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/lit/ - Literature

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21992053 No.21992053 [Reply] [Original]

This board needs a new organization that will help anons to publish their writing. &amp is dead and Unreal is a lost cause, they’ve now started an entire general thread just to doxx people and talk about their discord drama. How long can this be allowed to continue? Fuck the jannies for putting up with it.

Who’s with me on starting a new /lit/ press? It’ll be 100% based with a zero tolerance policy for gay ops.

>> No.21992057
File: 199 KB, 1310x758, 35A35B37-780B-4318-BCF6-4E3BA13661D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro you legit cannot help your little self

>> No.21992061

It requires you to actually make it. And why pulp? At least &amp makes a pretence at being literary. Not sure why everyone is so hyped up by genre shit.

>> No.21992075

The Unreal Drama General is them circlejerking over high school level drama and bullying people. Literal cancer. https://boards.4channel.org/lit/thread/21991623#bottom..

>> No.21992086

I will make it if I can find enough interested anons to do the job with me. I’m thinking bimonthly releases, more of a magazine format. Less shitty filler than &amp.

>> No.21992096

stfu tranny

>> No.21992103

Why would the jannies autosage a thread that has someone's face being posted in it? It takes like 9 hours for a thread to archive on /lit/.

>> No.21992111

Dude editoranon made the whole thing by himself for the first few issues and got plenty of submissions and people to help out just by doing it. Just make your magazine on your own. But &amp is the shit and I need to finish my next submission.

>> No.21992116

discord trannies deserve to have their fiveheads posted

>> No.21992124

Save your submission for my mag instead.

>> No.21992126

I am in. My email
readpynchon@proton.me. I just want lit to flourish and shift away from politics and back to literary fiction

>> No.21992131

>&amp is dead
It is still creating issues...

>> No.21992141

Based. I’ll email you. I need to think of a good name for the magazine, then I’ll create an email submission box and post it.

>> No.21992162

She made Unreal doxx the best of
&amp editor. Posting her face is just karma.

>> No.21992208

call it homosexual/LIT/y because it’s going to be gay as fuck

>> No.21992216

That’s probably the lamest post on this site regarding present and future /lit/ mags. Congrats on having an IQ of 75 and the creativity of Coleen Hoover

>> No.21992224

congrats on having countless loads of cum currently oozing out of your asshole

>> No.21992249

>This board needs a new organization that will help anons to publish their writing
I agree to this
It’ll be 100% based with a zero tolerance policy for gay ops.
I don't know what this means, but if you can copy pasta my posts into some PDF with cool pictures that would be enough motivation for me to write a story worthy, even perhaps beyond worthy, of such a "publication"

>> No.21992278

I do hope you guys can build something out of the ashes of this mess. I was holding out hope that Unreal could do something about the bad apples, but, with what's happening in that other thread, they're obviously not going away.

>> No.21992280

It means it’s strictly business, no trolling or fighting allowed among contributors. I’d be glad to take your story.

>> No.21992301

Honestly, I don't even expect half that much. As long as you're not doxing contributors yourself and you've got the drive to actually get it done then I'm all for helping out.

>> No.21992320
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might i suggest?

>> No.21992333

That's a little too Hispanic for my palate.

>> No.21992336

I like the cover but the name is sort of niche and unpronounceable. I’ll sleep on it and see what I can come up with. We could really use your art talents if you wanna be a part of this.

>> No.21992358

The Unreal doxxing saga just gets worse and worse. The board already doesn’t trust them after their previous doxxing, and so they decide it’s a good idea to create a brand new doxx thread and post some girl’s photo so that weirdos who need to touch grass can start harassing her? Shameful.

>> No.21992369


>> No.21992373

I've got no clue what the girl did to deserve that but, at this point, I'm not even interested in hearing the excuse. I'm just so tired of all this Unreal Press drama stealing the spotlight away from the people who actually did the work around Unreal. They didn't do shit, it's the authors that built them up. They clearly don't care about us if they're this invested in the drama.

>> No.21992384

its a greek fake-logism.

παλίμψηστος without palim gives you
ψηστος or psestos. to scrape or wipe. the idea stemmed from palimpsest which is a document that was erased to be overwritten. clean slate. get it?
eh it was worth a shot.

i am a full time university student who already works as a book designer for one of our journals, so unfortunately i cannot help.

>> No.21992393

I can respect the symbolism but It might go over the readers head like it did mine.

>> No.21992411

>he started with the Greeks
Based. Are you with &amp or Unreal?

>> No.21992416

&amp uses AI. I think he meant his university’s journals

>> No.21992420
File: 143 KB, 1000x1417, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no. i am a random anon.

heres another suggestion, less subtle, but ithink still a nice title.

>> No.21992435

more like PeenCumBrah, amirite?

>> No.21992437

Does &amp use AI? I thought he mostly just stole images and threw them into Canva—which is based. Not knocking him for it in the slightest. Way better than AI "art".

Much better. Has that mystique where the normies don't know what it means but they still respect it.

>> No.21992465
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now i am just having fun. :)


>> No.21992492

One of the things that I really think hurt both &amp and Unreal was the rampant namefagging. The obvious solution to that is keep everyone anonymous but would anyone even contribute to a mag like this if their name wasn't attached to their work? Feels almost like a necessary evil.

>> No.21992504

>would anyone even contribute to a mag like this if their name wasn't attached to their work? Feels almost like a necessary evil.
poetry threads are evidentiary that they would, but perhaps we wouldnt get very good stuff. perhaps a requirement that the same namefag cannot be published more than once (that is, they have to come up with a new pseudonym each time, thus their style would be the only telling factor) would work...

>> No.21992522

it’s not the names that are a problem, it’s the development of personalities around the names. people want credit for their work and it’s interesting to see writers’ progression through different issues of a zine so I don’t think forcing all submitters to be anonymous would work well. better to just strictly ban submitters from namefagging in order to attention whore and shill their own work in threads about the project. they can mention what works they wrote once if asking for feedback, or if sharing contact info for zine related collabs, but if they start acting gay and trying to develop a persona then they’re barred from submitting to future issues

>> No.21992549

While I do agree that the names themselves aren't the problem, it seem like there's no way for anyone involved in the mag to police someone who crosses that line. Disavowing and disbarring would only lead to these people developing chips on their shoulders. Of course, this is all assuming that the mag is even big enough to have this disqualification not be laughed off.

>> No.21992785
File: 979 KB, 1242x1267, 5620DC32-ADEA-4215-9871-10D0FCD81E00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>&amp is dead
Every reply to this post shall further deepen and darken the hex that you initiated with this terrible OP and that I now curse you with officially. Also let it be known that by simply failing to reply to this post, your own mother’s probability of dying in her sleep tonight is increased. You’re fucked OP. I’m sorry but you’re fucked.
Samefag. This absolutely smacks of Gardner.
>&amp uses AI
That’s the kind of pigeonshit blanket statement that will get your neck kinked out under my wheels. What do you even mean by that? Look at the cover design for your own books. Kindergarten chalkboard using faggot. You have no eye for design nor for aesthetic, and a thousand deep blue alpha go typewriter monkey engines wouldn’t make your work ‘cool’ or interesting. Please suck a stranger’s dick. You know I’m about to shit on Kabbalah on YouTube so you think you can just pronounce me dead? If I had an injury for every tiny homo-erectus that tried to demoralize me, I would be as broken and alone as you. I’ve transmuted you, bitch. I’ve already swallowed you whole.
Literally nothing has ever hurt &amp Magazine or Unreal Press. You can’t break us, only yourselves against us. Namefagging is just a symptom of Creating Art™. Embrace the transgression of whatever notions you expected this movement to abide by and *poof* you’re free.
I have now a few years experience attempting to balance the actual quality of literary output in the context of policing contributors pennames. If you want quality work strictly under the banner of Anonymous, it will require more luck than I often had with &amp.

There is controlling the narrative to the unfolding of this story. These projects take on a life of their own. You want a stylish and substantial literary publication made by strangers over the internet? Trust me, you wouldn’t know where the fuck to even start. Best of luck though, no cap.

>> No.21992798

No controlling the narrative*
(You), monkey bars, after class.

>> No.21992810

What an awful schizophrenic post. You should embrace competition, not attempt to slap it down in some petty bitchfit. I expected better from you &amp editor.

>> No.21992816

I do embrace competition, I just don’t recognize any.

OP said &amp was dead. I’ve almost died myself just to crawl back to these ashes. The only reason that you expected better of me is because I’ve already proven myself. OP is a fag, don’t be one too.

>> No.21992826

I'm not OP but it's not an unreasonable opinion that &amp is "dead". You've been gone for how many months now? And the only news you've brought is that you're probably going to prison.
People have every right to look for alternatives to &amp right now. For a lot of people that alternative was going to be Unreal Press until they learned about this doxing stuff.
I don't know why you're so surprised that a thread like this is popping up right now.

>> No.21992827

>Embrace the transgression of whatever notions you expected this movement to abide by and *poof* you’re free.
And this is why I will always support you.

>> No.21992828

Anyone building things for the /lit/ audience is going to be the target for attacks and sabotage. This is just a fact. Godspeed &amp.

>> No.21992834

If you were paying attention you’d have learned that there are contingencies in place and a small staff of editors now helming multiple projects, including book reviews, best-ofs, and new issues. I mean say what you will but don’t call it ‘dead’.

And I don’t consider other /lit/ pubs to be competition. I consider them collaborators to a wider movement. Like minimag? minimag is based. Why don’t you put your energy behind minimag?

I’m not saying that anybody SHOULDNT start something, I’m saying that if you honestly consider &amp or Unreal to be dead, you probably CANT.

>> No.21992849

>a small staff of editors now helming multiple projects, including book reviews, best-ofs, and new issues.
Oh come the the fuck on dude. How do you expect me to respond to that. You're just setting yourself up to be knocked down.
I'll leave it though.. To be clear, this isn't about you being actually dead. It's about you disappointing a relatively large number of people with your year long siesta followed immediately after by news of your latest antics. There are a lot of people who respect you for what you've done, myself included, but that respect is a fair bit lower than it was 8 months ago.

>> No.21992858

Stop being a fag. I think for a lot of people, myself included, the entire COVID fucking shitshow completely derailed my life. No gym for 8 months? Became a complete alcoholic. Can't go to the pub and be friendly with strangers? Huge asshole and lashing out online.

Cut the guy some slack, it isn't easy trying to survive in Canada, let alone work on a project that probably costs more than it makes due to the passion behind it. If you want to help out, setup a GoFundMe and let's empower &amp.

>> No.21992875

Give me a break Jason. The guy abandoned the project for an entire year and all he has to show for it is a drug possession charge and multiple charges of DA. People are allowed to be disappointed by this.

>> No.21992877

Then knock me down man, don’t just say you can checkmate me and then sit there like a cuck.
I don’t care if anybody was disappointed, or impressed, or aghast, or smug. I did it because it’s in me, and when I didn’t do it, it didn’t get done; Unreal Press preserved the legacy, the spirit itself. And now these niggaz want a safe space ‘alternative’?

That’s some pretty heavy smoke,
Don’t take my word for it cuz the chiefs have already spoke.

>> No.21992879

What did you make?

>> No.21992887

This Unreal Press that you're so impressed with lately is the reason your last best-of was a complete failure to launch. They doxed the guy. Posted his face around 4chan. The fact that you're completely unconcerned by this, that you're attempting to memory hole it from whatever is left in your drug addled gourd, is genuinely concerning.
But whatever, you're not concerned with that so I'm not going to bother arguing it. Let these guys knock you down then. At least give them the chance. Be the bigger man and give them the first punch. Don't come in here and push them down before they've even had a chance to stand up.

>> No.21992892

Do you have any idea how shit Vancouver has become? It is a miracle the guy made it through the COVID shit alive. I know it was a fucking nightmare to live in B.C. from 2020 all the way until middle of 2022. Personally, I'm just recovering from all the bull fucking shit I went through during this time. Give the guy a break.

>> No.21992907

Yes. This name is great.

>> No.21992911

Whatever my guy. I know Ari. Okay? I know what he did and didn’t deserve. I showed up ITT to defend the magazine that OP claims has died. I have dealt with innumerable anons calling me a faggot for doing what I want, (You) and (((OP))) will survive this.
Sleeping dogs my man. Thanks anyway. Soon we ride.

>> No.21992916

So Ari deserved it now? That's a unique opinion, especially considering what Rhyme said earlier today. Must be in the dark on that one, eh?

>> No.21992921

What did he say?

>> No.21992927

Read for yourself >>21991273
Give the whole thread a read if you want. But tl;dr is that Ari did actually have a stalker who was fucking with him IRL. Rhyme doxed Ari for literally no reason and that's why he was ousted from Unreal. That girl was then doxed in the very next thread. Not linking that one.

>> No.21992928

I didn’t say that. Ari has his own issues. He told me the project went to shit because he was being cyberstalked by some girl. Just stop.
Tell you what, man.
Make your publisher. Make your press. Make your magazine. Consider all other projects dead. Please just do it. Thank you.

>> No.21992931

>Ari has his own issues.
Yeah, and one of those issues was Unreal doxing him and spreading his face around 4chan. Let's not brush over that fact.

>> No.21992934

How do I know that’s rhyme?
Look my guy. I fully encourage doxing and trashing people’s lives on 4chan. Yes. I don’t care. I’m here for the writing. Everything else is decoration.

>> No.21992938

Okay then I support cyberstalking and doxing. Please make something new and safe for us. Thank you.

>> No.21992947

And affiliate myself with 4chan? Good one.

>> No.21992949

I wasn't even the one who wanted to make the new press. I'm just calling you on your bullshit temper tantrum.

>> No.21992957

Not dead.
Not mad.
I’m waiting to see.

>> No.21992963

Wait with your mouth shut next time. You'll come off a little less obviously drunk.

>> No.21992985

Got one of my 2 vehicles back on the road. Ate the best fucking pair of whoppers the other day and washed it down with a JD and coke.

The nachos will be glorious this summer!

>> No.21993034

What ever happened to that Canuck that made Lit Quarterly?

>> No.21993473

I can always write more, but what am I saving it for? What magazine do you have? Will there be cool graphics and high gloss? Will it ever get released? I know this piece will be in &amp and it will look cool.

>> No.21993522

King shit.

>> No.21993528

If what the girl said in the last thread is to be believed then it doesn’t sound like she ever fucked with him IRL. Not here to simp but the whole situation is fucked and I feel sorry for her. It seems like Ari was far from innocent in all of this and the guy sounds like a nasty piece of work desu. Unreal shouldn’t have doxxed him but it was faggy of him to bring his personal drama into their server and draw the attention of internet schizos. I don’t have a lot of sympathy for him.

>> No.21993543

You sound like a massive soft pussy

>> No.21993551

Mini mag was a chinese alternative, but that publication disappeared.

>> No.21993584

yea fuck that guy, the best of shit was a lazy way of grifting and trying to get clout. he had months to copy paste other people’s work and produced literally nothing so i don’t give a fuck about his edrama-filled second grade word project. if the original editor makes an official best of then ill read it, otherwise im not interested

>> No.21993596


>> No.21993604

You just don’t quit do you? Keep going with your warped bullshit. Start a new press, I advocate for it. This isn’t a competition, never was. But you want to make it a battle. Why are you so petty? Go get laid or something. Shit or get off the pot!

>> No.21993605

The &amp editor and the best of editor are both pussies who wanna bitch and make excuses for not finishing what they set out to do. &amp is a lost cause. I’m all in on this new mag. If they can manage consistent releases and stay away from drama then that alone will put them above &amp and Unreal. The bar is on the fucking floor

>> No.21993627

>I’m all in on this new mag.
>If they can manage consistent releases
You mean if YOU can manage consistent releases. Nobody has lifted a finger yet.

>> No.21993636

are you the one who posted some of the sample covers in the &amp threads from last year? your style looks familiar

>> No.21993656

Why are the two fucking dweebs who have zero quality control are such fucking seething dimwits at the thought of anons starting another online magazine. News flash, loser, you have zero standards.

>> No.21993664

>No one has lifted a finger yet

I just came up with the idea last night man, cut me some slack. It’s been like 12 hours. Shoulda said “we,” not they; I’m hoping to have a team working on this with me cause I don’t want it to be a one man show. Once I decide on a name and an aesthetic for the mag I’ll make a website and post an official announcement thread calling for submissions, then we’ll take it from there. It’ll take me a while to do the set up work, but I’m hoping to have the first issue out over the summer with bimonthly releases to follow.

>> No.21993669

Nice gaslight but if you were in any &amp thread last year you'd know the best of was a separate project that editor merely blessed because the organizer had contributed writing before. It was also the second down time for the magazine as people began to review things via googledocs and discuss pictures. No one had any idea this would happen, and just like editor I think a lot of contributors don't even care. I'm still submitting to &amp and if there's any podcast I'll be glad to show up to talk about my writing. What's really bad is that none of this compares to the drama authors get with public scrutiny. Some authors like Ellis endured threats for years and kept writing. Not necessarily to you anon, but any writer here that wants to make it needs to care about writing more than anything because without that conviction you will give up.

>> No.21993705

>this thread I missed

Krake here, not sure how I can go about getting the word out on this one, but I don't insult people who dislike my stories, not on 4chan at least. I'm not going to anonymously tell someone to seethe because they didn't like KGB Agents.

e-drama is really the last thing I want to engage with. I'm not going to go insulting people on 4chan over taste differences.

>> No.21993737


>> No.21993765

>e-drama is really the last thing I want to engage with
Based. We could use your attitude for the new publication. Once it’s up and running
you should send in some stories if you feel so inclined

>> No.21993775

I'll consider it, but I'm actually trying to build my own base and do my anthology project that was supposed to be through Unreal. I had the info and everything ready to go right before this doxxing shit blew up.

Plan is to start my own youtube channel, which was always the plan anyway, and go from there. First video recording is tomorrow. Going to focus on the grind and get an audience that warrants people sending me their short stories.

>> No.21993788

I support this 100% and sorry to hear that the doxxing shit stalled your plans. Good luck man. Sucks that Unreal fell apart like this

>> No.21993954

>Good luck man.
Thanks. Keep an eye out for my channel. I'll be starting with a discussion on Mishima and then moving on to old, influential texts. Plan is to open up a co-host offer in general to other /lit/ authors if they want to discuss their influences.

>> No.21994063
File: 423 KB, 1024x953, 1683015915940855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with this sentiment. Join this discord server to discuss writing so we can all get together against the Unreal™ menace


>> No.21994064

Will do. The Mishima video sounds great, looking forward to it.

>> No.21994092

this is literally the Unreal server rebranded under the /wg/ name, it’s a cesspool full of the archives of the drama and infighting. if you’re serious about starting fresh than delete the current /general/ channel and start a new one so that the chat history of everything that happened before the rebrand will be gone for good and people can’t go back to screenshot old shit and bring it up

>> No.21994097

How about just join or shut the fuck up you fucking pussy, do you even write?

>> No.21994102

>do you even write?

KYS yourself in real life, Jason.

>> No.21994107 [DELETED] 

Tales of the Unreal volume 2 call for subs will open in early June and last through Mid July. Theme is pulp horror. We hope to take the best 12-15 stories and make them into a great looking book, just like Tales 1.

More deets too come. Hope to see some great subs, soon. =)

>> No.21994119

Meds/stop posting in this fucking thread and write a story you fag

>> No.21994143

fuck off, miles. the retarded soobstacker who said he liked your story is too incompetent to even write in full sentences, and his review contains nothing that is critically substantiative. he’s clearly not equipped to provide an accurate evaluation of anyone. don’t let his low iq compliments distract you from the fact that the people in the last unreal thread were right about you.

>> No.21994160

Cool I'll submit some CAS kino.

>the retarded soobstacker who said he liked your story
Sounds like you're Unreal's #1 fan since that review was just posted this morning. Please keep following the lore, and like & subscribe for more

>> No.21994166 [DELETED] 

>The NPC Unreal host whose story was universally panned is shilling his failed project again. Sad! It’s no coincidence that MacNaughton rhymes with ‘forgotten.”

>> No.21994178


>The NPC Unreal host whose story was universally panned is shilling his failed project again.

Sad! It’s no coincidence that MacNaughton rhymes with ‘forgotten.’

>> No.21994187

KYS yourself in real life, Tookytard

>> No.21994198


Kek, also consider:


>> No.21994213

Those insults are true signs of literary genius. Join this discord server to share your work and get involved! https://discord.gg/Q9w8U6tm

>> No.21994214

is it pronounced lamp? i always thought it was amp. swap it out for &ampAutists and keep the alliteration going

>> No.21994222

kys discordtranny

>> No.21994250

Genuinely embarrassing thread all around. Good on the new guys for wanting to build something out of this cesspool but god knows why you’d even bother. Look at all the other failed startups coming in here to crab. You’re only gonna find more of animosity with nothing to show for it.

>> No.21994281

Nobody is interesting in entering doxxing headquarters and becoming the next target of your troon brigade.

>> No.21994287

The only doxxed people were the retards that posted doxxable info on a public discord. You're not a retard right, anon?

>> No.21994294

>blaming the victims

Classic deflection. You were still in the wrong.

>> No.21994296

>tacit admission of being a retard
See you in the server, buddy :)

>> No.21994300

the fuck is wrong with you? there’s no evidence of that and two wrongs don’t make a right. just let this shit go.

>> No.21994306

>i-it's YOUR fault retards have bad opsec
Alright nigga but if anyone has some kino to share and has the sense to keep private things private, you're welcome to collaborate always

>> No.21994320

I’m indifferent to the the idea of a new press. Even when Unreal wasn’t an embarrassment to this site they were nothing special. They didn’t actually reach anyone outside of /lit/. Not sure you’d be able to either.

>> No.21994334

Why does Unreal attract the most fucked up, antisocial dregs of this board? Obviously it’s important to be cautious with your private details online, but if people are naïve enough to reveal their personal information in your server that doesn’t give you carte blanche to post their faces and names all over 4chan with impunity. You’re still completely in the wrong for doing so,and it makes your organization look immature and untrustworthy. If someone doesn’t lock their door and you walk into their house and steal something, you’ve commited a crime, and claiming that they asked for it by leaving the house unlocked won’t prevent you from being tried and convicted by a jury of your peers. The same principal applies here.

>> No.21994337
File: 649 KB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_2023-05-05-11-39-15-064_com.brave.browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only way is up

>> No.21994354

That may be true in the case of a normal person but the people who were affected were annoying fucking retards who shit up everything constantly, you can see it on the sperging from the other threads: the woman who got posted was posted by the same person who we wanted gone, so its fair to say he is not against such tactics himself. And anyway keeping shit private is good, and no one who is a normal person has been affected by Unreal at all.

>> No.21994362

Unreal stopped being about the writing. The only thing they care about now is some gay popularity contest on this board. I was hoping they’d see this startup as something that could prop everyone up but it seems that they’re no longer interested in propping everyone up.

>> No.21994368

You can join right now and get involved with any of the two current ongoing projects if you wish, you can find the links somewhere above. Unreal has always had a moderately slow turnout, so unfortunately this is most of what anons will see for the time being. But apparently just today a new book got done editing and should be coming out soon.

>> No.21994384

Could not be less interested.

>> No.21994390


>> No.21994403

>ψηστος or psestos. to scrape or wipe.
ah i get it, because the pages are only good for wiping your ass.

>> No.21994404

No way this is real.

>> No.21994408

what woman?

>> No.21994414

Ari's stalker. There was a thread not long ago where Rhyme was doxing her for what she did to the discord.

>> No.21994444

You've done enough damage control for the day Unreal. No one cares anymore. Go back to your discord and let people actually discuss what the thread is about.

>> No.21994446

Unreal is dead. F Gardner Press is the future.

>> No.21994448

Some hoe with a fivehead
>> 21991917

>> No.21994453


>> No.21994470

All your post serves to do is perpetuate the drama. If you wanted to offer an alternative to &amp and Unreal, you would already have something in the works. You're merely doing this to fuel this shitfling-crusade. Pathetic and entirely transparent.

>> No.21994479

I’m not trying to fuel the shitflinging. A lot of people have expressed that they’re done with Unreal and I want to leverage their frustration into something productive before they lose interest. I figured I’d better strike while the iron is hot and gather ideas and attention for my new publication while people are still talking about this.

>> No.21994487

dang, rhyme has gone rogue

>> No.21994491


>> No.21994493

She never posted any pictures of herself, the one posting it is Ari

>> No.21994499

You're hurting Unreal. The more people know about this shit the less they contribute. The more presses there are the less contributions Unreal gets. You are hurting them whether you want to admit it or not.

>> No.21994507

>There are a couple of stories that are standouts

HMS Mariana and Ogden’s story

>A couple that probably shouldn’t have been included

MacNaughton and Krake

based review though, love to see it!

>> No.21994519

>stop talking about what we did, it’s making us look bad

you made yourselves look bad by doxxing people and being discord trannies. why should anyone feel sorry for unreal or want you fags to get any more contributions? this thread is a justifiable response to your bs and this board desperately needs a new press that’s led by people who aren’t insane

>> No.21994537

This is a pretty big deal for Unreal

>> No.21994545

Don't care. You wanna hurt us? We'll just use your threads to advertise ourselves. Nothing you can do about it bitchboy.

>> No.21994565

What kinda normal people editor will want to publish authors from well known and widely slandered so-called "internet's cesspool" the 4chan nigga think about it for a second the fuck do you think we're about do you want us to add your pronouns at the author's page as well? We have published several books and preparing more this second and anyone who writes is invited to come, and if you think that keeping your shit private is too much of a hassle there are normie ass publishers everywhere if you have the talent or capabilities to get into one of those; yet you can just get your shit out there in a mostly hassle free manner to get your toes wet into the business but you're here getting your feathers rustled over an issue that could have easily been avoided if an annoying nigga had kept his 4chan etiquette. Sad!

>> No.21994583

She’s weird-cute, looks like the uptight librarian type. I wanna feel those lips wrapped around my cock

>> No.21994588

what annoying nigga? rhymeandgrind?

>> No.21994604

A.B. (short for A Bitch)

>> No.21994607

doxxing retards is based, retard.

>> No.21994636

what’s he look like? i wanna make fun of him, i know one of you retards has his doxx so don’t be shy

>> No.21994684

Do the work yourself my nigga, just head over to warosu and take a look at the &amp Message in a Bottle thread then scroll until you see where his full name was posted and plug that shit into Google. First result

>> No.21994689

>niggas claim the doxxes are a huge problem
>actually no one knows what the fuck happened with who and are just mad over a telephone game
Many such cases!

>> No.21994697

They literally posted some chick’s full face in this thread. The doxxing is a major problem.

>> No.21994709

Again, that woman did not her face and all of her drama is directly related to A.B., the person she was seething at

>> No.21994711

Did not post her face publicly* Sorry for the typo

>> No.21994721

He is unironically in the unreal server kek

>> No.21994732 [DELETED] 

This annoying nigga?

>> No.21994735 [DELETED] 


>> No.21994741

lmaoooo pasty cracker lookin ahh

>> No.21994747 [DELETED] 

so he was the one who posted her doxx?

>> No.21994761 [DELETED] 


>> No.21994764

Very unlikely. Keep in mind that Unreal hates both of these people with a passion and that there's been no evidence of the best-of guy doing any doxing.
My theory is that Unreal are just using this lover's spat as an excuse to dox both of them.

>> No.21994795 [DELETED] 
File: 687 KB, 498x211, 78789886-5B11-45CF-902C-14278B86ABDA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21994802

I mean he is the only person who would have the picture

>> No.21994803

no fucking way. this is incredible

>> No.21994808

No he's not. Unreal found the girls social media accounts.

>> No.21994811

Sources: I made it up

>> No.21994815 [DELETED] 

Someone posted a link to her Twitter in the &amp submission thread that’s up. They ripped the picture from there. Seems like she was using the same username across platforms. It could’ve been anyone

>> No.21994821

Sources: https://twitter.com/atlaspherea

>> No.21994827

And you think Unreal knew of this because:

>> No.21994830

As somebody who has witnessed his fair share of 4chan related e-drama, starting out with Skype groups and later over discord, I have a few pointers I want to give to any anon aspiring to create his or her own /lit/ project.

Keep things strictly business. This is the most important piece of advice I can give you. All other advice plays a subordinate role to this vital dogma.
Categorically refuse to start or engage in any social activities with anybody contributing to the project. Work together with them, but treat it like you would any 9 to 5: the company is not your family. You do your work, you might banter a bit, but don't let it seep into your private life and most importantly, don't let your private life seep into the project. Keep it strictly business.
Avoid discord like the plague. I get that it is tempting for ease of communication and archival reasons. You can use it if you keep things strictly business. Only you and the people helping with the project. No off-topic talk. You're here to get things done, not to be social. If you aren't sure that every single contributor to the project can adhere to these rules, do not use discord.
E-Mail communication is less efficient, but it gets the job done. Don't be an idiot and use your private email. Make a separate account just for your project. Treat it like you would a business email account: engage with it when you're working, forget it exists when you're not. Keep communication strictly business.
Lastly, don't namefag on 4chan. The exception is promoting a project and releasing it, maybe a Q&A or something. The point being: if you are namefagging, you are representing your project. Don't engage in e-drama or off-topic discussion. Keep it strictly business.
To summarize: keep it strictly business.

>> No.21994838

Ari knew this girl for over a year and met her IRL. Why is the dox only coming out now that Unreal has beef with her? Unreal has already doxed two people and you scoff at the idea they'd dox a third?

>> No.21994845

Because Ari also has beef with that girl and she was schizoposting at him in the thread where she got posted

>> No.21994852

I don't know if even this advice would be enough to avoid the "schizo/tranny problem" among terminally online youth these days. It seems like an outright majority of people interested in things like this are just looking for a parasocial friend group to have weekly meltdowns in/with.

>> No.21994856

He had beef with her for over a year and didn't dox her. Unreal has beef with her for 2 weeks and she's doxed. You're gonna need a better excuse if you wanna pin this on Ari.

>> No.21994867 [DELETED] 

Probably to shut her up. Absolute shame that he deprived /lit/ of more Joycean monologues like this one >>21991404

>> No.21994869

Her photo was unknown to Unreal all this time until it was posted

>> No.21994880

Two people?

>> No.21994890 [DELETED] 

A. Bitch and TRanderSEN both deserved to be doxxed

>> No.21994895

>It seems like an outright majority of people interested in things like this are just looking for a parasocial friend group to have weekly meltdowns in/with.
That's why you keep it to a handful of people and categorically refuse to engage in an social shit whatsoever. Make a plan, work towards realising it, keep things going, and otherwise forget this exists. Basically, treat like a job. I see the biggest issue in the temptation of wanting to bathe in the recognition from getting this kind of project done and being even mildly successful with it. That brings with it all sorts of drama. Even if the person the drama is about doesn't give a fuck (and I'm sure many anons have that kind of character) it could still hurt the project. Hence it is imperative to keep things strictly business and professional.
Be that all as it may, I've shouted my wisdom gained from experience into the void. Maybe it'll do some good.

>> No.21994896

They all deserved it. Don't leave this new bitch off the list. Not that we did it obviously. Just that Ari Boon did a good job.

>> No.21994910 [DELETED] 

not to be a simp but does anyone know if she’s okay? her posts in that thread were concerning as fuck

>> No.21994931

i white knighted on twitter so we'll see

>> No.21994932 [DELETED] 

Some girl actually went crazy over a dude who looks like this? The fuck?

>> No.21994937

Bitches love schizos

>> No.21994945

embarassing thread

>> No.21995009

kys cuck faggots

>> No.21995025

>free pdf

>> No.21995033

Gonna go for it bros, gonna slide into her Twitter DMs. Pray for me

>> No.21995061
File: 465 KB, 611x513, image-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21995067

Unironic IP grabber btw.

>> No.21995071

checked. i think she's truant. also i don't think she accepts DMs

>> No.21995077


>> No.21995084

Nah. No one is losing interest in Unreal. If anything the interest is growing because of all this believe it or not.

>> No.21995097

Unreal is winning baby! Who cares if we lost 3/4 of our hosts and all of our editors? We owned the haters!

>> No.21995104

You’re confusing the podcast with the publication.

>> No.21995107

Just stopping by to let the person responsible for these threads know that every single time one of these goes up we get a sales boost. Seriously, there was a short period of low sales with a few days of no sales then this individual made like 3 drama threads and bam, big boost. Sort of ridiculous how that works. I'd believe this entire beef was an inside job if i didn't have an good idea of who was behind it

>> No.21995111

I noticed the same thing, anon.

>> No.21995113 [DELETED] 

I was able to DM her, don’t know why you couldn’t

I sent her some nice pics of my cock and politely requested her nudes, hope it’ll work

>> No.21995125

>st-stop talking about this. Don’t you know you’re actually helping us?
Pathetic attempt at containing the drama.

>> No.21995131

>doxxing people for sales

>> No.21995133


Yeah, you can track this via the public Best Seller Ranking lol. Spikes everytime one of these things tops the catalogue. No idea why this supposed hater is willfully keeping Unreal in the public consciousness but hey, he knows best.
Im not fucking with you buddy. You're literally making ToS abiding shillposts.

>> No.21995140

Nope. Let it continue. Rankings stagnated in the 2000s of Horror Anthologies, now we’re back to 105.

>> No.21995142 [DELETED] 

We should all be grateful to TranderSEN 2bqh, he’s single-handedly keeping the press afloat with his 24/7 seething

>> No.21995152

godspeed you. i shall enjoy her vicariously.

>> No.21995160

As someone looking at this from the sidelines, this is despicable. You’re doxing people and bragging about how “any press is good press” because it earned you some pocket change. You might look at this as some win over “haters” but that can only be short term. People are putting a lot of trust in you when they hand over a story for publication. You’re breaking that trust with drama whoring like this.

>> No.21995164

Quality pivot friend.

>> No.21995169

What's really funny is that the IP count in all of these threads is in the mid 40s for the first 200-250 posts. What an odd coincidence there eh

>> No.21995174

You’re so virtuous, anon. Quit, you’re blinding me with your radiance!

>> No.21995178

There's only one dude(unaffiliated, banned from all servers) drama whoring. Everyone relevant is working on the next releases. I wish unreal affiliated people wouldn't even bump these threads but I can't blame 4channers for wanting to touch the poop.

>> No.21995180 [DELETED] 

It’s TranderSEN samefagging, he’s a hikki with a lot of time on his hands

>> No.21995181

Glad I’m not the only one seeing it like this. Why the fuck would I attach my name to a publication that has to act like this to get 2 sales a week?

>> No.21995187

In order to get "2 sales a week" we gotta put our heads down and work, put up an ad or three, not make any posts on the board. If we want to touch Mike Ma numbers some jilted NEET has to make 9 drama posts a week where each and every thread has the exact same 45 participants and he pretends to be 10 different people disappointed in unreal.

>> No.21995189

That explains why you keep doxing people. Post some girls face and then start a he-said-she-said back and forth with your discord pals. Gets you some beer money for the weekend I guess.

>> No.21995193 [DELETED] 


>> No.21995195 [DELETED] 

>jilted NEET
are you talking about Ari’s ex-lover?

>> No.21995203

Guys, we should really stop talking about Unreal doxing their contributors. It’s making them famous! They’re gonna be household names and it will be all our fault! I’m hyperventilating just thinking about it.

>> No.21995210

Kek. Probably not the fame their looking for, but at this rate everyone at unreal, and everyone they doxed, are going to have their own Kiwifarms threads by the end of the month.

>> No.21995214

based. Amazon rankng is higher than it's ever been. I wrote one of the stories and I say let the doxxing continue

>> No.21995221 [DELETED] 

No, he’s talking about TranderSEN who is currently concern trolling because he’s mad that Ureal laughed at his attempts to attention whore

>> No.21995224

Yes,virtousanon you are so so valid. Anyway we'll be counting our stacks

>> No.21995226

Imagine thinking these self-publishing cucks are seeing any “pocket money”

>> No.21995234 [DELETED] 

>some girls face
Anon…that’s a man

>> No.21995237

True! Aaron Anderson of LG2 in Quebec City here.

>> No.21995239

Hey man, good luck with your magazine, genuinely, I always support /lit/ projects.
But you're gonna need luck. And you're gonna need to care. Every single project from this board has been one of these things

Headed by someone with a lot of money and know how who poured literal thousands into the production (Quarterly)
Headed by someone with little money but a few skilled friends and the ability to stick with a largely fruitless project for literal years (Unreal, &amp, Minimag, /ffa/(which died immediately after that original anon left)
2-3 Anons caught in a menage a trois manic episode that they roped 10-15 other anons in over the course of 4-5 general threads. There is no follow up (Moby Dick, Burgerpunk, Those collab novels like Coronameron, Tundra, etc)

None of these were some petty reaction by an anon attempting to dance in the shadow of a minor entity whose entire base almost is made up of other anons with a vested interest in its success. So, good luck. I'm sure you'll catch on.
Small heads up, if you yourself arent the bad faith samefag continuously bumping this thread, know that just about everyone who signed up for your project is this one individual. And he won't help you with anything. He only cares about us.

>> No.21995248 [DELETED] 

gonna print this out and give her a nice cum tribute tonight. i’ll be back later to post the results

>> No.21995249

It's not self publishing. Unreal is a legitimate outfit with a catalogue of 7 releases featuring 30+ authors and poets. Send a submission, if it gets rejected you'll understand how much of yourself is involved in this publishing, eh?

>> No.21995257

>going to have their own Kiwifarms threads by the end of the month.
That’s coming a lot sooner than you’d think.

>> No.21995259

Nah, I am good, I don’t give a fuck about publishing — every single person ITT has complete shit in books and what constitutes good writing.

>> No.21995260 [DELETED] 

Why are so many of the /lit/ dramafags from Canada? Is it something in the water there?

>> No.21995263

Literally none of the people posted submitted a story lol

>> No.21995265

Didnt read. Write shorter posts or I hope Unreal doxxes you. They shouldve never apologized to you half wit morons

>> No.21995268

They have nothing else going on in their pathetic cuck bug existence

>> No.21995269
File: 6 KB, 223x250, 1563378874702s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you people are mentally ill

>> No.21995270

You have a point. Every single person Unreal has doxed now is from Canada. Weird coincidence, or some form of Canuckophobia at hand here?

>> No.21995276

Thanks for the bump cuck. Don’t forget to submit. It’s about to go wild.

>> No.21995283

Anyone submitting genreslop to unreal is literally never worth reading.

>> No.21995292

And yet they'll be read. What a world huh

>> No.21995297

20 retards from this board who have read fewer than 20 books in their life got duped into “buying” self-published meme shit from this board is nothing to be proud of, but you can posture all you want, you recessed chin DYEL

>> No.21995306

Post your name. Post your writing. Give us some content for the next thread.

>> No.21995308

Damn, i didn't even expect that comment to bother you. Really touched a nerve I guess? keep at your substack or whatever it is you do, I think you've got potential to pick up 5-10 readers.

>> No.21995338

Mad little faggot upset that we’re making bank. Post your name.

>> No.21995346 [DELETED] 

Why are you asking him to doxx himself? Isn’t that your job?

>> No.21995356

The funniest thing about unreal press is that they did a podcast with f gard and the South African redditors was audibly buttmad that FG is an outside the box free thinker.
Just go listen to it yourself.
They never had him back on after that.

>> No.21995366

They deleted the F Gardner episodes because they got mad at frank.

>> No.21995389 [DELETED] 

The &amp editor and the /lit/ quarterly guy are Canucks too. Disproportionate number of Canadians on this board.

>> No.21995394

Damn unreal fags cannot stop seething. Maybe you should use some of that “bank” to learn how to write a coherent, let alone good, story.

>> No.21995416

Post your name and writing coward.

>> No.21995431

K.D. Walter. Six Days in the Life of David Vallejo. Come at me.

>> No.21995438

Kino D Walter???
Bro, get in the server

>> No.21995447

I remember you. We rejected your ass from the horror anthology. Come back to air out your wittle grudge?

>> No.21995453

did they really delet that ep? lmao. seething redditors the lot of them.

>> No.21995454 [DELETED] 

The South African redditor

You mean Zac Labuschagne? The Unrealcuck with an adopted negroid brother?

>> No.21995459

Why? So you can dox him?

>> No.21995460

Not touching you guys after this doxing cringe carnival.
Not at all. I'm always improving my craft and I have nothing to prove to you guys.

>> No.21995478

i don't understand why you guys have to keep talking about how much you hate unreal. just ignore us and be done with it

>> No.21995491

You doxed multiple people and derailed a thread dedicated to creating another press because you were butthurt. Stop playing victim. You specifically said you were just going to shit post for attention because it got you sales.

>> No.21995498

>Not touching you guys after this doxing cringe carnival.
Up to you, my guy. We’ll be happy to have you as contributor if you ever want to get involved

>> No.21995525

The stamina on this guy. If I had 5 people as dedicated to shilling my brand Id be on the cover of Forbes. Until further notice this is a bit of covert astroturfing a la Snakes On a Plane.
“Hey 4chan have you heard about this super evil doxxing cabal that just so happens to publish horror with a chud racist podcast where the hosts drop slurs and call Mike Ma a tranny?! Holy shit I bet you’d hate it, haha, I sure do haha, here’s another thread about how much I HATE unreal and I’m sure you will too haha. what’s that? Oh yeah ignore the free pdf some completely unrelated person posts in every thread haha, that’s just those pathetic unreal shills lol, so cringe, anyway did you see that book tuber you all like review their book? Here’s a link, and did you hear about their podcast and interviews haha? Here’s another. Woah, did you guys here they doxxed a black girl and a gay guy? How sick! I HATE Unreal, SO MUCH”

>> No.21995537

You just had one of our established authors tell you to fuck off. Now isn’t the time for reverse psychology.

>> No.21995540

Who was the gay guy that they doxxed?

>> No.21995543

i had nothing to do with that at all. you can't blame 30 different people for something that at most three people did

>> No.21995556

Yeah, it was only the guy who owned the press, the podcast and kept all of the money from every book sale. You can’t blame the press for something that one guy did.

>> No.21995557

29/30 ain’t so bad. Or, maybe 28 depending on if F is ever attention starved enough to come back (for the fourth time).
I’m sorry for derailing your thread that was unrelated to unreal though, it’s a really bad look that they all showed up to post in a thread that had nothing to do with them, I’m sure you were blindsided. I know it’s hard with your, let’s say, inconsistent schedule, but if you could post these at a more consistent time I’d be thrilled. I like to get in early, post soemthing quippy, pretend be a concerned anon, something that gets a lot of (You)s

>> No.21995585

Pack it up Unreal. I’m not buying your edited slop just because you spam this board.

>> No.21995591

Oh no. One guy who writes like shit. We’ve got all the writers we need to turn this into a billion dollar empire. Keep talking about us. Make us even more famous and maybe you’ll see our ascension before you die of whatever autoimmune disease is killing you.

>> No.21995599

> You doxed multiple people and derailed
Not that anon or anyone really. Just a spectator, but all attempts to make this sound not based are not working kek. Will be buying tales of the unreal volume 1 or whatever it's called

>> No.21995610
File: 44 KB, 850x682, based unrealie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21995617

Makin me famous. Makin me famous bitch.

>> No.21995622
File: 327 KB, 696x479, Captain Hill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick question. What program did editor-kun use to make &amp. Just asking haha don't worry about it.

>> No.21995629

Canva. It’s a free web based image editor. Has a subscription service if you want a bigger library of stock images.

>> No.21995632

The &amp covers are made by a team of half a dozen people. You're so far under water my friend. And that's just the cover, an entirely separate process is req'd for typesetting and formatting the actual mag.

>> No.21995637

Has to be worth the pay to get what he was putting out. Thank you, anon. Was there anything special about how he was uploading the magazine?

>> No.21995639

There's a reason Unreal and amp have existed for longer than any other thing like this. The people in charge are like fucking cockroaches. Persistent. Honest in their intentions. True self believers. You welps won't make it three issues. God I'm erect.

>> No.21995644

>The &amp covers are made by a team of half a dozen people
How many of those people are literally retarded? You could crank those out in 20 minutes.

>> No.21995659

Seems to just be a bog standard PDF embed. Nothing you couldn’t do yourself if you know how to build a website. Though, I would advice against a website to start with. A lot of ways to get doxed when you own a website and your “rivals” have shown themselves not to be above that.

>> No.21995670

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.21995702

i’m just a horny demon nigga my urge to coom on girls faces can not be stopped

>> No.21995708

I'm sure you could. I'd love to see it :^)

>> No.21995795
File: 446 KB, 640x480, UNREALIE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21995808

unrealchads won.

>> No.21995811

unrealies... are we back?

>> No.21995813


>> No.21995819


>> No.21995846

5:53 PM

I'll give you until midnight tonight to crank out a cover. Go.

>> No.21995850

All the people talking shit to you just makes me want to pump the tires of &amp and Unreal more.

We have to show the haters that this phoenix has some wings.

>> No.21995855

You guise nooooo don't post my face in public like that!

>> No.21995876

Trandersens and Aricucks btfo

>> No.21995880
File: 44 KB, 500x765, Tales Penguin res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now thats hat im talkin about

>> No.21995893

There's 43 unique IPs in this thread and 10 of those are Unreal Press people fellating themselves over MSpaint memes hyping up how cool doxing is. Take it to kiwi farms.

>> No.21995937
File: 1.95 MB, 1000x2000, BASED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has the same Proust editions as me on her bookshelf, lads. Fuck the Aricucks, I’m officially on the girl’s side.

>> No.21995951

There's 43 unique IPs in this thread and you're the biggest bitch ass nigga seething over MSPaint memes crying about having public information be reposted. Take it back to your abused gf, Ari Coon

>> No.21995955

only a /lit/cel of epic proportions would take the time to enhance the photo to examine her bookshelf. kys simp

but lol, of course this crazy bitch loves proust. his favorite themes are obsessive love, stalking, and toxic relationships. she can relate.

>> No.21995978

There are 43 unique IPs in this thread and 2 of them are you and another dude moaning about how this epic cool teardown thread you started turned into a common Unreal W.

>> No.21996005

Traffic stop is weird because it starts off sort of amateurish, but by the end I am engrossed the the main character's psyche.

>> No.21996037

he reported the link to his pic to the jannies, lol. what a faggot

>> No.21996170

This is pathetic. I’m embarrassed for you.

>> No.21996326
File: 35 KB, 601x508, 6340E591-38FA-48EB-8900-4DAE414357D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is pathetic. I’m embarrassed for you.

>> No.21996408

Fuck off Unrealcuck

>> No.21996479

>he didn’t post the results

>> No.21996603

About seven anons on design using mostly GIMP and Canva that receive subs from one or two editors who then after receiving designs use Adobe InDesign to finalize typesetting, then kerning anon puts all of the typefonts through the digitizer for the PDF, then the colorist makes sure all images conform to CKMY, then it’s back into InDesign for final rendering. Then the design anons and the editors work together to submit all three PDFs (spine is separate) to Blurb for approval. It’s actually very easy and I used to do it all myself but it takes about 2 weeks full time work to do a single issue and that doesn’t include reading submissions.

>> No.21996747

>he doesn’t autokern using InDesign’s textual_grep extension or format PDFs in RGB because he doesn’t know that Blurb uses Canon HS plus loadercarts which don’t require print colouration schema or DPI fitting

>> No.21996749

Dramacunts didn't die.... they were MURDERED

>> No.21996767

Actually Blurb uses Brother UV Thermal, some commercial loader with flat delivery. Pretty sure it’s Lulu that uses Canon. Either way, whenever I use RGB for glossy print on anything over 250 DPI, I get chroma scatter and blending fade. Which of course affects the trim margin.
Also autokerning is a meme, &amp requires that we adjust typeset manually because our text is slightly larger than normal magazine and it looks gay using text_grep or kern_value or any other Juniper extension for Adobe. Plus Junipers python doesn’t always jive with my own custom codebase. Fitting is based tho, I’ll give you that.
Can you link me to a text_grep that doesn’t suck? Doesn’t have to be Juniper.

>> No.21996771

Why so you can make your own shitty publishing company or magazine? Bro you don’t even know which hardware your printer uses…

>> No.21996776
File: 26 KB, 800x587, CDE4AB08-E68E-47AC-9C67-1BAA10283875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. Kern this.


>> No.21996808

Yes it needs to be chroma-keyed for whatever printer you are using. They say it doesn’t, but it does. Also typesetting is so important otherwise you get fucked up kerning and sometimes substitute wingdings on typefonts like light or extra light because Adobe thinks that it’s a whitespace character. Also dont render PDFs directly from Canva or GIMP unless you want it to look like shit. Also don’t listen to >>21996747, custom Adobe extensions make life a lot easier if you know your typeface specs (if you’re using A4, I can send you the extension I wrote myself (it’s better than Juniper’s and it’s free)).

>> No.21996914

I just came here after a week away and I am so fucking confused. Who on earth is getting doxxed and what is all of this autistic screeching, can some anon please explain what is happening

>> No.21997014

>they’ve now started an entire general thread just to doxx people
How anyone doesn't find this hilarious is beyond me ahaha

>> No.21997628


>> No.21997882

So how did that cover turn out? Did this 'new mag' ever get so much as a name or even a fucking email account to receive subs in? Oh its all sooooooooo hard isn't it lol

>Traffic stop is weird because it starts off sort of amateurish, but by the end I am engrossed the the main character's psyche.
I had the exact same feedback, like he was finding his voice. Zulu said he's planning novella or something with that character which sounds cool.

>> No.21998011 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21998050 [DELETED] 

Zulu Alitspa aka Zack Alan Smith is a broke faggot retard who seethes about being a wagecuck slaving for Bezos

>> No.21998067

Anyone who wants to make a press should do what they can to avoid associating the press itself with this board. Being a "4chan author" can't be good for a writing career.

>> No.21998203

Better than being any alternative besides rich and famous. At least here we’ve got notoriety.

>> No.21998255 [DELETED] 

This is Miles McNaughton btw. More posts incoming, including Frater Asemlen (a NYC father) and Jarod Baldwin (a humgrump NEET who lives with his mom)

>> No.21998262 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21998273
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>> No.21998285
File: 33 KB, 400x400, 6030FDB1-51B4-434B-A9DA-8E3A6760D0C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21998321 [DELETED] 

James Wisener, UofArkansas Honors Biology 19’? This preppy ahh cracker is Miles MacNaughton? KEK

>> No.21998363

Honestly this is based, giving Unrealcucks a taste of their own medicine

>> No.21998440

How the fuck did you find this? Seriously what the fuck?

>> No.21998465 [DELETED] 

So it’s real?? KEK, wonder if the school of dentistry would like to see some screencaps of all the times he used racial slurs on discord

>> No.21998574 [DELETED] 

Looks like the type of dude who would try to lure little kids into a white van

>> No.21998620

He abused his gf too? I thought that was Hartley

>> No.21998778

Notoriety? You mean doxxing people get attention that will help you sell 20 books a year instead of 10? Absolutely pathetic.

>> No.21998894 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 400x400, COCK_SLUT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but here you go. It’s what she deserves.

>> No.21998938

Love you dude. Make sure to keep cranking these little ditties out

>> No.21998942

What the fuck is wrong with you????? Why would you do this???? Delete this

>> No.21999026

This is fucked up even by your standards Anderson

>> No.21999067

'ick on 'ig
Unreal keeps winning.

>> No.21999080

Bitches who fuck with Unreal get fucked right back.

>> No.21999110

lol, she removed her pfp and privated her twitter account

>> No.21999229

Jannies can try to stop us but her cumface will stay on Warosu forever. We can’t be stopped.

>> No.21999443

Unreal is a scourge and everyone involved should be permabanned from this board

>> No.22000257

keep seething bitch. it only makes us stronger

>> No.22000545

Any updates on that new zine you’re working on? Didn’t think so.

>> No.22000568

>entire thread is filled with dox material
>surprised when the guy runs off
Mission accomplished Unreal bros!!

>> No.22000592

The shit Unreal has been posting here and in the &amp thread is appalling. The jannies should ban any mention of your shitty rag from this board.

>> No.22001825

behold. the unreal approved dissection of unreal.

>> No.22002145

i was indifferent towards the whole thing before you made this cringe post, kys you embarassing loser
wishing you the best of luck anon

>> No.22002641

One more of those, Frank, and I’ll delete your interview too.

>> No.22002693

Do it. I dare you.

>> No.22003056

Please just do it. We all collectively need to suppress everything affiliated with that bad joke. this is the age of unreal. The Gardner years are done, if they ever even started.

>> No.22003146

long live the FGP

>> No.22003215

Reddit tourists came here, read some Weird Tales pdfs from decades ago, thought it was cool, made a few attempts at making a current year version, obligatory podcast, they invited F G onto a very early edition of the podcast, realized he is unironically a flat earth 4chan loser, cut ties with him, because they are redditors larping as anons.
FG goes on to write more books. Seething and doxxing of his home and personal life are turned into copy pasta.

>> No.22004252

how are the janitors allowing this?

>> No.22004258

Any other publication at your local book store. But of corse you did not even bother looking there. You aren't even really invested in finding something else. You are just looking for (you)'s from a bunch of useless retards that don't even read. Well, here you go. Now fuck off back to the meaningless existence we all inhabit with your faggoty ass notions of (insert literally anything here, all of your notions are faggoty. Because you are a faggot).

>> No.22004266
File: 232 KB, 1591x905, IMG_1676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Samefag. A single page from an F Gardner book is more interesting.

>> No.22004342
File: 86 KB, 1019x454, 6331AD0A-5956-4772-ABCC-0EFD34243687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please pay attention to me!!!
Kys Frank