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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 70 KB, 773x1000, SUBMIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21965261 No.21965261 [Reply] [Original]

Officially Accepting Submissions for Issue Sixteen. Do Not Delay.

PLEASE LOGIN TO VIEW YOUR SUBMISSION STATUS (it was discarded to the yeet pile):
user: anon
pw: god

>> No.21965265

breaking the hymen

>> No.21965277 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21965297

When is the due date

>> No.21965310

i'd like to publish it for June or July, so let's say June-ish deadline

>> No.21965455

Are you still doing the reviews on your YouTube channel?

>> No.21965458

Is this the magazine that's run by a bunch of discord trannies, or is that the other /lit/ mag?

>> No.21965478

was this the one where everyone got doxxed? how can we be sure you won't do the same thing?

>> No.21965490
File: 63 KB, 1024x678, B2F1FB0E-225B-48B3-9B9A-93A7130E9961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. Yes. I’m almost complete my first video review. Should drop by the weekend.
Yes, &amp Magaazine is a safe space for faggots and pseuds.
Yes I plan to completely dox all contributors. Please send your submissions with photographs of your parents and recent scans of you birth certificates.

>> No.21965525

What book are you reviewing first?

>> No.21965965

Bumping this motivation to write

>> No.21965967

American Psycho essay status? Into issue 016? I hope so and if so, eternal reminder to check em (page no.) and use Silian Rail and the Bone color if you can.
Do you want me submit any other things in the mean time? I have another short story in me.

>> No.21965987

Any issue theme? Haven't submitted in a loooong time but I'm about to have a ton of free time, could draft something up.

>> No.21966005

>Well, I've got to run to keep on hiding
>And I'm bound to keep on riding
>And I've got one more silver dollar
>But I'm not gonna let 'em catch me, no
>Not gonna let 'em catch the midnight rider

>> No.21966127

basado. will send on a piece I've been sitting on. Is the tales of the unreal review coming?

>> No.21966936

Tales of the Unreal Vol. 1
Yes send all. I will search for AP essay.
No theme. Maybe /lit/ renaissance, maybe insects
pronto, workin on it now

>> No.21966976

AP Essay was from P.M. Todd.
Thanks for the response, I will stay busy writing this weekend and try to get more stuff thematically like Face of Carthage.

>> No.21967847

What /lit/ authors have you got lined up to review?

>> No.21967925

Do you accept gay and earnest stories? I can't write in the cool alt style and stuff. It's just normal stuff about normal guys but I believe it's good.

>> No.21968014

Um Gay and Earnest? Why yes of course. Lol. I'd love to have it.
Reinspects, Alitspa. Nesmer. Krake.

>> No.21968538

Oh shit, we're back—and this is my first time.
We rise like a month late like a drowsy phoenix in Phoenix, Arizona, or Phoenix Illinois, or Phoenix Louisiana, or Phoenix-fucking-Mary-land, or Phoenix Michigan, or Phoenix new jewrk, or Phoenix Oregon, or the Phoenix Islands, or Phoenix, a park for Dubliners, or La Fenice, or fucking Camp Phoenix where goy and golem alike make thy will on flesh.
We're back with the abrasive tetrachroma-CMYK-panels and stock-photo-darlings and contrast up the ass and that calculated samizdat feel like what we're doing here is touch inDesign for the first time. We're fucking back—we, not me.
And we scream of nothing to a deaf but populated void, always have, a desert that's an oasis that's in the heart pumping blood to the mind sending jolts of wake-the-fuck-up ions to the pineal gland that nests the soul that lights itself like a light in a bulb-or-lamp of flesh casting its ions forth so it can see itself as a nothing that's every kind-a fucked-up thing, a pop-ulated void, a desert that's an oasis that's in the heart that's in the mind that's in the bloodshot pineal glans that's really the soul sweating its ass off to the Planck-voltage current tryin'a see through eyebulbs, spying itself being itself through others and itself—
And it forces us to live, so I walk down crusty-commando in my sweatpants-jerseys-crocs pynched to the nearest street—'s bodega high off SSRIs to tune up our GABA receptors to the orchestra I need'ta "come to terms with", the fucked up wails of a short eternity of grief, like hearing the cosmic whale of my dreams and linked Awakening that dreams me dream it all lament as it dies, and we're like whatever Ahmed I need some trash—can ya give me a mocha? I need a lil pick-me-up, I need to get back home and pretend I'm worth jack, and he's an amicable amigo that Ahzar he's like (and this in the accent of your ear) sure dude just don't forget we've got our eye on you, here you go that's five bucks-to-inflation, and like Mohammed I know you're looking that's what we're here for, so I go back up my 22 stories and log in, and pretend I'm not me, and hold meetings with no-one-who wants to be there, and then we're shit out of luck—fuck I'm getting fired, I wanna die but not starving, and I won't be able to buy a gun to blow my thoughts away with, and can I even get a gun in NYC if I'm—can I be homeless if I'm—whatever I just open the tab, home-row index tuned to the 4 I've known since child, and I watch the words and pictures and the invisible darlings behind, and I know I'm watching, I heard some white dude talk about this—on YT—talk about voyeurism and TV, and I feel like this is what I'm meant to be, a watcher, and I kinda like being watched but not for real, and I'm anonymous too darling and I want a voice and I want your eyes on me and I will die alone so I—

>> No.21968573


>> No.21969026

does anyone read this or does it just exist so that people can get the satisfaction of being published somewhere?
just downloaded a random issue, im gonna have a geez

>> No.21969089
File: 121 KB, 707x562, 4chan lit magazine screenshot issue 14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok yeah im reading issue 14, july 2022. this is pretty enjoyable nice just getting some snatches of free creativity from the avant-garde of 4chan.

the shit-eater tryptich especially was raw as fuck.
"strangers who know my face, who know my name" is a perfect description of the cunts you meet on nights out.

>> No.21969122

>jacob dust
this story is so wholesome, bless him for having a go at a sincerely spiritual story with some creepy cosmic horror elemnt... kinda crazy that the magazine goes from sardonic accounts of coomer debates to something as naively sincere as this.

>> No.21969164
File: 232 KB, 659x646, 4chan lit magazine issue 14 poem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still reading no.14... Shower Thoughts of Apricots is an incredible poem, even though the joke ending kinda unsettles the sweet bawdiness of the rest of the piece a little bit

>> No.21969277

yeah issue 14 was pretty entertaining and had some feelsy, punchy pieces in it. a few of the entries were pretty rough and callow though, and clearly could have done with a bit more attention and a rewrite... fucking the psycho deer one, and the one about the grndmother who gifted a grandfather clock, they both could have benefited from a bit more editing and attention. i feel like the editor should be more forward about encouraging people to edit and revise their shit.

Does anyone else read these?

>> No.21969371

I dont always have time to, but yeah I do. The reception to 015 was pretty good. There have been worse issues. In fact there were several anons that rated every single piece in that one, the latest.

>> No.21969697

If we submitted something a few months ago, would you still have it or should we resubmit?

>> No.21970042

Do we submit to the email for print? I don't want to go to the slush pile...

>> No.21970686
File: 1.38 MB, 1024x1024, DALL·E 2023-04-21 14.46.14 - black and white criminal wearing bandana over his face holding a pistol looming tall and looking down at camera 1970s vintage pulp illustration white .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of the readership are contributors but there are loyal readers, even some that aren't on /pol/, like Jonas for example, he makes a podcast called Western Thought. We got a bunch of random readers after I pumped the magazine at some zine fairs and a book swap. I used to liken to a Christmas Recital, where the audience only consists of parents of the Actors, but &amp has been around just long enough to have some general appeal.
Triptych is bae!
checked. thanks for the love. Yeah good point. I've always made it pretty clear that I don't copyedit submissions, but I guess I've never really encouraged writers to be careful kek.
I recommend resubmiting always. Blow up the inbox. The more obvious it becomes the better its chances of being included.
that's right, the email is for print subs.
you can submit it to both if you want it online and in print.

>> No.21971150

Hot damn! The print copies are $21? I just went to order 5 or so copies to give to my friends who read but don't use 4chan. However at $21 a book I believe I've changed my mind, at least for now.

>> No.21971364
File: 48 KB, 1127x771, Good_One_Apu_1628279907721[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a Luxury Periodical, I'm afraid. Only for a certain taste, I'm afraid.

>> No.21971499

Consider this: after I bought my first &amp I got laid. This could be you, think about it

>> No.21971541

I'm a depressed drug addict dude, my sex drive vanished entirely years ago.

>> No.21971578

then you NEED to buy &amp magazine, it will give you the boners you’ve been praying for

>> No.21971598

issue 015 was pretty fucking sick too

>> No.21971733

getting a boner from reading another man’s writing sounds kinda gay, dawg.

>> No.21971794

I can get an erection. Im in my 30's and I still wake up with them often and even occasionally get them at random. I'm not impotent, I just have practically no interest in sex. I've heard it's something common in geniuses so I probably have my huge super powerful gifted brain to blame.

>> No.21971812
File: 31 KB, 1024x819, FD657792-E1BD-4541-B3C1-F292C4CF3960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro this magazine was quite seriously founded in the sordid context of homelessness, drug addiction, mental illness, cycles of abuse, and recovery.

>> No.21971829
File: 61 KB, 280x329, question (27).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah but what do I submit?

>> No.21971846
File: 413 KB, 1656x1656, 714CCA9F-49D6-4946-8CFD-DA108EF9050C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything. Write a poem. Write a couple hundred words. Or more. Or less. Take a photo. Take a bunch of photos and send them in. Or make some art. I’ll take art. If any kind.

>> No.21971903
File: 491 KB, 128x128, 1645672593259.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not good enough but hope you get some real bangers, anon. Maybe in a year or two.

>> No.21971940

>homelessness, drug addiction, mental illness, cycles of abuse, and recovery.
Thank you for summarising my life so concisely.

>> No.21971974

If you’re in Vancouver, drop me a line.

>> No.21972036
File: 58 KB, 636x476, 1681153667110491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started a short story from a brief outline, finished at first draft at 900 words. Since I tend to do pretty lean first drafts I suspect this story could get 2000 or 3000 words. I should email it next weekend.
It's that story I was going to do from the flash fiction anthology prompt, "cat in Istanbul." I don't think there were any other prompts I borrowed besides the "interesting thing at the bottom of the sea."

>> No.21972080

are you editing this issue? or is it one of the newbies?

>> No.21972085

Need steal these stories?
Urban tents that grow and spread like fungus.
Sentient toenails.
Man goes on a vision quest by eating organic food, avoiding all food and drugs.
Department of onlyfans decides to declare war.
Man descends to life of crime to pay for dog surgery so his dog won't snore anymore.
Man in a confession booth confessing to stealing a car, doesn't realize that it was the priest's car that he stole.
An abridged guide to unabridged guides, for bridge guides.
Crazy man decides to dig the largest hole in the world, becomes sane in the process. Understands he has to keep digging if he wants to stay sane.

>> No.21972123

I remember. No rush.
I’ll helm this one. Might get some design help, we’ll see.

>> No.21973357
File: 49 KB, 960x720, 1631939776201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright. I will take my time then, need to progress my other writing as well.

>> No.21973578

some aspiring investigative journalist should write up an exposé of all of the &amp/unreal press drama and submit it to 016

>> No.21974079

whens the greatest hits gonna drop? ive been looking forward to it for a long ass time

>> No.21974595

never, its vaporware

>> No.21974775
File: 343 KB, 1440x1799, 7acd2b64-2e55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we submit poems in our native language?

>> No.21974789

Last issue had an entire poem in Italian, I don't see why not.

>> No.21974812

I've never read an issue, I'd love to get the greatest hits as an intro.

>> No.21974815

Just ship all the Unreal people off to Kiwifarms at this point.

>> No.21974896
File: 3.45 MB, 2000x1000, BD5A86A0-8C8E-4399-ADD8-2604DA5F92F8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woolston should be the first on the boat

>> No.21974913 [DELETED] 

women's thighs clammy skin between women's thighs kiss big poosy kiss possy sex sexo smell anus

>> No.21974954

it seems he's living rent free in your head, do you think about him all the time? Ever had an erotic dream about him?

>> No.21975019

Really wish Unreal didn't start this dox war. Our culture around authors was already cancer enough without shit like this.

>> No.21975510

does anyone actually know why they started it or what they did? haven’t heard a straight answer on that

>> No.21975644

Trust me, no one has ever had an erotic dream about Woolston, including his wife. It was an illconsidered hookup but she got pregnant and so was stuck with the guy. She must lead a miserable life having a husband who looks like that and is a retarded shill. On top of all that, their kid looks like she has Downs.

>> No.21975751

Both guys made the grave error of wounding Rhyme’s fragile ego.
First guy was the best-of &amp editor. Rhyme really wanted to interview him for the show but best-of anon told him to fuck off because the show was shit and that he had nothing to gain because the viewership was so low.
Second guy was someone who had a bunch of experience in Youtube/audio who was constantly shitting on them for the poor quality of the show. He was a massive asshole but a lot his advice was really good and should have been implemented. When the first doxing came out this guy took the side of the best-of editor and called Rhyme out on being a discord tranny. Rhyme took that as the signal to dox him as well, apparently pulling the dox from something he had submitted to the magazine.

>> No.21975858

>Rhyme really wanted to interview him for the show but best-of anon told him to fuck off because the show was shit and that he had nothing to gain because the viewership was so low.

not true, he never told rhyme to fuck off. he helped with the channel, even recorded an audiobook for one of the anthology stories. rhyme and his homies doxed him to get revenge because he derailed the server for months talking about his stupid drama with some girl and then they found out he'd staged the whole thing using alts

the thing about the second guy might be true but no one can confirm it was rhyme, there's some evidence this guy fake doxed himself to frame rhyme becuase he was a massive cunt and loved causing fights and drama in the server

>> No.21975905

>there's some evidence this guy fake doxed himself to frame rhyme
That's one hell of an accusation to make with no evidence. The guy doxed himself because, I don't know, he's mean or something? The other guy said he gave genuine Youtube advice.

>> No.21975945

where did he say that? were you even in the server when it happened?

>> No.21976029

Look, I don't know what sort of gender issue you Unreallies are on today but you need to take a step back and look at this situation.
>>21975751 this is completely believable. Character motivations make perfect sense and I can follow point A to point B.
>>21975858 This one, your explanation of what happened, is completely and totally unhinged. The guy who was doing the best-of &amp was pretending to be two dozen different people and crafting an ever-branching and overlapping conspiracy that you needed to put an end to by posting pictures of his face around 4chan and fucking with his family? And then the other guy doxed himself because he was mean or something?
To answer your question: No, I was not in the server when "it" happened. I can still tell you to take your meds.

>> No.21976115

I'm not sure what to make of all the drama and have heard several differing accounts of what exactly happened and how it all went down but as of right now I'm sincerely hoping for the success and growth of both Unreal and &amp. It's exciting to see people taking the initiate to create something, especially something that is a group effort. I know where I'm posting right now so obviously things going sideways and getting fucked up is to be expected but hopefully it all smooths out in time and maybe any truly guilty parties can be weeded out (not likely, I know) Cheers to you all, and keep on writing my brothers.

>> No.21976174

I'm also a hopeless optimist but even I have trouble thinking everything will be alright here. &amp editor is probably going to prison for real this time and Unreal people don't look very sorry for the whole doxing thing, even going so far as to test the waters on whether they can just say the second guy doxed himself.
Obviously I hope they can get their shit together and go back to creating but I'm having trouble visualizing a clear path to that end. Maybe I can just hold out hope for a third group to come along and do the idea in a slightly more stable way.

>> No.21976181
File: 1.26 MB, 667x2001, 993149D3-A054-40C8-8AE4-2C2F8FA1A319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the first screenshot here is of the bestof amp dude talking about how he wanted to record a podcast episode on &amp. he wanted to do it and never told them to fuck off.

later screencaps are rhyme explaining why he hates the guy and why he got his homies to doxx him. hope thats enough for you to believe

>> No.21976199
File: 377 KB, 828x1162, E033940C-E79C-48C8-8AA4-B2D02D955E12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here are people talking about how the other guy was doxing himself for attention

>> No.21976208

The account that sent the threats wasn’t him, it was Melville LARPing as one of his alts to stir up shit

>> No.21976228

That screenshot isn't really him agreeing to interview from the looks of it. More just saying it could be interesting. We're also 5 months past that and there's no interview with the guy.
Obviously that could be down to him being a malicious actor like the later text suggests but I'd like to see some evidence of this. Hopefully some evidence a little more damning than whatever this >>21976199 is. Some random guy accusing him of being an attention whore? I'm not willing to believe this guy doxed himself "for attention". Also, why would the &amp editor dox this guy? I thought he came to his defense.

>> No.21976358

Imagine submitting to Unreal, they use your submission to dox you and then use an image like this as evidence of you doxing yourself. I'd be fucking livid. Glad I never sent in anything.

>> No.21976404

we wouldnt publish your shit anyway motherfuckwr

>> No.21976441

Tooky's mag had some good stuff. Is he publishing/youtubing any more, or too busy with discord?

>> No.21976450

Tooky’s is a joke. The guy has zero talent but is such a pretentious smug little fucker

>> No.21976480

>AI "art"
>good stuff

>> No.21976558
File: 3.99 MB, 800x800, 1681643373753686.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't care. Make a thread about it and stop derailing submission threads.

>> No.21976571

Fuck off Unrealcuck

>> No.21976581

This is a discord project right? I don’t associate with discord users.

>> No.21976592

one of the new &amp editors is a discord tranny who masterminded a fuckton of gay ops, so i’d steer clear

>> No.21976594

I thought it was an unwritten rule that we shouldn't be doxing one another. When did that change?

>> No.21976596

It changed when the Unrealcucks started a doxxing war

>> No.21976607

Can’t make a thread about it, the Unrealcucks will report it to the jannies for raiding and get it taken down

>> No.21976621

Well that's unfortunate. Make an example out of them and wrap it up so we can get back to &amp.

>> No.21976691

Can't, because the &amp editor is in bed with Unreal Press now. They're working together on a bunch of shit. The Unrealcucks are gonna infiltrate &amp and bring it down with their retarded doxing ways, then once the &amp editor goes to prison the best of discord tranny will take over and totally fuck over the zine by dragging in his faggy personal drama

>> No.21976717

Make an example out of all of them then. Whatever it takes to discourage this behavior in the future.

>> No.21976763

How do we do that?

>> No.21976771

No, you don't have to join anything. I just email the editor.

>> No.21976793

The &a no editor is literally in the Unrealcuck discord

>> No.21977043

damn, RIP &amp

>> No.21977131

okay so those two have been explained but who was the girl they were posting facepics of in the last amp thread then? what did she have to do with this shitshow?

>> No.21977161

is that story told anywhere?

>> No.21977204

search the archives for the message in a bottle thread if you wanna hear part of it

>> No.21977504

I can't imagine prison in Canada is too bad. In fact if I had to choose any one country to serve prison time in I'd probably choose Canada.

>> No.21977539


>> No.21977563


>> No.21977608

Faggot liar schizo. You don't need a discord account for your content to appear in &amp. Stop trying to scare away actual writers.

>> No.21978028

Never said you did, just saying that the &amp editor is a discord user and the original dude says he doesn’t associate with discord users

>> No.21978737

Why does every &amp thread get taken over by Unreal discord trannyism? Can’t people just stay on topic?

>> No.21978893

It's not a goddamn discord project just because people have used discord. Submissions are by email. Editor's friends sent him his lost Canva files by EMAIL. Discord could fucking explode and editor would not give a shit. You are a fucking crab and for some reason bitter about of all things amateur writers. Submit your work for the magazine, show tits or get out and kys.

>> No.21978916

idk what's going on but this whole drama is a great way of making sure that no serious author submits to you people ever again. &amp or unreal. just fuck off

>> No.21978935

crab anon literally thinks intimidation will stop &amp but it won't. He's just a bitch.
&amp forever.

>> No.21978956


>> No.21979017

Delusional how? Thou art furious.

>> No.21979074

I've noticed this same crab anon in different threads over the last few weeks. He shits on anyone who is actually attempting to do anything. He shits &amp, he shits on Woolston, he shits on the Unreal Press guys.
He never shows his work, which is supposedly so much better. I don't think he's ever actually published anything.
He's a bitter, twisted non-achiever lashing out at people who are actually having a go at life.

>> No.21979192

you're confusing me with multiple people. I have been published in unreal before. I'm just wondering why you think anyone would trust you when you just publicly imploded

>> No.21979195

pretty sure it’s boswell, he’s bitter cause unreal made fun of his shit

>> No.21979209

No... again with you people being cult-like and retarded. You think you're hot shit and everyone is against you. The truth is that no one cares. But the people you do want to submit things will no longer trust you. Most obvious observation in existence
Prove that you're trustworthy and then maybe you'll be worth our time

>> No.21979242

NTA who shat on Woolston but there are multiple people posting here, some are expressing actual concerns about the direction of Unreal and &amp because of all this drama, some are just trolling and being assholes. You’re obviously someone from Unreal trying to defend your indefensible behavior by lumping the valid criticism in with the trolling and saying it’s just crab shit. I’ve been published in &amp before. Post your own work first if you want me to say what’s mine

>> No.21979250


>> No.21979255

>dox multiple people because you got made fun of
>wtf why are these CRABS so mean to us? Don't they know we're trying?
You Unreallies have overstayed your welcome.

>> No.21979258

the real reason I'm not submitting to unreal is because the unreal anons here don't seem to listen to criticism and that's always a bad sign. nobody is perfect

>> No.21979581

Print out your favourite stories at your local library and bind them yourself.

>> No.21979590

When the duck is afloat on a small pizza boat, that's amore.

>> No.21980463


>> No.21980840

greatest hits when?

>> No.21980883

never, its vaporware. also given the gay drama going on with the dude organizing it it would just cause a shitstorm of schizoposting and seething if it were to actually release

>> No.21981603

Anyone who talks about “drama” on an anonymous image board should be instantly permanently banned.

>> No.21981721

Agreed, but fags are going to keep bringing it up every thread and the jannies won’t do shit.

>> No.21982221
File: 221 KB, 324x302, bas usa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is Behead All Satans on the roster?

>> No.21982710

I hope so, you absolute lemurlegend

>> No.21982821

The reason people only seem to care about the this drama is because Unreal has never done anything interesting outside of doxing its contributors. You guys should embrace the drama. Dox more of our authors.

>> No.21983017

Doxxing contributors wasn’t interesting, it was just retarded and lame of them.

>> No.21983285

The first bolus of the Schizo Cantos is oozing its way down the pipe towards you now

>> No.21983442

no one is looking forward to that

>> No.21983528

Doxing contributors was based. No one likes these attention whores playing author and, despite how much they'll bitch and moan about this fact, /lit/ was not built for them.
/v/ does not have a culture of anons spamming their RPGmaker games.
/tv/ does not have a culture of anons spamming their home videos.
/mu/ does not have a culture of anons spamming their soundclouds.
/lit/ has this garbage culture around creatives not because they are so special and talented and oh so cherished members of our community. It has this culture because cancers grow when left untreated. Doxing these degenerates is step one in excising this growth.

>> No.21983596

as well you shouldn't

>> No.21983598

I don't agree with the doxxing but I agree the &amp/unreal circlejerk should end. if they really want to take their writing seriously then make an actual journal with names tied to it and with proper editing. no one will take them seriously when half their existing material is schizo shit or authors trying to find a creative way to say nigger

>> No.21983861


i didn't want to embarrass you guys but the vast majority of your mag is random pictures and unironic screenshots of webpages. y'all really ain't shit.

>> No.21983893

Seriously, they’ve done nothing interesting. Their podcast has bad production value, the channel is a nightmare of inconsistent visual and audio quality and they fuck up really basic shit. They’re a bunch of random dudes with no writing talent having awkward convos about niche autist topics with tons of dead air in between. There’s no conversational chemistry between hosts so listening is just boring. They can’t even claim to be providing a more literary perspective than traditional booktube since none of the hosts seem well-read or articulate and the Press itself has never selfpublished anything that isn’t total trash. They’re the sort of shlock loving genrefag shills that the old guard of the board despises and they ignore all criticism that could help them fix their garbage fire of a project. The only thing that distinguishes them from your average Redditor is that they make stupid edgelord jokes. In over a year of making content they still haven’t reached 400 subs, and now it seems like the only host that’s left is the boring NPC one. If Unreal is dead then good, nothing of value has been lost.

>> No.21983899

Yeah &amp has way too much lame filler.

>> No.21983944
File: 94 KB, 397x560, dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw had several short stories and numerous poems published in various places under my own name
>even got published somewhere fairly prestigious once
>considering submitting anyway

I've been an Anon since 2008, this site is the closest thing I have to a home on the internet. I might as well submit to a lit mag being put out by 4chan.

OP, if you had to choose between poetry and prose, which would you say you're keener to receive? I've got poems and short stories and I can send one of either.

>> No.21984015

don’t waste your work by putting it on this dungheap

>> No.21984025

I can say from first hand experience that Unreal was a lost cause from the start. Lazy, untalented and low IQ burnouts who will answer every legitimate criticism with "at least I made something".
You can tell by this doxing saga that they have their entire ego tied to this project, and yet they weren't willing to put even an ounce of effort into the most basic of basics that have been standard on YouTube for over ten years now. Anyone, and I do mean anyone, can troubleshoot audio in this day and age. You can learn everything there is to know about audio in less than a day with the resources you have available at your fingertips right now, and they were given those resources, multiple times. There was no excuse for the audio being as bad as it was other than their own ineptitude and indolence. And the effects of that ineptitude and indolence were not isolated to the audio quality. It was apparent in every aspect of every element in their operation.
Unreal is probably dead for real now. The pros on that likely outweigh any cons, not just because they're the piles of shit they outed themselves as, but because it clears the way for someone who is actually willing to put the effort into propping up other anon authors.
Krake is cool though.

>> No.21984109

Hp;y shot who cares.
The cia knows who all of us are and our exact, to a missile point, location.
They'll tell your future employers exactyl waht they fucking want to regardless of which kid doxxed which kid in-made-up-chat land

>> No.21984280

Get a grip dude, this is pathetic.

It is the same schizo posting his same head canon for months now.

>> No.21984299

Jesus Christ. All of you should be ashamed and embarrassed of your petty F-list eceleb discord drama. Fuck you all

>> No.21984305

i could make a better publication than &amp and manage not to dox anyone but i'm currently looking for a job right now and apparently none of the twenty entry-level positions i've applied for are interested. fuck me.

>> No.21984306

I'm glad Krake wasn't involved in the doxing. His writing isn't for me but I can respect the fact that he actually writes.

>> No.21984345

Krake isn’t very smart and he’s a shitty writer, but he seems like a genuine and honest person, so I respect him far more than any of the other UnrealCucks.

>> No.21984352

fuck the unrealcucks and the best of &amp secondhand clout grifter for starting this gay shit in the first place

>> No.21984375 [DELETED] 

Hi AnderSEN

>> No.21984381

This pettiness will be featured in many writer’s early career sections on Wikipedia

>> No.21984444
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I read your book. Not too shabby, could've used a bit of proofreading though.

>> No.21984480

yeah it's over bro, nobody is hiring and nobody is reading your magazine, just stop posting and do something else with your time other than obsess over irrelevant 4chan shit.

>> No.21984740

>that's right, the email is for print subs. you can submit it to both if you want it online and in print.
So if I submit via the portal is it automatically considered as intended for both? I have not seen a print issue, but does this mean the print issue is generally smaller/reduced compared to the digital version?

>> No.21984748

The print issues are literally the digital version printed out and bound. Stuff sent to the submission portal is auto published right away in the articles section of the &amp website.

>> No.21984955

Thanks anon

>> No.21984974
File: 50 KB, 564x752, 1D6EFB0B-319E-4AFD-B507-1F0F4DA11F2B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never published anything that isn't total trash.
I think we both know this is untrue, OR you haven't actually read their catalogue. Tales of the Unreal has some gems in it.

>> No.21984983

HMMM I wonder who could be behind this post?

>> No.21984989

Who the fuck is Krake? Is that you? No one knows who the fuck you f celebs are so I assume you're shilling yourself which is even sadder than anything unreal has done. At least they were based doxxers

>> No.21984994

>ineptitude and indolence
this can't be real haha

>> No.21985008
File: 157 KB, 1125x1102, D3AE3A93-1341-4B7D-AD34-48979022F40A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you dont cut this out I will post your mongoloid ponytail greasy ass face on here and your podcast friends. Not unreal btw but doxxing you would be based for your horrendous prose and characters

>> No.21985096


>> No.21986057

You think you know who I am? Do it, then. Post it. But wait, you won’t, because you’re an Unreal loser making empty threats that you can’t follow through on.

>> No.21986117

I can tell from the replies that this struck a nerve. Good shit Krake.

>not unreal btw
Just a coincidence that Unreal happens to hate Krake and now this is happening.

>> No.21986142

unreal press here. Yeah that was me. We condone it and we actually are going to doxx everyone in this thread - beginning with you.

-Rhymeand Grind the appalachian cave troll

>> No.21986190

do it then

>> No.21986287

north charleston

>> No.21986309

wtf is this vague ass shit?

>> No.21986324

it won't, they don't talk about the drama from woolf or fitzgerald's failed lit mags either
they usually get a sentence then move on to something important

>> No.21986368

2135317 North Charleston

>> No.21986378

this entire thread needs to get nuked off the face of the planet

>> No.21986428

>it's another 300 post &amp thread of Unreal doxing people they don't like
Remove all selfpub from this site. It's becoming a bigger hassle than it's worth.

>> No.21986449

You're next fatboy. What's your address huh?

>> No.21986453

I submitted to them once. They literally require a dossier of personal details including real name and phone number, birth place etc. Knew right then I wouldn't be submitting a second time.

>> No.21986457

This is so fucking pathetic. No wonder no one submits to your garbage mag

>> No.21986510


>> No.21986530

still vague as hell, Google turns up nothing

>> No.21986599

checked and respect. thanks anon. who edits the editor?

>> No.21986603

are you the editor? wtf is going on in this thread?

>> No.21986637 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 512x512, EC53CD40-73D6-4C3E-B724-A28FFBD739F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

friendly reminder that this is rhymeandgrind. The dude you've been sending your works to looks like this

>> No.21986672

Why is this retard still samefagging. Get a fucking grip dude, nobody cares.

>> No.21986709

what retard

>> No.21986786

This subhuman


>> No.21986793

I also got it but unfortunately it's crunch time. I will try to get around to it.

>> No.21986875

When you turn yourself into a laughingstock you tend to attract trolls.

>> No.21986889

why doesn't someone just make a group or website for lit authors without needing verification and we can all post there? the gatekeeping element of journal pub is really unnecessary and as you saw, only invites drama

>> No.21987159

Why don’t you do it?

>> No.21987421

Literally and exactly me too. go for it anon.

>> No.21987480

>become the replacement for Unreal while Unreal is actively doxing anyone who slights them
Nope. Not touching that with a ten foot pole.

>> No.21987483

How did they turn themselves into a laughingstock? Stop slandering them with no evidence.

>> No.21987513

Right? When did /lit/ become ruled by TERRORISTS!?

>> No.21987587

i'm searching for a replacement but it looks like royal road is the best alternative. if you want to be social then follow each author and send them a message on their profile

>> No.21987780
File: 42 KB, 592x523, submit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk. yeah i'm him. somebody likes to smear shit around nowadays anywhere &amp or Unreal pop up. i wouldn't worry too much. >>21983944
checked. I like prose, and i like microprose at that. but there are no rules. i'll print anything that moves.

>> No.21987795

is it some bitter anon who had his shitty schizostory rejected and now is trying to sabotage you guys and get revenge?

btw I sent in a sub for 016 but you never replied to my email

>> No.21987841

i don't really reply to emails until i go in to do all the work. i'll do that in roughly on month. blow it up tho, i don't want to be short of material

>> No.21987861

When is the greatest hits releasing? Before or after 016?

>> No.21987876

Why is Unreal clinging to life to desperately? three quarters of the hosts are gone. There's no press left. There's no podcast left. There's certainly no one who wants to associate with it now. So why are you in here defending it to the death like this? Just let it go. It's pathetic.

>> No.21988147

they’re too retarded to know a lost cause when they see one

>> No.21988161
File: 317 KB, 625x1000, tsk-amazon-1000-625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all fucking crazy if you think the establishment and the crabs here will allow anyone with a dissenting or non-mainstream views to puncture the cultural wall they have up.

Nothing from "outside" of mainstream society is allowed to become art. We're all nobody hobby writers here because there is a very real divide in society from those who are uplifted and promoted by the channels that exist, and then those who are regulated to the outskirts of society, as you see here.

Everyone should be supporting Unreal and &amp, as they are the only real people trying to fight for the counter-culture, but the counter-culture itself doesn't even exist yet. To be a counter-culture, we'd have to have some culture first, and, as you can see, nobody is allowed to develop into a movement or an icon. The most you're allowed to be on here is a meme like Gardner. (Don't get me wrong, Gardner is awesome.)

Without already having an inroad into mainstream culture, you're already defeated as there is no counter-culture in 2023. The only real "counter-culture" that exists is homelessness and drug addiction. Those people share the same culture and struggles.

The mainstream culture is just working your 9-5, paying the bills, and behaving and talking in a way that doesn't alienate you.

The elite culture is everyone who is a part of the mainstream cathedral without having to work a job. The "real" artists who get published. The "real" artists on the radio, TV, film.

If you're here, there is virtually zero chance any of us will ever grow beyond a handful of readers, especially given the complete crab-attacks on anyone and everything that even bothers to try on /lit/.

>> No.21988171

>Gardner is awesome

This completely invalidates your opinion.

>> No.21988185
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>> No.21988189

Look at these fucking dipshits. Why do they even come to /lit/ if they hate the people who are trying to create some culture and relevance for /lit/?

My point stands, if you are here, you're already regulated to the dustbin of history. Nobody here is going to be allowed to become a cultural force or even have a voice in the mainstream.

None of the books you write that have any dissenting topics can gain traction. The people in charge of the social engineering and cultural stewardship are 100% dedicated to keeping the culture as brain-dead and status-quo as possible. None of the ideas you see anywhere on 4chan are going to bubble up into the mainstream outside of pepes, wojaks, and le whacky rocketman Elon tweets.

Nobody is ever going to give a shit what any of us have to say because we are so far outside of mainstream culture that there are no roads back in. Sure, you can go on Royal Road or whatever sites and spend your time posting your shit for free, buying ads, trying to get yourself off the ground, but if your content itself doesn't appeal to the mainstream conformist culture, you might as well just accept that you'll never be a "real" writer in anyone's eyes. This is 2023 and the culture we all inhabit is locked down tight as fuck. There are very, very few ways any "artist" from a place like this can ever grow, made worse by the fact that this place is also full of crabs who want to see anything from /lit/ fail hard as fuck so they can gossip like losers about the failure instead of praising anyone's success, no matter how small that success may be.

>> No.21988207

This schizo fit about counter culture is nice and all but could you please explain why we should all just ignore the fact that Unreal doxed two contributors to their magazine for making fun of them?
Our culture is almost entirely based around anonymity. Taking that anonymity away from other users out of some petty butthurt is just about as far away from our culture as you can get.

>> No.21988208

>regulated to the dustbin of history
I think you mean relegated.

>> No.21988219

Stop seething and get a life, Ari.

>> No.21988245

Doesn't answer my question.

>> No.21988263

Unreal Press did what we had to do. You got what you deserved. We could’ve done much worse. If you keep whining about how we doxed you then you won’t like what we’ll do next. Don’t test us. If you fuck around then you’ll find out.

>> No.21988269

What the fuck writer survives through anonymity?

The whole point of writing is to get your name and writing out into the world. This whole "doxxing" shit is such a turd in the punchbowl and NOTHING from this site is going to ever rise out of the filth with the amount of crabs and haters here.

This place is the complete underground of arts and culture, and the people here intentionally desire for anyone who writers from a counter-culture perspective to go nowhere.

I haven't once heard or seen anything about a writer from here outside of /lit/, with maybe a tiny bit of Gardner getting through on /pol/ and even /b/, but never seen any of his stuff outside of 4chan or YouTube.

Writing in 2023 is completely a controlled environment. If you write outside of the mainstream, you will simply never get any momentum to actually be seen and read by normies. The outside world, outside of /lit/, could not give one fuck if you're a writer, writing is pretty much the least respected medium of entertainment and artistry. If you are a painter, you can at least sell painting and get praised by normies for your "beautiful" drawing!

If you write, try finding even 1 normie who will read your insane schizo shit for 3+ hours to finish your novel. You can't and you won't. Writing is a dead medium and it is much easier to do YouTube videos grifting or painting or hell, even getting a gig playing cover songs on a guitar at a pub night can gain you some cultural momentum. Writing? Not a chance. The medium itself requires massive social clout, big book, or some other pre-build marketing platform like 100k+ Twitter followers to be successful. Nobody goes out and looks for books by the outcasts of society, even if we had 10 legit geniuses writing the most amazing shit and absolutely based takes on what is happening in society in 2023, that shit will NEVER be read.


Think about it, something like this will get move views and make more money than every /lit/ writer combined. Writing as a medium is so bloody dead for anyone of a counter-culture perspective that to write is to be a sado-masochist at this point, a 13 year old girl with a pretty face and a BookTok following will sell more copies of her first novella than all of /lit/ combined, it is just how writing and publishing work in 2023.

I could be wrong, I'd like nothing more than to see a son-of-a-bitch from /lit/ take off and publish book after book after book that sells a shit ton of copies. I just don't believe it is possible when the cultural viscosity is at a molasses-level of thickness. How is anyone going to penetrate into the social consciousness when the channels to reach people are all so completely and totally pozzed?

>> No.21988280

Can't everyone just forgive and forget? Why can't we be on the same team here?

Blows my mind that outcasts of society are legit taking joy from attacking fellow outcasts of society and making sure nothing of note ever rises from this cesspool.

>> No.21988284

you guys are so fucking lame. stop masturbating about how no one appreciates your literary genius. nobody gives a fuck. you don't even write

>> No.21988286

He sabotaged our entire operation with his faggotry. He sowed conflict in our ranks and turned brother against brother. We will not forgive. We will not forget.

>> No.21988298

Fag, I finished City of Singles in 2013, The Shitkickers in 2021, and I'm almost done the 2nd edition of City of Singles.
>you don't write
I've been programming my adult site because writing makes fuck all money. I could write a 100k book in a month if I could sell it to survive, the way things are in writing and publishing, there is no way I can sell books. I have no following, no platform, not allowed on social media, and I don't know anyone who promotes books. Like you need to have these social connections because no matter how good you write, or how bad, nothing is going to sell if you're not allowed to be social online. If you have no following and no audience, how are you going to sell books, asshole?

In modern society, if you dissent, you are just blocked from being a real person. You are relegated to places like 4Chan where your work will never been seen by normal people. The most success I had in book sales was standing outside of a liquor store in -15c weather and people bought a bunch of books over that weekend, I sold out of the copies I made.

Even these long thoughtful posts of mine are never going to get read outside a handful of people. It doesn't matter how smart or how much I write, or what I even say, if you have no audience and no platform, you might as well just be sniffing your own farts because nobody you write, say, or do matters.

>> No.21988306

Oh, Unreal is the good guy then? They posted pictures of this guy's mom around 4chan and called up another guy's workplace. You wouldn't like it if people started posting pictures of your daughter's face around 4chan, would you Jason?
We don't need to support every degenerate that comes in here with his hands open for some gimmedats. Unreal made nothing of worth and they attempted to fuck with people IRL because they got their feelings hurt. This isn't about propping up our counter culture anymore. It's about stopping people who are actively damaging it.

>> No.21988311

no one wants to read your writing because it’s shit, not because it’s countercultural. the cover of the shitkickers is the ugliest tackiest shit I’ve ever seen in my life. fuck off. your kids probably are ashamed to have you as their father.

>> No.21988312

>It is STILL going on

Bunch of losers itt

>> No.21988313

Yeah? Why?

What a fucking waste of people's time to come here if /lit/ is the place where artists go to die. I wish Unreal and &amp the best of luck and I hope you guys find massive success. As long as /lit/ is the place where you guys promote and advertise to, I think you'll find that you'll attract psychopaths and crabs that will just try and sabotage you over and over and over again. I've been on here long enough to realize that the general attitude of people who come here are the type that would HATE to see you guys succeed.

We all might as well just build porn sites, at least people are searching and looking for porn to buy, while how many people are searching for books by outcast schizos to read? Seriously?

>> No.21988319

"because it's shit"

Nigger, you've never even attempted to read my shit you fucking faggot. If we were in person I would beat the fucking shit out of you for lying, bitch.

>> No.21988329

I never said Unreal is the good guy, why the fuck are any of us doxxing anyone on here?

Like, wouldn't you think that in a place full of outcasts, that these outcasts would work together? Why does it have to be a backstabbing cesspool of negativity?

Would be nice if all parties involved could forgive and forget. Definitely leaving a stain on the community and is yet another nail in the coffin. How is any counter-culture going to rise if the movement is sabotaged before it can even begin? Sad!

>> No.21988345

The only thing you’ll ever beat the shit out of is your STD-riddled micropenis.

>> No.21988353

>tranny drama
so what you guys submitting?

>> No.21988358

Jason, you'd be willing to forgive these guys murdering kittens if it got you an interview where you could pretend to be a bigshot for 45 minutes. Stop being so backhanded about this.
The fact is these guys are scum who are doing nothing for the average anon. They were bad enough when they were shilling their dogshit that they didn't even write. Now they're fucking with people's families.

>> No.21988360

a diary entry recounting one of the many times that I fucked your mom

>> No.21988361

Dude you never read my shit, you're a complete faggot. You have never finished writing your own book, you have never done shit with your life to even write about.

You are why /lit/ is such a shithole.

>> No.21988364

cool I hope to read it in the mag

>> No.21988372

I can tell your writing is shit just based on the aura of arrogant pseudo-intellectual bullshittery that surrounds everything that you post.

>> No.21988376

Absolutely kek that this high school discord /lit/ drama is continuing. Not a good look, anons

>> No.21988383

They already said they'd interview me, I haven't taken up on the offer because I'm neck-deep in coding and my mind is not on writing or self-expression at all at the moment.

Funny, how can someone who doesn't even have 5 followers on social media even pretend to be a bigshot? Who the fuck would I pretend to be? I'm the biggest nobody on /lit/, I bet half the people here at least have a grandma who'd read their shit!

I don't think they were doing nothing for the average anon, I think they wanted to interview people, add people to their story collections, and grow into something. What I'm scratching my head about is why every thread that attempts to gather writers, anons, and lurkers together is always a shit-flinging mess where nobody can get along?

Just kind of pointless to even come to /lit/, I've been lurking for 3 years and it still isn't improving. You can give your shit away to anons on here and you'll just be told to kys while the 30th Blood Meridian post is at 300+ replies.

>> No.21988386

Sure dweeb, whatever you say, back to your $50 a month subscription to Tate's taint.

>> No.21988387

Don’t you dare ever compare yourself to McCarthy, you faggot shill.

>> No.21988393

I've lived an awesome life and my books are prophetic, you have lived a shit life and you don't even write.

>> No.21988392

>What I'm scratching my head about is why every thread that attempts to gather writers, anons, and lurkers together is always a shit-flinging mess where nobody can get along?
They doxed a guy, posted pictures of his mom then called his workplace. Now you're sitting here confused why no one wants to work with them? Why are you such a retard?

>> No.21988395

Clearly both sides fucked up. What caused this shit to escalate to such faggotry?

>> No.21988399

>Clearly both sides fucked up.
Yeah, clearly the Best-Of &amp guy shouldn't have made fun of them. Kind of evens out the whole life ruination thing.

>> No.21988420

Did anyone gain anything from this drama?

Looks like every anon and non-anon writer on /lit/ have lost two potential platforms to work with. Pretty sad to witness.

>> No.21988433

Funny thing is the writers of /lit/ are a shell of what they used to be even 5-10 years ago

>> No.21988451

How did anyone ruin his life? The dude was never anonymous. No one shared anything about him that he hadn’t already made public.

>> No.21988470

Writing is very culturally irrelevant in 2023, when I released City of Singles in 2013, I threw a book launch party and had like 50+ guests, sold a few dozen books that night, and people genuinely were interested in the subject of "what's happening to dating" as Tinder had just launched when I published my book.

Fast forward to 2021, talking to people about my book's take on crime and the future of social cohesion, it seems like people have already acknowledged that the good times are over with and the shitshow is just beginning. Their aren't the same depth and nuance to discussions that there was 10 years ago, it is like everyone has just collectively shrugged and accepted the way things are is the way things will be. If you discuss the nose-dive of the Canadian standard of living, for example, most people will just shrug, lift their beer at the pub, say "it is what it is" and have a sip.

Feels like everyone has just accepted the powerlessness feeling and is on auto-pilot.
>work job
>stay out of trouble
Hard to blame people I suppose, I have seen the hardships someone faces if they don't conform, and it ain't pretty. If you conform, work a job, and don't cause trouble, you can have a mortgage, a family, and a decent life if you really work for it still. Just don't question it, and definitely take your COVID vaccine when you need to, because if you don't, society will ass fuck you!

>> No.21988493

If you write for an audience in mind you will never write anything good. Write from the heart and for yourself. Have a job and do writing on the side that way bad sales or rejection letters don’t hurt you. Keep those old manuscripts. If you ever do make a name for yourself, work that was rejected before might all of a sudden be desirable and sellable with a known name attached

>> No.21988537

I do write for myself and I have never submitted any of my writing to mainstream publishers. I already know that my writing is simply not allowed in the mainstream.

You cannot question dating or the industries and culture around it. That is simply verboten and you're an incel if you do.
>no reason to write a second edition to City of Singles as nobody will read it, but I'm doing it anyways
Writing a book about vigilantism in Vancouver is also a huge no-no. Culturally, you are not allowed to suggest anything is awry in Canadian society, it is simply not allowed.
>however, if you wrote a book about your struggles being trans or native or black in Canada...
Seriously, if you're Canadian you'd know just how rigid our culture is here. There is NO breaking into the mainstream culture here without being a darling of those who are politically connected. The culture is extremely rigid and conformist now, and it happened all within the last 15 or so years.

>> No.21988545

Oh. So you’re one of those anons..,

>> No.21988549

>You cannot question dating or the industries and culture around it
tell me how american psycho and fight club got published when they dealt with much more controversial subject matter
the problem is that your writing just isn't very good, jason. you could get published if you actually tried but you don't

>> No.21988560

I remember back in 2012 when one of my ex girlfriends had texted me from a nearby restaurant. She said she was about to leave and wanted to meet up for a drink, so I got my things together and went and met her.

She was already half drunk and was in a great mood. We had a few drinks and some appies, and she explained she had been on a date every night that month and had eaten the best meals she had in her life, because she was following a guide she read in some magazine about how to get free meals as a woman using online dating.

Now she told me she had certain rules on how to stay safe and not break too many hearts, she'd stay until the end of the date, allow a kiss on the cheek, and would talk to the men after but would just say she didn't feel the chemistry.

Then we went back to my place and banged.

Over the next few months, I found out several women I knew were doing this, like the entire dating landscape had flipped so fast from the 00's where there was a balance of power, to the 2010's where women really started asserting themselves.

Now in 2023, you have women who prefer "dating" 1000+ onlyfans subs than 1 actual dude. This isn't actually that abnormal, and young guys I worked with told me that they were sick of paying $50 a month for a Tinder subscription and talking to women just to become an insta subscriber to be upsold to an OF account just to talk to the woman they had been flirting with. Shit gone cray.

>> No.21988562

Anon, I...
>American Psycho is a novel by Bret Easton Ellis, published in 1991
>Fight Club is a 1996 novel by Chuck Palahniuk
Even YouTube in the early 00's was non-stop redpill shit all over the front page with tons of people making videos about other videos, it was a super organic system... I can't believe you'd think the same opportunities exist for writers in 2023 as they did in the 90's...

>> No.21988570

Sir, this is a Wendy’s..

>> No.21988579

stop rewriting history to give yourself excuses. there was plenty of satanic panic and sanctimoniousness during the 90s. catholics wanted to ban harry potter for fucks sake. you're just a bad writer with a persecution complex.

>> No.21988580

Shut the fuck up. This thread is about &amp submissions. It’s not a venue for you to tell your irrelevance life story. No one gives a fuck about you.

>> No.21988589

Yes dipshit, and guess what? THEY WERE RIGHT.

Hey, I'm an &amp supporter. I'll shut up now, have a nice night!

>> No.21988596

I'm sad we won't have a Best-Of &amp edition. I would read it.

>> No.21988602

>Funny thing is the writers of /lit/ are a shell of what they used to be even 5-10 years ago
Were they better?

>> No.21988614

The best of editor fucked over Unreal and derailed everything with his personal bullshit, then slunk away with his tail between his legs after Unreal called him the fuck out. Someone who isn’t a little bitch should use the list the anons made last year and take over the project.

>> No.21988632


>> No.21988635

>after Unreal called him the fuck out.
And posted his moms face around 4chan.

>> No.21988636

What's the resolution to this drama? For the benefit of /lit/, Unreal, and &amp, the parties involved should apologize to each other and move on.

>> No.21988639

Yes. He is a sad, sad individual.

None of us posted his mom’s face. You can’t provide any evidence of it because it never fucking happened.

>> No.21988640

What's even the point in that? Unreal is dead. The only people who are left are only around to fuck with this guy.

>> No.21988647

Unreal is dead because of him. Those who remain remain to make him pay.

>> No.21988658

make him pay? this is all of your faults because you had a single point of failure and didn't plan ahead. blame yourselves

>> No.21988665

Yes. There used to be more people with skin in the game like English majors. Granted, I mostly remember snippets but they were much better than anything I see here today. I always liked those threads where different writers were mimicked. The impressions were spot on often

>> No.21988687

/lit/ benefits from people working together. I hope some of the good actors behind Unreal would revive the corpse and get back to work.

If people from this place have a hope in hell of making an impact in our dying western culture, it is by working together. Maybe the lesson from Unreal to us all is that when you're doing something for a community, you have to keep in mind that in order for people to trust you, you always have to be the bigger man. Our entire culture revolves around watching your enemies get rekt, scoring big dunks on people on social media through burns and ratios, and scoring those "gotcha" moments to ass-blast your opponent. But on a place like this at the end of the internet, the only way a ragtag group of schizos will ever thrive is if organizations maintain their dignity when attacked. Clearly, Jason Bryan is NOT the choice to be a leader of an organization because he would sperg out the first chance he got, but that doesn't mean there isn't someone on /lit/ that can take over for Unreal and build back the trust.

As soon as I have some money again, I'm going to buy some print copies of &amp and Tales of the Unreal and whatever other /lit/ books I can, like Chicken World. The /lit/ catalog always has the same useless fucking threads, but I have never seen a thread about a Nesmer Ogden chapter, or a Gardner quote someone liked, or a particular shit chapter of Unreal, or a particularly good one. Like why don't we know these anons and their work, why is /lit/ flooded by the same shit threads over and over and over instead?

Anyways, hope a lot of people submit to &amp to support the people working to help other anons write and be read.

>> No.21988707

>but I have never seen a thread about a Nesmer Ogden chapter, or a Gardner quote someone liked, or a particular shit chapter of Unreal, or a particularly good one. Like why don't we know these anons and their work, why is /lit/ flooded by the same shit threads over and over and over instead?
For one, his name is Ogden Nesmer, not Nesmer Ogden you disingenuous shit.
And two, /lit/ was not built for amateur authors looking for handouts. It was built to discuss real literature. Go petition the mods for a selfpub board or take it to /trash/.

>> No.21988714

My apologies for getting his name backwards.

Ah, my mistake, I didn't know /lit/ was for discussion of serious literature and real authors.

>> No.21988721

I agree with most of what you say, but please no more Gardner threads. Whether it’s him spamming his books, or others spamming as an inside joke, it’s really lame. Spamming is the lowest form of trolling and it should be discouraged. For the writers here that are serious, why don’t you give out your books or writings for free? I don’t read much contemporary lit but I would give it a shot if it was given to me and I thought I could help someone with feedback. I’m wary on how well some anons would take criticism though. But would I buy a book advertised on 4chan? Fuck no. My time is valuable

>> No.21988722

Someone needs to release a statement with receipts and screenshots explaining who is at fault for this so that this stupid drama shit can be over.

>> No.21988729

I don't want to post my book link in &amp's thread, but I definitely would give you my book for free.

Yep, we should try and get along and cheer on the people who actually write. Who knows, maybe someone from here could break the curse and make it in the real world as a writer?

>> No.21988731

As a distant observer this whole thing has given me second hand embarrassment. At this point it shouldn’t be about who’s to blame. Bury the hatchet because everyone involved looks real bad. Put the egos and pettiness aside if you actually care for this rag mag

>> No.21988736

We will, as soon as Ari admits to his sabotage and begs for mercy.

>> No.21988749

But there's no one even left to care about the mag. Krake left as soon they started doxing people and Rhyme and L.A left because they saw /lit/ turning on them. The only guys left are one editor and Miles, a guy who wasn't even a real host. The only reason they even take part in these threads is to fuck with the people who they see as having killed their project.
What does "burying the hatchet" even entail? the best-of guy who left 4chan apologizing to the people trying to ruin him? Would Unreal even agree to die silently then?

>> No.21988774

He didn’t leave 4chan. He’s still here trying to fuck with Unreal and ruin our rep.

>> No.21988776

Tbh I’m not very well informed of the whole story. I just saw the jail thread a couple weeks ago and I see the drama is still going on whenever I’ve come back to /lit/. I think whoever is serious should band together in a ragtag group and form a new magazine. Let us be reality here, these mags are anything but irreplaceable. Keep the bad apples out and form a new one. It sounds like multiple people are at fault to some extent and things have snowballed from there. Like nigga, this whole saga is embarrassing. Stop the snowballing. Anyone can choose to go in the right direction at any time

>> No.21988785

he’s still with &amp, last thread people said he was using the name jet now

>> No.21988801

I do agree that something should be formed from these ashes but I'm not so sure there's anyone good left at Unreal. If they had just come out and said "Hey guys, sorry about that whole doxing thing. We dealt with the bad apples and we're moving forward from here" then it might be a different story but everyone involved seems to see the best-of guy as some villain that needs to pay for his crimes. No one even knows what this guy did but whenever Unreal attempts to explain it all comes off as some unbelievable hyperbolic bitchfit to justify fucking with him more.
At this point it all comes down to waiting for the remains of Unreal to just give up. They've made such a spectacle of this that they've invited third party trolls who see them as a laughing stock to poke at. I'd be amazed if the best-of guy is even here after how they fucked with him.

>> No.21988839

They’re pissed because he took over their discord for months talking about his faggy personal drama with some girl and then they found out he’d faked it all using alts

>> No.21988850

Sounds like some serious shit that deserves a blood feud

>> No.21988854

And what's the resolution to this? How many more times do you need to post his mom's face before you get it out of your system?

>> No.21988874

Someone should write an &amp special edition pop-up storybook that tells the full story.

>> No.21988895

No one ever posted his mom’s face. Stop lying.

>> No.21989065


>> No.21989097 [DELETED] 

just want you to know this was a good post, anon

>> No.21989100

Tales of the Unreal has a free pdf on the unreal site and still no one has read it

>> No.21989107

just want you to know this was a good post anon

>> No.21989154

A compliment? Directed at Jason? Holy fuck no way!
Ahhh... that's better.

>> No.21989156

Maybe writing is a totally dead art.

>> No.21989650

I’ve seen plenty of people review it in threads

>> No.21989754


>> No.21989810

probably the same 2 guys samefagging

>> No.21989824

kys Jason

>> No.21989839
File: 3.19 MB, 2346x9126, 1682717179586076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's so narcissistic.

>> No.21989843
File: 199 KB, 960x1280, 1683067209211535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're so ugly, Jason.

>> No.21989854

Holy fuck the fact that someone took the time to red box each Jason comment is psychotic. I hope this is some bizarre marketing ploy by the guy himself otherwise this shit is scarier than any unreal dox.

>> No.21989900

seethe harder, Jason

>> No.21989915

cope. Not him.

>> No.21989932

Jesus Christ. I’m embarrassed for him.

>> No.21989957

>Not him
That's what Jason would say to hide himself.

>> No.21989976

>Take a shot of your favorite non-alcoholic beverage each time he say "fucking" "loser" "kys" "fuck"

He's so unlikable.
He needs help.

>> No.21990000
File: 3.25 MB, 1594x1196, 1683065578548693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's ugly too

>> No.21990027

Quads confirm that he is ugly.

>> No.21990154

>feeel an artist
great ploy for ur prons

>> No.21990195

>the fact that someone took 2 minutes or less in MSPaint to mark out the faggot's responses for the sake of legibility is psychotic
We're on levels of seething and coping that shouldn't even be possible.

>> No.21990209

not that anon but I love how your greentext there is somehow meant to imply that that's not utterly bizarre behaviour kek

>> No.21990228

I googled about the "Shitkickers" and see if history have any records of it.

One particular article caught me eye, it's from the New Yorker.


Basically it's a phrase used by rich kids to describe shoes.

>> No.21990232
File: 9 KB, 180x179, hamlet wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feeel when

>> No.21990287

>people using images to communicate on anonymous imageboards is utterly bizarre

>> No.21990327

Kek at everything. Why is the shitkickers guy freaking out? Where does he fit into this whole thing?

>> No.21990397

He's mad everyone shat on his first page

>> No.21990513

Hes the one who won’t let it die. He’s threatening to doxx Rhyme and post his mom in the Tales of the Unreal thread right now. The dude is a malevolent psycho.

>> No.21990566

Still fucked many, many hotter women than you have ever have

>> No.21990572

/lit/ is populated by losers who:
>don't write
>crab other writers
>have never adventured in life or had sex
Seriously, there are only a couple of cool people who come here, the rest are just all total and complete losers.

>> No.21990581

Fags here do not read.

>> No.21990585

Wow, impressive. It must’ve been a bit of a bummer that the roofies left them so limp and unresponsive while you were fucking them, though. But hey, whatever works. Ugly retards like you have to get their rocks off somehow.

>> No.21990596

People on /lit/ don't read, it's all a larp.

Good luck to &amp and Unreal and anyone else engaging with this crowd of fucking losers, you are on the very edge of the internet where nobody of value hangs out. It makes sense why Unreal and &amp had so much drama, because nobody from a place like this genuinely wants others to succeed and nobody on a place like this actually has any real honour. Just backstabbers, liars, charlatans and the occasional innocent lamb wanders in here thinking that this is a board of readers and not a pit of vipers posting the same shit over and over and over again.

No positive culture can come to a place like this, which is why nobody and nothing can grow in the rotten soil here.

>> No.21990604

I've only had sex with my wife, since I'm no a slut like you.

>> No.21990605

Yeah, I guess that's why I wrote a book about getting laid too much and predicted the future:


Meanwhile the losers calling me ugly here:
>don't have kids
>don't get laid
>don't write

>> No.21990612

You’re right man. Wanna support a fellow writer and read the pitch for my latest novel? It’s called The Dunce of Gastown.

>Some people might say that having noisy neighbors is the logical consequence of choosing to live in almost any major city ever, since the dawn of the industrial revolution. But to alcoholic townie Jason Bryan it's the perfect topic for a pathetic attempt to distill some meaning from a life spent chasing adolescent fantasies of popularity. Ordinarily Jason is super chill and totally doesn't mind when people have a little bit of fun, but lately things have gone too far. Now he intends to fight back. But how? He could certainly beat any of them in a one-on-one, but they don't fight fair. Of course, through the mighty power of literature! But he knows he'll never sneak his brilliant, groundbreaking, fearless novel past the beta virgin cucks who are in charge of writing. The world lavishes Jason Bryan with endless hot sex and fast cars, but for whatever reason his writing career just isn't taking off. It must be because the idiot masses have confused his writing with professional writing, which uniformly supports society's long march to opiate addiction and the complete obliteration of gender. Every thinking person hates liberalism, but by some bizarre twist of logic, they don't like it when Jason hates it with them, so it makes him a rebel to hate it, too. Forced to go off-grid to preserve his artistic integrity, he sets up his own underground printing press, distributing copies of his Earth-shattering manifesto from the trunk of his car, sort of like a low-rent Rudius Media. But now the globohomo UN regime has caught wind of courageous efforts, and has sworn to vaccinate him by any means necessary. Even the people who owe him their unconditional support 1000%, the posters on 4chan, seem to have suddenly been replaced with brainwashed servants of the pedophile elites. Forget about publishing novels, Jason Bryan is suddenly the target of literal attempts to murder him. Will he be able to save his own life, and by logical extension, the entire world? Why don't you read his book and find out!!'/???

>> No.21990614
File: 33 KB, 598x448, B52BF934-1A55-4C61-83DC-672B05FB774F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21990623

Friendly reminder that Jason abandoned his pregnant wife to spend their entire life savings on drugs and booze at parties where he introduced himself as a "published author" in attempts to get laid.

>> No.21990624


>> No.21990625

Yes, you should write it and publish it, but nobody on /lit/ will read it because this isn't a place for reading or writing, this is a place where losers come to bicker because they don't write and have done nothing with their lives.

>> No.21990649

Maybe Anons would read your book if you weren’t such an unstable psychopath

>> No.21990651

Anons don't read.

>> No.21990663

It’s possible I’m the only reader and I can say for certain I’d never read anything you wrote because you act like a 14 year old girl throwing a tantrum

>> No.21990702

That's fine, this place has never uplifted any author from here and never will.

>> No.21991679
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My review of Tales #1 is complete and i'm in the filming process. I've moved away from the city to the very remote country so the tech is a little challenging but the project is well on the way.

I will say that i am fully in support of all of this drama, it's kept the thread very comfortably bumped in my absence. nothing can stop us, nothing.
hard to say. probably after; the anon working on that project moves a little slower than I do but i'm not really involved so i don't know for certain.
i'm pretty confident in Unreal Press. if i can do what i do besieged by life then i trust them to carry the torch to the best of their ability.
based jasonposter
believe it or not this thread was made to attract submissions to &amp Magazine. i have no control over faggots' behavior but you ended up here the same way i did, i suggest we all act accordingly.
i have faith. not really in any one person but in the renaissance itself. if anon doesn't make it happen, of course i'll jump in.
it's just changed shape.
they went from contributing as Anonymous to large works of a general quality to contributing individually to a larger movement of variable quality.
he ensured me that he will finish what he started. i wasn't directly involved in any of the drama so i'm obligated to give him the opportunity to do the job. i've considered multiple times just taking back the power, and he has ensured me multiple times that he takes it seriously.
wow well maybe i should swoop in on the power vacuum and make Unreal Press a vassal of (((&amp Media Inc.)))
jk. there is glory yet inshallah.
checked. i'm still quite blank about the whole thing. it might be nice to have an unbiased qrd but then again idgaf.
post whatever you want here
I didn't know Rhyme and L.A. left. L.A. was doing the website, wasn't he?
the twist ending is that the drama was actually a publicity stunt by Unreal to garner negative attention, because there's no such thing as bad publicity.

>> No.21991787

how long will the script/vid be my lord

>> No.21991907

>because there's no such thing as bad publicity.
Based and Cardpilled

>> No.21992040
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>My review of Tales #1 is complete and i'm in the filming process. I've moved away from the city to the very remote country so the tech is a little challenging but the project is well on the way.
did you really move? is the PO Box still good? wtf is going on?

>> No.21992146

Ask all questions in the new thread