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/lit/ - Literature

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21989704 No.21989704 [Reply] [Original]

Let’s get it on

>> No.21989709

Nice avacados. What are you going to do with them?

>> No.21989710

Why are all french books in complete white?

>> No.21989716

They will go right up his faggot frenchy ass

>> No.21989727

Always makes me laugh when Americans post their books, it looks so childish with their bright colors. You just can’t buy good taste

>> No.21989738

I will try to plant them in a pot, hope it works, it's the first time I'm doing this

>> No.21989809

I walked into an american bookstore some years back and nearly pissed myself laughing at all the colours I saw, had to call papa immediately to share in the glee (he ultimately pissed himself)

>> No.21989856
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I moved my books and no longer sleep under the constant threat of death. I will post a pic once I get home.

>> No.21989881

take better pics and your meds, schizo

>> No.21990626

Basé, ça sent le khâgneux

>> No.21990684 [DELETED] 
File: 2.43 MB, 2966x4000, IMG_20230504_213835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got those glass doors today, I think it looks nicer.

>> No.21990717

même pas, étudiant en médecine

>> No.21990747
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Writes itself

>> No.21990765

what should I get next, /lit/?

>> No.21990775

a gf

>> No.21991241

Proust - 3ème tome de la Recherche ?

>> No.21991272

Good. That thing was a death trap.

>> No.21991332

Encore plus basé, les carabins instruits se font rares

>> No.21991398

What are folio and livre poche like?
Good introduction/notes?

>> No.21991471
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>> No.21991473

Whats an interesting book thats really easy to read for someone beginning in french

>> No.21991490


>"I read what the sleeve insert for the Rage Against the Machine album 'Evil Empire' tells me to read": The Bookshelf

>> No.21991879
File: 1.78 MB, 1920x593, uiioiuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuy7988888888888888888888888888uuiuiui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le poorlack

>> No.21992091

It's tiresome to post mine bookshelf. Someone else do it for me. There's like 7 pictures. Irish nationalist meets only well-read /pol/tard but also mathematics.

>> No.21992100 [DELETED] 

>flexing books

>> No.21992114
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I only buy what I like :]

>> No.21992113

>flexing book formats

>> No.21992120
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Is it this one?

>> No.21992151

yea. thanks man

>> No.21992348
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Why do you guys always start these while I'm at work. Now I wanna go to bed and I'm too lazy to take good pictures.
>tfw you spent 400 euro bucks already this month on books

>> No.21992589
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I need to find a spot for the Beauvoir but I already have plenty of good French books on the shelf.

>> No.21992944

ugly floor desu

>> No.21993104
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>> No.21993128
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>> No.21993140

i tried many times and it always failed

>> No.21993233

Yeah, I'm not a fan as well. But what can you do.

>> No.21994375


>> No.21994388

FYI, avocado do not grow true to seed and are notorious for never setting fruit when grown from seed far from their native range. If you are growing them to be just nice plants more power to you even if you do get fruit they will be nothing like what you planted.

>> No.21994427

>You just can’t buy good taste
>still presumably thinks and implies he himself has bought good taste by going for all white books
Stop posting cringe

>> No.21994456
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Someone bullied me a few months ago for having a gap between my shelves so I pushed them together.

>> No.21994471

Yes, american manchild, the purpose of books is to be read. You are not supposed to judge a book by its cover. The cover should be sober and not in the colours of the rainbow.

>> No.21995040
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>don't judge a book by its cover
>proceeds to judge books because they have bright coloured covers

>> No.21995129

do you work for an NGO or something

>> No.21995165

Whats the poppy war like? Is it like light novels?

>> No.21995220
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>> No.21995648

I've never had any issues with folio books when it comes to their footnotes and introductions. They're pleasant to hold considering their small size, and their quality is alright too.

>> No.21995750

I know when I see only white in the preview, the based french folio posters are here.

>> No.21995784
File: 176 KB, 1600x1200, rei shelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of Dostoevskys works (portuguese)
and Rei Chikita

>> No.21995929

Oi, anão. Vamos ser amigos?

>> No.21995982
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>> No.21996148

>editora 34

cringe for not having anybody else, and not reading in russian.

>> No.21996184

makes me remember butterfly poster
anyone has the thread?

>> No.21996186

is that a pepe picture? lol

>> No.21996202
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>not having anybody else
i actually have, its just i don't care about them that much (pic related)
>not reading in russian
i'm too stupid to learn russian

boa noite, anão
se você interage nos chans br, a gente provavelmente vai se encontrar de novo

>> No.21996204

kreutzer sonata is kino.
khadji-murat is meh.

>just Tolstoy and Dosto
my point stands

>> No.21996210

oh, oop. also basic Gogol.

>> No.21996217

what's your point? i'm not a russian literature expert lol
what do you want me to read?
what do you read? post shelf

>> No.21996242

Antelope Hill gang

>> No.21996266
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I only read one writer

>> No.21996269

fuck, I didn't know he had written all that

>> No.21996273
File: 113 KB, 879x1168, seneca-hnh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted in a previous thread here >>21948939 and >>21951731 about trying to get a copy of the last of the Seneca complete works published by uchicago press in the original hardcover. Well, the translator sent it and it arrived this week. I've been waiting for a thread to post it in, I'm very excited. going to dump a few pics, sorry for the noise if you're not interested

>> No.21996277
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>> No.21996280
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>> No.21996282
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no jackets

>> No.21996287

Put some clothes on, ladies! This is a SFW board.

>> No.21996295

sorry, that was a bit lewd of me ;_;

>> No.21996346

Damn that's cool
Did you contact the guy first?
I've thought about emailing some guy asking if he could send a pdf of his out of print scholarly work which is basically the only book in English on the subject since the books are going for about $1k now

>> No.21996349

tous ces livres sont trop propres, combien d’entre eux as-tu réellement lu?

>> No.21996362
File: 12 KB, 299x225, seneca-shitty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeh, I've been looking for it online for 2 years and haven't been able to find it (it's especially hard because the publisher, uchi press, switched to shitty hardcovers like pic rel after the first printing, but re-used the same ISBN, so the used reseller has pics or solid description, I can't tell if it's the one I want), finally decided to reach out to the translators and one of them had a copy he was willing to send me. I'm very grateful, and glad I thought to do that. going to make a donation to a charity in his name for the help, still trying to figure out which one though. looking for something education-related in US but can't find much decent.
and yeh, you should email that guy, he might be happy to help you out. academic-types tend to get excited about people getting excited about their research, and especially if it's not in print anymore, he stands to lose nothing financially by helping you. out of curiosity, what's the book?

>> No.21996378
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>> No.21996387

Nice stuff, how different are these from the Loeb's? I have most of the Seneca from loeb and selections from penguin.

>> No.21996392
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Pretty nice note, most academics from the arcane fields will do this if you email them. They're always excited to see some interest in their work

>> No.21996396
File: 2.74 MB, 3849x3072, IMG_20230505_215841131~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I picked up this Harvard Petrarch secret book for $4.00 new last week. He's not readily available as much these days

>> No.21996401
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A signed copy of Margaret thatcher

>> No.21996409
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Hopefully the estate doesn't sell these when I die.

>> No.21996444
File: 287 KB, 887x578, seneca-loeb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't read any full Loeb translations, and haven't even looked at the Seneca ones, but I think they're substantially different. This series has pretty modern translations that often break up Seneca's long sentences into shorter ones. Here's a comparison of the first paragraph of his first letter.
yeh, I forgot since leaving college how cool (many) academics are. actually 2 of the 3 I reached out with had a book they were willing to send me. Wouldn't have said no to having 2 copies, but given they were being generous and kind, I obviously didn't want to take advantage of that.

>> No.21996452

meant to add, my impression is that Loeb tends to use pretty literal translations (which makes sense given they're dual language books), I think the u chicago seneca is more trying to convey the ideas without caring too much about following the exact grammar and wording. Although there are 7 books in the series with a dozen or more different translators involved so it varies a bit. The letters are what I read first so I think that's what I based most of my perception on, and I don't remember the others feeling that different, but it's been a while. Going to read the rest of the book the guy sent me soon (I'd read about half of it in the cheap hardcover version)

>> No.21996558
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Thanks, I noticed that with the 4 volume Chicago translations of the ancient greek plays. I do find the penguin Seneca more fun to read because it also amplifies the good bits.

My office is a bit hoarder like right now in front of my shelves. We're rearranging the other rooms.

>> No.21996912
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unpacking my software stuff atm

>> No.21996941

I've got multiple copies of those, too. I've got the 4 volume 1992 version (reddish tan with black "plaques" on the binding), the 1959 version 4 volume navy version, and then 8/9 of the latest 9 volume version in the hardcovers. 1/9 is a little pricy now to get in decent quality, I've ordered it from someone on abebooks but I think they're not going to fulfill since it's been several days and I haven't heard anything. So I need to look elsewhere.

>> No.21996971

Miller anon if this is actually you.

Two upcoming books for you -

The Book of Conversations with David Edgar - Henry Miller


Anais Nin - A Sea Of Lies (Comic)


>> No.21997025


>> No.21997055

let over lambda
proof of concept or gtfo


>> No.21997077

well done anon, this is the best shelf here

>> No.21997120

nice shelf, are those blue books LOAs? and reds Loebs? or where are they from?

>> No.21997574


>> No.21999127

I honestly regret extensively reading Henry Miller early on in my development. It took me a decade to undo the damage.

>> No.21999658

could you explain? i know nothing about him

>> No.22000074

Yes, it's a running gag where my group of friends continually steal the pepe picture from each other. I currently am the holder.

>> No.22000091
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Polish books, discuss (except some english title, one book whose title is not visible is Christopher Hill on Puritan Revolution, I have 2 books of his)

>> No.22000180

What do you have censored, Mark Twain books?

>> No.22000194

It is. Thank you for this. Read anything good lately?

>> No.22000202
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>> No.22000265

Millennial NPR political nitwit pseudcore. Maybe you have other books but I can’t imagine filling my mind with endless bullshit books about American politics. Where are the great novels or poetry or the classics. It’s all boring 2008 Neoliberal slop millennial Norwood guys used to read to impress sociology hoes during sophomore year. “Yah babe I read Franz Fanon did you that like blackness is like a mask that the negro can not take off as a subject to the white gaze!?!”

>> No.22000291

Oh man, Queuing theory that is some exciting stuff right there

>> No.22000319

Deeply distressing to think a person would do this. Either your a teenager or I literally can’t fathom your thought process

Government watchlist tier very sad politically brain damaged. It’s fine to be a right winger but the ratio here speaks of deep psychological problems. Needs to touch grass or he will troon out in five years max

Old man who doesn’t no how to take a photo

This nigga the kinda guy to own an antique pipe and complain about 18th century corn laws. But otherwise pretty good.

Interesting mix of things wide variety of taste pretty good. Could probably use more focus on a particular subject to master. Will make it and be successful in life.

Very organised and well designed shelf. Speaks of a kinda of fastidiousness. He is likely an engineer or computer programmer maybe and accountant. Probably lives alone.

Decent mix of books pretty standard /lit/ tastes dirty and disorganise looking shelf.

A man of patrician tastes will scare the hoes by Rome autism though.

>> No.22000324
File: 2.20 MB, 4032x3024, AC61514A-3D0B-400C-A0EC-5CCE1D7167B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figured I’d add a couple pics of books I’ve read recently or am about to read or read again


>> No.22000333

>funko pops
>pop history
come on

>> No.22000337
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Maybe I’ll take some more pics of my shelves later

>> No.22000489

Printed books from an old forum I used to be on where someone wrote an immense story about all our characters. It was a small community and I got the book physically printed to give as a Christmas gift for a few guys, as a joke. There were only a few guys on the forum and I'm sure some of them are on 4chan still so I censored it. This was decades ago the forum was active.

>> No.22000510
File: 644 KB, 1140x1538, 19th century books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The cover should be sober and not in the colours of the rainbow.

Yet in the 19th century, when the average Western IQ was over a standard deviation higher, people valued aesthetics, unlike the modern last man with his minimalist hospital-ward aesthetics.

t. A New England Yankee

>> No.22000579

Where is your vol 1 of your autobiography of Goethe?
Also, I can never find the "Scientific Studies" from Princeton for sale (at a reasonable price).

>> No.22000764
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I got both for 2.00 and 4.00 at my local bookstore, I have the full German works in the closet, and the smaller 6 vol insel in paperback.

I want to put these on the next shelf, I have about 15 nyrb and the folio hardy.

>> No.22000769

Let me get your Rabelais and his World

>> No.22000774
File: 2.54 MB, 4080x3072, IMG_20230506_220156409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disabled smart features on my phone and now I get shitty pics. Oh well, here's a few more. I've got stacks of reclam books. I have most of the important 18th and early nineteenth century things.

>> No.22000787
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Oh man, I got a French copy for a quarter. This was a gift from a friend so I'm sorry to say it has, how do you say? Sentimental value? I've heard of that.

>> No.22000792

I’ve heard of Sentimental Education. My favorite Flaubert. Let me get your Van Gogh Letters then

>> No.22000839

I recognize you - did they bully you for that fishing hat on the top right too? 'Cause you shouldn't hide that, it's fucking great.

>> No.22000877

>Needs to touch grass or he will troon out in five years max
You'd probably be right in any other circumstance, but I'm married, I don't care about politics except as thought experiments (and a unified Ireland, of course), I do a lot of gardening and spend a lot of time in nature, and I spend a lot of time with my family.

>> No.22001091


Yeahh, after my 3rd attempt at Don Quixote i finallly finished the first novel of it. The depth of charecterization just amazes me. Probably the hardest I've laughed whilst reading a novel.

Two offshoots from Quixote as well.

The Life of Lazarrilo de Tormes, another picaresque novel from the same time as Quixote. Quixote makes fun of it in the book at a certain chapter. So considering it was thin enough I was intrigued to check it out. Was a short fun read, painted a vivid picture of the downright idiotic thinking of the nobility as well as the lower classes of Spain during the 16th century.

A book which I plan to get - Fierabras and Floripas, a french epic, part of the Chason des Geste, it seems. Mentioned in Quixote, well the balm used by the characters is mentioned more than the character itself.

I also just decided to jump into Nietzsche after hearing about him for so long. I bought his notebook writings, 'The Will to Power'. Interesting concepts; I find myself agreeing to the fact that if one so ardently desires to stand above the rest, better oneselves and become a 'higher man', they need to put themself through stress, through solitude and anxiety, to achieve their desires.

My next reads will be probably- Warlock by Oakley Hall and The Colossus of Maroussi.

Hope to keep seeing you around



The same Sublunary Editions is publishing his 'existentialist' take on Quixote


Got a collection of his works by Vintage. Intriguing stuff.

>Glastonbury Romance

Been a year, still remains out of stock in my country for some reason.

In terms of poems, I read Banjo Paterson recently. Just fun stuff, mining and miners, trains, campfires and a whole lotta australian.

>> No.22001100
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Hey, you and I both bro. I build things for my kids all the time, remodel and improve the house, read with the kiddos, and walk around barefoot in my gorgeous grass with the kids. Yesterday we planted petunias, sunflowers, coleuses and I trimmed up a hinoki and fed the big evergreens.bthenni bought more lumber and built improvements to my perimeter fences.

>> No.22001158

Nice. I forget if I ever asked or if you ever mentioned, but where are you from? The scene where Sancho gets beat up in bed early on in the book is one of the funniest passages I’ve ever read. It’s neck and neck with the F Scott Fitzgerald road trip in A Moveable Feast

I feel like every man needs to try reading Nietzsche. I went through a major phase where I devoured his oeuvre a little too quickly and now I’ve been a little burnt out on him for a year or so. Zarathustra will always remain one of my all timers and I’m planning to read a little Nietzsche in the coming months. It’s too bad you can’t really discuss him here because the threads are a shitshow. I just like the essence or spirit of what he conveys and I’ll no longer get hung up on the details

Warlock-Morgan and Curley and some of my favorite characters in all of literature. If you enjoy Warlock, check out Lonesome Dove

A Glastonbury Romance-I loved the book but was getting a little burnt out in the second half so I rushed through it. I want to reread it taking it slower while reading it in conjunction with other books so I don’t feel forced and can savor it better. Apparently Thomas Hardy is a huge inspiration for Powys but I could never bring myself to read him. I love the English setting but I have the impression that Hardy is very bleak. Maybe I should put my preconceived notions aside and just give him a chance. I also have John Cowper Powys’ brother TF’s book, Unclay, coming in a couple days which I’m looking forward to

I recently got into Baudelaire recently and absolutely loved Paris Spleen. You should check it out. It’s short so if you don’t like it you don’t waste too much time and effort

It’s good to keep seeing you around

>> No.22001167


>> No.22001437

>my shelf causes you distress
Lmao what a poof.

>> No.22001444
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I had to move the sofa to clean two of my bookshelves, so I'll take the chance to post parts that I don't usually show.

>> No.22001447
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>> No.22001449
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>> No.22001455

based af

>> No.22001596

>coloreds at the bottom, separate from whites

>> No.22001599

Honestly, I want to make fun of you, but this is kind of based.

>> No.22001608
File: 216 KB, 616x625, 1671806449441520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon is a life-threatening-bookshelf-mover
the risk is the reward, you coward

>> No.22001623

I'll check out the books you mentioned, thanku.
Need to start reading Baudelaire and Maldoror, and well more poetry apart from the Romantics in general.
I am from India, if you can believe that heh.

And the feeling's mutual.

>> No.22001732

I don't know if it's more depressing that you guys read all these books or that you take pictures of them

>> No.22002019

the white is bland & midnight library is contemporary trash that I wish I didn't have the misfortune of reading.

>> No.22002024

where do you find everyman's library books? In Canada & I can't find them anywhere unless I use amazon and pay $50+ each.

>> No.22002031

is your name Phil.

>> No.22002049

not the best thread but where the fuck should I start if I want to learn about history? I don't know a lot of it & I didn't study it in school, Canadian education system teaches about native americans and the like here but I don't give a shit about that. I want to read about wars, the Battle of Puebla for example interests me, not sure where to start. I've read mythology already & "started with the greeks" a bit but I'm looking more towards world wars & historical figures. I've read storm of steel by Junger but that's not exactly a history book.

>> No.22002261


>> No.22002328

OP here, I agree 1000% on Midnight Library, unredeemable hot trash, I had to read it because my gf bough it for me. Why do women have such bad taste on books, bros?

>> No.22002560

>I've read storm of steel by Junger but that's not exactly a history book
It is a history book. It's called a "primary source", dip shit.
>I'm looking more towards world wars & historical figures
So find a war and look it up. You should find various books and other sources on the matter.

>> No.22002635

Typing in whatever War book into Google usually gives you shitty results & pozzed texts about bullshit, and it’s not a great way to find out books. I’d think asking a board dedicated to literature would be a good place.
You’re a faggot btw.

>> No.22002666
File: 43 KB, 421x700, 9782070449408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish they were all white (or off-white like Gallimard's NRF) but they often have an ugly picture like picrel.

>> No.22003136
File: 3.55 MB, 4032x3024, E6EA2C9D-B587-49FF-913B-A05FC44B19E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1/Until I get bored.

>> No.22003148
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>> No.22003155
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>> No.22003160
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>> No.22003171
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Très basé. C'est une bénédiction d'avoir une librairie dana sa ville qui vend des Folios.

>> No.22003239

Extremely based selection of books.

>> No.22003268
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Thanks anon.

>> No.22003314

Looks hideous. You should be embarrassed

>> No.22003579
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>> No.22003722

You're a cum guzzling faggot for assuming i meant "google".
Nearly all history you want to read about is pozzed by merit of it being whatever modern interpretation we want to have of it. History is genuinely just projection and assumptions.
More importantly, I gave you the tools and you can't figure it out. Look into Arthur Kemp. His books are a goldmine of information on history, war, and the struggle of european peoples.
Read first hand account books. Junger is solid, you just were filtered. Read diaries and shit. I told you how this works. If you want an example, find books about "Battle of Puebla", then try to find multiple perspectives. The french perspective might be more true to form. Does it exist? Not sure, not my problem. Good luck and kys.

>> No.22004220

These would be great hardcovers,and affordable. You yet have time to develop a real Library.
The same applies here.
These two are decent shelves of quality books, cobbled together from disparate publishers.

>> No.22004232

it took you 3 posts to recommend an author you like. thats literally all I was asking for, rec history books & I asked this board.
Thanks for the rec, I'll check him out. And I enjoyed storm of steel, I just wanted something different from that.
You're still a cum slurper tho.

>> No.22004243

>people who put plastic crap and knick-knacks on their shelves
why are you like this

>> No.22004378
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Let’s see your hardcover collection anon

>> No.22004419

>having a shelf

>> No.22004479
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>> No.22004492

The French spiritual color is white, like the flag of surrender.

>> No.22004509
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I have fewer folio society books than real books on laid paper from nonesuch, kelmscott and the like. This tiny fontanelle from the early 18th century sits aside a nonesuch edition.

>> No.22004510
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That same joke again.

>> No.22004517
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These nonesuch books have watermarks and some are even letterpressed. Do your folio society "prosumer" editions boast similar features?

>> No.22004525
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>> No.22004527
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>> No.22004531
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Better look at bottom of second. Come at me, I literally do no give a fuck.

>> No.22004535

>hardcover dawkins
you're worse

>> No.22004537
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I also have a handful of these Hogarth press books. The letterpress is tactile on the pages.

>> No.22004559
File: 2.01 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20221206_095727619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know so little about hardcover books. It puzzles me why these Easton press garbage books go for so much.

>> No.22004578
File: 826 KB, 4160x3120, IMG_20230508_015432_BURST002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my book shelf lotta great stuff

>> No.22004748

No lol but I wanted the books closer in frame.

>> No.22004755

>Kefir not in the fridge

>> No.22005110

i like your bookshelf anon. hope your avocado growing goes well too

>> No.22005123

i love your bookshelf (or lack thereof) and your jihadist living conditions

>> No.22005136

>the reading kefir

>> No.22005274

Two posts and you're welcome. I didn't realize I'd have to hand feed you. cheers

>> No.22005289

Your testosterone and cortisol levels are about to plummet. Good to see you back.

>> No.22005598

I've been on the lookout for that Lattimore Odyssey to match the Iliad one I have

>> No.22005639

unequivocally based

>> No.22005647


>> No.22005652

It's not only just PoC or GTFO, but both at the same book!

>> No.22005661

A lot of Folio covers are kino. Better than Penguin at the very least.

>> No.22005740
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>> No.22005743
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>> No.22005994

How are the semiotics books?

>> No.22006070
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For avocados, you should just plant them straight like this half buried straight into dirt. That way there is no need to transplant or worry about damaging the root.

I've had 100% success rate growing it like that too. Just put a clear plastic bag over it after watering with a bit of a gap to allow some airflow and it will germinate after a few weeks

>> No.22006582
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>> No.22006615
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>> No.22006715

I'm surprised you have so much Murakami. I have enjoyed what I have read from him but it is samey after only a few novels, let alone that many.

>> No.22006722

In fact I am retarded

>> No.22006796
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>> No.22006825
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>> No.22007761
File: 1.60 MB, 2430x1168, lattimore-homer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey I have one too. Not same edition though, I like his one better

>> No.22007806

These are the cheapest paperbacks available. It's basically a shelf full of Penguin classics or Oxford classics. The other variety is Gallimard NRFs, which have been white for gods know how long. Folio paperbacks are by far the best-selling books in France, so lots of their shelves look like this.
The publishing industry in France is extremely concentrated in a few houses and the general manufactury quality of their books is abysmal - with the exception of La Pléiade label and a few artisanal publishers.
It's white because it's cheap and it's cheap because there's barely any competition

>> No.22007810

Parabéns, anon.
What are you reading right now?

>> No.22007908

If your books aren’t at risk of killing you you're doing it wrong.

>> No.22007918

Le Petit Prince

>> No.22008449

Obrigado. I am reading right now volume 2 from Frederick Copleston's History of Philosophy, Perdido Stretch Station, Confessions, História Eclesiástica (Eusébio) and the Screwtape Letters.

>> No.22008455


>> No.22008480
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Here is a glimpse of the most interesting of the new shelves.

>> No.22008496
File: 1.42 MB, 3024x4032, semi recent shelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sort of hard to read but I'm not at home now and so I had to use an old picture. But my collection is split between a lot of places and so this is missing a lot of important books too, but they are the ones that I brought to school

>> No.22008506

A lot of great stuff here anon

>> No.22008822

How many years will this take before you can pick the fruit?

>> No.22008876

But you do have LoL and Common Lisp, so you get a pass

>> No.22008909

Lol my grandma planted 2 in the backyard straight into the ground. We honestly didn't get fruit until like 10+ years later.

I think it you buy a grafted tree from a store you can get them within 5 years.

>> No.22009401

Apart from Nozick and Adler, that is quite the collection of toxic poetry you've got there.

>> No.22009440

Where do you get all those book sheaths?

>> No.22009450

They are called slipcases. Some publishers like Library of America(for books without a dust cover, or a multi book set), Folio Society, and Everyman’s Library (multi book set) employ them

>> No.22009452
File: 173 KB, 358x593, hemn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any good?
i was looking into one of those, furniture market around me is total shit and price isnt too bad for ikea shit considering its actual solid wood

>> No.22009647

I buy rolls of poly designed for dustjacket covers. Google Brodart.

>> No.22009649

Did check what posts you were linking. The other dude had it right, slipcases.

>> No.22009759

Its pretty good and solid as you said its made of solid wood and you feel the difference ^^, I bought it toghete with tv stand because the old one (always from ikea) bended under the weight of the tv

>> No.22009833

based Goggins reader

>> No.22009943

Wheres the math

>> No.22010050

Are you Asian or eastern euro. Has to be either that or southern american

>> No.22010054

He's either Brazilian or Portuguese because many of those books are in Portuguese.

>> No.22010056

I am Brazilian, nigger.

>> No.22010106

Steel gave it away, plus the walls. Can always tell when someone is from these regions

>> No.22010418

Unless you really like the look of the Hemnes, I don't think there's really a reason to get it over Billy- It's almost three times more expensive.

>> No.22010524

poorfag detected

>> No.22010741

Non-poorfags wouldn’t be shopping at IKEA to begin with.

>> No.22010899
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idk just something about particleboard and the veneer makes me hesitant. im not a vain person (and shouldnt be given how little i make) but it just looks junky or like it might sag in comparison
i dont have a problem spending more money but the stuff i see at furniture stores where i live is both pricey and not at all to my taste (and still full of fucking filler materials like particleboard and PU/bonded leather) and the used market in my area looks like this
>5 dollars, ikea bookcase from 300 years ago, falling apart listed in "good condition"
>2.5k, midcentury bookcase that holds 3 books
maybe ill buy both

>> No.22011009
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>> No.22011019
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An extra stack that has been next to my computer for a bit.

>> No.22011119

for what it's worth, I've had my billy cases for years and years (This is me >>21994456 ) and they've been fine. The "birch" veneer looks better than the white painted one. If you're concerned about longevity and want something that's not full of filler, you need to go to either an actual furniture store (Not a chain store/big box/discount/freight store, etc.) that sells actual furniture brands like King Hickory, Flexsteel, Hooker-Furniture, etc. These will be exceptionally expensive, but they will outlive you.
Here's an example: https://www.hookerfurniture.com/brookhaven-open-bookcase/281-10-545-5/iteminformation.aspx

If you want something specific made from real wood, consider commissioning a cabinetmaker or woodworker to make you one. Contrary to popular beliefs there are plenty of woodworkers still around.

Anything you get from big box is going to be particle garbage. Ikea is ikea, it's mostly garbage, but the difference is they have higher quality control. the back of the Hemnes cabinet is still going to be printed cardboard you nail on, etc.

Furniture really comes in 2 ish varieties. you have mass-produced garbage designed to last 10 years and be thrown away, and you have furniture in the traditional sense that will last forever. The only 3rd option is custom made.
The funny part is, buying expensive furniture once is often cheaper overall than replacing the furniture every decade for your whole life. Lower/working class often can't afford it, so they buy the 300 dollar sofa instead of the 1200 dollar one, and every 5-6 years the shitty s-coil springs are shot and they need to get a new one.

tl;dr stop buying shit

>> No.22011171

I can second this. My room has 7 cheap-ass bookshelves from Target for a total of $245 before tax. I got them when I was an undergrad. Nearly all of them have a bend here and there, some cracking, etc. The idea here is to pretty much make my own shelves, but if I don't have them built within 4 years, I'm just going to buy some of those good ones like you mentioned and not worry about it anymore. I'm grateful that I'm not poor, just frugal.
A quick side note, I have a few of those mesh garage shelves that can hold about 900 pounds. I've been thinking about just getting putting my books on those as a temporary solution. It will look like shit, but I can't imagine they'd be breaking anytime soon. Are you aware of there being negatives to this?

>> No.22011192

>Are you aware of there being negatives to this?
The metal wire shelves will dig into the bottoms of the books and dent the covers a tiny bit, this might not be a big deal but especially hardcover books will have marks. Depending on the way the wire shelves are made the books might slip between them if they're small, but you can just put a piece of masonite board or lauan on it to fix that. Of course like you said this will look like shit.

>> No.22011262

Read Hitlers War by David Irving, you will get an more objective view our the great uncle Adolf

>> No.22011378
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>buy expensive once
yeah im familiar with the 'boots' theory, but when you're actually in the situation what can you do?
With those furniture brands you mentioned, how would you even be aware of those brands or their quality without the means to purchase from them? google only ever pointed me towards those terrible chains and no-name woodworkers with no presence to speak of online.
All that aside, I looked up those brands you listed and found a dealer on the other side of my city so ill make the drive up there one of these weekends and see what good furniture is like because everything in my area is targeted towards that "working class" you mentioned, so thanks for that info. Plan on asking them lots of questions.

>> No.22011442

don't be afraid to ask questions. They will probably sell stuff from "on floor" but you can always order to them through the factory and possibly get to chose options/finish/styles. How it usually works is that "fine furniture" makers don't want to deal with individuals, so they sell through dealers just like car dealerships- they have relationships through furniture stores and handle sales through them. They also don't want to deal with chains/big box, they aren't in that market and the product takes too much time to make to keep those places stocked. most furniture stores that aren't selling particle/pine garbage are independently owned.

Searching "Fine furniture" on google usually yields better results. There are at least 4 furniture stores that are independent in my podunk town, so I'm sure you can find some.

>> No.22011560

If you arent a poorfag that dosnt mean you are rich , I expected more reading comprehension from /lit/ ...

>> No.22011707

>I expected more reading comprehension from /lit/ ...
I know better than to expect such things, but I am still disappointed by the inability to distinguish anything or comprehend what is being said. I can write it off as bots, but that's just dishonest. Most people just do not know how to read, including here.

>> No.22011863

I knew a guy with a bookshelf like this. Turns out he was a homosexual sodomite who helped Jews launder money through overpriced modern art. He even tried convincing me that gay sex was trad and Evola-pilled.

>> No.22012024

It's not really unexpected for a subversive nounce to pretend to be something they believe is dangerous to their ideas. Look at what the marxists did to the IRB/IRA/etc. These are ethno-nationalist groups. Maybe people aren't familiar with the position that a generic marxist has on ethnicity, nationalism, and ethno-nationalism... but I doubt it. But if they were familiar and could rub two braincells together for a moment, they'd realize that the entire Irish Republican movement is antithetical to the marxist position.
The same goes for a likely self-proclaimed militant Traditionalist who thinks homosexual activities and assisting materialists advancing their goals, Jewish or otherwise, is an acceptable behavior for a Traditionalist.
Unless he simply was reading to learn about the worldview. But let's be honest, I'm one of the few people I know of here who actively does this, to the point that the majority of people here cannot fathom that it's possible to own books and not be the thing you've read and make up ideas about me. So, I'll just say: I doubt it's anything other than him being subversive.

>> No.22013210

Something tells me you might be a communist. Just can't put my finger on it.

>> No.22013276
File: 143 KB, 562x1000, books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like having fun

>> No.22013444

Obvious bait

>> No.22013975

Putain mais tu lis que de la fiction ? L'horreur.

>> No.22014173
File: 955 KB, 4032x3024, ECE8CEC1-DCD5-4906-B0D9-04D3DE45910E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bit of a bloody mess I know

>> No.22014284

Got any suggestions for spaniard/portuguese books on the reconquista?

>> No.22014587

Not the guy with the bronze bust of Lenin?

>> No.22014904

How do you sort them?

>> No.22014944

Left hand side is fiction, progressing to classics, literary criticism (I did a literature degree so have a fair bit), poetry, philosophy and theology, then the right hand shelf shifts from theology onto politics, art, and miscellaneous stuff

>> No.22016541

I like how the Kafka books look like, but I think that the cover of metamorphosis does not match its content. (I hate that story. regret reading it and even regret ever hearing about it. it is disgusting)

>> No.22016557

You ruined it with color on the bottom.

>> No.22016562

mine is all black. I dislike that there are not many options to adjust the height of the shelves, but it is solid wood, you can just measure and drill a new hole.

>> No.22016810

Did you like the RSC Shakespeare? I was thinking of getting the Norton one.

>> No.22017371
File: 2.76 MB, 1790x4029, IMG_0173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My books

>> No.22018002

Yeah it does the job. I used it for the second year of my degree without any issue and only bought individual plays in my final year because the complete works were unwieldy

>> No.22019291

>my area looks like this
>>5 dollars, ikea bookcase from 300 years ago, falling apart listed in "good condition"
>>2.5k, midcentury bookcase that holds 3 books

or the "cheap" options: https://www.bol.com/nl/nl/l/boekenkasten/14081/?suggestFragment=boekenkast&suggestionType=CATEGORY

>> No.22019406

Do you jerk off in front of Proust?

>> No.22019433
File: 3.50 MB, 4032x3024, 6534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a bigger shelf. I have quite a few more but I have to keep on my ugly back up shelf. Also this pic is old

>> No.22019474

You knew BAP irl?