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File: 273 KB, 700x983, Aleksandr_Dugin_13981126000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21973259 No.21973259 [Reply] [Original]

Where should i start with his works?

>> No.21973283


>> No.21973329

4th political theory. it's interesting but he missed the mark by writing for a dumber audience than is ever likely to read his books in the west. maybe it's at an appropriate level for the russian audience. also you know he's writing propaganda, he's not hiding it, but sometimes he gets a little glib.

>> No.21973366

With a clinical theory.

>> No.21973370
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Postphilosophy. Three paradigms in the history of thought.

>> No.21973379
File: 21 KB, 379x456, dugin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you find so interesting about this retard? He's a troll, he did the whole edgy teen circuit starting with postironic nazi/fascist larping. Of course in practice it always just meant sucking up to whoever is powerful

>> No.21973383
File: 403 KB, 487x438, gbdtvgsdtg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And there was also a case: we once lived at Kuryokhin's - Dugin, me and Nyurych. We wake up, I open the window, Dugin lies thoughtfully on the bed, asks: "But where is Omsk located?" I say: "Well, where: on the south of Siberia. Near Kazakhstan". - "Is Kazakhstan near? And what if Kazakhs poisoned the wind? They can poison the wind! Come on, close the window urgently: the wind is poisoned!" Moreover, in all seriousness: he was scared terribly, started walking around the room. "The Kazakhs, damn, poisoned the wind, how am I going to go? That's exactly how it is. I know they have reed people. They have Lake Balkhash, and reeds grow there in large quantities. And there live reed people who never stick out, only breathe through a tube." Then he thought about it, and said: "And in the middle of Balkhash there is a huge island where a giant, enormous cat lives, which they all worship." Says: "Damn, reeds! Reed people all around, what to do? They can arrange an invasion! That's all - then we're finished! If the reed people get out - and they will come after us with their cat! And the cat is huge, three meters tall!"

>> No.21973384

reads like celine

>> No.21973399

i dont respect western thinkers enough to spend time reading their books

>> No.21973412

4th Political Theory and his Great Reset book, then explore his thought through his various interviews, websites, etc. He's written much besides on just politics by way of Ethnosociology and his Noomakhia Projects.

He's legit the only living philosopher (of the "right") who moves beyond mere worship of the classical period or "Tradition" and explores what all this even means for us in todays post-modern world. After Dugin ever other contemporary philosopher is boring as fuck in comparison. Twitter/4chan needs get filtered by him regularly.

>> No.21973414
File: 300 KB, 570x426, 456784576587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where should i start with Dugin's works
>"Dugin's work"
>i dont respect western thinkers enough to spend time reading their books

>> No.21973415

ok michael

>> No.21973420

I'd be disappointed in Mr. Millerman if he actually posted here. Besides I didn't mention Heidegger so I couldn't be him.

>> No.21973947

anonymous alcoholics meetups

>> No.21973960

>Dugin works
kek just read Ivan Ilyin and Carl Schmidt

>> No.21973976


>> No.21974196

At no point does Schmitt openly call for a nuclear first strike against the Great Satan. Does Ilyin?

>> No.21975091

I started with Eurasian mission. It was retarded so that's where I stopped.

>> No.21975423

Dooginism and its consequences have been a disaster for the dissident right

>> No.21975627

>liberalism invented
>create welfare state and corporatism as a reaction to communism
>create civil rights bureaucracy and woke as a reaction to racial agitation
Liberalism is dead. It was killed by trying to digest the second and third political theories.

>> No.21975682

Burn them. He's a fucking idiot. At best he is mindbroken because reality and truth are too hard for him to accept, that truth being the Slavic peoples of the former USSR's best hope was to imemdiately fight a civil war and then a racial/religious war and just suffer another 10-20 million casualties, at worst, a clever kgb ploy

>> No.21975805

None of them even read Dugin, they're still puzzling over Evola.

>> No.21977160
File: 96 KB, 735x738, darya-dugina-i-am-proud-to-be-russian-kill-me-gun-sight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where should I start?
"I am a supporter of blacks. White civilization; their cultural values, their false, dehumanizing model of the world, built by them - did not pay off. Everything goes to the beginning of the anti-white pogroms on a planetary scale. Russia is saved only by the fact that we are not pure white. Predatory multinational corporations, oppression and suppression of all others, MTV, gays and lesbians - this is the fruit of white civilization, from which it is necessary to get rid of. So I am for reds, yellows, greens, blacks - but not for whites. I am wholeheartedly on the side of the people of Zimbabwe."
You shouldn't

>> No.21977167

>Where should i start with his works?
in the toilet

>> No.21977678

He's gay af, if you want to understand the ruskies just read Dosto and Solzhenytsin.
Dugin tries to actively put a political label on something which beyond theory and logic while slathering egalitarianism here and there.

>> No.21977744

>their false, dehumanizing model of the world
He's right. Are you vaccinated?

>> No.21977769
File: 192 KB, 1214x802, iSSEzcAPqUM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21977771

>russian foreign policy but big words
No thank you.

>> No.21977864

That pic just vindicates Dugin though. "Tradition" as such has nothing to do with nations which are a relatively new concept.

>> No.21977992

I fail to see how his philosophy is a path forward for Westerners though. For Russians it’s basically like “Look, our job is to preserve our Russian traditions and Russian-ness and reject Westernization”. But we seemingly can’t occupy that territory in the West.

>> No.21978035

He makes it clear that the 4PT is a broad framework that people of any nation can take and adapt to their unique circumstances, and he establishes that his Eurasianism his the Russian expression of the 4PT. If you're familiar with his organization they recently had a conference on Multipolarity with representatives from nations on both hemispheres; from north and south.

An expression of 4PT unique to the United States would be a project of it's own, and requires us to dig deep within our own history and philosophies, and expanding from there. All this globohomo business is obviously not in the interest of the true American people, and so it must be rejected.

>> No.21978036

The Fourth Political Theory gives some good access to a variety of his ideas. People like to present him as a crazy wild man but he's pretty ordinary.

Here are some useful introductory materials:

I think it's that most of them are occasional pieces and lectures.

>> No.21978045

You can, just for Europeanness. Dugin is mainly just adapting ideas of "great spaces" from several different authors and synthesizing them with a Heideggerian conception of tradition.

Dugin says he rejects national socialism and fascism as one of the "ways" superseded by the fourth way, but he is really trying to do more or less what the Axis was trying to do in Europe in WW2: create a distinct "space" that is supernational but incorporates all the national elements that make it up into a larger framework that can then defend itself against foreign influences from different "civilizations" (for the Nazis this was western capitalist globalist liberalism + eastern Bolshevist oriental despotism, for Dugin it's mainly western capitalist globalist liberalism).

Dugin draws on Alain de Benoist a lot, and and Benoist has similar goals for a federated anti-American Europe. There's even crazier stuff out of Dugin's milieu like Faye's Eurosiberia:

Basically great spaces + lebensraum = Americans get off my lawn.

>> No.21978046
File: 728 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where should i start with his works?

You shouldn't

>> No.21978049

>There's even crazier stuff out of Dugin's milieu like Faye's Eurosiberia:
Oops, I meant Benoist's milieu.

>> No.21979114
File: 28 KB, 493x481, 1668588324081249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>play stupid games, get your daughter killed

>> No.21979173

The Indo-European Sky Father won the Chthonic Mother lost deal with it Dug

>> No.21979872

>He's a troll, he did the whole edgy teen circuit starting with postironic nazi/fascist larping
go outside

>> No.21979886

polack/ukroshit hooves typed this post

>> No.21981162
File: 89 KB, 138x297, kazakhs could be here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> "Is Kazakhstan near?"

>> No.21981176

Still cant believe he played through entirety of Detroit: Become Human and then commented on it publicly..

>> No.21981328


>> No.21981517


>> No.21981574

No one reads him here in Russia, 99% of Russians learned about him after his daughter got blown off, it's bizarre how you westerners got meme'd into reading this obscure "philosopher". Btw I noticed a lot of his books started popping up in mainstream book stores after the daughter incident, kek

>> No.21982293

Can anybody translate? I don't speak slavic nigger.

>> No.21982426
File: 89 KB, 1080x705, IMG_20230502_204820_541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21982469

where is this image from?
it really pisses me off
fuck you

>> No.21982539

From depths of Russian internet.
Fuck you too, atlantist.

>> No.21983088

dugin is one of the dumbest, delusional, most retarded niggermonkeys out there