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/lit/ - Literature

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21974659 No.21974659 [Reply] [Original]

can /lit/ argue against this?

>> No.21974662

Didn't read it because a twitternigger posted it, kill yourself twitternigger

>> No.21974663


Slit your throat.

>> No.21974664

yes, by recommending meds

>> No.21974670

Capitalism and industry are pro degeneracy because they are ever-expanding and that includes catering to every group possible. You cannot be conservative and capitalist. It's just not logical.

>> No.21974674

Dude's literally a Commie and a Trump supporter btw

>> No.21974677

>twatter screenshot thread

>> No.21974678

no, he's pretty much spot on. fantasy as a genre only appeals to trannies and degenerates and being into this type of shit is a clear indication that there's something wrong with you. ironically sci-fi tends to be read by straight white men only
if you read fantasy when you've over 16, YIKES

>> No.21974683

you just wrote a bunch of gobbledygook that sounds good but makes no sense. funny how all the degeneracy came from socialism. funny, also, how even degenerate shit like lotr has capitalism bad themes and socialism good themes

>> No.21974684

Twitter retards should be RAPED and SODOMIZED until they are DEAD. Can OP argue against this?

>> No.21974698

but he's right

>> No.21974721

Kill yourself, shitskin.

>> No.21974726

if you're an incel that enjoys lotr, the highest chance is that you're brown or yellow, anon, i'm sorry to say

>> No.21974733
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>> No.21974739

>you just wrote a bunch of gobbledygook that sounds good but makes no sense.
It makes complete sense. What's your real objection here?
>funny how all the degeneracy came from socialism
Socialism is authoritarian. Stalin and Castro did not like homosexuals. Faggots thrive in capitalism because they become a potential customer base (do I really need to post rainbow logos of modern corporations?).
> funny, also, how even degenerate shit like lotr has capitalism bad themes and socialism good themes
The message of LOTR is the opposite of degenerate. It's pro tradition, pro nature, pro conservatism, anti degeneracy, anti industrialism.

>> No.21974766

>soviet sympathizer
>r*ssian flag
He will never be Anglo-Saxon

>> No.21974771

and that's a good thing.

>> No.21974809

>What's your real objection here?
actual history. capitalism is about production. it is about financing steel mills and car factories, not about mobilizing whores into creating onlyfans accounts about their anal adventures
>inb4 muh late stage bla bla bla
we don't live under capitalism anymore, and haven't for a long time
>Faggots thrive in capitalism because they become a potential customer base
except that faggots are consumers one way or the other, so this makes no sense. you don't need to cater to them specifically. and even if you did, this wouldn't explain why the system we live under doesn't just cater to degeneracy, but ACTIVELY seeks to create it (lgbt & trans movement were not made for money)
>Socialism is authoritarian.
there are many types of socialism
i never said we live in a stalinist system, but the globohomo fabian system we suffer under is still socialist
>The message of LOTR is the opposite of degenerate. It's pro tradition, pro nature, pro conservatism, anti degeneracy, anti industrialism.
then why does it attract so many trannies and mentally ill losers? whatever tolkien's intention was, it's pretty clear he created a story that has a distinct appeal to degenerates for whatever reason
why aren't they reading robert e howard instead, for example? howard wasn't promoting christianity, and yet, his works are a lot less beloved by globohomo than tolkien
besides, tolkien thought industrialism was bad so he's a retarded faggot.