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21955179 No.21955179 [Reply] [Original]

Novels about the feminization of all men and destruction of all traditional gender roles?

>> No.21955191

Jerk off before posting.

Saged for low effort, off topic garbage. Reported as well. I don't even care if the mods snip at me for announcing it. Get this shit off my board.

>> No.21955199


>> No.21955241

Get your bigotry spooks off my board, my property.

>> No.21955283

BLACK FUTURE by Whitney Ryan

>> No.21955293
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>> No.21955300
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And here, though it obviously has another main focus

>> No.21955321

anything postmodern

>> No.21955360

Hell yes.

>> No.21955392

>welcomes a homosexual social/bio-poison fetish
>calls me an idiot for pointing out the nonfiction it’s based on
Stupid shitlib. You can’t even define a woman.

>> No.21955402
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The woman doesn't exist. Nor do men.

>> No.21955407

See? You are an idiot that can’t, or rather won’t define a woman. Even though they’re certainly definable.

>> No.21955412

I don't believe there is such a thing as human nature.

>> No.21955416

unfathomably based
jannies sneed

>> No.21955438
File: 330 KB, 640x458, wake up janny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21955464

The mind and his “nature” as in behavior is certainly malleable, but invent the chromosome switcher and you can probably change a person’s sex. Till then, cope, non-woman.

>> No.21955467

>his “nature”
Its nature*
The hell spellcheck. I didn’t just gender the mind

>> No.21955473

Sex and gender are both social constructs. There's no platonic form of the male and female sex, as there's no platonic form of the male and female gender. Nature itself is an artificial construct which we constructed. You have this fantasy which is based on a notion of value, and all values are completely fabricated, it's only particularly grotesque when it's being used to harm others like you and the people on this hilariously dumb and ignorant board do.

>> No.21955511

>Nature itself is an artificial construct which we constructed.

Only communists can look at a natural construction and dream up all sorts of metaphysical repudiations thereof. Some things are 100% real and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.21955517

Well spooked my property.

>> No.21955565 [DELETED] 

Nope. Like I already pointed out, you are currently unable to alter your chromosomes and therefore will remain male for the rest of your life. We’re not even discussing social concepts here. We’re discussing natural facts. What the tranny psyops is trying to do is change what we call things. “Feminine penis” for one, is nonsense.
>platonic. he believes in Plato.
> …which we constructed
Which males and females construct on a daily basis by having sex, which you probably have never done. This is not something we’d normally categorize as “artificial”
> particularly grotesque
>is you when you lock up your HRT shriveled penis and smack it around with your BBC dildo

>> No.21955569

Nope. Like I already pointed out, you are currently unable to alter your chromosomes and therefore will remain male for the rest of your life. We’re not even discussing social concepts here. We’re discussing natural facts. What the tranny psyops is trying to do is change what we call things. “Feminine penis” for one, is nonsense.
>platonic. he believes in Plato.
> …which we constructed
Which males and females construct on a daily basis by having sex, which you probably have never done. This is not something we’d normally categorize as “artificial”
> particularly grotesque
is you when you lock up your HRT shriveled penis and smack it around with your BBC dildo

>> No.21955574

I'm a-gender and I don't use horomones, but my partner does. She's also way sexier than you, btw.

>> No.21955581

The non-materialist concepts of the shitlib is not communist. Trannies believe in being born in the wrong bodies, IE they believe they’re spiritually female. They’re crypto-christians. Marxian perhaps, as Sovietism gets kinda culty, but not communist absolutely not materialist

>> No.21955591

Sissy porn mentioned in my /lit/? More likely than you think.
They said that gender and sex is a spook, how could this be compatible with believing in gendered spirits

>> No.21955593

>I’m snowflake #37
I obviously don’t know you. That was intentionally abusive smarm.
One can only wonder what you’re talking about by this “partner”. Probably just as confused about it as you are about yourself.

>> No.21955600

>looking at material things through metaphysics

Oof. Never type again.

>> No.21955613

Pinkpill this motherfucker

>> No.21955614

>They said that gender and sex is a spook
“Gender rolls” are a spook (I read Stirner) but sex is a fact of biology. A materialist, serious materialist, knows this to be solid fact. A tranny who watched contrapoints or whatever is a dumb spiritualist homosexual.

>> No.21955630

>they believe they’re spiritually female.
It's really not clear at all what they believe. It seems to range from "I just want to act how girls act and be treated that way because I'm feminine" to "sex isnt even real, or it's a mutable spectrum so taking hormones makes you into the other sex", to "I have a female brain in a male body", to various other positions.

The ones who decide they're transgender when they're like 12 surely cant have a very coherent model of it at all. The whole thing is pretty strange

>> No.21955631

When you talk about the material world you are literally talking about something you only have access to through thought. I think you've been thoroughly spooked by this notion of nature.

>> No.21955634

But gender is not sex. And also biological taxonomies are social constructs, there are no clear divides in material reality, things just are, a serious materialist has unquestioning acceptance of social constructs if they relate to how we categorize nature?
And where does the spiritualist bit come from?

>> No.21955646

Yeah but thought can accurately and faithfully represent many aspects of the material world. Everyone believes this despite what they might say otherwise, when it comes to life or death scenarios.

>> No.21955648

You have faith in a socially constructed idea, just admit it. You are the real religious one here, I don't believe in anything metaphysical.

>> No.21955651

>And where does the spiritualist bit come from?
The material body, even if you want to have strict taxonomies, is irrelevant. Women have nonmaterial Female essences, that what makes them women

>> No.21955657

It's not socially constructed, it is socially mediated. Your eyes receiving light and your visual cortex interpreting it as features of the physical world is not a social construct

>> No.21955662

The ehole concept of light is absolutely an idea which you and I create, you just let this notion govern how you treat trans people, which is as close to what nietzsche would call a "severe morality" as I could imagine. You are a moral proseletizer about fucking biology, something which gives no edicts.

>> No.21955669

The "I just want to act how girls act and be treated that way because I'm feminine" are just gay men, perhaps crossdressers, and that’s fine, they seem sane enough, I don’t care. But the latter’s denial of physical reality often comes from a spiritual place even if they claim to be atheist. All I meant. And yeah, at 12 they certainly aren’t all together on that and shouldn’t be making life altering mistakes like that.


What you mean by gender these days is gender roles. And you can have it. Live how you want. Taxonomies document reality. Xy chromosomes are not female, penis are not feminine. There are clear divides, the rare biological deformities we do see are not an excuse. They’re not new separate sexes because they don’t serve any purpose and are quite often sterile people. This sterility proves again the CLEAR DIVIDE

>> No.21955675

The concept of light is a mental construct but it refers to something real and objective. That's why we can make accurate predictions with the model

>> No.21955684

You sound like a eugenicist, so concerned with "desirable traits." It's not a good look.

>> No.21955691

>It's not a good look.
But you couldn't define why

>> No.21955697

So sterline people are agender? Then that anon only needs to sterilize themselves to be biologically agender to you.
>There are clear divides if you dismiss all the cases where the divides are not clear
Giant cope

>> No.21955700

I don't believe in correspondence theory, the idea that there is something outside of our perception which we can't talk about, like a thing in itself, assumes something about something we can have 0 knowledge of. That is faith thinking, Hegel was a Christian goon and even he makes a great point like that every once and a while which makes you think maybe he can be salvaged.

>> No.21955704

I posted nothing of the kind. I like intersexuals more than some of these nutty trannys

>> No.21955707


>> No.21955712

Because biology makes no edicts. Read closer what I said. I've also made plenty of arguments in this thread again value thinking.

>> No.21955715
