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/lit/ - Literature

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21994015 No.21994015 [Reply] [Original]

/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General

slutty rose is slutty edition

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



Previous: >>21983306

>> No.21994019

first for zyzz

>> No.21994023
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>> No.21994043
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Truth shines.

>> No.21994048

why was the general gone for days?

>> No.21994050

The war was on pause while he was fucking your mother

>> No.21994053

Some retard put it in the name, not the subject.
Just ctrl f "sffg" next time.

>> No.21994080
File: 82 KB, 763x1000, blacked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone mentioned in last thread that they were getting filtered by the Deep. I just want to say push on I believe in you, pleb.

>> No.21994100
File: 730 KB, 2212x1738, 20230505_193105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got these at a national used books festival today. which should i read first?

>> No.21994111

dying earth, then more of jack vance. Forget negromancer

>> No.21994125

>Forget negromancer
If anyone tells you not to read something, it's because it's DANGEROUS

>> No.21994146
File: 289 KB, 1400x1050, MV5BZGQ3ZTczYjItMzY5My00NmE1LWJlZWYtNzM2N2I1Yjg1ZWNkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjk1Njg5NTA@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heck yeh, sister!

>> No.21994152

necromancer is kino, forget cance-r and push on with Gibson to Idoru

>> No.21994161
File: 45 KB, 328x500, 1662471835230052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I take a break from reading fantasy to read some literature, then come back to reading fantasy, I'm always shocked at how none of these guys seem to be able to write a normal, succint story in less than like 6,000 pages anymore. Why the fuck does everything need to be a series? Yeah, yeah, I'm sure it has something to do with money, but fuck.

>> No.21994183

Technology influences us. Television and radio made us want to serialise like they do (although our serial fiction before that appeared in magazines or newspapers, quite differently). Game of Thrones in particular reads like a TV show, because GRRM did write for Twilight Zone and worked in Hollywood.

>> No.21994211

>Why the fuck does everything need to be a series? Yeah, yeah, I'm sure it has something to do with money, but fuck.
It's because of tolkien
Then the shannara ripoffs
and then ultimately the wheel of time
after all of that came brandon sanderson 6 book each a thousand pages hackery

>> No.21994251

What's with the gross thread image?

>> No.21994254

This annoys me about fantasy, I find a book that seems interesting then I find out it is book 1 of 5+ that are 600+ pages each.

>> No.21994268

I'm writing a self contained fantasy book at about 400 pages. But it's shit and I'm trying my best to fix it. I posted it on here and got my ass opened wide and took everything in raw.

>> No.21994273

read the Mask of the Sorcerer to see how it's done.

>> No.21994291

Writers want to maintain a setting and essentially allow the A plot to be background noise while they experiment with B, C and D plots. A series is kind of a crutch but when executed properly you can have some amazing reveals which is why WoT still has a following. It's not entirely corporate greed but I completely agree that we should have more oneshots. The other problem is once you start a series you can't work on anything else without pissing off your fanbase which is career suicide for an author.

>> No.21994316
File: 1.24 MB, 3024x4032, 4F903344-AFDA-4F83-8937-21EE59C1DDF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Neo China novels need to exist more

>> No.21994351

Is that the chick who posted her booba with the Bakker book?

>> No.21994352

>The other problem is once you start a series you can't work on anything else without pissing off your fanbase which is career suicide for an author.

fucking soulless. None of these people are artists.

>> No.21994357

Fantasy cyberpunk neofeudal Tongwanchen Mongolian Chinese base alien zombie survival

>> No.21994379

Tempted to get wireless headphones just to listen to Bakker as I lift…

>> No.21994516
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Anyone know why 4chanX thinks I'm OP? If I didn't black out like Jekyll and Hide, then I didn't make the thread...

>> No.21994520

*booming NoMan voice*
That's a man, baby!

>> No.21994558

Currently reading The Witchwood Crown by Tad Williams. It's stupidly slow for about 200 pages but starts getting very good. However, the way Tad writes I can only imagine that we're not getting any satisfactory answers until the last 30 pages of the last book in the series

>> No.21994581 [DELETED] 

i hope richy got to absolutely piledrive that fit young female ass and busted his hideous nutslop all over her fertile womb

>> No.21994585

Sometimes IPs can get wacky. I've been banned for posts I never made

>> No.21994586

i hope richy got to absolutely piledrive that fit young female ass and busted his hideous nutslop all over her fertile womb

>> No.21994608

That happens with a highly dynamic IP, especially on phones and at dorms.

>> No.21994620
File: 220 KB, 998x744, erikson(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was this normal for 90s/early 2000s writing? Writing on these word processors on the go?

>> No.21994633

>30 hours on 2 AA batteries in the 90s
>4000mah battery can't even last 12 hours in 2023

>> No.21994647

Erikson is a fucking hack
if you enjoy malashit book of the faggotry you're clinically retarded

>> No.21994659

Just neck yourself and read your machine translated chink shit

>> No.21994678

Sounds like someone was filtered when they heard Erikson's craft mogs their favorites. And he did it from a little palm keyboard lol

>> No.21994681

There's a reason why the word "bloatware" is making rounds. The software these days is full of background programs that track you and listen in on you 24/7 so they can feed you personalized adds depending on what they hear you say

>> No.21994695
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That's funny as I am going to write my masterpiece on my $600 Freewrite that I have not touched in months.

>> No.21994696

I'm hearing in Spain PRH bought publishing rights for ASOIAF, which sources say they weren't going to do until their people heard good news about TWOW.
Hopiumbros how are we feeling about this...

>> No.21994715

It's gonna be out. I'm gonna say late 2024. Publishing is gonna make over a billion for the release.

>> No.21994900

Erikson is a fucking hack
>“Children are dying."Lull nodded. "That's a succinct summary of humankind, I'd say. Who needs tomes and volumes of history? Children are dying. The injustices of the world hide in those three words.”
Eriksonfags consider this surface level pseudo-intellectual swill deep and meaningful.

>> No.21994921
File: 1.96 MB, 400x225, 1668801287248129.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao this cannot be real

>> No.21994959

Blessed? Tell me more about your $600 paperweight.

>> No.21994969

It's real
I've seen eriksonfags post this shit in "best fantasy quotes" threads and claim this shit is deeply profound
Imagine reading a shitty series that consits of 16,000 pages (that doesn't include all the spinoffs) and that's the deepest shit you can find. 14 year olds writing fan fiction have written better quotes than hackinson

>> No.21995034

Some epic butthurt in this thread lmao. Bakkerfags I presume?

>> No.21995052

Anons shitting on erikson cause they don't have any understanding of subtext and narrative. They want le epic philosophy quotes, kek.

>> No.21995082

>"When you take away everybody else’s humanity you take away your own.”
Real deep, eriksonfags
I don't even care about muh philosophy in my fantasy. I'm making fun of the pseudo intellectual dreck you eriksonfags consider deep

>> No.21995222

>500 chapters into an ebook
>author gets tired of writing and just wraps it up in 2 chapters


>> No.21995241

lol how did it end and what was the plot?

>> No.21995243

she looks like this girl at my gym who i think is like a powerlifter or bodybuilder or something. I mire her arms at least

>> No.21995251

The main character just suddenly accepts an inheritance and owns the universe, story over
He was just a diety transformation cultivator though....

>> No.21995253

Been reading David Gemmell lately. Wolf in Shadow was great except for the out of ideas video game tier ending fight and the rest of the Jerusalem Man books were pretty fun as well. Latter books from the 90's are alright, but I think he might have been phoning it in a bit. I have been reminded about the two pieces of woodcraft trivia he knew once per book, and the dialogue has gotten very robotic. Like literally robotic; it sounds like what the GPT spits out when I make it write for me.

>> No.21995261

If you're gonna buy a brick thats less useful than your computer except for style and pretentiousness, at least get a real typewriter with a backspace function.

>> No.21995262

oh ew

>> No.21995274
File: 607 KB, 1528x807, readd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/SFFG/ Recommendations:

Read Reverend Insanity, Lord of The Mysteries, Neuromancer, Hyperion, The Prince of Nothing

Also read The Wandering Inn, Between Two Fires, Mother of Learning, Cradle, I Shall Seal the Heavens, A Song of Ice and Fire, The Poppy War.

>> No.21995285

all of those are bad
only one I read most of is Lord of the Mysteries

>> No.21995312

Never quite seen one that bad but it is always funny how rushed some endings can seem sometimes. Like I read one, that recent Armor book that's meant to be a progression fantasy (it really isn't he just learns like one new trick but is largely the same scale from start to finish) and it is fascinating how rushed the ending ends up feeling. Like the first... 2/3 of the book feel relatively well-paced, the main threat is established, but not in a "this is gonna be dealt with this book" sort of way.
And then it's just dealt with at the end of the book via just... Nonsense and then he becomes a god I guess.

>> No.21995373
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*closes eyes, shakes head, and laughs* silly, plebs. The point is to allow a stream of consciousness. The need for backspacing allows your mind to fall back when you need to be moving forward. NPC's like you would not understand what this baby allows the mind to unlock.

>> No.21995400
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>> No.21995433

>Fifth Di Daughter, the Old Furen gives you no face.
wtf am I reading

>> No.21995493

Listening to an interview with Card, some good stuff so far:

>> No.21995508
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based Jerusalem Man enjoyer

>> No.21995542

Overdosing on hopium, it's probably because they're riding off the reignited hype that House of the Dragon kindled.

>> No.21995546
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leave bakkerpedo

>> No.21995628
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Why is the MC in this series so much of a pussy?
He has his "friends" walk over him and accepts blame for shit he didn't even do, or was responsible for. His "friends" threaten him regularly, yet he wants to make them as powerful as he is.
At the start of the book his "girl" threaten to leave him if he lied to her and not tell her everything, yet she kept her secrets to herself. This series fucking pisses me off with how much of a fucking carpet the MC is.
I remember when his book worm did some shit on her own, and HE got blamed for her getting captured. What the fuck logic is this author operating with?

>> No.21995633

>projecting for the sake of posting non-arguments
Brilliant. I am at a loss of words.

>> No.21995667

Is that a female author, looks like one to me

>> No.21995707

My sister is currently reading HP, just read the part with Dumbledores death and snapes reveal as the halfblood prince. She doesn't know his backstory and really hates him right now. I am incredibly looking forward for her to find out, how Snape is unironically the best character in the book lol.

Dunno if this fits here, but it's a fantasy book.

>> No.21995731

Yeah Snape's arc is a thing of beauty.
To this day I'm shocked I was able to read those last two books without being spoiled.

>> No.21995749
File: 27 KB, 404x404, afkay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks AF gay. Now, Menocht Loop, there's a female author who really hates her male lead.

>> No.21995752

Menocht Loop was written by a female author? Huh. Doesn't seem the sort of thing to be.

>> No.21995757

what is the rough percentage of fantasy WRITERS to solely fantasy READERS in these gennys? obviously most writers read but i'm talking the general purpose of the thread and the intentions of the posters here

>> No.21995760

>Story about a guy who, despite being a super powered necromancer, gets absolutely stepped on by every woman in his life
>His only male friend is gay

>> No.21995798

I haven't actually read it, I've only heard it's bad because it's a time loop story that fundamentally doesn't get the point of a time loop story.

>> No.21995803

Absolutely. We're introduced to the Time Loop on the penultimate run after the MC has already grinded to the top. Then once he finishes that time loop he goes through 4 or 5 more scenarios that loop except he's already strong enough to do them on the first or second run.

>> No.21995820

recommend books with this

>> No.21995839

I normally don't read female authors but City of Bones by Martha Wells sounded interesting. Has anyone read it? I just ordered a copy.

>> No.21995920
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Any good?

>> No.21995926

Doesn't matter whether it is or not now.

>> No.21995932

Daniel Abraham will finish ASOIAF

>> No.21995939

Sounds weird. I like the concept of "powerful person stuck in a time loop whose power doesn't really mean much", but that just sounds like it's not even that.

>> No.21995943

>book one

>> No.21995947

There's 7 of them.

>> No.21995949

hi brandon, big fan here.
by mistborn era 3 do you think we will finally have obese black women with bad knees as mistborns?

>> No.21995968

so he was a loser at life and his abusive mom got an ancient timeloop thing to teach him to be a worthwhile human but he solved all his problems with magic and murder in the loop and when he gets out he's still an incel

>> No.21995992

>anti tomboy

>> No.21996008
File: 44 KB, 642x287, heffer_tattertsail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sureeeeee it isn't you, Steve, suree

>> No.21996034

I like it. Very Gregory McDonald.

>> No.21996088

>The year is 2088. Mankind has not made any actual advancement in the fields of science nor mathematics in nearly three decades. However, the public does not know this; the most prominent and lucrative industry in the world is known (or more realistically, unknown) as the illusion of progress. Think-tanks exist to comb through existing samples of prior research in order to make up plausible claims that do not actually happen in reality, ranging from advances in space travel to cures for diseases. The federal government utilizes its intelligence agencies to ensure this narrative remain intact, guaranteeing the cycle of intellectual money-laundering even at the expense of human lives. The act of fooling the public in order to maintain power has become the lone goal of the ruling classes, comprised of imaginary money that, too, is merely fabricated, not backed up by anything beyond looping equations in out-dated computer terminals. The one truth is this: mankind bred itself out of intellectual advancement some time ago, driving the few pedigrees responsible for it to extinction. All that remains now are those who fabricate the narrative and their legions of unwitting slaves, deliberately taught the wrong answers to the wrong questions.

>> No.21996112

even the name is tiresome. Pathetic

>> No.21996140

I am about to start the VanderMeer Southern Reach trilogy. Will I at least enjoy it? I liked the adaptation of Annihilation, and I like Lovecraft, but I don't know if those make any difference. No one ever comments on him here, which gives me hope.

>> No.21996190

First book is great but the film isn't a faithful adaptation apart from a few elements, the book is quite different. Can't say I was a huge fan of the sequels. The pacing slows to a snails pace and the plot goes nowhere.

>> No.21996207

I'm glad to hear that the film was not faithful, because I've already seen that. As for the other two books, I didn't have high expectations because they were all released in the same year, as in "best seller, write sequels." The trilogy is $20 on Amazon, so I'll read them (one volume) just to soothe my OCD.

>> No.21996655

Now why did they delete OP pic again?

>> No.21996669

zoomer OP posted a literal who woman as the OP pic

>> No.21996701

There's only 3 in this series.

>> No.21996765

I think the film is honestly better. While it has less weirdness in it, the film actually has a coherent plot.

>> No.21996797

He's just China Mieville for even more urbane sorts. That's why they need to hijack Weird fiction for some unknown purpose.

>> No.21996883

how do we fix /sffg/?

>> No.21996887

I was thinking of helping people make a /wng/ webnovel general so that there's no more brother wars. /sffg/ is good with hipster nerds fighting another, but it might be good if the webnovel fans migrate since they have different tastes in form completely.

>> No.21996906

webnovel fans need to off themselves

>> No.21996909

You certainly sound like a well adjusted gentleman.

>> No.21996917
File: 109 KB, 735x759, swill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you read this dreck you are beyond redemption. your brain has been destroyed by years of internet browsing, vidya and shitty anime. you're below subhuman

>> No.21996920

Make a seperate /litrpg/ /webnov/ general.

Ignore any and all Bakker posting unless it is someone genuinely interested in reading his books.

Make posts about books other than the 5 or so people constantly post about.

More posts about new books not just muh old is le good and muh new is le bad.

More sci-fi discussion, the threads seem mostly about fantasy.

Encourage people posting reviews instead of shitting on them.

>> No.21996925

Webnovel general doesn't mick a lick of sense. It's not a genre difference, we are discussing the same books. How do you even enforce it, forbid talking about books published on amazon that were webnovels before?

>> No.21996929

>Encourage people posting reviews instead of shitting on them.
If your reviews consist of you """reviewing"""" webnovels and erotica or complaining that pulp stories written 70 years ago would work better as an 800 page novel then I will tell you that your reviews are shit and you should fuck off

>> No.21996931

Seethe and cope

>> No.21996933
File: 574 KB, 906x1168, headphone chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fang Yuan is king

>> No.21996935

>Make posts about books other than the 5 or so people constantly post about.
>More posts about new books not just muh old is le good and muh new is le bad.

>Make a seperate /litrpg/ /webnov/ general.

These two are contradictory. Webnovels and Litrpgs are the major influx of fresh SFF books and discussions at the moment. What, you want to discuss one new female written fantasy romance every other month?

>> No.21996937

Just stop trying to resist anymore and accept that people like different things.
A webnovel general would help many anons who wish to find non-shit webnovel books without the hipster nerds here going insane for asking which webnovels are good. The fact it's sold on Amazon isn't that much of a difference, since the mode of serialising fiction changes how the story is told.

>> No.21996944

I will keep teling you your revews are shit
and you should fuck off :)

>> No.21996949

Well I can sort of agree with web novels seen as they are books but written on the web. Litrpg, whilst sffg, is a different thing than traditional books.

There are plenty of new sffg books released in the last 5 years or so to talk about and just because they are written by muh womens doesn't make them bad. Obviously there are the agenda pushing ones, but there always has been.

>> No.21996950
File: 125 KB, 1134x451, SWILL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you read webnovel/chinkshit/litrpg trash then you are subhuman
it's that simple

>> No.21996953
File: 237 KB, 768x1178, archive undying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read new Tor books, incel.

>> No.21996954

I'm not even review anon but cope and seethe all the same :^)

>> No.21996961

Yes you are, reviewfag
Imagine putting hours into reading a book and writing your shitty review and getting BTFO with only 6 letters

>> No.21996962

Stories written for serials were just the web novels of their day.

>> No.21996964

This. Dune was a serial.

>> No.21996965

No they weren't, webnovelfag

>> No.21996969

>Source: It was revealed to me in a dream

>> No.21996970

I'm not him anon, he seems to be living in your head rent free though.

>> No.21996980

>Recommended by Tamsyn Muir

>> No.21996988

Firstly, there are at least two or three of the faggots
I check this thread every few hours, if i see their posts I tell them their reviews are shit (which they are)
That's all

>> No.21996990
File: 556 KB, 900x1368, Weird-House-Cover-v3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is cool. I heard about this press but they're doing a weird fiction magazine like Rolling Stone that is laidback and has stories.

>> No.21997030

>he doesn't live in my head rent free
>I come here every couple of hours to see if he has posted a review
If he bothers you that much just hide his posts or just don't read them.

>> No.21997041

Not him, but some people come to sites to be outraged. I'm a constant lurker but i'm mainly just having fun while writing/reading in between work. I don't know why he wants to get in fights, other than the emotional rise.

>> No.21997043

>just because they are written by muh womens doesn't make them bad
But it does astronomically increase the chances of being bad.

>> No.21997058

Nice projection, retard
I come here every few hours to read the thread. If see their reviews I respond. i make plenty of posts not related to me calling out their shit reviews and i'm not a cancerous tripfag like they are so nothing connects me to those
Seething reviewfag
Reviewfags really can't take criticism well
Don't shill your goodreads and post your shitty reviews and get mad when people call you out on it

>> No.21997060

How do I sage your replies, incel?

>> No.21997062

you sound like you enjoy storm light archive

>> No.21997063

Why don't you turn your trip back on reviewfag?

>> No.21997067
File: 767 KB, 2368x1302, poem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you stop the drama? I'm a schizo and I even then you're being paranoid.

>> No.21997070

Reviewfags are the one seething over me
I'm living in their heads rent free
6 words are enough to send them into a rage

>> No.21997096

This thread is such a shitshow, from the thread image to comments. We deserve better than unending barrage of schizos. Why is admin not reacting? Too busy moderating yet another thread about dating woes for some reason posted on /lit/?

>> No.21997097

because /sffg/ is a containment thread for retards

>> No.21997153

Truth shines.

>> No.21997171

You are one of the retards this general was intended to contain, bakkerfag, but you still keep your canadian black seed fetish on /tg/, /tv/, /v/ and even on /a/

>> No.21997198

Tch. You're getting on my nerves, child. Only posted about Berserk on /a/ several times and maybe Claymore, but that's it. Haven't been able to enjoy a video game for ages. /tv/ has my thread about Carpenter right now, but I don't frequent it. /tg/ is my old watering hole, but I got bored of GURPS. I mainly run CoC.

>> No.21997219

Looks fine to me, what's your issue? Or are you just making shit up to shitpost?

>> No.21997231

If you think that writing is fine then you're either an ESL or 90IQ

>> No.21997238
File: 2.30 MB, 2026x2865, 1683370890813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is a Rose with a Worm in its Breast, who laughs with a ghastly Suicide; there is a Cheese full of Holes who pretends fear of the Plate and Knife; there are two Houses Afire who are cool to one another; there is a a Starry Night, there is a sheaf of wheat, a horse, a cloud.
Uh, Crowley bros?

>> No.21997241

I know you are but what am I?

>> No.21997260
File: 1.25 MB, 2700x1500, lord of the mysteries 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contemporary western fantasy? What's that?

>> No.21997346

This can't possibly be something people willingly seek out to read in English.

>> No.21997423

Please point me to any critique of Pratchett and how he glorifies "benevolent" autocracy and strong authority using Vetinari and the invincible Gary Stu that is Vimes.

Or just any critique of Pratchett's books on the ground of his morality, period.

>> No.21997424
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Suuuure Steve.

>> No.21997490
File: 2.64 MB, 200x233, 1663690265489877.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>today all of the major factions of justice have combined together just to destroy your evil lair.
>this time you will definitely be decapitated!
Jesus christ lmao

>> No.21997506

Looking for fantasy that is set in a wistful, melancholy even eerie forest?

>> No.21997510 [DELETED] 


>> No.21997518 [DELETED] 


>> No.21997543

Posting here since some keep posting work and wasting it. Send it to these magazines and don't look back.

1000-22000 words, no exceptions
12c (USD) per word. No horror but dark SF/F permitted.
No use of Chat GPT nor AI allowed
No simultaneous submissions (do not send the story somewhere else).
Stories must be well-written, suitable for audio (since there are narrated audiobooks), and convenient for screen reading (so no weird formatting).
Rigor in science fiction is appreciated, but it does not need to be "hard."
There can't be any of the tropes listed on the site.

up to 7500 words, at 10c per word (USD)
Character oriented stories, but there is also some poetry $1 per line
Absolutely no use of Chat GPT nor AI allowed
No simultaneous submissions (do not send the story somewhere else).

>Fantasy & Science Fiction
No simultaneous submissions (do not send somewhere else).
Up to 25,000 words in length. 8-12 c (USD) per word. You must read a sample of the magazine before sending.

>Interzone Digital
Simultaneous submissions accepted (you can send somewhere else).
Maximum of 5000 words. 1.5c (EURO) per word. Double-spaced and emailed.

>Amazing Stories
$20 per story, $10 per flash (USD), and poetry also
No simultaneous submissions, no multiple submissions
1000 to 24,000 words

>Apex Magazine
8c per word (USD), up to 7500 words
Usually dark sci fi or horror is accepted.

>Beneath Ceaseless Skies
Up to 15,000 words, 8c per word (USD)
Provides feedback on rejections
No use of Chat GPT nor AI allowed
Character-focused, adventure fantasy (no sci fi nor horror) that has a deep sense of world.

>> No.21997735
File: 53 KB, 656x236, being prideful over such a thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop responding to blatant newfags with severe mental illness. Bakkerspammer being anti-reviewfag doesn't surprise me. It's THE stereotypical newfag who comes to 4chan to act like he's superior in any way to anybody else all while spamming the same handful of newfag buzzwords. There is not discussion. There is no civil discourse. You are literally arguing with a narcissistic child.

>> No.21997785

Bakkerspammer isn't the anti reviewfag
I know because i am the anti reviewfag and i think bakker is a hack

>> No.21997794
File: 71 KB, 1141x749, 1651117644714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bakkerspammer being anti-reviewfag
Holy based. Fuck surface level regurgitation of a book's blurb instead of actual discussion.
>Sentence describing the world building (its good, bad, or ok)
>Sentence saying the story and characters exist (they're good, bad, or ok)
What a tragedy if we didn't know that LitRPGslop #2134 (with the prose and depth of a muddy puddle) was 'alright, 4/5' by the standards of someone who only reads crap.

>> No.21997803

I want to lick her butt

>> No.21997809

I am the anti reviewfag
I am not bakkerfag
Don't confuse me with that fag and the shitty book series he loves so much

>> No.21997813

You are both embarrassing and appalling anti-intellectual diseased children who should be met with a terrible fate. You lack any and all forms of self-awareness; a fucking bot.
It's not even all litRPG; it's all books by certain posters period. It does not matter the genre or the subject.
This is no different than your average /vg/ general.

>> No.21997815

Yes, bakkerfag is embarassing because he likes a shitty grimdark gay sex series
I am right
>it's not all litrpg
yes it is. it's litrpg erotica trash on one hand, and then it's sometimes good novels reviewed by a retard on the other. imagine complaining that stories published in pulp magazines aren't a 600 page novel, LMAO

>> No.21997845

Yea I enjoyed Wolf in Shadow but the ending I didn’t really care for. I haven’t started the next book but I bought it a while back maybe I’ll start it

>> No.21997929

The worst part is that nothing is ever said that can't be found in a goodreads blurb for the same book. Calling them chatgpt reviews would be overstating the amount of thought or effort that goes into them.

Say what you will for bakkerfags, but at least they've had (past tense) actual discussions that don't just involve describing the parts of the novel.

>> No.21997936
File: 40 KB, 297x475, 54494840._SY475_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished reading Gunmetal Gods book 1.

Pretty good overall, the middle eastern setting felt a bit wired to me though. When I think of fantasy I think medieval Europe not the deserts and cities of the middle east. Saying that though, it was a good change from the usual setting.

It is sort of a mix of fantasy with horror elements, eldritch type gods and a bit of cosmic horror. It also has a decent amount of humor at times, especially in the Kevah chapters.

Would recommend if you are looking for something a bit different.

>> No.21997941
File: 486 KB, 860x757, the e celeb critic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Guy With The Glasses and its consequences has been a disaster for review culture.

>> No.21997944

Hate myself and want to die lads

>> No.21997947

Read a book

>> No.21997948

>Here is a description of something
>this is good/bad/ok

>> No.21997950

Look at 1 or 2 star reviews

>> No.21997960

seethe reviewfag

>> No.21997962

which is why i call them and their reviews shit
I read a review to get a new perspective, to challenge my opinions or to discover something in the thing being reviewed that i didn't know
their reviews are usless ephemera. they say nothing. and it doesn't help that the books they review are usually shit

>> No.21997999

All that would tell me is that people I find contemptible dislike something. That one where the woman goes on about how bakker is using womanish as an insult is a nice example, but most of them are just as vapid and poorly made as reviewfag's stuff.

>> No.21998048
File: 643 KB, 1535x2048, reasonances.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

making a reading list on deep time stuff to read for the next few months. in the stack:
john c wright - eschaton sequence
olaf stapledon - star maker / last & first men
nemo ramjet - all tomorrows
doris lessing - canopus in argos

appreciate any recs along these lines

>> No.21998148

You're confusing reviewing with critical analysis. The purpose of the former is either self-expression or trying to persuade others to read a book. The purpose of the later is to analyze the book in-depth and in detail. Discussion is neither of these and requires multiple participants.

>> No.21998210

Reviews aren't meant for those who have already engaged with a work. They're for those who haven't. That's why spoilers matter and are mostly hidden. An imageboard general for anything is a terrible place to discuss anything specifically, in-depth, and with any sort of nuance. To do so would require several full post lengths replies back and forth between individuals. That's far better suited to a low activity forum. How you can expect to have meaningfully conversations with a thread that is archived every few days? The structure itself resists such attempts. It's really quite unfortunate for those whose expectations are entirely misaligned. It's like going on a short-form content website, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, or whatever and asking where are the hours long videos or the many pages long equivalent blogging.

>> No.21998229


>> No.21998231

You could just ignore the review posts if you don't like them instead of shitting up the general by making post about how much you don't like them.

>> No.21998244

I like the review posts. sometimes I search a book in the catalog and find an anon giving their opinions

>> No.21998254

Does this count as a review? If not, why not?

>> No.21998259

You could just ignore my anti review posts if you don't like them

>> No.21998295

Newfags crave attention.

>> No.21998296

I didn't make the post as a review anon, it is just my thoughts about it.

Should we not post about our opinions on books we read in thread for the discussion of science fiction and fantasy books?

>> No.21998304

What are reviews other than thoughts and opinions?

>> No.21998310

Then we might as well delete /sffg/ and /lit/ and every other board on 4chan if you don't like it.

>> No.21998316

I'm entirely for them. You seem to have assumed I'm done other anon. I was asking why the anti-reviewer didn't denounce what you had written. It's helpful to have a common understanding of what is meant by terms.

>> No.21998325

Fair enough

>> No.21998362

it's even better I think, and then the third is a nice epilogue conclusion

>> No.21998380

Last thread, someone posted a whore who is also an author of erotic books and I used a random photo of her because I was too lazy to fetch something better.

>> No.21998414
File: 356 KB, 589x635, 1516246332216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just about every time I reread a book I had previously only read as a teenager my opinion is almost completely different. But rereading Amber now and I still think the segments about traveling through shadow are BORING AS FUCK

>> No.21998450

your """reviews""" are a HIT

>> No.21998486

Amber is a seriously overrated piece of dog shit.

>> No.21998512

Some anons respond literally every time to the same stimulus. Their response rate never decreases. The intensity of their outrage never becomes less. If x is mentioned, then it's a biological imperative that that I must respond with y.

>> No.21998758

I still like the series for the most part and I enjoy Zelazny's writing style, but these segments are so fucking boring. Describing it once is enough to understand the concept. I fucking get it. These books are less than 200 pages long and you already spend some of them on retelling the story so far. Can we move the fuck on?

>> No.21998769


>> No.21998790
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New Pickman's Model movie coming out.

>> No.21998827

I'd imagine its a group of people who dislike something, so there will always be at least one person browsing the thread looking to comment.

>> No.21998963

please... no more litrpgs...

>> No.21998969

No one wants to split the general into webnovel and trad sci fi, though. So just word filter it.

>> No.21998989

I have read the three extant Portal to Nova Roma books. They were not good and I didn't enjoy reading them. But I will read the fourth and fifth ones when they are released. I cannot prevent myself from doing this. I don't want my life to be this way.

>> No.21999000

Helliconia maybe?

>> No.21999038

Just read something else.

>> No.21999054
File: 24 KB, 297x475, AlongTheRazordsEdge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stated reading this series (The War Eternal) today, only 5 books that are ~400 pages each. Seems to have pretty good reviews and the first 50 pages of the first book I've read so far have been pretty good.

>> No.21999060

My condolences for your uncontrollable mental illness.

>> No.21999100

Well, I like the cover, at least the shadow demon thing.

>> No.21999118

>only 5 books
>read synopses
>"A dark coming of age story, perfect for fans of Throne of Glass."
Mind broken. Why do you enjoy such trite slop? YA fantasy#23061 This is why we can't have nice things anymore.

>> No.21999134

It's not YA and who takes those plugs seriously?

>> No.21999184

I wonder why people say you have to relate to the character or never use passive voice. It's kinda weird, since many speculative fiction doesn't follow those memes.

>> No.21999235

I was reading a recent interview with C. S. Friedman and here is what she says on the subject character relation.

>Do you identify with your protagonists?

>No, and sometimes I feel like I am unique among writers in not having a personal connection to my characters. I have been on writing panels wDo you identify with your protagonists?

No, and sometimes I feel like I am unique among writers in not having a personal connection to my characters. I have been on writing panels where writers talk about how they talk to their characters, or sense what their characters want to do…I just write them. They are my creations. I relate to them as I would relate to clay I was molding into a sculpture, or glass I was wrapping around a mandrel. I am deeply invested in them as creations, but not as people.here writers talk about how they talk to their characters, or sense what their characters want to do…I just write them. They are my creations. I relate to them as I would relate to clay I was molding into a sculpture, or glass I was wrapping around a mandrel. I am deeply invested in them as creations, but not as people.

>> No.21999261

Just started discworld. Should I just stick to Rincewind?

>> No.21999292

Why would you do that
It's all good until the dementia started kicking in hard around Snuff and the ghost writers had to step in

>> No.21999302

Ah ok sick, I remember reading that he got super depressed somewhere in the series and kinda killed it. Im also instadropping it if anything bad happens to my boy twoflower or the luggage

>> No.21999316

>The war is over. Sixteen-year-old Eskara Helsene was a Sourcerer, a weapon for her empire. But she fought on the wrong side. Now she is a prisoner serving out a life sentence in the mines of the Pit, where there are worse things than thieves and murderers in the darkness. Nightmarish demons from the Other World stalk the tunnels. With no hope of survival, Eska must escape. But no one escapes the Pit. Can she fight her way to freedom or will the darkness swallow her soul and her destiny? Eska’s war has only just begun.
Not YA? Good job because now I guess I have to read it now to see if your mind is truly broken or not.

>> No.21999344


>> No.21999370

Dogs and
The furred and the fuzzy series book one

>> No.21999376

Uhhh Utah

>> No.21999412

Hold on bro you don’t get it. The all powerful system has a weird fetish for his feet! How’s that for a knee-slapper? And he has to play into the systems weird fetish so that he can keep getting the best power ups! As you can imagine, it’s quite the riot!

>> No.21999477

From an interview with the author
>Along the Razor’s Edge has echoes of Glass Throne but is in no way a YA read even though your protagonist Eskara Helsene fits the age group. What was your inspiration for your main character?

>I must admit, I’ve not read Glass Throne. I actually just had to look it up on Goodreads to see what it was. In Eska, I wanted to create a character who does not give up no matter what is thrown at her, who has an unrelenting drive, and is defiant to a fault. Someone who is completely unashamed to be herself and damn anyone who doesn’t like it. So I think I put a lot of my mother into her. ?

>> No.21999480

Any books that feature a fat, blonde qt princess?

>> No.21999495 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21999501

>I wanted to create a character who does not give up no matter what is thrown at her, who has an unrelenting drive, and is defiant to a fault. Someone who is completely unashamed to be herself and damn anyone who doesn’t like it
sounds like 90% of YA protagonesses

>> No.21999514
File: 465 KB, 1280x1920, B09LSCNL1K_c631021f_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She gets older as the series progresses, this is the cover of book 4. She is the one in red on the throne with her daughter bellow her.

>> No.21999530

Rob J. Hayes - The Heresy Within
Orginally self-published then published by Ragnarok Publications.
>The Arbiter took a deep breath. "NOW I CLEANSE THESE UNHOLY BODIES." His voice rang out with unnatural. "BY FIRE BE CLEANSED!"
>If the huge tits were cowed by her stare, they didn't show it
>putting it up the serving girl's ample arse
>"wouldn't it be nice ta bend her over an' shove it up her arse so hard she screams?"
>"You were raping the the daughter while we were killing the father?"
>He kissed her cunt before sticking his cock in
>He raped boys and girls alike and slit their throats after to bathe in their blood as to keep himself young.
>petite girl with big brown eyes, and long blonde hair that flowed down to her arse...didn't look old enough to bleed...dress was transparent...tiny budding breasts

>> No.21999536

Rob J. Hayes - Where Loyalties Lie
>"It may be you're missing the point behind pirating. We're looking to take what ain't ours and what can be sold for a profit. Ain't no profit in taking lives, far as I can see. They don't tend to be worth much after the taking."
>"No," she said in her honeyed voice..."If any of your crew so much as touches me, I will kill them and ten more."
>"The Kraken's Maw is something far more dangerous. It's the one and only gateway to the court of Rin."
>"Have you finally managed to grow a cock that would have matched your sister's balls?"
>"That fucking piece of shit pretend fucking pirate cunt running off to suck on their black fucking cock leaving us to fucking die. Fuck!"
>eyes unfocused and blood leaking down over her face...he thrust his cock up her arse...if [his daughter] wasn't strong enough to stop the man from fucking her, then she deserved it

>> No.21999540

I hope enough book discussion gets posted ITT to rile up bakreviewfag into threats of physical violence again kek

>> No.21999544
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>Sixteen-year-old female mc
>Mature woman mc

>> No.21999552

Is grimdark YA a thing? If so what's the difference between that and regular grimdark or is all grimdark YA?

>> No.21999553

Damn where can I upvote this post?????

>> No.21999571

Gridmark isn't a ya thing. It is a term for stories that are dark and set in times of war and depression where bad thing happen and the characters face hard times.

Not your typical lighthearted jolly adventure.

>> No.21999584

Most modern grimdark is grimdark YA, writers just add blood, guts and a little rape and that's enough to get the grimdark label in Reddit/Goodreads/amazon

>> No.21999598

I see a lot say The Poppy War is YA and it's tagged various places as such. It's about genocide, ethnic cleansing, war crimes, drug use, martyrdom, slaughter of children, and much else.

>> No.21999603

Same Author

>> No.21999610

I thought grimdark was basically "there's no ultimate hope, everything's pretty sad and the best you can get is a temporary victory".

>> No.21999622

>It is a term for stories that are dark and set in times of war and depression where bad thing happen and the characters face hard times.
That's just Dark fantasy. Elric of melnibone is grimdark now?

>> No.21999627

That's the advertisement line but I've never encountered one.

>> No.21999633

Most of those apply to the Hunger Games

>> No.21999642

I mean, the namer of the term, WH40k, is a grimdark setting. I suppose it's more applicable to grander settings. Because some 40k stories aren't grimdark, but the grand-scale setting is.

>> No.21999654
File: 19 KB, 260x392, Gone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was this YA series, Gone, seemed quite grim for a serious directed towards teenagers. One day a town gets blocked from outside world by a huge, impenetrable barrier sphere, and all adults past 17(18?) years olds are simply wisked away, leaving only the kids and teenagers.

Also, some kids have superpowers. You can imagine the situation deterriorates quickly. To add to that, there's one autistic boy that's incredibly powerful and a mostrous entity living beneath the town. And eevery person that passes the age threshold gets wisked away, too.

The story was...surprisingly dark. Tensions between powered and un-powered, forced labor, people finding dead and decomposing little children after their parents were spirited away and left too young to care for themselves...Then you get body horrors, mental illnesses, demonic possesions, murder, addictions, people getting their minds willingly overwritten by stronger entities to get revenge for the death of their loved ones...And it's later revealed that children that passed the age threshold weren't teleported intact like the adults but instead overwhelmingly died at once, and those that didn't turned into mishapen body horrors kept alive only through medical help.

This story is all kinds of fucked up, I read a lot of fantasy and this story is definitely up there in darkness.

The scope of the story is relatively small as it's only the young population of a minor american town, but the story is quite good. It's been years since I read it, though, so I don't know whether it would hold up now that I'm many years older.

>> No.21999775

what's the most slow paced fantasy story you know? omit LOTR, please.

>> No.21999799


>> No.21999825

i asked whats the slowest paced fantasy story you know

>> No.21999833

dangerously bad

>> No.21999844

Gormenghast, it's just three books but it's very slowly paced, it also amazing prose, one of the best in fantasy.

>> No.21999922

wasnt impressed
thought it was really bland

>> No.21999942

>non-shit webnovel books

>> No.21999965


>> No.21999988

Too early?

>> No.22000011

Bakker sux

>> No.22000031

im half way through his first book and don't know whats going on but I like it. I assume it will all be explained but damn it's taking forever

>> No.22000054

Turns out the guy who wrote that is the husband of the woman who wrote Animorphs. It kinda checks out in retrospect.

>> No.22000315
File: 69 KB, 768x960, Lesley Maxwell 64yo granny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any more books with that feel?

>> No.22000316


>> No.22000323

What are some books like ff9 the game

>> No.22000330

I do this too, but sometimes a volume bad enough to liberate me comes along. Just dropped "The World" series.

>> No.22000339

Rusalka trilogy by CJ Cherryh

>> No.22000526
File: 8 KB, 128x115, sungals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haven't finished a book in months
>just started another

>> No.22000632

>A. F. Kay

>> No.22000966

>the designated brainlet thread is still up
Good morning brainlets. How are we today?

>> No.22001087

Can anyone help me find a damn book? Its sort of a spin on the Don Quxiote sort of tale, and its about some American guy (I think?) who gets reincarnated in a world and he does stuff. I remember one big plot point was like, him making a special bow out of a "Spiky orange tree" but I can't remember much else beyond that?
Thank you

>> No.22001115

isn't he basically saying that "IF MY FAT WOMEN STAND OUT CLEARLY YOU'RE INTO FAT WOMEN"
then since small women stand out for him he's into...small women? aka a pedo?

>> No.22001116

yea he's saying "it's not me, it's you" lmfao. as if he doesn't explicitly state every chick in malazan as a heffer..

>> No.22001175
File: 494 KB, 1948x1396, the knight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like the Knight by Wolfe.

>> No.22001179
File: 471 KB, 1200x1600, frazetta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Multiple POV
Bullshit. Give me the single point of view of a strong main character!

>> No.22001185

it wouldn't be as bad if just about every multiple pov book just changes perspective right when the action is getting interesting, deflating you and putting off gratification for who knows how long. if i'm reading before bed, it puts it off by hours at best and days at worst. and when you resume, all that tension the writer had worked to establish is just not there.
as many problems as the age of madness trilogy by abercrombie had, at least it occasionally had multiple consecutive pov chapters of the same character or characters involved in the action, and not someone half a continent away.

>> No.22001195
File: 57 KB, 797x584, B5BE41F5-F4CB-468A-8F98-BA1D4E0440DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any books about humanity being the precursor civilization? There’s all these books about aliens and how we are small insignificant little things but I want to read about what if humanity truly is the first intelligent life in the universe and it’s up to us to seed the galaxy with life and have to be the one to uplift an alien species of crabs people in the tribal stage

>> No.22001229

Avatar: the novel, based on the motion picture

>> No.22001292
File: 34 KB, 250x414, 9AA73FB2-BE5C-4129-8BF6-3C55E2BE4C70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hegel’s great great great grandson wrote cyberpunk novels that won a PKD award.

>> No.22001296

We're living in a post-Hegel dystopia, what's the book about?

>> No.22001313
File: 888 KB, 2726x1732, rudy rucker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some guy invented free will for robots and faced treason charge; the robots live on a colony on the moon, while Baby Boomers live in hellish poverty, trying hard to replace their pacemakers.

>> No.22001337

Empire of the Vampire

>> No.22001339

I saw that shilled for a while, and some hot little creative writing major at uni kept talking about it. She inspired my lust...

>> No.22001345

It's really good.

>> No.22001386

Multipov is fine if it happens at the right timing. Like the climax just happened and the MC is just going to spend a week hiding in a cave tending to his wounds. Instead of a timeskip you could switch to other characters and start building up for the next arc.
Even then it's not necessarily good. What if you instead wrote some sort of kino cave paranoia scene where the MC is just imagining what people outside are doing and coming up with plans? That could be way better and more interesting.

>> No.22001451
File: 2.92 MB, 1480x1484, gene wolfe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's unfortunate many of his short stories are only in old magazines or collected Orbits, but not collected in the sense they're in one tome about Gene Wolfe. I want him to get the Library of America treatment.

>> No.22001501

I don't think it's aged particularly well. At least it's funny

Be the change you want to see in the world

>> No.22001511

I'm dirt poor at the moment, but I could wait until they're public domain, which would be in 2089. I'd be 91 years young! And what with those newfangled biochips and enhancements, I'd be formatting and editing with footnotes and essays like a young spring chicken.

>> No.22001519

What I meant was you could just collate them yourself and spread them in communities like this one that have an appreciation for Wolfe and little qualms about pirating effectively abandoned copyrighted material

>> No.22001521

Transcribe them and upload them to 4chan dot org? Scan them even? I see what you're saying, you sly old dog, you. I do want that since I'm interested to see how his writing shifted over time since he stated one must master the short story before the novel.

>> No.22001569

Imagine thinking there is only one Bakkerchad

>> No.22001570
File: 48 KB, 526x701, 1516879910760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave Lord of Mysteries a shot and it feels really random so far.
Does it really get good later on? I hope it's not just another Chinese powertrip self-insert fantasy.

>> No.22001573

>I hope it's not just another Chinese powertrip self-insert fantasy.
If you want to avoid that crap you better stop reading any Chinese novels recommended in this general.

>> No.22001586

I don't think I'd ever want to meet with J.G. Keely but he does make good points here, like he does in most reviews. He is probably the biggest pseud there is but still, there is a lot authors could learn from him.

>> No.22001597

almost done reading the witcher last wish
if the genie was following geralt's wishes then why did it attack his friend?
or was it just angry, attacking the first thing it saw and fucked off when geralt told it to?

>> No.22001602

Not important to the theme or plot of the book. Genies just are like that I guess, wild spirits.

>> No.22001611

I was going to read about genies, but now I think genies are too animalistic. Nasty little genies.

>> No.22001620
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>I hope it's not just another Chinese powertrip self-insert fantasy

>> No.22001636
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Nothing in Lord of the Mysteries is random.

>> No.22001639
File: 149 KB, 610x600, janus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science fiction is Janus-headed. It tells of futures that may or may not be... Which is the best future you have read or can think of?

>> No.22001642

Any story where aliens destroy earth.

>> No.22001655

the forge of god

>> No.22001665
File: 97 KB, 375x818, 8F8E0FF0-D9D2-4E4B-BFD5-201F7BB54BDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pulp fiction used to have soul… my favourite is too hard to determine. What’s your fav pulp writer?

>> No.22001734

S.T. Joshi released a novel with Lovecraft as a detective. I'm probably going to buy a physical copy after finishing the ebook, because it goes into really detailed aspects of Lovecraft's life while also being a story, so I find it easier to read than a biography.

>> No.22001754

book 2 date soon

>> No.22001808
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Which is Pringles Man's best book? Book of the New Sun? the Wizard Knight?

>> No.22001826

It's the humble paprika for me.

>> No.22001834

There is a listing on Amazon for Feb 29th 2024. Might just be a placeholder, hopefully it comes out this year.


>> No.22001852

>not too brittle to hug
What a nice little turn of phrase

>> No.22001932
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>read 3 alien novels
>out of the shadows, sea of sorrows, river of pain.
>first one was good for "alien fans", rest is trash.
>to much filler writing, get pissed off while reading.
>350 pager could have been 200 pages and it would be decently paced.
>river of pain was the worst filler writing i had seen, imagine reading half the book before someone gets facehugged.

im taking a break from alien slop, i just got the dune trilogy books, so ima read that.
i dont like this edition of the book, either the font they use is shit or the print is low dpi, so be warned.

>> No.22001953

Tried hitting on a girl. It didn’t work. She thought I was asking actually about uni and books when I was just trying to make her tall about herself. Too much fantasy and sci fi for me fellas.

>> No.22001999

any special editions of the book?
i like sexy hardcovers

>> No.22002001

The Hunters from Beyond spooked me. Simple as.

>> No.22002022

Don't know, probably.

>> No.22002043

>Which is the best future you have read or can think of
night's dawn
>humanity's spread out
>everyone gets to try different government models to their satisfaction
>everyone agrees that it's best to make colonies ethnically homogenous
>some get to transcend humanity
>some get to embrace humanity
>endless potential
inb4 there's still suffering and poverties and conflict on shitholes like earth and ethnically mixed colonies and poorfaggot asteroid settlements and nigger colonies
yes that's true but that's what makes it so uplifting and hopeful. if it was a utopia, you'd just ignore it and deem it impossible. but since it's not, it comes across as a hopeful vision for humanity's future.

>> No.22002048

He has a lot of collections and all those orbits and everything else are easily available for pirating. I have them all. It wouldn't be that difficult at all to compile basically everything he's ever written in terms of short fiction.

>> No.22002053
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this one looks okay, ima order it

>> No.22002060

The key to enjoying LoTM is realizing the main attraction isn't Klein, he's just the POV character who introduces you to everything else. Pay more attention to the setting and other characters and you'll find more engaging stories happening.
It even fits thematically to the point where you could possibly claim it's intentional, but that's later on.

>> No.22002065

Commonwealth saga was better. Too bad Hamilton went full retard with later books and especially Salvation series

>> No.22002074

better as a book or as a future vision of humanity? a week or so ago some anon recommended his void trilogy to me and said it was pretty good. from what i understand void trilogy is set after commonwealth trilogy?

>> No.22002081

It's really not. It's readable and has a strong start, but it starts contradicting itself half way through and completely flubs its ending. A bunch of characters end up being fucking retarded for no other reason aside from advancing the plot in a completely contrived direction.

>> No.22002083

who is multipov? is that the guy who was responsible for chernobyl?

>> No.22002202

Thanks! That's it. Thank you for finding it. I've been going nuts over this for so long!!

>> No.22002308

Why is Princess Irulan spoiling the book while im reading it?

>> No.22002310
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Any good self insert fantasy for fat guys?

>> No.22002318


>> No.22002335
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Finish vol. 1. If you still don't like it then probably you won't like the rest of the series.

>> No.22002338

Read the fat guy fantasy chart you fucking PLEB! I'm sick of referring you to the (FA)N(T)ASY CHART

>> No.22002431

contrarian niggas would say Short Sun, and they'd be right. But probably the Fifth Head of Cerberus

>> No.22002530
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75% through the first book and enjoying it. Good characters written and developed well, especially the MC Eska. The world building is also pretty good even though a lot of the book is set in a pit that acts as a prison.

There are plenty of descriptions on the outside world and the events leading up to Eska's capture and other events from other characters.

The magic system is interesting, basically there are 20 different types of sources that are responsibly for 20 different types of magic. The sourceres have to eat these sources to be able to use their powers, but if they stay in their system too long it can kill them. To prevent it from killing them they have to eat spiceweed which causes them to vomit the source they swallowed.

>> No.22002565

IQ issue

>> No.22002597

Yeah the ending is a bit week and felt contradicting. Also the fight against Denton in the church where everyone dies except for Gabe, Dior and Chloe felt a bit retarded and that they were just killed of for no real reason.

Still a good book with really good writing though, and it is the first book in a trilogy, with lots of gaps that are left to be filled in the upcoming books.

>> No.22002616

Post an excerpt

>> No.22002702

Better in everyway but only the first two books (pandoras star and judas unchained) the rest of the series gets progressively worse

>> No.22002709

Stopped reading there

>> No.22002713

OK chud

>> No.22002833
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I read Books 1 and 2 of this and it wasn't that bad but i don't think i'll read anymore of it since it went from like 50% the main protags pov in the first book to 80% secondary characters povs in the second.
Also it kind of annoying how the author beats you over the head with how there is no prophecy and the main character isn't a chosen one.
It's not that unique desu.
Just a standard dragon rider story basically a mashup of Eragon and Wheel of Time.
Also i have a sneaking suspiscion that the author was setting up the bitchiest girl in the entire novel to be the main characters love interest.

>> No.22002834


I have the entire manuscript done and fishing for beta readers on RR. Once that's done I'll put it on Amazon. Too bad this strategy doesn't seem to be working at all.

>> No.22002840

>male writer with a female protagonist

>> No.22002852

no one wants to read about females unless they are whores. I'm Bakker btw

>> No.22002855

You can buy beta readers as well and reviewers. The plan isn't to serialize it now? Seems like that's the point of RR. I could read it, but it'd end up with me almost surely saying it wasn't salvageable based on what you've already provided.

>> No.22002875

I'm sure I'm doing this wrong by not making it a litrpg or cultivation story, but it was worth a try. I may have to just toss this on kindle velle and pray to the gods that someone reads it.

>> No.22002908

I'm doing research for a story right now with a male fantasy character raping killing and committing genocide. Why? Because he's fucking badass.

>> No.22002907
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PKD never lets me down

>> No.22002944

>female protag

>> No.22002949

>he has a protag and not a cast of anti heroes

>> No.22003018

>Not litrpg
>Not progression
>Not a isekai
>Not a group
>Not a school setting
>Chapters are named and
>Has a plot
>Mystery and not slice of life


>> No.22003027

I challenge you to find one genuinely great science fiction writer who was not also violent to women

>> No.22003041

It's obvious when a writer is just writing their waifu.

>> No.22003050

>Write mai waifu
>Write her getting fucked
>Cuck myself

>> No.22003057

just be like all the great authors and self insert into your protagonist

>> No.22003109

But then I'll need a harem and that defeats the purpose of a waifu.

>> No.22003181

>But then I'll need a harem and that defeats the purpose of a waifu.
You are cucking yourself with this mindset.

>> No.22003261

Clifford Simak, he wrote "city" and "Ring Around the Sun", great novels.

>> No.22003265

And finished reading. Great book, would definitely recommend.

>> No.22003270
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>> No.22003280

someone post the harem and bear versions

>> No.22003297
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>> No.22003304

>The hands
That's what gets me. Why do they always have such fucking huge hands. Like sometimes it's proportional, but usually it's big even for their size.

>> No.22003318
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yeh, these threads have proven that they just divulge into lowbrow chink shit with awful ai cover art. It's getting faster and faster with each thread. Churning and churning the widening gyre of poopy diarrhea.

Please read some Poul Anderson. Submit to the awe-inspiring Jack Vance. Rereads and reread Gene Wolfe. Try to wrack your head around the mad genius of R A Laffery, or the philosophical musings of John Crowley.

Many will attack. But just know you have fallen so deep into escapism that you refuse to be challenged. But of course, we have seen this decay in every art form. From /tv/'s obsession with capeshit, to /v/ and interactive movie gaymes. I won't even mention music and actual paintings. It's too grim. It's okay to be pretentious, and you'll feel better about yourself if you put down the slope. And maybe one day be can make sffg great again.

>> No.22003349

This is why there should be a seperate /litrpg/ general. People need to start reading books outside all the meme books constantly recommend by default here as well.

>> No.22003398

There is nothing wrong with AI. Also fuck artcels

>> No.22003409

>Please read some Poul Anderson. Submit to the awe-inspiring Jack Vance. Rereads and reread Gene Wolfe. Try to wrack your head around the mad genius of R A Laffery, or the philosophical musings of John Crowley.
At the end of the day it's just words nigga

>> No.22003477

there's too much Poul Anderson, I can't do it
someone needed to tell that guy to just smoke a bowl and chill out for a while with no pens or anything

>> No.22003478
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There was this study on romance fiction written by women, they found that stories in which men were below 6' feet tall...basically DIDN'T exist. None. Nada.
Low-key disturbing if you think about it.

>> No.22003576

New Thread

>> No.22003584

Damn, I would read a book with her.

>> No.22003663

>he towered bigly to the door