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21975342 No.21975342 [Reply] [Original]

>reading Dostoevsky quietly at home
>hear neighbors having loud sex

>> No.21975381
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Put on Bolero for them as loud as you can, then at the absolute climax of the song start banging on the wall as loudly as you can muster shouting "YES! YES! YES!" at the top of your lungs.

It's a really good song after all. I'm sure you'll get into it as it goes on.

>> No.21975392

Why are you reading instead of having sex? You’re not an incel, are you?

>> No.21975402

>trying to read and learn
>living in a loud neighbourhood

>> No.21975403

Last time I had sex was 8 years and 3 months ago, so yeah.

>> No.21975416

Did you put the song on yet? It should be popping off to it's climax pretty soon if you did. Bolero goes hard. You might not be able to contain yourself.

>> No.21975462

Christ... That reminds me of my old apartment neighbors. They had screaming sex at any and all hours of the night. Funny enough, I think he was using toys most of the time, because whenever I heard the standard thigh-slapping of normal sex, she was remarkably quiet... fucking cuck. Our bedrooms must have shared a wall because it sounded like we were in the same room. Anyway, they started in at 2am one night and I spazzed out, pounded on the wall, and made a pig squeal sound at them until they stopped. The hag yelled "WHAT?!" through the wall, and I said "Shut the fuck up!" They stopped, and the next day my other neighbors were especially nice to me. I never heard them scream-fuck again. I moved out of that cockroach infested apartment a few months later.

>> No.21975490

>I moved out of that cockroach infested apartment a few months later.
Good for you, anon.
To me, rich is who can afford silence.

>> No.21975637

>reading some forgotten lore
>suddenly hear a rapping at my chamber door

>> No.21975656


>> No.21975659

bolerochad strikes again

>> No.21975690
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Can someone get chat gpt to rewrite "The Raven" but as if the main character had a shitty apartment in the hood, and the raven was some amateur rapper instead of an actual raven?

I need this.

>> No.21975791

why don't you get creative and write it yourself?

>> No.21975803

>hear neighbors having loud sex
>slip a copy of The Kreutzer Sonata into their mailbox

>> No.21975864

I would kill myself if I had neighbors I could hear. I might be poor but at least I don't have neighbors for over a half mile away and I've never met them. When I lived in close vincity to others, still far enough away to hear carnal activities, over 40 feet, I simply would blast my stereo at 80 to 110 dB and go in the other room. They would play music at night. I simply would play mine loud enough to drown them out. They knew better than to mess with me. You need to let them know that you hold exclusivity over the sonic sphere. Tell them you don't want to hear them fucking and if they don't apologize simply get some ghetto blasters on Craigslist and turn the volume up.

>> No.21975870

There's something novel in giving someone else an idea and watching them breath life into it in their own unique way rather than doing it yourself. Even if that someone is an ai.

I have my own things to work on and they don't include clever parodies of classic literature.

>> No.21975900

going to shake my bed and fake moan to see if i get something like it.

i already have that one, what would you give me instead?
>inb4 pipebomb

>> No.21975917

>Tell them you don't want to hear them fucking
Better yet. OP should hire some whores and fuck louder than his neighbors.
THIS would show them a lesson. kek

>> No.21975929

couldn't rasknilkov get pussy any time he wanted from that girl who fetched him tea all the time during his fevers? why was he an incel?

>> No.21976147

pretty sure she was quite old and ugly

>> No.21976173

i am become le sad russian guy...

>> No.21976178

Because he was sad and Russian

>> No.21976200

Once upon a midnight dreary, a white man living in an impoverished neighborhood pondered weak and weary. As he nodded off, a tapping at his door caused him to wake up and hit the floor.

He opened the door to find a raven, but not just any bird, a gangster rapper who went by the name of "The Raven." The Raven strutted into the room with a swagger and a style that commanded attention.

The man couldn't help but feel intimidated by the Raven's imposing presence, as he rapped and rhymed with a menacing tone. The Raven spoke of the struggles and hardships of life in the streets, and the man couldn't help but be drawn in by his words.

As the night wore on, The Raven continued to rap, and the man listened intently. He found himself lost in the rhythm and the beat, feeling a sense of belonging and camaraderie with The Raven.

But as the night drew to a close, the man realized that he was just a spectator, an outsider looking in on a world that he could never truly understand. The Raven took his leave, leaving the man alone with his thoughts and his dreams of a better life.

And though the Raven may have left, his words and his music lingered on, echoing through the man's mind and reminding him of the harsh realities of life in the impoverished neighborhood he called home.

>> No.21976206

second to last paragraph is unironically how i feel listening to rap music

>> No.21976474


>> No.21976536

Not ChatGPT, but I can actually rhyme, so it evens out

Once upon a midnight dreary
A cracker pondered weak and weary
On the gunshots from nearby gang war
While he nodded nearly napping
Suddenly their came a rapping
O'er the sounds of moans and slapping from the neighbor's whore
"'Tis a robber" said the cracker "Tis a robber and nothing more"

He hurriedly grabbed his peacemaker
Ready to send the thug to his Creator
When in stepped Stately Raven, Rap king of New York
His string of rhymes remained unbroken
Save for the moments he was tokin'
From a joint picked up off the floor,
AAVE spoke the Raven, Ebonics and nothing more

His rhymes told of the streets where he was raised
And the women on which he gazed
And the things he stole from the store
He rapped about cops he would kill
About money taken from the till
He left out no details of the gore
Quoth the Raven "Cash and Whores"

>> No.21976570

And the hoody song of Raven the Rapper went just like this:
I'ma tell ya a story of a black man
Me and my niggas?
We just don't give a damn
We took all of your money
After that we ran
Then we were chased afterwards
by the policemen
I had dinner with the bros
It was nissin ramen
Showed your girfriend
what a man can do
She said "Amen"
And all the yolos on the street
Kept calling "Hey man"
until I fuelled them with the dope
that can send a man
straight to the moon and right back
You know what I mean
You wanna fight with the master
but you're still so green
Your baby mamma is so wild
She's a drama queen
She doesn't let you live the life
of a Charlie Sheen
(But why not?)

>> No.21976775
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Absolutely excellent. Saved.

>> No.21976799

I have a few stories about being loud while fucking (I'm a fag who takes it up the ass and I'm *very* vocal). First time was on valentine's day:
>Go to see 39 year old gay bear of a man (Keep in mind I turned 18 a month ago, small twink lol) whose in town on work, tradie if you're wondering
>He had erectile dysfunction the other two times I visited him the week before, so he got some viagra for us tonight
>We end up fucking, twice. The second time he ended up putting me on my knees and railing me from behind. Again, keep in mind I was ~138 pounds, he was almost 300
>Was *screaming*, like, fucking screaming.
>This was in a hotel, no less
>He finishes, we collapse and snuggle for a solid hour
>We get up and leave, I can barely walk, he's basically my only form of transportation lmfao
>As it turns out there was a fucking family with children under the age of 12 in the room next to us
>And they were looking at us in horror
Dear god, what the fuck did I do

>> No.21976858

The Digimon song

>> No.21976881

i enjoyed the laugh anon, thanks

>> No.21977189

This is true. Being forced to hear something against your will is disgusting.

>> No.21977218

Based. Please do it and update us if the woman was murdered by the man.

>> No.21978064


>> No.21978077
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OP here. At some point I decided to go to bed but read some more Dostoevsky in bed.
And this is not a joke - the neighbors upstairs started having loud sex.
I have 2 (two) couples having regular loud sex around my apartment. But the ones upstairs recently married so I'm hoping the woman gets pregnant soon and this stops. But they'll probably make the room right above my living room the child's room, so that comes with its own set of problems.

>> No.21979679


>> No.21979916
File: 326 KB, 1024x711, lit on a Saturday night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21979934

Reminds me of that anon who had arabs right below him blasting shitty club music practically 24/7 all year long.

>> No.21980614
File: 141 KB, 1104x1011, 41BB701B-D289-4F84-B1B3-EFF6655A6234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21980679

absolutely revolting. It's not charming or quirky. It's fucking revolting.

>> No.21980712

Proof homosexuals need castrated or in some cases, perhaps this one, executed, and that the police should have power to arrest in this circumstance for you to be brought to justice. I would extend this to devient heterosexuals that disturb the public and private peace also. If it wasn't for religion, this would have been the course society would have taken. Religionbrains cope with this by thinking it will be sorted out in the next life.

>> No.21980718

>sodomy is a capital punishment offense
>somehow it's religion's fault
it's the other way around. godlessness leads to libertines and degeneration of moral values.

>> No.21980750

Nope. Religion means you forgive, and each person has a soul and therefore is entitled to rights and personhood. Religion also stresses God will take care of it and it's not your place to judge the sinner and simply judge the sin. The solution is a metaphysical one. Simply they'll pay in the next life. Humanism is based on these abstractions. In a materialist state, there's not much reason to keep around people who are of negative value. Even your view of it as being one of "morals" and "values" shows that you viewed them as rational souls making bad choices. In reality they're just bits of flesh and neurons, arranged in such a way they are detective. I don't believe in God, yet I've never considered let alone engaged in homosexuality. The real cause of such behaviors is also a consequence of population density. Homosexuality was rare among the pagans (pagan as in the actual word, country dweller, they actually were irreligious and didn't worship anything based on the accounts of church father's) but common in the Roman cities in late antiquity. Any reductionist claim from this isn't that religion prevents so called degeneration but rather it's a consequence of urbanism and the city. Engels writes on this in the Origin of the Family.

>> No.21980758

it does not stress such irresponsible and reckless forgiveness.
the part about souls making bad choices is right.

i'd say Locke's 'Letter Concerning Tolerance' is what you're not getting of the Christian viewpoint.
it's quite a short read too.

>> No.21980762

Enjoy your aids and anal leakage.

>> No.21980797

OP here. I also have a gay neighbour, or at least I'm 99% sure he's gay,but he's not close to my apartment, so I won't be hearing homo moans.