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21950080 No.21950080 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any adult-oriented book series similar to Percy Jackson? I don't know if I'm just a manchild or what but books used to be so much more fun back in 2nd through 10th grade. I just want to get into a series like i used to.

>> No.21950103

>I don't know if I'm just a manchild or what but books used to be so much more fun back in 2nd through 10th grade
that was a function of the child-brain itself, not the books. we can never go back.

>> No.21950111

The Greeks

>> No.21950125

Start with Mythology by Edith Hamilton then read The Iliad (I like the Pope translation but there are plenty to choose from).

>> No.21950136

Not bragging but in 10th grade I was reading Kafka and Shakespeare

>> No.21950141

The source material for Percy Jackson probably. Read Greek myth. Ovids "Metamorphoses", Homeric Hymns, Greek plays etc.

>> No.21950143


>> No.21950151

I've read the Greek Myths by Robert Graves. Is Mythology similar to that? I've also read the Iliad and just started the Odyssesy.
Non taken. Honestly I'm not really looking for specifically Greek themed books. But I want a series with a protagonist who fights one over arching enemy. The only reason I posted Percy Jackson is because it isn't as annoying as Harry Potter.

>> No.21950153

you people are fucking terrible at this
>how do I find books that make me feel like I did when I was kid
>durrr start with the greeks

>> No.21950159
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Wild Cards was good in terms of an adult series with good guys vs bad guys, factions, people getting more powerful.

>> No.21950163

A lot of them had encounters with eagle feathers as kids. Can't blame them.

Read: Aquarius

>> No.21950250

If you can get into the Iliad and the Odyssey (which are greek myth btw) you can get into the Homeric Hymns, the Metamorphoses and probably greek drama too (though some people don't like the dialogue driven nature of stories in the form of plays). Honestly they are very similar to the things you have already read but without the lame inventory taking and drawn out explanations of outdated hospitality rituals.

>> No.21950257

I loved Greek myth when I was a kid, its what made me want to read OP's pic related in the first place. Im not going to apologize for implying that the source material for an example given is worth pursuing.

>> No.21950298

>>>how do I find books that make me feel like I did when I was kid
>>durrr start with the greeks
You are developmentally retarded. It's not because it's the le Greeks it's because it's 'serious' literature that coincides with OP's interests. Take your weird inferiority complex elsewhere.

>> No.21950771

PJ was a ripoff of Gaiman's American Gods, which shares a mechanic of pagan divinity as belief fueled with Terry Pratchett's Small God's, both of which are grounded in some of the conceptual underpinnings of Gaiman's Sandman. So read those. Don't read anything Neil wrote after 9/11 though, he went wildly onions.

>> No.21951325
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>>what is the adult equivalent of this children's book series concerning Greek mythology
>>Greek mythology

>> No.21951354

Vampires assistant by Darren shan

>> No.21951379

normally I would agree but percy jackson is literally about greek mythology

>> No.21951384

Joe Abercrombie writes really fun books if that's what you mean

>> No.21951573

The Iliad and Odyssey have gods and semigods fighting around. It's literally what you are asking, Percy Jackson but with a adult tone. Read the prose version.

>> No.21951595

Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser
Conan the Barbarian
Elric of Melniboné

>> No.21951836
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I rec Flashman. Its very different from Percy Jackson, but its the only adult series I've found that has that same thrilling addictive effect where I want to read the whole book in one sitting. Also if think about it its a comedic adventure series based on history (actually very accurate and well done history), so in a way it actually shares a great deal with PJ.

Alternatively one of the appeals of Percy Jackson, though I wasn't able to express it as a kid, to me was its celebration of youth combined with a pagan mythos in a modern context. To me American Gods is a waste of time because it lacks the prior. One book that does have both of these though is Bronze Age Mindset which gives a similar sort of comfy feel.

Another option, if you're just looking for the feeling and you don't really care where you get it from, is Japanese manga or anime. There's tons of manga and anime out there that feel very similar to Percy Jackson some stuff I'd reccomend
>Full Metal Panic
>Tate no Yuusha

>> No.21951841

As well of course there is the Greeks.

>> No.21951964

thank you boys. I'll start looking for some of these.

>> No.21952618

American Gods is as soulless as they come. Just a misery simulator.
But i will say OP is better off reading Shonen Jump comics.

>> No.21952631

Not the same theme exactly, but Discworld is "fun, light fantasy". I recommend Small Gods.

>> No.21952659

>Are there any adult-oriented book series similar to Percy Jackson?
Bro just stop with genre fiction and actually start with books people don't consider children-books.
Go read The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan if you still want those children books tho.

>> No.21953355

I highly recommend you the "Masters of Rome" series of historical novels by Coleen McCullough. It's a series of seven or eight books typically 600-800 pages each that consists of a narrative retelling of the history of the Roman Republic from the time of Marius and Sulla to the early reign of Augustine. The books include deep historical indices that allow you to place yourself in the setting and enjoy the narrative while contextualizing it something like the way the historical figures themselves might have. It's a novel series at the end of the day, but it's informative without being dull.

>> No.21954120
