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/lit/ - Literature

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21985164 No.21985164 [Reply] [Original]

drama aside, has anyone actually read this? I picked it up and enjoyed it. What are your favourite stories? The worst?

>> No.21985166
File: 1.15 MB, 4032x3024, 74AF6E8C-FEC7-452C-9F6E-A2B2978A52A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ship story, ogden's one and traffic stop are all high calibre kino classic

>> No.21985172

you should read some of the reviews on amazon, they're hilarious

>> No.21985178


>> No.21985180

The ship story is the best

>> No.21986044

when's Ryan/&amp releasing the video review?

>> No.21986065

I don’t read schlock written by retards for retards, let alone retards spending money to get a MFA at the university of florida kek

>> No.21986162

It's kino. Shame your press is getting a bad rep because the quality is there. I'd expect this place at the very least to respect the only mag I can find that isn't pozzed black transgender queer working class slop, because this is it.

>> No.21986166


>> No.21986176

>ai gen cover
That's gonna be a no from me, dawg

>> No.21986184

Have you considered reading actual books so you would not think dogshit is actually good, unless you’re simply retarded and will never know what constitutes good writing.

>> No.21986204

good morning miss blackcastle
I think he's prioritizing it and trying to get his own issue out in June. Besides the stories /lit/ tells, I really like to hear the /lit/ authors talk to each other about writing, no matter who it is. Always comfy.

>> No.21986208

Unreal Press is known mostly for their strong association and praise of F. Gardner, so consequently anything they write will be presumed to be of similar dogshit quality

>> No.21986216

>respect the only mag I can find that isn't pozzed black transgender queer working class slop
Bro you need to touch grass.

>> No.21986221

quit seething spandex boy

>> No.21986225

Have you made your tuition payment to UofF’s MFA program, bud? At the end of the day, you will still be a shit writer — just even more pathetic than you are now.

>> No.21986230

what did he mean by this

>> No.21986236

The most intelligent unreal reader

>> No.21986237

Who are you talking to? Is this some bizarre eceleb lore I'm not aware of or does this guy just really hate the U of florida

>> No.21986243

Mariana is actually pretty good. The descriptions of the elaborate meals that the officers were eating in the beginning sort of messed with my immersion though, because they weren’t period-accurate at all and were described using language that seemed very modern and reminded me of contemporary food critics. If you’re writing something that’s meant to be the diary of someone living in the 19th century, you really need to have a good grasp of the stylistic conventions and tone that people used in that period. I’d give it a 7/10. The premise of Traffic Stop was fine, but the writing in the first part of the story was noticeably clumsy and awkward. If I remember right, it got somewhat better as it went on. I’d give it a 4/10. Ogden’s story was reasonably well-written but the character’s psychological deterioration was unconvincing. In general, he included a lot of unnecessary details that cluttered the story and contributed little to my impression. I’d give it a 6/10.

>> No.21986256

>muh period accuracy
nah but I actually agree. I feel like I missed the point of Traffic stop but i liked it. Have to read Vestigal or whatever its called heard good things

>> No.21986260

>missing the point of a story written by a downie
Hoky kek unrealtards are hilarious

>> No.21986271
File: 2.90 MB, 4032x3024, 73954D94-B8B3-45BE-84E2-036A85351839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unreal needs to just make another volume already. Clearly this vol caught on. The stories are good. At the least effort was put into them and the authors have potential. Except the author of KGB agents. Unreal right now gives the vobe of guy who peaked in highschool slobbering over his football trophy. Need to make more stuff and the stories will undoubtedly improve.

>> No.21986273


>> No.21986283

Twin Candles was my least favourite of the stories in the collection. It was boring and overlong with no payoff in the end to justify any of it. It wasn’t scary in the slightest. It was full of irrelevant details, and the characters were cringe-inducing and pointless. On a stylistic level, the writing was flawed and amateur. He seemed to be trying for some sort of symbolism or foreshadowing with the twin candles motif, but he did nothing with it. I’d give it a 2/10. It’s a shame that MacNaughton is the guy running Unreal Press these days, because he’s neither a charismatic host nor a competent writer.

>> No.21986300

Actually, KGB agents was another strong contender for my least favourite of the stories. I can’t even remember the specifics of what I disliked about it, but my general impression was that it was boring and cringeworthy. Another 2/10.

>> No.21986301

I'm sure he has potential. Twin Candles is the same tier as some pennsylvania lit mag. The fact is most writers included in the unreal anths are already better writers that ninety percent of surface land female literary journal writers

>> No.21986307

seethe about it. What have you ever written?

>> No.21986312

chill dude. Take the criticism on board for future writing

>> No.21986335

truly a post ahead of its time
i decided to enroll at UoF due to this

>> No.21986353

We're planning a call for submissions later this summer for Tales 2. There are a few other projects that need to get done first.

>> No.21986371

Stop dismissing everyone who critiques your work as a hater. I’m not trying to be pointlessly nasty; I’m being honest about my impression of the story. There was nothing about it that I found compelling or that gave me the impression that you have the necessary talent to ever produce anything of value. In order to be a truly good writer, you have to posess a natural gift for language, a discerning eye for relevant detail, and an intuitive grasp of certain aspects of the human condition. Then you have to develop those gifts by writing consistently. If you lack the necessary qualities of a good writer, all of the writing practice in the world will never elevate your work beyond the level of mediocrity. Having written a large volume of content is nothing to brag about when none of what you’ve produced is any good. By asking me what I’ve ever written you’re just deflecting. I do write, but that doesn’t matter, because I don’t have to be a writer myself in order to judge the quality of someone else’s writing. There are many competent book critics who don’t personally write fiction.

>> No.21986387


>>21986371 also applies to MacNaughton. He has the potential to improve as a writer on a technical level, but he clearly lacks an innate grasp of what makes a story compelling, and so his work is empty and soulless.

>> No.21986401

>Twin Candles was my least favourite of the stories in the collection.
This. I got stumped on Candles. Something about the opening not really hooking me. I mean, it might be an okay story, but I didn't stick around to finish it. Too slow I guess.

>> No.21986402

Hard to say conclusively until I see more of his writing.

>> No.21986479

Learn2Write, fag

>> No.21986512

UF has a pretty well respected Chemistry department. Very good program but wasnt my Alma mater, thankfully because the weather there sucks.

>> No.21986561

this. people need to stop hugboxing and acting like everyone who likes to write has the potential to someday be good at it.

>> No.21986950

hi krake

>> No.21987229 [DELETED] 

I agree except for the meals sounding like modern food critic talk part. To me it reminded me more of decadent Roman balls like how they would stitch the heads of birds to boar bodies, or 19th century cookbooks.

>> No.21987598

The writers who most ardently push the idea that writing cannot be taught
1. Were often taught(see Hemingway)
2. Weren’t that fine a writer
I’ll say this as someone who wasted much of my life on this board, reading your writing, publishing some of it, editing some of it: mere competence is aspirational for the vast vast majority of you. And don’t take that lightly. The technical skill that comes from specific instruction would elevate even the most helpless writers. I’ve seen so many shit writers lift themselves with good practice, and talented writers stagnate for years.

Pretty much all of my favourite authors were breastfed by one or two senior writers. This obsession with whether good writing is as dependent on talent as dunking a basketball or is as much a reducible craft as woodworking is so far beside the point. It is discussed by non writers and mediocrities, or rather good writers who forget their origin and overestimate their innate ability.

I think whoever you are are too hard on Miles. He’s certainly talented and receptive to feedback. He desires to improve. I don’t know how talented you are, but taking you as the average person I’ve dealt with you don’t have the stripes to suggest that he ought to give up.

Krake’s bullheaded but there’s a way for him.

>> No.21987612

I will submit my work to you guys if you promise not to dox me. Even then I will give you a fake name just to be sure

>> No.21987643

>The technical skill that comes from specific instruction would elevate even the most helpless writers. I’ve seen so many shit writers lift themselves with good practice
How do I try to improve in this way outside of taking a writing class or working with a.more experienced, better writer? I write a lot and always have (same with reading) but I don't think I've ever really progressed. I think I'm an almost decent writer at best which kind of sucks, but I think it's the truth and I accept it. What troubles me is that I don't think Im any better now than I was 10 years ago.

>> No.21987684

This is tricky. It’s where 4chan has the most potential and is therefore at its most frustrating. /wg/, respectfully, is dominated by low level amateurs which makes it very hard to improve as a regular. They aren’t any good, which isn’t a fault really, but they also aren’t well read or studied. So you don’t improve in a competitive and talented environment nor do the untalented critics know how to give you any worthwhile guidance.

That’s where the “hugbox” critique really applies, most people in that general should be told to stop sharing their writing for a year while they practice and study in silence, otherwise you chase off anyone further along in their journey for the same reason r/writing does.

So how do you consistently access better writers? On the internet? Well, I’ve seen about two worthwhile discords pop up, or you can go back to school(not feasible unless you’re in a stage of your life where living off of a GTA salary for 2-3 years to not have obvious job prospects sounds fun to you), or you can do the craft book grind. That’s what I’d reccomend to everyone who isn’t accustomed to studying the art. You say you read a lot, but do you read specifically? Do you read books in the realm of the books you write? Do you study them, take notes, specifically try to imitate your superiors? If not,( and this is why I’d say the talent discourse is worthless, it puts you in a mindset that isn’t conducive to proper study in the arts as any other artist would, or in the mindset to study any other kind of craft), then you should read craft books. Skip the obvious pulpy shit written by people who’ve created nothing good(you’d figure if their advice were worth something it’d show in their work).

I like Gardner, most people do, Francine Prose, LeGuin’s Steering the Craft. Those are the highly recommended craft books. I’d look at interviews with famous editors, Hemingway was guided by powerhouse editors(I forget the names sorry) who know the craft as well as an author and are probably better at articulating what good lit is.

>> No.21987704

99% of anything is going to be shit. I would advise you to read what you admire and then seek interviews with those authors. Get into their headspace. How much time did they spend envisioning their world? What is the philosophy behind their work and what did they have to sacrifice to create it? Ultimately you can imitate the greats but only you can enlighten yourself.

>> No.21987728

I never said that writing cannot be taught. I myself have had writing teachers who have helped me improve my work significantly. Of course writing can be taught, but only to an extent. Someone can only benefit from writing instruction if they already possess the qualities of a good writer to some degree. Raw talent has to be nurtured and developed in order to bear fruit, but when reading an amateur writer’s work you can usually tell reasonably quickly whether there’s potential there at all. A writer with talent can have flaws and weak spots, even serious ones, but there will always be some quality to their work that is distinctive and noteworthy. For example, perhaps they’re not the most technically skilled and their work contains errors at the sentence level, yet they have a knack for using descriptive language. Or perhaps they have a tendency to be long-winded and repetitive, but they also have an intuitive ability to give their narrator a distinct voice. If they have potential, there will be some quality to their work that makes it interesting.

I never professed to be a masterful writer myself or said that MacNaughton ought to completely give up. I just gave my honest opinion, which is that there’s nothing about his work that I find compelling and I don’t see him as a competent writer. If you disagree then fine—you’re entitled to your own opinion just as I’m entitled to mine.

On the topic of Krake, talentless and bullheaded is a particularly bad combination. Luckily for him, genreschlock readers aren’t known to be picky. He can continue churning out his formulaic work at a steady pace and perhaps he’ll develop some kind of an audience.

>> No.21987842

>I like Gardner, most people do,
Unironically fucking kill yourself frank

>> No.21987849

He’s talking about John Gardner, you absolute pseud.

>> No.21987865

>he's never read John Gardner
lurk more

>> No.21987867

Hi Frank

>> No.21987883

Americans see BBC and don’t think about the world famous broadcasting etc etc

>> No.21987895

>mentions BBC out of nowhere
Frank your mouth is watering

>> No.21987985

You assumed he was referring to F. Gardner but he was actually talking about John Gardner (which should be obvious in context) You should have just ignored the post instead of commenting because you were wrong and now you look stupid.

>> No.21988292


>> No.21988335

>Unreal doxcast
No thank you. I'd like to keep my anonymity.

>> No.21988339

Who did they doxx and why? Still have seen no legit evidence of it.

>> No.21988354

Stick around this thread. You'll probably see them posting the best of &amp editor's face around here again. It always happens in these threads lately.

>> No.21988356

Sounds like you’re him. You got what you deserved after the stunt you pulled.

>> No.21988359

Did you get bored of talking to yourself in the other thread?

>> No.21988367

>unrealcucks accusing their critics of samefagging


>> No.21988378

don’t test us bitch
the shit with your mom was us going easy on you
want us to start posting pics of your sister?

>> No.21988427

pathetic manchild

>> No.21988459

We’ll give you one last chance to
back the fuck off. If you don’t then we’re gonna go nuclear on your ass.

>> No.21988492

Ok now both of you kiss

>> No.21988525

I’m not gay.

>> No.21988582

>narsty cheap red and a crappy candle
>with some low-wit scarcely-/sffg/ "short story collection"
maximal pleb

>> No.21988599

i'm not even the person who you think i am. what's really pathetic is that you're so paranoid that you think everyone who hates you is this one guy, i don't even know who he is. you're going to lash out your critics by copy pasting some poor smuck's dox over and over again. i'd say it's funny if it weren't so sad. the dox is the only leverage you have over anyone. without that your publication is worthless

>> No.21988648

I like it, it's 21st century pulp kitsch

>> No.21988652

Are there any other good /lit/ books?

>> No.21988685

Despite the hate and mockery he sometimes gets Woolston's books are genuine kino.

>> No.21988694
File: 3.45 MB, 2000x1000, 2E079A86-37C2-4BA8-B7A5-FF08F3C8B8B1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woolswine is a talentless shill.

>> No.21988716

woolston is fine. i enjoyed the short story about going into the outback and digging up a machine gun (?) buried in the ground

>> No.21988728

I’m going to explore your mom outback and bury my machine gun deep deep in her ground

>> No.21988789

That was good but I liked the stories about the drug addicts in recovery better

>> No.21988796

I’m going to get your mom so addicted to my cock that she’ll never recover

>> No.21989114

no one here has ever published under a real name. Except like one guy maybe. No, despite what you may have heard unreal doesn't require a dossier of personal details for submission lol.

>> No.21989117

>I like Gardner
Almost had a stroke holy shit. Would you mind sharing what those "worthwhile discords" are by any chance?

>> No.21989153

you can download a free pdf of Tales of the Unreal here btw. Plenty of stories worth reading in here.


>> No.21989652

Fuck off discord tranny

>> No.21989808

have sex

>> No.21989823

Literally nothing worth reading. It’s impressively worse than all the schlock in my high school creative writing class

>> No.21989837

t. didn't read

>> No.21989849

Not worth reading dogshit from losers who have to pay money to attend a MFA. I read enough shit from my 12th graders that the excerpts that have beeb posted since this released is all I needed to see to know that only retards wrote and edited it, and that only retards read and enjoy it

>> No.21989866

kek seething

>> No.21989886

>HS teacher
>opinions matter in the slightest
Fucking pick one you worthless piece of shit. When someone needs tips on how to be a permanent fuck up and get bullied by 16 year olds we’ll let you know.

>> No.21989904

>writes for unreal self-publish press

>> No.21989920

This is an anonymous image board you stupid fuck, you don’t have to write for unreal to post in this thread. Go back to your cuck shed and never forget: you will NEVER be a tenured anything

>> No.21989935

>I am not an unreal fag
Oy vey keep kvetching, Solomon. I will stick to my preparatory school in NE while you pay for a MFA program.

>> No.21989950

Christ man, take your fucking meds. I get why you think I’m with unreal but what the fuck is this MFA shit? You’ve been thinking about molestibg your students for too long, your brain is rotted even beyond that of your average teacher, which is really saying something

>> No.21989952

>a MFA
'an' you seething freak. Funny the samefag screaming about doxes does nothing but post pictures of lit authors and insult their looks and family while rehashing the same 3 month old edrama. Methinks the lady doth protest too much

>> No.21989960

> Methinks the lady doth protest too much
Holy reddit. Maybe you should go back since you writing reeks to plebbitry

>> No.21989968

Jesus Christ, it’s a (mis)quote from Hamlet, you utter pseud.

>> No.21989977

Anon has already admitted he only reads samples of his reatrded students’ writing. He’s just here to stir shit because he’s a failure in his real life

>> No.21989990

No shit, retard. But it’s major sign that you’re a reddit faggot since that’s their go to “quip” when they’re seething. Next are you going to tell me that this is a wendys? Right up your alley

>> No.21989994

A wendys? anon, what the fuck is going on in your head? are you feeling ok?

>> No.21989998

swamp brain post

>> No.21990005


>> No.21990010

So can we finally put the “doxxing” issue to rest since it’s clearly just some assmad redditor?

>> No.21990011

nigga please leave this thread

>> No.21990015


>> No.21990019


>> No.21990026

>unreal discord troons coming to defend their schlock en masse

>> No.21990028

the fact that you think that’s a reddit thing says more about you than you realize lol

>> No.21990038

>redditor public school teacher trying to start drama on 4chan
sorry your life is a sad joke m8, honestly.

>> No.21990043

whoops, didn’t mean to respond to this post here>>21990038
sorry guy

>> No.21990055

Truly groundbreaking stuff here, anon. Unreal is in tears and /lit is in good hands

>> No.21990058

so uh, now that that's finished, anyone have any thoughtful commentary on the stories in Tales of the Unreal?

>> No.21990063

Sirs, this is a Wendy’s. Please control yourselves

>> No.21990066
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>> No.21990067

Haven’t read it yet but I unironically like ads for Twin Candles

>> No.21990347

So what was the deal with broccoli in Silver Pastures? I get that he was dying/stroking out but it seemed symbolic

Also Nuclear Man is underrated/not enough people read it

>> No.21990403 [DELETED] 
File: 559 KB, 828x824, 8EAE9588-D5C1-4A3F-91EA-54070CBCD9D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. RhymeAndGrind/K.C., needs to get his feral discordtrannies under control before I post his name and face all over this fucking board. If Unreal Press doesn’t issue a public apology to me that’s cosigned by all of the former hosts then I’ll fucking do it. You have 24 hours.

>> No.21990424
File: 199 KB, 1310x758, C9755899-A60C-4914-8C87-6C8C71BFCE62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21990439


>> No.21990443

If he wants to tell his tranny horde to post my face then I’ll post his. And his mom’s. I bet this place would have a field day with her.

>> No.21990445


>> No.21990448

The most reddit thing in this thread, and that's saying something.

>> No.21990450
File: 30 KB, 600x556, 63C3CEBD-EC4B-439F-BB7B-A881AC92BDA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If he wants to tell his tranny horde to post my face then I’ll post his. And his mom’s. I bet this place would have a field day with her.

>> No.21990454
File: 35 KB, 601x508, CC1F4073-B817-497D-AD8C-DF1DF4A42325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The most reddit thing in this thread, and that's saying something.

>> No.21990456

I’m not fucking around here. These assclowns think they can post my full name and face and larp as me for their retarded doxxing games? They wanna dish it out? Then they better be prepared to take it right back.

>> No.21990467

Nice file names.

>> No.21990476

lol you’re literally this >>21990424

>> No.21990500


>> No.21990529

Fuck off back to your home, discord tranny.

>> No.21990533

kek. Good catch. It really is just one unreallie talking to himself.

>> No.21990563

>multiple people using the default filenames is impossible, it must be the same person!

You people are so stupid.

>> No.21990579

>every single image happens to use a default file name from one specific make of phone in a thread with 33 unique IPs
Yeah, total coincidence. Keep astroturfing Unreallie.

>> No.21990595

Let's be real 33 unique ips means there's not a lot of us unreal haters here either.

>> No.21990600

The only retards who come into simp for mediocre unreal downies are
Since they need to defend their goyslop writing

>> No.21990608

Seethe more, Professor Reddit

>> No.21990615

i joined the discord and it's completely dead

>> No.21990631


>> No.21990653
File: 65 KB, 540x595, contemplative_yoel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>12 total goodreads ratings
Am I the first human to post ITT?

>> No.21990654
File: 146 KB, 632x852, IMG_6311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woohooo I said it again

>> No.21990666

It's even worse when you realize that every single one of those ratings come from one of the contributors to the anthology. What little interest there is in Unreal is completely fake.

>> No.21990685

It's some sort of shill thread right? The first reply is a guy who has a physical copy and he posts a picture of it, haha. I see some rage meme with the cover of the book pasted in and it states you can download it for free. It's probably one of thr contributors trying to get some sort of engagement for it. 12 total goodreads ratings is absurd.

>> No.21990698

>it’s up to 12
Proud of you. Good to see this thing keeping momentum three months post launch, unreal needs another project out tho. This is the first thing from /lit/ since the quarterly to make any sort of bite. Would be simple enough to build off of this into a smedium indie publisher with an attractive catalogue of releases.

>> No.21990701

Professor Reddit is spiraling, unable to cope.
I’m worried about xher, you guys…

>> No.21990709

The weird thing is Unreal doesn't even really exist anymore. They had some weird discord tranny drama where their pet black doxed two contributors to the mag and posted their family photos around these threads. One of the hosts left and the others went into hiding. I don't even know who's left to to make these pathetic shill attempts.

>> No.21990713
File: 614 KB, 705x627, lmao_even.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was this image that killed the weekly top ten poster

>> No.21990719

Hi Frank
So can we assume then that YOU’RE the “doxxer”?

>> No.21990727

As far as I can tell they went completely private. Instead of being a community/podcast they’re just doing the books.

The guy doxxed wasn’t a contributor just a random dude Rhymeandgrind got into an internet fight with. The podcast guys got into too much drama and I’m pretty sure all of them have left. The press side is continuing as normal from what Zulu and Miles said. I left when they scrapped the discord and turned it into some random thing.

It’s for the best, their podcast was mostly shit and their discord was good for shitposting and watching e drama but otherwise useless. I’ll buy Tales 2 if it looks good and the stories are better.

>> No.21990735
File: 13 KB, 300x300, B516A5D4-9C00-41D8-B9C4-E8B95AA26A85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why, yes I start threads about the Unreal Press
>why? Because it makes redditors seethe, of course

>> No.21990742

>The guy doxxed wasn’t a contributor just a random dude
Nah, he did contribute. He wrote one of the stories they reviewed on their podcast and also did a voice over for Zulu's story.

>> No.21990745

Honestly this. It's the first issue of its sort and a way for aspiring writers to be productive. 12 is pretty decent and there's room for growth. Who do you think read Borge's early lit mags? Harping on this is the kind of thing a crab grasping at straws would do. Feels good he's seething

>> No.21990751

>It's the first issue of its sort and a way for aspiring writers to be productive

>> No.21990752

Everything is pozzed in 2023.

>> No.21990756

(No one tell him how many ratings tradpubbed journals get)

>> No.21990758

Wasn’t a contributor to any of the magazines. I’m as much of a contributor as he was because I made a thumbnail(that they did not use). The podcast was a shit show with no real staff or structure. He was a drama whore as was two of the other hosts and they ended up murder suiciding each other. Unreal is better off without the podcast at all. Just be a magazine/publisher.

>> No.21990780

>Unreal is better off without the podcast at all. Just be a magazine/publisher.
I agree that the podcast was shit but is the mag really worth keeping around? It's almost entirely unedited and no one even reads it. Seems like a waste of time for everyone involved.

>> No.21990783

I liked the podcast, the interviews were great.

>> No.21990790

So you just don’t like reading/writing?
Seriously, why are you even here?

>> No.21990791

How do you know this, anon?

>> No.21990795

Why are 90% of the people here? Trolling and crabbing, that's it. Look at the threads in the catalog. Total shit.

>> No.21990807

They frequently posted the magazine sales for all of their releases(this is mostly really embarrassing, the third anthology sold 8 between 8-10 copies lol), and Tales was selling really well (relatively) so yeah I think it’s the only thing they do that’s worth pursuing. One of the editors was talking about publishing novels and a non fic anthology. Those are a waste of time, Unreal doesn’t have the base or the resources or the pedigree. The magazine is a good asset though and they need to keep doing that.
Unreal is mostly idea guys alternating manic episodes. The podcast is reflective of that. The 8 episodes I listened to were of seriously varied qualities and it’s really clear when the hosts were excited about the show versus less than half assing it. And an indie literature YouTube channel based around podcasts? What’s the ceiling on that? 1000 subscribers? Let them make books. We might get something worthwhile out of this miserable board.

>> No.21990814

You're a fucking moron. A Podcast can actually give momentum to the writers and people on the show. Writing does jack shit for someone's reputation because this place is, by design, a sinkhole for dissent.

Alternative thinkers are hustled to places like this where their ideas and speech will never be heard outside of crabs and fucking losers.

>> No.21990816

>I made a thumbnail


>> No.21990819

The interviews were some of the worst content they did. Dead air, no structure, bad audio and worst of all, completely uninterested hosts. Genuinely unlistenable.

I love reading and I love writing. I don't, however, have even the slightest desire to read a bunch of unedited stories from amateurs who don't know the basics of grammar, let alone storytelling. Maybe if there was a real editor pulling them by the nose I'd care enough to give it a second look but these guys are not real editors.

Wasn't it like 25 copies of Tales sold? That's hardly enough to break out of the embarrassing tier.

>> No.21990820

>Alternative thinkers are hustled to places like this where their ideas and speech will never be heard outside of crabs and fucking losers.

Well put

>> No.21990831

I’d like to read your work. I bet it sucks.

>> No.21990834


>> No.21990837

Whats your problem dude? Are you one of the hosts or are you the schizo itt screaming at no one about crabs?
A publisher is a much better platform to launch writers than a podcast that has a ceiling of 500 listeners with half of them waiting for an interview. My only concern is whether or not they can manage a serious magazine and then build that into a proper publisher. The tales pdf is nicely designed and the cover is eye catching, but the stories themselves are mostly filler. You can say the same of something like Clarkesworld but the filler there is reaching so much higher than the filler here. The filler here genuinely just needs to stay on a hard drive. But, as a first effort from a fledgling publisher it’s good enough to be exciting.

I won’t get my hopes up though. Since the Quarterly killed itself every project here is either a forgettable one off or is never able to grow beyond their initial size. /ffa/, &amp, all of these fit that bill.

>> No.21990842

>I love reading but only specific thing a which have been approved for my consumption
This isn’t a love of reading this is just being pretentious and boring.

>> No.21990847

The podcast was great. We need more content about authors and what they're working on and why they work on what they work on.

>> No.21990848
File: 351 KB, 592x607, WATCH_YOURSELF_NEGROID.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think you can just report my post and this’ll all disappear? Think again, KC.

>> No.21990854

I didn’t save the image but the first two weeks were at least 25, which was good enough to almost reach Mike Ma in the top ten according to the anon who makes the list. The top ten list tells me that basically nothing from this board sells anything, even Call of the Crocodile is mostly in the 800k-1million range, so consistently sticking at that 100-200k range is good comparatively. At least it was, I’m not sure where it ranks these days.

>> No.21990856

You are a guaranteed fucking loser.
>hosts weren't totally polished, hurrr durr le terrible!
Hosts were getting better every show, I found the Gardner episode to be the most enjoyable. Wish we had more spaces and places for authors to talk and connect on podcasts.

Instead, we have /lit/ full of shithead crabs and nobody writes or does jack shit. I haven't seen one discussion on Chicken World yet and don't know anything about the characters or plot.

This forum fucking blows.

>> No.21990865

This is correct, everyone here is an outcast and NOBODY CARES about writing or writers.

If you want attention, get into rap music or something you can add a beat to and talk about pussy, guns, drugs, and luxury goods. Books have little to no appeal to young people, especially men, and writing itself is seen as extremely uncool.

Hell, becoming a tranny and then streaming on Twitch will get you more money and more attention than writing 10 books and showing them off on /lit/.

>> No.21990874

Currently at 270k.
Im one of the people involved with the publishing side and I can say that the sales are good enough to be really encouraging and also discouraging, because it puts into perspective the sheer volume of books you have to sell to even pay one month’s rent as an author.

>> No.21990881

>Hosts were getting better every show, I found the Gardner episode to be the most enjoyable.
The Gardner episode was their very first episode and one of their first interviews. What you're actually saying is that it was all downhill from the very beginning.

This is pure fucking cope. I don't have to like unedited slop written by people who don't know how to use a comma. No amount of name calling is going to change that.

>> No.21990885

Goes to show you that the establishment puts all of their ducks in a row in entertainment so that dissenters simply cannot survive.

The establishment has completely won.

>> No.21990887

I bet your writing is really good!

>> No.21990889

>unreal slop

>> No.21990892

>their pet black

is >>21990848 him? KEK

>> No.21990894

>Wasn't it like 25 copies of Tales sold?
Had broken 50 sales months ago, not sure how many now.

I enjoy them too. It takes some effort to hop on and talk rather than just text chat in isolation. The Woolston and John (fedbook guy) episodes were my favorite. &amp editor episode is a slice of /lit/ history and the personalities involved

>> No.21990896

The dichotomy you presume which puts all unedited work on the bad side and edited work on the good side shows you’re just interested in status and approval, not interesting material to read.
If you want me to call you a name you can keep seething, then let’s go with “poser”

>> No.21990897

Who the fuck is KC?

>> No.21990899

The best episodes are the Gardner and the &amp one, which are the first and last episodes. I listened to a bunch of the other ones while programming and found it enjoyable. They have been getting better and I hope they continue.

I bet a Jason Bryan episode would be interesting, although we're already at the end of culture so nothing I would say would really make any sense to people. All of the slippery slopes have already been slid and we're now at the lowest point of culture and society the west has ever been in.

>> No.21990902

Why is this one person so invested in shitting on Tales. I’ve responded to you twice but you just seem rather adamant. Literally no one that I’ve seen has portrayed this mag as anything other than a decent looking book that contains 2 good/really good stories and 1-2 tolerable stories then 8 stories that don’t belong on printed page. Seriously, that’s the content of every review I’ve seen on /lit/ and on Amazon. Mostly people are excited because they expect it to improve. If it does, I’ll buy it. I’m sure the actual Weird Tales had a stronger start but they also had HP Lovecraft so it’s hard to follow.

>> No.21990904

>le my book is edited
Some fat blue haired chick glanced through the novel and changed a few sentences and paragraphs, voila, the book is so much better now!

>> No.21990908

K***** C****** is the leader of the Unreal gay ops against me.
He also goes by RhymeAndGrind

>> No.21990909

Anyone who writes from /lit/ is relentlessly attacked.

>> No.21990914

>against me
I like when you unwittingly admit that it’s just you with this rabid hate boner for the unreal bros.

>> No.21990916

It’s TRANderson attention whoring, ignore him

>> No.21990920

Go look at L.A's story right now. On the very first page there is a sentence with 7 commas separating 9 words. Every single comma is misused. That is inexcusable in a printed work that supposedly had an editor. These guys either do not care enough to edit their work or they are too stupid to catch something that obvious.
Either way, Not reading your slop.

>> No.21990926

Another discord drama thread from these folx

>> No.21990929

that's not his initials or name kek. Try again.

>> No.21990931

And how would you know, faggot?

>> No.21990932

>not reading you slop but I will go through and make an analysis of the comma overusage just to make my point on an anonymous website
Remember what I said about you being pretentious and boring? This is literally what I’m talking about

>> No.21990933

I’m in a discord server with Faggot Gardner and he said he considered funding Unreal but changed his mind. These guys were almost funded by the insane richfag that’s been shitting up /wg/ for the past few years. Hi Frank. I know you’re reading this. You’re mad I posted this I bet. How many copies of your latest braindroppings have you sold?

>> No.21990935

Least transparent tranny bluff

>> No.21990945

There has to be one decent writer from the shithole known as /wg/

>> No.21990946

Copy and paste it, bitch ass.

>> No.21990949

Frank is a nice fucking guy. Fuck off with besmirching the good name of Gardner.

>> No.21990953

I swear I watched these people shut down the discord a month ago. No idea why this is still happening. Somebody with an axe to grind and somebody else with an IQ low enough to entertain him. Then again, there are 40 posters itt so maybe it’s one guy

>> No.21990954
File: 492 KB, 512x512, 2319C45A-1770-4F84-84DE-32EEE9347A3B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea that’s not him, this is

>> No.21990961

Ari has a vendetta against us for exposing his gay ops and making fun of his second grade word project.

>> No.21990963

You're just making excuses. This is an obvious flaw that damages readability and points to the over all slapjob nature of the entire product. Not that the AI artwork cover didn't reveal that already.

That's not even the point. A good editor can elevate a bad writer. This was a nightmare combination of terrible writers and nonexistent editors.

>> No.21990973

>judges book by its cover
Ah, yes. The calling card of the retard. Very nice

>> No.21990975

You must be an editor.

>> No.21990982

>nonexistent editors.
That makes sense. This isn't a publishing company.

>> No.21990987

Get fucked loser. Have you read "The Glass Hotel" by Emily Saint Shitstain? That fucking book was praised by so many people including Barack Obama, and out of curiosity I bought it... fucking boring as fuck and the writing wasn't anything particularly good. Could not finish it as it was boring as fuck.

>> No.21990988

It’s a self-publishing shitshow

>> No.21990994

That is why traditional publishing always wins

>> No.21991001

If the retards implemented any sort of quality control besides fellating each other that their work was “brilliant” then they have had an iota of credibility.

>> No.21991002

>it's okay that they didn't put a speck of effort into the book because this other globohomo book is bad
Is this all you have for this latest cope?

>> No.21991008

This gives me hope. Mainstream publishing is such a woke shitshow that nobody really believes in. It's completely sterile and people are getting bored with the millionth novel about muh black oppression and muh strong women, something from the outside might have a chance to catch people's attention.

>> No.21991017

If Unreal Press wants to market itself as an avant-garde indie publishing outfit, then they need to achieve a quirky, cool, and consistent visual aesthetic. Otherwise they have no home of establishing themselves as a brand and gaining legitimacy. The cover of their first anthology is obviously AI-generated garbage with some shitty font slapped on top, which screams “amateur self-published work.” It’s a sign that the contents of the book will be similarly low-effort and sloppy.

>> No.21991032

>>21991017 was meant as a response to you.

>> No.21991041

Man, my hairline was so fucked in this one.
No idea who you are or why you’re trying to doxx me. I’ve posted twice in this thread way before this current whirlwind of drama, mostly content to just read, but apparently someone is really invested in revealing my identity. Find God.

I didn’t post this initially because I figure these threads are just Unreal members and one to two guys with a vendetta, but to any unaffiliateds who may be lurking : The Ari drama was stirred by me, exacerbated by me, and I was directly responsible for the worsening of that situation. I did not request or post his face on the board, and nobody ever posted his mother or contacted his work, but I was in a position to stop that entire thing, the alts, the doxxing, should have stopped it, and did not, and at times actively encouraged very bad behavior. Due to this, and due to putting a very promising project in serious jeopardy, I was removed as editor and host by those who currently manage Unreal, and I fully deserved this. I am no longer in anyway affiliated with the magazine. Zulu and Miles run a tight ship and this project has a lot of potential, it would be wise for any young writers to keep an eye out for progress there.

Whoever is threatening to doxx me: Find Jesus. Spend your time better. Not my business really.

>> No.21991044

I wouldn’t have given a shit even if you knew how to reply correctly. You’re not my type of person, you’re too arrogant and naive, I don’t really give a fuck about your opinion.

>> No.21991045

The Shitkickers is a great book.

/lit/ doesn't read, so the only thing you will ever hear about the book is the opening line that filters out 90% of the midwits here. None of the concepts or predictions for the future are going to be discussed as nobody here actually reads.

Books will never be cool as long as you can simply turn on YouTube and watch stuff like:


I'm sure The Shitkickers could get popular as it is a light read and has some dark humour in it, also many of the themes would stick with young people experiencing the "diversity" of the city for their first time.
The establishment has gone to great lengths to make sure no dissenting voices are heard in the media. When was the last time someone with an "alternative" voice actually blew up? Name one dissenting Canadian artist other than Jason Bryan?

They do not exist. If they do, they're either homeless or drug-addicted and not writing and not producing art. Anyone who is aware of the Canadian cultural landscape should be able to tell you that this place, even more than America, is a conformist, dystopian shithole where it is truly every man for himself. The population of boomers here only cares about their real estate going up, and the younger generations cannot afford to adventure or gain any life experience. They are so mind-fucked and financially imprisoned that this country has rolled over and become this bloated, festering corpse where the construction density is only out-flanked by the doubling of the homeless camps year after year after year.

>> No.21991046

Tales is an explicit Weird Tales homage and it works perfectly as one. A few people have moshed about the ai gen, I leave them to their opinions, otherwise the cover and design has received high praise and I’m proud of the work Guy did and the project as a whole. Hopefully the guys hit a home run with the follow up.

>> No.21991047

This board is designed to entrap writers and never allow anyone or anything to flourish. It is a pit full of crabs.

>> No.21991052

The cover is fucking great. Don't listen to these faggots who have never written or designed anything at all.

>> No.21991054

They will never be avant-garde since what their write will never be transgressive — just pure genreslop without any experimentalism

>> No.21991056

Can you just give a QRD on the Ari drama so everyone knows what the fuck happened and the conjecture can stop? Who was behind “the alts” you mention?What did the guy do to incur your wrath in the first place? If he’s really some kind of evil mastermind who sends people death threats then I want to steer clear of &amp from now on.

>> No.21991063

This is what confuses me most. Everyone is attempting to hype this shit up as some counter culture mag that's gonna lift us all up, yet all it does is host unedited genre fiction that no one even reads.

>> No.21991065

>drama on discord
>nobody can just apologize and move on
>nothing originating from /lit/ can rise from the pool of shit because we're surrounded by crabs and nobody can be the bigger man and say they're sorry

>> No.21991068

Who reads? Who???

>> No.21991074

The earlier anthologies (the ones absolutely no one bothers to read or talk about) were more literary focused. There's some great work in them but >>21991068

>> No.21991084

Rhyme literally just admitted his part in it and apologized. Shut the fuck up Jason. You’re a barely-literate nobody and none of this has anything to do with you. Your work isn’t ignored because it’s too transgressive for people here, it’s ignored because it’s worthless shit that you shill in the most retarded way possible. You’re a fucking sex offender pornographer who bragged about assaulting teenage girls in South America. You’re a deranged sack of human garbage, and I hope that you lose custody of your daughter. Being subjected to your despicable presence will screw her up beyond repair, and I genuinely worry for her safety considering your predatory tendencies. You should be in prison or in a mental hospital.

>> No.21991086

No QRD. No extension of the drama. I won’t deny anything anyone says other than the mom and workplace stuff. They’ve also never doxxed contributors lol, how do you think people submit to us until Tales all of our contributors were in house since we can’t pay anything, and tales was conducted mostly over discord with a few anonymous emails. That sort of pure evil taint doesn’t need to be anywhere near these guys’ work.

It’s ridiculous to bog down a promising project in e drama. I fucked up majorly, didn’t behave responsibly, participated in bad behavior and encouraged malpractice. Anyone who extends the drama beyond this point has no desire than to see a really exciting project die on the vine. People like that would be shot in a better time.
Krake is gone, LA is gone, I was removed. The entire podcast side is dead and dusted. That channel is now a /lit/ museum, I’ll be buying whatver these guys put out just like I’ve always bought /lit/ stuff.

>> No.21991095

That's hilarious for you to accuse me of all sorts of things that are untrue, just goes to show how toxic and fucked this board is because it is full of anonymous dipshits who'd get knocked the fuck out if they opened their mouth in person.

You call my work "worthless shit" when you've never made it beyond a paragraph. You cannot even describe the plot of The Shitkickers because you are nothing but a worthless crab who:
>doesn't write
>doesn't read
>doesn't live life
>doesn't offer anything new
>doesn't do anything but crab and bitch
Bro, people like you are why this place is so shit.

If you killed yourself, the board would get better. Hope you stay alive long enough to see my 3rd book come out this year. :)

>> No.21991103

If you don’t explain what happened then the conjecture will likely continue. I don’t know what the best of &amp editor did, but his name gets smeared in every &amp and Unreal thread and all sorts of wild accusations are being thrown around. Just explain who did what so that no one will be unfairly blamed for Unreal’s gay ops and then there’ll be no reason for trolls to extend the drama any further.

>> No.21991109

Now that Rhyme has apologized to the other party and an olive branch has been extended let's close the book on this thread. Thank you, gentlemen.

>> No.21991113

the Ari shit is unironically too schizo to even unravel for the people involved. he might literally be an egregore or something. dude is tapped.

>> No.21991114

The drama is intended because there is a real group of people on here that do their best to sabotage anyone who writes. This place is a containment zone designed to keep dissenters down.

>> No.21991116

Jason is truly the alien squid monster from Watchmen. The only entity that can bring both feuding sides together in their hate for him.

>> No.21991118

Let the conjecture continue. If people wish to theorycraft I cannot stop them. Let Unreal continue unhampered by the machinations of drama whores. The real work is already being done . This mess out here is just a bunch of guys on the outside slinging mud. All I can do as one of those guys on the outside is admit my fault and part in it, and say with completely transparency that the current guys over unreal, who I assume to be Guy, Zulu, and Miles, had nothing to do with it, and the podcast and server have died a deserving death.

But desu, I have no control over the podcast anymore so they may continue even that.

>> No.21991127

If the first paragraph of your work is such trash that no one is interested in finishing it, that’s your own fault for being a horrible writer. No one owes it to you to read your work; you have to make them WANT to read it. Typical of a rapist like you to default to trying to shove something down people’s throats. It’s hilarious that you resort to threatening violence, encouraging suicide, claiming people hate you for being a straight white guy (despite 90% of this board being the same) and accusing anons of not reading or writing (despite having zero knowledge of their personal lives and achievements) whenever anyone calls you out on your shit, because you have no way of actually refuting the criticism you recieve. You’re a seething megalomaniacal narcissist, and you should be permabanned from this board. You’re not even a slightly amusing lolcow like some of the other shills, you’re just a malignant cancerous growth that kills everything you touch.

>> No.21991128

Buckley was right.

>> No.21991131

Sounds like crab talk to me.

Write something, bitch? Oh wait, you can't, you have no creativity and you have no life experience to draw from. Keep hating those who do!

>> No.21991135

So there's no one even left at Unreal? Just Miles and the guy do did the (AI) cover art? What did Zulu even do for Unreal outside of that one story?
Who's doing the editing and the typesetting and all the actual work that goes into getting this to paper? Seems like it's already over.

>> No.21991139


>> No.21991140

it's not over. i just talked to someone who said they're taking submissions. i'm going to submit to them and wait for this whole thing to blow over

>> No.21991143

Everyone was right. I should’ve been removed in November, and my behavior did serious damage. The one person who trolls these threads won’t stop but I’m not worried about him, just the anons who take these 250 posts written by 45 unique ips at face value. Tales is great for /lit/ authors and the publication in general can do a lot of good for those talented people left behind by current publishing.

I am glad the podcast existed because all of the /lit/erally whos are forever preserved in audio format with a few exceptions.

>> No.21991147

The podcast needs to be revived.

>> No.21991151

>”write something, bitch! you’re just a crab!”

You’re literally proving my point by throwing out completely baseless accusations about my personal life instead of trying to refute anything that I said. I’m not just an indiscriminate hater: I’m happy to support self-published authors from /lit/ and encourage their success, as long as their work seems interesting and they don’t go overboard with the shilling. Your deranged ranting in your incessant attention-seeking posts is sufficient proof that you have no worthwhile insights and no writing talent. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.21991154

>I am glad the podcast existed
wonkabros... greenbookbros...
it's over.

>> No.21991155

Okay but are they just waiting for someone who actually knows what do to come along and do everything for them? Miles doesn't know how to get a book to print. Does Guy know how? Zulu just seems to be running the new discord. I don't know what relation he has to Unreal.
It just seems like it's gonna be stuck in limbo until they get Krake or L.A or whoever actually did the heavy lifting to come back and save them.

>> No.21991158

Guy did the typesetting, the interior artwork Which is the coolest part of Tales, and the cover design which was also very cool as he handmade the Weird Tales imitation font. The AI gen cover which I am still shocked went over as well as it did, was the only art stuff I had any hand in. My role was really putting together a rough draft of Tales, the cover design and typesetting, then Guy came and re did all of my shit a million times better. Miles has done spot editing for the magazine a ton of contributing in other projects, and Zulu has made ads, interior artwork, and multiple contributions.

You’re in good hands

>> No.21991160

wtf happened in November?

>> No.21991162

He doxed a contributor to Unreal and went after his family.

>> No.21991171

Right about what?

>> No.21991184

seriously? that’s fucked

>> No.21991185

>heavy lifting
lol, self pubbing on amazon is piss easy.

>> No.21991199

Hitting print is piss easy but running a mag is a commitment. For evidence look at the graveyard of upstart mags from this board. Guy has complete competence though.

>> No.21991202

November was 5 months ago. Why did it take this long for anyone in Unreal to care about you doxing this guy? It seems like you're just the fall guy now that /lit/ is catching onto what you did.

>> No.21991210

If it is so easy then post your book, simpleton.

>> No.21991214

Still so much more talented than you.

>> No.21991215


>> No.21991216

Mags only fail here because retards refuse to help or do the heavy lifting that takes starting a mag. Then when anyone proposes starting one, retards are just contrarian. Even if I don’t like a majority of what &amp and Unreal publish, at least they overcame the crybabby mentality that plagues every potential mag thread. I wish more of this shit happened in 2015 before this board became infested with illiterate /pol/tards who get filtered by JD Salinger of all writers.

>> No.21991226


>> No.21991236

Writing is just not cool, pretty much at all. Writing was cooler 10+ years ago, for sure, but in 2023?

There is so little about writing that is cool. It just doesn't have any attraction to young people to read because nothing about reading is social or exciting or flashy. It all exists in a personal space, two people can read the same book and take away two totally different meanings from the book, where as if you watch a movie, you're entertained and most people have the same thimble-deep experience watching a Marvel movie. It's like a rollercoaster, whee!

Mags fail here because writing is just not cool and there is so little incentive to connect people's minds through writing. There is just so much more entertaining and engaging things out there in the world than sitting on your ass and writing shit that nobody will read.

>> No.21991245

People had a problem with it in november. In fact, two of the guys i mentioned said it was a bad idea. Two things prevented this from "coming to light": the fact that the "dox" was just finding his school because he said someone was stalking him and threatening to hurt him, therefore nobody was in harm's way, and 2, I was in charge of everything so why would I fire myself?
However, there was a snowballing in march and while I am positive that nobody ever went after his family (I was in semi frequent contact with him until recently, and he never accused anyone of doing this), this entire business reflected horribly on unreal. I was removed, but the other people involved stepping away is just God working, they weren't forced out or anything.
/lit/ "caught on" over a month ago. If they were gonna offer up a meaningless fall guy they'd have done it. Instead a dude who did a lot of "heavy lifting" was removed with everyone still involved agreeing with that removal because of how much damage my bad behavior caused.
It's good that I wasn't removed in November because Tales wasn't out yet and the other other head editor hadn't released anything yet so the entire project would've died. Now these guys are well equipped to take this to another level. Without the constant noise and distractions.

>> No.21991248

I wish Unreal and &amp the best of luck. Hope the podcast comes back!

>> No.21991263

What I’ve taken from these threads is that you guys doxxed him in March and posted his face because you found out he was a schizo who had faked the whole stalker thing, and then he got pissed and started trolling the Unreal threads and sending you all death threats? If that’s true then the dude is batshit.

>> No.21991273

Honestly, I don't think he's crazy. I understand why I and others thought he was insane, but apprently he did have a stalker, and she was harassing him in the server. I talked to her for an hour. Her actually existing was the breaking point for everyone else, because not only did I orchestrate a smear campaign that resulted in his doxxing, but his stalker was a real person, meaning i further victimized this dude. I was told that I should leave the podcast server a couple of hours later, and by the next day we were all talking and they agreed that I was doing more harm than good and should step away from Unreal.

>> No.21991276

>If that’s true then the dude is batshit.
That's a very light reaction by 4chan standards, especially if the whole fucking with his family thing is true. If they did that to me I'd go nuclear.

>> No.21991289

You're the same person mentioning this family business, I imagine. This never transpired. The person in question had an entire list of grievances with my behavior, but contacting his family was explicitly never mentioned. It never happened. I believe someone was spreading misinformation, which would have been solved had I just came out and admitted my role immediately. The only harm done in this situation was to the reputation of Unreal by myself, and to the person in question who had to deal with being harassed by an internet schizo in addition to a jilted ex lover who was stalking him IRL and via discord.

>> No.21991290

Wtf? Is this true? Who was the stalker then, and how did she get involved? So he’s been smearing Unreal because he’s mad that you all called him a liar?

>> No.21991303

>You're the same person mentioning this family business, I imagine.
I'm just trying to follow this story, and that's an element of this story that has been propagated over and over and over again. If the guy who is fucking with you is the guy who you doxed then that guy is now saying that you messed with him IRL. That seems like an accusation to me.

>> No.21991319

I have no idea who the stalker is. After we spoke to her we decided to dissolve the podcast and server the same night. I don't think he's been smearing us, just some third party with a personal vendetta. This person has no reason to blame anyone but myself and other people who are not even affiliated with unreal(random discord users).
It isn't. I think it's someone tangentially related who dislikes Unreal. Again, I communicated with him rather frequently, and we informed him that we "doxx'd" him all the way back in February. Recently he told me that someone posted his face to the board and how much that upset him. He's been very communicative. You can imagine how much drama this has brought about and why they shut down the discord and removed those involved. There's serious work to be done, it's better to let petty distractions die.
If someone insists on stirring up this meaningless drama, anyone can simply refer to my posts. Those who continue in spite of that will be immediately recognized as bad faith actors who wish to see every /lit/ writer deprived of any opportunity to succeed.

>> No.21991344

>those who continue in spite of that will be immediately recognized as bad faith actors who wish to see every /lit/ writer deprived of any opportunity to succeed.
This is like 50% of this board.

>> No.21991348

>Those who continue in spite of that will be immediately recognized as bad faith actors who wish to see every /lit/ writer deprived of any opportunity to succeed.
That seems like an incredible copout. People have every right to associate your actions with the rest of Unreal. No one knows their involvement in this and your sudden confession appears engineered to draw blame away from those that are still around. It all seems very disingenuous with the timeline presented.
There's also the issue of the second guy that you've have been accused of doxing. You've been weirdly silent on that one.

>> No.21991361

If you want to stir drama up that's your business. It's interesting how you waited 20 posts to pivot to this mystery second guy I've never even heard of. You clearly just want this drama to continue. That's fine, i mean it's an anon imageboard. What else is there to do. But on my side, I'm done, through, out, ask anyone and thye'll tell you the sum of my involvement in Unreal right now. But you can, in future threads, attempt to make that association. And it's up to the people in those threads to deal with you. I don't know what your endgame is, maybe it's just to make sure nothing ever grows here. I won't psychoanalyze you. I've said my piece, my next communication with Unreal or anything related to it will be purely transactional. Hopefully by June if they've got something cooking.
I recognize this. But while i was running that magazine i saw a a ton of people in the most cynical place on the internet genuinely hopeful about something. It's a shame to step on that but some people serve no other purpose.

>> No.21991367

I believe in Unreal and &amp still, just need to move beyond this utter bullshit. Thank you for all of your work to put /lit/ on the map.

>> No.21991379

What in the absolute fuck are you on about?
>pivot to this mystery second guy I've never even heard of.
I've seen two threads out of god knows how many of your discord tranny cope sessions that have been plaguing this board and even I know that you guys have been accused of doxing two people. The second one even included his workplace if I'm remembering right.
The instant I bring him up you get super defensive? What's that about? If you're here to confess then confess.

>> No.21991395

This is a ridiculous amount of drama for such a minor entity. Could you guys pause on the shill threads until you have another submission window? The drama is embarrassing but ultimately meaningless, the volume of what I assume are self made shill threads is bordering on Gardneresque. Wouldn’t love to be associated with that. I do have a shitty poem and a less shitty Short Story to submit.

>> No.21991400

>If someone insists on stirring up this meaningless drama, anyone can simply refer to my posts. Those who continue in spite of that will be immediately recognized as bad faith actors who wish to see every /lit/ writer deprived of any opportunity to succeed.
That is complete shit. You just admitted to doxing a guy for literally no reason.

>> No.21991404

stop saying lies about me I never threatened to hurt him I would never ever hurt him or anyone else I NEVER stalked him irl we literally crossed paths ONE time irl coincidentally as i was leaving class and then he got super angry and nasty and went out of his way to hurt my feelings as much as possible and basically accused me of stalking him and made some vaguely threatening comment about how he wouldn’t take kindly to seeing me again and I was so fucking hurt and scared like I was just trying to go to class I had every right to be there and when I saw him I didn’t know what to do I didn’t even try to talk to him or anything I just turned and left right away and i was so upset that I even asked my professor to relocate our class to a different building afterwards because I was scared of what he would do to me if he saw me again you all act like I’m some kind of evil person and he’s an innocent victim he literally led me on for months and would spend hours talking to me becayse he was bored and liked the attention and then brutally rejected me because I wasn’t hot enough even though he knew what I looked like from the beginning and chose to initiate things with me anyway and then he said he never wanted to speak to me again and I cried andwhen I reached out to him later and said that I missed him and felt sad he went out of his way to be as cruel as possible in his response like he wanted to inflict maximum emotional pain like why did he do that I never wanted to do any of the discord shit i felt so bad about it but I felt like I had to do it becayse he was stonewalling me and i was so upset and i couldn’t get. Calm and I didn’t know why and we could have resolved things before any of it if he would’ve just treated me like a human being and talked to me instead of what he did like the things that he said about me in the discord were fucking awful like I’m stupid and he would fuck with my head and hide in the bushes and laugh at me crying and you were all making fun of me and saying I’m a tranny and that I deserve to be raped and then after i got out of the hospital I just wanted to talk to him so I could get closure and he agreed and said I could email him my thoughts but then decided to stop responding and heliterally called thecops to come to my apartment and terrorize and threateh me because he couldn’t be bothered to even try to talk to me himself and then he came back in March and did the charizzorb shit to trick me imto reading even more mean shit that he said and stop me from getting better andnow he’s posting my face in the &amp threads because he’s mad that I said he couldn’t use my work after he called me a smelly fuck and said I didn’t meet his high standards like everyone hates me and thinks I’m the bad one he literally lead me on for fun and knew I was upset and crying about it and said he found that amusing like it’s not my fault that you all decided to doxx him i would never do that

>> No.21991414
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>> No.21991417

Why is every black on 4chan so fucking unhinged.

>> No.21991421

God damn, if the stalker just put the same amount of effort into his submissions as he does into 4chan posts he might have actually gotten his shit accepted

>> No.21991422

Holy fuck. You sound mentally unwell and should get help. But he sounds like a jackass desu, so you’re probably better off if that’s any consolation.

>> No.21991426

This thread and drama is more entertaining than the stories in the book

>> No.21991434

This whole situation is fucking insane. I mean, it's not because it's all basically typical high school/young adult dumb drama but at the same time it is insane because it's all been generated and is being presented on/from an anonymous image board and an offshoot of it plus discord. Like, who the fuck are these people and why is this shit even happening? I come here for literature discussion and get an episode of Real Housewifes of the Internet or some shit. It's been sort of entertaining to read at times but still what the fuck? Y'all trippin, as one of my diverse urban friends would say.

>> No.21991443

Shoulda never tried to start a publishing house with some cool guys i met on a 4chan discord. Worst decision of my life.

This chick didn't sound this insane over VC. They deserve each other and im glad Unreal is insulated from this situation now.

>> No.21991449

Note to everyone reading this: the Unreal Podcast server was infested with shit like this for months

>> No.21991452

Can we all just apologize to each other and get the focus back to improving /lit/ with more content and helping /lit/ authors?

I'm sorry people were mean to you, and I think a lot of anons that lurk these threads are sympathetic to you and how you were treated. 2023 is not a friendly time to be alive, and while it can be difficult, we have to try and be the bigger people and reach out an apologize, even though it is more fun to dunk on someone or point out their troubles and mistakes to others.

If you're on /lit/ in the first place, chances are, you've gone through some hardships or you may not trust the average normie as much as you used to. I know that before COVID, I was very extroverted and I was gaining a good group of friends again, and I started to really make a life for myself. Hell, my co-workers threw a surprise birthday party for me, I never had that before and it was nice. During COVID, with all of the division, anger, and fear, my life took a shit and I got wasted all the time and lashed out. Really, the only person we hurt when we do that is ourselves, and while it might be annoying to others, it can really fuck up larger groups of people because workplaces, communities can get toxic as fuck due to that anger. I've seen it happen, I've also been a part of it.

Maybe I should print out posts by all of you people involved in the Unreal drama, fashion a boat out of some cardboard and tape I have lying around here, and take it to the nearby lake and give it a flaming viking funeral so you fuckers can get over this trauma that has stressed out so many people and damaged the projects of Unreal and &amp. Everyone should acknowledge that nobody's hands are clean, but agree to bury the hatchet to be able to move on.

How about a nice bottle of whiskey? Would that soothe some of the tensions? If all the above fails, maybe you should all just get wasted and have a good ol' slobberknocker to knock some sense back into ya'll.

>> No.21991454

It is meant to make sure nobody from here ever breaks out of this place.

>> No.21991455

kek. I think you hit an exposed nerve with that one. He's not actually going to address the second guy he doxxed.

>> No.21991470

yeah it was bad. This is what randoms don't realize

>> No.21991474


>> No.21991478
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>> No.21991484

I never submitted anything and if I did it would’ve been accepted I’m a competent writer and editor I used to edit my university’s lit zine I’m not a he stop calling me a stalker I’m not the one who has been trolling this thread and posting stupid shit like I wouldn’t do that all of my posts were critiques of people’s work

I’m not insane okay you spoke to me you know I can be rational I just can’t get calm right now like I was fine before all of this happened I trusted him and he led me on for fun and used me to get a confidence boost like what did I do to deserve any of that like I’m trying okay I’m sorry I’m trying but it’s not helping I’m sorry like I just wanted it to stop hurting and everyone feels bad for him and thinks I’m the bad one but I’m not a bad person i never did anything like this before I was never crazy before this happened but now I’ve lost everything and I’m so sad all the time and everyone hates me and feels bad for him and he just gets to drop the whole thing like it’s nothing even though I still have to think about the nasty things he said about me every day and I can’t forget and he doesn’t even see me as a human being and he won’t even try to talk to me because he can’t be bothered like no one understands that I never wanted to hurt him or do anything bad I just wanted to fix things and stop feeling upset he was the one who dragged Unreal into it by bringing it up on discord in the first place because he said he’d have a laugh talking about it I’m not evil okay i never posted his face or pretended to be him or anything like that even though he posted mine last week because he was mad like i just wanted to help with &amp and it just spiralled I never wanted it to be like this

>> No.21991493

Bitch is out here writing a Cormac McCarthy novel.

>> No.21991494

>I’m not a he
>I can be rational
sweaty, i...

>> No.21991507

This reads almost exactly like the Molly chapter in Ulysses I am losing my fucking shit here, had was Joyce so spot on?

>> No.21991517

I did apologize to him so many times I’ve tried okay I confessed everything that I did to Unreal over vc because i wanted to make things right and clear his name so it could all be over even though one of them was calling me a stupid bitch and a whore and then he said he had no intention of ever talking to me and that no one else should contact me either abd I called him and left a voicemail and I was literally crying and saying please just talk to me but he didn’t care and then he called the cops to go to my parents house and talk to them and now my parents think I’m going to try to kill myself again and are all upset that I won’t tell them what’s going on like he’s probably going to call them again now because he’s mad and they’re going to take me to jail because he hates me and I can’t get calm like why did he do that

>> No.21991523
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>and now my parents think I’m going to try to kill myself again

>> No.21991536

AnderSEN, you will regret this if you continue

>> No.21991537 [SPOILER] 
File: 945 KB, 3880x4902, 0AA77C22-8F7A-47CC-B69F-DD69A4618055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS is the man who posted Ari's photos

>> No.21991544

Peak womanbrain: deciding it makes sense to try and off yourself because some chanfag weirdo doesn’t want to fuck you

>> No.21991545

Okay so new lore breakdown for this thread.
>Rhyme comes back
>admits he doxed a guy for literally no reason
>attempted to cover it up for 5 months
>no one could fire him because he was the boss
>turns out best-of guy did literally nothing wrong and was doxed for no reason
>forced out
>L.A, who was all for the doxing of best-of anon, was not forced out. Left on his own
>Krake did not agree with doxing. Left on his own
>only 3 guys remain. Seem to be okay with continuing the press side
>podcast is perma dead. No chance of recovery
>refuses to acknowledge doxing the second guy. Very defensive over even being questioned on it.
>best-of stalker joins the thread and is as unhinged as you'd expect
>accuses best-of anon of essentially swatting her with a welfare check
Anything I missed?

>> No.21991546

Unrealmamas…how will we ever recover?

>> No.21991551

>Anything I missed?
the part where Jesus wept.

>> No.21991555

He didn't admit to doxxing anyone, people can just scroll up and read yknow you lazy nigger get a fucking life

>> No.21991557

when's the next season

>> No.21991558

what are you even talking about I don’t know who posted the photos but it wasn’t me and I’m not a man and I’m not old okay I didn’t post them and that’s not me who even is that why did you post that why do you keep trolling like this just stop

>> No.21991562

I hope they do because he absolutely did admit to it.

>> No.21991564

I’m not unhinged okay it wasn’t a welfare check he called the cops to come to my apartment and belittle me in fro t of my roommate and call me crazy and threaten to arrest me while I stood there crying like i was so scared why did he do that

>> No.21991566

Alright. Now that it's all settled let's get back to discussing Tales of the Unreal stories

>> No.21991568

how old are you?

>> No.21991571

I did admit to doxxing Ari. It was stupid. I specifically did not post his info on 4chan, but the only reason someone was in the position to do so was because i let them and encouraged that sort of stupidity.

The only part of your recap that's bullshit is this mystery second shooter. I really don't know what the fuck you're talking about. But recapped this shit is kinda funny. Classic 4chan shit. LA was not "all for" doxxing, he just thought it was hilarious and was in general an enabler. Krake was out but he was always gonna be out, nobody liked anybody there. Both of them, I imagine, would be welcomed back.

>> No.21991574

I know who you are AnderSEN you little homosexual rat

No one cares that your address was posted because we all know you did it yourself seriously why are you even trying to insert yourself into this and worsen things? Kys yourself in real life

>> No.21991580

Bruh don't concede this shit, just exit the thread and mov eon with your life

Yeah it was a mistake to collect his info but none of it wasn't public and you didn't post shit publicly just 360 degrees out of this thread don't waste your time on AnderSEN and his concern troll spam

>> No.21991581
File: 707 KB, 576x2304, 4E74E00E-BBC1-4414-9688-333F476D6DE8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone doxxed TRANderson, here’s what he had to say about it

>> No.21991585

why do you even care

>> No.21991586

no one gives a fuck about you andersen, just fuck off, seriously.

>> No.21991587

>The only part of your recap that's bullshit is this mystery second shooter.
We both know who's being referenced with that. Don't play dumb Rhyme. He had his workplace and name posted in the Message in a Bottle thread.
>>21991574 Just look at this post which conveniently came 1 minute and 2 seconds after your post.

>> No.21991589

cause you said you weren't old, but i say that all women over college age are old hags.

>> No.21991591

>the first name came from an email account that was only sent to Krake and Rhyme
That's pretty fucking damning.

>> No.21991594

Who the fuck was Charizzorb? Was that Ari, or was that you too?

>> No.21991596

Nigga the only person that remembers a "message in a bottle thread" and knows someone named anderson was doxxed in it is anderson himself nigga do you think you are being sneaky

>> No.21991597

No,I'm conceding it because it's what happened lol. It would be unethical to let the other people's work twist up with this shit when I'm at fault and have already been told to fuck off.
You have no reason to believe me but all of this is false. Andersen likes attention and i guess he wants to be a main character in this story. No one was ever interested in him for anything. He never submitted anything to us, you would know if he did because we published 13/16 things submitted to Tales (ratio will improve significantly in later releases, hopefully), and those 3 rejects are all personally known to me.

This is just a desperate attempt to insert himself in some drama. Guy doesn't really have anything going on so i don't blame him for it. I've just been sort of watching the IP count stall for an hour while new characters pop up ITT.

>> No.21991598

I was charrizorb ok? My name is Melville on discord. It was a joke that got out of hand. Let it be history.

>> No.21991602

I care that he was doxxed. Especially if it's true that you used an email to do it.

>> No.21991603

if this is Melville then you can go fuck yourself I’m not old you’re literally older than I am your double standards are stupid and embarassing and I’m not a whore just leave me alone

>> No.21991606

The fuck?

>> No.21991607

So this guy, who you hated, posted his workplace and full name while you guys were in the middle of doxing another guy? And he did it to hurt you?
I'm gonna need to see some evidence on that.

>> No.21991611
File: 12 KB, 432x432, unreal-chad-cleaner-hair-01 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tales of the Unreal volume 2, an unreal CYOA adventure project spearheaded by Ogden Nesmer, Frater Asemlen's second poetry colelction and possibly an as of yet unnamed science-fiction anthology collection will be releasing before this year's end

And one very sad homosexual loser trying to insert himself into a situation that never really involved him isn't going to do anything other than gather additional attention for these projects

See you soon everybody!

>> No.21991612

Why did you do that why did you do that why did you fake to be Ari and say he was sending you death threats and make me question my own sanity I told Het I suspected charizzorb was you but he didn’t believe me and he said I was crazy like the death threat and doxxing threat stuff was taking it way too far that was so fucked up of you

>> No.21991613

A salud

Where do i fucking submit tho, seriously? I've already mentioned this upthread. Where do i submit? Tighten the fuck up

>> No.21991616

dm F Gardner on discord. he'll get your submission into the right hands.

>> No.21991617

They don't have any evidence of it. In fact they said the exact same shit about best of guy five months ago.

>> No.21991618

LIterally just join the discord or email us

>> No.21991620

Any word on the Gardner magazine?

>> No.21991624

Christ, do you want it or not? What's the fucking email? Your discord has a bit of a reputation as im sure you've ascertained?

>> No.21991626



>> No.21991629

Go to the discord server if you dare…

>> No.21991630


>> No.21991632


>> No.21991637

F Gardner's new Press is called "F Gardner Press" and will be launching it's first flagship short story collection, "Tales of the F Gardner Renassiance.
F Gardner is accepting submissions now and will be paying out 500$ for each accepted short story. the only rule is you must write a story involving F Gardner in some way.

>> No.21991640

WOW people are really enjoying discussing the latest Tales stories

>> No.21991642

People are mean. Please understand that people will gaslight you and call you crazy just to see how you'll react. I hope you are feeling better and you don't let this drama continue to have a grip on you. Can be tough to forgive people, but I urge you to chalk up his actions to that of an angry man, forgive him, forget him, and move on. Nobody here is mad at you, I'd say 90% of the people here hope you feel better getting this off your chest so you can let this all go.

>> No.21991644

hope she sees this bro

>> No.21991654

>F Gardner Press
Where the fuck can I submit? I would start writing today for this!

>> No.21991659

writers may kindly sumbit their pieces to FGardnerfamous@fgardner.com

>> No.21991666




>> No.21991668

>F Gardner press
Frank is too stupid to come up with his own crappy ideas he has to steal from others? Is his reign as board retard finally over??

>> No.21991704

I want to forget but I can’t like I’m trying but nothing helps it’s not getting better and I’m so tired of being sad and everyone thinks I’m a stalker and he hates me and I’ll. never love anyone else so now I have to be alone forever or else be dead I’m sorry I wish I could forge

>> No.21991706

Get in the new thread hoe!