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21984473 No.21984473 [Reply] [Original]

From a Nietzchean perspective, how do I cope with suffering?

>> No.21984474

I prefer the Petersonian perspective.

>> No.21984484

And that would be?

>> No.21984494

You realize all philosophy is a reduction of the whole of human experience into small world views that don't describe reality in full. The only answer to why we put up with suffering is a half-answer from Shakespeare in Hamlet where he says the reason we put up with suffering is because we don't know what will happen after we die and so fear the "undiscovered country." So, you will put up with it because you're afraid of what you don't know (as well as the pain associated with death). How you cope is immaterial. But for me, I accept that the end is the end and there's nothing I can do. It's coming. I can only focus on the here and now.

>> No.21984665


>> No.21984797

>From a Nietzchean perspective, how do I cope with suffering?
"And verily, O my soul! Who could see thy smiling and not melt into tears? The angels themselves melt into tears through the over-graciousness of thy smiling.
Thy graciousness and over-graciousness, is it which will not complain and weep: and yet, O my soul, longeth thy smiling for tears, and thy trembling mouth for sobs.
“Is not all weeping complaining? And all complaining, accusing?” Thus speakest thou to thyself; and therefore, O my soul, wilt thou rather smile than pour forth thy grief—
—Than in gushing tears pour forth all thy grief concerning thy fulness, and concerning the craving of the vine for the vintager and vintage-knife!
But wilt thou not weep, wilt thou not weep forth thy purple melancholy, then wilt thou have to *sing*, O my soul!—Behold, I smile myself, who foretell thee this:
—Thou wilt have to sing with passionate song, until all seas turn calm to hearken unto thy longing,—
—Until over calm longing seas the bark glideth, the golden marvel, around the gold of which all good, bad, and marvellous things frisk:—
—Also many large and small animals, and everything that hath light marvellous feet, so that it can run on violet-blue paths,—
—Towards the golden marvel, the spontaneous bark, and its master: he, however, is the vintager who waiteth with the diamond vintage-knife,—
—Thy great deliverer, O my soul, the nameless one—for whom future songs only will find names! And verily, already hath thy breath the fragrance of future songs,—
—Already glowest thou and dreamest, already drinkest thou thirstily at all deep echoing wells of consolation, already reposeth thy melancholy in the bliss of future songs!—
O my soul, now have I given thee all, and even my last possession, and all my hands have become empty by thee:—*that I bade thee sing*, behold, that was my last thing to give!"

>> No.21984831

Nietzsche believes suffering is necessary to grow as a human, and that you should try and find meaning in it. Try and think about what you're learning, how you're dealing with your emotions as a result, etc.

>> No.21984854

OD on benzos

>> No.21984863

Connect to Dionysus, create tradition

>> No.21985018

Unironically dance.

>> No.21985037

stupid frog poster

>> No.21985347
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You don't, you just keep shitting your pants until you die lmao.

>> No.21985355

Be a gay faggot "gentleman conservative" who always loses and is playing the heel in exchange for scraps from the table of the ruling establishment

>> No.21985471

Unless you're part of the aristocracy fuck off
That's his perspective

>> No.21985474

You push the heckin stone, dont whine and be a bitch bruh

>> No.21985596

Live, Laugh, Love

>> No.21985617

clean your member

>> No.21985627

The nietzschean way to cope with suffering is to bang a hooker and get syphillis and die.

>> No.21985748

Also wash your penis bucko

>> No.21986862

Amor fati, amore farti

>> No.21987025


>> No.21987034
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You live a Dionysian life

see pic related

>> No.21987110

Put a shirt on

>> No.21987136
File: 276 KB, 785x1000, 275B5DAC-FD7E-4072-BD61-4293CD0E93BB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grow up and realize there is no cope. Life is optional. If your life is full of suffering and you believe that the rest of your life isn’t worth living, you can always just kill yourself. It’s a rational decision in such a scenario.

Anyways, buy a motorcycle. Motorcycle riders have more long term happiness than normies. Probably because they don’t fear death and they don’t sit around coping and moping, instead of doing what they want to do.

>> No.21987180

Scream until you're exhausted or blood comes out. If you're exhausted you can sleep and if blood comes out you can occupy yourself cleaning it up.

>> No.21987301 [DELETED] 

How do i cope if the things causing me suffering are my past mistakes and the long forgotten injustices that nobody cares about except me? Also my favorite fictional works going to shit, that's just straight-up not bussin'.

>> No.21987346
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>> No.21987356

put some clothes on for fuck's sake

>> No.21987357 [DELETED] 

How do i cope if the things causing me suffering are my past mistakes and the long forgotten injustices that nobody cares about except me? Also bad writing in movies and stuff, that shit's wack.

>> No.21987374

>>21984473 (OP) #
>>21984494 #
>>21984831 #
And how do i cope if the things that bring me suffering are my own past mistakes and the long forgotten injustices that nobody cares about except me? Also bad writing in movies and stuff, that shit's wack

>> No.21988817

You don't.

>> No.21989415

God I hate the Bible and Christcucks so much. Stop spamming it everywhere!

>> No.21989431
File: 259 KB, 770x600, 1679269927325287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From a Floydian perspective, how can I breathe again, from life that is, figuratively speaking?