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File: 233 KB, 551x671, E30471C6-B227-4463-9889-1717D2FE0394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21965300 No.21965300 [Reply] [Original]

Write a story about this image

>> No.21965314

The Adventures of Fag and Fat

Fag and Fat were unlikable and unwanted. Someone had the foresight to crush them in a trash compactor before they could go on to irritate others. The end.

>> No.21965339

With each and every breath there were fewer pixels. What had started out as a bright and sunny 4K morning had quickly deteriorated into a 240p afternoon. Drew was panicking, xer facade of mid 2000's Disney Channel goth morbidity was slipping and she wanted to live. Jessica, on the other hand, welcomed death, and she ruminated on oblivion while sweetly running her fingers over the cutting scars that marked her fat thighs.

>> No.21965917

"Come on," Drew pleaded. "Hug me!"
"No way," Jessica spat. "You can stand close to me if you have to, but I'm not touching you."
"But why?" Drew whined. "I'm exactly the sort of guy you say you're attracted to!"
"Ew!" she spat. "As if."
Drew's eyes widened with fear. "But you talk about it all the time! You want to meet a nice guy who's in touch with his feminine side, who'll care for you and raise your children!"
Jessica's eyes darted uneasily. "Uh. Yeah. And I did. I met you. That doesn't mean I want you to touch me."
Drew reared back. "So you just want to use me?"
Jessica smirked. "What, you don't just want to use *me*? Do you actually want to have a relationship with me, or just use me as your slampig before dumping me?"
"I–" Drew started. "No...I want to get to know you as a person, and maybe even fall in love with you, before I use and degrade you."
Jessica snorted. "How traditional of you. But these are modern times, and this is the real world."
"Then what *do* you want?" Drew anguished.
Jessica's eyes narrowed to slits; her beaming smile threatened to split her face in half. "I want a rich, handsome sociopath who'll treat me like shit."
"Holy crap!" Drew cried. "You actually admit to that?"
Jessica glared arrogantly. "Sure. I gotta be me. Most women are like that, actually."
Drew's expression darkened. "You deserve to end up in a battered-woman's shelter. *All* of you do."
"How dare you!" she seethed. "You're a terrible human being!"
"Oh? And how would you react if some Chad told you the same thing?"
She giggled. "I would tell him how witty he is."
Drew turned away in disgust. "I don't know why I put up with women. You're all nuts."
Jessica lifted up her dress to show her crotch. "Because of my stinking, slimy hole. You're addicted to it; there's nothing you can do about it. And there's nothing else in the world quite like it. All those fake latex pussies are *nothing* compared to the real thing."
She undulated her hips in his direction. "Can you imagine the feeling? Of *this*, sliding over your erect penis, over and over? You know you want it. But you can't have it."
Drew stormed away. "I've had enough of this. Get out of my life."
"Wait!" Jessica pleaded. "Don't go! I need you!"
Drew turned around, his eyes burning with rage. "Why?!"
Jessica looked down morosely. "I...need you to help raise my child. Some random Chad knocked me up. I don't even know which one; there have been so many. But I need a beta cuck like you to do all the hard work and make all the sacrifices, while never *ever* touching me."
Drew pinched the bridge of his nose as he winced. "You deserve your horrible fate. Goodbye."
Jessica watched him disappear into the distance, her eyes welling with tears. "Where have all the good men gone?" she whimpered.

>> No.21966034
File: 10 KB, 225x224, chud1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew was the luckiest guy in the world then but he was yet to know. He had never suspected that what he referred to 'meh whale' was his perfect match.
He was listening to Radiohead in his headset. He secretly hated and adored his mother and that would never make sense until much later when reading Froid.
He was the most nihilistic young piece of shit, like the protagonist in Wallace's TPK.
He should of convert himself into some religion, any religion, BC he was lacking the knowledge that he had a soul and that had to be saved. Instead he superficially paid duty to his catholic rituals without giving a though.
He never looked into himself, for he would be terrified at the lonliness of the person he saw. Instead he raged at what others raged, joyed of what others joyed without a second though.
All the while the eye of emptiness talked to him but he never listened.
He stripped off his clothes and spitted in everyone's face , and he couldn't be tought out of his madness. He went to desert and now he sits among rocks and makes nuisance of anyone seeking his company. He's waiting for some kind of Jesus who will never come to him BC this is not some fairy tale book. Waiting for someone to spit in his face and slurp 'for we are legion', and be repaid with kindness. If not for that bitch Jessica.
I guess people just can't go leeway to their fate.