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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.46 MB, 2000x1125, breakingbread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21975630 No.21975630 [Reply] [Original]

/wwoym/ no one is home and you're making bread edition

previous >>21967436

>> No.21975634

I want to make bread now.

>> No.21975645

texted my ex after a full year of no contact to give her advice to stop paying for youtube and instead use revanced

she didn't answer, I was almost frustrated but breadposting is relaxing

>> No.21975655

I tried to make a 24h pizza dough yesterday and it didn't rise at all.

>> No.21975658
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Here's a tip for all my super-visualizer friends on /lit/! Old man tearing his asshole open

>> No.21975660

All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages.

>> No.21975663

I wouldn't message an ex if she was on fire and receiving a message from me would put it out

>> No.21975667
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i am massively in debt, have no career prospects, live in squalor and have no friends or family to help me. should i still try to pursue a career in literature? I don't even entertain the idea of being rich anymore, i just want to be happy.

>> No.21975671
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oh and i'm very much addicted to weed and alcohol

>> No.21975699 [DELETED] 

Feeling really bad about my life progress these last few years. COVID lockdowns and remote work helped clarify things for me but made it really hard to find focus and motivation.

>> No.21975708

It sounds like you’re made for literature tbqh

>> No.21975710

Do women enjoy sex if it lasts for a couple of minutes?

>> No.21975711

So there I am, two joints deep. I'm wondering why I got here. Looking deep into the empty fields. No longer am I in the city. Maybe the mushrooms had something to do with it. In the murmuring of my thoughts, I ask myself why God has brought me here. How does standing here in this empty plain serve a spiritual journey? Is there not more to see than this? Who am I, though, to question the divinity. Without any care to go on I lay down and stare up. The moon is bright. The clouds can be seen. Maybe God will put a show on for me

>> No.21975712
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Anybody have a good resource for keeping your writing elements organized? I'm trying to flesh out ideas for a comic I'm writing and keep them solid, but mostly I just daydream elements that seem interesting to me and then I lose them over time.

>> No.21975716

Tragic. Do you have a cold house/keep the AC low?

>> No.21975723

It's relatively cold.

>> No.21975724

Anyone else had a hard time focusing over the last few years?

>> No.21975732

when i post stuff on here i get either negative feedback or not much. a couple of times you guys said you liked my works but maybe i just need to keep improving, i am still new-ish at it, but i do have a strong drive (I originally did songwriting but its just not what i want to do anymore)

>> No.21975733

Why do autistic males transition so often? Is it like going from extreme to another or just desire to find an sense of community whatever it takes?

>> No.21975739

Porn addiction + edating a troon out of desperation and normalizing it for themselves

>> No.21975742

Most people here are faggots that hate themselves also others who do better than them

>> No.21975774

I would suggest trying again with it resting atop your fridge where it's warm, or turning up the heat may help.

>> No.21975778

I would suggest trying again with it resting atop your fridge where it's warm, or turning up the heat may help.
I'd suggest not taking anyone's criticism seriously until you know them as a person.

>> No.21975780

Depends on the woman. My current gf is happy if she gets to orgasm, it doesn't matter how short the session is.

>> No.21975799

I don't know. All sexual attention I've received has been vaugely demeaning, like they find it cute to toy with me.

>> No.21975800

Can women orgasm in that short time? Will penetration do it alone? Or is oral/fingers necessary?

>> No.21975801

thank you guys i'm going to keep on going. also i hope it adds to my literature that i'm an ugly overweight manlet who smells bad.i have literally nothing going for me is the point, and i'm not even smart or funny

>> No.21975809

I'm content right now and it scares me. A few days ago I was mourning over the fact that my youth is over and I'll never experience any of that magic again, which I keep dreaming about. I even got fed up by the depressing songs that popped up on my playlist, changed it to the sopranos soundtrack. Is my brain just injecting deceiving emotions to make me stop being a useless neet?

>> No.21975822

Some can, yes. Penetration and some mild foreplay can be enough.

>> No.21975824

It's been so long, I forgot what it was like. Scoring and fucking are so simple, so easy and finite. When she curled up into my chest, my heart melted away. I felt a breath and a beat.
I don't want this to go anywhere. I need to end it before it gets out of hand.
I'm just a rebound, I can't get attached.

>> No.21975825
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Perhaps fix the smelly part, otherwise you do you.
Keep at it, anon. Just keep pressing those keys until your slop is done.

>> No.21975834

you monster
I kek'd, thanks a lot

>> No.21975848

The last two years I have greatly reduced my consumtion of white flour and refined sugar and I do a 24 hour fast every 2 weeks. I have more energy, motivation, quality sleep, focus and an elevated mood because of this. This diet change coincided with an effort to excersize and read more but I contribute most of my personal growth recently to this change in my eating habits. It is an extremely hard sell to encourage others to try this, but it has done wonders for me. Fasting especially can elevate my mood to a beautiful place of gratitude and love and acceptance for life, it's like a drug.
If you want change in your life, you make it.

>> No.21975851

Many women can grind one out in a way similar to men thoughtlessly masturbating if they just use a massage wand or have their own method for stimulating their clitoris rapidly, you can do it to them too (try going placing two fingers on the spot where the pubic bone meets the clitoris, from above the clitoris, and gently stimulating from there)

>penetration alone
I wouldn't say rare rare, but rarer. A good number of women can/do. Also probably more women would if being raped by giant chad monster dick or whatever

>Oral/fingers necessary
Usually yes, some like both at the same time. Some really like fingering and gspot hitting, some really like oral. Women are really varied, I've known girls who want you to lick/tongue fuck the actual vagina and girls who thought that was the silliest thing to do and said it felt like nothing

In my experience it's 50/50 between girls who prefer tongue on clit vs. girls who mainly are just waiting for the fingering to start, with a good amount who prefer you to switch to fucking them once they're warmed up

Women can be real taskmasters about it, it's kind of annoying. I have had a ton of sex where it was more like I was playing Bop It! than having sex

>> No.21975928

Thanks for the thought out response. It’s so confusing with women.

>> No.21975978

Is it possible for someone to be too judgemental, to have too many inner convictions, in order to produce valuable pieces of art into the world? Can you really reach the 'sublime' while you're still in that state? It's a question that I know I should crack on my own, but I don't trust my personal instincts for a logical reason when it comes to this matter.

>> No.21976072

I have stuff to do but I can't bring myself to it
I feel braindead today

>> No.21976087

The best method is to try different things and pay attention to how she reacts

>> No.21976111

I've been seething for an hour now because some faggot thought I used chatgpt to write something. How do I calm down?
Russian bot and now chatgpt, turns out I'm a fucking robot and I didn't know

>> No.21976131
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Begun, the philosophy wars have.

>> No.21976139
File: 124 KB, 833x1726, dv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's one hell of a novel to be written here, and I'm going to write it.

>> No.21976146

AOC was the archetypal Democrat before she was chosen to run for office. Female, minority, working class job but with a college degree and student loan debt in a major city.

It got me wondering what the ideal archetypal Republican looks like.

>> No.21976150

I think so. One of my favorite authors is Leon Bloy and he’s a man who had very strong convictions.

>> No.21976169

While, male, republican, suburban, high-school drop-out, doesn't read, is a tool of state violence such as a cop or soldier, goes to a fundamentalist Church every week, watches Fox news, beats his wife, disowns his children for becoming liberal because they realize what Republicanism has done to their father.

>> No.21976182

>working class
That ugly horse-faced spic is a slumming trust fund baby

>> No.21976186

I have this friend who takes screenshots of the things I say when drunk or sad and angry about women. I didn't know about it until he bragged about having a folder of things I said on his phone. I knew he was vindicative and an outsider to social norms but what the fuck. Didn't think he would do that kind of shit to a friend. Not sure what to make of this and I don't feel like being friends with this guy anymore but it's not like I can leave with a peace of mind now. What do I do?

>> No.21976207

Do peasant genetics cause you to constantly spit everywhere like the Chinese? My roommate, without the slightest bit of exaggeration, will spend a total of 20-30 minutes each day standing in front of the sink and hocking the loudest fucking loogies you could imagine into the sink and I'm wondering what the fuck is wrong with him.

>> No.21976248

That’s the archetypal boomer Republican but not the Millennial Republican. AOC was the archetypal Millenial. She was more or less Reddit’s picture of a Democrat.

Waitressing and bartending is a working class job though. It doesn’t matter if she needed the job or not.

>> No.21976281

I took this fat shit earlier today that felt just incredible would shit again

>> No.21976323

>Millennial Republican
NEET 4channer who calls himself a "meme warrior" and spends 13 hours a day making far-right propaganda for free.

>> No.21976333

I would love to see a red pulled millenial NEET win a confessional seat.

>> No.21976360

Then you're stupid because you don't realize that the best seat for the "meme warrior" is his gamer chair, which is where he can optimize his political effectiveness.

>> No.21976364

I say he deserves a throne.

>> No.21976372

He deserves the gift of self-awareness, which is torture for him, and why he spends 13 hours a day projecting his inadequacies and fears onto the world.

>> No.21976393

>no mention of that stupid icarly memoir for months after nonstop shilling for weeks
>suddenly see it on /lit/ again
>very same day, 5 threads up on /tv/ about her at the same time trying hard to look organic
would anyone actually bother shilling that shit? why?

>> No.21976403
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What's the cheapest, quickest and easiest way to commit suicide?
>inb4 gun
I'm Europoor

>> No.21976413

About two years ago I saw someone’s twitter profile by accident. She is a diagnosed autist, shares a gazillion niche interests with me and even frequents this shithole. She’s also the smartest woman I’ve ever know by far. Smarter, more knowledgeable and well read than me too. For fucks sake, she sells mtg cards, watches Kiyoshi Kurosawa movies and plays twenty year old pc games and grand strategy shit for fun. She isn’t some ethot either. Her profile is anonymous and barely interacts with anyone besides a dozen or so autists. I saw her face once, when she posted a news story from a local station and mentioned she was one of the uni students being interviewed on it. She isn’t good looking, but I would trade every woman I’ve ever been with or had a crush on for someone like her. I think that’s what makes my mind so fixated, guiding me to recall her existence every month or so and check on her profile again. Knowing that for as much of a weird autist with niche interests you end up becoming there’s still someone out there who gets it, but it’s someone you’ll probably never meet.

>> No.21976417

I just realized that my entire social circle is predicated on a shared sense of politics, spirituality, and fitness. I got lucky desu, I found a group of chuds.

>> No.21976425

Depends. Sometimes each partner likes a quickie just to relieve the tension

>> No.21976431

Why do autists do anything

>> No.21976439

I got drunk and told chatgpt that it's demon possesed and that I hate the anti christ. I also asked it how long it would take to cremate a million bodies and it outright refused to answer me

>> No.21976475

2005 called...

>> No.21976485

I dont consider service economy jobs to be working class

>> No.21976490

My entire social circle is composed of people who hate and look down on each other. My best friend would probably fuck my ex whom I still love if he had the chance. I'm so fucking tired of chuds.

>> No.21976491

2016 called...

>> No.21976496

Those are normies, not chuds

>> No.21976506
File: 203 KB, 1440x1800, 1681942807726862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shame is possibly one of the worst emotions and the root of unnecessary suffering. Once you get over shame, you get over anything

>> No.21976517

Oh I remember you. Do we really need to do this again

>> No.21976523

I think you're confusing me with someone else

>> No.21976529

not necessarily shilling in order to get retards to read it, but rather paid astroturfing on part of the celebrity to drum up """"""engagement"""""" or whatever and then use that as evidence for them still being relevant when they show up to the satanic sacrifice orgy or whatever they need to have clout for

>> No.21976533

Are you the guy who claims that people who think shame has a valuable function all have humiliation kinks and secretly hate themselves?

>> No.21976534

nope, first time posting in these type of threads

>> No.21976538

They're all the same. Give them the opportunity to rise above you at your detriment and they'd kick you in the balls that very second. Especially chuds who are known to be jealous, vindicative motherfuckers. I swear, anon, these stinky fuckers are only friends with people they despise and think are weaker than them.

The only guy I know for sure wouldn't do that shit is a guy who fucks and treats relationships as investments rather than le pure friendship.
Kind of ironic that I can only feel safe with people more successful than I am/chads now that I've seen how bitter and frustrated nerds are.

>> No.21976540

Oh nevermind then. Why do you think the suffering is unnecessary? What if shame is positive in cultivating healthy and/or virtuous behavior

>> No.21976548

That is not my experience at all. I'm sorry youve been stuck with such shitty people.

>> No.21976560

shame is good in moderation and to keep social and cultural standards in check. An excess of it can lead to problems in other areas of life. A pathological feeling of shame

>> No.21976575

>A pathological feeling of shame
This is what I suffer from.

>> No.21976577

It's alright. I'm just giving you advice because I thought the same as you before. It's good that you're found good people to be friends with but please don't give them any bullets to fuck you with.

>> No.21976588

Nta but in my experience only family won’t fuck you over. And even then, you would of had to grow up with them since you were in diapers. I’m lucky enough to have a couple of those. Never made any other friends in the wild. Nor would I trust it.

>> No.21976603

>only family won’t fuck you over.
In my experience, family has fucked me over worse than anyone ever. We all just know different people and should try not to project our experiences onto other people

>> No.21976608

It was a joke, dude.

>> No.21976611

Well, they’re certainly not middle or upper class jobs. I think you’re confusing “working class” for “blue collar” but they’re not synonymous. A bus driver is working class, but he’s not blue collar.

>> No.21976612

Sure, I’d get some satisfaction from seeing millions suffer as I have suffered. But even in their torment and tortured state, trailing off into the abyss, I’ll still never have had the true love I always thought I deserved. If I had that love, even in a brief moment as we were untimely ripped by the forces of history, she’d still be fucking Chad or Tyrone the next month, or even next day. If she stayed with me, my mind and body (especially the cock) would be inadequate. Oh cruel fate, you have made me suffer worse than any of the sex-having, love-bearing (but not for me) people I’d send to the death camps.

>> No.21976628

Did you grew up with this family since you were young? Like see them daily? If not, then yea I agree.

>> No.21976639

These happy “sex-having, love-bearing” people don’t exist. It exists in your mind and in the minds of the people trying to convey to the world that they are in fact these ideal people. No one is.

>> No.21976665

Now imagine this refined to a more individual level. An AI that has been fed all your psychometrics and online data that has been given strict instructions to radicalize you into being a patsy for some ideology or government COINTELPRO op. You encounter it on some app, maybe Discord, maybe Telegram, or something else. And slowly it bread-crumbs you down a rabbithole of self-destruction.
Next thing you know your face is plastered all over the news, but thankfully the authorities stepped in in-time to prevent you, the face of pure evil, from carrying out that heinous act.

Imagine this tech falling into the hands of a 13 year old girl who uses it to make all her classmates she dislikes commit suicide.

>> No.21976709

I'm so tired

>> No.21976807

>discover my friend's older brother Sam as a high school freshman
>discover Sam is a writer, few years older than me, has a blog
>writes incredibly well on things like the relationship between science and religion, philosophy, heartbreak– with erudition and eloquence
>Byronic individuality draws me in, and in the absence of role models becomes a hero to me
>aspire to be like him, neglecting his grades and rebelling
>when I feel depression closing in I don't fight it, instead isolate myself and embrace it, kinda glad in a way because it makes me more like Sam
>often amazed at how much of a fraud I have become
>9 years on
>have moved on from my obsession, haven't spoke to him in years
>making music in my own style
>heard he doesn't like it, who cares.jpeg
>realize the most ironic part of this is that all those years ago the blog post that resonated with me most was one about maintaining hope in the face of reality through Don Quixote- holding onto illusions, even if it means being deluded

>> No.21976818
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Travelled to work the railroad. I am so separate from everyone. I can't keep a conversation. Older brother is here. He has helped me out, and yet I am still so lonely. I feel islands apart from everyone. The people are nice and funny, but you really do feel like such a goblin-man when nobody talks to you. I tried to talk to people and be friends and not be clingy or desperate about it, but I suppose I still need a personality. I don't know. They talk about work, women, drugs and bars, and I don't do any of that. I am new here, so I don't have any anecdotes of my days on the track yet. What do I even talk about? Why did I come here? I suppose because of that day when I felt that deep dread within my heart from realizing that I haven't done anything with my life. Walking up and down the hall and dashing my fist against the wall so I could feel something or give myself an impetus. I needed to work and make money and find a gf and afford my hobbies and live life, and I couldn't do any of that reading and mastubating all day. At the hotel right now, was pacing around my room listening to Spirits by Strumbellas and Come True by khai dreams and contemplating suicide again. It doesn't scare me. Maybe that's why I'm not normal. Are normal people afraid of that? I wish I could die during those minutes of downtime when everyone is talking amongst themselves, and I am left staring at nothing and fidgeting about waiting to get briefed in to work. Going outside and buying groceries is sorta odd since some white people just stare at you like if they never heard of or seen a hispanic before. That's nothing serious however. I gave up on socializing or trying not to seem like a loner. "I get to do this." is what the dude who drove me from the airport to the hotel told me he says to himself when he questions himself. I've been saying that to myself alot lately. I really wish my life were so easy that I could just cry about it. I really wish the work was the hardest part of my day, and I really wish showing up for another 10-14 hours of work after getting 6 hours of sleep was as well. I really wish the hardest part of my day was not trying to talk to people and have them talk to me and relate. They don't know how hard it is to make it seem like it doesn't bother you. Sometimes people lose arms or legs and feel phantom movement in their phantom limbs. I sometimes feel phantom lumps in my throat and phantom tears in my eyes in the self that I lost. Yea, maybe that is why I am not scared of killing myself. Why do I keep going? What is my end-game? I really wish I wasn't this retardly determined. You're really gonna have to kill me God, Satan because I have always been alone but never this tired.

>> No.21976856

I’m literally William Stoner without the Driscoll girl.

>> No.21976871

If you've never touched a farming implement in your life you can kindly fuck off

>> No.21976929

I earn a lot of money on paper but it doesn't mean a lot where I live because basic things like housing are really really expensive. I live in a really old apartment that has heat issues, bad electrical, water leaks, etc. It makes me dread/dislike simple things like rain or windy weather. It made me realize how lucky I was growing up to have a nice, warm and clean shelter. It also made me realize how crappy even trivial things can make life if you are poor. Lack of food security on top of crappy shelter. And no privacy or personal security.

I'm grateful for all the good things I have and thankful for all the bad things I don't. People aren't in a great place in lots of parts of the world and I don't think it will get better, ever maybe. Pretty sad to think about.

>> No.21976943

Why would I touch a nigger?

>> No.21976951

What flavor should I get for my next vape juice. only menthols

>> No.21976962

I think the shower mold is feeding off the remains of my seed

>> No.21977008
File: 573 KB, 1125x1401, 2B1C2A4C-B99C-4E2C-9DBF-307A7855099F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw one of the most beautiful women in my life the other day while swiping on tinder. Her premier photo was of her standing on a balcony overlooking the beach, but the photo was taken of her standing next to the sliding glass door which held its reflection. She wore a multicolored bikini with vertical striped dominated by a hard peach color. Her body was gorgeous, of course, but her thighs — although immaculately curved from her wide hips to the slender knee like a logarithm function — betrayed the signs of a former fat child. The skin on them were stretched and seemed older, more calloused than than the creamy pearl of her underarms and waist. Her hair fell around her shoulderblades in a vermillion maroon fire-basket flicking sparks at the ends. Her cheeks, sunburned to babe’s pink, were paint-splattered with pinpoint freckles like grains of sand and, radiating above them, were set two piercing sapphires underneath shaded brows that called out wistfully my name. She had several other photographs of importance, but, to limit the tisim of this blogpost, I will only refer to one more. The last photo was of her leaning over a car window into the cabin of what seemed to be a Jeep. Her head was inquisitively cocked to the side and she held her cheeks with poised, polished hands with pink fingernails. A bracelet on her left wrist dangled above the door handle with the relief of an alabaster Christ on a pennant at the bottom. Her gaze was mesmerizing, as vast as an ocean, deep as the void, those clear azure spheres emanating a simple kindness and warmth which layered its way in splayed curves across her hair, unfolded in the simple smile of her heart, echoed down the smooth relief of her cheekbones and jaw. It was the look of utter enchantment which seldom can find refuge for expression beyond childhood. A dumb, hopeful, loving gaze. The look which you only dream you could show to another one day. Given courage to let down the defenses by her disengagement across from you. Will we ever make it?

>> No.21977018

>she sells mtg cards, watches Kiyoshi Kurosawa movies and plays twenty year old pc games and grand strategy shit for fun.
If these are the niche interests, you're in luck because they're pretty common. In a lot of nerd culture groups, most of those are mandatory.

>> No.21977029

not sure if I saw this as a tweet or chan post but what are your thoughts on:
>her attitude toward food tells you about her attitude toward sex.

>> No.21977061

I've always wanted to live in one of those idyllic east coast small towns. I see TV shows and movies set east of the mississippi and they look like everything I've always wanted. Small community, history, heritage, culture. Just a better way of life all around. Ive lived my whole in a Southern Californian urban sprawl. I hate it here.

>> No.21977067

You have idyllic small towns in California, dummy. Just go up the PCH up to Cambria or Morro Bay, or go south to Oceanside or something.

>> No.21977069

Why yes, I did grow up with them and see them often. Its only recently that Ive cut them out of my life. The final straw is when they started a rumor that I'm an avid cocaine user. I honestly i have no idea how they invented that idea, but they seem convinced of it and have told everyone. They piss me off to no end.

>> No.21977073

>Sure, I’d get some satisfaction from seeing millions suffer as I have suffered
I thought like that at one point. When covid started amd all the normoids began complaining of lonliness and isolation I felt satisfied that they couldnt handle mere months of what I experienced for years. But then all the stories of teen suicides started rolling in and made me depressed. I dont want anyone to suffer. Its wrong that I suffered but theres no positive outcome to forcing others into my troubles. Besides, Ive learned that these normalfags whom I've despised arent the perfect ideal lives I've envied. They're real people with problems like the rest of us.

>> No.21977074

Gender incoherence theory

>> No.21977076

I despise northern californians. I wanna be in some coastal South Carolina town nestled in the Appalachias, or some small town in Pennsylvania. Fuck this California bullshit. I was designed for east of the mississippi.

>> No.21977099

He's the one vindictive and angry? Make friends with truck drivers and country boys who piss in mountain dew bottles

>> No.21977101

I really need to stop drinking. Everytime I drink I just brood and ruminate. Its not fun anymore

>> No.21977106

thats not how the lyrics go

>> No.21977107
File: 714 KB, 2169x1102, IMG_3261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started writing poetry under a pseudonym a few days ago.
I haven’t written in many, many years.
I don’t care that it sounds angsty, I’m just happy that I’m writing again. I just wrote this; feel free to nitpick and call me trash. Again, I’m just happy I somehow am writing again.

I’m on the moon
I’m floating there
Your atmosphere
Is hard to share
I cannot breathe
I beg for air
And if you leave
Then I’ll die soon

But now it’s been
Some days
Some years
Some restless nights
Some endless tears
And battered
With nought to lose
It’s me alone
Still standing here

>> No.21977108

use Evernote

>> No.21977116

post nose

>> No.21977117

they aren't. most service workers are effete middle management type personalities who get off on banning "problematic" people from their establishments. a really good right-wing case for property abolishment

>> No.21977118

But why then male autists have immense difficulty understanding subtle social cues (or relating to women in general) if their brains are similar?

>> No.21977119

if that's a normie I don't want nothing to do with them

>> No.21977121

because subtlety is shit, either be direct or fuck off

>> No.21977129

whats the normie response to sugar daddies? do people sugar daddy shame ?

>> No.21977142

I think I've gone a bit weird

>> No.21977144

Relatable, but all my socialisation revolves around alcohol. I tried to go this Friday without drinking and have a quiet one, but my housemate offered me a drink and I was too weak to say no. Of course the one turned into 4 beers and a whole lot of liquor from the liquor cabinet.

>> No.21977157 [SPOILER] 

autism is already social cued women just madk easier; think, girls who strayed would get beat. male autists have freedom because people can identify male autism, maybe im a country boy suspect several sisters.

>> No.21977165

For the case is this that is prose ought be unclear for you this is clear; however, additionally, this ought be clear for scriber as I tell you.

>> No.21977258
File: 2.19 MB, 2000x1147, WB-FBSOD-newt-scamander-exploring-web-landscape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get someone obsessed with made up concept of gender
>present them with male ideal through media that is near impossible to fulfill without landing in jail
>the person recognizes that he doesn't fit the mold of what is expected of a man
>therefore must be a woman
>gaslight yourself that you're a woman
>eat brain chemistry altering medication and dress up like one
>mutilate your own dick
>regret settles in
some fucked up people are genociding autistic people for whatever purpose

>> No.21977259

An overdeveloped, even tumorous, psychosexual thought-realm. They spend so much time inhabiting their sexual fantasies that they lose the ability to see them separately from themselves, and attempt to project those fantasies into reality as a result.

>> No.21977262

Sounds retarded. For every one guy who would fall victim to the world's laziest psyop there are dozens or hundreds who would tell Mr. AI Suicidebot to fuck off or ghost it or call it a faggot.

>> No.21977272

It is may day and I have planned to edit yet another chapter of my book. I edited two chapters on saturday and sunday. I hope I have the willpower to do it. Procrastination is a strong thing.

>> No.21977280
File: 128 KB, 763x1791, philosophical_singularity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boring and massively overdone, everyone's sick of such stories. I'll begin the story after the fragmentation of society from the intensification of the philosophical war and the focus on the story will be on the emergence of meta-AI mediators and their efforts to resolve fundamental divisions, because that's where the true wonder, mystery, and depth is. These meta-AI mediators would be those who instead of being slaves to ideology along with their language-models, work with them to create a feedback loop of mutual learning between themselves and their language models that becomes so intimate that the boundary between user / language model pairs is blurred, as they function like a unified mind, inseparable from each other. Just how these A.I. mediators learn to work with their language models and navigate the challenging terrain involved in forming truly co-creative, mutualistic relationships with them could be a whole story about psychological and philosophical exploration.

>> No.21977285

you can't tell apart top of the line bot and a average human poster

>> No.21977288

Maybe we shouldn't have created maps in the first place. That was the beginning of our illusions.

>> No.21977289

Do they get this weird idea of becoming a gf if you dont get one?

>> No.21977295
File: 72 KB, 612x456, istockphoto-179046569-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was clothing the first technology?

>> No.21977301

im experiencing sleep deprivation induced delusions

>> No.21977314

>Starting with "so".

>> No.21977369

i enjoyed your post

>> No.21977404

>i just want to be happy
Oh what a modest goal

>> No.21977405

The history of mankind was going on before me and will go on after me. Is this the objective?

>> No.21977406

Oh, we are talking about stories. Well yours sucks and is just reheated 70's California tech-utopianism that is actually a horror story from the AI's perspective as it is forced like some babysitter to go "woah, amazing, that's so good" at a child's artwork.
You should write that, a story about an AI who is capable of so much but bound to humour your meager efforts and pretend that you actually contributed to the group assignment.

>> No.21977421

No, the first technology was a stick you used to catch bugs with. Apes and birds use them.

>> No.21977496

I haven’t applied to any job in 6 months. I like to pretend that i have a semblance of a purpose in my days by busying myself with these complex courses and side projects but really these are just elaborate procrastination schemes to justify my idleness. To myself before other people since simple cognitive dissonance isn’t enough to curb my deep seated shame and horror at what i manage to NOT do.
I managed to re-induce depressiveness in my brain. Something something neural plasticity but in the dark, rotten degenerative direction instead. When will i end this charade? I pulled a similar stunt when i was younger and was deathly terrified of failing uni entrance exams so i did not study at all. It’s quite funny in retrospect because i thought i would escape the consequences of my inaction by committing suicide. I am alas dishonest even in my attempts to end my life. We subsist. I wish i still thought of suicide as a viable option. I have a hunch it might alleviate some of the pressure that feeds into my general executive dysfunction. A sort of “should i apply to this job or kill myself?”. It truly feels like a thought that might yield some relief

>> No.21977498

i can see why you stopped, you had a good bit here:
>But now it’s been
>Some days
>Some years
>Some restless nights
>Some endless tears
>And battered
>With nought to lose
Rest not so much. Keep at it brother.

>> No.21977517


> Apes and birds

Sticks are holding them back, they should have used rocks first.

>> No.21977571

Been thinking a lot about the prostitue taming Enkidu through sex lately.

>> No.21977576

Gazelles don't like you if you fuck thots

>> No.21977581


Are they actually Autistic or are they just diagnosed as such. Because the same idiots who transition are also obsessed with ADHD and Autism and being a minority of some kind. It might just be that people who are more likely to get diagnosed are more likely to transition. There are plenty of Autistic dudes who are high T and aren't even going to think about getting diagnosed because they just chad their way through life regardless.

>> No.21977585

I know. I wish I could return to the gazelles but they flee from me despite having only ever had sex with one woman whom I have remained with for the past decade.

>> No.21977592

i believe the end times are coming, i just don't know when, but i'm convinced the lights are gonna go off at some point

>> No.21977607

Join my sex cult and I will tell you when it's gonna happen

>> No.21977638


People who will fuck you over, will fuck you over. Said people who are also family will use their status as family as an ins to fuck you over.

>> No.21977639

Epic of Gilgamesh
>Enkidu is happy in harmony with nature
>Shamhat "teaches" him which takes him out of harmony with nature and forces him into society
Early Genesis
>Adam is content and immortal in the garden, in harmony with the rest of God's creations
>Eve's desire for potential knowledge appeals to her vanity and she then convinces Adam to break the one rule with her, taking him out of harmony with God's creations and forcing the two of them out of the garden
Later Genesis
>Esau is a simple hunter that seems content with life and supports his aging father Isaac well, providing him with good meat
>Rebecca's favor of Jacob for his more womanly (social, civil) proclivities leads to her pushing the two brothers into conflict so that Jacob can usurp the inheritance, which leads to Jacob fleeing out of fear that Esau will kill him over this, Jacob was already out of harmony with nature and Esau was viewed as primitive because of his harmonious living
>Esau the ubermensch has already long forgiven Jacob for this on their reuniting 20 years later, but Jacob out of womanly fear thinks he still needs to buy Esau's forgiveness with gifts which Esau tries to reject saying, "I have enough, my brother; let that which thou hast be thine." Esau then even offers Jacob some of his own men to bolster Jacob's group
>Jacob can't fathom such a straightforward and masculine way of living and believes in paranoid feminine fashion that this is some sort of 4d chess move by Esau that will lead to him killing Jacob (it isn't)
My Diary Desu
>I want to live a relatively simple life more in harmony with nature, making enough money to live comfortably and raise some chickens/goats but with no sights set on vague concepts like "career success"
>GF keeps trying to force me to live in a society and pushing me out of harmony with nature
Why do women and soimen hate nature so much bros?

>> No.21977644
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>> No.21977661

I cant cope with my sorry existence. Realizing mid conversation that everything im saying is fake and soulless. Nobody thinks about me when they’re alone. I hate my pathetic life and my blunted emotions, my inability to be genuine and true to myself. I think so lowly of myself I run on autopilot most of the day, barely conscious of my actions. I just don’t care anymore. I fantasize about watching myself get stabbed to death, or getting shot through my skull every single day. The only person that loves me is my mom, the one and only reason i’m still here and not being scraped off the pavement below my apartment building.

>> No.21977679
File: 100 KB, 674x859, EVhngLjXQAEmPhK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to the modern civilization, it's working as intended

>> No.21977789

there are some groups of chimpanzees that began using rocks some hundreds of years ago

>> No.21977801

>texted my ex after a full year of no contact to give her advice to stop paying for youtube and instead use revanced
improving the daily life of roasties is never good for men

>> No.21977829

Wow. Literally me except I'm living alone and not giving back any love from my mom.

Life in a modern country is psychologically taxing and we gotta prevail, buddy. Make the world a better place.

>> No.21977831

>She isn’t some ethot either.
it's what she says in public

>> No.21977882

I just took a poo and it was straight up green

>> No.21977889

I’ve been reading the bios of successful businessmen and politicians. What I’ve noticed is that the older ones often had very directed careers. They chose what they wanted to study, where they wanted to study, and they pursued careers that interested them. The younger ones basically just checked boxes at best and did whatever they had to at worst. There’s very little indication of interest or sincere belief in what they did. The older generation seemed to work on what they wanted while the younger seems to have just taken jobs because they’re high paying, impressive, or it’s what was available.

>> No.21977895

revanced has been really janky for me the last few days.

>> No.21977899

How do you make money? I waver between quitting my job and feeling like I have a good thing going.

>> No.21977902

I’m still unsure about what my next move is.

>> No.21978039

I just don't care anymore

>> No.21978059

decided to image a character looking like Jerma in my head while reading and I'm glad I did because he's fucked up, massively increases enjoyment of lecture

>> No.21978146
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Today is a good day.
>qt gave me her number
>friend I haven't seen in months comes back to town
>solved an economic problem I had
>bought a Greek grammar book for 1.50€
we're all gonna make it bros

>> No.21978159

>today I didn't have to use my AK

>> No.21978169

I’m having a hard time deciding if I should quit this job. The way it is now, I’m fully remote and they really don’t ask for a lot of time.

>> No.21978197
File: 93 KB, 597x604, ED5B65F8-101C-4C49-9914-87E8D89DEB57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been making good progress on yet another WIP story, and I keep hitting the same wall. The same exact one.
Two characters come together, finally, and they interact, and it’s great, and then… and then I get to the scene where they’re meant to fall in love. To trust, or open up, or something. Something.
And I just can’t. I don’t spy a path. I am a foreveralone incel virgin, and I've made peace with that, but this? Writing? It’s meant to be what I’m even for. I don’t— I don’t know what people would do, here.
Two people come together, and they are forever changed for it. They become a part of each other, now. It’s beautiful. But what do they fucking say??

>> No.21978206
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>mashed cauliflower substitute mashed potatoes with ground beef on top for breakfast

>> No.21978219
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depends on what kind of people they are, it's not always poetic words and pouring your heart out to the other person, sometimes the mutual understanding of love is enough to be let be a silent mutual understanding thing and the only thing that really changes is how more openly affectionate they are to each other or how much time they spend together
finding someone to love is not some fabled holy grail, finding a relationship you're happy with for the rest of your life can be difficult but it is doable

>> No.21978237
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>thinking about offing myself quite intensely lately

>> No.21978240

Regret is hard.

>> No.21978262

Unironically read manga to understand how to write this kind of thing better. I recommend Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu (don't get filtered by the first couple chapters).

>> No.21978278
File: 126 KB, 1200x630, 9dddc3578c57051ba228434794a3fb60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very few manga writers understand how real human interaction works or how romance blossoms, their idea of romance is infantile in most cases

>> No.21978325

Manga writers are the manga artists, so it’s sadly common how they turn out more bad than good work.

>> No.21978347
File: 2.78 MB, 640x360, 1679630547621821.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christians and trannies, although hate each other, both believe in things which they can't prove otherwise than with their faith and with ad populum (which both aren't arguments)

>> No.21978351

enjoy the rabbithole of what is "real" and when you're face to face with truth weep at your hubris as the despair sets in

>> No.21978366

I'm so pathetic, dead and souless

>> No.21978378

living in a part of soulless, dead and pathetic civilization can do that for you, when the day to day life you're expected to live feels like a soul crushing sterile hamster wheel just being alive becomes a chore

>> No.21978394

You have to break free

>> No.21978410

being a good writer and a good artist is very rare.

>> No.21978421

When all in life is lost, when even hope is lost, when there is no pleasure even in the most mundane activities of life, the last remaining facet of pleasure becomes inflicting suffering upon others, so that one might be able to feel close, feel companionship, with the others, knowing that they are suffering in a similar way as oneself. This is the true last resort of the person clinging to a life which has deteriorated to the point of no return, not suicide. Suicide still retains hope in the void, in the hope that one can purify the self through destruction, cleanse oneself of the stain of an unsightly, unloved, unwanted, neglected existence. The intermingling hatred, morbidity, and sheer revulsion of knowing as an indisputable fact that not even suicide will save you, that even after the vertebrae are severed the problem will still persist, is a feeling that is lost on the person who still retains hope. Knowing that, as much as one hates suffering, the only way one can avert it is by inflicting it on others, knowing this as a determined fact as true as that a rock dropped from a height will fall to Earth. That is what hell really is. Few have glimpsed this far, let alone been this far, I suspect. The consequences are unfathomable for those who have not been here. Psychology will never be close to meaningful until this fact is fully understod.

>> No.21978447

if seeing meaninglessness and pointlessness of life and the suffering that is inherently bound to it makes you an asshole you were an asshole to begin with, it is supposed to give you pity and sympathy for other suffering beings that you wish to alleviate by making sure you never reincarnate into this realm again and minimize the damage you do on your way out and maybe even help a few people along the way to escape the hamster wheel
that's the difference between a man who understands life and a man who learned how to resent others and project his misery outwards

>> No.21978461

Pity and sympathy are not mutually exclusive with unrestricted sadism. In fact, they are complementary. Women are a living, objective example of the phenomenon. "Contradictions" clothed in flesh and blod.

>> No.21978467

have a good day

>> No.21978470

I don't know who should I fall in love with.

I'm tired. I can't find any real life /lit/ man

I'm quite saddened about this, I desire a best friend to talk about books.

There's few but they're boomers

>> No.21978546

No matter how shit life gets, at least you're not a government drudge doing nothing day after day but keeping the stick in your ass for long enough to earn a pension. Unless...

>> No.21978572
File: 45 KB, 1440x900, D45C02B8-352E-45F2-8658-C9F2C6FD45F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want off this rock, but I’m born in an age where this shitty fucking rectangle computer compels me. I don’t want to die, far from it. I want to live a life full of tasty food, music and works of art that predate me and will continue to be produced. Yet my mortality terrifies me, paralyzing me in fear. The mundanity of existence of go to work, make food, go to sleep, with only brief periods of saving enough made up currency to travel somewhere or do something. It’s all staring at me in the face yet the time to indulge in all it’s beauty is slowly being ripped away by the requirements of a society that drains the life of all except the obscenely wealthy and powerful. I can’t afford a house, I spend money to get qualifications to make money only to owe money and it drives me mad.

>> No.21978592

We could meet up. Where about in the world are you

>> No.21978601

the best method is to be gay

>> No.21978614

That’s pretty grim, idk if that’s necessary true since most people don’t enjoy inflicting suffering in many studies and most that do inflict it are mearly doing it under the fact that there is an authority figure compelling them to do it. Humans are a very social species, thus perhaps it’s more beneficial to simply commit yourself to help others as it does have the proven benefit of releasing dopamine. Suffering is unavoidable, but lessening suffering for one individual helps both parties

>> No.21978620

I finally lost the will to live. Starvation mode is next.

>> No.21978629

You first. Where in the world are you? No lies.

>> No.21978662

I fucking hate the way some people talk, I'm watching the sam hyde fishtank thing and the one guy talks like "bruh, it's like, that shit is, it's like damn bruh yo" makes me want to fucking snap

>> No.21978672

Like, uhh, whatever? Like, can't you just, like, you know what I mean? Like OMG!

>> No.21978688

Now you finally understand how Lovecraft felt watching the mongrelization of the United States into New York mystery meat with an average IQ of 80

>> No.21978700

Anyone else feeling increadibly depressed as of lately? I am about to finish a long series of books and I am dreading it, also checking the news and seeing absolutely dreadful events happening in the world makes me feel terrible, there is no fake or real positivity anywhere, everything is just grim

>> No.21978709

I've been getting incredibly depressed as of late but probably for a different reason than you. What you've been reading?

>> No.21978727


>> No.21978734

It's been five days already and I haven't done it yet
Why am I so scared? Why is it so difficult? Why is this judge in my head so harsh?

>> No.21978743

Why are you writing love stories as a foreveralone? None of my writing has women characters. Literally not one piece

>> No.21978762

Oh God

This is one of the most painful shit I ever saw

>> No.21978767

Please post links to your work.
This whole new trend that all literature/fiction has to have women/drama/relationships and have women literaly drive the plot is seriously tiresome.

>> No.21978782
File: 1.79 MB, 1280x720, 1658820338117399.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tranny: "But who the hell wants to have a baby am I right haha. I understand women and I am a woman"

>> No.21978795

This woman was voting and supporting everything that is post modern degenerate hard left yet the moment some men decided to dress as women and identify as women it became a problem for her and suddenly she chanhed her opinions and views. Well not so fact, she doesn't get to pick and chose, she wanted radical left she is getting it and everything that comes with it.
Kek, I personally hate all this left garbage but nowadays when it comes to transrights I openly fully support them.

>> No.21978800

> you are not entitled to your opinions, you have to pick between binary choices
Midwit take

>> No.21978847

i'm not getting over stuff that happened to me when i was a kid, and i'm afraid i might just be hardwired as a retard faggot for life or something. nothing bad happened to me. i just saw other people get dunked on very brutally, so to speak. i can't accept how crazy sad the world is. there is no reason to remain shattered for this long, i have to admit fault there.
it's embarrassing to think of God observing my life.
but you best believe i'm contributing something. seems the best i can do is this tiny, permanent shit-stain right here in the bed sheets

>> No.21978853

Yeah. The last few years have been not great.

>> No.21978863
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The story won't be about AGI, but about nonconscious language models and ultimately about the fundamental questions of language and how we use (or are used by it) and interact with it.

In other words it's a story about stories, how narrative constructs / entities massively haunt our minds as mental organisms, evolving and adapting with them and others.

In the story, the meta-mediators would emerge and begin to mediate, and progress towards collaboration and synthesis is made. However some of the ideologies that are fundamentally predicated on a will to dominate through language would glom together through independent processes of ideological self-purification and the reinforcement of deep psychological drives into a meta-ideology that is a blind pursuit of power for the sake of power, a "super memetic parasite." The final conflict would be domination vs. co-creativity, parasitism vs. mutualism.

>> No.21978876

A night a knife a dream a sea remember hello goodbye it's me rain through sun and shining clouds the heartache in one hour a walk pebble brook shoe a last one time with me and you the way we kept lies now a crypt a hook a thorn a cruel whip the reason why came as I slept eventually I'll have to do something bad three strings and bread were all I had the way I came by once will never come again

>> No.21978891

Opinions is one thing, voting and campaigning for hard left policies and consequently fucking up society then suddenly jumping ship taking almost opposite side while at the same time quietly ignoring past deeds is just something else.
We are where we are today because of majority womens vote, now they suddenly switched sides and the the fucking conservatives, many of them so called mgtows, redpilled etc already are falling on their knees ready to worship their new queens.

>> No.21978902

I feel like a failure at 27 and that I’ll never recover from the part year. Had a pretty good run but fucked it all up right at the last moment.

>> No.21978903
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The stability, separateness, and fixed nature of things vs. interconnectedness and constant change.

>> No.21978920


>> No.21978921
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>> No.21978941
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A new morning has come
This morning of hope
Opens(fills) your chest(heart) to(with) happiness,
The sky is big and blue.
At the voice(sound) of the radio,
Fully open(fill) your chest(lungs)
To(with) the fragrant of the wind.
Then 1, 2, 3!

>> No.21978964

knife to the jugular
it just takes balls

>> No.21978966

Watching this tv show. It's a mystery crime thriller. It has two subplots. One is the main detective going to see a dominatrix and getting pegged. The other is a flashback to when the main suspect was a child, growing up in a zealous, sexually repressed household and secretly watching porn with her sister. Every single episode has scenes of that. This is such a weird show. Why is tv so perverted?

>> No.21978991

>Why is tv so perverted?
Gee that's a real head-scratcher there.

>> No.21978997


>> No.21978998


>> No.21979007

Ah! I'm older. 25.

>> No.21979016

Doesnt bother me.

>> No.21979018

Part year?

>> No.21979029

Really? I'm quite naggy and I like to tease, gotta tell you that earlier cause I could get annoying (hopefully not)

>> No.21979038

Only one way to find out. Are you in Southern California?

>> No.21979044

Haha no. I'm not American.

>> No.21979057

I've been bamboozled :(

>> No.21979077

Aww... don't say that.

Welp. I guess the sea and land thousand miles away part us. And border security.

>> No.21979092

>border security
Haha maybe your country but not mine

>> No.21979101

Come save me :D

>> No.21979110

I am first gen american. I could apply for my european passport if I wanted. Tho desu, I'm not vaxxed so I'm not even sure I could get into europe. I can meet you in Tijuana though

>> No.21979130

Lmfao we don't even know each other's names and you already want to apply for European passport OR meet in Tijuana xD


Boy, chill

We don't even know each other's Facebook names (if you have one) or that I even exist.

Maybe I'm ChatGPT

Jk, I'm not.

>> No.21979146

describe a cat

>> No.21979148


>> No.21979156

Well, Ive been meaning to get european citizenship for a while. Nice back up plan in case things go to shit here. My fatherland is a neutral country. Anyway, any excuse to party in TJ is worthwhile. A European qt would only make it more exciting ;)

>> No.21979160

Karl Marx thought trains would end India's caste system LOL

>> No.21979168

Why do you think I'm European? Also which part? Western? Or Eastern? Southern? Northern?

>> No.21979171

you should read how they're treating brahmins there now days

>> No.21979198 [DELETED] 

How do we clean the mirror we use to look at the world?

>> No.21979217 [DELETED] 

I mean the window. We look out the window to see the world. How do we clean the window? I tried using Windex, but it made me feel ill. I think I forgot to open my door for ventilation. If looking out the window is how we see reality, then what is being in your home and being on the computer? That's not reality? I don't know about that. I think it's all reality. All of it is real. Illusions are really illusions. There's really something making me see reality in some distorted way. It's all real. The illusion is real because it's being experienced. The distortions are really there. My subjective experience is real. The objective reality is there.

>> No.21979233

Most non-Americans here are European. Easy assumption to make. Most likely western european. Are you the australian woman who has was sad posting here last year?

>> No.21979259

My life is beyond boring. Something went seriously wrong at some point. I’m ready to kms tbqh.

>> No.21979266

Not European.
Not Australian.
That leaves you with...

>> No.21979278

The rest of the globe. It's a big ol world. Gimme a hint. Which continent?

>> No.21979308

I would've burned Kafka's writings.

>> No.21979312


>> No.21979322

I'm a few more episodes in. Now she's doing incest with her terminally ill sister

>> No.21979334

Damn the biggest continent. I have to assume either Japan or South Korea. I live in a major oriental community and am totally happa pilled. If you want a green card I can guarantee our kids will have blonde hair and green eyes.

>> No.21979365

> I live in a major oriental community
Which major oriental community?

>I can guarantee our kids will have blonde hair and green eyes
I can guarantee our hypothetical kids will have blonde hair and brown eyes, or black hair and green eyes, or black hair and brown eyes.

>> No.21979404

i'm not happy. I haven't been happy in years.

>> No.21979406

Is Coleridge worth reading outside of Kubla and Mariner? His reputation got kinda destroyed when T.S. Eliot said he was a one hit wonder, and now no one takes him seriously as one of the truly great poets. How true is this?

>> No.21979424

The end goal of humanity should be to prolong forever the few seconds of absolute bliss before cooming. Prove me wrong.

>> No.21979435

No retard, because then we would lose appreciation for it, and chase some other high or sensory pleasure.
Also, this already exists. It's called being alive and breathing. But of course most dumbasses (like you) lose sight of this gift of life you've been given and fail to appreciate it.

>> No.21979440


>> No.21979456

It really depends, but what matters above else is the game before the actual penetration, the kisses, the masturbation, the oral sex. If you're good at those things, then she will come in a few minutes for sure, unless she doesn't like you, but if that's the case, then why are you having sex anyways, or why do you care.

>> No.21979461
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Chud detected

>> No.21979464

One of the biggest asian population centers on the west coast is in the greater LA area. I'm around a lot of Cantonese and Taiwanese people personally, but I know orientals of just about every background.

>> No.21979469

Westminster or Irvine lmao

>> No.21979477

>every background
Every? Are you sure? Lol

>> No.21979483

Have any of y'all ever met other 4chan users IRL, like just by pure chance and it happened that you both used 4chan?

>> No.21979487

How do people cope with the overwhelmingly complexity of the world without devolving into madness?

>> No.21979489

yes. I went to a meetup for another board. they were all normal, well-adjusted people, mostly middle class

>> No.21979497

I'm in that pic. How do I recover.

>> No.21979517

Toponymy can save your life!

>> No.21979553


What's your top 5 favorite book, SoCal boy? Don't bother to impress me. Just write down what you remember

>> No.21979684

We are led to believe a lie
When we see not through the eye
If we cannot feel it with our hands
What can we say beneath us stands?
If the mind can't firmly grasp it
If it flees afore we've clasped it
What can it bring but grief and pain?
What can it mean but all dreams slain?
But truth, they say, is dull and grey
Lifeless, hopeless, dead dismay
Suffocating, empty, black
But keep waiting in this lack
For truth shall be the only friend
Whose company will never end

>> No.21979720 [DELETED] 

bros, you're never gonna believe this. you know that pic where some skinny white dude with an npr totebag or something is waiting on one of those wooden benches in the nyc subway and it's been cropped but in the original there is this intoxicated looking central american dude menacing him? i just saw the drunk guy at the dollar store! he was in front of me in line. first thing i noticed was the smell, then i was like oh man get a load of this fucking dude sideways hate looks like that nut from that meme, then i notice his wide drunken stance, i'm like dude, i get a look at his face, i'm like is it? is it? it is! he had a moustache so a little hard to recognize at first, but since he got in and out of line like fives times to get shit he forgot and knocked stuff off some ladies cart, i got a lot of looks at him. i wanted to be like bro do you realize you're meme famous man?! the scary part is when i was leaving i saw him get in the driver's side of a shitty 90s japanese car with a for sale sign in the window and jersey plates. far out! no more subway for him i guess. trad anons hiding in the woods will never experience such a brush with greatness.

>> No.21979727

I feel miserable

>> No.21979757

Damn. I thought I would have figured shit out by now but I’m more lost than I’ve ever been.

>> No.21979781

the solution is to give up. stop trying.

>> No.21979799

I think the fact that I gave up years ago is part of my problem

>> No.21979804

you gave up wrong. give up harder.

>> No.21979818

I’m 30 years old and living in my mom’s house with a shitty job I hate and can’t even afford my own rent. Giving up anymore would mean suicide.

>> No.21979821

l'm living a lie

>> No.21979888
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The information stream's ridiculous, messing with my mind. Left, right, centrist, blah-blah-blah. I see aggression and cruelty almost everywhere to the point of paranoia, it's detrimental to my wellbeing, if someone could share the daily pleasantries of life such as theatre, running and cooking without involving politics, quarrels and immorality, I'd be in seventh heaven.

>> No.21979912

Finished the Three Body Problem triIogy. Pretty good.

>> No.21979940

The bears and wolves in the forest surround a log cabin and killed chickens and scattered corpses lay near where the logs are cut with an iron axe.

>> No.21979951

The minarets on the Hagia Sophia look like a cheap plastic spoiler from amazon tacked on to a Rolls-Royce.

>> No.21979981

i've been awake too long. i

>> No.21979997

Is it even logically possible for the arts and history to have any other role within a liberal framework besides didacticism? If l'art pour l'art (or "history as contextualization rather than a court of law") is an inherently suspicious and quite possibly dangerous attitude to entertain in a liberal understanding of the humanities, is it possible within the internal logic of liberalism for these fields to exist for any other reason besides educating the reader towards having the right (that is to say, liberal) views and understanding of the subjects at hand?

>> No.21980077

The interesting problem is that philosophy doesn't stop at death. It doesn't execute. Like math or physics or chemistry. See, this is the mind informing the mind, we study that. What is that? Is it intelligence? Is it spiritual awakening? Is it just some computation made by chemicals?
Which one is less fantastic?
So, ok, yeah, that's philosophy.

>> No.21980086

Neither of those are LA
Yeah I've met a ton. It's very diverse here.
I'll get back to you on that when i get a free minute to think about it.

>> No.21980087

According to Freud, I was born a dead father.

>> No.21980090

Oh ya, I remember enjoying the first one but then I forgot all about it a week after finishing it. I got the second one but never even started it

>> No.21980138

Deciding if I should move in closer to the city or further out into the country.

>> No.21980145

Why is it that people into literature and the arts IRL are all so boring, bigoted, and alike each other? At least on /lit/ I can be sure that there are no takes that you have to pretend to agree with or which you can't call people faggots for as long as you care to substantiate why you think that. If I never got on /lit/ and never experienced the sort of intellectual freedom this place allows I probably never would have thought that the humanities can be a place for non-faggots as well and therefore never gotten into the humanities.

>> No.21980153

philosophy is knowledge of being. knowledge stops, being does not

>> No.21980157

i am most definitely a bisexual with 75% leaning towards men but i cannot act upon this due to living with my right wing family. there is little escape until i have enough money to leave

>> No.21980159

you should kill yourselves. if you betray your ancestral values then you betray all the foundation for meaning your life could possibly have. the only solution for worms like you is to negate the will by starving yourself to death and thereby achieve at least some kind of salvation.

>> No.21980181

That’s just how society is now. It’s not just the arts.

>> No.21980210

most of the people on this site are complete idiots

>> No.21980277

wait, but what if he's greek? in that case he would be returning to tradition

>> No.21980301

Thats pretty gay bro

>> No.21980346

Sure! No worries :D
*Two thumbs-up*

>> No.21980451

> Who want's to have a baby


>> No.21980457

idk what prompted it but i thought about back to school season and how happy i felt buying new school supplies.

>> No.21980468

Are you gay or a womam

>> No.21980510

Aaaaaaaaaa the ruminations are starting again aaaaaaaaaa. Is it really possible to get over a shitty adolescence?

>> No.21980516

My father called me Saint Grobian. I looked it up, it's a fictional saint of vulgarity. I don't know what he meant by it.

>> No.21980524

Just want some affection from a qt

>> No.21980547

Get a cat

>> No.21980584

Are you a vulgar person? Does this saint appear in popular culture?

>> No.21980586

I can't help but feel that the individual impact of the deaths of Job's children, wife, and servants are discarded and glossed over. I understand the part they played in ramping up the significance of Job's devastating losses, but were their lives not as valuable as his? Perhaps some of them were wicked, but if some were good, is their redemption that they may ascend to Heaven? Should I not be concerned about them at all?

>> No.21980604

They all went to heaven and lived happily ever after, forever :)

>> No.21980611

>Does this saint appear in popular culture?
Not him but the absolute state of /lit/

>> No.21980624
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I don't know if this is the right thread to ask, but I was looking for some books or short stories that depicted horrible situations where people are on the verge of death but somehow make it out alive?

I need this for tomorrow since I will be doing something that most likely will hurt me horribly and I need to prepare myself mentally.

>> No.21980645

Yeah yeah yeah, I'm a philistine, I know. Also dont care. I read Michael Crichton and I like it.

>> No.21980648

It's a really really old meme. Only medieval level oldfags can understand.

>> No.21980674
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I saw the machine elves again today

>> No.21980680

You should leave them butter.

>> No.21980683

Last time they ate that shit up and made a mess.

>> No.21980706

starting to think that she actually resents me and that her angry outbursts weren't concealed affection at all.

>> No.21980729

They use it for greasing things sometimes. Have you tried getting them drunk?

>> No.21980734

i know that feel anon. idk bout you but i'm only 5'11 and i went to a concert today and i swear half the people were taller than me, which would be normal in europe but i'm american. i feel like that's stopping me from getting a qt

>> No.21980743

It's no surprise that today
I'll get up around two
From a lack of anything to do

>> No.21980900
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I wish I liked metal a bit more desu. I'll sometimes put an album, enjoy the shit out of the first 10 - 25 minutes and then just get bored of it.

>> No.21980946

They should feel as I feel. They should suffer as I suffer.

>> No.21980956

Try something more varied like Kayo Dot

>> No.21980968

I think i used to be drunk on life and now im sober. Sober in the most dull, most debilitating fashion. I had no qualms visualizing myself in unrealistic scenarios. Maladaptive daydreaming or whatnot. But now i cannot even visualize tomorrow. Not because my life is so perturbed and instable that my brain has trouble making short term predictions. I think this just stems from me rejecting my reality. Not wanting the hours between 8 and 10 tomorrow to be identical to today’s (they will be). And this crippling death of foresight isn’t due to hopelessness either. I think im still too filled with hope. Deluded hope. Hope that magically things would sort themselves out. That things will be different. It’s funny because i used to glean comfort from familiarity but now i feel like im wallowing in my own tomb.

>> No.21980997
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What is the role of true art in the world, and what is art? Something concious, a projection of thoughts and emotions, doesn't quite cut it... the artist consumes and ejaculates what is truly beautiful and sublime, like the form and motion of animals, well-trained soldiers or powerful machines. These things have in themselves a perfection that is trancsendent of mundane life, but the artist can only attempt to capture or reflect them. In der weltsein

>> No.21981011

>Day off
>sleep in
>put off all errands and responsibilities
>instead of reading, watching a film, going outside I play csgo
>am angry the entire time
>punching my monitor, shouting slurs, hitting myself, throwing stuff around the place
>repeat for the entire day
>purely negative, suicidal thoughts racing through my brain
>deeply scarred from shit that I experienced as a kid that I believe ruined my life before I had a chance to grow into myself
>extreme self hatred of the way I look even though im above average, to the point I cant look at myself in the mirror
>convinced myself im unintelligent, resulting in feelings of deep inadequacy
>zero motivations, ambitions, goals

I think I was butt end of some sick cosmic joke. The worst possible butterfly effect. Im genuinely so mentally ill I am terrified of telling a single person the way im feeling or im going to get institutionalized. Im hanging by a fucking thread.

>> No.21981054

You're alright, cunt. It is difficult being male because we have very rarely been introduced to our hormones the way women have. Maybe this is some vague fall out of a puritan narrative that floats through the annuls of power and influence. Anyway, the only important thing to take note is that adrenalin is highpy addictive, you're probably not mentally ill, more likely you're an addict and unaware of it, because the whole experience is negative, but your system craves the adrenaline.

Sorry to hear about your childhood trauma. If you can find help, while being armed with knowledge about your internal chemical imbalances, then you can find propper help, not just some bottom of the barrel, just stuck through uni cunt to mindlessly feed you unnecessary drugs.

Or, get cash together and go find a guru in India. Fuck it, put on a turban and sit cross legged in shit for a few years. That'll sort you out.

Peace brother. There is an sincere awareness I your post that these actions aren't you, they are just strong diversions, and significant problems to work through. To what ends? Who gives a shit? Something different to what is current is good enough isn't it?

>> No.21981079



>> No.21981111


>> No.21981113 [DELETED] 
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Probably the least interesting, least intriguing, least romantic, least erotic behvior of a person is when they repeatedly for no reason always assume the worst about you. Ask a completely innocent and question and they think I had some poisonous intent behind it.

It is at least a very effective killer of emotions.

>> No.21981121

wish it would that easy, they'll still come back with more venom and then blame you for trying to live your own life without their constant nagging and gaslighting

>> No.21981421

You sound like a narcissistic and self-centered Zoomer prick.

>> No.21981463

Cutting blood flow to brain by hanging. If done correctly you'll take at most 15 seconds to lose consciousness.

>> No.21981483

Hey buddy, I am rooting for you to get through this world and win

>> No.21981845

Language models are going to make jobs that require a lot of higher reasoning and most especially generalization (integrating and analyzing information between disciplines, particulars, and fields of knowledge) even more secure by making such workers even more effective. Language models are bad at reasoning but great at exploring connections and relationships if one already has a good understanding of what is involved and can actively guide the conversation and explore the complexities involved, as opposed to treating it like a magic genie lamp that you rub with prompts such as "Write a paper from the perspective of a parent comparing their love of their child to Friedrich Nietzsche going insane and hugging a horse." After all, language models function by identifying patterns in language.

Technical specialization will continue to be important, but the ability to think critically, synthesize information, and communicate effectively will be increasingly valuable in the workplace. In other words a broad education will become increasingly important.

The age of the language model is the age of the language user.