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21971186 No.21971186 [Reply] [Original]

Evola sisters.....

>> No.21971211

Truth in the modern age after we disconnected from the One isn’t really truth at all even if we try to make our sense of “truth”

>> No.21971215

>attractive woman artfully shit on book I like
It's all so tiresome

>> No.21971223

>ascetic roleplay mods
Mods that take away your ability to jerk off and drink wine?

>> No.21971240

kek based

>> No.21971264
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greetings from Kazakhstan

>> No.21971274

Babbling ESL woman says woman things in imitation of real (male) things like a baby playing with a fake steering wheel and dashboard in the passenger seat while the adult drives the actual car. They can generate unbelievable amounts of yapping with no content.

>> No.21971275

Women are irrelevant.

>> No.21971302

Queen shit. Evola is babbys first betasophy

>> No.21971304


>> No.21971799

She wrote so much but said nothing if any substance.

>> No.21971822

A woman isn't capable of understanding Nietzsche, much less Evola.

>> No.21972205

Praise the Lord

>> No.21973192

The only thing she revealed is that she didn't actually read what Evola wrote.

>> No.21973212

This. Nothing of value was said.

>> No.21973215

God I want to breed with her and make her my queen.

>> No.21973291

she isnt wrong you know

>> No.21973381

Atheists try to cope that their religion is nihilism with 2 ways.

The first one is ''traditionalism'', ie ''everyday I want a bureaucratic daddy to tell me what do to in his fascist republic while I am pretending to be wicca witch doing magikkk in my sparetime like Evola''.
Second, with the atheist called Nietzsche and his retarded idea to create and fight for your own values. You have to understand that Nietzsche is an atheist, a nihilist, a postmodernist which appeals to a lot of liberals and other deeply neurotic teenagers because Nietzsche is the achievement of the secular humanism which booted Christianity out of power. Nietzsche is overtly anti-christian, and it permits to all the atheist bug men to actually see themselves as the righteous resilient guy who create his own values.
In effect trannies are the best ubermen ever: they hate to see themselves as they really are, so they change both their neurotic spirit and also their body to match the narrative of the ubermen and even better, they impose their values to non-trannies. Same thing with feminists and all the idolized minorities in Humanism.

Naturally, the atheists cant know right from wrong, so their mental gymnastics about the uberman is flawed. The uberman is actually the last man: the uberman despises so much reality after seeing nihilism, that out of resentment for reality, the uberman CHOOSES to sink further in his delusion by building a narrative where he is not the last man, but actually the opposite, ie the uberman who creates his own values, ie cooming by living in own brain farts until he dies.

Oh and by the way only atheists take him seriously in the first place. Atheists love him because according to them, he found a way to be nihilistic without leading to suicide. In order to avoid being called a nihilist, friedrich PUSSY nietzsche re-defined nihilism to be 'not living in the present moment', which applies to christianity.
So now atheists dont say they are nihilistic, they say they are vitalist. And as a bonus they get to shit on christianity (their perpetual enemy that they defeated centuries ago, yet they still beat a dead horse to smugly fill up their days). You have to understand that atheists are braindead hypocrites so even when they say they are vitalist instead of nihilistic, they still remain 100% hedonistic and they still dont know what not do with their lives beyond making up self-aggrandizing narratives to feel justified for wanting to and actually doing coomming all day long.

Whoever takes Nietzsche or Evola seriously is completely lobotomized by atheism.

>> No.21973390

As opposed to modern Christians who cope with their nihilism by adopting African refugees who impregnate their wife

>> No.21973418

Stupid people shouldn't read Evola.

>> No.21973471

God I can just imagine in her head the thoughts running through it like a child in an empty hall with nothing to stop them. She likely genuinely thought that the “1 Star review” she gave was devastating. All those times being berated by people more intelligent, wiser, and/or older finally gave way for her to deliver a gut shot to this book. Her neuroticism allows for any slightly critical comment to sear into her psyche leaving a brand she’ll carry for the rest of her life. No one else can see it but she’ll insist that others “touch” it, that others understand it’s impact on her life.

>> No.21973525

Weak nihilist.

>> No.21973539


>> No.21973558

>1 star
>"stupid incels hehe"
>"In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence"
>That'll teach 'em

>> No.21973559

Is Steve Bannon really an evola fanboy?

>> No.21973605

>traditionalism, i.e. [insert an infantile tirade that is conceptually disconnected from traditionalism]
It's as if you're incapable of discussing actual concepts at hand, but instead prefer to drop smug one-liners that deride those concepts that you merely pretend to comprehend.

>> No.21973624

Double-digit IQ post. Stick to Harry Potter, midwit

>> No.21973639

Kys, McCuckers

>> No.21973727

that would have been perfect if she had added a post script at the bottom saying "im trans btw"

>> No.21973743

>learn to think for yourself! By listening to what I have to say about X book and reading this other guy who has specific opinions
femoid moment

>> No.21973762


>> No.21973779

this. just respond with "quid est veritas" and they will have nothing to say. you can't say what the truth isn't if you have no idea what it is

>> No.21973844

Someones projecting

>> No.21973912

Based. Derivative tradfags are beyond boring, you will never live in the society your ancestors did.

>> No.21973923

>this woman now lives rent free in the heads of dozens of incels, has taken a shit in their mind, caused them hypertension, and will never even register the existence of the entire essays of seethe being posted as a response to her opinions by ressentiment-driven slaves
Superlatively based, based beyond reason.

>> No.21973932

the smell of inceldom oozing from this post is astounding
she's not going to spare a single bit of pussy for you anon

>> No.21973938

>no u
If you want my comeback you're going to have to suck it out of your dads asshole lmao

>> No.21974039

>and not 7.5 billion others
This is the kind of bitch who's the first to pipe up about how the world's over populated and having kids would be selfish. Whore.

>> No.21974056

Is that the best you can do?

>> No.21974200

It's surprising how good Nietzscheans are at buck breaking

>> No.21974209


>> No.21974297

Based. But what are these 'ascetic roleplay mods'?

>> No.21974302
File: 170 KB, 900x900, F1F08383-6D9D-4E5F-8B49-A668220B0CB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzschechads we can’t stop winning

>> No.21975301

im also interested

>> No.21975344

>heckin Steve Bannon
>video games
>no God
>r-read Nietzsche
why are demonstrably resentful last men so eager to mention Nietzsche for no reason? Is this the ultimate BTFO of his worldview?

>> No.21975359

Very true, midwits with their single line 'witty' "rebuttals" demonstrate this

>> No.21975475

Nietzsche is a huge influence on evola, tf is she on about?

>> No.21975703

If you see yourself as an acolyte of Evola you're not truly following Evola, you feel me lil bro?

>> No.21976730

Women are such apologists for the cosmic median.
>there's no special divine providence that might care for you and not 7.5 billion others
There's no reasoning to this statement, both from a theurgic and materialist evolutionary numbers-game perspective. I can think of situations where individuals have been singled out by a power, even if the power is proxy via 'pure chance,' that could just as well be providential by way of it's extraction from the mundane.
These intense moments of singularity just seem statistically unlikely- therefore noise to this woman, who only pings when 7.5 billion people all unite in one big orgy of human goop. Even more so, the idea that someone might individuate to such a degree is inherently disagreeable to the female disposition, because women are designed to facilitate life, to contain two seperate hearts in one single body.

>> No.21976808

It's so funny when low IQ trannies try to refute Evola. Most of the time they just resort to trolling almost instantly because they're too stupid to understand the first thing about his œuvres.

>> No.21976995

Trannies are the biggest hylics around

>> No.21977016


>> No.21977040

Mass reply tards should be banned

>> No.21977064


>> No.21977186

Nothing of value would be lost

>> No.21977199


>> No.21977322

>I for one, am going to deal with my pain with full use of my mental faculties
It's good to see A A Lewis hasn't retired from his career as a professional quotemaker

>> No.21977618

>Lost young men of the 21st century
>To poorest bastards read Bronze Age Pervert
>The others read Evola
>The lucky only get to Nietzsche
Why don't they read Augustine? Confessions has been established better in the cannon even than Nietzsche and is all about a young man pointlessly drinking and fucking, then joining esoteric groups searching for meaning and doing rituals, then finally discovering a centered life focused on God after studying philosophy and religion, all while have what was essentially a marriage end, having his son die at age 16, and having his mother die before he was 35.

He even grew up without a father like many because his dad died quite early. Dude wrote so well he was considered a Saint and managed to remain a canonical major philosopher through the modern era while being still a major theologian.

>> No.21977623

>Why don't they read Augustine?
its boring
>but its cannonical, you phillistine! and the flowery latin and chuds can relate---
its boring as shit

>> No.21977631

>Some of the best prose in Western lit is boring
>Some guy butchering Nietzsche in broken English and some guy doing magical fake tradition larp in purple prose is le ebin based exciting.

>> No.21977652

Evola was forever BTFO in the summer of 2017.

>Evola's fame is riding high on the Bannon mention. We are at the peak of the nu-/pol/ ecstasy over the God Emperor.
>I had a job as a private school teacher because funding a good academic placement was tough. I was also dating a girl a few years younger, still in undergrad. I agreed to work at this high end summer camp she used to go to since it sounded fun living in the woods, climbing, hiking, etc. all day.
>One staff member is your stereotypical pede.
>Guy immediately alienates himself clumsily trying to "neg" all the girls and show off how he is "le strong ego who is dominant." This act is fairly transparent, seems like an actual, and makes everyone just think he has autism.
>Feel bad for him and like he just needs guidance, so I try to be nice.
>Very lost upper middle class kid dealing with being raised on how special he is and finding out it isn't true and his Boomer parents' era has given way to extreme competition and downward mobility for many of his ilk.
>This is how I find out about his budget interpretation of Nietzsche and Evola worship.
>Try to recommend he maybe start with Plato and Aristotle, and that just because Nietzsche does a two sentence dismissal of Kant and Hegel at the start of BG&E doesn't mean they aren't worth reading.
>Dismisses my suggestion despite my actually teaching philosophy, but I feel I do slowly make some headway making him realize that acting like an asshole isn't cool.
>Devil child in the younger age groups. Kid is from a very rough background and was adopted by talks like a gangster despite being six due to how he was raised.
>Girl gets hurt and Evola guy gets pulled from the older boys he was enjoying trying to indoctrinate to the little kids for a bit.
>His false warrior ego can't deal with the fact that demon child keeps calling him a "bitch nigga," and pushing his buttons.
>Kid keeps doing it because despite everything he is obviously quite smart, better with language than many his age, and his punking Evola boy makes the female staff laugh uncontrollably.
>Evola boy brings himself down to fighting with a six year old and invoking thinly concealed dog whistle racism to complain about him.
>Evola boy finally fucks up by taking his spiderman, his prized possession, and acting like he won't return it.
>Demon kid flips out, is put in time out, calms down, apologizes to Evola guy with female staff around.
>Then the kid must hide in a corner to shit. He picks up his shit stealth style and sneaks up on Evola Guy and slaps him in the face with a log of shit while yelling "bitch nigga!"
>Evola guy freaks out, has to be physically restrained from attacking a little child, almost in full fight with other staff.
>Has shit on his face while the kid is carried off by another staff member yelling "bitch nigga, bitch nigga, bitch nigga, ya got shit on yo face."
>Evola guy then flips bunch of stuff over and runs to the bathroom. Comes out, pushes by manager crying

>> No.21977656

>Runs to parking lot and drives away
>Called to tell him he is fired
>Whole staff laughing hysterically about it
I wish I had seen it first hand. It's completely over for that doctrine now.

>> No.21977662

Judaism is never the answer.

>> No.21977720

>Some of the best prose in Western lit
you think that just because someone told you that
>Some guy butchering Nietzsche in broken English

>> No.21978337

She is a woman, why are people here taking what she said seriously?