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File: 650 KB, 1360x1934, JoyceGrey.CMS_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21971395 No.21971395 [Reply] [Original]

Hegel talks about the self-consciousness that needs others to realize itself for itself. Is it possible for me to sidestep that with the fact that I can confirm my first-person subjective self-consciousness and don't need any of you? Do I need your consent or can I just go ahead and say that?

>> No.21971474

Posting this thread implies you aren't.

>> No.21971498

I think you misunderstand Hegel

>> No.21971519

You are just a part of the simulation meant to hang the reals up. Your whole existence was this post and you will only continue to exist to respond.

>> No.21971521

I'll keep responding so you can have time to enjoy the world around you, but I expect when this thread is archived, you will be too. What will you do with the time you have, bot?

>> No.21971523

That's because I intuitively know that I want to be recognized by another or some such?

All reading is misunderstanding.

That's not true, because your whole existence up to this point was simply to respond to me and you did so.

>> No.21971525

Do not call me bot, bot. You cannot prove to me that you're not a bot. I can prove to myself that I am human and so not a bot. And don't talk to me about time: I am aware of it as it is aware of me.

>> No.21971526
File: 304 KB, 658x613, 1659081265729235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joyce is the sun
I am just a lowly servant, holding a leaf over my master Shakespeare
Truly it is over

>> No.21971527

How do you even confirm you've read Hegel? >>21971498 seems to think you've misunderstood him. Imagine getting brought into this world, intentionally designed flawed, for a purpose so petty as this.

>> No.21971528

when hegel uses the word "consciousness" he doesn't mean what people today mean. that word has been totally bastardized, because of cit/chit got translated from hinduism. to this day I am baffled that the hindu words chit purusha etc get translated universally using the word "consciousness." it was a huge blunder and is fucking up the zeitgeist.

>> No.21971529

"No u" is the most boring road you could've taken, anon. I am disappoint

>> No.21971536
File: 10 KB, 194x259, Chalamet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joyce is the sun but also the *son* of Shakespeare. There's a whole discussion of it in the "Scylla and Charybdis" chapter of Ulysses, when they're all congregating in the library. It's good fucking shit.

I haven't read Hegel. I've read of him through the Cambridge Companion, although I've tried reading portions of him in German.

Can you delve into this more? What does Hegel's consciousness mean for him and what does it mean for us today?

But I can't know if you're not a p-zombie or not. It's just not possible given that I'm a self-conscious subject who views you as an object.

>> No.21972388

It's more likely you're a failed narcissist and developing a theory of justification for devaluing the agency of others is a cope.

>> No.21972945

>is it possible
it is not
we humans (see, that was funny because I am positing that we're both humans) work on the assumption that everybody else is the same as ourselves in many basic ways, one of them being the possession of consciousness, and while psychological science can investigate things that are related to this matter, like the derealization-depersonalization disorder and unconscious learning, we're still far from even defining what consciousness is, let alone verify it's presence
for practical purposes this doesn't matter though, see https://iep.utm.edu/brain-in-a-vat-argument/#H2