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/lit/ - Literature

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21974952 No.21974952 [Reply] [Original]

I don't get it. Why do people like this edgelord?

>> No.21974955

How many different covers does this book have?

>> No.21974956

To Americans the vulgar display of violence is art.

>> No.21974971

Redditors think it's le deep and hardcore.
>DAE baby tree??? OMG that is so DARK and edgy, sisters!

>> No.21975014

A lot. As always, the first one is the only good one.

>> No.21975023




>> No.21975025

only a faggot would be angered that apaches were accurately portrayed

>> No.21975418

>accurately portrayed
I've seen this repeated ad nauseam, as if the depiction of reality cannot be faggy edgelord shit, because it is real.
What that argument misses is that plenty of reality is faggy edgelord shit, and the choice to depict it reflects on the one who makes that choice.
That cornhole revels in depicting REAL edginess and therefore isn't actually edgy is a ridiculous argument, and all it takes to see it for what it is, is imagining some dweeb making the same argument after making a torture porn manga of the atrocities of Unit 731.

>> No.21975428

What are some good covers?I wanna buy it but all the covers I ve come across are awful

>> No.21975442

I really don't think the violence is that disturbing and I'm skeptical anyone who has read a lot of historical nonfiction would disagree.

When people harp on the violence and graphic nature of the book I know they're a major normie and got filtered hard

>> No.21975453

He got butthurt in multiple threads today.

>> No.21975460

>accurately portrayed
it's completely stylized lol

>> No.21975461

Low IQ ape. The world doesn't abide by your limp wristed faggy imaginations. That's your problem. Doesn't make it inherently artistic just because you like to get fucked in the ass every weekend.

>> No.21975464


>> No.21975465

No, it's not.

>> No.21975468
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It's time to apply the cream, buddy

>> No.21975474
File: 251 KB, 1870x656, mywriting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McCarthy isn't really that good of a writer. Here's a sample of my writing from another thread where McCarthy fanboys jumped on me for not knowing syntax, registers, or literary criticism.

>> No.21975481

It is. It's quite stylish.
>All about her the dead lay with their peeled skulls like polyps bluely wet or luminescent melons cooling on some mesa of the moon.
He turns violence into something pretty and mystical.

>> No.21975484


>> No.21975502

I'd argue that sentence is obfuscating the gore. And there is difference between you know recording the carnage post violence and recording the actual violence. That passage fits in better with McCarthy's landscape descriptions like the desert. The bodies are now features of the landscape. The actual violence fits better with his dry, technical workmanlike register of prose.

>> No.21975504

>peeled skulls
Unintelligible. I would've opted for "bare skulls" or specified it better with something like "flesh-peeled skulls."
>polyps bluely wet
Polyps is ghastly; "bluely" as an experimental adverb doesn't work and is grating to look at and to read.
>luminescent melons
Overwritten and of course turgid.
The line should be rewritten as:
>All about her the dead lay with their bare skulls wet and cooling.
Here we strip the sentence of all its needless similes and analogies and get down to the meat of it.

>> No.21975507

Why don't you follow this same logic when you write your travesties?

>> No.21975511

Because mine is for a project of the development of the artist's soul and McCarthy's is just, as far as I can tell, obfuscating and obscuring the violence he's trying to describe. It's distant and unreal and achieves exactly the opposite of what he means to say.

>> No.21975517
File: 562 KB, 640x360, south-park-manatees-shes-come-up-with-an-idea.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are your thoughts on his overuse of the word "some"? in every freaking page there's always something like "like some [insert random shit]".

>> No.21975522

>project of the development of the artist's soul
By writing badly?
And you haven't even read McCarthy so how come have you any idea what he is doing? If you're a troll, you are pretty bad even at that.

>> No.21975527

He hasn't read the book. And he writes like this>>21975474

>> No.21975532

He needs to find *some* other words for it or simply erase it from his vocabulary, along with "certain" in phrases like "certain ecumenical statues." That's what I think. It doesn't say anything, it's the emptiest of words.
I'm gathering what he's doing from what you've all told me. I'm beginning to see what his project is and I don't agree with it. There is nothing stylish about death and trying to distance oneself from it through similes simply abstracts its finality away. It's weak.
That's me. Don't wear it out.

>> No.21975534

There are only 40 instances of "like some" in the book
>source: e-reader search

>> No.21975541

>I'm gathering what he's doing from what you've all told me. I'm beginning to see what his project is and I don't agree with it.
If this isn't a troll then you are not gonna amount to anything lol. Granted your prose already beckons that.

>> No.21975545

>beckons that
That's not how English works. That's not how language even works. But seeing as how you've already decided my fate post hoc, I bow to you.

>> No.21975549

He also uses "by some" and other variants.

>> No.21975555

Yeah, I am very experimental

>> No.21975559

no, u.

>> No.21975563

There are around 70 "as if" variants. Which is standard for a simile heavy work I believe.

>> No.21975583

>simile heavy work
lol that's an understatement

>> No.21975624

I find it sad that such a violent culture is so clearly only capable of doing so as a result of deep insecurity, and of course the fact that they have never known hardship such as real war to temper them against such adoration of violence.

>> No.21975841

>All about her the dead lay with their bare skulls wet and cooling.
Why were their heads wet?
>bare skulls
So they weren't wearing hats?

If he had written it like you, it would have been just as unremarkable as every western before it and no one would remember his name. Thankfully, he dared to try something different.

>> No.21975849

>All about her the dead lay with their bare skulls humid as nightblue fruit and cooling in their vestibules.
See, I can be pretentious too. Where's my remarkability?

>> No.21976155

These descriptions make me feel disgust. Not magic.

Writing it like that makes it utterly forgettable.

I'm not a particular fan of CM, but I've read BM and The Road and was engaged the whole way through both books. I'll likely read more. While I don't think he's some mastermind wordsmith (and the way he writes indicated to me from the start that he couldn't give less of a fuck about being perceived as such) the atmosphere that his books drip from the pages you can cut with a knife and I've not experienced another author like him yet. Anyone trying to floss on this author is cope to me.

>> No.21976168

you just sound like a dork whenever you write anything

>> No.21976171
File: 144 KB, 1500x1000, Tim and Zendaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh atmosphere
Can you for once not resort to these vague words abstracting all sense from the conversation? An atmosphere is nothing more than the words on the page: you're trying to create a preternatural God out of the text, confusing the independent particles for the totality of what is *there*. God damn it, and why is mine utterly forgettable? I wish we would stop fanboying over this author; frankly, it's ludicrous to me. He does nothing that Melville or Faulkner don't do better, for fuck's sake and then some. I've quite had enough of hearing about him for the past couple of days and this sudden uptick can do no more than confirm your own biases for him without your being able to explain why you even like him without grasping at such vague abstruse ideas as "muh atmosphere." Enough already for fuck's sake with this man; he would not even be fit to lick Melville's boot, let alone go toe to toe with a Joyce.

>> No.21976185

Yes, how quaint. Call the only one trying to improve McCarthy's writing a dork and be done with it. I have more soul and feeling in my left pinky toe than you do in your entire body.

>> No.21976194

are any of mccarthy's other works even edgy? as far as i know its only BM that has edgy shit in it.

>> No.21976210

Child of God and Outer Dark, to a lesser extent.

>> No.21976268
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Hey bud this is my first time on lit I'm from /Fit/ and was told we'd get along. So far all I'm seeing is a homosexual male trying to floss on me for expressing the fact that I like an author.
>I just like him because the atmosphere is thicc and I was engaged the whole time
well... yeah. I'm not gonna write an essay my dude. sorry if I'm being too low res for his Lordship.

I'll read some Melville and Faulk, and yeah they'll probably be better, I don't know. But I'm not going to shit my pants because you like them & I'm not going to try and egotistically 'improve' their works and then get angry when people say your forgettable improvements are forgettable.

This first reply has been every criticism of this board that I've encountered from /fit/ all rolled into one. I'm being attacked by this thing.

>> No.21976298
File: 43 KB, 800x450, Joyce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should go back to where you came from then if you can't take the heat. I'm serious about books and I don't need literal randos coming in here with ill-informed opinions who just began their literary journey last Tuesday. It's interlopers and usurpers like you who are bringing down the quality of this board (not that it was any good to begin with) and I'm tired of having to point out why this particular author is bad and this one good to philistines who wouldn't know the difference either way. If you wanted to learn, having just come from /fit/, you would've shown a little more humility and not come out boldly with such a medieval abstrusiosity as "muh atmosphere." It'd be like if I came to your board and started talking about dumbbells and weights as a twink who just joined the gym and had no muscles. Think about it in those terms and you can see why I'm fucking peeved.

>> No.21976348

welcome to /lit/, we have lots of schizos here, just hide the posts and don't reply

>> No.21976352

Yeah, just hide the posts. Stupid motherfucker. GO FUCK YOURSELF.

>> No.21976356

based angry man

>> No.21976362

>I don't get it
are you retarded or just esl?

>> No.21976365

you completely defiled it

>> No.21976464

Thanks man. It's good to see a guy so passionate about his subject though. It's a bit schizo seeing someone so angry with people enjoying this book - not even comparing it to anything. I am pleased to have had my worst fears confirmed in that I'm a Philistine. Based Angry man gives off a beautiful late stage syphilitic HP Lovecraft scent that I can get behind and really lends flavour to this thread.

>> No.21976472
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Why are you so people so angry?

>> No.21976513

For someone who has not a single thing by the writer you sure are dropping names as if you know bullshit about them. Kill yourself.

>> No.21976514
File: 6 KB, 240x210, th-508759355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based angry man I apologise and do actually want to learn, could you take a few minutes to recommend me some good lit? I come from complex philosophical writings mostly and tend to only read very grim non-fiction such as survival in the killing fields. None of these genres of books have complex vocab or writing styles as it would get in the way of understanding the subjects. You're passionate and I'd relish any must-read lit that I wouldn't stumble upon otherwise. My IQ 137 but my education is dogshit with lit as I had a state school education and have had to work 60+ hour weeks until now. With neuroplasticity dropping after 25 I want to cram some good books before I get to that age for better returns.


>> No.21976526

>taking advice from this travesty
Your dogshit education is still better than whatever this dumb hick is doing for the past day. Like just literally pick up any book in the top 100 chart.

>> No.21976537
File: 10 KB, 194x259, Chalamet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There will be a lot more where that came from.
I try my best to make something out of this energy. It's quite lovely and serene. And I hope there's passion in you as well.
What would the alternative be?
I don't need to know anything by the writer to know that the writer is not with the writing, if you catch my drift.
Why must you pull at my heartstrings so, Mr. Fit? I can no longer be mad as you've come to me in a conciliatory and propitiatory way. Perhaps you've shown me it's better to share my knowledge than to gatekeep it. Very well. These are the best books I've read that most assuredly blow McCarthy out of the water:
>Ulysses by James Joyce
>Finnegans Wake by James Joyce
>A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce
>Stephen Hero by James Joyce
>Dubliners by James Joyce
>James Joyce by Stephen Ellman
>The Complete Works of Shakespeare
>The Complete Works of Keats
>Moby-Dick by Herman Melville
>Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
>Women and Men by Joseph McElroy
I hope this is enough with which to whet your appetite. Start slowly. Read them at a bar or someplace comfortable.
I prefer the term "country bumpkin," thanks much.

>> No.21976553

With all the safe picks, i am surprised you picked McElroy, because Women and Men has some of the ugliest most turgid prose ever written. The literal shill reviewers were defending the book by calling the ugliness as some sort of stylistic choice lol. But you are a low IQ faggot which has been well established so well...

>> No.21976564

I'm convinced that Women and Men will in time come to be considered one of the greatest novels not only of the 20th century but of American literature in general. I don't care what you say about it. It's more than 1000 pages and every single one of them is beautiful and profound. If you're going to go turgid, you might as well maximize it completely and he did so. Lower your voice when speaking to me.

>> No.21976572

Who keeps spamming this stuff?

>> No.21976648
File: 14 KB, 474x266, th-777474874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll look over the top 100 tomorrow and pick a few for sure. Is there a definitive list anywhere that's trustworthy? I currently just use goodreads if that's alrighty.

It's /fit/ doctrine (for the most part) that the way to exhibit true love for the hobby is to show others the way lest the practice dies over time. If you go in blind to lifting you'll almost invariably spend years reeling and confused. A person in my gym had a severe & permanent spinal injury from ignoring form advise given by a more experienced lifter. I think that can be applied to literature hilariously. You undoubtedly have more experience than me in this area, as does most everyone in this thread probably. From the wikis of the respective books I see you've recommended some hard reads which is exactly what I was looking for, thank you.

You also actually know books, spare any recommendations to the ill read?

>> No.21976653

So the high school tier writer who acts like a 15 year is a Dzanc shill? Lol.

I like McElroy btw. I am not a dumb philistine such as yourself. Nor do my opinions on literature are 12 year old tier in hating books I've never read. 'Plus' is a great book, but Women and men is shit. When he was trying to write the experience of a transhuman brain, he chose his words relatively well, but here:
>But that’s it. It is that music. Or was it the person playing you “heard”? Was that the feeling? Heard but not seen! A sound of Experience itself. Weigh it, store it; luckily in your “life” you can be dumb about it. Her privacy inseparable from the noise of the instrument: piano or violin; some days both. The musician’s secure devotion. Practice, yet not to make perfect. Scale-like up-and-down workouts on violin that were more like real music when the in-between notes got crazily played. Early experience of somebody else’s, yes, thought earned. Or could it have been some teenage, fairly early experience for you of pausing: pausing to Look Back! But why back, when what you were hearing was your mother’s concentration right now? But where was it going?
>This was you going too. Does that just mean “growing”? Or that you doubled her going? Who could you report such claptrap to? Is it monstrous that to this day you have not thought much about her going? Fact was, she went, dead or alive.
This is like a cliched bad example of what would be come to be called neural fiction. "Hearing your mother's experience"? I don't care how many hoops you jump through but that's as bad as autistic dark. And there is atleast a couple such turgid, imprecise constructions in every paragraph of this 1000 page uselessness. An aesthetic travesty of Joyce's stream of consciousness. The phrases, the figures of speech are overwritten, turgid and imprecise as hell. I already saw that your critiques are based on hypocrisy but this cannot be ignored. If you think this is better than McCarthy then I am forced to assume that the same way you hate McCarthy without ever reading him, you must like McElroy without ever reading him. Regardless of the books in question, you do come across as a disingenuous 15 year old.

Don't spam your bad essays again please. You don't have the intelligence to really change my opinion.

>> No.21976664

What kind of books do you like? What kind of development are you looking for? I am much better read than the idiot in the thread so maybe I can give streamlined choices.

>> No.21976760
File: 95 KB, 720x422, Screenshot_20230430_201232_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i literally the only one who sees nothing wrong with "cold autistic dark"

>> No.21976770

Thank you for your time man.

I'm afraid my answer is going to be a little vague as my knowledge is such.

I have found that I naturally read philosophy and grim non-fiction (i.e books on Cambodian Genocide, Life under Stalin/Mao etc.) en masse. I've also read a lot of the old greek writings (Odyssey etc), however those are the only areas I'm probably versed in. I'm also extremely keen on horror though past the complete works of Lovecraft and some smatterings of other authors I'm a relative virgin in those grounds. My classical lit is severely lacking and I'd like to develop it as books such as crime and punishment took me a longer time to read than most and I'm sure that caused me to enjoy the book less. I've also branched out recently to much more optimistic lit in the forms of Star Maker by OS which I really enjoyed (my girl told me I was a basic bitch for reading it lol), though I still enjoy my feelbad Russian books such as Roadside picnic & Ivan Denisovich. I was read many dark and overly complex books as a very young child which is probably relevant.

I really have not put the time I should have into reading and as such I'm sure there are literal genres I haven't so much as dipped my toe into yet. I am naturally curious and would very much relish the opportunity to sink my teeth into a book that's essentially alien to me, so any books that have blown your socks off but doesn't sound like anything I've read I'd very much appreciate being recommended to me also.

Sorry for the life story

Thanks again

>> No.21976774

People who put down McCarthy much more often than not turn out to be philistines. You really expect them to know the roots of words? Lol.

>> No.21976780

You and the rest of the bootlickers. Not even with the root word does it work.

>> No.21976784

how does "the cold selfish dark" not function as a personification of the dark? and do you really think what he meant was "the cold, retarded, and weird dark"?

>> No.21976791

If you have had a habit of reading complex, weird works, I can recommend to you "Impressions Africa" by Raymond Roussel. One of the absolute weirdest book I have read. Foucault's book on him is very good as a companion.

For science fiction, there is Philip k. Dick, Gene Wolfe and R.A. Lafferty

For Classical lit, you can't go wrong with Moby Dick. One Victorian writer who is immensely underrated is Thomas Hardy. You should read him if McCarthy and Faulkner are up your alley. Among Russian Classics, I enjoy Master & Margarita more than Tolstoy and Dostoevsky.

As for horror, there is Thomas Ligotti with his philosophical horror. Brian Evenson and Michael cisco are great contemporary writers.

>> No.21976803
File: 139 KB, 1252x824, 2342342343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how does "the cold selfish dark" not function as a personification of the dark?
Because a) He didn't say selfish, he said autistic. You are rewriting his bullshit in order to improve it. Not how it works, b) The dark is not selfish nor autistic. I actually do know the perfect word. c) Using root words to justify a word with a current connotation is retarded and artificial. Words don't exist in a vacuum.

>> No.21976820

you said "even with the root word" jackass.
>le dictionary definition
jesus fucking wept. autists are characteristically self-absorbed, antisocial, and apathetic toward others. that's CLEARLY what he's referring to when he places it next to the word "cold". unironically you have been filtered; tragically this may be due to your own autism.

>> No.21976832

The meaning is not the problem. The issue is the clumsiness in style. I have not been filtered. I am above this awkward bullshit.

>> No.21976835
File: 22 KB, 474x377, th-4213946008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you so much for these Mate. I'm going to start Master & Marg tomorrow as the only Lit person I know IRL recommended me that same book after we spoke about crime & punishment and he knows his stuff too. I'll read a book by each and every one of those Authors now - Most are new names to me. Good Samaritans are rare here, cheers!

>> No.21976847

i get it dude you're offended he used your condition in a derogatory way, I can empathize (even if you can not)

>> No.21976851

>le sarcastic feminine reply

>> No.21976868

>typing out the word "Yawn" in rebuttal
>calling anyone else feminine
watch yourself anon

>> No.21977158

>sudden uptick
You must be new here

>> No.21977212

>Travis Bickle: "All my life needed was a sense of someplace to go. I don't believe that one should devote his life to morbid self-attention"

>> No.21977224

It always confuses me when people call others "edgelords" despite knowing the fact that the world is often cruel, unjust, dark and miserable. It's not as if he just made all this shit up. People who throw around this meme buzzword are sheltered, delusional or both. And on fucking 4chan of all places.

>> No.21977252

>It's not as if he just made all this shit up.
See: baby tree.

>> No.21977267


Alternatively, there is this:

>> No.21977275

>Noo the fuckin baby tree! It just ruins everything it ruins the book!!
Autism, weak criticism, boring, lazy.

>> No.21977279

I hate this site sometimes. Posting the post
>someone actually found a campaign speech from a southwestern senator (texas probably) where he claimed apaches were nailing white babies to trees. search cormacmccarthy.com forums.

>> No.21977286

It never happened. It's fiction. Put there to shock people.

>> No.21977305

i found it btw.

minnesota senator henry rice:
>When I know that they opened the throbbing womb of the mother and tore therefrom the unborn infant and dashed its brains against the dead mother’s head–when I know that the squaws held the young helpless white girl until savages gratified their beastly passions until life relieved the victim–when I know that infants were nailed to trees alive there left to die in sight of their captive mothers–would I spare them? NO never!”

>> No.21977311


>> No.21977323

>That source is the greatly exaggerated claims of Minnesota Senator Henry Rice who was vying with other land grabbers to whip up public anger against the Indians and take their remaining land.
So the lies of a politician to gain support and steal land.
>This was widely quoted back in 1862 in contemporary newspapers
So not during the events of BM.

>> No.21977329

yeah the guy quote rice was a cuck that's why i left him out
i'm sure you'll split hairs about how the babies weren't nailed to trees and instead were nailed to doors lol

>> No.21977337

>yeah the guy quote rice was a cuck that's why i left him out
Way to throw your source under the bus.
>i'm sure you'll split hairs about how the babies weren't nailed to trees and instead were nailed to doors lol
The important aspect is that this isn't Texas and these aren't Apache lol

>> No.21977348

right, the dakotas nailed babies to things, the apaches tortured them and put them on bayonets, who gives a shit which savage tribe impaled infants by what means you dumb faggot, it's not unrealistic and it's not uncharacteristic of warring indian tribes.

>> No.21977352

It's not historically accurate. It's fiction.

>> No.21977363

historical fiction*

>> No.21977383
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>>peeled skulls
It's actually literally way clearer what's happened than whatever vague dumbfuckery you suggested.

>> No.21977390

>I come from complex philosophical writings
>None of these genres of books have complex vocab or writing styles
fuck off. literally just lurk you fool. stop wasting everyone's time. dropping IQ is ignoble and you should be ashamed.

>> No.21977456

It's completely fine, of course. In the dark you can't see anyone else so you feel locked up within yourself, like an autist. I think half the people who screech about it know this and are just being idiots ironically.

>> No.21977649

How is peeled skulls unintelligible? There is literally one meaning that "peeled skulls" could connotate.

>> No.21977690

Go back to the wendigoon subreddit

>> No.21977827
File: 16 KB, 474x266, th-2931765024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post was very clearly not concerning you & I came to this thread to mine some good book suggestions, which I've done. Saying

>this complex genre isn't complex

Was to calm down based angry man so he'd recommend me some difficult stuff. I couldn't give less of a fuck about posting here again, enjoy your IQ cope though. It was really stupid of me to get all these productive outcomes from this thread, listening to people more educated whilst you're just sat throwing the usual 4chan donkey shit around and learning nothing - You're obviously higher on the bell curve. I submit.

Thank you again folks for the book recommendations :)

Bye bye little fella

>> No.21978032

I am pointing out how it makes no sense that you come from complex philosophical writings that don't have a complicated vocabulary or writing style. unless you're reading sam harris or camus then i guess it makes sense. I just wish retards like you would stop trying to posture in these conversations without having an ounce of ground to stand on. you also keep using wojaks so generally kys

>> No.21978042

>Read them at a bar
this is so gay and an obvious LARP.
the fact ur suggesting finnegan's wake and putting down mccarthy is laughable and you need to stop pretending lmao

>> No.21978058

how is it unintelligible? there is a clear established precedent for scalping in the book as by this period the gang has gone through endless cycles of pillaging through pueblo's and settlements and so through the adjective of 'peeled', mccarthy places further emphasis on this action of scalping. i don't think you've read the book with care and you're being an incredibly disingenuous critic

>> No.21978061
File: 22 KB, 220x311, Mask of the Betrayer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Horrible to hear about that person who suffered the spinal injury. I agree with the idea that one should share their knowledge. I don't have any ego about that. If it helps you, I'm ecstatic that it does. Here if you need any other recommendations. Those are definitely hard reads but I think ultimately they'll be very rewarding.
I'm actually not going to get into the nitty-gritty of all this. Suffice it to say, this is sad and you're just continuing to do the same thing you're accusing me of.
I've been here since 2015. Define "new."
It implies that the skulls themselves have been peeled like a banana. I don't like that image. It's gratuitous.
You really mean its denotation there but I'll let that one slide. See above for my explanation. It's gratuitous. Skulls are not bananas.
It really isn't. When I lived on my own in my apartment (if only I could go back there), I used to bring my copy of Stephen Hero (the first draft of Portrait of the Artist) and have a couple beers and spirits sitting by myself at a table. Used to read well into the evening until it was too dim to see. Comfy as hell and enhanced my experience. I'd suggest trying it some time, dude. Also, Finnegans Wake is something I really suggest you try to intentionally read before dismissing it. It's very structured and organic and deserves attention. I'm sorry you think this is a LARP.

>> No.21978067

I haven't read the book. Is that what's happening? That's fair; I was only basing my judgment off what was there and didn't have the exact context. I just think the image of "peeled skulls" is gratuitous; the skulls themselves haven't been peeled but rather the flesh from the skulls has been excised. I just don't think I would've said "peeled skulls" in the flow of the moment and would've opted for something like "bare skulls" or "flared skulls." Does that suffice, my liege?

>> No.21978078

>You really mean its denotation there but I'll let that one slide. See above for my explanation. It's gratuitous. Skulls are not bananas.
skulls are not bananas but certainly with how deep the gang is descending into madness at this point in the novel they certainly treat them like fruit, it's become a re-occurring harvest of suffering and scalps. This novel is incredibly cyclical and through that you may get the impression that it mystifies the violence or trivialises it, but that is precisely what went on in this historic period. War and conquest does not leave room for rationalisation, especially when your adversary is the sworn enemy of your divine providence to the land. Your critiques are so formalistic, which really loses what makes Mccarthy's style great, blood meridian works because it is an anti-western.

>> No.21978089

Memes aside, does this book actually have anything interesting to say or is it just "WILD WEST ACTUALLY LE BAD JOHN WAYNE IS A LIE"?

>> No.21978102

>it's become a re-occurring harvest of suffering and scalps
By that line alone I'm swayed. Well said. I think if I had read the novel I would've gotten a better sense of what you just described. Perhaps my critique indeed is too formalistic. "Peeled skulls" does have a ring to it. But a "re-occurring harvest of suffering and scalps" gets to the heart of it: the triviality, barbarity, and reduction of violence.

>> No.21978135

>blood meridian
pseud magnet for immature teeangers/twenty-something nerds who have never experienced actual violence or read anything beyond the typical YA fantasy schlock so they see a few words they don't know and they see le blood and le war is good and think it the greatest thing ever written

>> No.21978139
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You just write terrible prose and have the understanding of a 15 year old. Sorry if facts bother you. McElroy was always mediocre at prose. He always hid his imprecision behind "le experimental". The best thing about him has always been his concept which is always striking. But execution is terrible. To some extent you write like him, but without a talent for ideas.

>> No.21978145

I like it because of all the pew pew and Judge is scary

>> No.21978153

I liked the sample you provided. Are you published? Or is there a writer I can check out that writes similarly to you?

>> No.21978157

It's like someone read a book on "how to write prose" and thought they had artistic talent.

All great writers stretch what is expected from prose. McCarthy is literally the apex of this. DFW's comments on him are apt. If someone else wrote in that style, it would be a complete travesty. It works because he writes as if believes in every word he puts down and he has an extraordinary sense of its music and vividness of imagery.

A good case study is the avant garde writer Garielle lutz.

>> No.21978161
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>> No.21978165

Shouldn't have chopped your dick, tranny.

>> No.21978168


>> No.21978177

Is it the same anon who was going on about how using the word "howling" to describe women's grief was somehow egregious? The anon who then posted his own shit prose kek

>> No.21978182

I'm starting to think you are just trolling everyone here masterfully. If so, well done anon. But also fuck you

>> No.21978186

No. That guy is just an untalented idiot who is too dumb to realize it.
These threads are being spammed by one butthurt tranny. The tranny can't articulate his own opinions and looking for someone to carpetbag

>> No.21978195

It really seems like the same guy is here on this thread as well though. Same manner of critiquing and use of the word "turgid"

>> No.21978199

He is here. But he did not make the thread. Unless he is roleplaying as multiple people.

>> No.21978203

Why dost thou cry so, little moth? Facts don't bother me. My writing doesn't care about your feelings, and neither does McElroy's. We do appreciate your compelling insight, Mr. Pain.
Yes, how eloquent and articulate. Would that every book could be so full of "pew pew" and the like.
Thanks. I'm not published yet. Joyce would probably be the one to check out who writes most similarly to me, along with Newman the pastor. I'll keep you posted.
That was me. The "malignity of his turgidity"? That was me. Hello.
It's too delightful and fun.
It quite is.
I did not make the thread. Parasite as I am, I simply popped in once I realized the other one had hit its bump limit.

>> No.21978209

Never again compare your low IQ trash with Joyce ugghhhh.

>> No.21978223

Let's see what you've written, Mr. Howling Woman.

>> No.21978234

Kill yourself. That's a good sample of my prose. Unlike yours it's neither turgid nor overwritten.

>> No.21978242

Good use of the Germanic spirit of the language. Short, staccato, punctuated. A very good word, if overused.
All fine and good. A common reflexive pronoun. Flexing, reflecting, genuflecting. I'll give you 4/10 for at least putting it out there. Not bad, Mr. Howl.

>> No.21978250

Liked it enough? Now do it, redditor.

>> No.21978260

Shut the fuck up for once.

>> No.21978272

blood meridian fanboy projecting and seething

>> No.21978279

Kill yourself and shut your trap up for good

>> No.21978295

Tranny mad lmao. Should've kept the dick. You a freak that no one likes.

>> No.21978298

Why do you keep responding to me? Literally why. I've shown you my writing; you've insulted me and McElroy by calling us turgid. What do you GET out of it? Go do something. Stop responding to me. You're bringing my energy and mood down with your negativity.

>> No.21978313

I wish you kill yourself that we may have less unemployed good-for-nothings with astronomical delusions. You have no talent whatsoever. Calling water water.

>> No.21978323

You don't really mean that. Your brain is just telling you to say that because you're angry. I hope you find peace, Anon.

>> No.21978336

I mean it. I am not angry. This is not significant enough to be angry about. You want to cry lol?

>> No.21978345


>> No.21978725

I agree, the descriptions of violence were detached. The most disturbing part of the novel is The Kid deciding to not dance and what that means.

>> No.21979232

How? Is this sir an ESL bloody bitch redeemed?

>> No.21979239

I like the book because he uses words in a good way and it makes the brain feel good
I like when the kid is sitting in front of the tree during christmas eve and all the desert critters surround the tree with their eyes glistening, very mystical moment (esp. when you find out it's during christmas), also that one moment where they cross a plain and they hear rocks falling below them and they realize they're on hollow ground. The image really stuck with me.

>> No.21979256
File: 114 KB, 660x495, ttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The man who believes that the secrets of the world are forever hidden lives in mystery and fear. Superstition will drag him down.
*lowers fedora*
>There is no God and we are his prophets.
*unsheathes katana*
>It makes no difference what men think of war. War endures. War was always here. Before man was, war waited for him. The ultimate trade awaiting its ultimate practitioner.
*teleports behind you*
>Whatever in creation exists without my knowledge exists without my consent.
*exhales sharply*
>Men of God and men of war have strange affinities.
*slices you in two with a single stroke*
>This is the nature of war, whose stake is at once the game and the authority and the justification. Seen so, war is the truest form of divination. It is the testing of one's will and the will of another within that larger will which because it binds them is therefore forced to select. War is the ultimate game because war is at last a forcing of the unity of existence.War is god.
*leaves a single rose on your corpse*
>nothing personnel, The Kid.

>> No.21979281

You’re so pretentious. It’s not impressive, it’s just sad.

>> No.21979298

I honestly don't get the hype of this book but thats the feeling I get with his entire body of work. An extremely repetitive book with decent prose and the same characters returning every single time.

>> No.21979302

Good book

>> No.21979309

Could you sing me a threnody then for my sad pretentiousness? Pretty please.
Can you talk non-4chan?

>> No.21980329

Did you use that katana to chop your dick off?

>> No.21980408

>le anti-Colonizer subtext
Space is the frontier, and it's not getting opened without treating God as if he was dead (at least with respect to the 'useless eater' biomass of neolithic anthropological curiosities breeding like rats in Africa, China, India, the Middle East). Glantons will multiply either way, and it is only a question of "to what end?"

>> No.21980411

There is no frontier. We are all parasites and heat death is real.

>> No.21980542

are the eyes in the photo edited

>> No.21981218

I went over to a goth girls house yesterday and talked about blood meridian, and she told me about the road. She got me subway afterwards. Thanks McCarthy