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22007648 No.22007648 [Reply] [Original]

This man is an absolute unit denouncing political ideology as initiate cults based on gnosticism. He's unhinged, and it's beautiful to watch


>> No.22007661

voegelin and his consequences have been a disaster for gnostic studies

>> No.22007706

Believing gnosis would be a better explanation because it gives power based on deceit to its initiates is dangerous, you're not making cutesy junkie songs, you're leading nations with it, and the destination is collapse

>> No.22007713
File: 3.93 MB, 1323x4887, Negate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lady gaga is a member of the illuminati-tier grasp of gnosticism
Many such cases. Laconize with Lacarriere

>> No.22007739

Good god, what a bunch of gobbledygook. Are all Americans this retarded?

>> No.22007831

It's unfortunate what a fetish Lindsay's developed for labeling everything up the supposed chain of "wokeism" as gnosticism just in order to captivate Christian (Nationalist)s. Ironically, I might add.

>> No.22007854

Saying someone is a cool intelligent maverick for dunking on wokies is like saying someone is genius of practical philosophy for shitting in the toilet and flushing afterwards.
It is profoundly boring, and it is beyond intellectually lazy to kick an opponent who is so spastically crippled that he constantly kicks himself. Neither is it morally necessary, as the sheer amount of internal contradictions in wokeism will kill it within a few decades, and none of this spectacle of opposition will expedite the process, on the contrary, it will merely prolong it.
Gay and cringe, stop wasting your time and continue reading the canon instead.

>> No.22007863

Is this satire? I don't get it.

>> No.22007868

No, this is an American 'intellectual'

>> No.22007885
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>within a few decades,

>> No.22007889

As someone right leaning I don’t think a touch of Gnosticism is all that bad. If anything Marxism cannot be gnostic due it’s belief in materialism

>> No.22007895

No, just you

>> No.22007899

Show me your proofs

>> No.22007905

What proofs? What you even talking about? This is borderline schizo shit

>> No.22007913

Do you ever think that maybe you’re schizophrenic or you imagine the schizophrenic as being within the same room as us?

>> No.22007942

Why wouldn't, they, though? Why Madonna can't go to the same mountains where Klaus Schwab go to dress a goat head and fuck some old british royalty? I'ts one more on the orgy

>accuse your opposition of everything you're guilty of
Many such cases

>just in order to captivate Christian (Nationalist)s
Nicely pointed. What do you think, though, of having a political leadership greedy to serve themselves and to keep you under a constant state of servitude and compliance, using as a pretext that they are better than you?

>he sounds so smarty by saying people working to figure the bullshit he believes out are dumb

>if anything Marxism cannot be gnostic due it’s belief in materialism
As above, so below, my friend. Gnostics constantly swap concepts to say the same thing, that they're better. Antifa protests are defense of democracy, maga protests are a coup and now we need to burn people in red hats on stakes. I'ts all a feint and you fell for it

>> No.22007948

Fell for what? Evil is no mere corruption

>> No.22007953
File: 271 KB, 796x935, archons are heckin valid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read an actual book on gnosticism you pillock

>> No.22007962

No, sorry, the utter lack of any structure in this man's speech, and the jumps from one subject to another completely unrelated subject genuinely makes me believe that this guy might be experiencing the early stage of actual schizophrenia. At no point in this video could I discover anything even slightly resembling a central point, that everything else was supposed to support, this was just a set of mental fragments with nothing connecting anything to anything else.

This man is either a charlatan, or actually just mentally unwell. If he meant this, psychological help might be appropriate

>> No.22007975
File: 142 KB, 720x704, Fti7XP6WAAEzJ0c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy is by far one of the biggest brainlets in the world

>> No.22007982

>he sounds so smarty by saying people working to figure the bullshit he believes out are dumb
holy esl

>> No.22007989

He's completely right though. Wokeism is just the sort of identitarian thinking that has animated almost all strands of conservatism (apart from a few milqueotast, quasi-liberal versions of communitarianist conservatism), but applied to trannies, fags and niggers.

(Classical) liberalism, on the other hand, is erasure of identity via universalism, and hence anathema to wokeism and onservatism both.

>> No.22007990

imagine writing a sentence like that and being invited to fucking oxford

>> No.22007994

>Hans Jonas finally gets some attention
>it's his deranged work on gnosticism instead of his extremely interesting philosophy of biology
Never change, /lit/.

>> No.22008070

If you think Marx meant what he said as is and wasn't trying to trick you with gnostic bullshit to justify make him the boss, that's what I meant

>read a book
>proceed to point out mythos about tranny gods
Washing out distinctions of things to help you demoralize the ones you'll lord over. So gnostic

>holy esl
"Whomever disagrees with me is dumb, sick or evil". So clichéd

>> No.22008075

Unholy ESL.

>> No.22008084

>everyone who criticizes my bullshit is dumb, sick or evil
You don't even read your own theory, there's no end to the revolution because there's no end to progress, and the snake bites its own tail as it should since marxism is veiled gnosticism

Vai carpir um canavial de rola com o cu, seu bundeiro filho da puta

>> No.22008445

Do you even know what liberalism actually is? The american experiment is all about liberalism. If you say something about liberals being lefties you should bang your own head on a curb until enlighenmetn comes

>> No.22008721
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>best looking libtard
>chud with zoomer hair

>> No.22009653

I agree with his basic standpoint of defending classical liberalism against leftists and reactionaries, but sometimes idk if he does the best job of it.

Maybe using twitter is inevitable if you want to have any relevance at all these days, but people feel compelled to get into petty slapfights with random people or act ironic and say stuff like ‘based’ or ‘cringe’ and it just makes you harder to take seriously. I’m tired of the way the internet makes people act and it comes off as childish compared to intellectuals from previous generations.

But, despite all that, at least he’s out there doing something, so credit where it is due

>> No.22009669

What if I told you that the real world doesn’t have structure in the sense that humans can perceive it?

>> No.22009673

This guy is a total fucking retard. It's like watching someone correctly laying out all the ingrediants for a cake while randomly giving instructions for baking pie.

>> No.22009709
File: 407 KB, 1080x595, Screenshot_20230509-114652-604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fr fr

>> No.22009712


Not him, but you don't understand Hegel and therefore you don't understand Marx. The revolution is immanent to the conditions of its time and its present material conditions. If anything thats the opposite of Gnosticism. If you want to find a link beatween Marxism and Gnosticism thats Russian cosmicism which did influence somewhat some bolhevik intellectual cicles like Bogdanov. Voegelin is full of shit btw, I'm tired of half-read 4channers latching unto every single conspiracy theory that wants prove transcedental evil. Its a new religion.

>> No.22009732

I don’t like using the gnosticism metaphor but it’s not totally off. Even if Marxism argues that everything is immanent in the material conditions of the time, when it comes to the human behavior of its adherents, the way ‘revolutionary consciousness’ and ‘false consciousness’ is treated isn’t too far off from mystical sects, where a leninist vanguard of those who ‘see the world for what it is’ have to drag along the dumb and unenlightened normies whose perceptions are still clouded

>> No.22009852

>*standard issue cult shit*

>> No.22009864

>marxism economizes gnostic alienation
>marx was a gnostic bro

The archons aren't worshipped as gods.

>> No.22009907

Wokeism seems to take universalism even further though, purely out of intolerance for those who don't embrace its system set of classified groups. It's a set limited by imagination, whereas liberalism leaves a lot up to the unknown that can be restricted to a set. Obligatory "how many genders are there?" type of conversation tends to have infinite meaninglessness in wokeness whereas Classical Liberalisms pursuit of material truths tends to to open box after box of new sets of possibilities. Identity has been constantly reinvented ever since Classical Liberalism took hold. Wokeism should be a footnote to this process, but it could actually wind up being the log in the damn.

>> No.22009910

> lot up to the unknown that can be restricted to a set

>> No.22009945

>you don't understand Hegel and therefore you don't understand Marx
Gnostic initiate take. Of course I don't understand them, but you do, right? So I need to do what you tell me to, right?

>archons aren't worshipped as gods
And so you say. The New World Order is a commerce treaty and it's constantly denounced as a cult because of its practices keeps the money at the top, and of course because its leadership were caught doing weird gnostic rituals. Nothing ever stopped people misticizing things. There is so many of such cases and yet you can't see your fixation on taking Marx for his word sound more like a plea than anyhting else.

>> No.22009949

I've got nothing to do with Marx. A world that worships the beings that gnostics want to flee is not a "gnostic world", anymore than gnosticism is "Judaic" for inverting its entire cosmology

>> No.22009956

>if someone says I don't understand something they are a gnostic
>I actually understand everything and they don't
>but this doesn't make me a gnostic....because..uh

>> No.22009959

Hahahah, and the snake bites its own tail! Wonderful! Does it hurt when they use your tools against you?

>> No.22010506

I wonder how's his relation with Peter Boghosian these days. They were atheism activists, how to deal with this when James is now openly professing political ideologies as gnostic religions and using christian ideal frames to oppose it?

>> No.22011887
File: 54 KB, 542x499, 1682455443728388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this hylic seething on top of neo-reationary cope?

>> No.22011894

>Karl Marx was a white European male
Eh, he was a Jew, buddy. Stopped watching right there.

>> No.22012017

>This man is an absolute unit denouncing political ideology as initiate cults based on gnosticism.
Fuck you, OP. You description made me watch this and this isn't what he's saying at all.

>> No.22012156

He was a white European(ish) male, and of some German blood, and this is why he proved inferior to Confucius's people and the Tupi Indians at the "communism" thing.

It's probably more accurate to describe Marx as a Byzantine Georgian, or Pontic, as to the straw that fills up his hide and the way his facial features were drawn on by the Gods. Add to these failings the ideology of racialistic judaism and that's a very bad combination.

>> No.22012167

you're a moron. shut the fuck up and read a book you libshit apologists. you are the cancer of the earth

>> No.22012192

>(Classical) liberalism, on the other hand, is erasure of identity via universalism,
This is ... accurate in a large way, sort of, in that "Liberalism" in the true sense is the ultimate master ideology; we tolerate all because we're literally the strongest and aren't afraid of being displaced or out-done. "Original" Liberalism is a Masculine thing at the core.

where as this, look at the feminine bitterness and desperate protection of its delicate yet delicious eggs,
>you're a moron. shut the fuck up and read a book you libshit apologists. you are the cancer of the earth
is but terror speaking, and inferiority. With a pocket pussy.

>> No.22012213

This entire conflict had to actually play out over a decade. Fucksakes man. I hate it all.

>> No.22012252

The original GNOSTICS didn’t worship the archons as gods, is the point (in their own scriptures and teachings, at least).

A possible exception is a specific sect called the Ophites, radical and extreme even by the other Gnostics’ standards, who worshiped the Serpent in the Book of Genesis/Eden tale as a bringer of enlightenment. I find that when people criticize the “Gnostics” and imply them to be Luciferian, they’re often referring to this specific subsect. The other Gnostics are reverent of Jesus and His teachings and are about “escaping the prison of the flesh,” Neoplatonic ideas fused with Christ’s teachings of “rising in spirit to the One/to Christ/to the Nous” (just as early Church Fathers, Christian mystics and theologians, even St. Augustine were heavily influenced by Neoplatonism and fused its ideas with Christian teachings), about transcendence of the “world” (seen as a place of corruption and sin), and struggle against the “archontic” forces, especially as represented by the struggle against sin in oneself/

>> No.22012351
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>The original GNOSTICS didn’t worship the archons as gods,
That'd be fucking cracked if they did, considering that Archon was a job-role held by an elected person.

Anon, pick up Gnosticism and dunk it into a barrel of water, lift it out and look it now that 1,500yrs of literalist judeotheism have been washed away from it.

>> No.22012536

>Marx as a Byzantine Georgian, or Pontic
alternatively a Tocharian merchant caravan driver

>> No.22012558

I gotchu fren
>inb4 I'm not watching an hour-long lecture on political ideology being gnosticism spinoffs

>not naming the jew is a deal breaker
You deserve everything happening to you

>you're a moron. shut the fuck up
Ah, the rule of the woke triggering proving itself true again

>the original GNOSTICS didn’t worship the archons as gods
Lemme guess, because they were perfect, incorruptible heroes completely invulnerable to misticism misinterpretations, right? Not even a single one of the 'TRUE GNOSTICS' did, right?

That's a weird hill to die on.

> look it now that 1,500yrs of literalist judeotheism have been washed away from it
Hey, boy, wanna hear a secret?
>money is a gnostic spell
~flies away~

>> No.22012860

>I gotchu fren
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SH0D69_ti-Y [Embed]
>>inb4 I'm not watching an hour-long lecture on political ideology being gnosticism spinoffs
i swur, frendo, if this is another dud.

>> No.22012885

>>the original GNOSTICS didn’t worship the archons as gods
>Lemme guess, because they were perfect,
No, no, it's not a Christian inspired thing where we spend pretend to spend 400 yrs waiting for the perfecte to arrive to fix everything (then we butcher them lol), rather: the word gnostic was subjected to so much trash over the subsequent centuries that actually going back to the first mention of 'gnostic' is the only wise thing to do; which, as I added to that comment, was Irenaus... and he's describing educated patrician Romans who he hates because they don't wallow in guilt over babyish things and have gotten over the things that he hasn't.

> look it now that 1,500yrs of literalist judeotheism have been washed away from it
.....and so you find a secular non-christian (or anyway non-abramist / non-literalist) culture of ..what was probably the upper class of the day who would "tolerate" people like Irenaus for the sake of philosophy.

For a theology student they would probably resemble Buddha after Buddha had realized that asceticism was a ridiculous waste of his life and attained his fabled Enlightenment thereby.

I hear in Candja that print money on golden wisps of crystalized maple syrup, sounds pretty delicious.

>> No.22012894

>Lemme guess, because they were perfect, incorruptible heroes completely invulnerable to misticism misinterpretations, right? Not even a single one of the 'TRUE GNOSTICS' did, right?
Because I read many of the Nag Hammadi tractates and they’re regarded as demonic, corrupt, counterfeit entities who help the demonic leader of the physical world (Yaldabaoth) in demonic machinations, you retard. They’re treated as demons, sort of like an inverted angelic hierarchy (angels, archangels, principalities, etc.) except demonic.

Why are you such a smug fucking know-it-all bastard about something you don’t know about?

>> No.22012995
File: 124 KB, 360x359, FOAg_m2VUAERCc0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does he not realize that the very same atheism he endorses caused the whole woke movement that he's up in arms against? Literal feedback loops LMAO.

>> No.22013050

Wokeness is a regression into mysticism and superstition

>> No.22013081

very much this.

and it's easy to demonstrate the history (or intellectual failure) on the part of the blind and dumb follower of violent utopianist ideologies (proof need not apply), as well as vicious censorship of the society, protip: it begins with the christians, who coincidentally worshipped a persecuted floyd and trash their cities for gibs (and were also entirely jews).

>> No.22013085

>Saying someone is a cool intelligent maverick for dunking on wokies is like saying someone is genius of practical philosophy for shitting in the toilet and flushing afterwards.
>It is profoundly boring, and it is beyond intellectually lazy to kick an opponent who is so spastically crippled that he constantly kicks himself. Neither is it morally necessary, as the sheer amount of internal contradictions in wokeism will kill it within a few decades, and none of this spectacle of opposition will expedite the process, on the contrary, it will merely prolong it.
>Gay and cringe, stop wasting your time and continue reading the canon instead.
This is retarded. Woke institutions = civil rights law.

>> No.22013089

Whoops, didn't mean to copy paste the green text in

>> No.22013112

This is true, but given how dominant the ideas in the "woke" cluster are (at my University), it is still cathartic to here them denounced. But Lindsay is such an idiot, of course I can't endorse him.

>> No.22013126

The wrong kind towards devil worship

>> No.22013159

>Why are you such a smug fucking know-it-all bastard about something you don’t know about?
I know men. I'm getting educated in gnosticism, yes, but believing men to their letter is a mistake and your favourite ideology is no exception because it works for you. It will be abused somehow.

Tell us what you think about it when you finish

I'd say atheism is a tool to serve society's subvertion, not the cause. The cause is always people.

I wouldn't say that. Think with me, what is easier, to actually work to do things or to call the ones working racist until they're doing what they told by you? That is indeed a spell, and it isn't clear how to ward it off, but you can't just assume woke people are dumb. They're initiates on a crypto-gnostic group. They might be dumb enough to repeat the tactics without understanding them, of course, christian do it all the time too repeating versicles like spells and asking for shit instead of virtue on prayer

>> No.22013172

>I hear in Candja that print money on golden wisps of crystalized maple syrup, sounds pretty delicious.
It's not about this. It's about being imaginary and still making people to do shit to subsist or being a consuemr because everyone believes on it. Gnostic spells have nothing to do with wizardry and everything to do with tricking people into doing stuff. Lindsay call it spells because they're consistent tactics practiced by initiates with high effectiveness.

>> No.22013551

Christianity did not contribute to wokeness directly. Libshits and decades of Marxist and secular infiltrations as well as New Atheism led to the globohomo of today.

>> No.22013558

>only the second sentence and he already got Habermas wrong

>> No.22014125

Atheism and Marx were products 'of' that Christian society; reactions to those conditions. Really the strongest proof, to my mind anyway, is that the basis 'of' these religions and ideologies always, without exception, found to hinge on "faith in something we believe - without proof" and so they revert to censorship and ideological conformity (false accusation, etc.), without fail. More of a mob psychosis than anything else.

I suggest that what we see today in press censorship and fairytale ideology is the same thing we saw in the catholic church a few of centuries back before we had gotten rid of it. The news desk is the pulpit, for instance, and when they lie and spread fantasies and instigate foreign wars and cover-up the crimes and ineptitude of their regime, this is the role played by the church pulpit back in those days.

You can't immunize yourself or remove from your society the influence of a delusional and ruinous ideology (or intellectual flaw) operating on XYZ modus operandi if you're worshiping something else which itself operates on XYZ modus operandi.

>> No.22014147

Atheism and Marx were products 'of' that Christian society; reactions to those conditions. Really the strongest proof, to my mind anyway, is that the basis 'of' these religions and ideologies always, without exception, found to hinge on "faith in something we believe - without proof" and so they revert to censorship and ideological conformity (false accusation, etc.), without fail. More of a mob psychosis than anything else.

*I mean to add that they revert to censorship to shut people up because they 'cannot' provide proofs or predictions for whatever actions they're carrying out; consequence is stupid actions with bad consequences that are always predictable and avoidable but which 'they' refuse to allow to be discussed.

Now that is a faith based mentality, inalienably. It's also indistinguishable from a criminal mentality, because if a person wished to do wrong they would also prevent discussion of what they wanted to do, as the outcome being known to the people is the one thing they don't want.

>> No.22014158

>>>22012860 (You)
>Tell us what you think about it when you finish
>Gnostic spells have nothing to do with wizardry and everything to do with tricking people into doing stuff. Lindsay call it spells because they're consistent tactics practiced by initiates with high effectiveness.

What, so ... he's coming from the position that the gnostics were wizards? Hahahaha wtf xd ... ah fucking hell, I thought it was going to be a more nuanced thing like: "the ideologues think they know for sure what the truth is,"

see previous replies, ignorance is the more obvious explanation - >>22014125 >>22014147 - once you've gotten over the conditioning that there's any difference between leftist and rightist.

>they're consistent tactics practiced by initiates with high effectiveness.
citation needed.

This seems more like it's coming from the position that the anarchism and chaos ad ruin we see around us, as consequence of foolish persons mismanaging things, is not really mismanagement at all but some form of cleverness; which relies upon a presumption (unwarranted) of intelligence upon those involved in fucking up their jobs in government and finance and military affairs, etc. I mean that this is the comfortable delusion narrative that people fall back on (or that we have as a baseline assumption when we're young), that "there is someone in charge / everything happens with deliberate forethought," when there's no proof of that at all.

I've already downloaded the video as an audio file so I GUESS I'LL GIVE IT A LISTTTTEN but.. meh..

i bet lindsay is a catholic

>> No.22014164

you wrote a lot of words to make that little sense.
Someone would expect that at least by accident by paragraph three you'd have some sort of logic, but not really. It's cool, maybe you should wait a bit more before acting like you understand the world. At some point you'll mature and get that you're not the only thinking human being and life is more complex than some persecution complex you learned online.

>> No.22014169

How is whoever this is /lit/? Get some standards

>> No.22014182

>(no response, evades topic, verbal abuse)
Ah, anon, your deceptive tactics in defense of your religion is truly a wonder and the strongest possible proof that what I said was entirely correct.

As: you are as a Christian defending all the crimes of the "liberal" regime today because in order to immunize yourself and your society to the criminal operation 'of' the regime today, you would need to immunize yourself also the faith-based position held up by your religion.

Thus you are either a useful idiot helping the criminals or a criminal pretending to be a useful idiot; there is no third option and you are guilty of abetting criminality in either instance.

If you want to discuss this, respond to the subject itself and not with a lazy narrative of cliched sophistry directed toward the imagined audience like they do at the pulpit.

>> No.22014198

If you're genuinely confused though, and I admit this thing is somewhat of my own discovery; it's the matter of dissonance which is produced in the brain as consequence of (you) and (the person you hate) both operating in maximal possible extent upon a set of principles or procedure or protocols (XYZ modus operandi). You could, for example, totally destroy (the person you hate) if oyu understood how they operated to gain followers and spread their lies, but you cannot bring yourself to do this; your brain will not even allow you to realize it, because (you) operate on the same protocols.

e.g. if you wanted to end the evil influence of lying media-propaganda entirely, to immunize yourself and your kids to it, then you'd find that you couldn't do this, because to eradicate the effectiveness of that modus operandi in your enemy camp would mean that you had eradicated the protocols in your own camp - this would mean, in context here, thatin roder to defeat the "faith based ideology" of your enemy you would have to eradicate all forms of "faith based ideology" in yourself.

As the religious person balks at the prospect of this, unconsciously or subconciously, they are stuck as they are: being subjected to the modus operandi which they cannot argue against or defeat.

My position here is't that this is the consequence by anyones deisgn, but rather that a commonality in intellectual flaws of social ideologies would be expected, as: modern neoliberalism emerged from a formerly Christian society and from a formerly Christian university; so naturally the thought-processes and social-forms would be the same.

>> No.22014217

nah, I just found funny how you have no long term view of history because your source is the internet and people pretend WW2 was the defining moment of history like in the movies.

I come here to laugh at my own jokes so I don't bother people with that shit irl.

>> No.22014236

> your source is the internet and people pretend WW2 was the defining moment of history like in the movies.
> you have no long term view of history
Well none of that is true or even relates to anything that I said, and one part of that was an inversion of "the long term view of history" which led to my conclusions.

Rather, I think, the exact opposite is true: you accuse me of being a child and getting my "info" from the internet, not knowing history, etc., but you're displaying this yourself. An unbiased actual view of history leads to my conclusion, the impediment in the way of you reaching the same conclusion are ..all those things you mentioned..

see: "no, you!", echolalia, trigger reaction, dissonance, accusation onto others of things ones own self is consciously guilty of

>> No.22014238

>he already got Habermas wrong
And you did it right, correct? Habermas is perfect and invulnerable to criticism, correct? And because of that I'm better off doing what you tell, me, correct?

>the position that the gnostics were wizards?
>what is a metaphor
He is making lectures to the public. These intelectual and political certainly act like they know the correct truth and you should do what you're told by them.

>"the ideologues think they know for sure what the truth is,"
Yes, that's a psychological behaviour idea. Ideologies are down the river from psychological behaviour.

>ignorance is the more obvious explanation
So, practicing to manifest a certain unnatural ideal and failing to achieve its most positive possibility, is because the ones doing it are actually ignorant of the ideology they're practicing? So, there will be a initiate that will come with true understanding of the ideology? And his name will be James Cross, or Juarez Cruz, or Jaarvi Cristofseen? Or, to stop being sublte, Jesus Crist?

Have you seen it yet?

>> No.22014239

>I just found funny
"self-deprecation is a powerful form of comedy,"

>> No.22014243

>He is making lectures to the public.
>es, that's a psychological behaviour
>So, practicing to manifest a certain
hmmmm tantalizing

Haha, alright frendo, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt ad will listen to that lecture before replying again - let's reconvene in 86 year.

>> No.22014262

It is indeed fun to see people saying he's gnosticing while denouncing other peoples as gnostics, it's missing the point completely since all of his material is about understanding and resisting political bullshit

You're not wrong though, I'm not a christian either, I'm not picking sides in religious competitions, I'm interested in being able to resist the present-day political status-quo

>> No.22014362

I agree with a lot of his analysis, but why the hell is he calling it 'gnostic'? He - and Plotinus - were speaking to Christians. I suppose the idea, here, is to explain the fundamental flaws of the religious-zealot-ideologue without openly saying they're talking about the religious mentality. Not saying this openly just allows Christians and Catholics to pretend that the criticism isn't applying to them, but to "some other group,"

great part here: 09:49+ Plotinus on:
1) the verbal abuse of the (((Christians*))) who cannot prove their position using rational argument (proofs for what they want to do being sound and of good outcome),
2) on their faking interest in 'Philosophy',
3) of claiming to be better than the Men of Virtue of the past (i.e. the Romans and the Greeks)

*religious-zealot-ideologue (of any form; whch cannot be proven by rational argument, etc.) as I said earlier: >>22014147
>*I mean to add that they revert to censorship to shut people up because they 'cannot' provide proofs or predictions for whatever actions they're carrying out; consequence is stupid actions with bad consequences that are always predictable and avoidable but which 'they' refuse to allow to be discussed.
>Now that is a faith based mentality, inalienably. It's also indistinguishable from a criminal mentality, because if a person wished to do wrong they would also prevent discussion of what they wanted to do, as the outcome being known to the people is the one thing they don't want.

26:50+ the consequence of (their beliefs) "makes Man a stranger and an alien in a hostile world, and in his own body," (by having set Man, through fantasy narratives - religion, secular fantasies - in futile opposition towards material realms and the intellect), creating a disposition "inherently pessimistic about everything," "hates the world and being, sees life and being as a prison,"

I've got up to 29.00 minutes in :)

>> No.22014409

>great part here: 09:49+ Plotinus on:
sorry, **19:49+ Plotinus on:

>> No.22014630


>> No.22014670
File: 9 KB, 250x188, 1683639882927475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In a slick video released on Facebook with over one million views so far, a hyper-feminized/sexualized 8 year old boy (who some have compared to a drag version of JonBenét Ramsey) is featured partying in a hypersexual adult LGBT environment and telling kids watching that if their parents or friends do not support their desire to be drag (or trans), they need to get new parents and friends. As “Lactatia” speaks to his peers, while an all too happy host leers, bold text leaps out at the viewer saying “YOU NEED NEW PARENTS! YOU NEED NEW FRIENDS!” You too can be a drag queen or transgender superstar and perhaps head out on the town to party with the wild LGBT boys and “Lactatia.” If your parents won’t get on board, they can simply be replaced with a new “glitter family.”

>Masked Antifa protesters show up brandishing weapons at Texas 'drag brunch' with kids









yes we should definitely trust these people, nothing suspicious going on in here, these are just individuals who want to express themselves and be left alone, not brainwashed tools of a totalitarian corporate social engineering agenda /s.

>> No.22014674

as pointed out by an (((american))) (((mutt)))

I'm yet to find how child sacrifices are a gnostic thing, but wouldn't be impressed if I find it

>> No.22014679

oh the horror children are learning white privilege exists, they are learning queer people exist!, they are learning sex workers exist! maaybe they will grow up and betray whiteness and the heteronormaitvity of the settler family and petty bourgeois individualism(the main pillars of fascism)!

>> No.22014729

Just for fun, let me spend several seconds on these beliefs:
>children are learning

>white privilege exists
They're engaging in whatsoever efete priviledge exists in the western states by spending their time focusing on things of no real-world importance; learning no skills to improve the world in any practical way, but are engaging, rather, in ideological affirmation or choir practice. Moreover, even if these are the children of the lower middle classes, their economic station and social station resembles nothing of a privileged status by any means whatsoever. Their future is hollow, precisly beaus the true criminality of the actual 'elite' (unearned total privilege) is displaced upon them, as if their 'skin color' was the reason why US Corporations rape and abuse the world and trigger all terrorism and misery.

>they are learning queer people exist
They already are fully aware that the adults and figures of authority are gay, in the 90's sense of the word: cringe inducing, the aged adult dressing as a child, soppy-headed and unreliable upon to keep their word or detect malice and deception in the adults and children around them.

Also, if you're talking about homosexuals, they are already aware of the local church pastor and their own father figures.


>they are learning sex workers exist
Well, alright. But it's nothing they wouldn't be aware of after spending 5 minutes on the internet. But what are they learning about 'good sex'? There's nothing being taught or explained to them of anything of any sexual or epicurean value; it's rather the case that 'sex workers' in that society exist to fill the void left by real sexuality in the first place; the delayed intellectual evelopment of an adult being fascinated by a pair of breasts or the bitter sexual frustration created in that same adults mind by the abuse of women towards him, which he acts out his frustration on my furiously ejaculating onto the face of a stand-in for his abuser.

In short, the society is queer to start with, in that actual definition of the word: to get everything completely and utterly wrong in a clownish and goofy manner. But, in turn, that the society is not at all gay, in that actual definition, since genuine carefree and ease of humor are very scant cultural or individual trait: exemplified by the political proclamation, demanding of conformism, armed policeman wandering around for fear of ... paranoia itself ... since no opposition to (the dull missionary positions you mentioned) even really exists.

>> No.22015073

Nice confession, mate. I wonder what you'll do to them after the revolution by demoralizing them like that, because productive members of society they'll never be

>> No.22015093

You're engaging in their terms. You shoudn't. All these accusations about privilege are for demoralization and control, not for arguing. You'll achieve nothing with an parasitical ideology invader occupying you by arguing with them.

>> No.22015129

I think it is a better and effective path to bring the opponent around to the truth of things, so they when and if they report back to their commanding officer they will cut his throat and maim some of his valuable chief of staff in the process.

But that's just me.

>> No.22015148

I agree it's better, but they're demoralized by years of revolutionary activist education, the reason they're saying these things is because they're convinced it's its mission, they're not honest christians living their lives that you can tell them about something and they'll agree with you

These people live for activism, to the point of being paid to do so as a carrer. There's no arguing with men with missions, there's only resisting.

>> No.22015158

by this point it is obvious these people are brainwashed and pushing a totalitarian, pedophilic agenda, they are deranged, violence is the only language they understand.

>> No.22016893

>Christian (Nationalist)s