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21971246 No.21971246 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.21971260

Professor Augustus S. F. X. Van Dusen, Ph.D., LL.D., F.R.S., M.D., M.D.S. mogs Father Brown.

>> No.21971266
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This now a trad thread

Chesterton on Nietzsche

>Nietzsche had some natural talent for sarcasm: he could sneer, though he could not laugh; but there is always something bodiless and without weight in his satire, simply because it has not any mass of common morality behind it. He is himself more preposterous than anything he denounces. But, indeed, Nietzsche will stand very well as the type of the whole of this failure of abstract violence. The softening of the brain which ultimately overtook him was not a physical accident. If Nietzsche had not ended in imbecility, Nietzscheism would end in imbecility. Thinking in isolation and with pride ends in being an idiot. Every man who will not have softening of the heart must at last have softening of the brain.

>> No.21971270

Have you read that drivel? In one of the stories, Father Brown meets an Easterner and unironically thinks to himself, "We Catholics are FAR more humble than those people!" Chesterton was completely devoid of self awareness and it almost rises to the level of parody in Father Brown.

>> No.21971299
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>MOGS Chesterton, Agatha Christie, and Conan Doyle twice each before breakfast

>> No.21971335

the ultimate measure to see who mogs who is who wrote it first

>> No.21971340

Then Poe wins, hands down.

>> No.21971384

A priest... was pro-catholic?? Holy shit

>> No.21971408

what a comfy cover

>> No.21971437
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>> No.21971440

Yes, Ik,r?

>> No.21971443

>the murderer was... le monkey!

>> No.21971738

Did you ever think it might have been a joke?

>> No.21971887

i think i might've been filtered by The Man Who Was Thursday's ending

>> No.21972010

Of those two men in the pic, only one believes in God and it isn't JBP.

>> No.21972390

No, unless the whole character of Father Brown himself is secretly a massive dunk on Catholics and how pompous and obnoxious they are, which is possible but unlikely given the author.

>> No.21972406

>Thinking in isolation and with pride ends in being an idiot
Chesterton wrote this? Like, without a trace of self awareness?

>> No.21972645

what a terrifying picture

>> No.21972650
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>> No.21972835

>Chesterton wrote this?
Sounds like someone's been isolated.

>> No.21973206

And to this day, Neetch fags have never recovered.

>> No.21973209

>t.humorless cuck

>> No.21973222
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>mogs you favorite author

>> No.21973369

Holmes and Brown were intent on doing different things so it's a little insensible to pit them together and claim one is vastly superior to the other. What Holmes has over Brown is a wonderful sense of camaraderie and kinship, this feeling of kindred souls on an adventure whereas Brown supersedes his predecessors by showcasing a different method of investigating. Both characters may be detectives working outside the law but the latter has deeply explored the ramifications of salvation and punishment.

Chesterton also has his mysteries be solvable, employing these special little parables throughout the narrative often implying something supernatural only conclude with something logical and tonally cohesive, while in contrast Doyle is not concerned with playing fair. Any inference made by Sherlock is something we can never really make on our own.

>> No.21973601

It's called Apostolic authority. Things can change at times

>> No.21973662
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mogs both

>> No.21973709

pretty brilliant twist, actually.

>> No.21973736

Typical compassionate christcuck

>> No.21973905

Does it not occur to you that an otherwise pious man might have a moment of unconscious hubris, and this might be presented in a humorous manner?