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File: 124 KB, 640x946, D2591D1A-D807-4CA7-85CE-138CC7A714C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21975949 No.21975949 [Reply] [Original]

The most important addition to late 20th century fiction that no-one talks about.

>> No.21975954

That category is already stacked with two many postmodern doorstoppers.

>> No.21975961

I read this last year and just got my copy of the newly released edition in the mail. It's an astounding work of fiction, up there with Gaddis and Joyce.

>> No.21975962
File: 1.20 MB, 3023x2371, IMG_6579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should own a physical copy, OP

>> No.21975964

>postmodern doorstoppers.
True. I'm fatigued already. Whoa, le total novel, le maximalist novel, le long novel. Give me a break. A novella can be more powerful than most of these obscenities.

>> No.21975972

Is The Garden of Seven Twilights any good?

>> No.21976209

Respect. Verhaeghen deserves more attention.

>> No.21976303

This is like the only good stack picture I’ve seen on this board in like 10 years

>> No.21976305

how do you get a stack as good as this? what charts did you use?

>> No.21976328

that stack is what happens when you reject charts

>> No.21976332

based as fuck

>> No.21976339


>> No.21976412

Probably because it’s impossible to get a copy.

>> No.21976423

Really hope this is a joke holy shit dude. It’s called developing your own taste

>> No.21976433

>how do you get a stack as good as this? what charts did you use?
Looks like a reader of The Untranslated.

>> No.21976438

A definitive hardcover edition can be yours for $36.95.

>> No.21976443

I just picked this up after discovering it one day. Weird, now it's being mentioned I feel like I'm in the matrix.

>> No.21976528

This book is shit.

>> No.21976530

Holy shit finally

>> No.21976690

Don't you guys Just LOVE hearing the sound of experience itself? I store it in my urinal bladder teehee

>But that’s it. It is that music. Or was it the person playing you “heard”? Was that the feeling? Heard but not seen! A sound of Experience itself. Weigh it, store it; luckily in your “life” you can be dumb about it. Her privacy inseparable from the noise of the instrument: piano or violin; some days both. The musician’s secure devotion. Practice, yet not to make perfect. Scale-like up-and-down workouts on violin that were more like real music when the in-between notes got crazily played. Early experience of somebody else’s, yes, thought earned. Or could it have been some teenage, fairly early experience for you of pausing: pausing to Look Back! But why back, when what you were hearing was your mother’s concentration right now? But where was it going?
>This was you going too. Does that just mean “growing”? Or that you doubled her going? Who could you report such claptrap to? Is it monstrous that to this day you have not thought much about her going? Fact was, she went, dead or alive.

>> No.21976696

Go back to your McCarthy containment thread. I'll respond to your comment tomorrow morning: you've been at this all day.

>> No.21976705

I just heard the sound of your experience
>it's all autistic screeching of an idiot

>> No.21976712

>you've been at this all day.
You don't say...

>> No.21976719

This is lovely. I invade their McCarthy thread like the parasite I know myself to be and they come find me in a McElroy thread. This is delicious irony. Stay hating.

>> No.21976734

But unlike you I have actually read the writer whose thread I am posting in. Also stop behaving like a prima donna, this book is just filled with "Wtf? That's so bad passages" from bottom to top. I am only poking good fun.

Here's another. Wide load probably refers to Ms. McElroy's bull lol.
>Her Body Room she would call it. Though other rooms in her apartment were that, too. Body Room. Renamed by the times through which we swing, celebrated by Grace, obscure like Mayn, and turned into her “Body Room” through being emptied by the wide load of her trip, her once violent motion away from an old home far away to a new. And as for the family furniture back there in that old home in the exact Middle West, forget it: for like that legendary legal Wide Load of our highways it held firm at that moment of launch yet with this difference: its inertia instantly forgot she’d blasted off when she’d moved that inner landscape of her life without furniture of her family from one of America’s middles to New York once upon a time
So fucking bad lol.

>> No.21976993

happens all the time

>> No.21978016


>> No.21978622

I’m tempted to buy it, £26.99. Is it worth it bros?