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/lit/ - Literature

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21958946 No.21958946 [Reply] [Original]

use this board to ask for any book recommendation that you like.
link this thread in any other recommendations thread on this board.
make /lit/ great again

>> No.21959009

OK, asking for wisdom literature recs, close orient and the likes.

>> No.21959027

east, vedas, yogi, Bhagavad gita? is that what you talking about?

>> No.21959053
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I need a book that's more difficult than the Phenomenology of Spirit.

>> No.21959059

More like middle east or northern afrika

>> No.21959111

Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus

>> No.21959126

>call of the crocodile
Hi Frank

>> No.21959137

hey john

>> No.21959144


>> No.21959158

Reminder that the opinions of homosexuals dont matter on this site.

>> No.21959159


>> No.21959165

>no questions about literature on /lit/
>go back to /r/ NOW!

Frogs mad

>> No.21959169


>> No.21959172

>book 101 has 6 votes
Do these charts even matter if the votes are so few?

>> No.21959185

Discord faggots probably set this up for themselves and thought that anyone here would care. Pretty sad.

>> No.21959188

no, those are arbitrary numbers

>> No.21959193

what in the fuck are you on about lad?

>> No.21959198

Could someone give me the best start with the Greeks chart. And maybe also romans/latins?

Also I want to read Dante again but I was wondering what are some required readings before hand to better understand it. Actually, what are some required reading for western Canon in general? I know the Bible but what else?

Also could someone give me french and Spanish language book recommendations? I want to improve in those languages. Some of my favorite books have been catch 22, lord of the flies, LOTR, blood meridian,Watership down, enders game, three body problem, and history in general, but I know this isn't the board for it

>> No.21959211

Oh also loved slaughter house 5 so if anyone has something similar from france/spain/LA. It's been over a decade since I've read it though.

>> No.21959218

>100 years of solitude (in Spanish)
>the stranger (in French)

>> No.21959221

Bah, forget the chart. Here's what you do.
1. The Iliad, The Odyssey
2. Theogony, Work and Days
3. Herodotus - Histories
4. Thucydides - History of the Peloponnesian war
5. Plays - Sophocles, Euripides, Aeschylus, Aristophanes
6. Plato
7. Aristotle

>> No.21959230

this could work

>> No.21959248

but why tho

>> No.21959254

i just started moby dick if anyone wants to join

>> No.21959262

I'm reading a chapter per week, so I'll be making a thread on Saturday for the discussion, if I'm not able to make it, can you make it for me? can I trust you with that anon

>> No.21959291

Thanks. Those french and Spanish books are on my list as well

>> No.21959381

what else is on your list?

>> No.21959397

What are some western books that don't have great drama or conflict, just childhood fun.
I already read the Petit Nicholas series and Tom Sawyer.

>> No.21959405

Read Mark Twain's other books.
I really enjoy Jules Verne's stuff too.

>> No.21959441
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Dubs decide my next book. Paradise Lost is fun, but I'm tired of it by now I will return to it in the future.

>> No.21959445

Mein kampf

>> No.21959462

The talmud.

>> No.21959463

phenomenology of spirit

>> No.21959464

House Of Leaves

>> No.21959465

Alaready read it anyway

>> No.21959505
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Any good dreamlike books for midwits?
You know, something oneiric, but not too hard, because I'm retarded. Something like Lovecraft's Dream Cycle or Bruno Schulz short stories or The Man Who Was Thursday.

>> No.21959510

>the plains

>> No.21959559

Check Sufi literature

>> No.21959578

i need a book that covers the origins of christianity

>> No.21959585

are there any more recs like turgenevs fathers and sons that cover the generational gap?

>> No.21959588


>> No.21959594

really nigga?

>> No.21959609

MacCulloch's "A History of Christianity: The First Three Thousand Years."

>> No.21959617

im not looking for religious texts. i need something with historical and geographical details

>> No.21959619


>> No.21959624

ok, dominion by Tom Holland

>> No.21959689

Based, I suggested this general the other day.

>> No.21959747

The Book of Sirach
The Book of Wisdom

>> No.21959821

I don't know the plot of most of them. And some of them seem like stories I might not have read if it was in English. Like around the world in 80 days. Which is why I was asking for some more recommendations. But I guess I won't know until I read them.
Un petit prince (almost finished but honestly it did take a good amount of effort)
Les Soirées de Médan
Un roi sans divertissement
Pierre et Jean
Le comte de monté cristo
Jean de floret, manon des sources
Trois mousquetaires
A lupin book
L'arabe du futur
La horde du contrevant /the wind walkers
And a French and English translation book which contains short stories by French authors and philosophers like Voltaire

El Jardín de los Siete Crepúsculos
Pedro Páramo
Cien años de soledad
El túnel
Hombres de maíz
El presidente
El lazarillo de tomes
Los detectives salvajes

In no particular order

>> No.21960019
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hi bros, im new here O_O
and im new to books also, I didn't like them as kid (im from poland so we got some shitty boring fart to read)
I read only a song of ice and fire and now I need more.
Is there any recommendation infographic like OP posted?
I would like to read some fantasy or sci-fi. Something for begginers ofc.
I was thinking about hyperion.
Please help me book-chads.

>> No.21960046 [DELETED] 

I recommend you kill yourself

>> No.21960097

that's not a book recommendation

>> No.21960257

Who is the Buddhist translator that sends out his books for free? I had the list saved but I lost it.

>> No.21960261

the hill of dreams Arthur Machen

>> No.21960293
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Hello /rg/, I am searching for any book recommendation that will help me overcome my risk aversion. These books will probably be in the realm of self-help or pop psych, and I'm not opposed to that, but I'm having trouble finding anything outside the financial realm. My risk aversion comes principally from a scarcity mindset and fear rather than trauma. Like most people on /lit/ I have a tendency to intellectualize personal problems and convince myself out of things, usually resulting in inaction.

>> No.21960308 [DELETED] 

I recommend you kys

>> No.21960419

that's not a book recommendation

>> No.21960422

I want to illustrate a story
preferably pre-modern and not illustrated elsewhere
though i suppose I cant just piggy back off old poetry can I...

>> No.21960433

Any book recommendations huh?
Okay asking for books with Tomboys, can be any genre.

>> No.21960825

>art of the deal

>leaves of grass

>> No.21960889

why tomboy anon?

>> No.21960893
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I picked this up the other day

>> No.21960912

what's it about anon?

>> No.21961081

Give me a book that sparks childhood wonder. This is broad request, and I hope you guys can give me your personal picks or popular picks you think might suffice

>> No.21961104

Alice in wonderland

>> No.21961112

Calvin and Hobbes

>> No.21961117

Watership Down

>> No.21961243

The hobbit, watership
Three body problem too believe it or not

>> No.21961253

I loved Howl's Moving Castle (much better than the Ghibli film) a few years ago.

>> No.21961441

kino books like the stranger

>> No.21961509

Robert Alter translation for Book of Job, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes

>> No.21961513

Looking for a book on the history and origin of psychoanalysis

>> No.21961520

just read sigmund freud

>> No.21961523

Pick up some Elaine Pagels books.

>> No.21961525

Don't know, but check the sticky

>> No.21961791

I want the style of "The stranger", the story of "gravity's rainbow" and the atmosphere of "blood meridian"

>> No.21961994

what was the original top 100?

>> No.21962004
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Need a book that deeply explains every facet of buddhism

>> No.21962006

Running out of obvious next choices of /lit/. My favorites are Hamsun, Strindberg and Mann, and I have almost finished their respective authorships. Looking for something slightly more obscure that might fit the profile of someone who immensely enjoys those three.

>> No.21962013

>I read only a song of ice and fire and now I need more.
Check out the Count of Monte Cristo, it hits a lot of the same notes while also being big boy literature.

>> No.21962014

there is gonna be a reading of "the magic mountain" fyi

>> No.21962016

Yeah, I was considering giving it a re-read, but it's only been a few years since my last. Some discussion about it might be nice, so I think I'll drop into the threads nonetheless.

>> No.21962031

I found a 10/10 audiobook version and I was planning to read while listening to the audiobook for full immersion, even if it would probably take me way longer than if I was just reading it on my own. The issue is that the audiobook is a Spanish translation of moby dick and I can't find that exact translation in book format neither on bookshops, libraries or online. So in conclusion my comfy plan is in shambles and my day ruined.

>> No.21962260

>a chapter a week
The chapters are simply too short for this to not be a retarded idea

>> No.21962451

I've read eight of these.

>Call of The Crocodile
really, /lit/???

>> No.21962456

well then, make it two

>> No.21962460

first time reading it anon, gotta do all the research

>> No.21962980
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Post apocaliptic novels set in the desert? (Besides Dune). References to point the style:
>Power rangers RPM

>> No.21963440

i need a schizophrenic read on the french revolution

>> No.21963453

How easy/hard would this be to read if I've read basically all of the history of philosophy up to that point?

>> No.21963601 [DELETED] 


>> No.21963606


>> No.21963627

I need books about teenage hardship for to improve my writing craft, whether realistic or very idiosyncratic (no genre fiction unless its really worth recommending), very broad ask I know. Also, no Catcher in the Rye, can't stand that book

>> No.21963727

Butcher's Crossing

>> No.21963743

join this dick in your mouth lmao

>> No.21963849
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I've already read collected fictions from Borges, 100 years, and pic related. where next for the greatest works of latin american literature?

>> No.21963941

This is the single worst chart I've ever seen.

>> No.21963945
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>> No.21964531


>> No.21964856

Any book that is the equivalent of a slasher movie?

>> No.21965050

My coworkers found out I read and have been recommending I check out Sarah Maas. To be completely honest with you /lit/, her books like absolute trash. What would you all recommend I do in this situation?

>> No.21965055

>Power rangers RPM

>> No.21965058

pretty easy, if he's not rambling like a schizo

>> No.21965127

got 1 credit in my audible account, recommend me a good audiobook. also I was thinking that I should buy the "the magic mountain" one, there's gonna be a reading soon, what are your thoughts lit?

>> No.21965173

shameless bump

>> No.21965201


>> No.21965366

>The Bible (Old and New Testament)
>Tao Te Ching
>Kojiki and Nihongi
What are other books to add to this?

>> No.21965391

Also swap Vedas for Bhagavadgita or not?

>> No.21965968

First stupid idea that popped into my head

>> No.21966011

Bit of an odd request but I'm looking for something to give my gf to get her to explore outside her usual fantasy fem-coomer reading habits. Even something still in that vein but of higher quality would be nice. Female protag is also preferable of possible.

>> No.21966026

What kind of genres do you enjoy?

>> No.21966028

my year of rest and relaxation

>> No.21966030

is this the list of "books to avoid" conon?

>> No.21966049

short,spicy, adventurous bonus points for something literary

>> No.21966051


>> No.21966095

I'm not sure if it fully qualifies as literary but I'm inclined to recommend Conan. It's short enough in the sense that it's short stories. The writing can be a little spicy at times as he has encounters with plenty of beautiful lustful women who are more or less straight out of a Frazetta painting. And, if nothing else, being sword and sorcery it has a great sense of adventure, although nothing very long term due to format.

>> No.21966157
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Recommend me books only based on their entertainment value, not their intellectual or literary one. I'm depressed and in a really shitty point in my life and I want to read something to escape for a bit.

>> No.21966164

thanks fren

>> No.21966208

critique of pure reason. it's a very light read

>> No.21966516


>> No.21966853

Bukowski - Women

>> No.21966900

>Based on a True Story by Norm
only a couple chapters in and while its made me chuckle a few times, the book isn't really grabbing me. does it get better? i'll finish it regardless but a little unmotivated to pick it back up right now. love Norm though

>> No.21966913

Recommend me some McCarthy copycats who use biblical and/or sparse prose, concise word usage , run-on sentences, and macabre metaphysical philosophising

>> No.21967030

The Bell jar

>> No.21967571

Bumping for more

>> No.21967657

I want to start reading Hamsun so what’s the best translation of Growth of the Soil?

>> No.21967663
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>Any good dreamlike books for midwits?
check out some of Borges heady dream shorts like 'The Circular Ruins'
the opening
No one saw him disembark in the unanimous night, no one saw the bamboo canoe sink into the sacred
mud, but in a few days there was no one who did not know that the taciturn man came from the South and
that his home had been one of those numberless villages upstream in the deeply cleft side of the
mountain, where the Zend language has not been contaminated by Greek and where leprosy is infrequent.
What is certain is that the grey man kissed the mud, climbed up the bank with pushing aside (probably,
without feeling) the blades which were lacerating his flesh, and crawled, nauseated and bloodstained, up
to the circular enclosure crowned with a stone tiger or horse, which sometimes was the color of flame and
now was that of ashes. This circle was a temple which had been devoured by ancient fires, profaned by the
miasmal jungle, and whose god no longer received the homage of men. The stranger stretched himself out
beneath the pedestal. He was awakened by the sun high overhead. He was not astonished to find that his
wounds had healed; he closed his pallid eyes and slept, not through weakness of flesh but through
determination of will. He knew that this temple was the place required for his invincible intent; he knew
that the incessant trees had not succeeded in strangling the ruins of another propitious temple
downstream which had once belonged to gods now burned and dead; he knew that his immediate
obligation was to dream. Toward midnight he was awakened by the inconsolable shriek of a bird. Tracks of
bare feet, some figs and a jug warned him that the men of the region had been spying respectfully on his
sleep, soliciting his protection or afraid of his magic. He felt a chill of fear, and sought out a sepulchral
niche in the dilapidated wall where he concealed himself among unfamiliar leaves.

>> No.21967787

the long ship
the hobbit
the chronological of Conan the barbarian
northwest passage
king Solomon's mines
they're all fun and written mostly in a simple language. they're comfy too. hope you do well anon

>> No.21968150

just say 'oh yeah, I checked it out but I'm not really into YA, I prefer xyz' and try, really try to not be pretentious dick about it and just be thankful somebody wants to talk about books with you. Maybe that curiousity extends to other vectors you can better relate on

>> No.21968856
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Hey /lit/, I present you a a gem of a free ebook site with Downloads:


Old school and easy pdf download

>> No.21968892

i need something on the surge of secret societies in the modern ages

>> No.21968928


>> No.21969080
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I just finished the first Dune and enjoyed it. Pick which book should I read next.
>continue with Dune Messiah
>Madame Bovary
>Shakespeare tragedies (I've only read Hamlet and Macbeth)

>> No.21969885

No one answered you yet, so: The Deed of Paksenarrion.

>> No.21969930

I am looking for stories similar to The Collector but reporting true events. Basically anything surrounding touch deprived, social isolated people.

>> No.21970044
File: 51 KB, 500x311, F9EC7CFD-9D04-495B-AD55-30EFB16ABB93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommend me a book that will get me out of my house to want to explore the world and not come back in years.

>> No.21970125

need a book that makes you look cool for reading it
also don't like reading because it takes too long
some of my favorites were old man and the sea, beowulf, jonathan livingston seagull, and the hobit

>> No.21971152

I haven't quite read it fully but Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas works pretty well, espically good for people who don't read a lot of books since its very fun

>> No.21971154

The Snow leopard

>> No.21971184

Should be some charts you can find in the archive. Also, once a new chart thread is up theirs an archive of charts in the links they have, theirs a couple talking about Buddhist literature

>> No.21972394

Reality by Peter Kingsley

you're not as retarded as you think you are anon
Buddha's Little Finger by Pelevin

More personal than anything I can generalize, but reading Tomaz Salamun sparks immense joy. The energies, the images, the -juice- of the language, even in translation. Salamun's lines oscillate between the absolutely tangible and discreet to elaborately vivid nonsense, and my inner child loves him.

some personal favorites are the Savage Detectives & the Death of Artemio Cruz. I haven't finished The Craft of Verse by Borges, but I recommend it anyway

not quite what you want, but Perdido Street Station by China Mieville
Listen to Haus Arafna's album You or anything from their other project November Novelet

>> No.21972756

ASOS was better than AGOT, Everyone just loves Eddard's POV.