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/lit/ - Literature

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21991623 No.21991623 [Reply] [Original]

Post doxxing stories, grievances with discord users, people's place of study, your addresses, workplaces, cute selfies and more!

The only rule is: have fun. If you catch yourself having a mental health episode, remember to type it all out for all of us to read.

Remember to screencap everything so you can bring it up at every time.

Also remember to post books for this feel and keep it literature related

>> No.21991636
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>> No.21991638

At least it's an honest OP for once.

>> No.21991639

Second least favourite general on this miserable pile besides /wg/. I'm sure they enjoy the free press (if they aren't creating these terrible threads themselves in an attempt at viral marketing a la Doordash dancing ads).

>> No.21991643

If you want to get involved with them, send your short story to unrealpressandpodcast@proton.me

Remember to NOT add any personal information, unless you want to become a recurring character in these threads.

Insider sources tell they are working on Unreal Tales 2, so get ready for that!

>> No.21991648

the unreal press is real and they tried to eat my ass.

>> No.21991652

I promise we are not lmao but yes the free press is fine by me

>> No.21991661

Anyone who says Unreal Press is small fry and will never do numbers is delusional we dominate both top posts on the catalogue Unreal press RULES this board

>> No.21991663

Don’t forget those of us who are not horrible faggots and actually enjoy original /lit/ material
When does the next book come out??

>> No.21991674

There are two ongoong projects with no set date to come out yet: Tales 2 and Ogden's CYOA. If you are interested in either you can email us at the address mentioned here >>21991643

>> No.21991682

I asked very nicely last thread that you guys cool it on the shilling. If you guys even make anything from here it's not coming out for months. Why do we need another thread? Just to fuck with the guys you doxed?

>> No.21991689

Fuck off, the shilling is 100% part of the board culture.

>> No.21991693

You didn't ask that, I asked that
I'm also >>21991639
You're the problem brother, why do you keep bumping these threads with your drama unless you want to keep this advertisement on the top of the catalogue?
The IP count didn't go up btw, meaning you've already bumped this thread once. Maybe you made it.

>> No.21991705

This is the most schizo attempt to discredit my request that I could imagine. All I'm asking is for you to cool it for a couple months.

>> No.21991707


>> No.21991710

Where the hoes at

>> No.21991724

what is the Tales #2 theme? I'm in Google Docs RIGHT PHUQING NOW1

>> No.21991727
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This hoe? Who knows.

>> No.21991730

the theme is F Gardner. all stories must include F Gardener in some way shape or form.

>> No.21991738

Can we get three unreal dox threads at the top I'm gonna cuuuum

>> No.21991747

Hi, ur cute, take me out to dinner?

>> No.21991777

stop posting me just leave me alone okay why are you do ing thos what is wrong with you

>> No.21991778

you r sexy

>> No.21991783


>> No.21991800

trips nice

>> No.21991824

>shooting his shot with some ugly psycho bitch who is obsessed with the best of &amp troon

This is what zero pussy does to a nigga.

>> No.21991829


>> No.21991831

Hey baby girl, you are perfect. Don’t let those guys get to you. They just don’t respect women like I do (I am 6’4”)

>> No.21991833
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>> No.21991839

You haven’t seen the rest of her face. She’s a 2/10.

>> No.21991849

Do I need to read this Volume of Tales before diving into vol ? Or are they totally separate

>> No.21991853

*vol 2

>> No.21991860
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Delicious chocolate

>> No.21991862

This is a troll. No I mean literally. RhymeAndGrind is a cave troll I rescued from the Appalachian wilderness some time in 2009. Ever since I have been keeping him chained and gagged in my attic weaned on a steady supply of Clark Ashton Smith books. He literally consumes them. Yes it's strange. Once a day I let him out for sunshine but usually he reverts to shitposting on trannycord and publishing poopy diarreaha. When his phone is taken away he pisses and shits over the Lime&Tile wood panelling and my Shine&Fine spongetool excel which is why I let him stay on the internet all day and night.

>> No.21991867

She is perfect 2 me <3

>> No.21991878
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Fucking how? Like this?

>> No.21991880

Where’s she gonna take you, man? The prison mess hall? The hospital cafeteria?

>> No.21991884

Her parents house, to shake her fathers hand and ask his permission to take her as my bride

>> No.21991885

They are separate anthologies

>> No.21991895
File: 29 KB, 192x329, A340F1EE-1ADE-4AAD-9B15-3690B42613B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like this.

>> No.21991900


>> No.21991905

Discordtroonsisters....... Not like this......

>> No.21991917
File: 54 KB, 400x400, 850CA044-665A-4641-93EF-E2299CA22505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it, might as well just post the whole pic after all of the discord tranny shit that “she” pulled.

>> No.21991920

My kween. I love you.

>> No.21991921

Schopenhauer hairline.

>> No.21991922

I’d like to apologize. Please be my lawfully wedded wife. We can share antipsychotics please my queen PLEASE I’ll do anything

>> No.21991925

Unreal once again proving how fucking based they are. 3 down, countless more to go.

>> No.21991929

Who has spent the last two threads posting complete randoms and claiming that they’re discord users. I know what two of these people look like. Somebody’s LARPin

>> No.21991934

what is wrong with you????? why would you do this??????? what is wrong with you why would you do this just stop okay just leave me alone like it’s over just leave me alone haven’t i lost enough why would you do this?)??-

>> No.21991935


>> No.21991944

Bitch got what she deserved for fucking with Unreal and getting Ari doxed.

>> No.21991945


>> No.21991946

Dont be rude anon, shes at least a 2.5, maybe even a 3 if youre tipsy enough

>> No.21991949

4 if she wears a beanie.

>> No.21991952

i didn’t dox him okay you guys were the ones who did that for no reason what is wrong with you what is wrong with you??? just stop okay please delete it just leave me alone i already apologized what else can i do just stop haven’t i lost enough???

>> No.21991959

stop making fu.n of my face okay i have bangs now and it’s not funny just leave me alone please stop why would you say that

>> No.21991961

You MADE Unreal dox him. It's your fault he got doxxed and now you're getting doxxed too. Deal with it.

>> No.21991963

Book a flight to O'hare tonight, and message your arrival time here after you land. Just a fun weekend with a great view, and $10,000 waiting for you Monday morning if can be discrete.

>> No.21991964


Don’t worry my kween, our future kids will be schizo geniuses

>> No.21991968

i didn’t make unreal doxx him I talked to them and told them to stop doing it i never wanted them to do it I don’t know why they even did it okay????

>> No.21991975


>> No.21991977
File: 46 KB, 632x650, 00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting

>> No.21991978

like i didn’t make them do anything how did i make them doxx him? ig wasnt me and i told them to stop why are you doing this,??

>> No.21991986

what is wrong with you???? i’m not a whore what is wrong with you???? why would you say that why

>> No.21991990

do you have a hymen

>> No.21991991

She likes the attention.

>> No.21991994

fucking leave me alone what is wrong with you why would you do this,???!?????????

>> No.21992013

> Posters: 14

>> No.21992082

stop white knighting you retard, she deserves it

>> No.21992181

The “doxx” was posting a tiny cropped section of his face. Posting her whole photo in response was uncalled for.

>> No.21992190

She never doxxed Ari and no one from Unreal doxxed her. This is their psychotic entanglement. Just distance yourself from it, it'll only irreparably damage your psychosphere.

>> No.21992200

Psychotic entanglement? Wtf?

>> No.21992226

how new?

>> No.21992236

Newfags on this site don’t understand sarcasm

>> No.21992237

hey im not tryna simp, but if you can find the energy to simply ignore it the meme will die very soon anyway. its discord tranny drama bro. i get that its distressing to have this happen, ive had it happen, but if you can just avoid 4chan for a month or so, all will be forgiven. its the internet, it lasts forever but noone remembers anyway.

>> No.21992250

Her dead eyed thousand-cock stare can answer that question for you

>simping for a psycho bitch with a fivehead

>> No.21992273

>no one from Unreal doxxed her
Just like you didn’t doxx the other guy whose full name and workplace you posted? Sure.

>> No.21992287

Is this how you're gonna spend your life brother? How old are you? There's an epidemic of lost young men, doing this, and they'll insist that everything is ok until one day they're hanging. Anyway, Good luck. I should pray for you but right now I think you're an evil person. Maybe you'll never come out of this fugue state. Maybe this is your life. Either way, I leave you to it.

>> No.21992289

I can't think of anyone else with a vendetta like this against the girl. Best Of guy I suppose? Would he have done it or has he been mostly clean in the doxxing saga?

>> No.21992292

In combination they create a massive cognitohazard

>> No.21992327

Maybe, but I don’t think he would’ve done it. People in the discord were asking him to post pictures of her months ago and he wouldn’t. In the &amp thread where her face was first posted the person said they got it from Twitter because she used the same username across platforms or something. The third party who has been behind all the recent gay ops probably tracked her down. It’s not about fucking with her, it’s about his vendetta against Unreal. Making it look like Unreal doxxed her is just another attempt to make the press look bad

>> No.21992347

Yeah, I'm not entertaining that schizobabble. Some mysterious third party just happens to dox a woman who Unreal just finished airing out their months long blood feud against less than an hour before? I thought we were supposed to be writers here? That's the best you could come up with?

>> No.21992379

claiming the other guy doxxed himself was bad enough but this bullshit excuse might actually be worse. it was either unreal or ari himself who did it. unreal are vengeful schizo freaks so i wouldn’t put it past them, and ari could’ve done it to get her to shut up or because he wants revenge

>> No.21992383

Like I said, not interested in their excuse this time around. That guy doxing himself was such obvious bullshit that I just can't be bothered to give them the time of day on this anymore. I'll wait for the next iteration of /lit/ publishing.

>> No.21992430
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Don’t stick your dick in crazy. It’s not worth it.

>> No.21992705

Unbelievably based Frankposter dunking on /lit/.
We are not worthy

>> No.21992878

>vengeful freaks who doxxed
I'm tired of pretending this isn't based and isn't getting me to buy their books. Quit whining and seething.