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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 435 KB, 512x512, 1682539044593272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21999963 No.21999963 [Reply] [Original]

The 'Love and Peace' edition

Previous thread: >>21986870

/wg/ AUTHORS & FLASH FICTION: https://pastebin.com/ruwQj7xQ
RESOURCES & RECOMMENDATIONS: https://pastebin.com/nFxdiQvC

Please limit excerpts to one post.
Give advice as much as you receive it to the best of your ability.
Follow prompts made below and discuss written works for practice; contribute and you shall receive.
If you have not performed a cursory proofread, do not expect to be treated kindly. Edit your work for spelling and grammar before posting.
Violent shills, relentless shill-spammers, and grounds keeping prose, should be ignored and reported. Cultivation posters niet!

Simple guides on writing:

Thread theme:

>> No.21999970

heartwarming OP desu

>> No.21999976

Pweviously on rost

>> No.21999990

I wish Trump and Clinton would have married each other and been president and vice president for 16 years. Unironically would have fixed America.

>> No.22000015

Man I'm getting really tired of the AI shart op images. Low IQ slop

>> No.22000017
File: 75 KB, 595x444, 1669459124437429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tonight I will finish reading "The Beautiful Kingdom" by our very own anon. Will let you know what I think, but I can tell you right now it's definitely better than Emily Project (which I liked too). This present novel is way more serious and there's a lot of description and dialect. The tension between someone of the characters is pretty tense and Fei-Ming is based sigma male so far. Loving it.

>> No.22000023

During the height of the Clinton impeachment kerfuffle in 1998, Al Qaeda terrorists attacked our embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.
The very next day, Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich (who was one of Bill Clinton's primary antagonists) stood together on an outdoor stage, hands clasped together, as the crowd cheered.
Newt Gingrich said one of the most inspirational things I've ever heard: "You know, just because we have family fights, doesn't mean we don't love each other!" The cheering intensified.
In other words, the terrorists represented true hate, and completely missed the point of our system of government and way of life.
Sadly, these days, political adversaries seem to genuinely hate each other.
We've lost something important...and not for the better.

>> No.22000029
File: 159 KB, 720x652, art-vs-stable-diffusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel free to post some non-AI images so I can use them for the OP.
Ooooh, who got the highly checked post???

>> No.22000040

>OP for the writing general is an AI shill wojakfag
Maybe just don't make threads anymore, you've been using AI images for weeks on end now. That shit is ugly and it seems kind illsuited for the general dedicated to writing

>> No.22000045

So you're just going to criticize, without doing anything to make it better? What a cuck.

"Criticism is a study by which men grow important and formidable at a very small expence. The power of invention has been conferred by nature upon few, and the labour of learning those sciences which may by mere labour be obtained is too great to be willingly endured; but every man can exert such judgement as he has upon the works of others; and he whom nature has made weak, and idleness keeps ignorant, may yet support his vanity by the name of a Critick." -Samuel Johnson, "The Idler"

>> No.22000051

>tension [...] is pretty tense
anon, i...

>> No.22000061

You literally made the thread before bump. You clearly don't want anyone to take OP away from you so you can spam AI shart. Like, you really couldn't do better than AI trump and clinton. You're a fucking retard newfag. Post your AI slop on the pajeet threads

>> No.22000070

It's over.

>> No.22000075
File: 1.73 MB, 1024x1536, 1681461187963388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I for one welcome our new AI overlords.

>> No.22000081

can you use interesting book covers you come across instead of ai images?

>> No.22000088
File: 87 KB, 1200x800, projection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you would have done better? I doubt it.

>> No.22000096
File: 40 KB, 929x494, pepe-thoughtful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? This is a writer's thread, not a reader's thread.

>> No.22000103

theyre one in the same. i can also say this is a writer's thread not an ai thread

>> No.22000117
File: 169 KB, 1024x1024, AI-fagon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since you're not going to post any images here that I can use for further OPs, I'm going to (very fairly) dismiss you as a ranting crybaby.
Go take it somewhere else.
On your way out, have an AI picture that's near and dear to your pseud heart.

>> No.22000119

I asked past thread and got no replies, so let's try one last time.
When writing horror how much should you describe? I know that showing less and building dread works exceptionally well in horror movies, but that's a visual medium and is written accordingly, but what about literature? Do you tell us what the demon looks like, or do you let the reader fill in the gaps? Does using more abstract descriptions change things? Should you go the Lovecraft route, describing things in vague, uncommon terms while leaving out any solid description?

>> No.22000123

>theyre one in the same
opinion discarded
hooked on phonics

>> No.22000130
File: 126 KB, 400x600, tom-cat-and-murder-mittens-aabapugdkbm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wasnt the anon you were arguing with, but your hostility just proves his point. anyway heres a cover i found just by looking on the latest updates page on RR.
i dont know what any of that means

>> No.22000131
File: 20 KB, 707x1000, american-gothic-fiction-an-introduction-allan-lloyd-smith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the hallmarks of Gothic fiction is not describing everything and not answering all the questions, so as to leave it to the reader's imagination.

>> No.22000136

I know you don't.
Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

>> No.22000140
File: 91 KB, 600x450, 153504-tali2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the hate with AI images? It's exactly what big publishers use anyways. They just generate an art piece themselves then edit it. Artists need to go back to the 80's and actually start drawing again. There hasn't been an artist that defined the last decade like Jim Lee did for the 90's

Anyone remembers Bioware fiasco with Tali?

>> No.22000141

>OP literally just same fagging so people think anyone other than him likes the piss ugly AI shit
Literally use anything else, do you seriously not have an image folder? Oh course you don't because you started using 4chan 6 months ago so you only have AI art images.

>> No.22000143
File: 331 KB, 1387x1020, pepe-baby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waah you're so hostile
No, I'm just dealing with a whiny pseud.
If you can't handle this place, go to Reddit and downvote the meanies into oblivion.

>> No.22000159

Sure I do...but I like the AI-generated images better. They have more feeling than the generic slop churned out by today's so-called artists.
I used to work for a video-game company where one of the scenery items in one game was a tractor.
Our lazy-ass artist literally copied an existing John Deere tractor; he didn't even change it up.
The publisher called us out on it, and he got fired.
Artists deserve to get replaced by AI.

>> No.22000164

i was just suggesting alternates since some anons were complaining. if you dont want to then its whatever since i dont come here for the OP images

>> No.22000171

Look at all the new fantasy books with The X of Y and Z.

It's literally a giant title with an item in the middle. These authors also have very little imagination in naming things that even incredibly generic shit from the 1800's now seem new and refreshing.

>> No.22000178
File: 262 KB, 226x224, 1668815836402688.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like the AI-generated images better. They have more feeling
Is this dude for real?

>> No.22000181
File: 97 KB, 460x296, 1662915092415468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is true, accept it anon

>> No.22000192

See, this is what I'm talking about.
What a BORING image.
I'd rather see an AI image than this low-effort slop.
Also...if you really feel that way, then why are you in a writer's thread? Just come here to troll? Stupid demotivational failed-crab.
And you never responded to >>21999950 , so you're also a coward.

>> No.22000197
File: 363 KB, 1024x1024, AI-fantasy-treehouse-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrel certainly has more soul than an animated GIF of a cat being abused.
You kind of defeated your own argument with that one.

>> No.22000207

AI is taking over, bitches!
Embrace it and make it work for you, or get left behind.

>> No.22000242
File: 74 KB, 800x759, spaghetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you all feeling about your progress as a writer? Any big changes lately?
For me, my word count per day has been way more consistent. Really improving my diligence and desire to write.

>> No.22000253 [DELETED] 

You're undoubtedly brown.

>> No.22000255
File: 791 KB, 1136x794, manic-pixie-dream-girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My day job has been especially soul-draining for the last several months.
This weekend is the first time in a while I've actually been able to write anything.
I'm easing back into it, adding chapters to a LitRPG I started writing some time ago. (I acknowledge LitRPGs are low-effort, but I still like them, and the genre is popular.)
I'll get back into high-effort writing whenever I can handle it.

>> No.22000268

Actually, I'm so white, I'm almost pink.
Also, I work with AI as part of my job, so I actually know what I'm talking about.
Unlike you, who's so lazy and dumb that you legitimately fear AI can replace you, so you seethe.
Don't worry, you can still be useful...as feed stock for hydrothermal liquefaction. You can become carbon-neutral crude oil!

>> No.22000273

>brownoid loves AI because it's his job to shill it
Lol, leave this board

>> No.22000283

The first thirty posts of the general consisted of crabbing, AI sneedery, and namefagging.

/wg/ has fallen… tens must be crabbed.

>> No.22000293
File: 3.43 MB, 480x270, no-points.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls me brownoid but I'm pinkoid
Are you having reading comprehension problems or something?
And the company I work for doesn't sell AI...we use it internally to create things and to evaluate work.
You truly know less than nothing.
Do you do anything intelligent and useful for a living, or do you just sit on your dead NEET ass and seethe uselessly?
Oh, and spoiler alert...I'm not even OP. I am sometimes, but not today.
I'm trying to defeat the crabs using discourse.
Are YOU doing anything to help?

>> No.22000297

>that gif
So you're in you're 40s too

>> No.22000298

Where might one get an invite to BIB?

>> No.22000303

You literally have to be blind to find AI art appealing

>> No.22000314
File: 26 KB, 326x500, surrounded-by-idiots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in my 40s because I downloaded an image from this site?
Wow...your arguments are so inane, I'm surprised you don't suffocate because you forget to breathe.
So what can you infer from picrel, in addition to the fact that I downloaded an image from somewhere on the Internet?

>> No.22000325

>that file name
>claims he downloaded the gif from this site
KEK. Why lie bro, you're 40+, feel free to come clean. That's a peak gen x type gif

>> No.22000329

I rename all the images I download from this site.
What, you keep the useless numeric names or something?
You just get dumber and dumber.
No wonder you fear being replaced by AI.

>> No.22000332

>using hyphens when renaming gifs
I sincerely doubt that. I see why you love AI because you're devoid of intellect and creativity

>> No.22000354

I still don't understand character development. Especially in a setting and plot-oriented story, why would I introduce some artificial hardship or trauma for the protagonist to overcome? To begin with, most people want to read one-dimensional protagonists who are good at everything they do. I think having characters that stay consistent and never do anything uncharacteristic is way more important than having them go through change just for the sake of it.

>> No.22000355

Yes, I use hyphens when renaming images.
And how can I develop/use AI (which I do) if I'm devoid of intellect or creativity?
Your arguments just get dumber and dumber.
But that's to be expected when you're just an unemployable, unremarkable, parasite NEET with no accomplishments in his pathetic life.
Has your fat, sweaty ass welded itself to your chair yet?

>> No.22000360
File: 139 KB, 1200x1873, techniques-of-the-selling-writer-dwight-v-swain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>artificial hardship or trauma
No, you need to make it realistic and believable.
>most people want to read one-dimensional protagonists who are good at everything they do
You've been on RoyalRoad entirely too long.
Picrel will help you dig yourself out of your mental hole.

>> No.22000368

Maybe you could define BIB.

>> No.22000386

Are you Jason Bryant?

>> No.22000406

Don't even try. You have no ability to pick out anons here.
You're an arrogant brainlet, and you always will be.
And FYI, his last name is spelled Bryan.

>> No.22000438

Horror is the catch-all term, but it depends on the mood of horror. Some general thoughts:
Terror is visceral and requires detail.
Same as terror, but implication suits disgust in terms of consequences. The outcome of terror is clear; the outcome of disgust is ambiguous.
What lurks on the outside - ambiguity is king with dread, or even mounting details, a small trickle turning into a river.
Perhaps this is a seed of dread - a small brainworm of a detail that grows into something worse

>> No.22000441

If you need to ask you wouldn't know.

>> No.22000461

Don't think of it as trauma, think of it as a "mistaken belief."
The character wants something, but because of this "mistaken belief," he can't get it. He has to do something to overcome it and get what he's after. Sometimes it's a mistaken believe about what he wants to begin with. Maybe it's a mistaken belief about an event, or a person, a place, an idea. The conflict does not have to be "demon lord burned down my village and my parents are dead." It could be something like "This place isn't special, it's no different from anywhere else," and then we go on a story about how a man wrestles with his past and begins to form new beliefs about what makes a place special to begin with. You do not have to raise the stakes by making bigger bombs that threaten more people. There are intangible things at stake sometimes like pride, honor and love. And if you are subtle you can hide how much a character cares about this, and when you need to ratchet up the drama they begin to crack.

There is absolutely a point to characters that don't change, you can have flat characters and that is valuable to show different perspectives. But the dynamism of a character who has the potential to change due to the conflict within him is engaging for the reader, because the reader is invested to see what may happen to him, and you can lay those possibilities on the table. You don't have to change him necessarily, it's the conflict you get from the possibility that is interesting.

>> No.22000490

Well, then, I won't give you an invite to it.

>> No.22000492

You couldn't anyway.

>> No.22000542
File: 2.26 MB, 1024x2048, 1681712735620801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look its this self shilling autist who writes 'progession fantasy' again. But if you are going to pretend to not be that author like a schizo, what have (you) written today?

>> No.22000580

>Threads theme is peace and love.
>Near instantly starts an argument.
Its like you were meant for this place.

>> No.22000599
File: 19 KB, 777x342, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not the anon you described either. but heres what i wrote today. i kinda got side tracked and went to draw something instead of finishing the scene

>> No.22000651

wg, I'm scared of writing. I used to be pretty good at it but when my mental health tanked a few years back I stopped being able to write well and felt deeply ashamed every time I made a mistake or reread what I wrote the night before

my old writing looks fine, but all the new stuff that dribbles out makes me want to slit my wrists

>> No.22000688

Why? Do you publish first drafts? Don't worry about it. Read better quality books more often, maybe even practice copywriting them and you can improve your base level. Sometimes strokes of genius will become more normal, but sometimes the first draft is not artistic at all. You just have to work over it.

>> No.22000740

because what I'm writing isn't first drafts. I'm trying to rewrite parts of my book that no longer work, but the new stuff I'm writing is coming out even worse

>> No.22000743

Therapy of anonymous people is a bit outside our scope.

>> No.22000748

it seems to be outside the scope of the past few therapists I've seen too...

>> No.22000765
File: 117 KB, 800x533, dianetics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psychology and psychiatry, in my experience, don't actually work.
You may want to consider going WAY off the reservation.

>> No.22000796

>How are you all feeling about your progress as a writer?
Not great. It's been a bit over a year since I started on this book, which was my first time trying fiction since I was a teenager. I got fired in January just as I wrapped up a very rough first draft. Tried to use that time to re-read, revise, start a new draft, and get feedback from friends; none of which went well, and I've been floundering for a few months. Now I'm settling into a new job and have a better idea of my story's problems, but I'm hardly killing it. Writing here and there, but big gaps between sessions and those sessions aren't great.

Did read Swain, and I'm glad people here recommended him, because it's the first advice I've gotten which helps at the nuts-and-bolts level; instead of shit like On Writing, which jumps from "have a vocabulary" to King's philosophy of life. I feel like Swain is good for when you work through the platitudes but just cant make it fun to read, and that's where I was.

Right now I'm making a yarn conspiracy wall thing, trying to break down all the decisions my characters make so I can see how they chain together into the plot. I'm hoping I can make a really good outline and start a new draft, and that will help me feel better about this. I'm not depressed like I was, but I've lost momentum.

Also did some soul-searching about why I'm doing this shit. Last few months I've been anxious about how I'm not writing fast enough and the book won't be done "in time", because I got it into my head I needed to have a book before I turn 30 at the end of this year, and also it needed to be awesome. I got too fixated on outcomes and my expectations sucked the joy out of writing.

In a weird place now. Feel like I know way more than when I started, but I learned most of those lessons the hard way. Trying to get back into things and avoid the temptation to start a new project, but part of me feels like I'm handcuffed to something way too ambitious for a beginner. I'm going to stick with it, but fuck does the idea of doing one story for years and years wear me down, even if I might need a "practice" series before can make something better.

Guess I've learned giving writing a proper place in your life is a challenge in itself. I was carried through a year and 100k words on sheer obsessive momentum, but you can't keep that up forever, because books take so long to make that you will be a different person by the time you finish, and the seasons of human life are smaller than the production cycle of most novels.

Rambly and a bit off-topic, but I guess I wanted to get that off my chest. Thanks for asking.

>> No.22000863

I'm seeing a marked improvement in the quality of my first drafts as well as the quality and sheer quantity of my ideas. Chalking it up to reading a short story every 1-2 days and the confidence boost that comes with actually submitting a story (though I haven't heard back yet). Now if I could just focus my efforts on what to finish next...

>> No.22000882

the fact that you're so embarrassed about your own work feels like a result of the panopticon effect. You're steeped in too much critical culture that you imagine invisible people reading and harshly judging your work behind your back. I'd suggest cutting social media and anything remotely approaching parasocial eceleb culture (that includes vtubers) out of your life. If you've already foregone these things and are still experiencing issues, it might be the case that someone in your own life is sapping your self-confidence. If you find out who it is, burn the bridge with them and never look back. Doesn't matter if its your coworker, your best friend, or your mom.
Thats not to say that you shouldn't be critical of your own work and that everything is the fault of other bad actors in your life, but if reading your own work fucks you up like this, then something external is definitely going down. I'm not a particularly good writer, and I've struggled with self-confidence my whole life, and even I have things I wrote that I'm extremely proud of.

>> No.22000896

Putting aside the fact that people lie on the internet, that is far from the worst dialogue i have ever seen, congrats!
>went to draw something
Well i guess that would go a long way to explaining your AI hate boner. But consider the following if you will; Why not take a bunch of your drawings on a particular topic and automate the process by getting the AI to generate your work for you like how esl writers are doing with new novels? (I havn't tried it personally but in other threads a couple of anons have admitted to utilizing AI to help them write their shit)

>> No.22000902

you're a fucking moron

>> No.22000912

i'm going to vent for a bit. i wrote and finished a short story, i'm currently editing it. i wanted to submit the story to unreal despite the drama but someone seems determined to smear them. in addition i went to the wg discord and immediately one of them accused me of being a troll which pissed me off. i want unreal to succeed but it's hard to root for them when they have a trail of drama following them and they respond horribly to criticism. then again, that's what the troll wants. but i don't trust them either. i wouldn't be surprised if one of them retaliated against me for posting this.

>> No.22000931

I feel like this should apply to /wg/. I never feel worse about my own writing than when I see other anons' work get cut to pieces (often by bad faith actors)

>> No.22000936
File: 397 KB, 1224x1632, The Beautiful Kingdom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished reading "The Beautiful Kingdom" today. Here's my impression.

This is one of the first litfic novels that a /wg/ authors has done, and it's historical fiction. It's a story about young Chinese immigrant trying to get financial independence. He's fueled by old proverbs and a tenacity to succeed. There's a lot of conflict—and I mean a lot. There are tense moments where we doubt allegiances, but it's only a several times as characters are mostly either hard-working individuals or they are inclined to mob mentality. Rugged individualism is a big part of this book, and the conflict ultimately comes from whether people believe there's any "gold" left for them in America.
As far as weaknesses in the story, there's a lack of proof-reading, spelling and punctuation mostly. However, the most confusing oversight is that Hutch is a Baptist but refers to "Saint Peter" "Saint Aquinas" and "Mother Mary." This is an oversight I can understand, but Baptists have taught "Priesthood of All Believers" long before this story took place, so Hutch would not refer to these characters with special titles and would be more likely to refer to Jesus Christ in prayer than anyone else. Either that, or he's another denomination. Also, there's some literal demonization of the mobs, which I can understand. But I was a bit disappointed these characters were not given a little more POV to reveal how this problem really began with them.
I really liked the characterization and details in this story, Wing has improved a lot in that regard. I did not get as misty eyed as I did with "Emily Project" (but I'm a sucker for romance so that's my fault), but "the Beautiful Kingdom" had a number of moving scenes for me: one in the mine, another at a circus, and another revelation near the end that I think drove home the point of individuals. There are other great scenes, but those three I found the most poignant, but the one at the circus is very subtle and you might miss the significance if you don't pay attention. There's also cited works of fiction, history and newspapers in the back of the book, which is nice. Wing read quite a bit to put this together and it shows with the imagery and dialect he uses. He's very bold in presenting the vitriol of political rhetoric and frustration at the time, as many people that failed the Gold Rush could never live it down.
At any rate, I liked the book. It's got some mistakes I think Wing can and will address in other editions. Hopefully his next books will be more thorough with the villain motivation, which I think is a general issue Wing has. But I do respect elevating classic American ideals like rugged individualism and how that aligned with foreign poetry, how people from all over the world want to find a home that enshrines their ideals. Good job anon!

>> No.22000963

I think I posted Eudora Welty last thread and her first book was over 30 and she eventually got a medal for literature from the President and has awards named after her. And Faulkner even suggested it's better to start writing after 30 anyways, presumably because you will have had much more life experience and books under your belt. Don't worry about age or how long it might take, what's important is you have a story to tell and keep that desire to tell it.

>> No.22001001

Gosh, such an articulate response.
I'll bet your writing reflects this demonstrated level of insight and intelligence.
Seethe all you want, but you're on the verge of getting replaced by a machine, and it's because you're lazy and complacent.

>> No.22001006

why are you using the writing general to shill AI art? Fuck off

>> No.22001008

actually you know what? fuck this. i'm going to write a horror story about the unreal press. they deserve it anyway

>> No.22001018
File: 1.34 MB, 1024x1280, cyberpunk-girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I "shill" something that's free and available to everyone?
There's nothing to sell here.
I just appreciate not having to deal with arrogant, surly "artists" anymore.
You slit your own throat.

>> No.22001027

still looks like shit

>> No.22001028

Thanks, and I sure hope so.

>> No.22001035

and you think this looks good? Why do the generals I use always have to be invaded by such dopes

>> No.22001045
File: 33 KB, 640x628, 1680618898412044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ - Art

>> No.22001055
File: 1.03 MB, 1536x1024, AI-cloudy-space-desert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you articulate why, or are you just an insecure failed-crab that's about to be replaced by a machine?
That picture takes my computer about 10 seconds to generate. Can you match that level of productivity?
That's why you're obsolete.

>> No.22001063

Growls of the forest linger over the tapestry of heart-gargling footstpes as the man, baked in the fear of God and brittled by revelation, feasts on the crumbs of grace walking the wreckless straight path of the holy fool. Emptiness cries out. Women, combed in gold breath giving pinks of youths, so fresh as if their very flesh's hue was the pulp from the fruit of angels' gardens, shadow every downfall leaf and each rivulet, stream, star breaking gaze, and moon licking prayer the man is reminded that he will die and God's law will not change and he will go to heaven and God's love will not end. How oh how - the beauty of the wellspring of life drenched in feminity, how can it be a fortitude and fortress that cannot be trespassed? I see the wisdom and know the righteousness and the war of my heart against His finger is the very soil of my foulest grave digging respite. To be free. I was free once in lie only and now free in Truth and Love I am heavy in the lightest sense, and yet these nectars of Earth, these falling leaves and juicy limbs, I cannot take them all with me as the fire will take them. Is there sex in heaven? I am too pathetic to already know the answer. God save me and blot out my heart - burn me to light and boil me into fire.

>> No.22001068

Wait someone actually finished a book here? And from your review, it's good?

>> No.22001072
File: 993 KB, 1996x1656, 11-wg-books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of anons here have finished books.
The OP author pastebin has a big list.
So does https://lampbylit.com/magazine/authors/ .

>> No.22001080

I've reviewed quite a few /lit/ novels in the past year. I am also reading The Hungry God, Behead All Satans, Chicken World, and Mixtape Hyperborea in coming weeks but keep in mind I also write so I'm busy. But I love you guys.
The Beautiful Kingdom is good. Has some errors becoming of a self-pub, and antagonists arent too thorough, but theme is great and I liked the conflict and characters.

>> No.22001094

literally no one likes your AI shart. It looks ugly, what do you mean articulate why. Do you not have eyes? It's ugly, everyone thinks it's ugly. Why do you need more reason than that to not stop shitting up the general with it every fucking thread?

>> No.22001205


Carlos Gatilla knew he was a “touched” child. He knew from the notebooks he’d discovered in the kitchen drawer full of his mother’s violent fantasies towards all the people who’d wronged her in some way. She was a creature of vengeance without any of the power to fulfill it. Instead, she yelled, hissed, and beat her way into whatever she wanted. Carlos from the start knew her game. He also knew that the world operated by different rules from hers, where a child’s parent was assumed to bear responsibility and not be a psychotic whore. He heard the neighborhood boys call her this one day and repeated it to her. Whore. His mother beat him close to death and left him at a bar called Ulysses. Alas, life had it in the cards for young Carlos. His solution was to change the deck.
The owner of Ulysses was a feckless dull man named Mavis who at least knew the value of an education. He adopted Carlos. When Carlos failed through high school, Mavis taught him a trade, the value of working with his hands. During the days Mavis would fashion a balustrade for the main staircase of the bar, something to impress his bachelor friends. Carlos made it his quest to outdo him. And for years, in whatever hobby Mavis initiated, Carlos would follow with the intent of besting him.
The end came when Mavis decided to pick up the namesake of his bar, Ulysses by James Joyce. The book was unsurmountable without a high school education in English literature, which Mavis had retained but not very well utilized. Carlos read at a fifth-grade level, which was expected for him, as he barely graduated middle school anyway. Now he was 19, a man through and through, with myriad skills except a formal education. Normally this could be overlooked as hooking up with the neighborhood girls required the opposite of intellectual acuity. But now he needed to conquer this last hobby of Mavis’s. He needed to find someone who could teach him how to read.
Carlos lived in Morningside Heights in New York City. It was home to Columbia University and City College so he figured his quest would end at a moment’s notice. This was not to be. All the college students looked so intimidating with their books and their airs. When he walked up and asked them to teach him how to read, they thought it was a joke! They looked for the camera. He felt so demoralized after one day that he almost went back to Mavis and confessed the whole business. But his pride made him try one last joint.


>> No.22001209


In an abandoned building next to Columbia there was a writing group that met up every Monday at midnight. They called themselves the Unreal Press because their stories were unreally good. Carlos thought this was the perfect opportunity to learn how to read. All he’d do was pretend to be a writer and turn up his nose at the other contributors so he could leave without reading what he wrote. He already got plenty of practice from watching the snooty Columbia students. He prepared for this meeting by stealing some of Mavis’s writings just in case they asked for some.
Carlos walked up to the building close to midnight but he was confused because he didn’t see anyone else. He was about to walk in before a black female student grabbed him.
“Don’t go in there!” She warned. “That place is cursed!”
“Cursed?” Carlos asked. “I don’t believe you.”
“It’s called the Curse of the Unreal. If you don’t submit your work to them, they’ll kill you. Or they will post your picture online and tell other people to do it. Same thing.” She said.
“So what? I don’t have internet. Never did.” Carlos replied smugly.
“Be careful.” She said as she ran away.
One of the students opened the door of the building.
“After her!” The student cried. Immediately the other students ran after her with printed out pictures of her face and one of them had glue on it.
“Oh no. The curse is true!” Carlos said. “But I must go in. I have to learn how to read.”
Carlos entered the building and there were still a few students surrounded by lit candles.
“Please, come in.” The first one said. Carlos thought he might be the leader. “Why don’t we start with you? Our other writers are… busy.”
“Uhh well my style is so avant-garde.” Carlos said, mimicking the Columbia students. He wrote down many of their phrases and was very convincing. “I don’t think you’d get it.”
The leader chuckled. “We’re all about transgressive literature. Now, why don’t you hand your writing to me before you accidentally lose it.”
“No! I mean, I need to get scared first. Feel the intensity of the writing.” Carlos said, panicked.
“Very well.” The leader heaved an annoyed sigh. “Well, the others should be back now. You’re in for a treat.”
The other students burst into the room, carrying the black girl student by her limbs. They plopped her down in the center of the circle of candles. Carlos saw now that the students had drawn a red pentagram on the floor in chalk.
“Dios mío! You’re going to sacrifice her! I won’t let you complete the curse!” Carlos said, kicking the candles away from the circle.


>> No.22001212


One of the students pushed him away, spilling his papers everywhere. They picked up his papers and laughed.
“What the hell is this? A jew is afraid of a giant dreidel monster?” The students gathered around to laugh at the papers.
“NO! Keep concentrating on the spell! You’ve ruined it!” The leader ran over to snatch the papers, but it was already too late. The curse had posted the dox of the black girl on the internet, but it posted the dox of the leaders and contributors too. All the students scrambled.
“Wow, you saved me, you big strong latino man. How can I ever repay you?” The black girl said to Carlos while feeling his biceps.
“Relax, toots. Just teach me how to read.” Carlos said. He had saved the day.

>> No.22001218

>side characters are more interesting/have more personality than my main character
This keeps happening. How do I avoid/save it?

>> No.22001223
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The OTP we don't need but deserve.

>> No.22001241

Depending on the situation could you just make them the main character? Either by changing the story or by giving the main character these traits.

>> No.22001246

give your mc a vice that serves to distract/screw things up that he has to actively fight against

>> No.22001248

Hey this is great. https://discord.gg/Q9w8U6tm join the discord and submit this story for the next tales of the unreal anthology so that you too can be cursed

>> No.22001261

why are you courting literal dogshit that i wrote to make fun of you guys? lmao
i have an actual story that i've written but the problem is that i don't trust unreal. you guys have shown that you're unwilling to take criticism in good faith. or at least that's how one person acts, but he talks like he represents you all and says anyone who points out anything negative is a crab. i don't trust you guys because you're immature and unwilling to critique your own authors' work because you're afraid they won't submit again. but that attitude is exactly what keeps their writing at a mediocre level. that is the true problem with unreal.

>> No.22001263

here's yet another reminder that discord only serves as a breeding ground for trannies, groomers and doxxing attempts. join a discord at your own peril

>> No.22001278
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He is not he anon who made the thread, I am. (you) need to calm down, focus on (you)r writing and stop being so buttmad (you) didn't get to make the thread.

On writing related not i just finished editing a fapter and a half of my genre shit. Please share (you) words with us anon...(you)r among friends.

>> No.22001300

I wonder what the source for that video was. What it overlays I mean.

>> No.22001305

There is so much talk about Royal Road here but I found that there are websites like ScribbleHub and Wattpad. Are there any others that are noteworthy? Should you post your work on as many of them as you can to gather an audience?

>> No.22001307
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You did write your 2000 daily words today, right /wg/?

>> No.22001309

I just got laid off from a nuke outage but tomorrow I plan to return to writing.

>> No.22001311
File: 497 KB, 640x744, 29EC696D-EF70-4A64-A298-5B67B32D8EBD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a wattpad account and published a one page stream of consciousness story.
>1 person has read it
Yep, time to start my career!

>> No.22001314


I went from Wattpad to RR, and went from 0 views or comments ever to thousands of views, dozens of comments and ratings in only a couple of weeks. Wattpad is trash.

>> No.22001318

I wrote 1900 words today. Mostly mush. But I'm glad to get back into the process of writing.

>> No.22001320

So /wg/ I have a bit of writer's history for you. You want to know what prolific can look like? Walter B. Gibson was the writer for the bulk of the Shadow series of hero pulps in the 1930s and 1940s. A typical novel was 50k-60k words and was published on a bimonthly basis at its peak. While there were other authors Walter Gibson wrote upwards of 1.44M words in a year at his peak. 1.44M means he wrote 3,945 words per day every day on average. If he kept things to a five day work week then he wrote 5,517 words per work day.

Now of course most of us do not aspire to write anywhere near that volume. What's more we must remember that he wrote pulps not literary novels. However, the point of all this is that if you have enough incentive, investment, and passion for your work you can be more prolific than a mere 2k words per day. You can exceed your wildest expectations as you begin your journey.

>> No.22001330

You saved the most important part for last. Gibson could only be so prolific from producing pulps. That's like writing according to a template. It's much easier to write when the beats remain mostly the same, you just swap out settings and the monster of the week. I'd say 2k words is a good goal for consistency.

>> No.22001344

Gibson also did not begin writing that much either. He graduated to it. Not every pulp writer wrote as much as he did either. He is one of the most prolific due in part to how massive The Shadow was as a franchise at the time. That said, knowing how much a man can write on average in a day can make 2k words not seem like such a mountain. More like a hill to climb every day.

>> No.22001348
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>Its already too late.

>> No.22001351

Speaking of templates here is the 6k word template used by Lester Dent, the writer for Doc Savage. Doc Savage novels, like The Shadow, were 50-60k words long rather than 6k but this template has practical credentials for its time. Rather than copy it to the letter I prefer to read it as a matter of internalizing the underlying concepts that it conveys. It's a source to cross-reference with other guides to writing. The Tao of Jeet Kune Do kind of stuff where you learn all that you can within your craft and even from without and you keep what works for you and discard what does not.


>> No.22001364

> become a plumber
Funny as my day job is a night shift pipefitter. That guy got it backwards. He should have pursued a career not based on luxury and which has more guaranteed work and thus income. I have that but I am working on writing to start as a side hustle. Baby steps. I might never make more as a writer than I do as a pipefitter but at least I can always be a pipefitter with decent pay and good benefits.

>> No.22001373

Does anyone in /wg/ manage to actually keep this pace?

I do, and have for about a month now trying to get this story out quick. But I fear I'm losing my mojo or fire and getting burnt out. I don't really get a flow state from writing anymore. It all seems so artificial.

>> No.22001392

The average reading speed is 260 wpm. 2k words is therefore about 8 min of content for the average reader. Approach this as storytelling. Capture the essentials of a passage. Is it the descriptions of characters, settings, or actions? Is it the dialog? The conflict? The action of a scene? Whatever it is get that down and then add the elements that you left out. It will fill out as you go and make things more complete.

>> No.22001399

Not that anon but I believe what takes up the most time in writing is deciding what to write. You're tempted to veto anything before you start because you're convinced that whatever you came up with is dumb and unoriginal. I have to remind myself not to feel ashamed of being unoriginal and just write the scene. Any writing is better than none

>> No.22001414


Yes, deciding what to write is the hard part. I am comfortable writing and could evoke whatever I chose to. Choosing is hard. It's more pleasurable when it happens in a flow state. I find this very soothing. But that only occurs when I am both challenged and engaged, which with a webnovel (which I'm working on) is not always the case.

Thank you this is extremely useful information. I've always wondered how much of my writing actually translates to reading from a pacing perspective. Also I'm pretty sure some readers just skip little bits if they're bored.

But yeah the issues isn't with the writing--the writing goes on and is good as ever, far as I can tell. Some days I write 4.5k even. I just feel weird writing so much for so long.

>> No.22001452

Want to go deeper down the rabbit hole?

Standard manuscripts call for 1" margins, 0.5" indents at the start of every paragraph, Size 12 Times New Roman Font, and double spaced lines. If you do this to your work and check the word count per page you will see that you will tend to have about 250-400 words per page. Go ahead and try it. Check your pages. Most of them will fall within that range.

This format means that it takes about 1-2 minutes to read a page of mass market paperback book. Double that and it takes the average reader about 2-4 minutes to turn a page of your book. How quickly do you want your readers to turn the pages of your book? How quickly will their eyes glide over the page itself? How much information can you or should you convey per page?

>> No.22001486
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Need some feedback on something. Right now I'm writing a chapter where the MC of my book gets a call from his father on why he never picks up the phone. He freaks out and says he's been busy with renovations, hiding the fact that he's been boarding up his store due to a crimewave (book takes place during the 2020 Lockdown in NY). In the dialogue I have him make reference to "wooden decor being all the buzz," which is supposed to be a joke about local businesses having to board up their shops. Here's the piece:

>“Well, simply put…,” I scrambled to make up an answer. “The place is a bit… outdated, so to speak. Bizarre as it may sound, wooden decor has been all the buzz lately, so I thought it’d only be proper to give the bakery a more 2020 look, you know what I’m saying? Up until now I haven’t been able to focus on renovations, but today I should be able to put things into motion.”

My question is: will this joke fly over most readers' heads? Should I make it a little more obvious, or is subtlety preferable?

>> No.22001542

Thanks again. Great info. I use scriviner, not sure how I can make it look like that.

How quickly their eyes will glide is always an interesting question. I sort of subscribe to the view that you need information shallow sections to give them a break, like when Murakami describes someone cooking

>> No.22001561

I feel like it would fly over, because by the most popular, when you read "decor" you assume it's a piece of furniture inside the bakery, not on the windows. Because who puts furniture on windows?
It's a clever idea though, and I think it's funny.

>> No.22001564

By the most popular definition* sorry I barely slept

>> No.22001607

Then attach passages you like from books you're reading

>> No.22001693

I hope you succeed anon, if not? May your pipes be threaded and long.

>> No.22001694

whats up with people calling me coward on monglian basket weaving threads? sorry I didn't respond to you or whatever

>> No.22001696

She was the flame that consumed him, the poison that coursed through his veins. He was helpless in her grip, even though he knew she was his ruin. She was a storm that raged and roared, always seeking the next adventure. He was a harbor that sheltered and soothed, always trying to protect her. They were opposites, but they were drawn to each other like iron to a lodestone.

They met in Sedona, Arizona, a place where they could shed their skins and be no one for a while. He was a lawyer from New York, weary of his routine and unhappy with his bond. She was a singer from LA, exhausted of the fame and pressure and lonely in her cage. They crossed paths at a tavern, and sparks flew instantly. They spent the night together, and the next day, and the next. They didn’t talk much about themselves, they just savored the moment.

He felt alive with her, like he could soar to the skies. She made him laugh and smile and forget his woes. She felt loved by him, like he could see the true her. He made her feel radiant and cherished and tended to. They were addicted to each other, to the surge they felt when they kissed, when they caressed, when they gazed into each other’s eyes.

But they knew it couldn’t last forever. They had lives to return to, duties to perform, people to face. They knew they had to part ways, but they couldn’t bring themselves to do it. They kept finding reasons to stay longer, to see each other again, to make one more souvenir.

They knew they were playing with fire, but they didn’t care. They were willing to gamble everything for their opium, their cocaine, their only thing that was sweet to them.

But eventually, reality caught up with them. He got a call from his wife, who had discovered his infidelity and wanted a divorce. She got a call from her manager, who had booked her a tour and wanted her to leave immediately. They had no choice but to end their liaison, to break their addiction.

They said their final farewell in Sedona, Arizona, the place where they had found each other and lost themselves. They embraced and kissed and wept and vowed to never forget each other. They walked away in opposite directions, feeling hollow and shattered.

They tried to move on with their lives, but they couldn’t. They yearned for each other terribly, they longed for each other desperately. They tried to fill the void with other people, other things, but nothing worked. They were still addicted to each other, to their opium, their cocaine.

They thought about each other every day, every night. They dreamed about Sedona, Arizona, the place where they had been blissful and free. They wished they could go back there, to be no one every once in a while. To be with each other again.

But they knew it was impossible. They knew it was over.

They knew love was a fading star when the night was dawned.

>> No.22001717

>She's just a small town girl, living in a lonely world. He's just a city boy, born and raised in south Detroit.
All the she's this he's that stuff was kind of boring and long winded and active scenes are better than summary.

>> No.22001720

not that anon but why are you tripfagging? who are you

>> No.22001722

:( I'm an amateur I'm trying this out for the first time. We keep improving.

>> No.22001723

Fix to
>All writers are losers at life.

>> No.22001729

>who are you
Your worst nightmare, bitch.
That's okay anon, keep doing it and don't let the fact you suck slow you down. We all sucked at some point. Even the people who don't currently suck.
If it's a story you really want to tell try to show how they met, build tension in their relationship, foreshadow disaster, pay it off with heartbreak.
You can do it!

>> No.22001735

more like my worst cringe. jesus

>> No.22001739

I guess you can call me Jesus.
I'm basically the next best thing.
So that's cool.

>> No.22001760

This one was just a generic story to force myself to start with prose. I've been procrastinating for too long. I'll try something more concrete next time. Thanks for the encouraging words anon.

>> No.22001772

have you tried adding literary devices? assonance, alliteration, symbolism? i see a lot of contrast but reusing the same device gets weary over time. also you tend towards melodrama which is pretty common for beginners to creative writing. there's a disconnect between how long it takes to write something and how long it takes the audience to read it. you need to practice restraint with the feelings you evoke and pace them out so the reader doesn't get desensitized from constant pathos. also it would help to re-read your passage from a purely logical perspective. i don't sympathize with the man because he cheats out of entitlement. the disconnect between the tone of the passage and what it actually describes prevents me from sympathizing with it at all. i would recommend starting out with a character who wants something, anything -- it could be something totally inconsequential aka a MacGuffin -- and put an obstacle in their way. and keep going for three obstacles, making each one more difficult. finally, your character conquers the last obstacle with some skill or object that was foreshadowed at the beginning. creating and resolving tension lies at the heart of any good story. if you become good at it, you'll be a good writer.

>> No.22001782

Thank you. I hope we all make it.

>> No.22001789

Ignore all tripfags.

All of them.

>> No.22001803

i'm not so hard on them, we all had an attention seeking phase. hell, i used to trip on here back in 2010. people mostly grow out of it.

>> No.22001874

I've been doing it for over 10 years, bitch.
If you desire for people to indulge in the fruits of your creativity, it is because you believe that you are special. For you to be special there have to be others out there who are not special. The moment you sit down and think "I'll write a book" it is an act of pure arrogance.

>> No.22001890

>If you desire for people to indulge in the fruits of your creativity, it is because you believe that you are special.
Only in a crowded field. If I'm writing LITERATURE that I intend to get PUBLISHED then sure, that takes arrogance, but if I'm playing pictionary, then maybe not—we're fundamentally all idiots who can't draw and know it, even though there are sparks of creativity and little jokes in the doodles
These are on opposite ends of a continuum and I think it's good to keep that perspective in mind so you don't go insane

>> No.22001898

Wow. Thank you so much for not only reading my book but for the comprehensive review. That's awesome.

>As far as weaknesses in the story, there's a lack of proof-reading, spelling and punctuation
That's disturbing since I gave this to two English majors to read. Guess they didn't read it or shit at grammar.
>Hutch is a Baptist but refers to "Saint Peter" "Saint Aquinas" and "Mother Mary." This is an oversight I can understand, but Baptists have taught "Priesthood of All Believers"
guess my idea didn't work out. I'll keep these things in mind. The idea was Hutch has no idea what denomination he belongs to and his faith is individualistic. He claims he's a baptist but then he joins Reverend baylis' presbyterian church. Very typical of Americans who claim they're Christian, but have zero understanding of their denomination or even what Christianity is about. There are plenty Americans that believe Catholics aren't Christian. It's a very "American" thing.

Thanks again!

>> No.22001907

This really good anon thanks for taking the time to educate me. Your diagnosis is pretty accurate. I'm severely lacking in the theory aspect but I do want to learn. Do you recommend any books for me to educate myself? Or do you think it's better to just learn through reading, writing and audience feedback?

>> No.22001918

I recommend both. Read a lot, write a lot, study a lot.

>> No.22001930

I see, I did get the impression that Hutch might be confused, but it's also something weird to mix up, especially since Catholics arent common in Carolina, but they would have been in California. If someone had called him out on it I missed it. And I think a lot of Baptists dont really understand much about the religion, it is remarkably simplified denomination that keeps Jesus in the front and the Bible as the only authority (at least until the 20th century when the IFBs preaching began to imitate methodist "man of God" sensationalism)
In my referring to the circus, I thought the Siamese twin reveal was really big because other characters had claimed the guy got rich and had a hot wife but he was at a freak show. That and probably the most moving thing emotionally to me was the Montgomery reveal, which shows how much of an individual he really was and refused to be join a mob. Also check the math on the last will I think it didnt total to 100%.

>> No.22001982
File: 401 KB, 1645x1200, crying anime girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Editor wants me to change my 1000+ doorstopper into a musical

>> No.22001992

I think everyone has a good story in them. The difference between a writer and an idea guy is the act of putting down those daydreams to paper. It's not arrogance, just a matter of free time and commitment.

>> No.22002005 [DELETED] 

I don't know. A lot of people who have such a great idea that haaas to be made into a video game/ book bro. And it's the most hackneyed collection of tv tropes and stereotypes ever. These peoples brains are rotted from letsplays and tvtropes.com. There's a lot to be said for people have the ability (rare I think) to invent creative unique, original, aesthetically congruent and Truthful story ideas before even setting pen to paper

>> No.22002038

How do I resist the urge to be so autistically realistic and verbose in my descriptions of chemical and mechanical processes to the point that the reader will get bored unless he is interested in that kind of thing to begin with?

>> No.22002064
File: 3.94 MB, 480x480, crab.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having an editor
>actually wanting to make it
Get him, boys.

>> No.22002082

where do all the poor writers live nowadays? I feel like new york is out desu

>> No.22002104

get a trailer in wyoming and apply for food stamps.

>> No.22002130 [DELETED] 

buenos aires

>> No.22002140

think to a time you read a book that was based around subject matter that was interesting to you, and then the author started to go on tangents about random shit. Not only is it boring, its also completely obnoxious.
The example that I always remember was from a series of books I was reading as a kid about a child secret agent (don't remember the name of the series, sorry). The author at one point went on a tangent about how the sensation of muscular fatigue is caused by buildup of lactic acid. A few times throughout the rest of the book, instead of saying something simple like "The MC's legs were tired" he'd have to say some obnoxious shit like "Lactic acid was building up in the MC's leg muscles." Always reread your writings from the perspective of a neutral third party.

>> No.22002153

Well now I'm paranoid. Thanks for saying it though.

>> No.22002159

Money. It was all about money. They had all the metal, so of course they declared that money was metal. So we went to get rid of it. All of it. Through bargaining, looting, thievery. We got the metal, all of it, and threw it into the sea.

Now money would have a new standard, and that standard was something everyone possessed, blood.

>> No.22002183

I haven't written this way yet, but if I were to do it I would put it in terms of describing something that is a focus and could be interesting and especially relate to the theme.
For example if a character is doing a chemical reaction, and when the reaction starts I go into orbital theory and thermodynamics, how the electron is unfathomably far away, to explain the sheer majesty of what actually occurred, but the only thing that the character observes is a temperature spike or a color change. That way you could show one way in which the character is naive in some way. But you have to resist the urge the sciencedump unless you are writing hard scifi, then your readers want you to nerd out. I'd go for more clear description for the most part, but describing how something actually works can captivate people if you do it right.

>> No.22002192

You might want to consider footnotes. You can even play the explanations for humor. Just don't be one of those "You HAVE to read the footnotes and the pesterlogs and the barcode of the book to know the story" type of guy.

>> No.22002200

so is the general concensus here still the following:
>AI images good enough for /wg/
>AI text bad for /wg/

>> No.22002201

Will do.

>> No.22002207

So I want to write some sci-fi. But I am worried that my own personal beliefs will go against what people usually expect from sci-fi. Am I wrong in assuming that people won't like sci-fi stories that are very anti-humanity, and pro escapism and AI taking over? Feels like just typing this out made all the classic sci-fi writers turn over in their graves.

>> No.22002217

>you have to have preordered to get it
>you have to have participated in the viral marketing campaign to get it
>you have to watch this booktok review to get it
>you have to meet the author in person to get it
I don't care about images, people can post whatever. I want to talk about writing and what people write.

>> No.22002227

The Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism meme exists for a reason, you won't be totally alone with those themes

>> No.22002274

Are you a creative writing Professor by any chance?

>> No.22002279

So long as you explore the idea from a variety of angles you should be fine.

>> No.22002290
File: 14 KB, 300x154, screenplays-300x154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might be a weird idea but would reading scripts help a writer?

>> No.22002296

I've been looking for film treatments instead, which seem hard to find.
But reading scripts would be good if you are doing a full study of some work. Read the short story, read the treatment, read the script, watch the film. This would be the best way to get a handle on the work.

>> No.22002300

any kind of thoughtful reading of high quality material will be a useful exercise

>> No.22002319

No, but I am making a living as a writer. Nobody on here believes me when I say it. They prolly jelly.
For the record, I do not live in a trailer in Wyoming.

>> No.22002323

Had a professor who, before getting tenured, lived in a trailer park. Strategy is legit.

>> No.22002340

What do you write? Are you a ghostwriter? Writing tips?

>> No.22002350

Making it as a writer does not happen overnight unless you are extremely lucky, or just that naturally talented (rare). For most, it is a lifelong obsession that sacrifices the comfort of a reliable income.
While working on your writing career, minimizing your expenses means less time working a menial job that you hate.

>> No.22002383

I am very jelly

>> No.22002385


I've done some freelance ghostwriting and editing in the past, but I'm self-publishing exclusively original content now.
It has been said by others than me, but the best tip I can give is only pursue writing as a career if it is an absolute obsession that you can not live without. If you can check that box with confidence, then keep grinding and believing, and one day you'll meet your goals. You'll figure it out.

My only goal was to make enough from writing so that writing is all I have to do.

I write fiction. "Modern fantasy" is probably the best way to categorize it.

>> No.22002395

>That's disturbing since I gave this to two English majors to read. Guess they didn't read it or shit at grammar.
I bet you they were girls. Unless it's fantasy YA or romance, never ever have female beta readers. Especially if your book is litfic and about American individualism

>> No.22002401

You write erotica don't you? You're the incest mom fucker aren't you?

>> No.22002406

>only pursue writing as a career if it is an absolute obsession that you can not live without
*Unless you are stupidly smart, or stupidly talented, or have some circumstance where money is not an issue for you.

>> No.22002410

I'll never tell.

>> No.22002417

>literally no one likes your AI art
Strawman argument.
Also, pretending your opinion is shared by *everyone*, when it's merely your opinion, is one of the hallmarks of a sociopath.
As if that wasn't obvious from your relentless seething.

>> No.22002428

I get 10x more readers on RoyalRoad than I do on ScribbleHub.
I get no detectable readers on WattPad.
I don't know why that is, but I can't argue with the numbers.

>> No.22002435

Can someone dissect what you think of my 5am no sleep stream of consciousness. Bland? Interesting? Purple? Why? And I know iwnbaw.

Four in six out, artificial relaxation.

"I know you're afraid of men, but you can trust me." was the last thing I wanted to hear from your mouth, and it was the last venom you will ever spray on me. You're a fucking menace to my life. I should've never let you in, but your logic rendered me obedient. Sure, the sex was outstanding. Although I wouldn't call it love making, there was a palpable passion when our bodies touched. You broke me when I reached the climax, all of my senses flipping sideways. Everything I was forced to believe was in a superposition. Should I trust a man? But I just let one inseminate me, and I loved it. I fell in love with the feeling, but it was you I could not fall for.

Yes sir, no sir. That's what you wanted to hear, and I let it out every time because I wanted a shortcut. A quick way into that alluring feeling. One more time and I'm out for good. You will never witness the birth of your child, I made up my mind years ago.

Three in five out, unable to relax. Two in four out.

>> No.22002439

Thank goodness I have a day job & that writing is just a hobby for me that *might* "hit the lottery".
It probably won't, but at least I don't have to rely on it to eat.
Oooh, look, something entirely new for you to seethe at! And just as uselessly!

>> No.22002456

Well, you posted the same demotivational failed-crab image twice, despite getting a reply to the first posting.
That gives me the impression that you're a thoughtless jerk, and therefore have no place here.

>> No.22002465
File: 54 KB, 531x380, 1682649353710522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone write a shitty novel and want a cheap editor?

>> No.22002474

That's not the "consensus", that's just one very vocal crab seething.
AI images are merely being used in the OP, since one of these needs to be made every day or two.
AI text will replace pulp writers, but they had to know that was coming anyway.
Both types of artists will have to shift from making generic content, to polishing AI-generated content, if they want to continue working in this field.

>> No.22002475

Use AI to help you think of metaphors and stuff, stupid. It's a tool; adapt to using the tool.
Guess it depends on exactly what kind of writing you are doing. If it's blurbs for businesses or something, yeah you fucked.

>> No.22002607

Do I go hard sci-fi, or soft sci-fi, with a lot of handwaving tech and stuff away?

>> No.22002619

This is like asking, 'Should I write comedy or tragedy?'

>> No.22002624

What is your story about and how much do the details of the science and technology matter to it?

>> No.22002651

Well it's about humanity uniting to colonize the entire galaxy, after finding out that we are not alone. The thing is, I am already handwaving stuff that realistically isn't possible, like faster than light travel, mech suits and alien life. I think like for describing mechs, there are two ways:
>You either describe how the machine works, how it was developed, what it runs on, how it's produced and etc
>Or you just say that the pilot isn't a mechanic or a scientist, he just pilots the thing and it works
I choose to go with the latter, as I think character development, intrigue and themes are more important than describing fantasy-science.

>> No.22002668

My wattpad story had essentially 0 views, but someone just added it to a list of stories for that subject yesterday (fewer than 100 stories on the list). Everything else on the list has like 50k views so I expect things to ramp up shortly. The problem with wattpad is discoverability and algorithms. So 5% of stories get 100% of readers and the other 95% get nothing.

>> No.22002748

melodramatic, a bit unclear what's happening but the implication is that's she's getting gangbanged in which case the introspection does not fit the action. even if she wasn't getting fucked the introspection doesn't fit. she's supposed to be relaxing. the contrast comes off unsexy or like you didn't know the themes beforehand and planned as you wrote. my advice is to plan the themes before you write and write according to the theme so you have a guideline to follow.

>> No.22002792

I don't know what the "x in x out" means exactly. Other than that, it's a fine piece of prose and could work as the opening for a gritty fiction novel.

Not sure where this anon got gangbang from, guess the x in x out bit which I agree is unclear. Aside from that, it's clear her thoughts are directed at a single individual.

>> No.22002831

x in y out is a breathing exercise, it implies how many seconds you breathe in and out.
It's not meant to be sexy or to arouse, it's a woman with confused feelings about feeling good while having sex while loathing the abusive person who says he's not abusive. I don't know why but I always write something of the future in the beginning.
But yes, I recognize it as being melodramatic. How can I make something dramatic or tragic without being melodramatic? I don't want to write about happy people being happy with nothing bad happening to them.

>> No.22002849
File: 256 KB, 1920x1080, miyamori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons, I got enlisted by some friends to write the story of a really short visual novel for them. I like the idea, but I have no idea what kind of considerations to make for a visual novel. Does anyone here have any experience writing one? I feel it might be closer to a screenplay than a novel, at least in terms of formatting. But I don't know if it's just dialogue or if there are any descriptions of the background or anything.

>> No.22002858

Everything is showing in a visual novel, so you describe actions (due to the lack of animation) and do the dialogue. Something around ten to fifteen word sentences usually.
T. Occasional vn reader

>> No.22002863

I don't think it is melodramatic and that anon was wrong. It is a real scenario with real feelings. It conveys everything you just said it was supposed to.

You doing a fine job, anon.

>> No.22002866

I appreciate it, tripsister!
I still take every opinion into account as I learn and write.

>> No.22002871 [DELETED] 

Let's see

>> No.22002890

I see, thank you for your help

>> No.22002913

it's possible to describe real feelings while being melodramatic. that's true of many creative writers that talk about something bad that happened to them, which is most of them. rape, abuse, violence are all common topics. trying to discredit someone's criticism because you feel bad for the author is not helpful. if you really cared you would want the author to improve their writing.

re: author. you can prevent melodrama by expanding the inner monologue to include details about the past and people in your character's past, what they did to the character, how your character reacted to those actions, and their current feelings. make it a step by step process so the reader can follow the character's mindset and their desires. so instead of vague feelings, the character has specific weaknesses, grudges and skills they can work with later.

>> No.22002918

I'd consider twice before relying on a tool to think for you. Google already ruined the memory retention of entire generations, who have accepted that they don't need to really know anything when you can just google whatever you need. And right when I thought it couldn't possibly get any worse, there came generations who don't even know how to use google, because they expect others to just tell them what they need to know. By adopting AI, you'll have killed yourself as a creator, no mistake about that. Unless you weren't one to begin with.

>> No.22002923

Are you an experienced, gifted scientist/engineer?
If not, you probably shouldn't go the hard sci-fi route.
Write what you know.

>> No.22002928

Have to include a bunch of stories about a rather notorious guy and all the awful shit he's done, because he becomes important, but i can't drag it on too long nor put a POV in for him, because he's only around for a short-ish time before one of his guys whacks him. so i have it as a group sitting around gossipping about him and sharing stories they've heard. but this is in the first chapter and takes several pages. will agents throw it out?

first chapter is basically: short scene to establish setting and some history/mood, a family quarrel plus growing problem, the above gossip relating to the growing problem, and then the protag makes an important decision. since agents are always insisting on "high concept" will this be too boring if i don't have a car chase, a sword fight, and a steamy affair all in the first 2 pages?

>> No.22002937

>FTL travel
It's totally possible, but the ship has to leave our universe and travel through a sort of parallel dimension where the limits of special relativity don't apply.
>mech suits
Already being used in military and in warehouses.
>alien life
Oh, please. We're obviously not the only sentient life in the universe.

Yeah...you should write soft sci-fi.
You're not prepared to write hard sci-fi.
Not trying to be mean here.

>> No.22002943
File: 39 KB, 604x528, draft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've scrapped the idea of the city filled with radiation sick people who look towards MC as some sort of messiah since his sperm is normal and I'm just now making it about MC explores the wasteland looking for women to save humanity with his cyborgcompanion while coming to terms with being the last human

>> No.22002960

In the context of my criticism of said criticism, I felt "melodramatic" was meant negatively, and the implication was that the writer was being too dramatic and should tone it down, which I perceived as bad advice.
>trying to discredit someone's criticism because you feel bad for the author is not helpful.
That is not what I was doing, I believed it was a fine passage and I believed the criticism was bad.

>> No.22002959
File: 33 KB, 498x474, pepe-althusser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To me, it's obvious that information isn't useful until you've internalized it, and can actually wield it, whereupon it becomes knowledge.
Maybe that's a generational thing.
To me, Google isn't a reason not to remember anything.
It's more like my ideal research librarian.
If people want to use Google to become intellectually lazy, that's their funeral.
Sloth is a deadly sin for a reason.

>> No.22002976

>include details about the past and people in your character's past, what they did to the character, how your character reacted to those actions, and their current feelings.
I will use this, thank you! That one I wrote I wanted to be exactly 200 words long so I didn't go in depth.

>> No.22002979

frankly i believe you are being disingenuous. i've never once seen you put real effort into a critique without patting authors on the back and saying "thanks for trying!" that is not what they need. authors get rejected over and over again without anyone really giving them an honest assessment. what you're doing is more cruel than me because at least i give my opinion, you only care about stealing attention from the people actually who need it. just leave.

>> No.22003022

It's an interesting premise and the text was fine, you created a problem and now the reader wants to know how the MC is going to solve it. But I felt you used "the old man" too many times at the beginning.You can use pronouns because he's the only other character properly introduced
>with only a dew struggling survivors lef

>> No.22003084

Would anyone happen to have good examples of a human being forcibly transformed into a monster?

>> No.22003089

I want to write a light novel in which the protagonist has scientific knowledge of the modern world but in a fantasy, medieval setting. The laziest option is just to make it an isekai but that introduces another problem of how/why the protagonist has wound up in this new world. I also thought about having books about various scientific topics scattered throughout the world for the protagonist to find while exploring, but then the origin of these books would be doubtful. Another idea is to have some mentor who teaches the protagonist where it might be fine if his origins are left unexplained since he's a mere side character. Maybe I am overthinking it, especially for a silly light/web novel, but I don't want to have any plot holes if I can help it. Thoughts?

>> No.22003094

Kafka's Metamorphosis?

>> No.22003104

Sorry I meant in terms of description. What they feel phyiscally/mentally as their bodies transform

>> No.22003116

Just look at the current wave of AIfags, I think there is an audience for what you want to write.

>> No.22003128
File: 86 KB, 839x1192, soffice.bin_2023-05-07_20-58-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first page of my first project:

Two brothers discover an anomaly in a forest. Although it seemed harmless, they found out that it was expanding and devouring everything it touched, with no perceivable way to stop it. Their peaceful rural lives destroyed and the world scrambling to find answers, 1950 turned out to be the year when mankind ceased to exist.

I've asked about this before and I've made several edits according to the feedback.
my questions about the first page are
>how did you feel reading it?
>on a scale of 0-boring to 10-intriguing how would you rate it?
>how would you improve it?
>would you turn the page?

>> No.22003138

Your imagination

>> No.22003142

The American elementary-school system?

>> No.22003159

You haven't been paying attention, then. I can be brutal. I haven't been on here in some months though, so you either missed it or don't remember.
If a passage is good then it's good, there isn't much to say. Had that been the opening passage of a novel I wouldn't be turned away from reading it. Are there ways to make it better? Yeah, always. Getting into that territory I'd end up just telling how I would personally write it which I don't think is always helpful either.

>> No.22003173

Look, if I read something without rolling my eyes, cringing, falling asleep halfway into a description, or rereading because I don't know what the fucks going on, then that means it's good, and I'll say it's good.

>> No.22003194

i've read your work in the archive and it's not good enough to warrant you acting like hot shit.

>> No.22003208

Na you are right; over-reliance on a tool will lose you your ability to think for yourself. Thinking for yourself is the key.
GPS can help you navigate without removing your ability to read road signs. If you use it to do all the thinking for you and you never look at a road sign, then you are fucking up.
Same with a calculator.

In the case of AI, it can give you ideas for metaphors or better descriptions, but you still need to use your brain and decide if they are working or not and understand why they are working. Shit, I learn words from AI, I feel like it's improving my abilities. It gives me words I wouldn't have thought of on my own and shows me ways to use them that I had never considered.

It's all about how you use the tool.

>> No.22003211

Balls Above the World was a modern fucking masterpiece and anyone who says otherwise is just a hater.

>> No.22003245

the bluejays come to feed in my front yard have shat out better. get over yourself. your name is taken from a character whose story you were writing about last july, which you could never bring yourself to finish after furiously masturbating over the prose. you have nothing to show for yourself.

>> No.22003290
File: 141 KB, 879x451, sange-writes-generic-twaddle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emphatic no.

>> No.22003322


re-reading it the rest is fine but the last paragraph I feel like could be split into two. At the end of the second chapter he meets a person who he thinks is a woman but turns out to be a cyborg, who later becomes his traveling companion while he searches for a woman. I'm going to rewrite the first chapter, and put more of an emphasis on how the MC views women, and puts them on this mythical level status having only knowledge of them from the old man and from books left in the house.

>> No.22003328

he writes at an early intermediate level where many people get stuck. he thinks that because he is aware of the bare minimum conventions that this makes him superior to the masses of novice writers that never had the time or education to specialize in creative writing. it's a gross attitude to have. if he checked his ego maybe he could improve. but he won't.

>> No.22003380

Don't you dare shit on my masterpiece!
That was the rough draft, btw.

>> No.22003399

Indeed. A classic example of the Dunning–Kruger effect.
Sange is down at the bottom of the barrel, with Jason Bryan and the groundskeeper, but can't comprehend that.

>> No.22003407

faggot, you didn't even post the part with all the character depth of coach Blackman and how he needs to earn the team's respect. Also, his wife left him and his daughter is retarded.

>> No.22003432

I think the key is whether you want the details of the science to influence the plot. Mainly the limitations.
"FTL travel is impossible" isn't the end of it, even though it probably is impossible in reality. You can take the Alcubierre drive and try to grasp the basics. I haven't worked through it myself but it requires a kind of matter that (to our knowledge) doesn't actually exist. At least we haven't found it.
If you're going to write hard sci-fi then this informs your plot. Alright, (you say,) it requires special particles. Unobtainons. Make up a source of these. Say they can be scooped up from the accretion of a neutron star: the nearest neutron stars are 400 light years away. Maybe there was a slower-than-light expedition to collect unobtainons. Planet Earth had to wait for half a millennium for this expedition to reach the neutron star, harvest the unobtainons, and then return with their new FTL drive.
What was it like to be on that ship? What was it like to stay behind? What was it like to put together the first drive after such a massive investment of resources and human lives, knowing that you're going off theory and for all you know it might not work? What if the first expedition never came back—would Earth send another, or would it assume the drive didn't work, only to be told later by aliens that it did and the expedition just got shipwrecked?
You can spin a lot of stories from the limitations of these ideas, from the things science says you /can't/ do. You bend the rules just enough to make your story possible, but you leave all the other juicy problems to fuel your story.
If this makes your heart beat faster, makes you want to read all about generation ships and interstellar space to inform your portrayal of that first expedition, then consider going the hard sci-fi route.
If not, then do soft sci-fi. This is completely fine. It gives you the freedom to just write the story you want instead of getting hung up on science and speculation that might all turn out to be wrong anyway.

>> No.22003483

0/10. Being nice here. Your writing is disjointed and feels like you're just putting any sentence that pops into your head. For example, your first paragraph has Nick standing around inside the store at the candy section, but in the second paragraph, Nick is now looking at birds. Even after greeting his friend.

My suggestion is to read more. Way more. I was the same way, until I got serious and really looking how paragraphs and sentences flow with one another. I still have problems too, so don't feel bad. It's a process.

>> No.22003496

>The laziest option is just to make it an isekai but that introduces another problem of how/why the protagonist has wound up in this new world.
I don't really know the genre but I have to assume this is well-trod ground? If you say that your hero died or got hit on the head and woke up in fantasy-land is this actually going to bother any readers or will they say "sure, fair enough" and never think about it again? Plot holes only matter insofar as they bother the reader.
Alternatively you can make them a stranded space alien who has to jumpstart the industrial revolution in order to build a new spaceship, a little bit like Factorio. Still basically an isekai. If you're going to get fancy with the origin it should probably tie into your core premise in some way.

>> No.22003499

How tolerant are readers towards villain protagonists? I am working on a story right now, and the protagonist is established to be a complete monster from the first chapter. It isn't until the middle of the book where he meets his antagonist, who is more hero material. But will the audience care by that point? Or will it sour the whole book for them?

>> No.22003517

Anyone like to read my doorstopper before I start it all from scratch again?

>> No.22003520

Don't worry, I don't feel bad. I'm still oblivious to a reader's mind because they're all different. I'll improve over the years as I keep reading and learning.

>> No.22003521

Depends if the protagonist has reasons for their actions that the reader can understand, even if they don't always agree with them.

Sounds similar to A Practical Guide to Evil though in that the villains are more pragmatically ruthless than actually evil.

>> No.22003538

Post it

>> No.22003592

>Depends if the protagonist has reasons for their actions that the reader can understand, even if they don't always agree with them.
His reasons for doing evil is that he finds himself in a post-nuclear war world, and he is at a loss at what he wants to do. He is physically well built, and despite being very aimless in life, he has always been training. That all changes when a desperate man tries to rob him at knife point, to feed his sick wife and kid. The protagonist realizes that those are the new rules of the game, that the strong now take from the weak. So he kills his attacker, and rapes his woman. After that, he goes out on an adventure, that sees him gain power in the new and lawless world.

Would that be too much for the reader to take in?

>> No.22003633

why are you starting from scratch and not just editing it?

>> No.22003634

Like, on pastebin?

>> No.22003636

Even for mainstream readers everything with that would be fine and an understandable reaction to the circumstances except for the rape. You have to know that isn't going to work unless you're intentionally writing some edgy shit solely for the sake of being edgy. In my entire life I've only read a single book where that action was justified by the character's circumstances and later on redeemed (The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant).

>> No.22003638

Structural concerns, timing. Things I introduce later on are probably better being present from the onset.

>> No.22003645

protip: if you do want to join a discord, don't join the unreal one. join the official one ran by the company. https://discord.gg/writing

>> No.22003652

>the official one ran by the company
Unreal press sounds like a shitshow, sure, but this does not inspire trust

>> No.22003657

>how did you feel reading it?
>on a scale of 0-boring to 10-intriguing how would you rate it?
>how would you improve it?
By being a better writer
>would you turn the page?

It's flat, gives me nothing to immerse me in the scene, feels like its just a bunch of shit happening.
Read more and keep trying. Try getting into the characters more before just having a bunch of shit happen.

>> No.22003670

i don't trust the corporate server either but i trust unreal the least, their server is mostly locker room talk interspersed with schizo ramblings. not only that but they try to rope you into saying incriminating shit to blackmail you with later. i had a gut feeling not to submit anything to them and i'm glad i didn't.

>> No.22003696

Because I don't have it.
That was the only post I'm aware of with your "Balls Around The World" story.
catbox.moe is more amenable to doorstoppers.

>> No.22003715

I am not trying to justify it. The entire point is that he is a villain, and that first chapters sets the entire story into motion. It comes full circle, when half way into the story, when he meets the son of his first victims. That young man takes the role of the hero, but we view it from the villain's POV. And unlike most villains who view heroes as an annoyance, this man views his newfound enemy with great enthusiasm.

>> No.22003718


>> No.22003735

Then why would anyone want to read such a story?

>> No.22003756

Thank you for honesty, I will go read right now. And a hundred books later I will come back and turn this zero into a seven

>> No.22003792

Why not? I think a perspective flip on that sort of story is interesting, and way too many people have tried to humanize/make us feel sorry for villains.

>> No.22003811

> interesting
I think you'll find you are in a tiny minority with that opinion. There is huge chasm between an anti-hero and an asshole but you do you.

>> No.22003831

I don't think he's describing an anti-hero, but a straight up villain who the reader follows

>> No.22003856

I understand that but that isn't "interesting". Interesting would be getting inside the twisted mind of a serial killer. But having a stereotypical villain as the MC? There is a reason such a trope doesn't really exist, it's boring.

>> No.22003874

Why do you ask? What do you want to write? I think it all depends on what they're transforming into and what qualities you want to emphasize based on writing a TF fetish story once

>> No.22003995

I mean the character isn't a complete asshole. He is a man who's overwhealming strength never got him anywhere before the war, because of how society is structured. But in a dog eat dog world, he discovers his more primal power. Yes, there are already gangs of thugs and robbers out there, who steal and kill. He just does it better, more naturally. He goes out there in the world, and through many encounters, he becomes the local warlord. And thats where he feels empty again, as his followers have structured a new society around him, one that he has no interest in. That all changes when he meets his antagonist, the very first person he wronged. Unlike most villainous warlords, he isn't worried about his wealth or power being taken away. Instead he sees a highly determined person coming to kill him. And he welcomes the idea, and even indirectly assists his enemy in fanning the flames of a rebellion. The dynamic between those two characters, and the conflict between them, is the focus of the second half of the story.

>> No.22004034

A good man turning bad, doing what is necessary to survive, that's engaging. However surely you comprehend there is a line you can't cross without the reader going this guy is actually just a truly horrible person and it becomes no longer enjoyable to read.

>> No.22004087

that point is different from culture to culture though.

>> No.22004169

It depends if the villain shows something cool or is interesting, but you are right that some people just don't like rooting for people who do bad things because not everybody wants to be evil or watch people do evil stuff. If you reveal it in the middle of the book it could be a good twist (if you do it well)

>> No.22004203

i'd say murder is a universal indicator of evil

>> No.22004204

Not really.

>> No.22004217

I'd say rape, or cruelty towards children or domesticated animals, would be better indicators. Murder can be justified in any number of circumstances, but those others demonstrate victimizing the weak.

>> No.22004227

Would you brand an executioner as beyond redemption?
Would you consider consuming a dog evil?
Would you delight in consuming a feces infested birds nest?
Would you hunt an animal to extinction just so you could consume its penis?
Many such cases.

>> No.22004229


>> No.22004246

None of those are evil, they are differing social norms. Also the anon asking the original question said the world was post apocalypse, no one is going to care about what someone eats under those circumstances.

>> No.22004277

My diary, desu

>> No.22004298

>hunting an animal to extinction
>differing social norms
shut up

>> No.22004405

>Would you brand an executioner as beyond redemption?
No, execution is not inherently evil. The main issue is the question of who manages the process, not the actual doing of the deed.

>Would you consider consuming a dog evil?
No, not inherently. Stealing someone's pet dog and eating it would obviously be immoral, but if dogs were bred for consumption there wouldn't be any moral difference vs other livestock, assuming other things staying equal.

>Would you delight in consuming a feces infested birds nest?
No, but if someone did I don't think that would make them evil, this seems less about morality and more about preference.

>Would you hunt an animal to extinction just so you could consume its penis?
This is probably the most evil out of these, and yet we all indirectly support similar cases all the time. There's a distinction between the evils that are personal and the evils that are more vague and nebulous. Much like how the death of one man is a tragedy, while the death of a million is a statistic, people have a harder time caring about morality when they're not a direct witness. Showing a scene of your protagonist raping someone would likely put them into the evil category for a lot of readers, yet we have historical groups like the mongols or vikings, who objectively did a ton of raping and pillaging but people lionize them.

>> No.22004503

I don't believe you.
After lying about your Netflix deal, I'm under no obligation to believe anything you say ever again.
Those are the perfectly sensible consequences of lying.
Which you would have realized, if you weren't such a brainlet.

>> No.22004553

>read James Joyce short stories
>writing massively improves

What the fuck. I’ve read Moby Dick, Guy de Maupassant, Poe, McCarthy, and so many more writers after so long and it’s Joyce that finally improves my writing?

>> No.22004579

The Culture series was a bit of post-scarcity escapism, and it was wildly popular.

>> No.22004609
File: 699 KB, 160x120, 1665487668679387.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes, it just all makes sense.

>> No.22004639

Can I be a good writer if I don't really feel compelled to read all that much or enjoy it too much?

>> No.22004653


>> No.22004679

What if the readers are rooting against the lead, and when an actual heroic character shows up in the story, they find themselves rooting for the antagonist of the story (which ironically would mean that both the reader and the despicable protagonist want the same thing).

>> No.22004693

It's almost been a year, rape-anon. Im sorry I made you feel bad when I called out your shitty rape story. Come on, let it go.

>> No.22004733
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Is love more powerful than hate?
Is any subject too dark for humor?
What is the difference between a secret and a mystery?

>> No.22004769

Asian detected.

>> No.22004809

>I cannot refute, thus I must ad hominem
A classic tale. Fun fact, Switzerland has more dogs eaten per capita than China.

>> No.22004836

Yea, just like some people hate evil mcs some people love reading characters that they root against
It all really depends on how you pull it off and no matter how much you try to say it to see if it sounds good if its a good idea or not you might as well just do it and see if it works. Ideas are worthless unless you do something with them.

>> No.22004848

>What is the difference between a secret and a mystery?
well to answer that is quite simple, a secret is something meant to be kept hidden while a mystery is something unexplainable

>> No.22004865

Have you heard the good news of the gospel of Jesus christ

>> No.22004867
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>> No.22004876

Yeah. The writing was kind of weak and incoherent. Not sure how many ghost writers were used. If I'm being generous 3/10 but only because of all the sex and violence.

>> No.22004877

>No, execution is not inherently evil.
But by anons reasoning murder is evil ipso facto an executioner (who kills people for a JOB) is evil.
>Spend centuries and centuries domesticating animal to be a companion.
Eat it. Not evil? Ok...
>Switzerland has more dogs eaten per capita than China.
But China still eats more dogs then Switzerland. Does that make the Chinese more evil then the swiss, or are they both evil? I never knew why i didn't trust Rodger but now i do.
>Would you delight in consuming a feces infested birds nest?
"No, but if someone did I don't think that would make them evil, this seems less about morality and more about preference."
You do not believe that stealing an animals shit infested nest it uses for the primary purpose of reproduction and then consuming it is not evil? Ok...

You even try to argue tiger penis soup isnt inherently evil. At this point it is safe to say that not only are you of asian descent but also a contrarian.

>> No.22004889
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Love is more powerful than hate. That may or may not be terrifying.
I'm not that good at jokes.
A secret is something someone knows the answer to, a mystery is something we have yet to discover.

Are you writing something, anon? Is it spiritual like what I'm writing?

>> No.22004892

I liked the original version better...you know, Dionysus, Mercury, Krishna, Quetzalcoatl, and all the other saviors that were born on December 25th to a virgin, were visited by three wise men, etc. etc. etc.
I don't like reading soulless ripoffs.

>> No.22004899

Is getting traditionally published a pipedream?

>> No.22004907

How about I pipe you inside a dream

>> No.22004908
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>> No.22004910

Only if you're incompetent.

>> No.22004933

What would you compare getting published to? Because there are a lot of creative mediums that even if you're really inspired and competent you can still just never "make it"?

>> No.22004943
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i thought what we had was special

>> No.22004945

Music for black people

>> No.22004952
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has anyone here written a rape scene? If so, can you please share it?

>> No.22004954

>But by anons reasoning murder is evil
Where did you see this? One anon said this, everyone else agreed there's cases where murder is morally permissible. Nobody said your character being a murderer was a red flag, plenty of popular characters in media are.

>Spend centuries and centuries domesticating animal to be a companion.
India spent centuries treating cows as holy, does that makes eating beef evil?

>But China still eats more dogs then Switzerland
If we just consider raw numbers than China would also beat out Switzerland in basically every metric. More charity done, more murders, more life saving surgeries, more pedophiles, etc. There's probably more white people in China right now than there are in Switzerland by this logic. It's retarded to look at anything but proportions here.

>You do not believe that stealing an animals shit infested nest it uses for the primary purpose of reproduction and then consuming it is not evil?
Unless you're a vegetarian or procure your own meat, you're cool with slaughtering animals in factory farms, where they wallow in their own filth, are forcibly bred and mutilated, and in some places stuffed so full of feed that they cannot even stand of their own accord. Do you know how many bull testicles get chopped off every year in the US alone? You understand what goes into sausages, right?

>> No.22004971

>Do you know how many bull testicles get chopped off every year in the US alone? You understand what goes into sausages, right?
Maybe in YOUR crappy 3rd world country. country.
"Contrary to what you might have heard, crushed bones, eyeballs, and testicles are not allowed."

>> No.22004982

who's raping who?

>> No.22004984

I'm gonna get traditionally published when I win the Crime fiction competition. Bad news is that nobody will fucking read it outside of my country, because it's not in English.

>> No.22004994

I'll pump out a novel next week. I got my chapters all planned out to the smallest details, and all I need is to write it out.

>> No.22004996

How do I learn about literary competitions? Feels like a fun thing to enter and get some work read. Good motivation too

>> No.22005000

I know one with an owlbear rape.

>> No.22005009


>> No.22005012

the fuck is this trash?

>> No.22005017

>he thinks that multinational food conglomerates would literally throw away money
The USDA regulations are public, they don't give a fuck about that. I'm not going to keep talking offtopic with someone who cites literal who food bloggers.

>> No.22005018

Here is how I do it. Every Monday I go to Google, set the time frame to last week, and look up a bunch of key words like "writing competition", "novel contest", "book writing content", "literature competitions" and etc. Basically once in a blue moon something clicks.

>> No.22005025

Cool, genuinely though, how often are they? I'm an English speaker.

>> No.22005043

There's no way you'll finish a novel in a week.

>> No.22005046

He never claimed it would be a good one.

>> No.22005049


>> No.22005050

I don’t know why, but I seem to write at my easiest when my mind thinks I’m roleplaying. The writing’s also practically indistinguishable from actual writing as well. I’m trying to distance my mind from this rp mindset for when I write, but I don’t really know how.

>> No.22005051

First draft of a novel. My writing process is a bit different, and a bit more autistic than any of yours.

>> No.22005173

I did some. This one is just in sketch format for the time being, but is one of the more "charged" rape scenes in the book I am writing. (there are several, with varying dregres of details)

>She held the shirts neck high, strangling the boy while the barrel of her gun pressed against the side of his head. Raven grunted, the only strength left in him enough to complain and move his numb hand in vain attempts to get out from under the warrior’s foot, trying his best to reach the family that now cried and screamed in desperation for him. His wife, while held by one of the male warrior’s had one of the females come up front and grab her clothes, making her let out another high pitched scream.
>-No… - he muted, getting colder and colder despite the warm blood all around him –
The female in command then changed her grip from his son’s shirt to his hair, making his eyes more watery than before.
>-Pathetic. – she said tightening the grip on the youngling – You know, I could just blow out the brains of your offspring and stab your alpha and be done with such miserable vermin such as your species. – she paused, looking on how her warriors already started to fondle and touch Raven’s wife. She turned back, with a soft smile >– But that would be too quick for weaklings such as you, right? No. I rather have my and my legion’s fun in violating your offspring and your alpha in front of you, just so you die knowing how much of a failure you are. – she lowered herself, using force to make the crying youngster look at her eyes with no pupils – >Don’t worry small cub, I promise you will end up liking it. – she turned to the eager female who was pulling the others clothes, almost ripping them apart – Do it. Have fun.
>Such awaited signal was readily followed, and the female warrior started to rip every piece of cloth in the woman’s body, while her male colleges held her in place despite her desperate protests.
>-No! Please! – she screamed, mixed with a painful moan as the female with her male companion grabbed her breasts and squeezed the pink nipples with too much strength coming from their power armors – Leave my son! No! Ahh! Raven! Please! Don’t look! Don’t touch him! – her tears started to dripple from her chin, landing on the ground, the abusers hands, and her chest, oblivious to the captor behind her already touching his genitalia on hers -
>Her screaming would only become worse as he thrusted forward, entering her pussy, ravaging it on his way. She screamed louder, closed her eyes shut and got on the tip of her toes, the one violating her starting his rhythmic thrusts while he held her by her arms.
>-Noo! Please!! Ahhh! Please!! – her screaming must have gotten into someones nerves, as the the other male smacked her face, lowering their volume unto something less high pitched –


>> No.22005190



>-Don’t break her before I use it to you dumb-dumb! – the warrior who kept the dying Raven under his feet complained, his college turning to him with hands on his waist –
>-She is being loud, it’s hurting my ears. – his cat ears twitched, as if supporting the claim –
>-You two should stop discussing and enjoy the rape, her breasts are pretty soft even while wearing the armor. – the female warrior said, while squeezing tighter the poor woman’s breasts and making her sob louder – Just look how she cries and squirms, I love it. It bothers me not having a penis too, but I guess I will have my fun with her cub afterwards.
>Raven was to weak to move, but to strong to die. His bloodshot vision could only focus on how the other male warrior already started to undress the lower part of his armor just so to violate his wife too. But his focus soon turned the other way, finding his soon already bare naked and trying to cover himself up by his side, while the female commander also by his side was lowering her free hand by the infants body in direction to his genitalia.
>-Looks like my sister wants a piece of your offspring as well. No wonder: he is pretty enough and seem health doesn’t it? Now… - she reached the child penis, and grabbed it, something raven could see all too well – Shall we show you how we turn your cub unto something more mature? – she smilled again, the tip of her tongue out –
>-Dad… - the boys voice was soft, sad, eyes filled with tears that started to rundown his cheeks – Help… Hic…
>The female commander cat ears were good enough to catch the weak voice of the man on the pool of his own blood. Curious, she came closer, still finding fun in the tragic happening she herself promoted.
>-Did you said something you vermin?
>Raven’s head got up a bit, his eyes looked unto her empty ones. He breathed with difficult, and everything was numb and extremely cold. He couldn’t really feel much, other than the burning hole that his chest turned. Almost with everything left of his strength, he just could mutter his words filled with all kinds of pain.
>-I am going… To kill you…
>She kept smiling, and seemed to enjoy even harder the violence she was about to perform in front of his eyes.
>-Of course you will. But not before I rape your cub.
>With this, she smacked behind the youngling head with the revolvers butt, making him falldown dizzy while she got on top of him. Leaving her revolver by her side, she started to undress herself.
>Raven could just watch, still too strong to die, and hear, as his son’s and wife’s crying just kept taking control of the room, side-by-side of laughter and lecherous sounds. He could only taught in silence as the tragedy kept going.
>“Help me, Suns… Just… Help me…”.

To give overly simple context, this is a story that has space war and space "war-crimes" between humans and neko-people, and both sides usually wreck one another like this and more.

>> No.22005373

before i post my work? can i delete my posts on here?

>> No.22005530

Only for a short period, and the archive grabs it regardless. Consider a self-destructing pastebin, I think it lets you set an expiry

>> No.22006024

Lol. Newfag.

Anyway. What is a good amount of views in the first seven days of posting a fiction on Royal road with a chapter each day?

>> No.22006043

I don't know about Royal Road but you're in the dead thread dumbass

>> No.22006046

It’s not even page 10, newfag

>> No.22006058

Nevertheless more people will see your post if you make it in the new thread

>> No.22006066

They can go back to R*dd*t for starting new threads. Can’t think of anything worse than someone racing to make a new thread with AI Wives

>> No.22006072

Good luck with your royal road thing

>> No.22006092

Fuck off, ******or