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21973242 No.21973242 [Reply] [Original]

Name the most schizophrenic, transgressive and compelling philosopher to ever write

>> No.21973285


>> No.21973289

You lazy motherfucker. There are no shortcuts to finding interesting ideas.

>> No.21973292

Me, myself, and God (still me)

>> No.21973295

drugs, sometimes

>> No.21973346

Pentti Linkola

>> No.21973348

Nick Land

>> No.21973615

De Sade. He didn't just write transgressive fiction he lived a transgressive life. Bataille could never

>> No.21973638
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Nick Land obviously

>> No.21973644

Robert Stalnaker

>> No.21973651

Clearly have never read Nick Land if you think he is “schizophrenic.” Retards

>> No.21973674

Probably Evola

>> No.21973681

Theory fiction is insanely awful to read, just like schizo babbles

>> No.21974558

Schizophrenia is not compelling
Partly because for so many years it was the norm, and hardly transgressive.

>> No.21974652

Give me a synopsis of why he’s so crazy

>> No.21975614


>> No.21975623

Kys faggot

>> No.21975638


>> No.21975643

Schizophrenic but not compelling nor transgressive

>> No.21975677

There is some justification in the opinion of Maurice Lange who liked to refer to Gobineau as a "féodal" and an “émigré à l'intérieur” with rancour in his soul, but his medievalism has certainly been exaggerated. What is really important is that he was a modern with a message for moderns. This "féodal" attempted to adapt the ideals of a chivalrous age to his epoch. He conceived the possibilty of a modern knighthood to extend to the intellectual sphere.

Gobineau with all his heart hated the prosy. "Nous ne descendons pas du singe, mais nous y allons" he once said and one may gauge from this grim sarcasm and from other sayings the depth of his pessimism, and realize his poignant regret at the passing of human idealism.

>> No.21976121


>> No.21976128

The story goes like this: Earth is captured by a technocapital singularity as renaissance rationalitization and oceanic navigation lock into commoditization take-off. Logistically accelerating techno-economic interactivity crumbles social order in auto-sophisticating machine runaway. As markets learn to manufacture intelligence, politics modernizes, upgrades paranoia, and tries to get a grip.

The body count climbs through a series of globewars. Emergent Planetary Commercium trashes the Holy Roman Empire, the Napoleonic Continental System, the Second and Third Reich, and the Soviet International, cranking-up world disorder through compressing phases. Deregulation and the state arms-race each other into cyberspace.

By the time soft-engineering slithers out of its box into yours, human security is lurching into crisis. Cloning, lateral genodata transfer, transversal replication, and cyberotics, flood in amongst a relapse onto bacterial sex.

Neo-China arrives from the future.

Hypersynthetic drugs click into digital voodoo.



>> No.21976148

The actual content of this can be reduced to maybe 1 or 2 sentences.

>> No.21976197

>midwits still seethe about him
Proving my point

>> No.21976218

whats with the midwit obsession over occultism and schizophrenia?
is the idea that these newfags believe there is some kind of 'mystic truth' hidden in these works?
most of the 'schizo' shit is just rehashed philosophy mixed with obscurantist poetic styling to seem more intellectual.
i wonder if these people have even read any other works of philosophy and just want to jump to the 'cool stuff', even though the major reason the works filter people is because of how heavily referential they are.
hegel, deleuze, post-structuralists, land, etc. etc. are hard to understand because they heavily play off their influences.

>> No.21977137
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Mario Alejandro Montano


>> No.21977146

The irony is that Christ mogs them all.

>> No.21977188

>midwit got filtered by Hegel
Proving my point.

>> No.21977448

I don't know if you know this midwit, but up until the last four or five centuries 'the occult' and philosophy shared an inextricable relationship.

>> No.21977887

Miguel Serrano

>> No.21978155


>> No.21978174


>> No.21978357

Anton Long

>> No.21978370


>> No.21979335

what's so compelling or transgressive about this? seems like run of the mill cyberpunk ideas, though depending on when it was written I guess it could maybe have been considered transgressive back then

>> No.21979611

read ray peat's articles if you want transgressive

>> No.21979759

>schizophrenic, transgressive

not so easy.

Reprobate shysters are plenty but near always far from compelling to anyone who isn't a moron.

>> No.21981118

Gilles Deleuze
And also it can be Felix Guattari (his best friend)

>> No.21981576

From what I’ve seen, Gregory Bateson

>> No.21981718

You’re the one who got filtered. Only a thoroughly schizophrenic thinker can sublate subject-object duality in such a complex way as him.

>> No.21981730

You have to read the whole thing

>> No.21981736
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There is only acceptable answer to this

>> No.21981882


>> No.21983341

Read occult works

>> No.21983365

who's it by?

>> No.21983640

this pretty much

>> No.21983739


>> No.21983744

>for normies
Anon, your oldfaggotry is showing.

>> No.21984647

Just occult stuff in general. I probably should have given some pointers.
Liber Null
Liber Kaos
Psychick Youth works

>> No.21985592

you have to read the whole thing on amphetamines

>> No.21985595

Andrew Anglin

>> No.21985607

He's some meth addict expat payed by the CIA to put out bullshit, just like Reza Nergestani and all the cyber feminist bullshit that intellectual ineffectuals slurp up like coom.

>> No.21986780

Geophilosophical Branding

>> No.21986800

nah serrano was literally just some guy with too much time and money to ever have to get out of his own head. A schizo has to terrorize other people to be noteworthy

>> No.21986803

As much as I don’t want to give him credit, he’s the reason I started continuing the legacy of people like Otto Weininger. Feminists have dominated the humanities for almost fifty years, it’s time for the boys to return

>> No.21986831

The guy who wrote an 800 page suicide note, concerned with the causes of modern nihilsism and anomie being the direct result of Norman influence on English common law, complete with full bibliography and table of contents

>> No.21986843
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>Meltdown has a place for you as a schizophrenic HIV+ transsexual chinese-latino stim-addicted LA hooker with implanted mirrorshades and a bad attitude. Blitzed on a polydrug mix of K-nova, synthetic serotonin, and female orgasm analogs, you have just iced three Turing cops with a highly cinematic 9mm automatic.

>The residue of animal twang in your nerves transmits imminent quake catastrophe. Zero is coming in, and you're on the run.

>[[ ]] Metrophage tunes you into the end of the world. Call it Los Angeles. Government is rotted to its core with narco-capital and collapsing messily. Its recession leaves an urban warscape of communication arteries, fortifications, and free-fire zones, policed by a combination of high-intensity LAPD airmobile forces and borderline-Nazi private security organizations. Along the social fracture-lines multimedia gigabucks tangle sado-masochistically with tracts of dynamic underdevelopment where viral neoleprosy spreads amongst ambient tectonic-tension static. Drifts of densely-semiotized quasi-intelligent garbage twitch and stink in fucked-weather tropical heat.

>Throughout the derelicted warrens at the heart of darkness feral youth cultures splice neo-rituals with innovated weapons, dangerous drugs, and scavenged infotech. As their skins migrate to machine interfacing they become mottled and reptilian. They kill each other for artificial body-parts, explore the outer reaches of meaningless sex, tinker with their DNA, and listen to LOUD electro-sonic mayhem untouched by human feeling.

literally me

>> No.21986874

Easily Otto Weininger. Too based for this world.

>> No.21987387

Wilheln Reich was pretty schizo

>> No.21987392

Socrates unironically- he affected all philosophy after him and he heard voices.

>> No.21987448

when you really think about everyone hears voices

>> No.21987809

Read Visions of Excess

>> No.21987834

There are shortcuts. The reason people dont take them is because they are dangerous to your mind if you are not at a power level to handle a burst of raw unfiltered reality

>> No.21987857

1) Varg Vikernes
2) Slavoj Zizek (95% of the time)
3) Heraclitus
4) Sigmund Freud
5) David Foster Wallace

They wouldnt call themselves philosophers, but thats why they are the best philosophers

>> No.21987918


>> No.21988455

Wasn't there a time he was talking about esoteric fascism to Mussolini and Mussolini thought it was awkward

>> No.21988487

Jeffery Epstein

>> No.21988506

Hitler wasn't into the whole esoteric stuff, that was Himmler. But Mussolini did think Hitler was a loon and didn't get a lot of Hitler's shit

>> No.21988513


>> No.21988517

Plato, KAnt, Jesus

>> No.21988621


>> No.21988848

Artaud was diagnosed

>> No.21990633


>> No.21990986

You haven't read him

>> No.21991458

Ccru is a collective

>> No.21991464

Who is more transgressive in today’s world than someone who literally deifies Hitler?

>> No.21991476
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> Now these rivers are many, and mighty, and diverse, and there are four principal ones, of which the greatest and outermost is that called Oceanus, which flows round the earth in a circle; and in the opposite direction flows Acheron, which passes under the earth through desert places, into the Acherusian Lake: this is the lake to the shores of which the souls of the many go when they are dead, and after waiting an appointed time, which is to some a longer and to some a shorter time, they are sent back again to be born as animals. The third river rises between the two, and near the place of rising pours into a vast region of fire, and forms a lake larger than the Mediterranean Sea, boiling with water and mud; and proceeding muddy and turbid, and winding about the earth, comes, among other places, to the extremities of the Acherusian Lake, but mingles not with the waters of the lake, and after making many coils about the earth plunges into Tartarus at a deeper level. This is that Pyriphlegethon, as the stream is called, which throws up jets of fire in all sorts of places. The fourth river goes out on the opposite side, and falls first of all into a wild and savage region, which is all of a dark-blue color, like lapis lazuli; and this is that river which is called the Stygian River, and falls into and forms the Lake Styx, and after falling into the lake and receiving strange powers in the waters, passes under the earth, winding round in the opposite direction to Pyriphlegethon, and meeting in the Acherusian Lake from the opposite side. And the water of this river too mingles with no other, but flows round in a circle and falls into Tartarus over against Pyriphlegethon, and the name of this river, as the poet says, is Cocytus.

>> No.21992027

Aleister Crowley

>> No.21992052


>> No.21992093

I was just listening to him today while going for a walk, and had to double take at his off-hand comments about mass deaths (of humans) being a good thing and the destruction of the WTC as being heroic.

>> No.21992603

Thomas Ligotti. You cannot deny it. Once you know, you cannot unknow.

>> No.21992835

Only good answer itt

>> No.21993748

read books for 10 more years

>> No.21994014

Check out fractalontologies

>> No.21994141

Yes you can, if you take antidepressants, the solution to the problems of all the angsty fags

>> No.21994494


>> No.21994923

Check out Terence McKenna and the stoned ape theory

>> No.21995062

Nah he’s a pitiful fuck

>> No.21995413
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>> No.21996059
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This guy

>> No.21996095

Julius Evola
>Introduzione alla magia
>Symbols and Teachings of the Royal Art
>Revolt Against the Modern World
>Ride the Tiger

>> No.21996174


>> No.21996182
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I've been sexually fantasizing a lot about being a midget lately. It started when I went to the hardware store and saw the manager, a 4'6" bald white guy, ordering around his two female staff, two teenage black girls over six feet. I kept thinking how easy it would be for them to rape him, to make him worship their gigantic black bodies, how it would take him hours to complete even simple tasks, and how it wouldn't be roleplay, because they could basically shake him to death like a baby if he was disobedient.

For a while, occasional thoughts about the bald midget was as far as it got. Then I saw a video of a comedian talking about a woman's husband turning into a dog, and about whether it would still be bestiality if she let him go down on her. I started thinking, what if it was a really small dog? Imagine you're a little purse dog and suddenly pussy and ass are gigantic to you.

Then the final stage hit me. I borrowed my brother's VR goggles, ostensibly to play Elite: Dangerous, but really to masturbate to VR porn. I was looking at random porn, about to give up as none of it was very good, when suddenly I found a porno in which the camera had been aligned weirdly and it made the girl, who was probably 5'2" in real life, look gigantic. It made her seem the way we as men must seem to women, large and imposing. Somehow in this moment it all came together, I synthesized everything, the bald midget, being a small dog, and hyperrealistic 8k video VR manlet simulation, and I realized, this is my fetish and has been all my life, I just didn't know it. In one moment realized why /ss/ is hot, reawakened my mostly dead sex drive, and remembered how hot women are. It's like I'm going through a second puberty and discovering sex and girls all over again.

But my newfound happiness is coupled with infinite despair that I can never be a bald manlet, a dog, or a 12 year old being molested by his horny female teacher. I would give ANYTHING to be that bald hardware store midget.

>> No.21996690

have you been molested in the past?

>> No.21998076

I would say not the most but yes, up there. I see also how Nietzsche was influenced by him

>> No.21998819

It's actually 1900 pages, kek. And, yeah, it's pretty based stuff.

>> No.21998831

There are, like making a thread asking for it.

>> No.21999039

>Rudolf Steiner
>GI Gurdjieff
Both get the occasional lip service on this board but nobody really reads them. Both geniuses.