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21978362 No.21978362 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.21978367

I'm sure he's just asserting a basic principle of privacy in one's personal life. Let me just quickly check the early life...

>> No.21978388


Epstein was fascinated by the sciences and he was really into stuff like eugenics. He tried to get a bunch of the big science community on board with his projects - partially out of interest, being a socialite, and maybe even out of blackmail

>> No.21978392


Like look at stephen hawking, he visited Epstein, you think he was even physically capable of anything dirty?

>> No.21978419

Noam Chomsky the only man to try to be a "linguist" and only speak one language

>> No.21978429

Imagine being rich enough to buy eggs from Olympic Athletes and fertilize them with your sperm then hire out surrogate mothers who bear the child for you and a fake actress/your pedophile power wife. Then you open a group home or orphanage where all your Boys and Girls from Brazil get the best education money can buy while also being a massive tax write off and philanthropic PR stunt.

That's what I'd do if I was Epstein rich.

>> No.21978516

He knows french doesnt he?

>> No.21978530

Why doesn’t chomsky just say “our meetings were unrelated to child sex and he wanted to talk with me because…”?

>> No.21978557

This explains why he shills for corporations now.

>> No.21978568

>you think he was even physically capable of anything dirty?
i kek'd hard

>> No.21978599

he had to use a translator for the debate with Foucault

>> No.21978606

Because it leaves room for discussion. You want to minimize the amount of discussion on topics like this related to your name regardless whether you're innocent or not.

>> No.21978682

He gave quite a lot of money to various scientific communities

>> No.21978692

No he didn’t, he just replies in englush

>> No.21978695
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>> No.21978724

Being vague and saying “nunya” leaves far more room for discussion, what are you talking about? He is maximizing the discussion.

>> No.21978764


>> No.21978792

Well, I think I'm capable of separating the content from the author. On the other side though, is there anything left unsullied in the world? As time passes I realize there's nothing not fucked in the world, it doesn't matter what you like, how you like it, where you like it, everything is fucking stained by corruption, consumerism, pedophilia, fanaticism, etc. I fucking hate it, it seems like the only way to not being affected by all this shit is to recluse yourself from the world in your own bubble at home, not participating of anything.

>> No.21978799

I guess Epstein had to manufacture consent for old Noam

>> No.21978850

>Like look at stephen hawking, he visited Epstein, you think he was even physically capable of anything dirty?
yes, you are assuming he cant enjoy a lap dance

>> No.21978858

He was an infamous pervert

>> No.21978862

What part of TRIBE do you not understand

>> No.21978999

You think he was physically capable of avoiding a photobomb cocktail party conversation with a high paid pimp?

>> No.21979030

He was referring to Chomsky himself discussing it. If this is in fact some sort of hit piece, the right move would be to not engage since delving into the details just gives the story more fuel.

>> No.21979088

I hope the Epstein saga implodes the west and that every shitlib who has perpetuated clown world die horrible deaths

>> No.21979117

It got a much milder reaction than it should have already. Nobody gives a shit about anything.

>> No.21979152

How can a pro-semite even respond to this lmao

>> No.21979167

American civilians deserve a zombie outbreak at this point, no more poetic way to end this pathetic country

>> No.21979170

lets let noam slide on this one, huh? for old times sake?

>> No.21979305

Chomsky is a self-hating Jew

>> No.21979733

And yet he was being blackmailed by an Israeli intelligence agent. See why that seems strange to me?

>> No.21979813

>And yet he was being blackmailed by an Israeli intelligence agent.

>> No.21979822
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>During the couple’s 11-year marriage, Mason was investigated by Hawking’s family for alleged physical and emotional abuse. Hawking denied any abuse took place, though, according to The Sun, he was reportedly taken to a hospital in 2000 with “cuts and bruises” he couldn’t explain. The couple divorced in 2006.
>Fortunately, Hawking seemed to embrace the bachelor lifestyle. He was reportedly seen at strip clubs with a team of nurses and assistants over the years.
>Just hours after Hawking’s death was announced, English nightclub owner Peter Stringfellow posted a picture of himself with Hawking, reportedly taken at his gentlemen’s club, Stringfellows, in the early 2000s.
>Recalling a run-in with Hawking, Stringfellow told the Mirror in 2012 that the physicist couldn’t be bothered to talk about black holes or string theory when he was out.
>“I went and introduced myself and said, ‘Mr. Hawking, it’s an honor to meet you. If you could spare a minute or two, I’d love to chat with you about the universe,’” Stringfellow said he told Hawking. “Then I paused for a bit and joked, ‘Or would you rather look at the girls?’ ”
>“There was silence for a moment, and then he answered: ‘The girls.’ ”
>But for those who knew him best, his fascination with the opposite sex would come as no surprise. In an interview with the New Scientist in 2012, Hawking admitted that he spent much of his days pondering one subject in particular.
>“Women,” Hawking said. “They are a complete mystery.”

>> No.21979865

Chomsky was against Hustler and pornography, and likes to play the Hebrew moral saint.
Maybe he shouldn't have been such a hypocrite. He could just own it and stick it to the feminists like his friend Lawrence Krauss does, but instead he built a whole career out of being the 'good slave morality guy' and will now be trashed by his own followers for having been in good terms with famous Nietzschean master and Earthly Paradise owner Mr. Epstein.

>As time passes I realize there's nothing not fucked in the world, it doesn't matter what you like, how you like it, where you like it, everything is fucking stained by corruption, consumerism, pedophilia, fanaticism, etc. I fucking hate it, it seems like the only way to not being affected by all this shit is to recluse yourself from the world in your own bubble at home, not participating of anything.

That's because the Christian morality which you identify with "purity" is AGAINST NATURE, and therefore the real world doesn't follow it, neither did Christ himself otherwise he'd had offered the other side of the temple for the merchants to sell their goods there too.

>> No.21979869

>A Jew jews another fellow Jew
/pol/ was right about everything, again

>> No.21979876

Containment board.

>> No.21979878


>> No.21979880

>nooooo don't point out the ethnicity of the most infamous pedophile of the century
>also don't point out the ethnicity of the leader of the intellectual left who also happened to be friends with the most infamous pedophile of the century
kys shill

>> No.21979883

>Manufacturing Consent

>> No.21979897
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Still as easy to bait as ever.

>> No.21980169


>> No.21980188

Not based. It's pathetic.

>> No.21980189

you are gay

>> No.21980193

He's probably saying this for legal reasons.

>> No.21980195

Indefensible really. Just utter hypocrisy and contradiction of Chomsky's philosophy and views that he has been advancing his entire career. They're all fakers, subversives, rats in sheep's clothing.

>> No.21980201

He was just having a nice kosher dinner with a great artist and a renowned philanthropist

>> No.21980205

thats not the answer of an innocent man

>> No.21980217

No. I hate gays even more. It's just nothing is more pathetic than to allow oneself to be controlled by flesh and sex impulses much less indulge them and praise them.

>> No.21980224

>It's just nothing is more pathetic than to allow oneself to be controlled by flesh and sex impulses much less indulge them and praise them
The man you're talking about is one of the greatest physicists of his generation. He used his reasoning and brains more than you do. There's nothing wrong with him relaxing from time to time and enjoying the company of women.

>> No.21980268

Holy crap lol.

>> No.21980271

>The man you're talking about is one of the greatest physicists of his generation
Wrong. He didn't publish anything ground breaking, stopped doing serious research not to long after the onset of ALS, and the rest of his life was spent conjecturing on PBS and dictating pop sci books about black holes, often promulgating specious notions like dark matter and BBT absolutism. The label of physicist is ill deserved, he was at best a hack cosmologist that dabbled in physics. Of course a high functioning midwit would find boobs just as engaging, mysterious and interesting as his pseudoscience hobby.

>> No.21980283

hawking absolutely btfo lmao

>> No.21980367

You're a sexually repressed idiot, and Hawking is recognized as a great physicist by his colleagues. Are you a physicist? If you're not, then shut up, because the field is too technical for amateurs to have an opinion about it.

>> No.21980370

>two Jews did bad things that proves my schizoid ramblings about them causing the black death, the French revolution, and my involuntary celibacy make sense
Kys cuck

>> No.21980409
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the intellectual fraud scale of integrity, top being better
>Jordan B Peterson (probably not a hack)
>a typical charismatic impersonator making things up
>Richard Dawkins (biologist trying to forge a career as a theologian)
>used car salesman
>Varg Vikernes (paranoid quack - for reference)
>a clueless diversity hire
>Noam Chomsky (linguist pretending at being an economist/sociologist with only superficial knowledge of either/all)
>here be broken clocks
>literal paid shills
>Paul Krugman (famously and consistently wrong)

>> No.21980420

Epstein case is basically direct evidence for an actual cloak and daggers meme tier conspiracy being in charge of the US. Everything about that case is absolutely fucked and implicates pretty much every level of the justice system from prisons to courts to FBI, cia, and Mossad.

I cant believe people just don't even care about it. It was literally the single biggest thing that made me consider the possibility of "conspiracy theory" being actually plausible.

>> No.21980423

Cuz he’s old and doesn’t remember what the fuck happened.

>> No.21980425
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what are you talking about

>> No.21980467

Anon, when you study systemic power structures and networks in tandem with history, it becomes blatantly obvious that not only is conspiratorial behavior is nature to humans, but plays a major role in modern national and international power politics, especially in the epistemologically murky areas of intelligence networks/agencies and organized crime and international banking cartels. They all control the press and have gaslit the public for decades that “conspiracy theorizing” is irrational and that accountability will stop any such behavior and that you can trust the government and multinational banks and corps. It’s all bullshit and goes to show that the public is a mass of stupid animals being controlled by higher powers.

>> No.21980471


>> No.21980481

That has since become clear to me. Problem with this way of thinking is that it becomes easy to wildly invent stuff without adequate evidence. Which is why the Epstein thing is so huge to me

>> No.21980489
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>New Atheism
>Dawkin's lauded his work as as important as Darwin

>> No.21980495
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>as a scientist
>as a scientist

>> No.21980499

Remember when they deny something as a conspiracy it’s usually true folks

>> No.21980509

I wish I could do something about it but all I know is powerful magic that inflicts horrendous pain. Doesn't even pay anything

>> No.21980519
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It’s not hard to develop and practice epistemological skepticism and discernment. There’s a very wide difference between shape shifting reptilians and limited hangouts like Qanon vs recognizing that not only do national and international western elite exist, but they’re corrupt as fuck and have spectacular sway and control over largest segments of society. The only reason why this is a third rail topic is to protect their power and monopoly of on truth.

>> No.21980529

>It’s not hard to develop and practice epistemological skepticism and discernmen
I would say its actually extremely hard, less so because of the inherent complexity, and moreso because of psychological biases. You have to really carefully and constantly present counter factuals to yourself. It actually takes a lot of time to work through them all for every single related thing you see

And there is an unavoidable ambiguity surrounding conspiracy theory due to the very nature of the topic.

>> No.21980535

okay so Epstein might have been blackmailed by Mossad? how is that relevant to Chomsky? am I missing something?

>> No.21980548

It really isn’t. Once you learn enough political theory and history and power dynamics it’s pretty obvious what’s going on and is easy to separate flagrant nonsense from true issues. And counter factuals aren’t hard, especially after you practice them enough and make them a standard approach. Fact is a cabal of psychos rule and use cybernetic mass propaganda and social engineering to skullfuck the public.

>> No.21980556

Epstein WAS the blackmailer, and did his work on behalf of intelligence agencies.

>> No.21980560

Agree to disagree I guess. I find there are a ton of plausible alternative theories for many things.

>> No.21980564

okay so you're speculating the Epstein had dirt on Chomsky and therefore Mossad had dirt on Chomsky and therefore...what exactly?

>> No.21980583

…that intel agencies have leverage over prominent and power members of society? It directly implicates that secretive organizations subvert and control open society. Don’t be dense

>> No.21980587

Hairsplitting, combine it with systemic frameworks and models and it’s easy to gather and discern the most likely theories.

>> No.21980593

Who do you think specifically runs the US? Do you know their names? How many of them there are? Their ideology? Their goals? I sure as fuck dont and have spent a long time trying to figure it out.

>> No.21980627

>it's only one jew
>no two jews
>no five jews
>okey, it's 20 jews but come on
>a hundred jews did something so what?
>every single jew was in on it, still what's the deal?
>even if all jews did something it still doesn't mean its the jews
no you sincerely kys you fucking jew, sick and tired of your talmudic word games

>> No.21980629

Americans and their fascination with money. KEK. This dude is a one trick pony. MERICA LE BAD

>> No.21980639
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The Department of Defense
The State Department
The Central Intelligence Agency
The National Security Agency
Department of Homeland Security
Treasury Department/Federal Rserve
The White House/executive branch bureaucracy

On the private side, you have the:
Bank of International Settlements
World Trade Org
Bilderberg/Davos/Trilateral Elite networks
Not to mention the fact the entire US economy is conglomerated under oligopolies, which are financed by the financial titans (Black Rock, Vanguard, etc), weaving every oligopolized sector of the economy from the defense industry, pharmaceutical industry, media-news industry, big tech, chemical-industrial industries, automotive, agricultural industry, etc etc etc all together under a political-economic super structure that creates the backbone of the world economy. It’s literally just global neo-liberal capitalism that is heavily flirting with Orwellian totalitarianism. Systemic conspiracies is baked into its power structures and it purposefully hides behind crack-pot theories to provide very cheap political camouflage that normies are completely hapless against.

Read classic Italian elite theory including Burnham and Mills along with political economics of capitalisms anti-competitive nature and consequent oligopolization/monopolization tendency, and wrap it in with the nature of the national defense state. I really recommend Carroll Quigleys tragedy and hope as well.

>> No.21980652

Also World Bank and International Monetary Fund are vital international economic orgs heavily under the influence of the US

>> No.21980653

I've read Burnham and Quigley a long time ago.

>It’s literally just global neo-liberal capitalism
>Systemic conspiracies is baked into its power structures
No offense man but you dont have the slightest idea what I'm talking about.

I am talking about mafias. Allowing that they are embedded in larger constraints and structures they're still a group of men who tell other groups of men to do stuff and murder people who dont obey. Things like BlackRock or agricultural industry are so downstream they may as well not exist in any analysis of the ruling entity.

>> No.21980657

Dude right-wingers have been saying for years that Chomsky's lukewarm "criticism" of Israel was likely due to his connections with fellow tribesmen. Here we see that he was socializing with an Israeli spy. How can anyone possibly explain this away?

>> No.21980660

Your entire post is fallacious.
>You're a sexually repressed idiot,
>and Hawking is recognized as a great physicist by his colleagues.
Argumentum ad populum
>Are you a physicist?
Argumentum ad verecundiam.
>If you're not, then shut up, because the field is too technical for amateurs to have an opinion about
Courtier's reply

>> No.21980665

All these pillars of political and economic power cast the shadows that conspiracies occur within. Epstein is but one pawn from the financial-intelligence nexus used to blackmail other players that comprise other pillars of power. It’s illegal and done for nefarious reasons and consequently implicates the wider structure in a toxic conspiracy that demands coverup.

>> No.21980671

>financial-intelligence nexus
Can you actually depict the structure of this system and who is giving orders?

There are always people giving orders, that's what you arent getting

>> No.21980672

109 countries, also i literally have a fwb thing going on with a girl, nigger.

>> No.21980695

I already have. Its no different than a temple of power, with each institutions/organization forming a major pillar. You can look up who gives orders, we are already talking about how the current head of the CIA wined and dined with a convicted sex offender and human trafficker from the financial world. The Dulles brothers pioneered the current post-war American intel-defense establishment and represented financial-law elite interests during their time in power, with Allen Dulles being the renowned leader in conspiracies ranging from overthrowing multiple governments, nearly starting wars, and starting MKUltra domestically. You're acting like its some esoteric thing, when the federal government its literally a mafia-esque protection racket to begin with and always walks lockstep with the economic-finance world that controls the western economy. We don't have all the pieces, but theres plenty of academic research on this entire subject. Go reread Quigley.

>> No.21980710

I've read Quigleys major 3 books more than once each. The evolution of civilizations is a brilliant though limited text, which changed my view of history forever. The Anglo-American establishment is a decent more specific theory of technological and political interaction. Tragedy and hope is just straight up wrong, its literally not how ww2 happened. The "round table" Quigley thought was controlling everything was a perfunctory lower sector of a much greater mafia sprawl.

Let me ask you a couple of questions:
>what do central banks do?
>which developed states allow and disallow mass immigration and which have above replacement fertility

>> No.21980723

They were kicked out for being too smart and based. Also circumcision makes you less emotional. Only people I ever saw lose their shit or rage were uncircumcised. You can see it in behavior. White America is interesting. It's funny how the left coast is largely uncut and faggotry and liberalism is rampant there whereas circumcised parts of America are more conservative. The uncut have what I call reddit spontaneity, they just do, act and say stupid things. The cut think.

>> No.21980727

>Epstein case is basically direct evidence for an actual cloak and daggers meme tier conspiracy being in charge of the US. Everything about that case is absolutely fucked and implicates pretty much every level of the justice system from prisons to courts to FBI, cia, and Mossad.
Same with Dutroux in Europe

>> No.21980730

It's also funny how most Jews would rather live in white countries than a Jewish country

The chosen race apparently cant make something good enough for their fellows to want to live in

>> No.21980742

I don’t know what else to tell you. The CIA is literally an international mafia network with roots in Wall Street finance and law firms. Mossad and all of Israel is a colonial project which in of itself is an open Zionist conspiracy to every Arab and anarchist who can see it for what it is. Epstein is just the tip of the iceberg and a reminder that governmental and private crime syndicates are one in the same and rule the west.

>> No.21980756

Yeah sure Israel is a colonial project, but the US sends it millions of dollars, while it sent millions of dollars to the enemies of rhodesia and south Africa for the exact same crime of colonialism.

You can wake up or not, I don't give a shit

>> No.21980757

Always knew Chomsky was a smelly fish. Yet another 'political philosopher' who is a fifth columnist.

>> No.21980764

damn dude did this mfer get Featuremanned?

>> No.21980788

You’re being purposely obtuse at this point

>> No.21980822

His criticism of Israel is just a smokescreen so that he appears moral while he secretively fiddles kiddie diddles

anti Israel kikes are superkikes not only do they subvert the goyim they also subvert the Jews for their own benefit

>> No.21980838

Chumpsky outed as a pedophile being blackmailed by the CIA in his final years lol. Zizek wins

>> No.21980974

>if you are really smart you should be low T, like me

>> No.21981021

>He gave quite a lot of money to various scientific communities
Whose money?

>> No.21981051

hmm what traits do these two share?

>> No.21981070
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Not the guy you are arguing with but these terms are very interesting!

>Argumentum ad populum
>Argumentum ad verecundiam.
>Courtier's reply

Never heard of them before in this form. Cheers for the new knowledge!

>> No.21981102

>manafacturing consent

>> No.21981106

