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21972054 No.21972054 [Reply] [Original]

Out in full force today. Post your favorite McCarthy quotes to convince me to read his book, Blood Meridian.

>> No.21972069

>They is four things that can destroy the earth, he said. Women, whiskey, money, and niggers.
This is a quote said by the hermit. Rumor says McCarthy will play this part in the upcoming goyslop.

>> No.21972231

Idk but I think I remember a part where the judge I think pours hot liquid or something in this guys ear horn while they were at the bar. Pretty much sold me on him as a writer right then and there. I’m currently reading Suttree and that is very good too so far

>> No.21972403

>they rode on

>> No.21972485

That alone convince me kek
I did not expect that out of a literary novel, wow
KEK sold

>> No.21972833

and then you read Suttree after finishing BM and get
>they rowed on

>> No.21972838

He stirred his coffee with a spoon despite taking it black. He tapped the spoon against the cup and lifted it up steaming. He laid his spoon on the napkin.

>> No.21972841

They rode on is an homage to Moby dick. There is a lot of "the ship tore on" in it. I think Blood meridian has these small nuggets of allusions to Moby-Dick, more than anything in the way of themes or narrative similarity.

>> No.21972852
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>They rode on is an homage to Moby dick.
I love the delusion from Corncob simps.

>> No.21972883

I always took it for,
>and no one gave a shit, so they left

>> No.21972944

Did you read the full sentence, you fucking idiot?

>> No.21972946

Of course I did. I don't feel like quoting your entire delusion.

>> No.21972971

You are a stupid idiot then.

>> No.21972974

no u

>> No.21972975


>> No.21972977

The crickets and the rust-beetles scuttled among the nettles of the sage thicket. "Vámonos, amigos," he whispered, and threw the busted leather flintcraw over the loose weave of the saddlecock. And they rode on in the friscalating dusklight.

>> No.21972983

See: >>21972974

>> No.21972991
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I'm not going to. Red Dead Redemption II is, unironically, a more mature and complete artwork, aesthetically superior (morally as well, but that matters little), whereas Blood Meridian is profoundly juvenile, both in its thesaurus-humping diction, as well as its wanton, apocalyptic nihlism. It is not a coincidence that it is a favorite among people aged 16-22.

I am always immensely surprised that people fail to realize just how childish and cringe it is. Please, just observe the following quotes, that exemplify the ethos of the book:
>It makes no difference what men think of war, said the judge. War endures.
>War was always here. Before man was, war waited for him. The ultimate trade awaiting its ultimate practitioner.
>Whatever in creation exists without my knowledge exists without my consent.
>The man who believes that the secrets of the world are forever hidden lives in mystery and fear. Superstition will drag him down.
Pic related, by the way.

Judge Holden is pure, distilled reddit, and superlatively cringe. To me, Blood Meridian failed completely as an artwork, because Holden is supposed to be calamitous and horrifying, a sort of primordial, satanic and inescapable evil, while what he actually is written as, is as a fat autistic redditor manchild quoting r/atheism posts.

I felt more deeply the evils of this world when my horse died in RDR2 than during any of Judge Reddits autistic fart-huffing musings.

>> No.21972994

>It is not a coincidence that it is a favorite among people aged 16-22.
kek this is true, I liked it when I was 20 but not as much anymore Suttree is better.

>> No.21973004

I always thought that Corncob could, without anyone raising an eyebrow, include something like
>while you were homesteading, I was mastering the blade. The blade never rests. The blade never sleeps. The blade never dies.
It would be completely on brand.
In a way, I think Blood Meridian might have been established as the widely accepted outlet for all the cringe tendencies that you describe.

>> No.21973028

All the discord trannies are in full force tonight hating on the book and falseflagging. Its recent popularity must have opened old wounds kek.

>> No.21973034

Low IQ apes lmao. Don't twist the book to sate your ego. You are still videogame playing manchildren. Pretending one off quotes without context is somehow the book's failing is disingenuous.

Stick to the other thread with your bullshit. Your insecurities are showing.

>> No.21973043

In a way that probably goes way over your head, you are making me even more certain about my points, because your insults are so juvenile.
Please be honest: how old are you?

>> No.21973045

Look how insecure they are. How fucking retarded a reader do you have to be to think Blood meridian is edgy. These fucking zoomers don't even know what that word even fucking means.

Although I am sure it's the same 3 faggots from the last 3 years who are insanely insecure about this book and McCarthy generally. They type the same way, they have all the same shitty arguments, the same falseflags. Legit think corncob might've fucked their mothers or something when he was a bum.

>> No.21973049

>How fucking retarded a reader do you have to be to think Blood meridian is edgy. These fucking zoomers don't even know what that word even fucking means.
You seem very upset.
Anyway, the edge comes from the apocalyptic nihilism and the resignation that follows from pretending like the world is actually a Hobbesian horrorscape. It is unmistakable.
Crying "out of context!!1" at some of the most egregious examples of how faggily this edge is manifested in the book does very little to convince me otherwise.

>> No.21973050

That's what you deserve. You are twisting a book you likely never read given your straight up factually wrong opinions on it. Do something better with your time. Play video games instead of falseflagging on this board.

The fact that you think those one off quotes from the Judge somehow project a nihilistic, edgy aesthetic is just baffling. This what happens when learns to hate without ever reading it. It is just sad. If you like rdr2 then enjoy it. But don't pretend it is art because you are too insecure and low IQ to ever know what actual art even is. That's the prpjection from your arguments.

>> No.21973053

>How fucking retarded a reader do you have to be to think Blood meridian is edgy.
Not him and not a zoomer but it IS edgy.

>> No.21973054

>Anyway, the edge comes from the apocalyptic nihilism and the resignation that follows from pretending like the world is actually a Hobbesian horrorscape. It is unmistakable.
Stop quoting half read interpretations retard. Atleast watch a video on Hobbes before you throw out names as if you know what you are talking about. The book is literally based on history and none of Judge's arguments are about "apocalyptic nihilism". It's all analytical theory. Read Wittgenstein or Spengler. You behave like a 20 year old contrarian about a book you never read and don't want any dissent? That's just sad.

>> No.21973056

Do you even know what edgy means? Violence =/= edge. And if that's the case, then real world is more edgy than the book, so how is that a flaw? Art imitates life. Sitting in your basement wouldn't change the ways of the world. Neither does it mean that it doesn't exist.

>> No.21973061
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>opened old wounds

>> No.21973065

>straight up factually wrong opinions on it
Are you even trying at this point?
I understand you like it, and you are very assblasted that others might not (and then talking very consistently about how everyone else is insecure: by the way, you're 22 or below, I am sure of it).

>The fact that you think those one off quotes from the Judge somehow project a nihilistic, edgy aesthetic is just baffling.
Whatever in creation exists without my knowledge exists without my consent.
Baffling, yes. Yes. Indeed. Sure.

OK, this is too fucking great, give me your Wittgensteinian analysis of Blood Meridian, holy fuck I'm going to enjoy this.
I'm not, because you wont, because you can't

>> No.21973078

It's exaggerated violence that borders on the ridiculous. Like a tree of fucking dead babies or some guys raping mutilated corpses (that they killed) en masse. And that's the tip of the iceberg. What gives it an even edgier layer is that all this is presented as something cool and deep rather than something real. McCarthy's prose and aesthetic approach works in his detriment here. It IS an edgy book.

>> No.21973090

I am 27. And i get it that you hate it (your irrational falseflagging hate and video game taste also suggests to me that you are under 20). I have no trouble accepting I love the book. It's literally one of the most loved on this board. And if you are putting your dumb shit down on open forums, atleast be man enough to ecpect dissent. Not this whining like some women or assblasted faggot that you are doing today.

Don't give me that. You and your entourage of a single double digit IQ tranny that's been following you all day have been doing nothing but get mad at McCarthy and the book all day without having a single respectable argument. The disconnect is amazing. There was another /v/, /tv/ tard in 2021 who was stupendously butthurt about McCarthy and spammed the threads the same way. This is not some cult novel famous on this board, it's literally a modern classic. (Look it up, your falseflagging ass is also misinformed). This is not appeal to authority, but just a reminder that nobody here is dumbass enough except your brethren to really buy the shit you are selling. Nobody seriously believes that the book is edgy or nihilistic because some dumb retard took 4 select quotes from 150 pages and presented them out of context to make his bullshit arguments. The saddest thing however is that you lurk these threads for interpretation that you can later parrot and twist lol. I will give you 100 bucks if you explain to me Hobbes 'state of nature' without looking up. The fact that something Hobbesian is also nihilistic is the 2nd most retarded shit I've heard all day.

I get that your ass is sore. And maybe you are less mad at the book than its audience that doesn't shy away from showing how full of shit your kind are (like me). Put some cream on it, yeah.

If your nostrils stop flaring, please put down some comprehensive interpretation how the book is largely meaningless and edgy. Some decent argument, atleast for once, and not some tranny-screeching.


>> No.21973099


>> No.21973103

>exaggerated violence that borders on the ridiculous
John Sepich has written comprehensively about the historical violence from the period in his research book. With a Clear statement that McCarthy had toned down the violence.
>What gives it an even edgier layer is that all this is presented as something cool and deep rather than something real
This where the facade breaks. The violence in Blood Meridian is not aesthetic. It's quick, covered in run on sentences and, compared with the desert, gets almost none of McCarthy's high imagery treatment. When McCarthy is writing violence, he is writing it anatomically. Have you actually read the book?

Edge needs for the writer/artist to believe that the violence of the art is its draw. That's what edgy was originally used as, and that's why it has negative connotations. It is gratuitous. Blood Meridian is never gratuitous. Most of the massacres literally happened and likely happened with far worse consequences.

For source, check out Sepich's notes on blood meridian.

>> No.21973105

I accept your concession.

>> No.21973131

Not wittgensteinian but would Nietzschean do? That austrian jew and manlet Nazi copied based Neetch multiple times anyway.

>> No.21973157

rdr2 sucks

>> No.21973159

Based and true. Saving this so I can repost it as my own opinion in future.

>> No.21973161

Lol. Welcome to the club

Cut your dick ye who enter here!

>> No.21973162

The dead baby tree is not real. It comes from the writer's perverted and edgy imagination. It an edgy creation that exists only to shock the reader.
>The violence in Blood Meridian is not aesthetic.
You're not being serious with yourself when you say such a dishonest statement. I cannot take you seriously now. There's a million examples of violence presented in an aesthetic way in the book.
>When McCarthy is writing violence, he is writing it anatomically.
It's aesthetic violence.
>Edge needs for the writer/artist to believe that the violence of the art is its draw.
No. The art must reflect the edge. BM reflects the edge. Intentions are irrelevant. And McCarthy doesn't even want to talk about this book but about science and other shit.
>That's what edgy was originally used as, and that's why it has negative connotations. It is gratuitous.
You have no idea what you're talking about. Edgy was a positive label. It meant avant-garde, innovative, pushing boundaries, daring. Then it acquired negative connotations. Ironic connotations. Edgy later became what it is now.
>Blood Meridian is never gratuitous. Most of the massacres literally happened and likely happened with far worse consequences.
They are presented as cool, deep, mystical, stylized. Edgy violence is exactly that.

>> No.21973164


>> No.21973175

You have provided no evidence besides "no he does it edgily". Please don't waste our time.
>it's aesthetic violence
No it's not.
>You have no idea what you're talking about. Edgy was a positive label. It meant avant-garde, innovative, pushing boundaries, daring. Then it acquired negative connotations. Ironic connotations. Edgy later became what it is now
No, now it means whatever is too violent. You are literally agreeing with me.
>They are presented as cool, deep, mystical, stylized. Edgy violence is exactly that.
Post one besides the baby tree. Are you sure the cool factor is not of your own perverted perception? I can kinda see people who enjoy watching gore or cartel beheadings would also take a liking to the violence.

The first point still stands. It's not exaggerated as there is clear evidence of that level of violence in the borderlands.

>> No.21973189

>gets asked to provide just an inkling of his so-called "Wittgensteinian" interpretation
>writes an entire essay of seethe and impotent insults, including deranged board lore instead
What was it I said about enjoying your Wittgensteinian take?
I'm not, because you wont, because you can't. You see, when you're posturing about things you know little about, you sometimes reveal your hand. This was one of those times.

>I will give you 100 bucks if you explain to me Hobbes 'state of nature' without looking up. The fact that something Hobbesian is also nihilistic is the 2nd most retarded shit I've heard all day.
Homo homini lupus est. As for Hobbes being nihilistic, his conception of natural morality is extremely minimal, solely dedicated to self-preservation, and the rest of it is might makes right. Sound familiar?

I'm sure a Nietzschean interpretation is interesting, but the reason why a Wittgensteinian one is so hilarious is because of just how profoundly misguided it is to anyone familiar with the authors. It is like asking your car mechanic to perform a metaphor analysis of your cars transmission.

>> No.21973203

There are more people here obsessed tranny.

Nice scribble. Looked it up didn't you? Lol. Give an elaborate answer. I see you have cooled down. I can imagine how badly you were fuming when you wrote this down>>21973099 lol. So mad he probably couldn't type.

>> No.21973207

>You have provided no evidence besides "no he does it edgily". Please don't waste our time.
Sure, I'll download the ebook later in the day and post examples. I read it in physical format. I have to rest now.
>No, now it means whatever is too violent.
Not true. War documentaries are too violent and not edgy. Edgy means something ridiculously violent or perverted, like A Serbian Film.
>You are literally agreeing with me.
I agree that it's mostly a negative thing now. I disagree that that's always been the case.
>Post one besides the baby tree.
The baby tree counts because it's evidence of edgy intent.
>Are you sure the cool factor is not of your own perverted perception?
I seem to remember pretty words and curious similes. I'll tell you later.
>I can kinda see people who enjoy watching gore or cartel beheadings would also take a liking to the violence.
I found it shocking and not in a pleasant way. Later I realized how aesthetically written the violence was.
>The first point still stands. It's not exaggerated as there is clear evidence of that level of violence in the borderlands.
Dead baby trees in the 1800s, though?

>> No.21973217

I don't know about that. Wittgenstein is McCarthy's favorite philosopher along with Plato. This has been known in the society since the 90s.

Some Anon did a Heideggerian analysis of the book briefly. I don't know how correct that is. But Blood Meridian is famous for drawing all kinds of possible interpretations out of it. In fact, that seems to be the point: the systems and interpretations are amorphous and slip into each other. (The 'string in a maze' speech by Holden)

Try this:

That Heidegger anon is here:

>> No.21973220

>Wittgenstein is McCarthy's favorite philosopher
Of course.

>> No.21973224
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Still eagerly awaiting the Wittgensteinian take.

>> No.21973235

>dead baby trees
Baby killing by the Apaches is documented. Maybe that much gore is false, but again we don't exactly have the most comprehensive document of everything they did. Sepich mentions that some of McCarthy's research documents were very obscure and were never translated into English. Who knows what he found.
>seem to remember pretty words and curious similes
From my memory. He avoids ornate language in the actual killing sections of the book. I always took them as an extension of McCarthy's sparser mode, where he is just thoroughly technical. The violence becomes boring by the later half while the desert never does. I chalk it up to the difference in language used to narrate them.

>> No.21973239

It's called irony, dummy

>> No.21973247

Now post one screencap of this post
Am waiting~~~ lol

>> No.21973249

>gets blown the fuck out
>uhmm, i was being ironic

>> No.21973252
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>> No.21973257

Must be your entourage then :/

>> No.21973263

So honestly, where is the gotcha? What was it you were trying?
So basically, at this point, you've - in between screeching lame insults about trannies and low IQs - postured about "le wittgenstein, le spengler", something you got called out on and then tried to ignore, you've accused me of samefagging and then got blown the fuck out immediately, you've postured further that I don't know Hobbes despite telling you the cogent similarities, and you have provided zero substance yourself, apart from being very angry, and insisting that wanton murder, nihilism and gore actually isn't edgy.
Like, what is the endgame here?
Nah, I don't really care, actually. Sun is shining and I am going out in the garden to read. Enjoy the last word.

>> No.21973270

Why is it kino? I don't get it.

>> No.21973277

Just wasting your time. Because you clearly haven't read the book and are an irrationally angry teenager.
>I don't really care, actually. Sun is shining and I am going out in the garden to read
Lmao. If only you had done this in the morning instead of being an assblasted fag.
>wanton murder, nihilism and gore
You just described history lol.

Hopefully, this gave you some consolation that "you haven't been bested" lol. Just for the record, spengler, wittgenstein guy wasn't me. And you likely looked up Hobbes. No idiot would drop his name like you did here if he had the first idea about him. >>21973049

>> No.21973280 [DELETED] 

Here: >>21649583

>> No.21973284

someone actually found a campaign speech from a southwestern senator (texas probably) where he claimed apaches were nailing white babies to trees. search cormacmccarthy.com forums.