eradication of law, or of humanity, is sketched culturally by the development of critique, which is the theoretical elaboration of the commodification process. The social order and the anthropomorphic subject share a history, and an extinction."

"Machinic desire can seem a little inhuman, as it rips up political cultures, deletes traditions, dissolves subjectivities, and hacks through security apparatuses, tracking a soulless tropism to zero control. This is because what appears to humanity as the history of capitalism is an invasion from the future by an artificial intelligent space that must assemble itself entirely from its enemy’s resources. Digitocommodification is the index of a cyberpositively escalating technovirus, of the planetary technocapital singularity: a self-organizing insidious traumatism, virtually guiding the entire biological desiring-complex towards post-carbon replicator usurpation."

"The father’s law: ‘don’t touch your mother.’
The mother’s law: ‘don’t play in the tombs.’
K codes for cybernetics.
Bataille incinerates the soul, and is impossible to endure. You either die or go somewhere else. Or both.
Clicking on the K-war icon jacks you straight into hell. On all fours, out of your face, mumbling imploringly: ‘let me be your lab animal’. You’re losing it."

>> No.22014594

Doesn’t Kant critique the inferring of a transcendent soul in the paralogism? Don’t really get that first quote.

>> No.22014804

It is pretty much all intentionally obscure pseudophilosophy/aesthetic theory since the beginning of the 20th century. Name one remarkable French epistemologist or logician that isn't Jean-Yves Girard.

>> No.22014925
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>philosophy is reduced to logic and epistemology be... because it is, ok?
>also most likely doesn't understand the difference betwen epistemology, gnoseology and philosophy of science
kys, american pig.

>> No.22016017

The OP book is also demonically inspired.

>> No.22016081

>le concept is actually… le opposite!
Why are French “philosophers” like this?

>> No.22016115

Start with the Greeks.

>> No.22016128

As someone who wanted to read Land properly and went into the rabbit hole of going back to Deleuze and so on, let me tell you this:
Just read Land and get some secondary sources on him. Because starting with Deleuze is a whole new can of worms that will take more than a year of study.
These are not just some texts but dense philosophical works with the authors deliberately obscuring their stuff.

Also Dolce & Gabbana are the better authors so you will probably never look back to Land once you actually delved into the matter properly.

>> No.22016236
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>le concept is actually… le opposite!
Who said that? You don't even know proper logic, for not even analytic philosophers believe such nonsense.

Just end yourself or go back to watching youtube videos, american pig.

>> No.22016255

I'm going to actually answer OPs question. First read Daybreak by Nietzsche, read Beyond Good and Evil and the real Nietzsche and the Vicious Circle by Klossowski. Familiarise yourself with Kant then read Spinal Catastrophism by Thomas Moynihan. Then you can start Fanged Noumena by first reading Doctor Baker Speaks and Geotraumatics. If you have any surface level understanding of what Land is about, things will start to really click for you by the time you are getting through Klossowski. Don't listen to retards on /lit/, very few people actually read on this board. Land isn't about "ai" or "capital being sentient" or whatever caved in head retard shit gets spoutes around here. Nick Land is a thinker of evolution and biology.

>> No.22018056


>> No.22018096

Spinoza, Kant, Nietzsche, Freud, Lacan, Marx in this order

>> No.22018600

Literally Saussure but go off queen
Land has phases where he goes from more vitalist to more technoshitlord. Overall tho, he is meme philosophy altho I am grateful he introduced me to Bataille and Klossowski and such.

>> No.22018607

PS: Despite meme status he is fun to read fo sho. Spinal Catastro as mentioned is great fun too. Anyone else read CCRU as well too? Or Revolutionary Demonology? Good stuff also

>> No.22018650

>remarkable french epistemologists
Lacan (Hegel+Freud+Saussure+Levi-Strauss? Sign me up! How can you not be impressed by his thoughts on temporality of dialectics? Purloined letters and prisoners. The mirror phase as maya and edenic exile. Langue and Parole. Sexuation! Phallus!!! Discourses?????)
Bataille (arguably unknowing is a gnoseology or epistemology or apophatic atheology)
Bachelard (poetics of space is most famous but his stuff on imagination wrt science is superb)
Serres (Hermes series and Angels and others deal with technology and communication and other issues of contemporary knowledge and its transmission)
Simondon (individuation crystals mannn)
Laruelle (the failure of priciniple of sufficient philosophy [obscure but worth the effort])
Latour (what is "modernity"?)

>> No.22018664

take a step back and ask yourself 'Why?'
is it just because you think this is the final boss of counter-culture intellectualism? You think it will be a feather in your cap, part of your self-conception as a smart guy that likes smart things? To what end?

>> No.22018685

Don't It's the most insuferable stuff ever written, anybody who pretends otherwise is just larping.

>> No.22018704

>quit having fun
>stop liking things I don't like
Sorry if you'd prefer we read chuds like peterson and pseuds like guenon and evola and gay classic canonical literature. Por que no los dos anyway?

>> No.22018717

The entire intellectual tradition of Europe up until its publication.
This goes for any book by the way.

>> No.22018724

How can you understand the occident without reference to oriental influences? Clearly you must start with the PIE people and know entire traditions both east and west

>> No.22018769

Start with the greeks, unironically. Every philosophy programme worth its salt does so because it teaches you rigorous thinking.
As for getting filtered by Fisher, that's pretty bad. Some cursory knowledge of Marx and Adorno/Horkheimer can be helpful, but he really writes in a way that most people should be able to grasp.
Start with the greeks, it's like deadlifts for your IQ.

>> No.22018774

I hate those chuds but Land is just pseudo intectualism for people who like edgy philosophy as an aesthetic.

>> No.22018787

Personally, I can't stand amphetamine-prose, especially when it goes into philosophical territory. John Galt's speech of 30.000+ words was written in the autistic psychosis of 500 daily milligrams of pharmaceutically pure benzedrine, and it is insufferable. Most of Land's writing suffers from the same.
It really is remarkable that every generation has to rediscover that the reason why you take such pleasure in your own thoughts when you're high as a kite off of speed is that you are high as a kite off of speed, not that you are channeling the greatest thing ever penned in the history of mankind.
Only writer who did manage to write well on speed is Hunter S. Thompson, and the reason for that is that he was on dozens of other drugs to mask it and counteract it.

>> No.22018791

>gay classic canonical literature
Take that back right now right fucking now bro

>> No.22018806

First half of FN is intelligible enough. I read it in philosophy undergrad. Second half is still fun if you like schizo-babble, view it as an autoethnography of madness perhaps. Meth-induced but whatevs. When was it in college. I think... hmmm... junior year? It helped that I knew authors referenced tho. Even like poets and scifi references. Luck? Coincidence? Got me into Deleuze actually. I went to analytic program. My experience with continentals was mostly Hegel, Lacan, Zizek, and Badiou. I also have had mental health issues in past so I sympathize with him a lil. Tho he is lil better than fashy goyish chuds like Peterson nowadays.
Those accelerationists kiddos would disagree. They are into aesthetics as politics much to the chagrin of the old fart Frankfurters.

>> No.22018811


>> No.22018859

>every generation has to rediscover
I think about this sometimes in the grand scale of things, and it bums me out. sure our civilization progresses bit by bit but we as peoples are forever children of the dawn.
I imagine parents cope with this better but it gives me psychic damage when I think about the old coots with their houses full of books and brains full of knowledge likely in search of big answers, happiness or some ideal and the tragedy that this wisdom can not be understood even if transmitted.

I'm sure there's short stories exploring this, anybody got one?

>> No.22018871


>> No.22018875

>Those accelerationists kiddos would disagree. They are into aesthetics as politics much to the chagrin of the old fart Frankfurters.

That's what bothers me the most, i just can't stand accelerationists.

>> No.22018915

Are you a leftist? I find myself (post-)left myself. Bit of a Straussian tho. Separate phil n politics or try. Land then you could say is just symptomatic of modernity exotericization crisis. Frankfurt is good tho dated. Whet my marxist baby teeth on SI so a bit of a lifestylist/anarchist some might say. Stuck on the whole strauss, schmitt, kojeve, benjamin, bataille, voeglin, etc.; political theology problems -- i.e., the unholy aporias of sovereignty, authority, violence, esotericism, eschatology...

Land is just what if Chardin but le evil demiurge which is pretty gay all things considered. But ya I can see how brainrotted millenials/zoomers dig it. Hopefully they get deeper into philosophy as a result. Then again, some ppl just be hylic

>> No.22019001

read greeks, then read kant with a guide and google everything in it that you dont get until some faggot on reddit explains it to you in a way you understand. THEN read all the philosophy you want to read.

>> No.22019052
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yes I read some of those recently, I believe 'The Library of Babel' is apropo.