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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 30 KB, 750x736, griffith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21996031 No.21996031 [Reply] [Original]

Where is our Napoleon? When is our Caesar coming? Gen Z is already approaching their mid 20's at the latest so surely soon...right?

>> No.21996109

Me, unironically.

>> No.21996110

Me, unironically.

>> No.21996117

Society has been implicitly reshaped so that an emergence of such an individual is no longer possible. The bureaucracy is in charge now, and the most powerful individual we will ever know is a nameless civil servant who will write policy recommendations for world leaders.

>> No.21996119

Depressing thought

>> No.21996123

>he thinks great men, in any location or occupation, still exist
Lmao, welcome to the reign of the Antichrist.

>> No.21996125
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>he still thinks Napoleon and Caesar were great men
anon, i...

>> No.21996127

When I look at the state of the world and lack of dignity for everyone other than those born wealthy, I wonder if a great man would or should even want to rise to the top of it.

>> No.21996176

Trump, Elon, I guess. Then I suppose whichever antifa warlord rises up during the collapse to seize power.

>> No.21996219

'great men' is a psyop to make you believe collaboration of the masses is impossible

>> No.21996230

Those great men were produced by the population, and reflected its will. The population today is weak, cowardly, and corrupt. This is why our leaders exhibit these behaviors. It is impossible for a weak people to produce a great leader.

>> No.21996237

It's precisely a lack of centralized power that got us in this mess.

>> No.21996255
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>> No.21996257

Grow up

>> No.21996263

How is this literature?

>> No.21996267

Disagree. Rome was full of great men who rose up during times of degenerate populations. It's more like a strong population will keep in check weak rulers.

>> No.21996270

Current society is nothing like Rome.

>> No.21996275

your desire for "Great" man is a symptom of your own weakness

>> No.21996284

All those men were scapegoats why the fuck would you ever want that? Hitler created the skeleton to destroy whiteness. You don’t win by fighting fire with fire, hell with hell.

>> No.21996290

This is closer than you would think. He is genuinely a messaging genius.

>> No.21996305

This is the kind of braindead heathen future Caesar can look forward to being scapegoated by.

>> No.21996307

Wow that's really deep do you know OP or something?

>> No.21996310

I know his kind

>> No.21996328

Well if the whole 4th turning theory is correct, we should be having the height of our crisis during the next few years. The people who will be remembered as “great men” and also the worst villains of the day will be the leaders at the time. If the theory is right, they’ll be a mixture of Baby boomer ideologues, Gen X generals, and Millennial war heroes

>> No.21996334

Any potential Great Man is systematically searched for among the youth through various programs and, if unable to be otherwise rendered harmless or converted to actually benefit the reigning powers, will be subtly (or not so subtly) destroyed.

>> No.21996340

Why do you want a new Caesar? Do you think war is cool?

>> No.21996359

His ego has become insufferable since 2020.

>> No.21996379

We need someone to push back against the madness and degeneracy in our society. Vivek Ramaswamy embodies that kind of leader we need. Also Andrew Tate who they tried to lock up based on trumped up charges.

>> No.21996386

>Also Andrew Tate

>> No.21996397

We had Frank Amodeo but the glowies got him before he could start. He has been pacified, but for a time; he was a literal Ace Combat villain.

>> No.21996411

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.21996413
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>conflating 'good' and 'great'


>> No.21996428
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This might be crazy to hear, but wanting people to be erased just for a small hateful minorities benefit , being okay and encouraging people to be killed like dogs for skin color, wanting the poor or middle class to be treated subhuman by societal systems for not having a million dollars+, and of course fighting the people who want a better life for everyone strong or weak, makes you a degenerate.

>> No.21996433

Sounds like a zany little fantasy world you're living in.
How many boosters did you get, just out of curiosity?

>> No.21996435
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>> No.21996465

>Tfw born just in time to be a thirty something year old death squad leader who commits heinous war crimes but gets off scott free due to making the right political gambles
I'm okay with this

>> No.21996466

Cope. Your name will be forgotten in a century.

>> No.21996486
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This. Great Man theory is just the atomized, frankly more bourgeois, variant of weak men make hard times theory. The people rallied to Caesar not because he was a man who’s vision they blindly trusted but because he stood for all men and shared their hopes and dreams. He was the expression of a decadent republic’s wish to cast off the fetters of disease. He was only the figurehead, the foremost drop of a wave of societal change. Had he not been Caesar but Callas it wouldn’t have changed much at all. The actual engine of history is the complex process of societal tensions, ideology, psychology, geography, etc. To simplify it down to a reductive scheme of cycles or great men is to deny the importance of entire swathes of humanity, without which, no comprehensive view of the world can be formed. More importantly, it acts as reasonable justification for those with a limited knowledge of history to be pugnaciously content in their warped vision of history. History is written by the literate few of the victors but the battle is won by the coordinated movement of levies, everymen. And that’s not to say that the defeated don’t have their oral traditions in their prison camps, fermenting, waiting to bubble to the surface.

>> No.21996492

I honestly think Pat Tillman and could've done really great things if he wasnt killed by his fellow soldier's. He couldve been a great adovcate for changing the view of the Afghanistan for the general public, possibly saving many lives for both sides and maybe impeading the threat of American conservatism and evil nationlism. Oh and also Adam Friedland, duh

>> No.21996517
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The fact you think its a good thing to make fun of people for getting boosters only reinforces my point. Tell me how people wanting to get boosters to further protect themselves, protect complete strangers from harm and death, and wanting to protect the people we love for bodily harm makes us lesser? Genuinely change your worldview and the figures you like, you degenerate freak

>> No.21996519

Good post. Ted says this in ATR, how the great leaders and most powerful men in history have merely tried to steer what is controlled by mass psychological phenomena and conflux of social conditions, that which occur naturally and can never be accurately predicted or controlled.

>> No.21996521

my worldview is unironically fairly close to tillman's

>> No.21996535

Gay communist.

>> No.21996551

Because the boosters harm you and do very little against a rapidly evolving virus that is mostly harmless when you catch it anyways. You’d have to fail at basic logic to not see the silliness of the booster, the fact you’re insufferably smug about your idiocy because you listen to your masters is exactly why.

>> No.21996552

Looks like yours too

>> No.21996555

Trump seems ok

But Elon... Seems like a puppet. He caters to pop-sci and meme culture that is oftentimes based but somehow he managed to fuck it up.

>> No.21996556

Who's this?

With "America First" cup.... Red flag to me after reading a bunch of historical books

>> No.21996557

Jokes aside, it's actually me. It's a long and multi-stepped process which I've busted my ass for, but with me finishing college next week I should be able to kick things into overdrive.
>You won't do it faggot
It's not even that I just want to do it, but rather that I need to do it, because I'm literally incapable of living a plain existence.

I'll give you a hint: within the next decade, I will rule over a Western European state which will disrupt world order and piss globohomo the hell off.

>> No.21996560

>which will disrupt world order and piss globohomo the hell off.
What books you read so far?

>> No.21996561

I can’t wait until this gay shit is over. Have your little retard party so the rest of humanity can get on with our lives already. Just don’t forget, you all wear dunce caps.

>> No.21996583

A Booster is meant for mostly for new variants that pop up, but its also a small refresher on the strength of the vaccine.

>boosters harm you and do very little against a rapidly evolving virus that is mostly harmless when you catch it anyways

Once again youre showing how much of a selfish loser you're. I don't give a shit if I feel ill for a few days from a booster if it protects people who are in danger from it and strangers along the way too. I get that covid for the majority of people is not life threatening. But I'm hight risk, I associate with people who are high risk or in danger from it. So to get one or two boosters no matter how small is always good to have no matter how small it improves the vaccine. I don't give a shit if some fucking pest of a politician says dont get it, flat earth Karen #5687 on facebook says people are sheep for getting it, famous sex traffickers, and fucking evil forever alone forgotten morons like you say its lame

>> No.21996587

Elon is that you? I think you got your memes from here

Nice to meetcha'!

>> No.21996598

Berserk is so fucking cool god fucking damn

>> No.21996602
File: 321 KB, 933x1602, 20230401_121309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not that guy pal, trust me, you're not that guy

Pic related

>> No.21996609

Stay cool

>> No.21996632

We have a thread up about one

>> No.21996854
File: 8 KB, 320x240, random_and_light.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>they’ll be a mixture of Baby boomer ideologues, Gen X generals, and Millennial war heroes

Höhöhö ... :)

>> No.21996874
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>> No.21996899
File: 16 KB, 275x275, 8770BAF4-69F1-422B-BA6C-8A7A26EBBE05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry Sir, but history has already ended.
May I interest you in some Ancient Greek?

>> No.21996904

Lost pathetically, ended up not ruling even his own house. Sure was great.

>> No.21996979

>Trump seems ok
lol. I guess it's just too hard on /pol/tards' self-image to admit they were played by the most obvious conman.
What >>21996486 says is quite true. We have an instinctive desire to frame events incl history in terms of personalized stories, with heroes and villains and so forth. Abstract theorizing takes the spice out of it and is instinctively resisted by the average joe. All self-understanding, be it as an individual or as a species, requires letting go of comfy childhood fantasies.

>> No.21997006

From universal life, through millennial world, into heroical crepuscle.

>> No.21997028
File: 29 KB, 500x406, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

William Blake & Ezra Pound were the great men of their era NOT Lord Byron & Benito Mussolini who represent a corruption from their economic ideal

the most important person of an era must be a poet... other great persons in history being

John Milton & Edmund Spenser
Vergil & Dante

>> No.21997050

Ok retard let me point out something
You know this dude Lermontov. He is a very influential russian poet. His poem, borodino, a very popular one, satirises peasants like you who hated napoleon just because the tsar told him so.

>> No.21997181
File: 79 KB, 543x459, FnQEOadWQAExapC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real shit

>> No.21997258

> millenial war heroes
Millennials are in their thirties.

>> No.21997440

Historically, great men would’ve been born aristocrats or would’ve come up in the Army. Well, the aristocracy is gone and the pseudo-aristocracy we have no is kind of a joke. I also think there are a lot of would-be great men either outright avoid military service because that also is kind of a joke and requires success in a bachelor’s degree program before leadership is even possible. A lot of them are probably stumbling in and out of college degree programs and shitty jobs that they never really wanted until they’re in their 30s. The millennials in particular have found themselves in a wasteland of failed degrees and shitty jobs and not in military service. The filter into the elite class seems to be college and early career performance, but that’s been a complete disaster for millenial men.

>> No.21997457
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he's right here

>> No.21997529

Great men also seem to always grow up in a time where things are happening. Nothing is happening right now. The war in Ukraine is a perfect illustration of just how bizarre the times are gotten. That’s a conflict where, in pre-modern times, the United States and NATO allies would have had to deploy advisors and probably soldiers to fight on the ground if it’s a war it wants to be involved in. But in modern times, it can merely deploy sanctions against the Russians and send weaponry, checks, and tech to the Ukrainians to fight on their behalf. So all of those 20-something’s who would’ve been getting military experience in Ukraine are not. They’re just sitting at home with a crumbling economy, imploding institutions, and nothing to do besides play video games.

>> No.21997544

There is no real cultural elite, sociologically speaking. The elite cares less and less about the arts and the humanities and it is common knowledge that the quality of education in general, even in more prestigious institutions, has been in a freefall for almost a century. Combine that with the average IQ dropping by increasingly large amounts and you have an environment which is extremely unconductive towards the creation of good art.

>> No.21997553

No I’m not. They weren’t great men. No greater than me.

>> No.21997570

What does good art have to do with a great man? Great men are people like Charlemagne, Napoleon, Cromwell, and Washington. They’re political and military leaders.

>> No.21997696

my soon-to-be husband, unironically.

>> No.21997797
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>> No.21997812
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>really dude?
Devasting image

>> No.21997822

He fell off. Listened to a recent clip of him complaining about Sam Hyde. He no longer has that youthful vigor but now just just sounds like a fag complaining about Twitter drama. I really did believe in his talents 5 years ago but he hasn't improved at all. Wasted potenial

>> No.21997829

No. I don't. In fact war is not meritocracy at all but just 90% pointless toil until you get drone strikes.

What I mean is a genius, young man who seems almost beyond human and who can speak with such eloquence you might think him to be possessed

>> No.21997841

I woul rather great men from up playing vodka than fighting in a modern war. What do you learn from crawling in the mud and getting shot by a drone? Video games are meritocracy and test reaction tim IQ, and build bonds

>> No.21997844

Modern war isn’t cool, but it might be cooler than transsexual symbol analysis wage slavery and living with your parents because you can’t afford rent for the rest of your life.

>> No.21997847

Vidya* not vodka ffs

>> No.21997852

Westerners worship intelligence and eloquence because this is a thoroughly bourgeois civilization. In reality, all great men have been first and foremost warlords.

>> No.21997862

I don't care. I believe in truth and beauty. The next great man must be a 21 year old zoomer (zoomers are now between 26-11 so we are running out of time) and must be 6'3 minimum.

He must have no prior political connections or experience but simply glide in through his sharp rhetoric and impeccable Reasoning

>> No.21997894

Intelligence and eloquence will never get you truth or beauty. It will get you an ugly tech world run by a technocrat because that’s what intelligence and eloquence means in tech world.

>> No.21997906

I do not mind tech world insofar that it is managed by a great man. Hiererachy setermined by standarized tests, epcot cities, space faring and eugenics to create 7th tall, pale ublermensch with purple eyes and wings is exactly what I want

>> No.21997996 [DELETED] 

And what you want is a fantasy. What you actually get are human pigs that only exist to serve technological power.

>> No.21998005

I wouldn’t mind if I got my ridiculous fantasy scenario either, but fantasies are not real. What you’re actually going to get are hapless human pigs farmed by AI and enslaved to computers, but pacified by online chat rooms and digital dopamine.

>> No.21998055
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>I am forgotten

>> No.21998096

It's me. Just give me some time to gather an epic backstory.

>> No.21998106

This is literally true. There are only a few places a great man can even emerge from in modern society.

>> No.21998119


Neither of these are close to great men.

>> No.21998138

Yes. Despite the fact that modern war is cringe I still jizz in my pants at the tought of personally decapitating Kim jong un.

>> No.21998160

>What do you learn form avoiding dying to a drone

I dont know anon... But maybe how to avoid dying from drones? Would seem like that is a good skill to have in a modern war....

>> No.21998176 [DELETED] 

> tfw 30 and missed my shot at a backstory
It’s actually over this time

>> No.21998191

Such as?

>> No.21998215

burgers begone, your terminal brainrot is half the reason we're in this quagmire

>> No.21998218
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Anon, are you gay?

>> No.21998252
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the only correct post, and the outright dismissal of this statement is part and parcel of the disease that has led people to even wonder in desperation how we can be in such a mess in the first place. The same people that got us into this modern state of abject misery and self-destruction are the same people who want this man and his vision to be flayed alive, and its not just a funny coincidence. Take a long step back from the plugged-in worldview the average person tends to have and maybe you'll see some truth to what i say. Otherwise, there is no hope for you. Jesus was crucified for being a heretic, but that didn't mean the Romans were on the right side of history.

>> No.21998291
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It's Great MAM in the future for you, chud!

>> No.21998299

>Vivic Ramsay Anyway

>> No.21998333

Me, ironically.

>> No.21998342
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>still shilling for multinational pharmaceutical companies failed products because the TV told you to

kys you massive faggot

>> No.21998388

Hate to break it to you but you are, in fact, not a military and political genius

>> No.21998394

>I'm high risk
Fat fuck
>Muh duty to protect others
The vax doesn't even prevent transmission or even infection. Have fun with that increased chance of heart failure on top of your obesity induced high rate of heart failure.

>> No.21998439

>he would reject the flesh nexus
pathetic brainlet

>> No.21998537

>You can't get what you want because...you just can't ok!?

>> No.21998601

Lmao nigga lost the argument and devolved into name-calling and assuming

>> No.21998650

You can assume a lot about someone (being a dysgenic weakling) if they're at high risk from catching a bad flu

>> No.21998732

I'm high risk because I had a pneumothorax in the past, not because of anything else. But prettty funny that you clearly have no life and friends when you you can only name call someone who just doesnt want other people to get sick or die

>> No.21998772

Do you see technological civilization and rule by the technocrats making ubermensch or do you see human livestock slumped over computers in cubicles and addicted to social media? You’re an idiot if you still believe the space colonialism future is remotely possible still.

>> No.21998781

Griffith is such a pussy bitch and anyone who idolizes him or prefers him over Guts is a raging faggot.

>> No.21998798

Pure windbag. He was never really gonna do anything.

>> No.21998832

I get that is was made to make fun of liberals, but this shit literally applies more to conservatism and fascism.

>Follow heckin Trump he'll say we'll be white again and can rape women without consequence
>put on the feckin alt-right Pepe, roman statue, selfie in your car, and k-on profile, as we all agree on how everyone should be forced to live their lives
>Dont get mad at things becoming sticter, be happy the heckin minorities exist, were totally not next when they're gone
>Things are so terrible for conservatives, its not like we literally won and our idealogy is moving faster and faster to an almost 100% version of conservatism for the U.S. The exact directory of societal collapse is happening
>Follow our supreme leader
>Only eat meat
>be racist
>be a bigot
>be as unlikable as humanly possible
>Wish harm for literally everybody that exist that is'nt white
>You cant make decision for your body, only we can
>Become ungovernable my promoting the U.S military and police every day
>Join the blob become a fat fuck who all believe the idealic past, that never existed

>> No.21998877

Nick is probably one of the best orators alive rn, but he's not as smart as he thinks, intellectually even midwits like Steven Bonell mog him, not that Destiny has the right answers he's just clearly smarter than Nick.
A "Great Man" needs to excell in a lot more than just one area.

I don't think it's possible, maybe when we start to fuse machine with man and we are able to transfer large amounts of information to the brain.

The problem is the current generations have too many distractions to ever "excel" in multiple things, people in the past, especially upper class people, had nothing to do but stury and try to be great at what they wanted, which in current times is exclusive to autists and now they waste thousands of hours becoming the best at online games instead of something more worthwhile.

>> No.21999040

>Great men also seem to always grow up in a time where things are happening. Nothing is happening right now. The war in Europe is a perfect illustration of just how bizarre the times are gotten. That’s a conflict where, in pre-modern times, the United States and League of Nation allies would have had to deploy advisors and probably soldiers to fight on the ground if it’s a war it wants to be involved in. But in modern times, it can merely deploy sanctions against the Germans and Japanese and send weaponry, checks, and tech to the British, Chinese and Soviets to fight on their behalf. So all of those 20-something’s who would’ve been getting military experience in Europe are not. They’re just sitting at home with a crumbling economy, imploding institutions, and nothing to do besides listen to the radio
-some American in 1940

>> No.21999056

Xi jing ping

>> No.21999073

I don't think you understand conservativism nor fascism if this is your critique. I recognize that you probably mean the liberals that claim to be conservatives, but your straw man is retarded. No fascist (or other third positionist) saw Trump as anything more than a protest vote, fascism does not advocate for rape nor zero consequences. In fact, most fascist systems are harsher on rape than the current liberal systems insofar that the current system would call it "barbaric".
The point is: Your strawman sucks and you don't understand politics or even the meme. It was made to mock progressivism. "I wonder why progress looks so much like destruction."

>> No.21999094

This entire post is so retarded I don't even know where to begin lmao

>> No.21999113

Me taking the vax or not has zero to do with you or anyone else and your physical wellbeing is literally not my problem. Just go right for chud or incel next time and save us both the trouble.

>> No.21999151

Nick could have been "great" if he kept trying to improve. He peaked at 19 and all his oratory skills stem from practice in high-school hence why he keeps talking about model UN and debate club.

Watching Nick now, it feels like he lost 15 IQ

>> No.21999207

And who are you?

>> No.21999983

I should really only be basically China and USA in the current state of the world as those are the countries with the most power. I dont know what the fuck you can ever possibly achieve militarily if your from any european country, and other countries are not even worth mentioning.