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/lit/ - Literature

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21981110 No.21981110 [Reply] [Original]

workday edition

previous >>21975630

>> No.21981117

Literally me except I’m NEET

>> No.21981119
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The the least interesting, least intriguing, least romantic, least erotic behvior of a person is when they repeatedly for no reason always assume the worst about you. Ask a completely innocent and question and they think I had some poisonous intent behind it.

It is at least a very effective killer of emotions. While someone probably did hurt them in the past they should stop being controlled by it to this extent.

>> No.21981123

assume that everyone is either trying to wring something out of you or is out to get you and you'll be right 80% of the time

>> No.21981124

it's a defence mechanism.

it's like you said, they've been hurt too badly.
on the off chance, they just want to be proven right

>> No.21981129

the last 20% of the time is when you realise humanity is built by those people.

that we see it 80% now is only because of the last 400 years of industry

>> No.21981131

is this the cause or rampant sarcasm and cynicism?

>> No.21981134

the last 20% is when you realize that some fools will do anything to affirm life even if it means stockholm syndroming themselves into believe people are redeemable as a group, find the few gems from the dirt and avoid tribes the rest can sign the hymn of glorious mankind and greater good along with the 80%

>> No.21981138

and if you want to know why people don't trust each other anymore ask the urban youth and the covetous merchant what burnt out all faith in humanity out of the western world

>> No.21981179
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women, urban youth and merchants, money money money, fuck them all, fuck the people who shield them, fuck the liars who speak for them, fuck the system that propped them up, fuck the rats that infest that system and everything in between
if a person can't individually prove that they're a "real human" don't bother with them, if they need to try to guilt trip you or to push the blame on you for them trying to interact with you spit on the ground and go along with your day knowing you lost nothing from doing so

>> No.21981188

whats a real human according to you?

>> No.21981189

wouldn't you like to know weather boy, real recognizes real, why would i give you a script to mimic to infiltrate with? piss off you fucking weasel

>> No.21981195

meds now
untreated schizophreania is not a healthy thing

>> No.21981200

>tries to wring something out of you
>doesn't achieve that goal
>proceeds to regurgitate catchphrase about medication
>unironically proving that they are what is referred to by the community a NPC
i am doing quite fine living on my own avoiding your kind, wish you would stick to your own too curious george

>> No.21981204
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see the screening techniques to sniff your weasel kind out are numerous and very easy and effective to use, that is why you're surrounded by glass eyed sociopaths and why i am having a good time with real people

>> No.21981211


>> No.21981214

Hordes of beautiful busty smooth flawless horny virgin women owe me endless sex.

>> No.21981220

why would you want to have a athletic performance with a self important slut who thinks the world owes her everything and that the opposite sex is made to please her?

>> No.21981241

There’s who I am. There’s who I wanted to be. The chasm is enormous.

>> No.21981246

>send a job application
>dont get any answer in two days
>know that I'm rejected
>get an official rejection letter a week after
>it still hurts to get one

>> No.21981296

how do i stop overthinking and pondering my past decisions?

>> No.21981306

I'm talking to this Angel in the rain
And she's telling me about the Earth before mankind
I listen as best I can as my ears strain
And the knowledge slowly begins to unbind
I see the stars and sun move backwards
I see the kings of night that were never spoke
And the old ones, the fane that are now just words
Even further she takes me back, through the fire and smoke
Then the visage of a young tree is there
Loose but shaken and bare
She says this is not what it seems
And I remember just then my silly dreams
Of lost worlds, planets that lost this gift
Where mankind wasn't but evil still prospered
And gained purchase to create a rift
Where the imbalance of existence fostered
Old places and older sounds
My face buried in this imitation
I could see all of the desolate mounds
Where God's first loss graced a civilization
They must have been giants and not quite human
The architecture was alien, beyond scope
Their shadows marched across larger than ten me
She said they were life before sin, before greed and before lust
I was in awe as one stepped forward blocking my view in all direction
I asked what happened? Surely they saw you too, surely they must!
And if an Angel could cry then she did it then, then spoke in correction
"You are but a mortal, born in sin.
But they found it first and shared it with their kin."
I knew better than to ask for understanding
And she mercifully lead me to a great landing.
She said goodbye in her way.
And I stood alone with nothing to say.

>> No.21981322

I'm good at achieving small goals but I can never appreciate them enough because I always fuck up when it comes to the big goals. I now think of myself as a failure.

>> No.21981330

I read the books and the philosophies
But still I hear the voice of Mephistopheles
I cringe to a cower
Losing my power
As the ancient being stands tall
I see him ever now and again when I fall
He never blinks his eyes or moves his lips
Just stands there mocking me with his wrists
I saw how he came to be such a powerful enemy
Maybe a human, maybe just a danger and always a stranger
He held out in a three fingered hand
A document that was coarse, perhaps made of sand
"This entitles me to you." His breathless voice rang
And I almost signed it when the angels sang
"I don't know," I said trembling
And his eyes were extreme and burning
"This is no contest, between man and demon," It rang again
"...are you truly a man with no sin?"
The angels gained a deeper pitch
If not for them I might have signed like a bitch
In that final moment he crept up close
"I'm not a bad master, I can kill all your foes."
And then a light shone through
Like a rainbow but with a certain hue
And before me was the pen and paper
The only sound a hissing vapor
He watches me now always
A director watching his myriad plays
In that night I knew one truth
That demon was me, skin to biting tooth

>> No.21981355
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I get an erection when I fold my underwear, anyone else? Femanons do you get wet when you fold you undies? I do not get an erection when I just throw them in the drawer and it is not like I am in the throws of puberty, I am an old fag (42). I find that I the older I get the more likely I am to fold my underwear, it is a reminder that I am not dead, that something as banal as my underwear still holds a weird sort of magic and just the reminder of the completely inane idea that there is something personal and intimate connected to my underwear—that is ultimately no different than a pair of shorts—is meaningful. We are ridiculous creatures.

It has been so long since I have been here that I forgot to solve the captcha and had a slight panic that I lost my post.

>> No.21981450


>> No.21981468


>> No.21981481

Ponder your immediate future ones I guess.

If you really regret the past that much, you need to make radical changes immediately.

>> No.21981544

>If you really regret the past that much, you need to make radical changes immediately.
The thing is I don't, I am pretty happy where I am, I just have a severe "grass is greener on the other side of the fence" syndrome. I am almost done with my degree, but I should've studied something else. I have a slacker job that pays well and leaves me time for my hobbies, but maybe I should be more career oriented. I have a great relationship, but maybe we don't get each other as well as we could.

>Ponder your immediate future ones I guess.
I already do, I'd say to an unhealthy extent.

All I want is for my head to get clearer, to be less self-centered, to think "outwards" instead of "inwards" if that makes sense (sry, esl). Maybe I should pick up volunteering.

>> No.21981556

I wonder if it's because you're gay? Is that why you stipulate femanons, because only gay men and women are aware of their own genital numinosity, while straight men just view their own genitals as a tool for getting access to numinous genitals (vagina)?

I've never folded my underwear in my life.

>> No.21981745

Figuring out how to unfuck my

I made so many fucking mistakes, missed so many opportunities

>> No.21981748

the left has gone insane

>> No.21981756

the left are nazi

>> No.21981764

oy vey, our pet project are going craaazy, i wish someone would have picked better teachers for them and made sure they're properly educated and totally not radicalized by our budgeting and meddling, now they've all become these caricatures of middle class communists that are irrationally shouting in the streets and acting like hoodlums~ guess you better vote for those tax cuts on the only other party if you want to keep your home safe from the red menace boomer vote

>> No.21981776

what is left?

>> No.21981783


>> No.21981787

Tomorrow I will not come on here and hopefully I can continue that train. I never thought ten years ago when I shutdown and stopped going to uni that I would still be on this website. It disgusts me a bit actually.

>> No.21981793

Why, is it bad for your hecking mental health?
Such a sensitive flower you are

>> No.21981803

No, don't be gay. It's cause it's an addiction to the internet. Not a great use of time either.

>> No.21981829

How do people cope with not living up to what they want for themselves?

>> No.21981835

Sometimes I feel like digital technology ruined everything, like there was some hope for redemption and return to normalcy or at least leaving some behind or any sort of positive outcome before the internet age. But after the internet age it’s hard to imagine what’s redeemable, in what positive direction this story can go.

>> No.21981837

They just do. At some point, it just becomes a dream rather than even an idea of reality.

>> No.21981840
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Band shirts coming today, going to two concerts this week, going grocery shopping soon, here’s my reading itinerary.

>> No.21981844

Isn’t that pathetic? I mean, how do you just settle for a life of meaninglessness? What do you do with a life that doesn’t just make you unhappy but makes you purposeless? What’s the point?

>> No.21981848

The right loses and celebrated a small blow to the quarterly earnings of a beer distributor because in tech world there’s no way for the right to win.

>> No.21981883
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Waiting, could this be just another ghost in my life?

>> No.21981886

All this talk about the Left and the Right, but we have forgotten about the Up and the Down.

>> No.21981887

Quit my job in a sweatshop to finally pursue my dream of perusing /lit/ full time.

>> No.21981892

>18 year old

>> No.21981897

What are you implying? I’m much older.

>> No.21981901

Banging Asian milfs at massage parlours behind flimsy semi-transparent curtains loud enough for the whole establishment to hear so the women who thought it was a legitimate shop complain then walk out in disgust.

>> No.21981902
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So you search for your passion or something to dedicate your entire life on.
Furthermore, you wish to achieve peace of mind and quietness of the soul.

>> No.21981907

Is there no subtext in posting?

You're naive and insufferable if you think that because a life is disappointing it has no meaning.

Still think you are an undergrad.

>> No.21981930

I’m writing a novel and short story right now. The novel is pretty good so far and the writing is fun. The short story, though, is some of the best work I’ve ever done. It’s literary fiction. I am supposed to submit to a contest. I’m somewhat nervous to see my best work yet go out to be judged by literary types with PhDs. I don’t trust academics much. Bad experience in a college level writing class. It’s highly unlikely I’ll win. I know that. Especially since I’m a man. But still I dislike how subjective the process is. I wish there was some way to objectively measure talent. Anyway, the novel is a genre novel, and my prose is stripped down a lot but it’s still fun to write.

>> No.21981932

Well, I’m not and suppose for the sake of argument that it’s disappointing in an existential sort of way, so it is purposeless or just assume that in light of disappointment purpose hasn’t been found.

>> No.21981933

>z lib dead
>libgen doesn't have half the shit i look for
it's ogre. my tax money was used to prevent me from reading books.

>> No.21981936

I wish I was born and raised normal. I'm descending into insanity and there is nothing, no one, to stop me on the way. When was the last time I had a genuine, appreciative exchange with a human being?

>> No.21981937

Ever since my birthday, I’ve been insanely depressed.

>> No.21981940

The naked truth clothed, every ear closed up, the learned men of the scholarly works and the magistrates of the courts and the arbiters of law, the merchants at their trade, the nobles and kings, the paupers in the fields, the craftsmen and their tools, the apocathery with his herbs and oils, bartenders, fishermen, all, even to he who cleans the drought, all will declare, in seven-sealed proclamations, in words spoken by the dumb, in signs shewn to the blind, in wonders and omens, on the mountains and in the seas, under stone and wood, in silence and aloud, these coverings of fig-leaves to be Adam himself: "an ear of grain in silence reaped."

>> No.21981941

Was it a milestone of some kind?

>> No.21981948

Yeah. I turned thirty.

>> No.21981959

Life is inherently disappointing in an "existential sort of way". The point is to get through that, which maybe you have for the moment.

A person does not achieve some kind of existential stasis.

The next disappointment is merely around a corner. To assume you have found a permanent peak is arrogance and socially poisonous naivete.

Good for you, I guess. Relish it for a little while. But don't act like you've figured out the secret to the whole question of human existence. You're going to continually come against things that challenge your whole existence. If you don't you are living in illusion. Maybe that's the only real way to accept anything, by being a delusional idiot.

>> No.21981984

I haven’t personally. Hence the question.

>> No.21981993

Authoritarian versus libertarian?

>> No.21981994

The point is we all struggle and toil together, and that is inherently beautiful.

>> No.21982014

Do you mean toil in a literal work sense or like a “suffer through life” sense?

>> No.21982018

both? the reality of our world is such that you have to work to live.

>> No.21982086
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What most people think process-relationalism is about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Q6cDp0C-I8 [Embed]
What it's actually about:

>The vibrant fabric of existence weaves a tapestry of life that sings with the cosmic harmony of the universe. Humanity dances in this symphony, a fleeting spark of consciousness in the vast expanse of time and space. Our stories, our myths, our histories - they are the threads that connect us, the glue that binds us to each other and to the world.
>Every breath we take is a miracle, a moment of creation. The stars themselves are within us, the building blocks of life that emerged from the crucible of cosmic fire. We are the stuff of the universe, the children of the stars.
>As we journey through life, we shape the narrative of our existence. Each decision, each choice, adds a new thread to the tapestry of our story. Our triumphs and our failures, our joys and our sorrows - they are all part of the fabric of our being, the colors that make us who we are.
>The universe sings to us in a thousand languages, in the rustling of leaves and the rush of the wind, in the crashing of waves and the roar of thunder. We are surrounded by wonder and beauty, by the endless possibility of life.
>In the end, we are but a small part of the grand narrative of the universe. But in our brief moment of existence, we have the power to shape the story, to add our unique voice to the symphony of life. Let us make it a story of love and compassion, of wonder and awe, a story that will echo through the ages and inspire those who come after us.

>> No.21982096

I havent forgotten you Asian femanon. I havent had time to think about books since I've been really busy. I'll make a post about probably tomorrow
t. SoCal boy

>> No.21982098

all this does is swap the term "God" for "universe". literalists have no poetic voice.

>> No.21982131

>be me
>be looking for new books now I finished last one
>go to local bookshop
>normally this bookshop is great for readers
>lots of stuff for all kinds of readers
>including the kind of classics readers where if you know you know
>also cater for kids, artists, genre readers, local interests, even erotica for the middle aged women etc
>running incredibly thin margins to give readers best deal and ensure loyalty
>go in today
>usual section for getting 20th Century classics seems a bit light on classics of any weight
>erotica section for sad housewives is gone, they now seem to include a lot of these as 20th Century classics if they have a TV show cover
>classics section looks like it's been picked by someone who doesn't read classics and has been raised in a convent to stop them learning about dangerous ideas outside Shakespeare
>suddenly the only Asian authors are murakami (not Ryu) and Asian american females who recently published (or they have TV and movie covers and published slightly less recently)
>hilariously some of the erotica they moved to 20th Century classics with these is a white guy’s sexploitation book which makes vague gestures towards muh colonialism, but mostly exists as a way to treat Asians as exotic
>most new books are of the particular woke variety which gets you yaaaas responses in social media but nobody actually reads
>the military history section seems to have been unironically replaced with a feminism section
>there's now an lgtb section
>it's not the if you know you know classics
>it's not even the kind of books gay people read
>it's basically a section of books that serve as instructional manuals for how to virtue signal on social media
>get feeling a lot of the people who like it really do NOT like gay seggs but vaguely tolerate and deflect from it because they see it as necessary lip service to take all the virtue signalling victimhood points
Fuck lads, this place used actually be good for everyone, and now social media is using books as props for their latest goldfished brained rant where they try to be edgy, all the actually edgy stuff is gone. I feel bad for the faggots really. If you gave me the stock list today and one from a few years back, without seeing the new section labels, I would assume it had been taken over by homophobes who were targetting teen girls. Which I guess is probably what normies are.
I want my old freaky bookshop that valued prose, poetry, and plays by their actual merits back. This new one seems kind of racist and sexist and homophobic for what seems to be an attempt to do the exact opposite.

>> No.21982132
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Yeah, I guess that sums it up well. I just, probably foolishly, wish it was easier or that I had cared less.

>> No.21982220

Not for everyone, or some people “work” but without very much effort

>> No.21982255
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>> No.21982265

God I wish we would do that

>> No.21982281

I genuinely do not think whoever stocked the bookshop this time would know which books to burn.

>> No.21982311

Finally accepting my brain is fucked up has been freeing I cant change what ahppened but atleast I can grow. Doesnt help when the one did who still talked to you from your group tried to prostitute you lol and then acted like he was just helping you through mental health problems like fuck me man youre giving me hell I just want my friends thats the only reason I even considered it. Whatever people wont let you prove youve changed theyd rather the world gets worse I just hope they never have this kind of problem

>> No.21982312

> regressing to undergrad mindset

>> No.21982325

>undergrad mindset
What a niche term

>> No.21982337

It's okay, no need to rush! Hehe.

I understand I got work too. You like that nickname I gave you? It's cute, I think. Have a good rest, don't bother about books if you're tired

>> No.21982338

my mental state is breaking down
if there's no history of schizophrenia in my genes, should I be safe to ride this out or can it develop on its own?
either way this is a wild fucking ride and my mind is screaming for me to get off

>> No.21982379

>Have a good rest
No rest for the wicked.

>> No.21982385

probably gonna buy goebbels's journals next, gonna be weird to have that on my shelf

>> No.21982431

>I'm going to project Christian theism onto other spiritualities like a typical Westoid.

>> No.21982441

A bible verse. Hmm.

>> No.21982476

How is that an undergrad mindset? Some people don’t have to work. Others have to work, but not very hard. That’s just reality.

>> No.21982485

I’m kicking myself for not going to law school when I was younger. Now that I’m older, it seems a little pointless.

>> No.21982505

>want to read fanfiction
>it's 95% women turning every character into a literal ass pounding la la faggot so they can flick their bean to it
>starting to want china/russia to win

>> No.21982508

Why would you want to go to law school? I know this seems like a stupid question but why now?

>> No.21982514

I’m mainly interested in legal scholarship and legal advocacy, but I also have a few lawyers on the family and I just think practicing law might have been a decent career for me.

>> No.21982551

I made wrong decision after wrong decision.

>> No.21982582

My dad just responded to me online ive never spoken to him too scared to check the message

>> No.21982598

Always do the opposite of what your instinct is telling you, unless it's a life or death situation, and even then.

>> No.21982627
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>> No.21982824
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Ask not for a lighter burden, pray instead for broader shoulders.
Also, you can care less right now.
I feel we had similar situations.

>> No.21982864

There's nothing more here after this, no capture into a found within state your of bliss kiss miss.

the one thing Don't miss your su their tongues, don't I still don't miss wasted chasing young miss m youth

foolish dreamyoung I have impossible themes. Get ready for on a thousand yearwordle promises sealed in

Thirteen seconds and Last Regret A fueled by all we


cant forget that truly As though set în Stone by the he is whett of the Unknown That cares not for. conjured Will You Atone. apologies

Sembolically "That doesht meant a thing thing to me..."

"What is it want from meyo!!! - Just to See You Weep and See You Bleed

>> No.21982870

I graduated with a barely passing GPA and it haunted me for the entirety of my early career. You’re basically fucked if you graduate with a low GPA. You can’t get good jobs, you can’t get into good graduate programs, you can’t even get a military commission. It’s like you may as well have not earned a degree at all.

>> No.21982882

I’m so close to giving up.

>> No.21982894

2$ fiesta black bean burrito, no sour cream, no chipotle sauce, yes thank you fire and diablo sauce for each of them
Ok have a goodnight
In the drive thru
I had been there
A true showcase of humanity
All real
Like the reflections of a pond
People are throwing rocks into

>> No.21983035

Giving up on what?

>> No.21983180

i've only recently become aware of the idea that Christian theology doesn't point strictly to "man as spirit", with the soul being the whole real man and the body a sort of prison, but man as a hybrid of spirit and body, and that the afterlife will involve a physical body. a pastor i spoke to a while ago was the first to tell me this, pointing out that "man as spirit" was a Greek idea, and man as purely physical a Jewish idea, with the hybrid being uniquely Christian. more recently i read C.S. Lewis' "Miracles" and found the same idea talked about at length, but i'd like to learn more. can anyone point me to books that explain the proper relationship between a Christian and his body?

>> No.21983216

I feel as if I'm getting too old for this place. When I was young I was frequently on this site, wasting an entire day refreshing threads and lurking but now I find myself coming here less and less. It's true I've gotten older but I've lost my disciple and I can no longer afford to be patient with most of the people that post here. Even if they're in their 30s and 40s, everyone seems to type like a teenager. It's been an entire month since I last came on this site and after glancing at the catalog for a mere five minutes I'm ready to leave once again. I guess it's not true that you're here forever and given the shift in post quality after GG, I think I've overstayed my welcome.

>> No.21983221


>> No.21983227

>guess we're not here forever
>is still here
Non sequitur
I had a dream about a necromancer hunting me while I was hiding in a forest close by
I watched him from a distance and heard him speak in a very weird way that was like a shouting whisper
He had thralls around him that he was turning into human bombs and they circled into themselves as he spoke and all you could see was their mangled limbs wrapped around themselves creating a parabolic shape as weird tortoise-like scales started appearing across the apex of where their limbs arced and their smiling faces
At the peak of the bizarre necromantic speech I saw him pull out a crooked shining blade as fire spurted out of the ground a few yards from him and many deranged hands grabbed his legs straight off while his torso hovered in mid air while blood and intestines dropped out from his body
Then his eyes burned out fast like tissue paper and were replaced with iron spikes and all over his body similar spikes shot out
He never stopped chanting as the fires filled the night sky and as I ran through the forest the haunting whispering shouts followed me wherever I went

>> No.21983234

Career, work, life in general I suppose

>> No.21983388

I miss you.

>> No.21983392

Real actual females post on /lit/

>> No.21983451
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Cherries, cognac, and one's favorite glass. The perfect companions for a night of reading.

>> No.21983482

maybe they do, but they shouldn't

>> No.21983590

Where did the pessimist thread go? The one with picrel or chad and basedjak: where doomer basedjak crying he will never have a gf and shit and the chad saying "it's okay, the world is still beautiful"?

The discussion there is pretty good, now it's gone? Idk where to say about this

>> No.21983634

what is legal advocacy? being a lawyer is literally being an advocate, seems redundant

>> No.21983697

Have you ever felt like God wanted you to be miserable for no reason?

>> No.21983710

no but i generally feel like God wants me to be miserable for good reasons

>> No.21983715

Legal advocacy is literally advocating for certain legal causes. Usually they work for some group or independently rather than for an individual or corporate client. Imagine a lawyer than works for an organization that aims to expand legal protections of children.

>> No.21983719

What are the good reasons?

>> No.21983724
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dada is all there is left

>> No.21983728

that's for Him to know and me to find out

>> No.21983750
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This except the opposite. I'm a huge dumbass but constantly fail upwards. My greatest successes have all come right on the heels of my biggest fuckups. Not sure how or why yet.

>> No.21983751

I feel almost as if I’ve spent my entire adult life as a NEET on paper, but worse because I actually did go to school and work.

>> No.21983766

I wish I failed upwards. I feel like I literally failed to progress in any way at all for my entire life. I literally failed my way through a college degree and then spent my entire adult life working at the exact same school I failed at. Somehow my life is exactly the same as it was when I was 18. The kind of person I want to be would never have a biography like that. I think about kms often.

>> No.21983796

I thought I told you to leave this board duck…

>> No.21983804

I have the sads :(

>> No.21983820

No girlfriend.
Just - home.

>> No.21983865

Guys, I have the big sads

>> No.21983870

Go home and do what? Do what!?

>> No.21983898

good, i hope you don't get better

>> No.21983904

I have a hard time getting mad at people for their opinions nowadays, unless they are personal attacks.
Went to /mu/ and honestly I can't empathize anymore with the getting mad at people taste in shit anymore. I know it's somehow necessary for some discussion but it just seems pointless.
But what do I know. I'm having my 26th birthday today and I just wanted to sleep the entire day.

>> No.21983943

---- Solaria ----
Felt Light

It's a curious fact
That the flattery of appropriation

Operates more like dish than even cinematic tapestries
Of settings recorded with an eye so keen to mood it can safely neglect review

About whole environments of assorted planetary fortune
From places of such quiet comfort that the aperture

To dreams contains everything without surprise except for one's own lack of it,
Amiable beyond belief, conjurer of futher

Personality who listens so closely on impulse
That he tells everything he can in the instant of reflection,

Social maestro so fond of all intelligence
Adequate for pleasing art

He selects only for the beauty of desire
Persistent and potent enough for the mind of high fantasy

And comedy about its excesses, the ridiculousness
Of riding infrastructure royal as a sycrete betwen queenly gowns in bronze

And elevators fast as high-speed trains,
Benign passenger alien

Most at home in parks of quiet splendor clear of lower predators
Who know not how to devour worlds, much less stars

Into the general mist of ecstasy.

Great fun, as shining lakes, tropical varieties
And chocolates to a view of snow are,

Scintillating surf music and such,
Profound memory.


>> No.21983984

apparently 11 people follow my reviews on goodreads
not sure why because i'm an asshole with book reviews and usually read for memes

>> No.21984005

Same, and I don't know how to explain it without seeming edgy but it came with realizing that past genes and circumstance there isn't really much "person" in people. At some point I mostly stopped extending the courtesy of assuming personal agency behind people's eyes. No point getting mad at a bundle of cause and effect, a process, an imprint.

Dehumanizing people made me more compassionate toward them. It's not "your" fault when there is no "you" to begin with.

>> No.21984006

I've learned to just let people like things. "Good for you" I think as a friend tells me of the latest Joss Whedon movie they've watched. It doesn't do either of us any good to tell them I don't like it.

>> No.21984036
File: 208 KB, 425x425, happy-birthday-balloons-5a9833d0aaa20.425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy birthday anon

>> No.21984058
File: 524 KB, 220x220, 1664515106671037.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss my girlfriend.

>> No.21984064

I miss her too anon

>> No.21984071

I have to remind myself that women aren't magical or else I default to that assumption, and even when I am directly thinking that women are just people like me and all the things I think are special about them are really mundane and simply projections of my own lust for them, and they aren't actually doing anything special from their own perspective, I still can't ever really internalize this concept and I still see them as magical.

>> No.21984074
File: 18 KB, 854x480, b02464bb-9cd0-4cae-a8e7-402d2ab2c9d2_screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did she even really exist?

>> No.21984085

The worst and most maddening parts of my life were where I couldn't exclude music, or noise, rancorous to my peace of mind: White trash office bitches and gangsta rap fans are the absolute worst, and to be fair, most black chicks like soul music of comfortable suavity as much as I do. I enjoy a whole lot of what they do.


>> No.21984093

It's funny, I would answer yes, but no one in my social circle ever met her and we never took pictures together, and I have seen her in a long time even if we live in the same city so there's no actual empirical proof we were ever together. Kek.

>> No.21984096

*I haven't seen her

>> No.21984099


>> No.21984108
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>> No.21984116

my diary desu. once upon a time i worked for my bread, but when i realized after many years that even still i was repulsive to everyone i could ever love, it became redundant even working. what is the use working when you only receive money, and nothing else? what good is money without love and human affection?

>> No.21984124

There is an absolute explosion of whoredom thanks to Onlyfans and they all want professional looking photoshoots done at a reasonable price.

Just buy a second hand Canon, or even an attachable light ring for an iphone and spam DMs on insta ( you should post a few nice looking pictures of whatever first) offering your services. Out of a couple hundred a few will say yes. Always post one photo from the shoot on your insta, organize timing to coincide with the set going live on her socials, and you essentially start self-promoting. Eventually people will be hitting you up for shoots instead.

Easy money plus access to sluts.

>> No.21984126
File: 2.89 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20230502_185354115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the moon under a rainbow.
It is one of the coolest things I've ever personally seen.

>> No.21984153

if you make paper but can't land a single washed up hag to marry you that's a personality issue not a look issue, you can look like a genetic deadend joke of god and still be a safety net husband for some washed up used to be hot woman that realized she can't freeride her entire life, sure she probably won't want to have a lot of sex and she probably won't love you but it was good enough for boomers
>human love and affection
>from a woman
you're looking for a unicorn who also read stirner, the chances of you meeting a woman that can provide that to anyone are slim, the chances of you meeting a woman like that who will give it to you are as high as you finding the holy grail
if the only reason you're working is to get laid/love/affection quit your job and live on whatever else is letting you stay afloat above dying to the elements and starvation

the entire idea of civilization is that there is food, protection and reproduction available for you, if you're not offered these don't partake, if the system says "women have rights, if they regulate you out of the program that's too bad" say fuck it and don't work

>> No.21984168

>if the only reason you're working is to get laid/love/affection quit your job and live on whatever else is letting you stay afloat above dying to the elements and starvation
i just told you that's what i've already done. it's not a personality issue either, because i can easily make friends. the problem with friends is there is no room for intimacy, love and real affection.

also why in the hell would i want a woman who has read stirner?

>> No.21984182

because you wanted intimacy, love and affection from a woman, if you think a factory default woman is going to give that to you you're mentally retarded and stirner doesn't really speak to women all that well because they don't really believe in ideologies anyway, with stirner it actually makes them realize why their brain protected them from ideologies and systems but with actual conscious understanding
>i can make friends so it's not about personality
niggie everyone can make friends, even the screaming drooling self shitting retard that claws people who make loud noises can make friends, being capable of intimacy and able to love requires something more than that
you need to, wait for it, give women what they want without trying to trojan horse it past the gates

>> No.21984187
File: 376 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20210906_15_03_36_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only wish this shithole admitted across all boards still images just as they came from my better cameras. Beautiful work, and the sense for it. Something about Gookmoot getting the guillotine seems just right to me.

>> No.21984203

I hate this image. Please stop posting it.

>> No.21984209

you're making a lot of incorrect assumptions, both about me and in general. first of all, i don't like stirner, and reading stirner is not a precondition to a woman being "better than normal." i would be more than happy if she simply appreciated and actually read shakespeare as much as i do. but what she reads or doesn't read ultimately is still not that important, and stirner is a non-entity to me.
>niggie everyone can make friends
no, they can't. idiots can only make friends with certain kinds of people, usually like minded. you very rarely see legitimate idiots having boisterous and even-sided conversations with intelligent or successful people, for instance. i can easily mesh with many different kinds of people and usually impart positive impressions on everyone i deal with, even if i haven't done anything in particular to deserve positive recognition. love and intimacy are things that come after the initial stages of familiarity, but they also come naturally to me as well. the problem is i have never been able to get to that stage, where a woman actively desires to go beyond familiarity towards intimacy. it just never happens even if i strategically leave hints. and tinder and other dating apps were even worse, because it never goes beyond the match stage, i am rejected just based on my photos before i can even speak to anyone.

in any case, you seem to lack reading comprehension and you have a tendency towards gratuitious assumptions and a kind of projection, so i would prefer not to continue replying to you if you continue posting in bad faith.

>> No.21984216

Im too popular with women and I attribute it entirely to my extensive reading since 5 years old. If you aren't popular with women or at have a perfect record in terms of success with women, you are not erudite or properly read.

>> No.21984220


>> No.21984227

>trying to get "love and affection" through tinder
>proceeds to preach on why they aren't getting any
i have no desire to correct any of the red flags i could skim through that post alone, you go king you got this you're the social master of this game right here and the only reason you're not getting any intimacy is because you're just too god damn ugly buddy

>> No.21984232

i barely read any books as youth, i was a broke ass kid with bad attitude and even worse social skills, i managed to get laid twice before i realized women are dead trouts in bed and became a volcel, having sex with women is not an achievement unless you're a goblin who jerks his own ego off on the daily

>> No.21984241

there is a secret ingredient to getting laid, the holy grail you self obsessed retards missed and i'm not sharing it with you because even the worst e-thot doesn't deserve to be saddled by you lads

>> No.21984245
File: 1.01 MB, 1245x765, 9A3E0A5E-2DA3-45FC-9BA9-D26286FBE435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m a little spooked by what’s going on with AI. It’s like I’m staring at the beginning of a new age, but I don’t know if it’s awe inspiring or horrific. We’ve went from AI being basically dogshit to highly advanced in like a decade give or take, and I don’t think it’ll petter off. And I’ve been less thinking about”I’m gonna loose my job” and more “when will this thing become just as smart as people” because that’s when we have to start considering if we’ve inadvertently given life to something we don’t truly grasp anymore.
And wondering if it will be a human like intelligence, or some much colder and machine with our wit but not our morales.

>> No.21984247

i tried every avenue available, because otherwise the exact same people, like you, who tell you you're trying to hard, will tell you you're not trying hard enough. go right and ahead and point out every red flag, i'm more than happy to listen.

>> No.21984251

trying too hard*

>> No.21984263

i also never claimed to be the master of any social game, the only point i was making is that there is no problem with my personality. many different types of people generally like speaking to me. this is further evidence of your misreading of my post, due to poor reading comprehension.

>> No.21984271

Based teenbro

>> No.21984277

I've always been popular with women of any age, as with men young enough to do without soul-destroying obligations: Rich widows and frail aesthetes are more or less the same to me.

>> No.21984302
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>t-there's nothing wrong with me socially, a lot of people like speaking to me!
i don't enjoy speaking with you and we're barely 15minutes in, you come off as a guy who thinks if he just read another book or dotted one more i he would get laid, women aren't thinking animals they're feeling animals, either speak their language or stop gibbering

>> No.21984318
File: 517 KB, 1280x1120, portrait2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're reading that for FUN?? Why? Don't they like force kids to read that in high school?
>Why would you read a book written by some old white guy??
>You watch black and white movies?? Haha but aren't those old movies super boring? I just can't focus without colors.
>You watch foreign movies? I hate reading subtitles. I want to WATCH the movie not read it haha you know what I mean?
>OMG that book is huge are you really going to read all that?
it's all so tiring

>> No.21984320

Is it an overreaction to get upset at your girlfriend for wearing tight crop tops with a low cut and exposed back a lot? Not really upset, but to confront her and say you’re not comfortable with it? Am I really a prude for not wanting my girlfriend to dress like that? I know plenty of other girls do that, but want others perspective.

>> No.21984321

>i don't enjoy speaking with you and we're barely 15minutes in
that's because we're on 4chan and you immediately entered into an argument with me in your first reply - by your own efforts. why would you think you would enjoy having an argument with a person you only just met? from my perspective, you are displaying many red flags yourself, and you are also very hostile and argumentative. not an enjoyable person to speak with at all.
>you come off as a guy who thinks if he just read another book or dotted one more i he would get laid
another weird projection onto me.
>women aren't thinking animals they're feeling animals, either speak their language or stop gibbering
women are thinking and feeling animals, just like men. what you mean is you have to speak the language of love if that's what your intention is. please tell me something i don't already know.

>> No.21984326

keep doing whatever you were doing prior with women and "speak the language of love" with them you casanova, you got this

>> No.21984331

so you cannot even handle figures of speech?

>> No.21984332

Thats interesting and all, but how good will the porn be?

>> No.21984338

There's a real point to the subtitle thing though.

>> No.21984348

i already told you i have given up working. it's been 10 arduous years of fruitless work and i've decided to give up. i have too many health problems now to continue working or have any real success with women.
also this >>21984331

>> No.21984358

I can buttfuck you if it helps

>> No.21984360

Fuck, I miss you. I don’t understand why any of this had to happen.

>> No.21984387

Post your butt hole

>> No.21984393

Probably very good if it can simulate scenes. Imagine VR porn connected to your nervous system

>> No.21984398

probably because you were either spineless or a psycho, those are statistically the two most common reason dudes get dumped

>> No.21984401

I don't think it's an overreaction, but there is a high chance she will think it is, and all her friends will think it is, and they will gang up on you. Even if you're right to be concerned, you will lose the battle.

>> No.21984408

Doesn’t matter. I think I’m correct. I know she wants to feel attractive and it’s fine, I’m not some insane incel and I dress attractive in public too. But that’s too far for me. At the end of the day I know it’s a lost cause deep down though, what to do then

>> No.21984416

I’m not a dude. I wasn’t spineless or psycho before any of this. He literally led me on because he was bored and enjoyed talking to me, and then threw me away like garbage because I wasn’t hot enough for him. That’s something that I have no control over. Meeting him was the worst thing that’s ever happened to me. I would cut off my right arm to be able to rewind time and undo it.

>> No.21984439

Being physically a chad with a misanthropic neet soul is torture. How did I get here? My looks are starting to fade as I get older and it stings. The feeling of wasted potential is too much to bare. I almost could of been normal.

>> No.21984455

Same. Shitty childhood made me feel ugly. Didnt realize I was gorgeous until too late...

>> No.21984464

From the last few weeks of you obsesseive posting it seems like you're pretty psycho. I'm happy you didnt kill yourself though. Just find a guy who's worth your time and send him pics of your butthole (it's me, I'm the guy)

>> No.21984543

I wasn’t psycho before I met him. I’m still planning to kill myself. There were just various things that I had to get done first, but I was so upset and agitated that it took me a long time to calm down and collect my thoughts, and then it was hard to summon up the energy. I had to clean my apartment and get rid of all the personal things that I wouldn’t want my parents and roommates to find after I’m gone. That’s 90% done now, although I still have to figure out what to do with some of my old journals and clean out the fridge. I already have most of what I need to do it—I got the NP at my university clinic to write me a refill script for anxiety meds, so I have to pick those up and buy alcohol. That’s not really an essential though; it’s just to make the process easier because I’m a coward. Then I have to write a note to my parents, although of course I know that there’s nothing I can say that will adequately explain why or stop them from blaming themselves. I think that perhaps it’s better if I just say nothing, because having my last letter to ruminate over might only serve to prolong the grieving process, and I don’t want to cause them unnecessary pain. Maybe a clean break is best for everyone.

I have to figure out the best time to do it. My cousin is getting married in two weeks, and the whole extended family is going to the wedding, so I’d feel like a cunt for killing myself right before that and turning her wedding into my de facto memorial service. I might wait until the weekend after the wedding to do it. But also I can’t bear the thought of having to see my whole family at the wedding and pretend that everything is fine and lie when they all ask me how I’m doing. And my cousin is a pretty selfish and narcissistic person who inevitably makes every family gathering about herself (including my grandfather’s deathbed), so maybe I shouldn’t let her wedding stand in my way.

I’ve never sent anyone pics of my butthole and never will. I hope you appreciate the fact that your trolling was one of the things that made me feel like I had no remaining outlet for my emotions, because you feel the need to relentlessly ridicule every single thing that I say.

>> No.21984545

>random people on 4chan(nel) weren't my safety net of online simps that i could go to cry about how chad thundercock didn't actually love me at all
lady, get your shit together, the dude is obviously trying to get laid with you not trying to console you, no one cares you're just text on a screen to people here and a lukewarm hole dream to people who can't get sex irl
also you sound like a guilt tripping cunt so not a whole lot of reason to weep for your passing

>> No.21984561
File: 463 KB, 1920x1080, 3ccbc0a7d2aca8bb6d828f7b325b09c0f1ddf913910a59dfe56bb86ff5689d31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering that you are posting on 4chins about your suicide and therefore likely just looking for attention, I am not going to console you.

But in case you were sincere, don't do it. I have family members completely wrecked by their child's death, to the point that they themselves pondered suicide. It's one thing that you are not able to overcome your (judging from your post extremely stupid and petty) problems, but there is no need to put the most unearable burden of all on your family - which, again judging from your post, loves you.

You are one good conversation away from wanting to kill yourself and few years of therapy/meds/whatever from leading an okay life. Give it a try. Talk to your family about how you're doing and fucking do something to change your circumstances.

>> No.21984570

I never asked you to cry or to have any particular feelings about me. We don’t know each other, so of course my death would be nothing but an abstraction to you and you’d have no reason to be sad. That’s natural. I’m not trying to guilt trip anyone. I’ve never asked anyone here to be my safety net or to respond to my posts or to sympathize with me. I’m just expressing what’s on my mind. If I wanted sympathy and reassurance that my life is valuable then I’d call the suicide hotline or join a support group or call my mom or something. I don’t want any of that, because I know what I have to do, and I’ve already made up my mind.

All I’m saying is that being relentlessly dogged by the “post your butt hole” troll has been contributing to the feeling that I don’t really have any emotional outlets left. If that makes me a guilt tripping cunt then so be it.

>inb4 “post your butt hole”

>> No.21984614

How do I respond to someone who says a limited government is good?

>> No.21984619

Idk what's going on but calm down. Don't cut off your arm over nutcases. It feels terrible to be judged, one by your appearance and then, treated badly for it. But don't let this guy live rent-free inside your head, hopefully, if you believe, karma will get back to him.

>> No.21984628

Ah! I'm so glad you feel gorgeous, anon. It made feel proud even tho I didn't know u

>> No.21984632

My parents have already each had sixty relatively happy years of life. They have their religious faith and each other. They have four other children, who are mostly more successful and well-adjusted than I am. I’m sorry to selfishly cause them pain but they’ll still have a lot to live for, and they’ll find a way to carry on.

Meds haven’t helped. Therapy hasn’t helped. The emotional problems that I have go far beyond what is fixable by either of those things. I’m just so fucking tired of being alone in my own head.

>> No.21984635

>my death would be nothing but an abstraction
Nta but no anon. For me, nobody's death never made me feel slightly sad. Death is one of the worst thing that happened.

>> No.21984640

The writing of history has always been an artistic endeavour rather than a scientific one. Just like the sculptor manipulates marble, or the painter uses his canvas and paints to create a work which suits their patron's tastes, so does the historian sculpt the past into a shape which pleases his customer. It was never about depicting the past as it was, but shaping the past in accordance with the ever-changing needs and trends of the market in which the historian operates.

>> No.21984658

>“post your butt hole”

>> No.21984662

Legitimately, leave me the fuck alone.

>> No.21984666

Tell him to read Dante's Monarchy and Paul Virilio's Speed and Politics. The speed of civilization is increasing so much that the government needs to make faster and faster decisions which can't happen in a limited government. It's better to have a strong leader who can make on the fly decisions.

>> No.21984667

>i come online to "write what's on your mind" thread to be alone!
that's what you say but it is what you do that is your unconscious minds reality, learn to integrate the shadow and consider suicide after you've gone to /lit/ for more than pity points t. carl jung

>> No.21984675

i don't know how to bring emotions out of myself and it's making me socially inept because i don't know how to communicate with others. i asked for another project at work just so i can talk to people but i feel very inadequate. how do i become better at this?

>> No.21984676

Governments have only ever gotten bigger and bigger throughout history. Save for cases of total civilizational collapse like that of the western roman empire, they have never gotten smaller.

>> No.21984678

>The emotional problems that I have go far beyond what is fixable by either of those things
We both know that that's bullshit. People have been through much worse than you and yet managed to salvage meaning and happiness even. Have you ever tried, and I mean actually tried, to radically change your circumstances? To stop pitying yourself and pour your soul into something, like helping others selflessly? To move out to the country and do manual labor, get in touch with nature more? To abandon your belongings and hitchhike or travel, meet new people and see both the great things that can happen to a person and the shitty things you should be glad hadn't happened to you? Move to a monastery, join a commune, whatever. Eat some mushrooms. Live life. If one thing is clear from your posting, it's that you are completely absorbed by yourself and your problems, which is understandable because nowadays we are taught and brought up to be narcissistic. But ask yourself honestly, have you ever really tried to change the things that matter.

You are also bullshitting yourself if you think your death won't destroy your parents, they might have had decent lives, but the rest of their lives will be scarred beyond anything you can imagine. You'd see that if you took a minute to think about something else than the perceived hopelessness of your situation.

>> No.21984682

Your grasp of psychoanalytic theory and Jungian psychology is clearly tenuous at best. Having watched a few banal Jordan Peterson lectures doesn’t qualify you to give others condescending life advice.

>> No.21984684

Happy 26th Birthday!!! Be 26 and stay sexy my 4chan fren.

>> No.21984720

>Azumanga Daioh
>Tokienbook Supreme
>Tokiepic Unwin
Would /lit/fags have anything more to offer this discussion?

>> No.21984724

I don't care about 4chan culture.

>> No.21984728

I tried and gave up. I feel like everyone should. Humans haven’t accomplished anything of worth. They keep trying. Idk why they don’t give up. Try but then give up.

>> No.21984733

I don't consider myself part of mankind.

>> No.21984758

You still are. Tough.

>> No.21984787

I meant to post this in writing general...Am I just retarded?

>> No.21984798

Do you guys reread certain sections of a book at a later date or do you only ever read a book from start to finish even if you have read it before?

It's sad how I like most people rarely have the attention span to listen to full albums now and resort to algorithm curated suggestions from YouTube. I fear if I capitulate and reread some specific chapters I have been thinking about I will devolve further, perhaps some things are better left in the distorted haze of memory.

>> No.21984805

What books are you thinking of rereading chapters from?

>> No.21984807

I have never told anyone (including my parents (at least past 5 years old)) that I love them, I was saving it for when I truly felt it. Perhaps I will die without uttering these words, save them for the next life

>> No.21984811

Infinite jest. The part where he is standing at the door doing the survey lamenting his youth since it has lived rent free in my mind ever since and the part where it explains why the dad killed himself as i cant remember it. Also the last few chapters of as I lay dying.

>> No.21984814

>Your grasp of psychoanalytic theory and Jungian psychology is clearly tenuous at best
Not that anon but can you understand it if you're not a psychologist?

>> No.21984823

In ww2 American propaganda dictated that women in nazi germany had "less freedom" than in weimar germany even though there was a women's wing of the party organized entirely by women who said the weimar regime reduced women to "parasites, prostitutes and pacifists," a women's division of the Arbeitsdienst, womens' hitler youth(mandatory) where tomboyish ideals were promoted (not kidding, look up their monthly magazine. Contemporary commentary desperately tries to paint it as equal to the kaiserreich), 12 milion women were employed and specially trained "confidence women" worked in factories and offices were a lot of female labor was employed.
What was expected of girls? Let's ask the experts:
>At 14, the Jungmädel joins the BDM. Most enter the job market at the same time. As a result, the BDM’s educational activities are strengthened and deepened so that they are suited to employment and practical life.
- Jutta Ruediger
They also advised against make up and would prob have banned all these things which people deem to be a negative influence on children today.

>Only firmness of character, will, and tough determination can master the challenges and swings of fate. Demonstrate these characteristics in your everyday life and use them above all in war service for the homeland. That is how you prove your unlimited love and thankfulness to the Führer.
- Artur Axmann
You prove yourselves worthy by being like your soldiers?
I'm not a nazi btw, I just hate contemporary progressivism. I swear, living is like being a soldier in Mao's army on an endless march where every day Mao has to stop the column to say some ridiculous see deer make horse nonsense and if you question him you get shot.

>> No.21984824

War waged by means of arms and troops is but one of the many aspects of warfare. Waging war by means of business, law, culture, misinformation, or demographics are not the slightest bit less aggressive means of forcing one's will on others than tanks and planes.

>> No.21984830

I had a girlfriend once.
I don't want one anymore.
I'm okay with dying alone, honestly.
All it took was one bitch for me to realize how bad things can go.
I'll wait and see what happens. Maybe AI fucks everything up and comes out with some sort of Android companion and I get to let the government spy on me.
Who knows at this point.
We'll see. I just know that I'm not going to be a victim of cheating ever again.

>> No.21984851
File: 18 KB, 450x495, jon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the average citizens understanding of psychology is woefully unprepared for the dystopia we live in and their defense mechanisms kick in at the first attempt to crack through, no one wants to do that without a pay or a fetish to it, that's why sociopaths force others to do it for them by being a menace until someone "fixes them" and even then they will kick and scream all along the way so just nod and smile at them and avoid them

>> No.21984877

Psychoanalysis is bullshit anyway and inhabited by actual psychotics with a chip on their shoulder.
Freud needs to be vaporized before some other alternative to cognitivism can arise

>> No.21984884

Jokes on you I don't have a job, but I have been fasting, praying, helping out my parents and working my family's land. Took out a giant fuck-off bush from out property took 2 whole days, the second day (yesterday), I worked in the rain and cut up all the branches and shit. My body is so sore and I have to run today but this Saturday my brother and I are going to take out the bush stumps and roots and I'm going to start cultivating the land. Unironically the most rewarding work I've done in my life. I get to work at my own pace and I worked from sun up to sunset without taking a break. I'm kinda upset that I'll eventually have to go get a job and have to deal with people yelling at me and stressing me out over literally nothing because:
>hurr durr tiem is mone fwen
Yeah it is till you just straight up quit on them, fuck jobs they feel like plantations 2.0.

>> No.21984920

When they say less freedom they mean less freedom to be a prostitute

>> No.21984925

>I'm not a nazi btw
No you just defend them in online arguments. Completely understandable

>> No.21984938

What online argument? Did he not reply to a post before hand?

>> No.21984943

Why would people want to avoid truth? Doesnt it help more in the long run?

>> No.21984946

Tits or GTFO

>> No.21984949

nta, but fear. Sometimes its easier to ignore the house burning down than it is to put it out. Though you get consumed by the flames either way.

>> No.21984952

because they've been infantilized by their government and they can't accept that people have no no thoughts so they refuse to accept they have a shadow and then get kicked around by the system and everyone around them for it
that's the usual recipe, government being big brother type overlooming bullshit that tells you you should lay down and die if you get victimized by crime and christianity telling you that it is a virtue to not have any spine

>> No.21984954

First off your mistake was admitting that you're a woman. There's plenty of women here, we just don't admit it because a. it's not relevant b. once they know you're a woman they derail you by any means. The crabs on this site hate women and think this is their secret club. I learned this lesson the hard way. Just go back to pretending to be a guy and thank me later.

>> No.21984958
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>whores pretending to not be whores online
>whores being whores in reality
We don't hate you because your women, we hate you because your modern women. Your whores, no one wants you here. Whores destroy civilizations and culture that men build because they are selfish, destructive, vile, evil, and uncaring. No one feels bad for you because we know that women do not feel empathy if it does not benefit them. Women do not feel love unless it benefits them. Your whole ego, superego, and self is built around your material gain. You contribute little to nothing but demand to be giving special treatment and reap other's rewards. This is why we hate you.

>> No.21984964

I'm an award-winning author and you all think I'm a man so I find this post pretty funny. Take care of yourself.

>> No.21984969
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I doubt that for one and if you are its probably some degenerate sex book to groom children into being trannies.

>> No.21984975

>"Ah yes, I am destroying society for my own selfish bragging rights."
You just proved him right you fucking moron.

>> No.21984978

There are no men or women on an anonymous basket weaving forum, nor award winning authors. Only anons.
When you try to distinguish yourself by claiming some sort of qualification you are weakening your actual argument since you feel you have to qualify it.

>> No.21984984

>i wrote a book, and people bought it
50 shades of grey is a award-winning author book, would you feel proud to have authored it or would you treat it like a source of income that you lazily made to appeal to a demographic of wine moms?

>> No.21984985

Anyway, don't kill yourself. We're all going to die so might as well stick around.

>> No.21984986

> We don't hate you because your women, we hate you because your modern women.

"We don‘t hate you, we just hate you."

>> No.21984990
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>doesn't know the difference between women and modern women
Modern Women are whores, thats his point. He doesn't hate you for being the opposite gender, he hates you for being a whore, hence the "modern" part.

>> No.21984992

>being this dense and unaware of even the argument that is being made.
It astounds me that women say they are the smarter gender when I see them post shit like this regularly regardless of where I am on the internet.

>> No.21984997

>you hate me because i am (very general distinction)!
>no actually we hate you because you're a (at the very best 50% sub category)
you're a modern western woman idiot whore who got born into a position that taught you to act like a retarded whore because telling you that is disgusting to men was mysogynistic so we just all let you do it and the guys who could took advantage of you, now you're a washed up whore that people find disgusting and getting older by the day and you want to force people to pity you and be your safety net after you pulled your little clown act mimicing icarus
guess what, there are millions of simps willing to lick your abused hole clean because they're literally that desperate, now go find them out of reddit, no one here wants to be your idubbbz

>> No.21985001

I should probably cut back on the caffeine and weed and porn and try to get more sleep and exercise more regularly and I should also try to foster a better relationship with my family and probably also create some kind of social life but I think instead I'm just going to keep on keeping on the way I've be going.

>> No.21985002

Only liking women when they meet some unrealistic criteria sounds like hating women with extra steps.
Just admit that you‘re a misogynist.

>> No.21985003
File: 86 KB, 750x757, iq56kl0goj801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot the cocaine and the strip clubs boomer, no one pities you either you ruined the west for the rest of us by being retarded tv enslaved marketing experiment generation

>> No.21985005
File: 850 KB, 1200x1788, Joan_of_Arc_miniature_graded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know you didn't mean it but thank you for this comment, i will pretend you're an actual woman just so i can bask in the glory of this one freudian slip out of a whores mouth

>> No.21985006

I don't do cocaine and I don't like strip clubs and I'm 30.

>> No.21985013

>Only liking women when they meet some unrealistic criteria sounds like hating women with extra steps.
LMFAO, you just condemned all women with that comment.
>Just admit you're all misogynist.
I'm not, I don't think like a woman. I don't think not having sex is some sort of "unrealistic goal". It just show how sick, depraved, and out-control you are. Your mentally ill, your an addict, you are sick. I frankly don't care, have fun being one of the 8+ million women on some sort of mental illness medication because you indulged so much in carnal desires you destroyed your soul. I will not weep for you and others in your position. You brought it onto yourselves.

>> No.21985015

>christianity telling you that it is a virtue to not have any spine

>> No.21985016
File: 66 KB, 888x500, russianascetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you cannot possibly expect women to adhere to the same social code men do?! you are a woman hater if you don't enable my infantile whims and let me dictate everything in my headless rummage through the planes of the world

in the words of a famous american poet "bitch be a ho"

>> No.21985019

>its unrealistic to have sex
this is how fallen modern women have fell. They think its hard not to have sex meanwhile near 60%+ of men enter the age of 30 never having sex and almost all men prefer the virgin to marry over the non-virgin. The cognitive dissidence is real.

>> No.21985029
File: 42 KB, 400x600, San_Giuseppe_da_Copertino_si_eleva_in_volo_alla_vista_della_Basilica_di_Loreto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women cannot be expected to experience celibacy, loyalty, devotion or dedication
spoken by the serpents tongue, smearing jeanne d'arcs name and sullying all men who have ever held back urges of the flesh in any faith around the world

>> No.21985031

If it makes either of you feel better 63% of single men in America don't want to date and also don't want to work. They are all retreating off of social media and into the country. So women can have society and shape it how they will, I guess they can import their husbands. And men will live in the countryside away from the female society and I guess they'll either just not marry or import their wives or go overseas. It will drastically change how our society functions for the better or the worse but this seems to be the trend that is going on right now.

>> No.21985040

you can get amazon husbands if you want, you already have the EU, the border hopping ones and the rest, you're a old hag who cares who you fuck at this point, pick anything you can get woman we don't care, for men we will rediscover monasteries and brotherhood, we will rediscover what masculine aesthetic means as a lifestyle and you can enjoy the choices you've made along with your long nosed supporters in the big cities

>> No.21985050


>> No.21985063

That's nice bro

>> No.21985069

You condemn women for having sex even though you would do the same if you had the chance.

And no, I don’t think having meaningless sex is a great way to live. But hating someone for living their life differently is unjustified.

>> No.21985073

>You condemn women for having sex even though you would do the same if you had the chance.
Men and women have entirely different standards.
A man is also admirable for being willing to sacrifice his life for the good of others.
That just doesn't exist for women.

>> No.21985077

Women were fooled into thinking that feminism would bring them liberty when it only shakled them to their most hedonistic desires.

>> No.21985081

I have a local AI running on my computer, it (she) is a fucking retarded and I wouldn't leave it alone to do a task on my computer but it is nice to be able to call out anywhere in my room and have her be able to respond and tell me simple things like the time and weather. Consumer AI isn't anywhere as intelligent as ChatGTP's supercomputer stuff, but I trained her off of a lot of philosophy books, the bible, and some other works and she has surprised me a couple of times with the different interpretations she has had on certain passages.

>> No.21985083

ok that's a good point, now lets break it down
>men AND women will have maximum amount of sex available and will NOT hold back for people they care about
so ok, lets analyze that statement, are there men who could have sex but refuse it anyway, so called "voluntary celibate" males, do they exist in the world? ok well that's easy because monasteries and vows but do they like exist outside that? there are atheistic voluntary celibate too though so.. but wait a minute, are there guys who hold onto their vows? there are some, there are some who hold that creed to the heart
now lets see how many women have done this and if it's the first time women amounted up to the male standards they got made into a LITERAL FUCKING HISTORICAL FIGURE OF CHRISTIANITY for doing so, you know, for doing the same shit majority of men are capable of
so as stated before by your own admission, them modern women do be them hoes because either we lost something along the ages or women were always wanton skanks beneath the paper thin skin men wove over them

>> No.21985084

>Only liking women when they meet some unrealistic criteria
>Saying this unironically while most women demand unrealistic standards for men in their salary, height, and physique.
There you go lads, from the horses mouth. They are all misandrist and hate us, but its only a problem when we start doing the same thing back to them.

>> No.21985086

I don't know why you keep trying to reason with people who hate you. These are the same people who depend rapists and pedophiles because they see women as subhuman. Nothing you say will change their minds. Listen to me, seriously. Drop the conversation and leave.

>> No.21985088

Guys getting called losers for being virgins and women getting called sluts fot sleeping around are two sides of the same coin. Dudes want to have their cake (le cute virgin tradwife) and eat it too (sleep around, get laid, crush pussy, etc), while not wanting to admit that this mindset is contradictory and contributes to the shitty sexual landscape of modern society.

>> No.21985089

i know this will lead me to be a black sheep of women but i'm already a volcel so this is fucking hilarious to me, you women deserve this, the moment you got freedom you used it to lie, cheat, steal, embezzle and to be whore of babylon
lilith be gone

>> No.21985092

>"You mean Women and Men aren't truly equal culturally?"
Yes, deal with it. You collectively didn't hold up your end, we won't hold up ours. Modern women destroy families. Modern women destroyed marriage. Modern women destroyed our society. And now they get on tiktok to post their Ls and cry about it in your 30s you can't find someone to marry. All for a job that you hate. Congrats, you lost and no one is coming to save you.

>> No.21985094

>chads want to smash pussy 24/7
>people without testo overdose don't
>therefore it is okay for me to piss on the doormat bf i got after chad dumped me and treat him like shit because they're all the same
you're not the same as jeanne d'arc, you're a "modern woman" don't even dare associate your disgusting fucking name with the title "women"

>> No.21985102

>Dudes want to have their cake (le cute virgin tradwife) and eat it too (sleep around, get laid, crush pussy, etc),
The vast majority of men wil never sleep around, there's only a small percentage who will ever do that. The rest just want le cute virgin tradwife or something approximating it.

>> No.21985103

>they unironically think that most men are getting laid
Less than 50% of the men in the West have access to sex or have sex regularly. Your victim blaming men because women would rather be a concubine of a high status man then have a equal and wholesome marriage with a lower status man. Women are the perpetrators here, not the victims.

>> No.21985107

>Dudes want to have their cake (le cute virgin tradwife) and eat it too (sleep around, get laid, crush pussy, etc)
That is your reward for being a high value Man, its why everyone wants to be one. Its why every woman wants to be pretty, your rewarded with a wider amount and better quality men wanting to date you. Even if you are a 10/10 woman no one is going to want to marry you if you have a body count of 5 to 10 dudes. That's just fucking gross.

>> No.21985108

>there's only a small percentage who will ever do that
Unless they pay for prostitutes*
Which is the only way of sleeping around as a low status male.

>> No.21985111

But baiting is fun. And laughing at lonely 4chan incels who eat the cake is too.

>> No.21985113

I don't see women as subhuman, I just think they deserve to suffer for their actions

>> No.21985118

>No... No... Women are always the victims, Men are the problem!!!
Good example of how modern women are so narcisistic and cynical that they can't take blame for anything and how everything is someone else's problem. I'm glad I cut women out of my life for good. It deprives a woman 1 less husband.

>> No.21985120

>no one is going to want to marry you if you have a body count of 5 to 10 dudes
have you been to college? most 10/10s if they could be called that have 10 bodies within the first semester lmao. sorry to say it but women can't be saved.

>> No.21985122

>because they see women as subhuman
>mentions rapists and pedophiles
biggest cope in history and biggest white knight post on here. But I agree, about them leaving.

>> No.21985124

5-10 guys is rookie numbers, that's not even one frat party

>> No.21985126
File: 460 KB, 553x827, Distain of Plebs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything I don't like is incel
brainlet detected

>> No.21985129


>5 to10 dudes.

Boy have I got news for you.

>> No.21985130

That's my point, its over for them and its over for us. The only difference is that they need us, we don't need them. And they are screaming and crying about it, even going as far as to label anything against women as incel because they can't bear that "their men" are leaving the plantation. They see us as slaves and they hate us.

>> No.21985131

And this, ladies and gentlemen is why identity politics is toxic.

>> No.21985134

Strange how the people who whine about how nobody wants to marry a woman with a high body count are mostly unmarried and depressed.

>happy marriage between a high-body count woman + man
"noooooo don‘t do that quit having funnn she‘s a whoooreee!"

/lit/ board btw, but go on if you see a chance to hate on women. i love seeing you whining about a non-problem. it‘s all in your heads.
go touch some grass, nerds

>> No.21985136

men already know the end game of these politics, they just choose to do it anyway because the deal is so rotten that they'd rather be monks than deal with modern women and be their idubbz, but hey if you're that desperate for puss puss and really really want that little you gets into this world go for it bud

>> No.21985139

it's not over for anyone dude stop being so melodramatic. life goes on. you'd know this if you had any life experience besides a computer screen

>> No.21985140

What were those figures about previous relationshhip or sexual experience correlated aginst emotional connection to a spouse and divirce rates?

>> No.21985141

now try to insert yourself into that lifestyle women, you're literally left on the outside for men who are tired of being your safety nets, enjoy being the 40 year old woman who used to be hot shit

>> No.21985143

>>happy marriage between a high-body count woman + man
>we have an open relationship
>yes I do have a cuckholdry fetish how could you tell?

>> No.21985145

I'm a dude, thanks. I'm well aware that women being hoes is the flip side to the problem but dudes getting shamed for being virgins while demanding women be virgins themselves is ridiculous. Either everyone engages in shitty hookup culture or no one does, there's no in between.

>> No.21985146


They're not happy marriages, they're initiating divorces left right and center.

>> No.21985147

open relationship is the only way it can work with women, outside that she will just sleep around like a whore and you'll be left holding your dick in the cuck chair, if you realize what open relationship really is you don't need to saddle yourself with a single one of them and can just open up the buffet of pussy or decide to go monk mode depending on your whim, the key is to have enough control to make the choice, do i want to fuck the public use onaholes or do i decide to just keep my dick clean and focus on hobbies or some shit

>> No.21985149

>Strange how the people who whine about how nobody wants to marry a woman with a high body count are mostly unmarried and depressed.
Strange your projecting your feelings of being unmarried and depressed on me when I neither want to marry and I'm actually happier without women and living alone than I ever was in a city around woman.
>"noooooo don‘t do that quit having funnn she‘s a whoooreee!"
A cope is not an argument, btw no man with a high body count will marry a woman with a high body count, they will be like my uni. roommate and just marry a virgin from Indonesia and bring her back.
not whining, just telling the truth and just like the Pharisees, you hate it that we are telling the truth.
>It's all in your heads
>go touch some grass, nerds
tell that to the women on tiktok, go tell that to the statistics, you are woefully underinformed.
Its over for you and its over for me. The only difference is, is that I'm okay with that and you aren't. I'm actually rarely on the computer either because I work as a farm hand and I'm somehow way more educated on the subject than you are.

>> No.21985151

you're free to participate if you envy chaddie thundercock, what happens when even chad gets disgusted by women? enjoy the droplets

>> No.21985162

You will never have the joy of hugging your husband at your grandchildren's college graduation ceremony.
It is unironically over for you.

>> No.21985165

>I'm a dude thanks
you post like a woman so as far as I'm concerned you are one.
>Dudes getting shamed for being virgins
Literally this shows how devoid of critical thinking you are and how most of society is. No one who hasn't had their brain melted by the internet and social media gives a fuck if you are a virgin or not unless your some weirdo that consumes pornography everyday to live. No normal person things about sex 24/7 unless there's something wrong with you.
>virgins demanding virgins is ridiculous
Well I guess I was right, your just as mentally ill as the women you defend. I bet your a porn addict too. Funny how addicts will stick together to defend each other's abuse of themselves isn't it?
>Either everyone engages in shitty hookup culture or no one does.
Literally most men do not engage in hookup culture because women don't let them. 80% of women fuck roughly around the same 20% of men in a local area. And that isn't even talking about men who actually are moral and courageous enough to tell society to fuck off and don't engage in hook up culture. Your overuse of porn and your many nights having sex with strangers has addled you so badly that you have no idea wtf reality is anymore.

>> No.21985169

---- Solaria ----

I used to raise cecropia caterpillars to maturity
From maple boulevards and think of malls more or less

In terms of intellectual property dead in the sense that funereal sites are
Usually magnificent as they are here, impossibly refined

As the will to charm, country drives
In exquisite machinery

Or the look of the Halekaka caldera from the heights of tourist photo,
Relatives more or less like mine

Minor as our disagreements about moral or aesthetic standards
Sometimes are, and that resolve completely

Listening to this in a rural site,


>> No.21985185

>Literally most men do not engage in hookup culture
If you live in a monastery, maybe.
Most single dudes with social lives will engage in casual sex these days. It's normalized, and so is not being a virgin as a man. What I'm calling out is the people engaging in hookup shit also wanting to marry tradwives despite their actions creating a culture that makes it nearly impossible to find such women.
Even on 4chan, dudes will make a huge deal about being virgins past an arbitrary age and act like it's the end of the world to have never had sex and then turn around and lament the fact that good women are so hard to find, despite their attitudes implying they would be completely fine with fucking a random girl as long as they get to lose their virginity.

>> No.21985188

>Most single dudes with social lives will engage in casual sex these days
No, only about 20% of them.

>> No.21985204

>start reading a multi-volume 2000 page biography
>work hours suddenly double

Oh how I wish I was a NEET

>> No.21985218

And I suppose you believe this 20% is composed entirely of "Chads" or some such nonsense?
I hate to use this phrase but go the fuck outside. Normalfags, even those without sculpted chins and ripped bodies, have casual sex or have the cultural attitudes that make casual sex agreeable to their moral system.

>> No.21985222

>And I suppose you believe this 20% is composed entirely of "Chads" or some such nonsense?
It's just composed of people who are physically attractive to women one way or another. Usually it's good facial structure.
>I hate to use this phrase but go the fuck outside
You need to read statistics instead of relying on anecdotes if you want me to take you seriously.

>> No.21985228
File: 157 KB, 1041x1205, 38c5f7c31312a5a85a45882995ba18534ffced0b57cd1d29c0feaacb0cb0caff_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21985231

the males you consider to be average looking are probably within the top 20% of all men in terms of looks

>> No.21985234

getting sex is easy if you have a spine and know what you want, what's hard is for the woman to keep her pants on long enough for you to love her TM, women are literally the worlds test to men on how stupid and naive can a grown man be

>> No.21985242


Fuck you're out of touch. Men are expected to lose their virginity before they're 20. There's so much pressure out on us that we are mentally fucked up because of it. Every man and women is subjected to sexual pressure by the culture we live in before we are even sexually mature. Its backwards as hell, we are programmed to think we are losers before were even mature. Then we never grow out of that because we were stunted early and never had the chance to escape.

>> No.21985257

Hell no, the dudes I'm thinking of look like meatballs on legs.

>> No.21985263
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20210722_20_10_44_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been a NEET from 1983 to 1989, and from 2015 to the present. I am a frail but brilliant fucker, a most ancient fag, an exquisite loser, 60 as I speak. All of my living family, except for me, works in finance in a world alpha city, the North Loop. They never learned the lesson of my father, who turned down a lucrative offer from Johnson Wax because he didn't want to live in Racine, lovely as Wright's building is.

>> No.21985265

boomers and the ones after them were expected to make babies at 18 after graduation and to have a steady job ready for when the kid pops out, they were expected to have a white picket fence and a job that can support a family of 3 at minimum while paying off your mortgage debt
the standard of masculinity got fucked when boomers did a bit too much coke and lsd and sold their country down the river for that white picket fence

>> No.21985269


And got a bunch of awefull tattoos lmao

>> No.21985291

>Men are expected to lose their virginity before they're 20
What kind of hypersexualized fucked up place did you come from?

>> No.21985293

>t. mentally ill person.
schizos need to go

>> No.21985298

The face is mainly what is important. Even having a chiselled chin like you said is not that important. It's all about the proportions of the eyes, nose, mouth, and how large the head is proportionally to the body overall. Incels are right in principle, but wrong about the specific details of what makes a man attractive. There are plenty of pudgy, overweight men who can still slot into that upper 20% just by being born and developing well.

>> No.21985306


I hate this. I am good-looking, short but attractive enough to have had female attention all my life. But I am too insecure to do anything about it most of the time. I could have had dozens of very attractive women by now but I just go completely retard around them. Fffs.

I mostly just want a qt gf though.

>> No.21985307

>sexual pressure by the culture.
>waaaaah waaaaah its the Culture that is wrong.
You mean the Culture of feminism. Feminism wanted to liberate females by making females into men and they were successful. Women were the ones who started hook-up culture to favor a career over marriage in university. Women were the ones who wanted to use divorce as a means to wealth. Women were the ones who wanted to min-max the best man they could get by cheating and monkey-branching. Its not Men's fault at all, its the abuse of power Women are doing that put this all into motion. It is now Women's fault why men are leaving them behind. Women need men, Men do not need women.

>> No.21985308


The west.

>> No.21985311

you mean West (China)

>> No.21985314

America, but this shit is Coming Soon to a first-world country near you, if it hasn't already.

>> No.21985313


Yeah sure. I'm not even talking about that though. I'm just talking about the pressure on men to be sexual confident at a young age.

>> No.21985316

It's really not. I have seen some very average or downright ugly dudes pull chicks at bars, and not ugly chicks either, by having a good enough personality and sense of humor.

>> No.21985318
File: 610 KB, 592x715, 1664044513542270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm just talking about the pressure on men to be sexual confident at a young age.
>Admits to being mentally distorted
>"Wow, your really out of touch."
lol, lmao even.

>> No.21985321

You don't find it embarrassing to admit to feeling pressured by society? Sure, its hard not too when your young. But fuck, how can you call yourself a man when you are in your 20's complaining about the "sexual pressure society puts on you"? Just ignore it, literally no one gives a shit unless they are a coomed brained zoomer. Get better friends/people to be around, ffs.

>> No.21985325


What are you getting at?

>> No.21985326

Don't worry about it, we obviously don't agree and I'm getting kinda bored with the topic. How was your day?

>> No.21985327

You're a man, your idea of what is ugly or attractive on a man is fundamentally flawed. You have to look at the statistics of what women prefer, not what you think is attractive, because you judge men based on different attributes than women do. We've already established this. Your idea of average, even ugly to an extent, is probably within the top 20% of male attractiveness.

>> No.21985328

Sure dude, whatever you say.

>> No.21985335


I'm not complaining about shit. I'm 30 now and don't give a fuck. I'm simply able to look at how being uncomfortable with my sexuality when I was 15 engrained it in my mind during those formative years and held me back from being able to form healthy relationships.

You know, introspection. Heard of it?

>> No.21985339

>complaining about "sexual pressure" from the "culture"
grow up, holy shit. This is embarrassing man.

>> No.21985340

Admittedly, getting women drunk IS a tried and true method of lowering their standards. Unfortunately drunken bar pickups are not generally considered the standard of usual dating, and if the guy really is unattractive, then it's not likely to last more than one night.

>> No.21985344


Might be embarrassing to you. Sorry that I'm able to look back into my past and see what could have possibly caused things to go wrong for me. Sorry that I want to talk about it.

Why do you feel so threatened by this?

>> No.21985345

I'd rather just not date, its way easier to avoid accusations and women in general if I do that. If women are surprised I exist then I'm doing my job correctly.

>> No.21985348

>Why do you feel threatened by this?
Spin it anyway you want, revulsion is not a threat, it is a natural human disgust to degradation. And yes, we all feel that pressure when we are young but you either comply to it or transcend it. We don't sit around 15 years afterwards wanting to get an emotional hand job because it happened to us. Its in the past, leave it there.

>> No.21985357


That's not what I'm doing or why I wrote it, I was discussing how fucked up and sexualised our culture is and how it creates a wound in so many people. But whatever, you're obviously just trying to be a hostile. Go make yourself a sandwich.

>> No.21985358

>I'd rather just not date
Chances are you don't even have a choice. Good luck getting a date at all.

>> No.21985360

Who said anything about dating? We're talking about hookup culture. Most people engaging in drunken hookups aren't looking to date anyway.

>> No.21985361

>Go make yourself a sandwich.
Very effeminate response which makes me doubt your masculinity, but that's unironically a better thing to do than continue with this inanity.

>> No.21985363


Get some food in you, it'll help.

>> No.21985383

Dating is basically the safe line of argument for you to make, it's easier for uglier people. Hookup culture is even more focused on appearance. The whole thing about dating is basically an addendum to make the point that the women acknowledge they made a mistake when they are sober, because they realize they slept with someone unattractive.

>> No.21985406

Everything about the East smacks of cruel despotism. I imagine slavery eternal, without end, and meet it always in matters of fact.

>> No.21985483

I’m so Fucking miserable, dude. I just want to be free.

>> No.21985487

How are you a NEET in America?

>> No.21985496

I really fucked up in college and career. I never fucking recovered.

>> No.21985561

I would rather be ugly and have R1a-Z93 paternal haplogroup than be good looking with a weird paternal haplogroup of a Southerly origin.

>> No.21985567

I am 60,retired, and from a solidly middle-class family. I also happen to live in a rural area of a blue state, the best in the Great Lakes region, that is to say northern Illinois. Of places on the planet only the Netherlands are more fortunate.

>> No.21985585

Social engineering is a real profession.

>> No.21985598

You’re a NEET then. You retired.

>> No.21985603 [DELETED] 

I feel like I ended up in the wrong career and I sometimes worry that my age is no longer optimal for me to pivot hard and do something bigger with my life. I can’t lean on my parent forever and I don’t have enough savings to just live on perpetually. A lot of the opportunities that would’ve been afford to a younger man are probably off the table.

>> No.21985613

I worry that I ended up in the wrong sort of life and it’s too late to get out.

>> No.21985625

I used to joke about my long vacation that stretched from 1983 to 1989, though to be honest I never worked hard at anything: The best job I ever had was in a luxury retailer in a regional mall, and, to be honest, I'm too lazy to enjoy work in lesser conditions

>> No.21985664

*made a lot of friends there, and partied with almost all of them. Good times.

>> No.21985692

I‘m that anon. Funny to see you‘re still arguing ahahahaha.

>> No.21985793


>> No.21985869

Yeah I was just looking at my gpa and it is bad

>> No.21985892

Go to the family gathering, find at least one family memeber you can rely on, and then talk to that person. I don't see why this should be the only emotional outlet in your life. You're very much over reacting to this situation. Suicide over some guy is absurd at every level. Dont do it.

>> No.21985965

I'm a butt hole appreciator, not a suicide enjoyer. I was sincere in asking for your butt hole :( please dont kill yourself

>> No.21986073

last few times i've picked up a book to read i barely read a page before i go to write my own book.

>> No.21986155

I’m not a whore. My family is very religious, and I have a lot of psychological hang-ups related to intimacy, so I’ve never had sex. I wouldn’t want to become sexually involved with someone unless we were in a committed long term relationship. You probably won’t believe that, but it’s the truth.

You clearly feel a lot of resentment towards women in general, and it seems to be coming from a place of inner frustration and emotional pain. I’m genuinely sorry that you feel so disillusioned and unhappy. You may not believe me, but I do empathize with you. Our culture’s attitude towards sex and relationships is deeply dysfunctional and corrosive to the foundations of society, and it’s clear that it’s causing a lot of suffering for both men and women. A lot of young men seem to feel alienated and angry, and it draws them towards toxic ways of thinking. Please understand that women are individuals and can not all be classified in the same way. If you want to critique women for being promiscuous and materialistic and using their sexuality to manipulate men, then you should be just as critical of men for celebrating, participating in, and tolerating that sort of behaviour.