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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2196272 [Reply] [Original]

>favorite place to read is at home
>family watching dumb TV shows, sound resonates throughout the entire house

>> No.2196276

get noiseblocking headphones

>> No.2196278

Move the fuck out, you lazy faggot.

>> No.2196282

I read best when I was living alone. Try that.

Living with housemate though is a strain on my reading. Especially considering he likes to sit in the dark with just the tv on. Or the fact he is always bringing random people around during the day and night. I'm not socially awkward but sometimes I just like to have a quiet night in.

...I'm moving back in with my parents.

Also: Try going to your room?

>> No.2196287
File: 6 KB, 279x181, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dat feel when I can even hear the sounds of the TV from my room

>> No.2196288

I think I'm going to start reading in the bathroom most distant from the TV. It's odd, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

>> No.2196293
File: 40 KB, 540x600, ohropax-color_227[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what I use, you sure have stuff like this somewhere around in your town, maybe the pharmacy.
But you can get addicted to them, no joke

>> No.2196294


Go to /diy/ and start a thread about nailgunning old dirty mattresses to the walls of your room. The brick up the doorway with special Bose noise canceling bricks. You should be set.

>> No.2196295

>That feel when I decided to stay in and finish a book while my housemates went clubbing.

>That feel when I am still reading as my housemates headboard bangs against my wall in time to the groaning.

>> No.2196296

>still thinking that family is a good way to organize society

haha oh i fking knew that feeling bro
and i know that the worst of it is that the tv shows are fucking stupid!
now i live by myself and its fucking great!
absolute quiteness to read by the window
i can put my music as loud as i want

>> No.2196298

I tried using those on stage to reduce the tinnitus the next day, but couldn't hear anything properly and played a monumentally awful opening song. They are fantastic for meditating though.

>> No.2196308

My family actually sets the reminder on the skybox for the weeks viewings so they don't have the strenuous task of hunting for shit to watch after one program has finished.

Honestly, the fucking TV is set from 3pm to midnight because they constantly argue over which piece of reality drizzle to watch.

Then I moved to uni, a shared house, and felt such relief at finally being away from their mentality. Only to find myself sharing a house with 'event management' students who argue over what piece of reality shit to watch.

>> No.2196326

>first world problems

>> No.2196333

Believe me it was much better when we were back in Ghana. I woke up and walked 2 miles to the water well. Then skipped around the field al day while my parents picked tobacco to pay for our rice.

Now I have to endure the X-Factor and Americas Next Top Model.

Life was so much better back then.

>> No.2196334

>live on shitty council estate
>get into one of countries top universities
>3 years of living away from home for first time; culture, culture everywhere
>graduate with highest grades in my year
>because economy is fucked my first in lit from an amazing uni no longer means shit (not that it did before, but now i can't even get the kind of minimum wage work they give to retarded monkeys because there are 80+ in my little town alone applying for every single position and i have no experience)
>have to move back home
>new nieghbours moved in, romanians who don't speak english and blast the same 3 awful euro-trance tracks into my room all day erry day
>have to walk an hour into town through some shank-tastic streets just to be able to read in peace
>can't afford proper food so i often end up just staying in anyway, otherwise the walk exhausts me
>read much less now
>only friends are middle class and have used their savings to move away and do phds and stuff
>some are even starting to sign contracts for their first monographs
>while i'm getting progressively stupider through the social and cultural isolation
>probably won't be able to afford doing a masters for a long time
>stuck here living in the slums with my boarderline crazy mum forever
>probs kill self soon
>or maybe some bankers

they'll let me read in prison, right?

>> No.2196340
File: 34 KB, 400x600, pepillo origel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>favourite place to read is at home
>narcos shooting near my house every day
>sirens and ambulances all day
>mother has to work all day with the sewing machine because it's the only job available without risking her life

You're such a puto, OP.

>> No.2196348

or those big arse ear protector things you get from DIY stores.

>> No.2196350

Rob a bank.
If you manage to not get shot, you'll get a much shorter sentence (blame the economy).
And if you get away with it, you have money to move out for some time.
You can't lose!

>> No.2196353

>read at home
>Use a fan as white noise.
>Works every single time
>Or I use earplugs but find them uncomfortable.

>> No.2196354

We solved that problem here with isolation. My brother at his room with his headphone, me in my room with my headphone, mom really close to the tv in a low volume and my father lying next to the stereo on the other side of the house.

I hate the modern world.

>> No.2196441

So you agree that segregation solves problems?
Why then do liberals want to forcibly shove everyone together, and then get buttmad when they are exposed as the filthy fucking traitors they are?