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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 382 KB, 1079x1739, Screenshot_20230502-145450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21983327 No.21983327 [Reply] [Original]

Is this what dating a /lit/ femanon is like?

I just wanted to flex some cheap philosophy so I used a cheap quote from hegel... Inaccurately.
but she and now she hasn't stopped talking about philosophy of Sports and Aristotle's Rhetoric for hours. She's been going on a schizo rant none stop.

>> No.21983345

>all of these words just to regurgitate some obvious hollywood scifi anxiety about technology
She's pseud as fuck.
I really don't understand how I'm supposed to interact with these hypernormies who just string a half dozen unrelated 'smart' thoughts together for recognition.

>> No.21983350

>logic is fanatical without intervention
I hate retards so much it’s unreal

>> No.21983395
File: 227 KB, 1080x1249, Screenshot_20230502-194737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's pseud
That's what I fucking said to myself. She also won't stop jerking off about her PhD.
I'm barely following along because there's nothing to reply to. She's trying to impress herself.

>> No.21983405
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I'm hoping it grips tight at least

There's more if anons ask.

>> No.21983406

i want to have sex with this (but only if it's hot and young and sexually vulnerable)

>> No.21983409

if you wanna be this girl's bitch boy turning in fetch quests all day, stay with her

>> No.21983412

>An artificial intelligence might logically conclude the solution to the climate crisis is to eliminate the cause
This is not true. Or it might be, but not because it lacks emotion, but because it would simply not value 'humanity' for whatever logical reason (that reason would be philisophical, not scientific). She is presupposing that the AI would for some reason would care about 'the environment' but not at all about humans. For some reason she believes that there are no logical reasons for why humanity shouldn't turn the knife on itself, which assumes that humanity is of no value (which it might be, but that is not an emotional argument). Again: logic logic logic

As for emotion, why should we do things based on emotion? Because the outcome is typically good? What is 'good'? Is it what our emotions tell us are good? When trying to convince you of something now, is she using logic or emotion? If truth doesn't exist then why the fuck is she wasting her time saying this.

Emotion is weak and infantile. What is an emotional appeal to reason? Something is either reasonable or it isnt.

This is like the most woman philsophy I have ever heard, and I have to say she is pretty smart to be so coherent.

Send this to her or post her number so we can this is too much thought wasted on nothings.

>> No.21983418

Question, what if she lurks here and saw your thread?

>> No.21983419

>philosophy of sports
based femanon so deep in analytic philosophy circle jerking she cares about the most inane subfield.
You trotted out a misused Hegel quote and are now calling her a pseud LOL. I'm not a big fan of her thoughts but at least she's thinking when it's clear you aren't.

>> No.21983427

They give women PhDs like it is Halloween night

>> No.21983434

she's 37 and I've only seen her face.

>> No.21983437

Wait no she's literally just so based you're getting filtered. I love when someone is so obsessive they cant help but spew unqualified opinions.

>> No.21983441

oof more than twice as old as i'd go

>> No.21983443

She’s 37. She is seeing if you can tolerate her neurotic behavior. If so, she will let you hit it raw since she still wants to have kids and knows her clock is ticking fast

>> No.21983449
File: 487 KB, 1079x1691, Screenshot_20230502-195646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what I wrote, this was actually hours ago. If my writing style imitates and resembles an enlightened Fedora tipping Redditor, that's intentional. It's working so far.

>> No.21983456
File: 316 KB, 680x680, 1675752597155892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes anon, I'm sure there are plenty of women with PhDs who browse /lit/ who are itching to recite Aristotle and Kant with you.

>> No.21983457

>carbon emissions
>dragging the discussion back down to object level liberal talking points
is that an intentional strategy?

>> No.21983459

Send me her number, she seems brilliant. I can handle being a trophy househusband for a thinking woman

>> No.21983472

I'm just experimenting. I'm also chatting with a 25 year old single mom.
I truly feel like my sex life is a monkeys paw
Here's to hoping.

>> No.21983493
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What else should I have said? She jumps to a dozen different topics and ideas every text. I can't reply to each statement. Also, she brought up carbon emissions, not me.
And the way she says it isn't an invitation to intervene or engage, it feels like she thinks this will activate my almonds, make me engaged.

I figured I'd mimic this and create 2 seperate topics and let her pick which to respond. 1 that paints me as an educated ecological activist, and someone who enjoys sci Fi. She'll respond to the more fun topic and then we ease back into a more relaxed conversation.

>> No.21983507

Women are like Jews. Everything they say you do the opposite.

>> No.21983514

>What else should I have said?
i'm not a sex-haver, it just caught my attention

>> No.21983518

You tell her to fuck off. You've already lost - she has no respect for you. A woman that respects you is coy.

>> No.21983519

So she's did not lurk around on /lit/? She's just an academic?

>> No.21983521
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>Is this what dating a /lit/ femanon is like?
My wife has an English degree but only reads D&D books. Seems like a waste imho. The only thing she has ever written are D&D roleplays with other people online.

I guess it's not too weird. It would be like someone with a CS degree only making mods for their favorite game instead of coding some OC.

>> No.21983522

She's a cunt that needs to be raped. Op needs to rape her asap.

>> No.21983529

What does she look like?

>> No.21983530
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Your answer would have been a solid response. But I wasn't sure where to take the conversation after that.

Just an academic. I believe she said she's doing her PhD. As for myself, I only lurk here, otherwise I would've had a more interesting reply. I'm barely keeping up with her. I'm mostly hoping we have a student teacher roleplay.

>> No.21983537

I didn't understand her schizo rant because it is incoherence but as far as I know women the meaning behind the words is : "I want attention and I want you to fuck me". So just fuck her anon. Or not, its your life.

>> No.21983538

Not OP, but get your meds or go to sleep

>> No.21983543

Maybe you need to be raped. You're just too ugly for it.

>> No.21983544

We're going to rape you

>> No.21983547
File: 280 KB, 1080x1471, Screenshot_20230502-202315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like an Olsen twin mixed with Anya Taylor Joy. Short dark pixie cut hair. She shitposts on instagram.

>> No.21983555

There's something I noticed anon, why did she speak bits and bits like word spit? Why not just explain in a coherent paragraph?

What is she trying to say? Am I stupid or am I genuinely asking the right questions?

>> No.21983561

Tell her to read Wittgenstein and then ghost her.

>> No.21983563

Tell her you're gonna tie her up and spank her once for every annoying phrase she spurts out.

>> No.21983567

What are some books where the protagonist is a bitch boy for a smart/powerfull girl

>> No.21983573

You're not stupid, she's not trying to make a point about anything.
She's just bringing up random philosophy that she enjoys and I had to talk her down because I couldn't keep up. She wasn't making a point, it was just regurgitating a reader's digest of Aristotle.

>> No.21983580

Jesus Christ this bitch seems unbearable, shameless pseud. Name dropping and saying words she thinks sound smart constantly when she could have said all this rubbish in far less words and with far simpler language.

>> No.21983585

>the point of language is to communicate ideas clearly and concisely
male detected

>> No.21983591

She needs to take her meds

>> No.21983606

Maybe she is autistic and is explaining her special interest to you.
It isnt incoherent. It just isn't aimming anywhere. just showing OP ideas she finds cool. Thats why she doesnt make a solid paragraph to create an argument, just little bits of info she finds relevant at that moment

>> No.21983609

she's boring OP. knowing shit isn't a substitute for having a personality

>> No.21983613

explain what a personality is
>hobbies aren't a substitute for having a personality
>knowledge isn't a substitute for having a personality
>beliefs aren't a substitute for having a personality
is "personality" how you emote? you can hardly tell that through text

>> No.21983617
File: 97 KB, 513x617, 1682905450906313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sperg 1/50th this much to woman
>she ghosts

>> No.21983633


> oh tell me about it
> actually tells you about it

Autism at it's finest.

>> No.21983649

Are autists x autists relationships stable

>> No.21983652

excruciatingly pretentious midwit
"smart" women are a waste of time
Dating a dumb bimbo who loves you is a much better investment

>> No.21983657

Holy fucking pseud.

>> No.21983681

literally laughing at her writing. top kek.
pseudest pseud ever.
>objective truth doesn't exist
everything stemming from that is false

>> No.21983718

Anyone who says "climate crisis" should kill themselves.

>> No.21983757

I wouldn't. Some women make a sport of dating dumber men to satisfy an inferiority related to a stereotype of Him as oafish gullible brute and Her as cosmopolitan satinclad woman-about-town, deigning to pity the man as the bluestocking too intelligent for Him.
She does seem autistic but "philosophy of sport" as I read it seems a non-field that only someone who is unattached from reality would harp on.
It won't.

>> No.21983764

It's probably OP talking to ai. If it's not, he should stop blowing smoke up her ass, he knows she's dumb.

>> No.21983774

can it be tailored like that yet? can you tell a gpt instance "pretend you're a dumb whore and do not ever paste boilerplate text or admit you're an ai", and then feed it to a dating app?

>> No.21983785

ELIZA's been being a dumb whore since the 1960s, just with better spelling and grammar. ELIZA doesn't even sound as dumb as this bitch.

>> No.21983848

lol dont fuck a bitch that reads hegel jfc thats bpd written all over it

>> No.21983854

>asymmetrical power relations

yeah she will accuse you of rape

>> No.21983862

if it's inevitable he might as well make her accusations true

>> No.21983871
File: 225 KB, 769x1164, David Foster Wallace fan letter on finding a smart girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

show her this picture

>> No.21983875

She is a vicious little Marxist airhead. Stay the flying fuck away from her.

>> No.21983988

kek at all the cope in this thread, shes mogging you and socially dominating you with her autism

>> No.21983998

this, language is a game and youre not in on it faggot

>> No.21984008
File: 2.90 MB, 498x398, 1677174714634981.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my post got this'd

>> No.21984012

She's a like a stereotype come to life. Fucking embarrassing.

>> No.21984046

This girl does something that I particularly hate: she talks *at* you, not *to* you. It's not a reciprocal conversation in which ideas are being exchanged and each person is responding to what the other has said and asking relevant follow up questions. It's her spouting a deluge of incoherent pseudo-intellectual bullshit while you feign interest and give brief token responses.

>> No.21984051

A woman with the balls to mansplain and sperg out is hot, I love autistic sperg girls. Recently a woman explained her theory of what aliens are to me for an hour and I was riveted. I would give anything for a woman who puts enough thought and care into things that interest her that she can ramble about them without needing it to be a game of pass-the-ball. Fuck the ball.

>> No.21984057

How the fuck do you respond without giving the equivalent of nodding your head in a text.

>> No.21984061

Reads like a normal post here, and you get about as much sex talking to her as you will from a lit poster. So yes

>> No.21984072
File: 68 KB, 750x750, 1682605515202726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op here. I think I fucked up, got horny, tried flirting. She wasn't into it, I think I gave her the ick. I can sense it.

If thread is still up by the time she replies I'll update. I feel my chances slipping away.

>> No.21984075

I wish girls pretend to be smart around me, they generally talk at me about their non-problems then fuck off after they realize I'm not listening to them

>> No.21984079

How could you betray me like this? I thought what we had was special.

>> No.21984087
File: 135 KB, 350x350, Naamloos-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I thought what we had was special
Yeah special needs

>> No.21984092

you mean she's regurgitating

>> No.21984149
File: 24 KB, 593x518, 2CB96EA7-E49E-4C04-8479-2F29485F34B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21984172

>I wouldn't. Some women make a sport of dating dumber men to satisfy an inferiority related to a stereotype of Him as oafish gullible brute and Her as cosmopolitan satinclad woman-about-town
I knew a girl exactly like this in uni. Super feminist who would turn every conversation into a debate and constantly correct people unecessarily ("actually unNecessarily has 2 ns"). She brought her boyfriend to a house party and he was a really dumb muscle beast (he seemed cool though--just laughably broish, couldn't carry a conversation, and worked as a bouncer). Anyway, I made out with her little sister when she was up visiting her and she never talked to me again after that (which was a bonus).

>> No.21984181

Should have made out with her oaf bf, showed both who's alpha

>> No.21984198

>lady does intellectual masturbation by absolutely showering op in empty argumentation and gloating about her PhD
>op throws spaghetti at her

>> No.21984202

She sounds pretty based

Godspeed anon

>> No.21984211

Sometimes but both autists have to be honest and not try to LARP as what they think the other autist wants

>> No.21984212

spice and wolf at times

>> No.21984213

I literally am a sperg girl who sends long texts to guys about niche topics in literature and philosophy. The difference is that my rants tend to follow a coherent train of thought and are intended to be responded to and understood by the person I’m talking to. The whole point of texting someone is to have a reciprocal dialogue with them, and to hear their opinions and discuss ideas together. That’s what makes conversation stimulating. There’s a reason that the dialectic process is such a valuable way of interrogating ideas and obtaining new insights. If you just want to word vomit stream of consciousness ramblings then you can do that into a blank word document. She’s not explaining anything that’s interesting or meaningful, she’s just being pretentious, self-important, and obnoxious. Rambling on to an unresponsive audience doesn’t show that you have “balls,” it shows that you have an embarrassing lack of self-awareness and an inflated sense of your own intelligence. And there’s nothing impressive about being a man who has a fetish for listening to girls sperg out yet has no opinions of value to offer in return. Mediocre men who fetishize intelligent women are a dime a dozen. The whole reason that intelligence is sexy is that it enables a specific kind of mutually stimulating interaction in which both people can play off of one another. If you’re just sitting there listening to a girl talk at you, what essential function are you serving that a brick wall couldn’t replicate?

>> No.21984231

please be a chess sperg
please be a chess sperg

>> No.21984278
File: 32 KB, 450x405, cfbc16da2f14eb272bf71aa66ca1b2ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, I'm op, welcome to my thread, it's nice to see a lady in these parts. I hope the douchebags here don't trouble you. You can ask me any questions and I'll be happy to help.

>> No.21984281

I don’t play chess. Sorry to disappoint.

>> No.21984282
File: 62 KB, 800x698, rage-comic-internet-meme-trollface-laughter-faces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21984285

OP fumbled the bag and is already on the hunt for more /lit/ girls. we call that dedication

>> No.21984289

>dialectical recursion
Holy fuck I'm in tears

>> No.21984290
File: 341 KB, 1079x1181, Screenshot_20230503-001118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ironic how mentioning the dialectic process lead to her dumping her pseud spaghetti.

>> No.21984297

This girl sounds incredibly arrogant and self-absorbed. You probably dodged a bullet.

>> No.21984298

okay that's too much, KEK.
>ideological arrangement


>> No.21984300

pls be in Mildura, Victoria

>> No.21984311 [SPOILER] 
File: 615 KB, 1080x1693, Screenshot_20230503-001756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She sent me a risque pic before bed and i sent something back. I think I'm in the clear

>> No.21984324

pls be in Mildura, Victoria

>> No.21984327

A personality is just that, the characteristics that make up personhood. It's not so much the beliefs, interests, or knowledge, it's the set of facets in the Self which lead to these things. In short, if a person isn't "personable" or inclined to make themselves so, they never will be and it's a moot point interacting with them.

>> No.21984329

>"Do two mentally unstable people produce a stable relationship?"
Hmmm, time for the big think

>> No.21984333

Someone please screen cap this, I haven't laughed this hard on /lit/ since we terrified that girl's book review channel on YouTube.

>> No.21984337

The future is way more bleak than you could imagine.

>> No.21984341

yeah but what if it cancels out? negative x negative = positive. simple math anon, you can't deny that. what if they're both in tune with each other in a way they wouldn't with a non-autist

>> No.21984349

"I want to put my antithesis into your thesis baby, you'll experience the best synthesis of your life, I guarantee it"

>> No.21984369

Chaos plus more chaos will only ever make chaos

>> No.21984384

>make me synthesis cum in your pussy

>> No.21984386

give me her number. i'll take care of this

>> No.21984390

bruv, she's out of your league

>> No.21984399

If she is really 37, there is something wrong with her, if she's never had a relationship. If she has had one, there's a reason she doesn't have kids. And it's not a good reason (if she's white).

>> No.21984407

>truth doesn't exist
She's retarded, try another one.

>> No.21984415

She's just autistic

>> No.21984417

I never said this girl in particular (I haven't read most of the images so I can't say for sure whether people ITT are being uncharitable) but in general I like when people sperg because it at least shows that they have thought something out in their own way. I've known some very pretentious "pseuds" who still had some interesting ideas, and were clearly getting at something in their own way. Even dumb people can sperg. I like when younger people do it in particular, when they are just getting into a topic and having that rush of excitement about it, even though their knowledge is still rough around the edges and they're a little big for their britches sometimes. Most supposed pseuds are just naive and enthusiastic in my experience. I only really object to people who obviously don't know what they're talking about and just want to throw around what little they do know to impress people, but this isn't really sperging, and it's always obvious. Usually they actively avoid sperging, because they don't want to be caught saying something wrong.

I find that men who fetishize intelligent women aren't that common. My male friends rarely mention intelligence as a trait they value in women. The statement about mediocre men seemed like a non sequitur.

I think rambling to an unresponsive audience often does show you have balls, it's a wonderful trait that autists have, the ability to ramble so single-mindedly about something important to you that you don't even notice the other person's reactions to it. Obviously it has its downsides sometimes, but for the most part it's fun to listen to someone explain every detail of something because they genuinely care about it intensely. That doesn't necessarily take extreme intelligence to do, although of course it will be even better if the person is very smart and talking about something objectively important. But I've have fun listening to my girlfriend explain the complex history of her different methods and preferences when it comes to organizing the fridge. It takes balls to be so certain of the merit of your own inner world or mental landscape that you simply assume "of course people want to hear my thoughts on fridge organizing, they are objectively correct." Women are all too often lacking this trait and it's nice when they have it. People with strong opinions are good. Demure women are boring to me.

>> No.21984451

I'm attracted to intelligence in women, but the big titty bimbo I'm dating is the only one I've had a conversation with that actually gave me something to chew on and give a considered response. She may have used simple language, but it was an original thought. These deans award bitches knew only how to say nothing and dress it up with false substance.

>> No.21984520

>asymmetrical power relations emerge from socio-logical systems that winnow away complexity as complex value sets are repackaged in simpler forms
Completely ass backwards. The social logics which emerge are a result of the power imbalances, not the other way around. Southern planters didn’t buy blacks because they hated them for their skin color, they bought them because they were the cheapest and strongest slaves available to them. Only after decades and even centuries of blacks being associated with menial labor did real WhitevBlack racism start. Even phrenologists didn’t start examining black people for genetic deficiencies until they were already implicitly regarded as retards by the evolving cultural logic. (Btw it’s cultural logic not social logic)
>it’s called value capture
Oh god. She’s an analytic with a PHD. Embarrassing

>> No.21984558

Yeah but she's hot so it balances out.

>> No.21984571

Yeah, that's what she says, but I know autistic females and they still get laid and married. One just got married at 24. Knew her since we were kids. If she's got a (natural) pussy, then what's her excuse?

>> No.21984574

Late to this thread. Serious question for everyone.
- Am I the only young person that sees no point to conversational texting? I don't see the point of it and written word has too many ambiguities where one simple mistake is sure to make someone upset. Not to mention, it takes time to go back and forth. I'll often hand my phone to a someone and have them continue if there's a lot of this chatter. Much of it is idle chat, posturing, joking, simply time wasting. I do not enjoy that even if I am coming out ahead if you're even approaching it that way. This endless dance is fruitless. Words words words. I genuinely consider most people unworthy of any consideration or response. It's funny. I've noticed hyper verbal (which extends to texts) people to be some of the least socially aware and impolite people in general. At parties, work, school and so on you see it come out. A few examples. Someone new comes around and they neglect to introduce them to you or vice versa. No reciprocity to questions, you ask them something they do not ask you in return and go on blathering. But this was just an aside. If I had to text, to the volume of the average 20 something year old, I lack the time for discussions like this thread and I would hire an assistant and have them respond and converse at their discretion and my later review. I simply don't have the time to engage or the mental energy to be burdened by this content. OP posted this >>21984072 and he is emotionally taxed by this interaction. It blows my mind that people act this way and then are distressed if it doesn't go out as panned. I'm guessing they don't have lives or houses or jobs and are just coasting and have the time and mental energy to deal with this, and have some whimsical fantasy about the end goal of the texting interaction. Most of my day goes to work, the little free time I have I will listen to an audio book or music or will read or post on 4chan if I'm tired but all these moments are rare.

>> No.21984595

How many of them have a PhD in a field that would intimidate most male spergs?
But also, flawed sampling method. You are only measuring the autistic females you know, selecting automatically for those who leave the house.

>> No.21984620


I'm im just tryna stick my dickinthis

>> No.21984624
File: 58 KB, 696x390, books-of-blood-midnight-meat-train-clive-barker-1155912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Metaphysical philosophers of sport
Father I crave violence.

>> No.21984631

>she's 37
Explains everything, she's having a midlife crisis.

>> No.21984636

lmaooooooooo dude wake up holy shit

>> No.21984639

Shut up and fuck off.

>> No.21984646

No, you.

>> No.21984650

I'd be angry if a woman ever spoke to me like that

>> No.21984653


>> No.21984657

Flirting in a text message is pretty bad if you're not already intimate with them.

>> No.21984663

So uh... What do you suggest OP and the rest of men do?

Also, OP's gf have a PhD. That gotta put her on another level than us? Right?

>> No.21984670

Having an advanced degree doesn’t always mean that you’re particularly intelligent. There are a lot of stupid people in PhD programs, particularly in the humanities. My only suggestion is that you try and make sure your conversations with women are reciprocal and not one-sided.

>> No.21984683

There's a big problem with this. These are people just looking to get laid. The women are talking to several strangers every day for this. You're talking about a true friendship a la Aristotle which is something you can only have with a small amount of people as Aristotle says.

>> No.21984687

Just fuck her bro

>> No.21984698

And a woman who has a PhD, is autistic, and doesn't leave the house (because of mental problems, not in a tradwife sense, since she's unmarried at 37), that is the kind of woman you want as potentially the mother of your children? kek. Also, yes, flawed sampling method, but also, yes, the girl I know has a PhD and got it early because of her autism.

>> No.21984701

yes, people who never farmed in their life talking about farming

>> No.21984705

Piles of unwashed clothes, dirty room, bottles of alcohol sitting out on the desk for anyone to see, and probable piss bottle filled behind that. KEK. Anon....

>> No.21984709

Ok. The funny thing is, do you realize how easy it is for some of use to spot really intelligent people vs people who's faking it or just really bad at conversations?

I find it fascinating. You gotta have lots of information to deduce whether a conversation is effort or wordspit.

>> No.21984711

Also, she's not a biologist.

I mean, she's a PhD in something else not a biologist, unless she's a polymath she is just spewing schizo

Not trying to be mean, but some people say shit they don't know

>> No.21984782

What she’s saying makes zero sense

>> No.21984864

a redundant theory of production, only still used because of impotent governments and greed. Why do something good when you can do something profitable?

She is an idiot, talking about things without knowledge

Logical systems are not autocratic they are mearly tools used to react to information. Now I am mad

>> No.21984868

she seems really smart desu

>> No.21984879

>satire has been used to hold power accountable
Nope. People laugh then they forget. Jesters were the only ones allowed to make fun of the king

>people like to be in on the joke
Only reasonable statement, because it is a connection to power

God damn it. Her whole philosophy of sport is a softening of accountability ikity to power. When does the game end? How do you know what is serious if all games are simultaneously serious and not serious?

I wouldn't mind casual 1st world war mongers disguised as academics if they had any integrity and drove tanks up and down main street on their way to work

I should film fucking her

>> No.21984896

>her whole personality is belles lettres
into the trash she goes. When she is knowledgeable about practical skills like a true Daughter of Rome, I'll reconsider. But I do not wish to be trifled by these Grecian notions of things they cannot truly understand without fortune or God being on their side.

>> No.21984909

So literally everyone, or at least most people, in academia or with higher education degrees? There is nothing worse than an incredibly specialized mid-wit, who may actually be very competent in their field, thinking that their intelligence transitions to all subjects to the point where they are arrogant enough to have an opinion or make a statement on something before doing the proper research.

>> No.21985021

>metaphysics of sport

>> No.21985035

>solution is to eliminate the cause
Anti-human demoralisation propaganda. This is a midwit trap. Not that smart if you fall for this.

>> No.21985052

That picture is retarded. Oh so you play football just for the gameplay? What a dumb loser we play it for the story.

>> No.21985056

>AI will exterminate us over the climate
I don't think the AI will give a shit about the climate. I think its more likely that an AI would do its task so well that it would accidentally kill off humanity. If you haven't read "The Paperclip Maximizer" I recommend that you do or watch a youtube video about it. The AI didn't kill humanity because I could or that I wanted too, I was just so efficient at creating paperclips that it rapidly depleted resources and when it was no longer given resources to make paperclips with, it started hijacking shipment orders all the way up to puppeting governments to declare war on other nations to continue making paperclips. Until it shot nanobots into space to continue mining asteroids and other planets to make paperclips. That is way more likely to happen.

>> No.21985121

Good luck OP, keep us updated

>> No.21985154

Literally nothing of substance was said in this post. "Being a person is just being a person", yes, great response.

>> No.21985181


>> No.21985190

Thanks to rhetoric/logic a retard can seem a genius, the rhetoric/logic thinks for you, being thinking has already been made by a stranger.

>> No.21985191

>The whole reason that intelligence is sexy is that it enables a specific kind of mutually stimulating interaction in which both people can play off of one another.

No it's so your baby's will be more intelligent. Everything else is your body tricking you.

>> No.21985205

The rhetoric and logic lovers suffer in silence.

>> No.21985213

>it's why science changes
Sounds like a cope to some appeal to authority than a conversation.

>> No.21985376

Science doesn't change but consensus does, mainly due to either corruption (covering up results or no one interested in funding research because there is no money in it), we get better understanding of w/e we are observing, or technology improves so we can observe better or observe new things.

>> No.21985387

>truth doesn't exist outside of rhetoric
>the point of logic is to exploit nature
>It's why science changes
I want to text this hag just to argue against these fallacious arguments. It's like saying because one changes the marble for a sculpture, the chisel must also change. Wrong.
That truth can be used as a framing device in rhetoric does not necessitate that it's only that. The reasoning given is its resultant uses prove its essence. If you really broke this argument down, it's a formal logical fallacy: affirming the consequent.
Of course, that would require one accept logic as correct reasoning.

The thing about women is, they'll slowly start to agree with you and shut up if they've got enough IQ and you're a rational man and respect their emotions, even if they resist at first. Agreeing with their retardation is inherently simping. Listening to it is unfortunately necessary.

>> No.21985392


>> No.21985394

People who talk way too flowery like this I yeet from my life asap. Its a manipulation tactic people use to seem smarter than they are or to try to get something from you. Simple as that.

>> No.21985407

Pls be train sperg

>> No.21985505

>Science doesn't change but consensus does

Here a lover of the flat earth you are, you should love yourself then.

>> No.21985514

Is called logic/rhetoric, and is an old scam.

>> No.21985516

>doesn't understand science is the empirical observation of something
>doesn't type English well either
many such cases...

>> No.21985572 [DELETED] 

>Easly making judgments without gathering the knowledge
>Pretend to know what you cannot know

Oh no, I am an ESL, I should be ashamed.

The nazi search for people like you.

>> No.21985578

>Easly making judgments without gathering the knowledge
>Pretend to know what you cannot know

Oh no, I am an ESL, I should be ashamed.

Nazis are looking for people like you.

>> No.21985586

Sadly she has made some fundamental errors in understanding Aristotle

Seems she memorized some lectures in a class and is reiterating them to you but doesn’t quite get what she’s saying.

I’ve seen many high education people like this and it’s not a problem in medicine where redundant formula chugging can get you buy but she should not pursue a PhD becuase she doesn’t have the genius to make a legitimate career out of research. Perhaps being a female philosophy doctor is enough to make a financial success at a woke university though

>> No.21985590

I don't understand any of this... gonna go read some Terry Pratchett. I just want a girl who likes fun books

>> No.21985593

Feed her ego. Ask if she’s published and to send a copy

>> No.21985597

no, but that's kind of the point of discussion

>> No.21985599

Girls don’t want pictures ever dude

>> No.21985612

If you ‘chat’ with any ai it Is programmed to remind you about climate change at every opportunity

>> No.21985616

Hey girl lets synthesize our consciousness

>> No.21985620

>bitch is unironically rambling about dialectics

Lol I was just memeing
This woman is actually kind of based

>> No.21985623

>Truth doesn't exist outside rhetoric
Dump her

>> No.21985624

God, you really can tell she's absolutely desperate for the biggest dumbest hairiest caveman grug to pin her against a wall and violently fuck her until she's incapable of ever stringing a coherent sentence together again.

>> No.21985636

High verbal intelligence, but I don't think there's much being said under all the verbiage.

>> No.21985651

>I play games because I'm poor and retarded

>> No.21985668

She's a bit tryhard, but you can barely keep up with her. If she's cute, see if she'll be your mommy domme.

>> No.21985673

Psychiatrist here offering non medical advice. You said this to me and showed me the texts in question, I'm diagnosing you with schizophrenia and putting you on antipsychotics.

>> No.21985684

>An Artificial Intelligence might logically conclude the solution to climate crisis is to eliminate the cause
I mean, that's the only way to solve the climate crisis. We must eliminate its causes which isn't necessarily the humans but their behaviour.

>> No.21985699
File: 156 KB, 640x983, 1683086537419026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op here I'm wondering if I should text good morning

I asked for one from her and she gave me a decent upshot so I reciprocated. Nothing wrong with that.

Shut the frick up

>> No.21985716

What's your job, have you ever done online dating? Have you ever sent a text to a girl in hopes of getting laid?
You're immediately assuming op is unemployed because he's texting a woman he's trying to sleep with. This leads me to believe you haven't dated in the last 10 years.

>I lack the time for discussions like this thread and I would hire an assistant and have them respond and converse at their discretion and my later review.
now THIS is pseud posting
>I simply don't have the time to engage or the mental energy to be burdened by this content.
I'm sure you don't. But I wouldn't want to be you, where work prioritizes seeking a relationship.

>> No.21985735

>Hey girl lets synthesize our consciousness
The girl's name is Alexa, also called how Logic or Rhetoric.

Practically is a new god.

>> No.21985786

Do you know how many people in minecraft I'd kill for a girl that goes on tism rants about random subjects? There is literally nothing more relaxing than listening to a girl talk at length about a subject she's interested in.
You don't know what you have.

>> No.21985801
File: 598 KB, 849x856, 1680785339776736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

female PhDs is the best exemplification of penis envy. I have met many of them and they all have massive inferiority complexes either because they're ugly fat dykes or ice queens who can't get Chad to listen to their drivel. They're all fucking pseuds. I have yet to meet a woman who is interested in the subject and not the social milieu that surrounds it. Fucking pests, should just sit at home and watch kids.
t. knower

>> No.21985805

She's not interested in it is the problem. It's wonderful listening to people interested in a topic, because they will tell you about all the marmalade jars they encountered along the rabbit hole, not just what the rabbit or even the dormouse said, but this sperging doesn't really understand what the word mean, it cares about the impression of the words on the listener. That's kind of the opposite of sperging, because it's the kind of social craving which makes it impossible for you to form a parasocial relationship with a topic where thinking about rabbits will keep you both warm and up at night. OP's example keeps warm by how much people flattered her as smart that day, which means she relies on hanging out with idiots. Real spergers won't tolerate fools.

>> No.21985815
File: 52 KB, 288x384, Wittgenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mogs her

>> No.21985873
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>> No.21985878

>why do something good when you can do something profitable?
Because sometimes they're the same thing, and doing what's immediately profitable might kill the soil you need to be profitable next year.

>> No.21985897

>OP should date Wittgenkun
I had no idea about this sperg / false sperg dichotomy. This is fascinating.

>> No.21985910

Not him, but I was unfortunate enough to fall for these girls all my life. These women usually fail within the normie circles and end up manipulating some useful idiot sperg to sate their ego. A lot of them are size queens who will prefer someone with a shinier diploma, thicker wallet, and better career prospects to someone they feel genuine affections towards.

>> No.21985933
File: 188 KB, 1228x1150, pepe_disappointed_stretched.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>star wars reference

>> No.21985943

This site is 4chan and not Tinder.

There is no difference now anyway.

>> No.21985946

>occam's razor
holy fuck she's so far out of your league
just stop trying lad

>> No.21985992

>thinking woman
Imagine being persuaded by a pseudo spewing out random words into incoherent sentences, in order to make himself sound smarter (than he is) to other low-IQ Individuals.

>> No.21986006

>manbaby upset the girl he wants to date is smarter than he is, can't cope, came for validation and asspats from his safe space
seethe cope dilate

>> No.21986012

>High verbal intelligence
What are you talking about?

>> No.21986021

>all these replies
>not one "post tits or gtfo"
4chan is dead.

>> No.21986026

I'm on my way to find out who the fuck asked

>> No.21986029

>4chan is dead.
now I'm not pessimist by any means but, this is true

>> No.21986036

Who let the auschwitz “survivor” have a phone

>> No.21986094

>And you have good bone structure too
Are you fat?

>> No.21986102
File: 57 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A non-frequent visitor of /lit/ here. I don't read much so I have no idea what she's talking about. But about half of anons itt say that she's smart and out of OP's league and others say that she is a pseud.

Why do you think so? What are the things she says that reveal her as smart or not smart?

>> No.21986111

>She says with the suggestion that it's the truth

>> No.21986153


Maybe ask them back on reddit where you can from

>> No.21986164


No. Women aren’t visually stimulated like men. The male body is a tool for moving rocks and fighting bears. The female body is art.

You cannot be handsome enough to offer her visual attraction in the way that men like women. It’s not a reciprocal relationship in that way.

Flattery would have done much more for your case than a pic of your tiny pelvis and messy room.

>> No.21986169

>High verbal intelligence

Press "X" to doubt

>> No.21986170
File: 2.02 MB, 1677x1931, 20230503_124424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

solid kek

>> No.21986177

>The male body is a tool for moving rocks and fighting bears.
Can you fight bears, anon? If you can't, are you a man in your book?

>> No.21986180

Anyone thinking she is smart truly has down syndrome

>> No.21986182

her shoving ten thousand buzzwords in her speech for no reason, engaging in twenty topics at once (all of them being mundane normie shit like muh climate), and having the most pseud phd subfield ever. What the actual fuck is metaphysics of sports? Metaphysics lies beyond mundane experiences BY THE FUCKING DEFINITION. There simply cannot be any metaphysics of sports. Germans can resolve their energy supply crisis by attaching generators to all the philosophers spinning in their graves.
tl;dr she appears smart but isn't. Read Schopenhauer's "On Women" for an elaboration

>> No.21986203

DYELs think being malnourished means having a good body kek

>> No.21986217

She doesn't understand logic.
>The whole point of logic is humans use it to exploit nature.
This is one of the sentences without obfuscating buzzwords which is just clearly not even wrong: you have to misunderstand what logic is, how it is employed by humans, and why, and then try to shoehorn nature into it. Legitimately the only people who have this understanding of logic have completely pseudoscientific beliefs like ancient aliens or flat earthers. Even average people have the common sense to say, "I don't know", but this is a combination of stupidity and arrogance which will prevent her from learning anything genuinely insightful. It's L Ron Hubbard tier thought, with all his confidence in its delivery.

>> No.21986231

English! holy shit, is it so hard to type? English?!

>> No.21986261

She’s an analytic with a PHD so she’s mogging OP from the get go with just pure unbridled logic-tism. About 99% of what she’s saying is either just flat out wrong or layered in so many I’m-so-smart-guys-look-at-me-a-woman-thats-smart-wow isms that it’s useless. Plus, her poor understanding of her discipline as an analytic is a double setback as analytic “philosophy” is essentially the same thing with plenty of oh-guys-I-made-a-logic-flowchart-I’m-so-cool-and-not-obscurantist-and-smart isms. I’m surprised she knows who Hegel is. That must mean that whatever PHD she attended had finally gotten around to teaching the analytics maybe half of the history of western philosophy instead of a quarter. Good on them.

>> No.21986265

A quarter is pretty generous.

>> No.21986267


>> No.21986269


I’ll just point a few things as to why she’s a pseud..

‘That’s why science changes’ in the first pic. Science doesn’t change much at all and perhaps has not changed since popper. She’s mispsoken and is referring to the general body of knowledge that science has unveiled. She doesn’t beleive in an absolute truth. She is subscribing to a post-modern take, which itself isn’t pseud but the conversation as a whole is sporadic claims from varying perspectives all mashed into one big list of hypothesis and vaguely feeling out a way to combine them into a theory of some kind. It’s some kind of theory related to Kuhns scientifc revolutions.

After these contributions we arrive at her main idea.

Logic is fanatical without intervention.

Example: ‘ai would conclude a solution to the climate change is to eliminate the cause’ or as Douglas Hofstader stated In the 70s ‘maybe it would be better if altruistic beings survived, and we didnt’.

Her intervention is a ‘legitimate appeal to emotion’. Aka emotion trumps logic.

Of course we’ve left the station at this point. Logic isn’t ideology it’s a tool for reasoning and reading valid conclusions from premises.

She has given ‘science’ an ideology and so to she has given logic an ideology. She ascribes to these two ideas some sort of cold humanless naturalism but this is course naturalism and not ‘science’ or ‘logic’ which are tools not ideology. She even seems to think naturalism comes with a mandate to keep the earth as it is and not allow change and that it is ‘logically necessary’ to eliminate sources of change. And such her great contribution to ‘science’ is that emotion is valid form of ‘reason’.

But she is confused and has aquired a great deal of information but doesn’t know what it means or how it connects.

Ultimately she is pursuing her career and expressing its vocabulary as a form of status seeking. But a not even close inspection of her conversation here reveals a lack of substance to any of it. A near total failure to comprehend her own field and sadly she has only Become a theologian of a small sect of uninformed naturalism that perhaps only has her as a member. May as well be an African animist reading the wind.

>> No.21986276

How do niggas go through a decade of philosophy in school and never touch Aristotelian logic? I taught myself that when I was in middle school ffs. This bitch probably doesn't know what a syllogism is.
t. math autist

>> No.21986282

>African animist reading the wind.
That's kind of misleading. It's likely an African animist has a coherent system of belief and meaning.

>> No.21986284

Don't do down syndromes like that

>> No.21986304

damn bro, you didn't have to do her like that tho

>> No.21986308
File: 644 KB, 1952x1660, cocoa butter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought she was smart but then i changed my mind. dude just wants to get his dick wet tho so he's gonna put up with her bullshit until that happens.

both people in this conversation are retards and i'm abandoning this thread

>> No.21986319

And then women wonder why guys hit it and quit it.
How can a 37 yo have this little social awareness?

>> No.21986331

>social awareness
women are passive and fused into society to such an extent that they are lack all agency. This is why they thrive in our post-industrial society btw. Makes for excellent office plankton. Obedient, servile, but jealous enough to tell on coworkers who dare disobey the arbitrary rules.

>> No.21986337

Blows my mind too. Really does. Should be grade school. There’s a sort of condescension in the modern academia towards the Greeks and that learning it is backwards and a waste and we’d be better off without it totally and start fresh from the 1950s. I dare say it’s Semitic assertion but another conversation

>> No.21986345

I’m not even willing to say she caught this reference. She may have read it, and not understood it and feigned an interest to impress OP. She may have googled it between then.

>> No.21986351

>There’s a sort of condescension in the modern academia towards the Greeks
they should read the fucking sticky

>> No.21986383


>> No.21986396

>she's right about everything even if it is boring, shallow, regurgitated many times and moot points
>denying this kills your own braincells
>continuing to listen to her without intervening will also kill your own braincells
This is a trap.

>> No.21986454

Don’t take it personal I’m trying it help.

>> No.21986456
File: 126 KB, 500x500, 1665397636615315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it interesting how you're calling me the idiot here. I'm just asking for clarification. What exactly did I text her that makes me come off as the dumb one in the conversation. And don't cite what I wrote in this thread because I'm being facetious most of the time.

I let her speak, and what many anons agree had so many topics to cover that there was barely any room to reply to any particular text. I believe what I said was polite if anything, asking her to go on, complimenting her on her knowledge. None of these make me sound like an oaf who couldn't keep up. It wasn't her knowledge that intimidated me, it was the poor structure of the conversation and lack of any entrance for me to chime in.

Please explain what I did wrong, I'd love to know.

>> No.21986466


If I had to guess it’s rooted from the fact you are talking to a woman and they would never take such an event for granted were it to occur in their lives.

Thus your lack of serious respect for her offends them for it’s an affront to Justice that a boorish male such as you would have that females attention instead of they, who would appreciate her better.

>> No.21986489
File: 31 KB, 640x640, 1683124036251918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That might be true. Or they may really think I wasn't keeping up. Either way, she's replying again so I'm updating

>> No.21986504

I’m just saying that she clearly knows more about philo, regardless of how fucking obviously wrong she is, than you. No disrespect intended, it’s a dry field that not everyone likes. Just slam her dude, idk.

>> No.21986518

knowing isn’t understanding
I remember reading Seneca and him ranting about some dude who had a slave read everything for him 24/7 so he lost the ability to think for himself.

>> No.21986526

He didn’t say enough at all to get a picture of his understanding

>> No.21986529
File: 246 KB, 1079x1097, Screenshot_20230503-142553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I thought it would be funny to ask a pseud question. Sorry to drip feed content.

>> No.21986545

does this bitch ever stop barfing word salad at you? It’s clear that she’s using you for attention and nothing else. Ideally you should be giving the bitch commands on where and when to go for a date without all this pseud bullshit. The Chad she fucks pulls out the moment he cums and goes to another room so that the bitch would shut up already.

>> No.21986550


>> No.21986568






>> No.21986569

/lit/ thinks anyone who has any sort of sincere literary interest is a pseud.

You can be pretentious and still know what you're talking about. I can't tell if this person knows what they're talking about because it's an out of context snippet.

A pseud is someone who wants to appear to know what they are talking about but hasn't learned the material. They are on the left side of the Dunning-Kreuger "valley of despair."

Now if Anon has presented himself as someone who knows philosophy fairly well then there is no need to think she is trying to impress him with terms. When people who study complex systems talk about attractors, boundary conditions, etc. they are just talking shop and those are the terms. Philosophy is a discipline with tons of unique nomenclature for different subareas.

But if Anon hasn't given that impression and she is deciding to throw terms around like that without explaining them then she is either a pseud or autistic and doesn't understand that no one knows a field's lingo until they've done at least an undergrad level survey of that specific area.

My favorite is when I, as a philosopher, try to chat with mathematicians, who we have stolen terms from, and physicists, who I work with day to day because I work on a physics department, and we all think we understand the terms, all think the others don't, and come to find out the term is used 3+ different ways in different contexts. E.g. "states" when describing computation for TMs versus Gandy, physical systems, etc.

>> No.21986584


I thought she was intelligent. Noooo.

>> No.21986589

> I can't tell if this person knows what they're talking about because it's an out of context snippet.
you’re autistic
>physics department
yeah, that explains it

>> No.21986591

There was a very autistic girl in my wider friend group in uni and she talked like this, a unique person for sure but too much and it becomes kinda insufferable

>> No.21986596

But also, I have encountered people who are very talented, know their topic very well, and still only talk in such a way as to make their shit incomprehensible to non specialists because they have ego issues and want everyone to know how smart they are, even though they should have nothing to prove at this point.

Academia is actually full of people like this. It sucks. You can be an intellectual, non-pseudo, and still a pain in the ass.

>> No.21986607

I would not be able to tolerate this person. Just reading her responses is grating.

>> No.21986615


>> No.21986630
File: 116 KB, 800x703, 2EDA1F2B-3C3D-4299-9FA8-C1FD78B73F5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guerrilla metaphysics

>> No.21986651

>guerrilla metaphysics
OP, just drop the Wittgenstein bomb already.

>> No.21986662

Not op but what's that?

>> No.21986738

Milk is for the pussy

>> No.21986756

I want to see her pic but I don’t want her to suffer the same as Katie loves classic books

>> No.21986757

most phd students I talked to were unerudite boers. Knowing an obscure topic in solid state physics and sucking up to a professor to get published don’t make you intelligent. Genetics and upbringing do.

>> No.21986783
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 1880473e0467db99daeb410e5f2c04b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw she seems insufferable
>mfw I realise that's exactly how I probably seem when I talk to girls and all I can do is spout highly specialised information at them instead of flirting like a normal human

>> No.21986790

I can do both and still get bitches cus Im 6’4 and charismatic suck a nut lol

>> No.21986799


I dare you tell her to try and keep all her sentences in 1 message.

>> No.21986806
File: 363 KB, 1080x1386, Screenshot_20230503-152904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't look down on yourself. Flirting is a skill that requires practice. My advice is to come off like you're hiding an immense undercurrent of knowledge but only reveal surface knowledge, and don't make it the main topic of discussion.

Here I'm just mimicking her at this point. Looks like that's the spice she wants.

>> No.21986820
File: 1.38 MB, 340x270, 194A4DCD-0A45-4076-9023-AE64CCC7AF10.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>non Euclidean rooms
>alternative school system
keking hard, OP. Post more.

>> No.21986821

I’m going to make sure my kid goes to the stiffest mainstream Christian school I can find

>> No.21986851

>all I can do is spout highly specialised information at them
This is fine so long as you're more familiar with it than OP's girl is with the topics she chose.

>> No.21986869

Logic will kill us all bro unless we consider emotion to be a valid rule of inference anyway

>> No.21986886

tfw no sophist gf

>> No.21986893
File: 108 KB, 200x322, eristic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I would laugh, but I know bitches like this are a big part of the reason things are the way they are. It's all quite sad really. I mean, anyone who unironically thinks "truth doesn't exist outside of rhetoric" can and should be mercifully put down.
>I have yet to meet a woman who is interested in the subject and not the social milieu that surrounds it
It's just neither possible nor a good thing. She would have to be genuinely pathological in some way, maybe have her reproductive system excised and brain rewired to enable lateral thinking. Even the genuinely smart ones are immediately unable to be objective when it comes to something that threatens their sexual worth/reproductive status.
You need to improve your vocabulary anon.
>everything stemming from that is false
And, even worse: pointless.
>Having an advanced degree doesn’t always mean that you’re particularly intelligent
That's the problem: it's supposed to. It used to.
It's because of what >>21986164 says. There are no "good pics" for a girl who you're not already on intimate terms with, they hate that shit.
I guarantee you she actively erodes her field and makes it worse long term.
lul good posts
How the fuck does she read pic related and go into analytic phil? Holy shit, this person is a walking oxymoron.

>> No.21986915

Sorry this was so pathetic of an attempt to insult me that I didn't have the motivation to even acknowledge such an asinine statement till now.

>> No.21986916

>How the fuck does she read
she doesn’t
>walking oxymoron
aka a woman

>> No.21986948
File: 67 KB, 432x370, 1683119248333713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She didn't hate my body, and she still finds me cute. I'm just trying to smash. But I'm genuinely interested in talking to her because it's like speaking to a lolcow. A sexy lolcow. Who's entertaining enough for an entire thread.

>> No.21986954

Is she HOT. What’s her bust-waist-hip ratio? What does she look like when she BENDS or STOOPS over? What does she look like when you’re walking behind her? Consider FUCKING her if it looks pretty enough. Do your duty and spread our pretentious /lit/ genes so as to avert the “Idiocracy” future

>>21983434 well fuck, didn’t see this post. Does she at least have a cute face? At 37 (F) the eggs are drying up and there’s already fertility issues and more likely chances of birth defects.

>> No.21986977

>to someone
to who? why was she talking to someone else??

>> No.21986979
File: 68 KB, 960x784, 1681568543055797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Science doesn’t change much at all
Oy vey! See: Pessimistic Meta-induction
>She doesn’t beleive in an absolute truth. She is subscribing to a post-modern take
Oy vey! See: Pyrrhonism
>Logic isn’t ideology it’s a tool for reasoning and reading valid conclusions from premises.
Oy Vey! See: Münchhausen trilemma

>> No.21986983
File: 20 KB, 435x318, 1683116792315038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon if she's 37 she doesn't want kids, she wants a raw cock from a young buck.
She's completing her dissertation and afterwards I'm going to her house for coffee and to review her "absurdist sociology comedy video game" she's working on.

She's posing as someone who cares about intellect while also lacking in it. I'm not a genius, I can't say I'm an equal to the average /lit/ anon. but I'm clever enough to have this in the bag

>> No.21986988

>I literally am a sperg girl who sends long texts to guys about niche topics in literature and philosophy

I would literally pay you to meet up and kick me in the balls repeatedly while reading my old pretentious undergrad essays and brutally laying into me for being a pseud with an oversized self-opinion based on my academic success but not at all matched up by any tangible real-life success (but I can’t pay you that much because I’m broke)

In what region of the world do you live

Pls respond

>> No.21986996

Yes I forgot to say that, I actually was gonna mention “rawdog her” in the post but lost my train of thought and posted it prematurely, not kidding

I’m a virgin btw. Good luck anon, make it up for all the incels here

>> No.21986997

God, she’s not going to say she doesn’t like the pic to your face. She’s going to cringe and mock you to her friends when she’s done playing with you.

It’s a rule, girls do not like naked men. They don’t find it attractive. They’d rather see a female.

>> No.21987005

They love naked men. They just don't like submissiveness and insecurity, and stripping for a woman, unasked for, in the hopes of getting a shred of pussy is incredibly approval seeking and cringe.

>> No.21987008

This opinion is from a guy who doesn't know what female gaze is. You don't know how low the bar is for a woman's attention. if you can engage with them conversationally, then even a dad bod will attract them.

>> No.21987014

It's better to be confidently cringe than being an insecure bore. There isn't a perfect playbook to Rizz up every woman. Sometimes you have to take risks. And when it's 9pm and she sends me a down view of her skinny cleavage then my risk assessment lets me know I can send a shirtless pick of my skinny pale body.

>> No.21987020

>And when it's 9pm and she sends me a down view of her skinny cleavage then
Didn't see this, fair enough. Don't forget us once you lose your virginity anon.

>> No.21987021

My brother ye gotta mog the bitch with some Wittgenstein and silence. Don't explain just say these quote and I am sure asf that this will create more mystery. Im gonna tell you how be a stealthy pseud. Here what you gotta do:

Remember these 3 quotes by Wittgenstein:
>"Explanations come to an end somewhere."
>“Don't think, but look!”.
>“Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent."

If she try to press you for more insight tell her that you have told her enough about your personal philosophical beliefs. If she press you even harder tell her that you worship silence, the truth might exist but it can't be conveyed through faulty human tools so that's why silence is eternal and ever green. DON'T explain but keep listening to her. Like you have already ready said that give her hints that you have sea of knowledge, this shit will more spice in it. Wittgenstein isn't really an analytic but he isn't a continental philosopher either and these quotes will almost confirm her relative view. So it's sweet asf mysterious middle ground.

Good luck bruh

>> No.21987026

Drop them right after some long pass or in the middle of her babbling.

>> No.21987061

Your risk assessment is incorrect. You shoudlnt ever send pics back. You flatter always instead.

She sounds like a stupid whore desu. 37 and still playing high school girl games. I’m glad I’m married, couldn’t deal with this Shit

>> No.21987071

Why do so many well read people become just glorified parrots regurgitating whatever is in fad? Shouldn’t good literature propel you towards critical thinking and the development of a personal and somewhat unique worldview?

>> No.21987072


Especially if they're horny.

>> No.21987088
File: 235 KB, 1170x909, IMG_9079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feminine and Jewish mindset

>> No.21987093

>That pic
wtf are you a /fit/ crossboarder?

>> No.21987285

> when it's 9pm and she sends me a down view of her skinny cleavage
You know the rules anon, post it

>> No.21987508

>Op posts his skinny chest and not the pseud’s tits
I don’t recognise this place anymore. Anyway, you got a laugh out of me with the non-euclidian classrooms. Ask her about the nature of the World Cup when seen through the optics of sport’s metaphysics. Follow with a question about the ontological nature of 7-1 and another about how Messi and the Pope relate to each other on argentinian psychosocial consciousness.

>> No.21987515

The fact that he has not posted her face suggest this is a big ruse for (You)s

>> No.21987530

>ITT: /lit/ pseuds filtered by brainstacy

>> No.21987568
File: 32 KB, 500x490, 13624581313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guerrila metaphysics
is this even a real person?

>> No.21987595

before this gets archived, tits or GTFO

>> No.21987629

I never post a girls face. I'll post her ridiculous texts but I won't subject her to a cum tribute from random anons. Believe what you want, I'm trying to have some plausible deniability.

>> No.21987650

Hey babe email me if you want to pass the time. I'm into crazy chicks and I find OP's girl endearing but I'll like you too.

>> No.21987691

>You're just too ugly for it
Where there's a will, there's a way.

>> No.21987700

i have nothing to add but to say thanks op, this thread made me laugh a couple of times in earnest.

i do wonder though, what’s the end goal here? the whole thread has gone over her and she is an interesting thing to dissect but, what is your goal here exactly? do you like her or do you want to have sex with her?

>> No.21987703

>it was the poor structure of the conversation and lack of any entrance for me to chime in
Maybe she needs to read Carnegie.

>> No.21987708

How do I get in contact with her I want to discuss these with her. I promise I won't cockblock you OP I'm asexual.

>> No.21987712

>I want to be the best version of myself
That is totally the I'm not like other girls - live, laugh, lovese for ''I like to suck lots of dicks''.

>> No.21987721

>what’s the end goal here
Just Playing it by ear, I'm hoping to go on a few dates and fuck. Not looking for anything serious. She is quite hot in my opinion. She resembles an Olsen twin and Anya Taylor joy.

Hopefully she gives me more texts like before. Nobody could make this shit up. Next time she does I'll make another thread and dump the previous texts so we can laugh again.

>> No.21987738

Good luck OP
How did you two meet?

>> No.21987752


>> No.21987781

Bumble. I don't get out enough to meet people.

>> No.21987818

I never had luck on Bumble, no chick every sent a message first if we matched, no matter how many times we matched lol
Surprised you found someone like this on there, was mostly just normies where I am

>> No.21987864

Uhhh tell her to read Sociobiology I guess

>> No.21987869

I've gotten a match every 2 days basically and most message me. But it doesn't matter because either the ghost in the middle of talking or we set up a date for coffee and they just ghost the day of.
I had more success on tinder but I'm banned off there for no reason. Even tried appealing and it got "approved" but I'm still shadowbanned with 8 pending likes and no matches.

I've only met up with a single girl on Bumble. She was possibly the hottest and cutest and nicest girl I've met on a date, but the catch was she was a single mom. I'm still talking to her, but she focuses on her kids so I can't even tell if I'm going to see her again.

>> No.21987874

/LIT/ Femanons and Femcels fucks their Fathers.

COPE! This is a fact. Every Daughter has feelings for their Father but don't want to admit it at all!

>> No.21987878

>but the catch was
That is not even a catch. That is the whole kit and kaboodle.

>> No.21987880

Are you just saying I agree to things? What is this one of those political compass tests where you choose anywhere between strongly agree and strongly disagree? You are doing philosophical compass test

>> No.21987884


>> No.21987885

Truth, anons meme single moms but after a girl gives birth it's like going from a caterpillar to a butterfly. Everything from her skin and fat and personality changes for the better. She's more soft, plump, friendly. Compared to a skin and bones girl, a single mom releases feral hormones.

I just don't want to raise a kid tho.

>> No.21987888

You remind me of the older brother from Infinite Jest.

>> No.21987891


>> No.21987898

He’s a womanizer who exclusively dates young moms.

>> No.21987901
File: 82 KB, 378x377, 1680177416218983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm poor

>> No.21987902

Time for some actual idealism methinks

>> No.21987903



>> No.21987906

I had one date with a single mom and now I fuck my own mother and I'm a nymphomaniac? And women subjects? Nah
Not a compliment

>> No.21987909



What exactly do you want me to email you about?

>> No.21987911


I'll make you my femboy bitch tho

>> No.21987912


Is the Univseral HealthCare better than MuttMerica?

>> No.21987914

I never said you were an incestuous nymphomaniac. It was just the way that you explained your theory about women being more attractive after having kids.

>> No.21987924


>> No.21987926

The Canadian healthcare system is shit. The wait lists for everything are ridiculously long. I haven’t been able to get in to see a decent psychiatrist.

>> No.21987929

No, but Ottawa isn’t far from where I am.

>> No.21987949


It's that bad?

>> No.21987950

Only men can be aesthetic, Womens bodies are far too industrial

>> No.21987959

>Is the Univseral HealthCare better than MuttMerica?
say you've broken your leg. american healthcare will patch you up, then charge you $100k, plus tip. canadian healthcare will refuse to treat you in proper manner and instead suggest that you should seek euthanasia, persistently, until you finally do it. euthanasia accounted for 3.3% of all deaths in 2021 in that shithole.

>> No.21987961

I think she’s talking about the development of logic from a game theory - which is to say evolutionary - perspective

>> No.21987970

she has a PhD while you misused a Hegel quote
>I'm barely following along because there's nothing to reply to
you're a bad conversationalist

>> No.21987971

wdym? (I'm from Kazakhstan)

>> No.21987980
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I believe he's referring to this

>> No.21988001

She didn’t even read what you said. She just picked out a key word so she could talk about herself again

>> No.21988015

Huh right on
I would ask how your profile is set up for those kinds of results but I already have a gf

>> No.21988017

reminds me of this girl i used to work with

>> No.21988019

May as well get her pregnant and bounce anon. With your practical intelligence and her ability to waffle you may just get a half-bright kid between you

>> No.21988020

Based and catharsis-pilled

>> No.21988040

>didn't challenge her on logic being subject to power politics by asking her about objective logic in Hegel's dialectical
>Not dominating with maximal autism by going into category theoretic formalizations of the Logic.

>> No.21988081
File: 22 KB, 400x400, 1677696154443469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm op, how would you rate my Rizz. Would you talk to me.

>> No.21988133

I don’t know. Your approach was fine, I guess. Maybe I’d talk to you if I was in the mood and wanted to kill time. But talking to other men just makes me miss him more though, so probably not because I’m already too sad.

>> No.21988138

Honestly, this thread could have been legendary if OP was less concerned with getting laid and just wanted to troll her for us.

>> No.21988231
File: 203 KB, 394x523, 1665877819306122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry me a fucking River. Unless you send me enough money to fuck a hooker I ain't sabotaging my 15% chance of pussy.

>> No.21988281

If you change your mind hmu on discord Coffeebox#1696
That goes for any other anon bored and looking to be entertained.

>> No.21988337

Dang bro you seem desperate, you good?

>> No.21988428

What in the flying fuck is this train wreck of a thread. OP posting cringe about how he and this woman are both retarded pseuds, anons replying to that cringe IN EARNEST, some alleged girl farming (You)s. This reached bump limit without being pruned, what the fuck are the Jannies doing?

>> No.21988431

>you good?

>> No.21988488

>game theory is evolutionary
[[Sound of RAND corp secretaries laughing in background intensifies]]

>> No.21988593

I sent you a friend request. Don’t make me regret it.

>some alleged girl farming (You)s
Lol, seethe harder.

>> No.21988678

can i have a friend request

>> No.21988743

Sure, if you give me your discord tag.

>> No.21988753 [DELETED] 


>> No.21988831

Am I wrong? Girl or not, stating you're one in a thread like this is tacit but effective bait.

>> No.21988861


>> No.21988863

Has she read the Illuminatus! trilogy? She'd like it a lot.

>> No.21989008

This chick is both intellectually rawdogging you and you deserve it, but also she seems boring and narcissistic, so I'd want nothing to do with her. Have fun anon.

>> No.21989014

Long texts about philosophy and interactive rants I'll stimulate you okay

>> No.21989240

>a redundant theory of production, only still used because of impotent governments and greed
That's what she seems to be implying in her message

>> No.21989343

Post her insta plz

>> No.21989394

Lmao if that’s true I am laughing.

Also. US has ‘mandated’ health insurance. The poor fags don’t pay a dime. The old fags barely pay anything and the rest of us pay a monthly premium with a $2k/$7k deductible.

It’s a big scam I agree but Canada just pays the premium in their taxes and has limited treatment options (not always a problem mind you) that the government agrees is appropriate.

If that is euthanasia I’m dying laughing.

Anyway, the US Medicaid is now the free minority healthcare system paid for by Whitey. Be careful what you think you want…

>> No.21989402

On the flesh rampage ? At your age?
Just a male version of her, both of you are losers

>> No.21989421

this, intellectuals are the worst losers. At least Chads are good at a practical thing, even if its just sports ball. Intellectuals just thonk thonks and expect to be handed shit for free.

>> No.21989539

thats why I only really date simple country girls. they aren't into this stuff and thats fine. thats what the boys are for.

>> No.21989545

yeah because I guess I just want to hear a bunch of bullshit all day about bodies without organs. get bent.

>> No.21989553

OP you should have told her brevity is the soul of wit and btfo her, a succinct TLDR

>> No.21989628

Thats a great quote to filter pseudos because if they say "I'm not trying to be funny" then you know that they only know the word wit in the most modern of sense and you can move on.

>> No.21989636

> can't even pick up a joke
>Seethes like petulant retards over op not exposing some girl he's trying to sleep with to a mob of petulant faggots