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21960683 No.21960683 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.21960699

she has a pretty good chance of outliving most trans people currently alive

>> No.21960727
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>> No.21960730

Is that supposed to be funny? Twitter usage is equal to brain damage therapy.

>> No.21960741

We culture warring here bro. Get with the program.

>> No.21960749

trans women are men. praise Rowling!

>> No.21960752

I'm not a Harry Potter fan nor a Rowling fan, but I do appreciate her sacrificing her mental health to spend countless hours on Twitter engaged with people like this https://i.4cdn.org/gif/1681945659442420.webm

>> No.21960766

kinda behind on all this JKR and tranny drama. what did she say that got them all rallied up? thought she was a turbo-liberal feminist?

>> No.21960770

americanism is a mental illness

>> No.21960783

Does it really matter? If I were a billionaire I would not fucking post on Twitter idk what is wrong with them. Leo DiCaprio has the right idea of how to be a decadent

>> No.21960799


While I read the first book, when I was a child I wasn't really into reading for entertainment and didn't like the movies that much. They weren't bad. Like I didn't hate them or anything, but it just wasn't my thing. I was into anime, manga, and weird edgy movies.

While I got more into books as entertainment as a adult, young adult books centered around school life hold absolutely zero appeal to me so I have no interest in picking Harry Potter up.
Nothing against HP generally. I am sure they are lovely books. But they just aren't for me. Probably never were.

>> No.21960832

jesus thats grim, i genuinely don't understand the virulent hatred the troons get, the mentaly ill get my pity not my hatred

>> No.21960865

> i genuinely don't understand the virulent hatred the troons get
Then you haven't been on any of the nsfw boards or spent much time around the Internet in general.
They worked overtime to cultivate all the hate they get. It didn't come out of nowhere. It isn't because they are weird They earn every bit of it.

It's sort of similar how furries got a bad reputation for over a decade directly due to their bad behavior all over the Internet in the 00s and worse behavior at conventions and other nerd spaces.

There have been actually confirmed conspiracies that were exposed of trannies organizing propaganda campaigns to spam, trick, convince, and even force "losers" into become trans because some psychos have a fetish for feminization or some shit.
So yeah, that constant spamming of tranny shit that everyone hated all day everyday was actually a gay op and forced meme.

>> No.21960907

Feminists are turning Conservative over transfreak issues

>> No.21960909

america saved you from Germany>>21960907

>> No.21960910

old school man hating feminist vs new school let men take over all of our accolades and invade our spaces zoomer feminists

>> No.21960918

because we live in a society where we're bullied into pretending troons aren't mental
maybe still not worthy of hatred, but I understand the resentment. troonism is the new religion

>> No.21960934
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what i dont get is why they are ok with gays but not transfreaks

>> No.21960950

because the gays have already won. its like questioning the holocaust, it doesnt matter if it happened or not, the fact is that it won so now its "beyond" questioning.... its very much a religion

>> No.21960957

i dont get it. arent they the same thing

>> No.21960960

there isnt an lgbt rulebook
it all depends who you ask, but questioning it at all is practically taboo

>> No.21961075

JK would have been fine, if she'd left people alone online to throw rocks at the moon and spent her time instead giving speeches to law-making bodies and lobbyists and her fellow wealthy donors. She might have made real progress that way. Oh well. And Harry Potter is shit.

>> No.21961281

Yes I'm giga pottered

>> No.21961294

She said a few things
>1. Kids (high school aged) are transitioning a rapid rates due in part to a cultural social contagion
>2. This woman >https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maya_Forstater
>should have been protected in choosing to "misgender" a trans individual making no attempt to even look like a woman
>3. That transgender women commit large numbers of sexual assaults and rapes when confined in prisons for cis women

>> No.21961300

You can't convince kids to go on hormones and then get mutilation surgeries that ruin their lives forever if you trick them into going through a "gay phase"

And its all being pushed by the worst freaks in society and especially porn and troonime

>> No.21961517

I am now. Fuck trannies lmao

>> No.21961526

God, I hate these fucking people. They've turned DARVO techniques into a fucking martial art.
You can really judge a person by how they treat minimum wage workers.

>> No.21961536

Gays aren't assholes, and their ideology makes sense. They leave people alone, and they only want to fuck each other.
Troons are aggressive sociopaths who hate gay people almost as much as (if not more than) they hate women. So they can fuck off right to hell.

>> No.21961538

I’m not a Harry Potter fan but I respect her for not bowing down. I guess when you are a billionaire you can’t be canceled but still.

>> No.21962104

Actually JK was a symbol for libs. For her to take a stand like this without apology is absolutely huge for public opinion. The reason transfreaks want her dead is she probably stopped the acceleration of transfreak snowball singlehandedly.

>> No.21962122

There's no morality or ethics in defending that someone can't love who they want (excluding kids). Pretending that cutting or attaching flesh to yourself will transform you into another gender is another issue altogether.

>> No.21962139

Not an harry potter fan, because I find the worldbuilding lacking. Although I respect her writing, because it is what made her success. You caan read harry potter as a child, teen or adulte and you won't focus on the same things. This is by no means a writing feat, but she thought about it and did it intentionaly, and I appreciate it.

>> No.21962161


>> No.21962162

I am honestly watching in amazement bc anyone else would have caved by now.

>> No.21962163

But not all transfreaks do that. A lot of them are just playing dress up.

>> No.21962179

So pretty much the same old made up "scary" bullshit that always works on the dumb, uninformed and overly fearful.

>> No.21962181

Stfu commie

>> No.21962191

You will not bully me into letting a bunch of groomers destroy children's lives, John Money Jr.

>> No.21962200

This fucking flag sucks so much, I can't wait until I never have to look at it again. Imagine taking the rainbow flag which symbolizes being inclusive to everyone and saying "everyone... but especially trans people and black people (?)" who are driving a wedge into the inclusive whole. It's embarrassing that people have latched onto it.

>> No.21962205

Yes, and will stay one to my grave.

>> No.21962208
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She tried to warn us

>> No.21962209

trans men are women, praise Rowling

>> No.21962215

I liked it as a kid
as long as we're culture warring let me just state that I'm beyond ready for the religion of inclusivity to fucking die

>> No.21962216

>inclusive to everyone
It's not a rainbow it only has 6 colours, there's a reason for that fixation on 6

>> No.21962217

Because the aspects of 'transgenderism' aren't the same as the aspects of homosexuality and have no business being in the same category but are endlesslympromoted that way for some fucking reason. For clarification, I hate both but even I can see the difference.
Homosexuality is the sexual attraction/love to someone of the same sex as the lover.
Transgenderism is the idea the subject is a different sex to what their sex actually is. Language was co-opted in the weimar so now sex only means biological sex and gender means what you believe your biological sex to be, the old colloqiual understanding was gender was your biological sex and sex reffered to the act, only referring to the biological term in a clinical manner in specific contexts.

One is mainly about sexuality, the other is entirely a case of personality. One is backed by physicality, the other is an ideology.
Transgenderism's 'existence' relies entirely upon a specific version of 'the science' (ideolgies consisting of specific political and psychological schools of thought which is really makes it a philosophy since it's entirely subjective unlike physiology and therefore not really medicine) and the rest of the world of individuals having to confirm an individual's view of the world. A gay person doesn't need me to believe he's gay to carry out being gay, a tranny does need me to believe their delusion in order to successfully 'transition'. It's objective vs subjective.

>> No.21962250

damn, anyone know some good books on decadence?

no bataille though, please

>> No.21962254

make me a taco you brown skinned freak

>> No.21962295

pink swastika?

>> No.21962327


I wait for the day the US will implode. All praise Russia! And fuck the ukrainsky.

Stfu redneck.

>> No.21962344

To me its all under the umbrella of perversion. Gays still affect the culture even if they aren't demanding their own bathrooms...they still demand we accept them as normal.

>> No.21962347

Whats wrong with tacos lmao

>> No.21962348

They actually think the normal ones are the "cult", wow.

>> No.21962349

USA saved you from Germany

>> No.21962362

They only know projection what do you expect?

>> No.21962440

Othering the communist only legitimizes their position.

>> No.21962473

I think it's funny that a pretty rational and tame opinion is causing so much shit with these people lol

>> No.21962479

Back to discord

>> No.21962480

Communists don't exist irl

>> No.21962643
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You don't know how deep the rabbit hole goes...ready?

>> No.21962657
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I've never seen a more vibrant and satisfying example of "you reap what you sew"

>> No.21962685

Who do you think the Rowling self-insert is in her books, or is there not one.

>> No.21962687
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>> No.21962688

Who do you think the Rowling self-insert is in her books, or is there not one?

>> No.21962700

>These diamond buttons hurt my fingers
That is pretty funny to be fair

>> No.21962758

One becomes what one beholds. Der Tschudd, through relentless mockery of pop culture obsessed balding 30-somethings begat the basedjak. The onions-male seeks only the libidinal pleasures of puerile genre narrative, hitting the same dopamine button daily with each act of ritual media consumption. The chud, ultimately unsatisfied, contorts himself into a mirror image of the basedjak, recreating his dopamine feedback loop and defense of genre trash as 'literature' because a genre author shares his current culture war neurosis. He has replaced MCU breakdowns with bitchute schizophrenia, but the rituals of the stunted adult male onions goober remain virtually unchanged.

>> No.21962794

>are you a harry potter fan
no, I'm an adult
>muh tranny shit
how is this twitterfag zoomer speak shit related to literature?

>> No.21962796
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>Gays still affect the culture even if they aren't demanding their own bathrooms...they still demand we accept them as normal.
and so ;)?

>> No.21962804

I am saying how is it any different from transfreaks...pay attention to the topic.

>> No.21962810
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here you go

>> No.21962813
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it's a good influence (;

>> No.21962840

I am saying how is it any different from transfreaks...pay attention to the topic

>> No.21962850
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>> No.21962874

That's the whole point of it as far as I can tell. It's specifically to be idiotic in that exact way in order to further anger and divide people.

>> No.21962889

>I genuinely don't understand the virulent hatred the troons get
They are an abrasive and obnoxious pseudo identitarian group and behave like the miserable pieces of shit many mentally ill people are unfortunately. There is also the added effect that now a big political cause of theirs is sexuality children, or introducing children to their sexuality in a very inappropriate manner and then playing the victim when anyone pushes back.

>> No.21963564

tf are you talking about?

>> No.21963575

it isn't though, because you dont actually have a moral foundation
the reason its all the same between lgb and trans and pedos is because the logic is always doing what feels good, which is exactly you appeal to in "cant love who they want". you excluding kids is nothing more than a preference because theres no moral foundation to say its truly wrong or right

it was always a slippery slope from the beginning, and it still is. the best we can hope for is that the lgbt community eats themselves

>> No.21963611

Is it just me or does there seem to be, in the normie sphere, a much more significant contingent of feminists who see through the 'trans' social contagion in England? In the US the mainstream left always politely lines up behind whatever the oppressed group of the day is said to be. Not so across the pond, I gather. I wonder why, within what is largely a global monoculture, this divergence has occurred.

>> No.21963680

who else is there besides rowling? unless you mean the common folk, but I'd figure most people see through the tranny shit in that case, its just that they arent willing to freely express it.

>> No.21963787

aren't gays the main cause of gays suffering?
you know... aids?
anal incontinence too

>> No.21963804

>you excluding kids is nothing more than a preference because theres no moral foundation to say its truly wrong or right
I'd really like it if people who engage in discussions of morality would also engage with the very rich literature on the subject. It's about 2500 years of very smart philosophers with very strong insights.
You can have fags love each other without moral issue and have moral issues with pedophilia on a standard-issue Kantian foundation about respecting the autonomy of persons, among probably thousands of other moral foundations. Your reduction of it to wanton ethical hedonism is completely unconvincing and uncompelling.

>> No.21963848

Or a Christian revival. Personally I think it's just gonna get worse.

>> No.21963852

The UK has a bunch of sexist Muzzies

>> No.21963855

A man with a man is filth...what is there to stop them from going further

>> No.21963859

oh its the word salad anon, hi

>> No.21963874

>among probably thousands of other moral foundations.
so you admit it doesn't matter
way to talk yourself into a pit

>> No.21963877

lmfao, and you're the one denigrating a view where morality is based on preferences.

It's not even difficult yet, if you are struggling now you're going to have a bad time.

>> No.21963878

No, I don't admit it doesn't matter, I am acknowledging that moral facts are highly underdetermined, but that does not make them any less real.

>> No.21963879

How does your moral system work exactly?

>> No.21963881

>I am acknowledging that moral facts are highly underdetermined, but that does not make them any less real.
the problem is determining why we should allow gays and trannies but not pedos
you concede its undetermined while still gloating that it isn't a moral issue

dont reply to me with an essay

>> No.21963888

Meta-ethical realism with a predominance of Kantian characteristics.

>> No.21963892

>the problem is determining why we should allow gays and trannies but not pedos
Respect for the autonomy of persons, as I already mentioned.
>you concede its undetermined while still gloating that it isn't a moral issue
That it is underdetermined means that we can provide a number of coherent theories to support that there should be respect for the autonomy of persons.
>dont reply to me with an essay
Believe me, you're not worth the effort.

>> No.21963897

There's something in their tap water, no mental illness can lead to this.

>> No.21963899

What is the qrd? How does it evaluate various scenarios

>> No.21963901

>Respect for the autonomy of persons
and if you see someone else disrespecting a persons autonomy, do you step in and defend that person, or do you respect the autonomy of the violator?

>> No.21963912

the single most based thing I have ever read

>> No.21963923

Ethics are real. "Torture is wrong" and "pedophilia is wrong" are true statements. It is not a matter of preference. You can quite simply be morally wrong in the same way that you can be wrong about empirical questions or a mathematical question.
Most common retort to this is Humean or Mackiean and amounts to a whole lot of cope of insisting that such putative moral facts are "weird", as if that means anything, and as if that doesn't apply with equal force to everything in the entire world, yet is no cause for skepticism in those cases.
Kantian characteristics because evaluation is grounded in universal reason. That's his stroke of genius.

Step in and defend the person. No issue. No gotcha. No problem.
At least try to read The Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals. It was written to be easily accessible and lays out a lot of the most cogent arguments for this type of position.

>> No.21963928

Ok but let's do some specific cases. Say someone breaks into your house, you dont know if they're armed because it's dark, are you justified in shooting them?

What about charity vs enforced welfare based on taxation ?

>> No.21963929

>Step in and defend the person. No issue. No gotcha. No problem.
but why?
>At least try to read The Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals. It was written to be easily accessible and lays out a lot of the most cogent arguments for this type of position.
stop being lazy, we're here to discuss ideas not to shill. you really wouldn't mind a muslim just constantly upselling the quran and how lazy you are for not reading all of it, as opposed to just simply explaining his beliefs to you?

>> No.21963946


>Ok but let's do some specific cases. Say someone breaks into your house, you dont know if they're armed because it's dark, are you justified in shooting them?
No idea.
This is not the gotcha you may think it is
>What about charity vs enforced welfare based on taxation ?
There is no such thing as the latter, unless there is a prohibition on immigration, which is then a violation of autonomy and impermissible.

>but why?
Because it is wrong to violate the autonomy of persons, and if someone does that, it is permissible to rectify it.
>stop being lazy
You are the one who has not engaged in the thought on the subject you want to speak of.
>we're here to discuss ideas not to shill.
Seems I'm here to tutor you, and that's my profession, for which I take payment.
>you really wouldn't mind a muslim just constantly upselling the quran and how lazy you are for not reading all of it
I wouldn't mind if I was making flagrant claims about islam, I'd consider it proper.
>as opposed to just simply explaining his beliefs to you?
Matthew 7:6.

>> No.21963951

*emigration, not immigration.

>> No.21963955

How is me asking you a question a gotcha. I think you are fully justified in shooting them

In the second case why do you think the state has the right to compel taxation? Is it based on belief in democracy or elected officials or what?

>> No.21963956

btw, leaving, buh-bye

>> No.21963962

>In the second case why do you think the state has the right to compel taxation?
Rawls and implicit consent (provided emigration is allowed).
I'm done now

>> No.21963963

coward realized he didn't fully think this through

>> No.21963966

I don't see why you even bothered to post in the thread since you plainly dont like discussing the subject

>> No.21963999

Did he say "nigga has tits"?

>> No.21964003

gays are disgusting aids-ridden subhumans who abuse several drugs and bring disgust to everyone in general
there's no reason to allow them to exist

there is. STDs, drugs, degeneracy, mental illness, disgusting in general
conclusion: rope, or build your own society to live in instead of trying to subvert the societies of others

>> No.21964034

Maybe we shouldn't be too hard on our transgendered brethren, come on we practically grew up together on this horrible website, i mean that could have been you if you, fell for the wrong psyops or had really gotten into anime, if dad had been around less or the gym teacher diddled you a bit more, after all its an autistic person just like you, they just wanna be your friend! the lgbt crowd are pretty tolerant of neurodiversity, it is even said they will fuck anything that moves, some of them are self aware and more well read than the straights and i mean, its not like youve ever had any chances with stacy, im just saying. wouldnt it be nice if someone could touch you and make you feel loved? you have a moral responsibility not to inflict your cursed autism genes upon later generations so maybe you should just resign yourself to weird sweaty degenerate gay sex with other borderline mentally retarded people, as under a pathetic freudian compulsion to repeat trauma traceable back to that time your uncle... could it be your obsessive and neurotic hatred of trannies is just a defense mechanism against the powerful erotic allure of the forbidden? Imean dont you wonder what it would be like to stick your dick into one of those things?

>> No.21964035

not at all. She's still a feminist mad at men for not wanting to wife her hag ass up
The ethical thing to do would be to just gun down all progressives but alas, pakis will do this first

>> No.21964391

Book elves are effectively Gods, but use knives and forks as weapons. Also, Movies were quicker.

>> No.21964621
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