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21992274 No.21992274 [Reply] [Original]

What fetishes/kinks/niches do you write?
Have you published anything? If so, where?
What authors inspire you?
Share excerpts and get feedback.

Erotica writing faq:

>> No.21992293

what genres/fetishes does she read?
>linking rebbit in a 4chan general

>> No.21992296
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>What fetishes/kinks/niches do you write?
A lot of shit but I'm trying to focus my efforts on historical BDSM.
>Have you published anything? If so, where?
Only on ao3. It has decent reception with a few superfans. I'm trying to selfpub, but it's a bit difficult due to ToS restrictions on most sites.
>What authors inspire you?

>> No.21992304
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I know, I know. Plebbit is one of the only up-to-date resources that I know of. Please share if you know any others.
She just finished reading orc rape on her kindle

>> No.21992307

why ao3? whats wrong with literotica?

>> No.21992325

The Joy of Writing Sex by Elizabeth Benedict seems like a cool resource. I'm looking through those kind of books, and easy enough 'How tos' between writing. Any recommendations?

>> No.21992376

>What fetishes/kinks/niches do you write?

I'm currently writing two erotic stories with what you might call relationships with a big age difference, one soft sci-fi and one stream-of-consciousness a la Faulkner or Ulysses.

>Have you published anything? If so, where?

A couple of places that it wouldn't be wise to link to here.

>What authors inspire you?


>> No.21992390


>Share excerpts and get feedback.


>> No.21992423

Can a virgin write convincing sex scenes?

>> No.21992436

is there any site to upload original erotic stories with a lot of tags? ao3 seems focused on fanfics and literotic has a poor selection of tags

>> No.21992441

why not ao3? More users, more feedback, and the users are generally young women, not horny middle-aged mums.

>> No.21992446

Yes. I did it in college before I had sex. I only really watched amateur porn and sex was pretty much identical to my preconceptions of it.

>> No.21992447

doesn't it heavily favor fanfics?

>> No.21992459

I wrote lesbian erotica involving female classmates of mine in high school and showed it to all my buddies does that count?

>> No.21992480

yeah, but the amount of content is so large that it still dwarfs anything else.
Think of this as saying
>isn't YouTube basically all about video games?
when there's also millions of hours of other content on YouTube, and no rival video hosting service comes close to the scale of YouTube, even at their niche specialties.

sure if you go looking you can find AdultVoyeurBookClub or BondageWritersofAmerica or whatever online, but those communities will always be niche compared to even the sub-sub-communities on ao3. If you're looking for the most feedback and eyeballs possible, ao3 is your best bet.

>> No.21992524

so you write original works? do they get a lot of views?

>> No.21992642
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Hey anons. I'm not really sure where else to put this, but I am "working on" a pretty long smut story. It's turning into a book at this point, though I didn't really intend it to. I just wanted to write a short story in a fantasy world but I got horny and started writing while cooming and created a monster.

It's really degenerate. Like, one of the main characters is a monster-girl with a horse dick, for starters. There is stuff teetering on the edge of rape. Threats of violence in the heat of passion. There's even a fucking straight up beast scene for Christ's sake. I have so many other terrible ideas as well that I haven't even included yet. Most of it is through the lens of a mostly blank slate male protagonist, so it's easy for degen coomers likes myself to get sucked in. There is also some love and aftercare involved. There is no straight up torture or anything resembling underage at all at the very least. No poo, either, but there is ass eating. Piss has been alluded to very briefly but not acted upon in any way... yet

I'm not sure how it got to this point. I just add onto this shit when I get horny. There is a little bit of story, in a fantasy setting, but not much. It's mostly just degenerate stuff you'd find on /d/ in pretty good detail. The writing isn't great, but it's there. kind of like how dragonball super uses a mediocre plot to get to fight scenes, I just used basic plot as a vehicle to get to the coom. The coom scenes themselves are more detailed. This isn't erotica aimed at anyone really except my coomer brain. If I were to ever share it publicly, I could easily make the writing better. There is easily a foundation there for everything to make sense, but I guess things might seem a little undetailed or rushed in that area.

Anyways, let me know if you're interested for some reason. I wouldn't mind talking about it. I will periodically check the thread.

>> No.21992664
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>start writing
>get horny
>no longer want to write
10th circle of hell

>> No.21992809
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>historical BDSM

Heh ...

>> No.21992813

Serious question. I only ever had hugged and kissed a girl but never had sex, can i write erotica?

>> No.21992866
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No. Even after having sex, you can only write about regular sex. Before writing any fetishes, you need to try them out yourself.
In all seriousness, just sit down and write already. Did you write it? Good. Now put it aside for a couple of days and then read it. Did you like the way you wrote it? Did it excite you? No? Then start editing. Look for what you think your work lacks. The writer either has a rich imagination or spends a lot of time looking for information, for references. And you need to read the books. And remember, it's all about diligence. I believe you can do it.

>> No.21992869

Are you sure you want to write erotica? I think you're trying to replace real intimacy.

>> No.21992881

It’s true :( but I still want to write. There are almost no good works in my fetish section, so I took it upon myself to make something I would enjoy, and others could too.

>> No.21992886
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Just don't cum then. If you want to, then do some physical exercise. Just don't touch it. Think more about how to write it better.

>> No.21992910

Do you think most historical fiction/fantasy writers have been in a sword fight?

>> No.21993007

Lots of people have sex but few people have swordfights. So the concerns are
i) Your readers might have had sex and notice you get it wrong
ii) You're competing with writers who did have sex
iii) Being a virgin is far more embarrassing than never having dueled with swords

>> No.21993332

>start writing
>get horny
>get even more horny
The hypersexual fetishist cannot stop winning

>> No.21993358
File: 142 KB, 400x600, pathsofthechosen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might be interested in Paths of the Chosen on Royalroad, the main guy gets in with monster girls, especially centaur girl.

>> No.21993384

I write futa x trap degenerate shit that I would sooner commit murder than admit I wrote.

It fucking kills me that stuff I shared almost a DECADE AGO at this point gets me more praise than my actual writing.

>> No.21993808

You were probably more in touch with your emotions and desires back then, or maybe more appealing to universal reader. Writers' tastes mature with them, you are probably writing 30-40 year old ideas and desires to an audience that's eternally 15-25 years old.

>> No.21993909

That's a possibility, but I think there's a lot of reasons. When people pull up amateur smut, their expectations are lower than say, "I'm trying to sell this on amazon professionally", so the same quality is surprisingly good in one and okay in the other. Additionally, people are pre-disposed to like niche fetish content they read because they wouldn't read it if say, they didn't have a fetish for busty girls getting slowly hypnotized and turned into cock hungry sluts. Much easier to 'market' as it were, compared to yet another space marine story.

Not to mention the ability to jack off to a story is a benefit that most novels don't have.

That said, maybe I should invert a story idea in the future and tell it from the right-hand-man's perspective, (girl in this case), tell it from the emotional impact side of things while implying the adventure. Doing that might play to my old strengths.

>> No.21994011

Could you link some of your best work? I'm actually interested how an experienced erotica writer writes.

>Not to mention the ability to jack off to a story is a benefit that most novels don't have.
Harem erotica is an ever growing genre, getting popular by the second.

Out of curiosity, have you read Erogamer? I didn't read much erotica outside of Harem genre and some curiosity for books for women, but Erogamer always struck me as the best such work I've seen in my entire life, and I heard it gained some degree of renown.

>> No.21994051

>What fetishes/kinks/niches do you write?
incest, specifically mom-son and dad-daughter
also alien tentacle breeding
>Have you published anything? If so, where?
No, but I am thinking about it

>> No.21994093
File: 253 KB, 1707x2560, Castle Town.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>incest, specifically mom-son and dad-daughter
Omniscient narrator or from the pov of sons/daughters? Something like Castle Town/Domestic Decay?

>> No.21994158

Nice. I think once I finish the series I'm working on, I might try my hand at some Gothic-inspired incest. My interests lean towards sibling incest, but I heard that for some reason it's not very popular among readers.

>> No.21994182

Sorry anon, I took everything down a few months ago, except for one site I wont be linking to.

I might give erogamer a look but for that kind of genre I prefer audiobook and I just gave my whole family access to my audiobook account, so that's problematic.

>> No.21994194

I've never seen this but I'll check it out now
Usually omniscient narrator (a lot of free indirect discourse) or from the pov of the mom/dad, I don't think I can do believable teens so I don't try
Having a good story that isn't copy pasted trash works wonders for creating living characters you care about and it makes the coomer moments much more intense since it's not just graphic descriptions of porn between blanks left for the reader to fill in
I avoid the usual sex descriptions and try to write something that is personal for the characters in the scene (how a real person would live it)

>> No.21994303

>Centaur girl.
how big is her dick?

>> No.21994391

>ii) You're competing with writers who did have sex
read those writers, the very competent ones, and study them

>> No.21994422 [DELETED] 

What fetishes/kinks/niches do you write?
Child porn
Have you published anything? If so, where?
On No limits fun forums
What authors inspire you?
Hitler, Peter Scully, Nabokov

>> No.21994425

Can I make it in erotica as a kissless virgin?

>> No.21994439

we should probably throw something related to this in the OP of the next thread (if there is one)

>> No.21994488

To everyone asking whether or not it is possible to write erotica as a virgin: the answer is yes. Erotica doesn’t resemble real sex. I have read thousands of erotic stories ranging from the Marquis de Sade, to Bataille, to 50 Shades of Grey, to other erotic novels, to hundreds of self published writers on Literotica and other sites. I have never read a piece of good erotica - or watched good porn, for that matter - that resembles real sex. Sex that is natural is only erotic to its participants; to an outside perspective, it is painfully dull. When it comes to erotica and porn, superficiality and artifice is a must. And so it requires no real experience with the subject matter.
t. coomer

>> No.21994511

Erotica is to sex as drama is to real life interactions.

>> No.21994526
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I use f-list as a confidence booster.

>> No.21994542

>What fetishes/kinks/niches do you write?
Cuckold femdom, because it pays, usually anywhere between 100-400 USD per month for like 2 hours of work doing a short story. Doesn't even turn me on in the slightest because I find the fetish repulsive, so it's just work.
>Have you published anything? If so, where?
Amazon, patreon, onlyfans (I got some female VA from the GoneWildAudio subreddit to voice my work, we share profits 50/50)
>What authors inspire you?
I literally just rip off one of the good ones on literotica and add a bit of stuff about licking women's assholes and eating men's cum out of women's assholes.
>Share excerpts and get feedback.
No fucking way, José.

>> No.21994593

Mad respect for being able to write a fetish you hate for money. I don't think I'd be able to do that.

>> No.21994685

Sick bastard

>> No.21994687

Least obvious 4chan glowie

>> No.21994703

Why would you respect that? It's one step removed from being a literal prostitute.

>> No.21994736

nothing underage or horrible I promise, it's more the unconditional love angle

>> No.21994799

i laughed very hard

>> No.21994805

Yes. You can just start writing and making money.

>> No.21994809

All wage work is, it's a moot point.

>> No.21994858

Sounds like commie cope bullshit to me. Stocking shelves is definitely not anywhere near as degrading as engaging and pleasuring disgusting cucks online or worse selling your body to get fucked by strangers.

>> No.21995001
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>> No.21995041
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You don’t…you don’t think…women actually sit around and fantasize like that…do you? I mean, that would be crazy, right? If they did that?

>> No.21995167

The ability to write (convincingly) outside of one's own experiences and mindset is always impressive, and the more one can transcend these barriers, the more impressive it is to me, simple as.
Ha ha that sure would be weird, wouldn't it, anon?

>> No.21995266

Any suggestions for particular writers?

>> No.21995374

>try to write a smut
>end up writing a ghost/Gothic horror story

Every time

>> No.21995410

I've seen your posts before. Give me a hint about your ao3 profile, you're teasing me.

>> No.21995596

How do you write more than 1 sex scene and coom? IDK how to consistently connect sex scenes.

>> No.21995704

Oh dear, I've been found out. That will remain a secret, anon. But I may share excerpts if others are brave enough to first.
Escalation. They found out their partner likes a pinky in the ass? Make them wear a plug in public next time they go out. Even vanilla erotica can escalate (and from my understanding, is expected to) - A discovers that B likes her booba a lot, so she wears something revealing next time he sees her. Even better when B does something in response. It's like a chess game only for coom.

>> No.21995727
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Is there any outlet for selling /ss/ stories?

>> No.21995816

How is "House of Holes"? I don't usually read the smut, but its the same guy who wrote, "the Mezzanine" and i'm curious.

>> No.21995930
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>What fetishes/kinks/niches do you write?
I like monster rape and yuri, but I tend to lean towards yuri more.
>Have you published anything? If so, where?
No, I haven't.
>What authors inspire you?
Richard Laymon was a guilty pleasure. But Dean Koontz is the author that inspired me the most. Believe it or not he actually did write some lesbian stuff in a few of his novels.
Dorothy quietly closed the door behind her before going to the railing and looking down at Lilith and Jill talking. She couldn't help but stare at Lilith now that her coat was off and revealed her beauty. Her legs were long and her hips were wide and her stomach flat. Her breasts filled out her white blouse. Her jawline was slender and her cheek bones were high, adding vivaciousness to her face.
Though it did not help with the pleasant burning in her chest, Dorothy recognized her beauty and admired it.
"Lilith," She softly called out.
She stopped talking and looked up at her. She motioned for her to come up. Lilith went to her and stopped before her.
"How are you, Lilith?"
"Very thankful. A little damp though,"
"I figured. Your coat doesn't look to good for wear. I put some clean clothes for you on the bed in that room," She motioned," That's where you'll be staying. You should be able to fit them. We both look the same height,"
"I think i'm a little taller, but it should be okay,"
"Once you're done you could meet me downstairs in the kitchen. I'll put your clothes in the washer and you could have dinner with me and Jill if she's still here, okay?"
"You're so nice, beautiful," Lilith said, before kissing her cheek.
"It's nothing. Really," She smiled.
"See you at dinner," Lilith smiled back, before going to her room.
She locked the door behind her and set her purse next to the stack of fresh clothes. She unbuttoned her blouse and let it fall. Her jeans dropped, followed by her panties, before she stepped out of them and towards the bathroom. She turned on the shower until it was steaming before getting in. The semi-caked blood coating her in ribbons began to wash off. Within twenty seconds, she knew exactly what to do to stay in Dorothy's house for a while.

>> No.21996293

Remove every instance of the word “beauty” and replace it with something else.

>> No.21996343

>Share excerpts and get feedback.

She slipped off the chair, her ruffled skirt catching on the edge as she dropped to her knees, black hair brushing up against patches of sunlight reflected in the crystalline tabletop. Pale flushed hands snake up his legs, the tips disappearing beneath the hem just as those heavy black locks obscured them from above as seen through the clear glass between black curved supports. What appeared, what emerged, grew before her eyes, only to disappear into the pink and pale of lips and skin; in the throes of fervent relation, as said a nymph in a theoretical myth, with a sly smirk, while resting on the edge of a forest lake in the midday sun, her legs suggestively parted.

>> No.21996653

You don’t know what you want to say.
>what emerged, and grew before her eyes, disappeared into the pink and pale of her lips and skin. The shape of her mouth was like a half-remembered nymph resting on the edge of the forest lake in midday sun, legs teasingly parted, and into these legs she took him, tongue and warmth pressing and desiring.

I was originally going to say you were too long and vague with each sentence. This was wrong. Instead, the issue is your sentences just don’t link with each other. My example is a bit eviscerated but I tried to clean up your prose a bit while also drawing the nymph connection clearer. I admit I took it in a slightly different direction than you did, but short of providing a paragraph of exposition it seems difficult to expect a reader to parse what exactly you are trying to say (which is some nymph talking dirty randomly while she spreads her legs and her term somehow fits into this…)

>> No.21997119 [DELETED] 
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how's this

>> No.21997175
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how's this

>> No.21997222

um uh t-thanks for the new fetish

>> No.21997247

That's good Anon, though I prefer things with more context. The scene on its own is definitely above average from what I've seen.

>> No.21997349

To be fair, it is very difficult for a woman to discriminate on characteristics on a man wrt a promise of good sex.
The size of the cock matters to women through:
-the small size, which clearly no woman loves
-the thick cock, which women loves
A woman also knows that men loving to perform live, men love be complimented on their performances as well as to hear that they have bigger cocks than her previous orbiters
-the long cocks, which women loves to think that they could handle and seems exotic, but are bad for vaginal, but very good for oral and anal

The clues coming with a man about financial wealth and tastes are more deterministic about the quality and quantity of entertainment and pleasures not directly related to sex, than the size of the cock, because the size is clearly and advantage, but there is no evidence, through the size, about the ability of the man to make the woman cum without effort.

So yeah. women have easier access to sex, but most men are not much endowed and even the few who have thick cocks do not perform well, in short or mid term, because they think a fat cock is enough. Thank god for women:
-that most women get orgasms from their clitoris
-that most men, irrespective of their physique or social background, love to eat pussy [but men are so stupid that they begin by eating pussy, instead of finishing by it]

so what do women rely on to be as sure as possible that the beta will make them cum? they rely on:
-what the man brags about [but men easily distort the truth on their abilities to please women, in bed or not]
-what the other women fucked by the guy say about the guy. this is why women talk about sex between them. they want to know if the current orbtier that they have for short term casual sex is indeed acceptable.

>> No.21997431

50% of the time i am thinking about getting fucked, or at least giving a blowjob or cuddling lol

>> No.21997545

I really like this; reads smooth and easy but is also complex enough and written well. Kudos.

>> No.21997662

Nice and dark. Well done anon.

>> No.21998141

Is it wrong to think rape is erotic?

>> No.21998144

thanks, anons
the story around the coomer parts makes good erotica stand out but it would be way too long to post the context for this here
maybe I should put it up online somewhere but I have no idea where

>> No.21998223

There are numerous places to post erotica, AO3, liteerotica, probably wattpad too. You can ever post on Royalroad as long as the story is mostly plot with erotica elements.

>> No.21998260
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Out of curiosity, any good gay (male/male) erotica with romance? I don't swing that way, but I wanted to know the difference in which it's written. The only stories I saw were some basic erotica books with constant fucking, nothing substantial.
NOT WRITTEN BY A WOMAN. I want to see how gay men write romance&erotica for other gay men, not some schizo girl's gay fantasies.

>> No.21998297

It's natural.

>> No.21998386
File: 462 KB, 912x4512, amontillados1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh nice, an erotica general.

I will take advantage of this opportunity to post the first two parts of my WIP forced feminisation story.

The style is a pastiche of hard-boiled detective fiction. I haven't yet got to any of the actual erotica, but hopefully the prose is enough of a smooth and entertaining read that it doesn't feel like a drag.

All critique welcome. If you can guess the plot twist, you get to name one of the characters.

>> No.21998390
File: 688 KB, 896x5116, amontillados2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part 2.

>> No.21998416

What about stories with characters that aren't that young but just teenagers?

>> No.21998428

Fencing and HEMA exist. It just seems like doing good research

>> No.21998445

You have been literally breed for it, easily more than 50% of your paternal ancestors raped your maternal ancestors

>> No.21998569

thank you, I don't really read erotica so I have only heard of literotica, will check out the others now

>> No.21998646

Post the excerpt in question lol

>> No.21998745

Your style reminds me a lot of a story I read in &amp.

>> No.21999086

how well do chat bots react to promts for erotic lit haha thats be crazy

>> No.21999179

I’ve got two shorts from a collection of ten that were put out through the anxiety press site

>> No.21999191

I would read this

>> No.21999288

That's a fucked up thought but probably true. Damn.

>> No.21999405

I wouldn't mind reading some beast/futa on girl or monstergirl on guy so do post something

>> No.21999837


>> No.21999861

It's pretty great, if you decide to upload anything longer please link it here.

>> No.21999968

will do

>> No.21999973

>What fetishes/kinks/niches do you write?
Bondage is the most fun. I generally like dominant figures (be it man or woman) to be the protagonists. The submissive in my work like to be dominated but aren't into humiliation. They aren't total degenerates. Honestly, my shit is pretty tame. The romans and 17th/18th century aristocrats wouldn't even bat an eye.
>What authors inspire you?
Too many to count. If it's erotica and it was written from the 17th century onwards, I have most likely been inspired by it.
>Linking to reddit
OP is a fag as per usual

>> No.22000000

In a more recent study among more than 4,000 Americans, 61% of respondents who identify as women had fantasized about being forced to have sex; meanwhile, the numbers were 54% among men.

>> No.22000024

>retired family member lives off writing furry transformation pregnancy smut

>> No.22000033
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>> No.22000034

Ugh...THIS degenerate thread got the highly checked post? Lame.

>> No.22000086

Checked and based

>> No.22000122
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>> No.22000126
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Based rapeget

>> No.22000127

I kneel

>> No.22000224

Dear God

>> No.22000278


>> No.22000341

Checked, holy fucking shit anon

>> No.22000456
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Thanks for the feedback

>> No.22000472

They want to get "raped" by the man they desire duh
I am so hot he couldnt resist me! Yay!!

Men on the other hand... I don't know. And I am a man. Maybe they like the woman to be in the best mood for her pleasure time.

>> No.22000478

rapefags can't stop winning

>> No.22000565

You're missing the bigger picture. Why do you think women watch/read orc rape, or gruesome gangrape?
>inb4 they don't
They do. Their latent biological need is to be used by any and all men who are powerful enough any given time. Billionaire Chad CEO Kindleshit is just cope. Women will and should submit to any power, even if they are unattracted by the form that power takes.

>> No.22000655
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Destined for success

>> No.22000717


>> No.22001228

Conceptually, yours is the best excerpt in the thread. The problem is, you're like me, you're a daydreamer. You can picture these characters so vividly in your head that you take shortcuts when writing because you understand what the shortcuts mean. It would be a bit like if Moby Dick cut out all the information on whales and just left it as "oh yeah moby dick he big whale." Melville would understand the previous statement perfectly. But what matters is not the writer's understanding (there is of course a side note here about it not being necessary that your work be EASY to understand. In fact, the opposite is typically heralded. But what matters is there is potentially something to understand). That's why I picked beauty as the most egregious example from your reading.

>I woke in the morning and I looked at the woman besides me in love.


>The morning chill awakened me. My right leg was mostly numb but I could already feel twinges of pain coming from it. I had spent over a thousand dollars on a bed at home and here I was on a deflated air mattress. Camping really was for fools.

>Maybe being a fool was alright, though. I watched her breathe gently in, breasts rising and falling. Her hair lay around her head like an injury, red and vibrant, but her face was calm, eyes closed, her skin lightly tinted green with the sunlight filtering through the tent.

>She was just as pretty as when she was dressed in white, but underneath the slight haze of a poor night's sleep she was somehow of elsewhere. Even as I looked at her, I felt far away. For a moment I thought of fairy revels and lost time, but such thoughts faded as I leaned forward and pressed my lips to hers. Without opening her eyes she wrapped her arms around my shoulders and kissed me back.

I like the former a bit just because I like not saying something if I don't have to. On the other hand, (You) clearly have something you want to say, so say it straight out if you don't have a damn good reason not to.

>> No.22001378

>It would be a bit like if Moby Dick cut out all the information on whales and just left it as "oh yeah moby dick he big whale." Melville would understand the previous statement perfectly.
false. having read mony dick cover to cover I can state with absolute certainty without all the discussion about whaling and ships and weather and everything else melville wouldn't have written the rest because his autism wouldn't have allowed it. the story is a side project compared to all that other stuff he wrote. in that way it genuinely reminds me of Tale of a Tub - though less brilliant

>> No.22001407


You underestimate Eros generally, I've coomed across decades notwithstanding literature. I enjoy it, but never as much as symphonic music, beautiful faces, gorgeous places, and technological supremacy. Bitches bitch a lot about the subject of control, but never fully appreciate central climate control, Kew gardens, baroque oratorios, and such.

>> No.22001442

You misunderstood the point. The fact that Melville described the aforementioned topics is only possible because he already understood them. The fact that he described them in detail because he wanted to is immaterial, it merely matters that he did.

>> No.22001649
File: 601 KB, 640x480, house of tasteful men.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>futa x trap
>rape and yuri
>rape sixths

>> No.22001876


>> No.22003282

Any erotica written by a woman that isn't terrible and can be enjoyed by women and men alike?

>> No.22003348

my diary desu

>> No.22003459
File: 36 KB, 313x500, herald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any erotica written by a woman that isn't terrible and can be enjoyed by women and men alike?
Herald of Shalia. Truly hilarious piece of a story, it's an isekai harem erotica if you could believe it. Only a woman could write women this unhinged.

>> No.22003700

kill yourself or something

>> No.22003710

Are there any good novels that focus on femdom, bondage, chastity, with actual animosity between characters and not just play play?

>> No.22003906

Isn't that just Kushiel's Dart?

>> No.22004248

TFW using AI to help write shit and fantasizing like a MF but I'm getting older so erectile dysfunction is killing my erections and orgasms.

>> No.22004350

bought and paid for on AO3

>> No.22004356

I know this sounds fucked but is there any good beheading/dismemberment fetish erotica?

>> No.22004388

A short story to novella length tale about a setting of a largely isolated peninsula in a mostly post-civilization world. The story would be partly about a guy developing a romance with an old bot.
I can't recall anything but that gives me an idea for a zombie character or an otherwise animate necrotic being that can easily detach and reattach her limbs and head.

>> No.22004395

All of you degenerates will hang

>> No.22004416

Is it actually?

>> No.22004452

Joke's on you, anon. I have a garroting fetish.

>> No.22004464
File: 175 KB, 626x824, 1a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22004468
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>> No.22004472
File: 61 KB, 613x357, 1c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
