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/lit/ - Literature

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22013209 No.22013209 [Reply] [Original]

There is no difference between reading a book and watching a marvel movie

>> No.22013216

I could snap you in half and shit on your exposed spine without breaking a sweat frogposter.

>> No.22013241

I can think of at least 2 differences.

>> No.22013269

I agree. I think the people who disagree are insecure. Its all consumerism and entertainment. You're not any better on principle
>inb4 no no is different im more engaged its not passive

>> No.22013310

literature >>> cinema
cope harder, seeth louder

>> No.22013311

I can already tell that you’re fat and have no chin

>> No.22013324

Its all the same slop

>> No.22013328

I'm a twink you fucking retard, I weigh around 50 kilos

>> No.22013332
File: 6 KB, 350x334, 1674804163852831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've taken approximately five months away from this board, which used to be my exclusive 4chan haunt, only to return and lay my eyes upon this thread.


>> No.22013334

He's right though

>> No.22013338


>> No.22013340
File: 76 KB, 800x528, Frederico Fellini - Satyricon 1969 00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marvel films are not cinema. They, like most modern films, are fast food wrapped in propaganda. Equating the average movie with real cinema is no different than pretending a 3-starred Michelin restaurant and a McDonald's dinner are the same. It is nonsense which can be believed only by the laziest minds imaginable.

>> No.22013344

I watched Guardians of the Galaxy last night

>> No.22013348

The worst book is still better than the best movie.

>> No.22013349

>real cinema

>> No.22013350

This is true of most classics. They are simply old best sellers. For the masses
I can't believe you can think books are innately superior

>> No.22013351
File: 561 KB, 1280x1849, Marco Mazzoni 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. He absolutely isn't. Not even a bit. You're simply either too young or too unread to know better. A Marvel film cannot even be compared to real cinema, much less to literature.

>> No.22013353
File: 249 KB, 1600x1600, Marco Mazzoni 06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More nonsense. You're as ignorant as the OP, and twice the pseud.

>> No.22013356

elaborate you nigger or are you just trolling for the sake of trolling?

>> No.22013357

You're latching onto the marvel bit too much

>> No.22013361

I'm the black one, actually. I'm the one he was responding to.

Marvel, Netflix, almost any modern film - take your pick - it's nearly all vacuous waste manufactured for profit and control with zero serious thought behind it.

>> No.22013372

There's a big difference.
Watching Marvel movies drop my IQ, reading books increase my IQ.

>> No.22013375
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They're really upset at this one...

>> No.22013376

There have been thousands of movies made throughout the years whose primary creative minds have not held profit or entertainment as a goal at all. In fact there are many filmmakers who actively reacted against these two goals, and created films which reflect this reaction. I feel like you are feigning ignorance because the long history of art cinema is not some little known phenomenon.

>> No.22013399

You're off topic

>> No.22013418

>BBC News
This is triggering me and bringing back painful memories. Fuck! I'm going to get this off my chest.Times became tough during COVID with most members of my household being made redundant. So three months ago when my daughter informed the family that she was now under the employ of the British Broadcasting Corporation, with a rather large and respectable salary, we were naturally ecstatic for her. At least until she told us that the job required her, in her cosmopolitan perambulations,to carry a rather large and unwieldy BBC microphone. We could not believe our ears! The shock escalated when she revealed her accoutrement, pulling it from her handbag. You should have seen how small and fragile her white hands looked clutching that thick,hard, black obelisk.But when she told us that the company was issuing her three more as back up my soul was nearly snatched.Three! One BBC wasn't enough? The shame this brought our family was unimaginable. We were the laughing stock of the entire neighborhood. Shame hung from our necks like millstones.The snickers were audible whenever anyone exited the house to go into town. On my way to work one morning,a small child, who lived in the adjacent lot, blurted out:


My wife has hung herself and our two sons have become homeless junkies sucking off faggots to survive after turning to drugs in an attempt to alleviate the humiliation. I'm inebriated as I type this,nine rum bottles deep,and contemplate my predicament — should I join my dearly beloved or try to soldier on? I am a broken man.BBC ruined my life

>> No.22013432

the movie is fun

>> No.22013435

What'd you think

>> No.22013482

I thought it was great, I had a lot of fun watching it
Going to go back to readying Tolstoy again tonight

>> No.22013495

>using pseud as a derogatory term
Your brain is fried

>> No.22013498

>I watch Marvel movies
>And i read Tolstoi

>> No.22013505
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Actually I am a modern woman

>> No.22013510

So you’re easy to snap in half? Good to know

>> No.22013517

Modern man applies for both

>> No.22013518

You will never be a woman.

>> No.22013574

Oneiric Revelation>>>>>>>>>>> all man-made media

>> No.22013593

Thankfully such movies haven't quite gotten as long as the average novel.
They are starting to feel like it though.

Seriously what happened to the art of editing to get a reasonable run time?
But whatever, this is a board about books, not movies.

To be more on topic, since US mainstream comics suck, I think it would be interesting if pulp hero novels took up it's place in pop culture.
Basically a western version of lite novels that are influenced by our book culture and pulp distribution rather than trying to imitate japan's book culture.
It's a win win.

Better writing for capeshit, lower cost for production, more story content for fans for similar price, and much higher competition.
Plus it gets pop culture nerds reading properly again.

I don't really see a downside to trying it.

>> No.22013812

yeah? name one(1) of the two(2)!

>> No.22013841

Yes, there is a difference between reading a book and watching a Marvel movie. While both can be enjoyable and entertaining, they are fundamentally different forms of media with different strengths and weaknesses.

Reading a book allows for a more immersive and imaginative experience. When reading a book, the reader is able to use their imagination to picture the characters, settings, and events described in the text. This allows for a more personal and unique experience, as the reader can create their own mental images and interpretations of the story.

On the other hand, watching a Marvel movie provides a more visual and sensory experience. With the use of special effects, music, and cinematography, movies are able to create a more vivid and dynamic representation of the story. They also have the ability to convey emotions and feelings through facial expressions, body language, and dialogue delivery.

Additionally, books and movies often have different pacing and storytelling techniques. Books can delve deeper into characters' thoughts and feelings, while movies rely more on visual cues and action to move the story forward.

In conclusion, while both reading a book and watching a Marvel movie can be enjoyable experiences, they offer different advantages and limitations. It ultimately comes down to personal preference and the specific story being told.

>> No.22013875

depends on the book/movie

avengers infinity war is more or less the da vinci code tier for example

>> No.22013880

None. Actually, if you watch the Marvel movie you will at least understand relevant social cues. So, watching the movie is superior.

>> No.22013941

>Michelin restaurant
dumb pseud

>> No.22013945

have you actually ever watched a fellini's movie? they are all self-fellatio snoozefests. only braindead pseud pretend they are good simply becase they art school teacher said so

>> No.22013955

I honestly think this is a fine use of ChatGPT. Just autistically and inanely responding to bait posts as if the bait was asked in good faith.

>> No.22013957

I've tried watching La Dolce Vita something like 5 times now, falling asleep every single one.

>> No.22013958

this, but with the addition that reading is much more of an exercise and require more dedication whereas a movie you can just sit braindead and still enjoy it, if it's some capeshit for instance.

>> No.22014002
File: 8 KB, 220x217, sad-pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>interested in a particular time or place
>tfw have to wait until hollywood makes a 2 hour formulaic movie about it

>> No.22014010

You should try using the internet
There are all sorts of things on it

>> No.22014015

you can certainly try, fucking retard

>> No.22014027
File: 32 KB, 499x500, 12f4f776618dffb76df79bcfe2db5e1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the wikipedia article is a stub
>tfw the article is referencing... books

>> No.22014029

There is a difference between a frog and a frog poster, the frog is smarter.

>> No.22014032

I think you got lost in your own ironic swirly there bud

>> No.22014054

everything on the internet is referencing books though?

>> No.22014065

Everything on the internet with the exception of /lit/.

>> No.22014085

The specific choice of a Marvel movie is making giggle. Like, you could read a cooking book or a bike repair guide.
I would watch a Marvel movie about those things, but the cowards won't make it

>> No.22014199

The Marvel movies are all adaptations of comic archs from the 1980's, back when comics became "serious." They were awesome back then for anyone aged eight to twelve.
I mean compared to Harry Potter, sure, it's some trippy shit. The guys writing it were smarter than you are, and they took acid and went to conventions and exchanged ideas and writing and had fun making up goofy stories for a living as if they were the new rock stars.
You jacking off to the corpse of a horse dead these last 40 years is something much more ominous

>> No.22014208

Wouldn't the shit fall off? The spine is unsupported by the flesh, now, and would sway around.

>> No.22014453

Why are frogshitters allowed?

>> No.22014475

No it most certainly isn't what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.22015486

Yes there is