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21988165 No.21988165 [Reply] [Original]

What was his fucking problem

>> No.21988186

Every single bible story is about faith. Faith is rewarded and lack of faith is punished.

>> No.21988195

God asked he be sacrificed.

>> No.21988201

>What was his fucking problem
Nothing. God eventually did it with his Son.

>> No.21988205

he had none
maybe YOU have a problem. ever think about that?

>> No.21988270

this was the norm back then, there's another story where some Edomite king was being invaded by Israelites, and was losing, so he sacrificed his son on the ramparts and the Israelite army left.
This was normal behavior back then, for Israelites as well as "pagans". The reason why OT pretends to not engage in such behavior is because there was a much later editing of the OT stories by the post-Captivity Jews, who were in the process of updating their religion and reshaping their culture.
All the religions back then practiced animal and human sacrifice, it's all the same religion. (Meaning, if you consider Phoenicians and Canaanites to be "satanic" then the OT is satanic too). While it's very prevalent in Judaism and the OT, you can see traces of the older "satanic" religions in Christianity too, with Jesus being a neo-Dionysus/Osiris figure, and most importantly the mock-cannibalism ritual that was the norm for pagan priests of the ancient times.

>> No.21988294

the difference is the israelites left out of disgust.

>> No.21988299

also the whole comparing Christ to a pagan idol and ritual is just nonsense.

>> No.21988309

The story, like most biblical stories, is that faith in God is ultimately the right decision even though it may seem wrong at the time. Especially if that wrongness is subjective to you yourself.

>> No.21988321

Hey, at least Job got new wife and kids, right?

>> No.21988332

It was the cool thing to do in the time period. Cu Chulainn does it, Cronos did it, Zeus tried to do it and failed(loser), Oedipus' dad tried it(and failed, loser). Nowadays it's more convoluted and you need to hire some social reject on discord to discreetly convince him to castrate himself so you can bang his now-vacant girlfriend.

>> No.21988344

the lord is the voice in your head idiot

>> No.21988362

>left out of disgust
humanity was slowly growing to be less rigid in regards to religion, this wasn't really a "Jewish only" or a "Christian only" thing. Religions were updating themselves all the time, even to this day you still see it going on with cults.
the main takeaway though is that all religions have roots in "satanism", a watered down version of it, but still satanism. Hence all the blood sacrifice (animal, human, or even the symbolic rituals of sacrifice). People are unwittingly worshiping Satan as God (or perhaps a better way of saying it is that Satan and God are the same being).

not at all, Christ turns water into wine, just like his forbear Dionysus did. Christ is celebrated midwinter with an evergreen green, just as his forbear Dionysus (and Osiris) were celebrated in midwinter with an evergreen tree.

>> No.21988483

>Hence all the blood sacrifice (animal, human, or even the symbolic rituals of sacrifice). People are unwittingly worshiping Satan as God (or perhaps a better way of saying it is that Satan and God are the same being).
That's rather stupid but doesn't Christianity completely invert that by having God sacrifice himself for man and man consume his flesh?

>> No.21988533

>and man consume his flesh?
>the inversion of cannibalism is to make it symbolic
nope, it's just symbolic "paganism", but still pagan at its core.
sure it was a good thing when the ancient religions started getting less strict, but that was in spite of the religions, not because of. The goal was to completely move pass religion, not cling to its gruesome tradition with symbolic rituals.

>> No.21988571
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Abraham was testing God

>> No.21988572

>The goal was to completely move pass religion
So you are one of those people
>nope, it's just symbolic "paganism", but still pagan at its core.
The issue isn't whether it was pagan but whether it was satanic.

>> No.21988576

I think Abraham failed to test God and he should have. For instance the destruction of Sodom shows you can bargain with God. He should have tried that here.

>> No.21988592

>The issue isn't whether it was pagan but whether it was satanic.
in the Christian community, they're synonymous. And let's be honest here, religious people are known to accuse even other sects of their own religion as "satanic", so how much more so for "pagan religions".
Christians are just a watered down version of satanic theocracy.

>> No.21988609

Ok dude

>> No.21988631

Sounds like you got filtered

Note that ancient world perspective of children was that of property, not of individual people. It is only a modern idea that children are people independent from their parents. Abraham killing Issac was not about killing a person, it was about losing his coveted property which he fully had the right to kill at any time.

>> No.21988642
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>i pretend at least once a week to cannibalize my god, i have the moral high ground here

>> No.21988643

How quickly christians become okay with killing babies …

>> No.21988730

read K

>> No.21988770

The point is human sacrifice is bad.

>> No.21988824


Issac was like 17 retard

Also pretty much every religion (especially secular/atheist religions) contends that individual human lives are not the ultimate source of of value in the universe

>> No.21988832

>atheist seethes about Isaac
Wait until he hears about Jephthah's daughter.

>> No.21988953

>What was his fucking problem
first of all, how old you think was Isaac there?

>> No.21988961 [DELETED] 

Isaac was 37 years old, no 17.
And Abraham 137 years old.
an old man could with a man of 37?
Isaac was delighted to be sacrificed.

But it is that also to read the Bible in the sense Pshat, because as that not, that for that you have the Sod to read it.

>> No.21988979

Isaac was 37 years old, not 17. Abraham was 137 years old.
Could an old man contend with a man of 37? Isaac was delighted to be sacrificed.

Also, it is necessary to read the Bible in the Sod sense, no Pshat

>> No.21989087

Except Thomas who was rewarded for his skepticism with touching Christ's crucifixion wounds.

>> No.21989504

Yes this anon fucks, read Johannes de silentio

>> No.21990798

>Except Thomas who was rewarded for his skepticism with touching Christ's crucifixion wounds.
Jesus set an example

>> No.21990813

I'd recommend you read Fear and Trembling by Kierkegaard but you'll probably be filtered by that too

>> No.21990828

My favourite parts of the Bible are when God randomly attacks people e.g. wrestling Jacob in the middle of nowhere or attacking Moses and forcing Zipporah to perform emergency circumcision to save him.

>> No.21990855

his son wasnt the protagonist so he didnt matter

>> No.21991058
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How come different Christians sometimes have complete opposite views on things?
For example, compare the pope in this picture to what this Orthodox guy says in this video.

>> No.21991145

Most people don't read the Bible but come here and bitch about it

>> No.21991275
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>The tragic hero has need of tears and claims them,
and where is the envious eye which would be so barren that it could not
weep with Agamemnon; but where is the man with a soul so bewildered
that he would have the presumption to weep for Abraham?

>> No.21991282
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Once again cucked by copying from a pdf. When will they outlaw this useless file format

>> No.21991295

>How come different people have different views!!! Also why are murderers sometimes religious??? Aren't religious people all the same and perfect!!
Are you perhaps from Reddit? Or 13?

>> No.21991318

Knowing that 99% of the Bible is symbolic. I am sure it was yet another typical symbol story.

>> No.21991325

>Knowing that 99% of the Bible is symbolic.
The Bible is both literal and symbolic. Not merely one or the other.

>> No.21991330

No, a lot of the supposed literal parts of the Bible are also symbolic. Including Peter fishing in the sea, how many days Jesus was in the tomb etc. Its amazing how much of the Bible is symbolic.

>> No.21991343

No it's both.

>> No.21991346
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>> No.21991359

brainwashed by religion

>> No.21991372

From an atheist viewpoint, this is the story of how the Jews stepped away from barbaric child sacrifice and the New Testament is the story of how Christians revived the concept with an adult sacrifice.

>> No.21991381
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>From an atheist viewpoint
This video will explain objectively why atheism is false.

>> No.21991425

Ha-ha. Primitive people believed that god resided in nature--the river, the wind, and the clouds. Then as now, atheists look upon the gullible believers and shake their heads.

>> No.21991430
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This is not an argument. It is merely emotional manipulation.
>Haha, you don't want to be one of those silly religious people do you? We enlightened atheists are superior. Heh heh heh.

>> No.21991440

Few atheists are trying to manipulate anyone. You're fully entitled to your faith--as they say, "whatever gets you through the night."

>> No.21991560

Anyone ever notice how gay and annoying atheists are? Oh yes everyone has noticed.