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/lit/ - Literature

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21921346 No.21921346 [Reply] [Original]

Post your book shelf and well guess the kind of person you are.

Virginity status:

>> No.21921353

Race: white + Polynesian tranny
Age: 19
Sexuality: gay for burly hairy men
Virginity status: was gang raped by rabbi bodybuilders

>> No.21921354

>Race: Angloid
>Age: Early 20s
>Sexuality: Closeted bisexual
>Virginity status: Almost lost it one time

>> No.21921366

Post ur bookshelves you fags . Don’t throw insults when I can’t even judge your bookshelf

>> No.21921376
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I imagine you're a university student.

I don't understand the point of the other categories; they seem needlessly mean-spirited, an ouroboros of insecurity.

Pic: one of my shelves.

>> No.21921381
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>> No.21921385
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>> No.21921388

I love the Greek busts, anon. I plan on acquiring some as well, probably Seneca the Younger and Socrates to start.

>> No.21921396

>30 yr old lonely man who probably has something in the works with some divorcee

You are also probably some kind of teacher or freelancer

>insecure white male who’s in his mid 20s

>> No.21921398

>Race: Amerimutt
>Age: 30-35
>Sexuality: Heterosexual with vanilla fetishes
>Virginity status: Has had sex once years ago

>> No.21921411

lol this is actually pretty spot on. I am 30 years old and I just got out of a relationship with a single mom (never again). I wouldn't say I'm lonely though, at least not in a way that connotes depression. I'm excited to find the right woman to go through life with.

I am not a teacher. I recently resigned from my administrative position in U.S. government to pursue a law degree.
I am American and my sex life is fairly vanilla.

I see the relevance of the categories to one's literary tastes, after all.

>> No.21921423
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>> No.21921429
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>> No.21921436
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Sorry it's in total disarray right now

>> No.21921437
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>very low libido due to mental issues
>virginity status i feel is self-explanatory

>> No.21921441

I feel like the Joyce and the big booba action figure actually are thematically aligned. Have you read his letters to his lover?

>> No.21921443

Thanks, they were a gift from my family.

>> No.21921450

No just the funny excerpts posted here.

>> No.21921454
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>military autist whos in his teens or a neck beard shut in whos 45

>> No.21921458

>Race: white
>Age: 20s
>Sexuality: straight
>Virginity status: ?

>> No.21921462

You'd probably get a kick out of it. Anyway, it's hard to peg tastes nowadays since dissemination of influence & information is globalized at light speed.

I will guess you are around 25 and enjoy anime/manga more than Western literature/art.

>> No.21921463

>Race: Angloid
>Age: mid 20s
>Sexuality: Heterosexual with degenerate fetishes
>Virginity status: Lost it years ago to a girl he's still in love with

>> No.21921466

Race: Hermaphroditic spawn of Satan
Age: -20
Sexuality: homosexual
Virginity Status: was anally raped by nignogs wearing clown suits

>> No.21921477

>Race: Canadian
>Age: Late 20s
>Sexuality: Tranny in the early stages
>Virginity status: Lost it but now only cares about anal penetration

>> No.21921488

yes, non-virgin

ill give them a read. i am late 20s but probably enjoy them about equally

basically except im not in love with her anymore it was a decade ago

wtf man

>> No.21921506

Race: pygmy
Age: 14
Sexuality: likes obese women in polyandrous relationship
Virginity status: has engaged in orgy with obese polyandrous qveen with pygmy kind

>> No.21921510

Looks like youve never read any of those books, according to the spines. And dont try to convince me you just take good care of them, Some of those copies are impossible to read without signs of wear
another poser midwit, hasnt actually read any of them
Dick status?

>> No.21921520

>muh spines are not le destroyed, you didn't read the book!

>> No.21921575

Also didnt post in pics The Cigar Connoisseur, The Bible, and The Super Gospel.

>> No.21921584
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You're all philistines

>> No.21921597

>Race: Amerimutt
>Age: Early 20s
>Sexuality: Bisexual
>Virginity status: Still a virgin

>> No.21921602

based Suetonius and Livy

>> No.21921678
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>> No.21921687

Where did you get that portrait of Stalin?

>> No.21921692

>Race: Bulgarian
>Age: Late 20s
>Sexuality: Hypersexual straight man
>Virginity status: Not a virgin anymore

>> No.21921693

Does not work with 1000 page penguin books you retard.

>> No.21921699

lit influenced teenager
sexually confused
smelled his aunt's panties once
see my notes here: https://vocaroo.com/1o8D0YrZmNEk

>> No.21921707

it seems that a lot of you have books that just serve your vanity. i really doubt that you're buying all of these expensive, fancy-shmancy hardcover books because you want to read them.

>> No.21921708

there's one (1) book like that in OP's image

>> No.21921715

Hahah dis nigga bought a book by a man named Alexander DUMASS I bet he a dumbass too

>> No.21921722
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Had to organize this in a hurry. I have much more in kindle, about 2,100 books

Race: White
Age: 40
Sexuality: Straight
Virginity Status: Taken

>> No.21921731

You were supposed to guess those categories for others, congratulations, you failed the thread.

>> No.21921734
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HAHAHAHHAHAHA look at this guy

>> No.21921735

Shit DaQuan you really got him there

>> No.21921736

Tranny+likes the BBC
Megatranny. Actually underwent bottom surgery
Regular heterosexual male.
Tranny who posts on trooncord 24/7.
Tranny who's been blacked by everybody in town

>> No.21921741


>> No.21921746

>Regular heterosexual male.

>> No.21921759
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interested in the responses.

>> No.21921761
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>> No.21921764

>Race: Amerimutt
>Age: Mid 20s
>Sexuality: Bisexual woman
>Virginity status: Taken by a bully

>> No.21921770

age range is likely 16-22
persian male living in the family home

>> No.21921790

Lol I’m a fucking old man

>> No.21921794

wow thanks, an honor

>> No.21921796

Sorry, fuck off

That’s why I despise the majority of you guys and just come here to troll people. You guys should lay off the pessimism and try lightening up

>> No.21921804

its a joke. you need to lighten up anon.

>> No.21921815

No. You guys read Cioran so gotta be le ebin serious on here or I might get buckbroken by Cletus

>> No.21921820

Stop posting your sex fantasies, Jamal.

>> No.21921850
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Really interested desu

>> No.21921866

>mid 30s
>serious alcoholic with burgeoning schizophrenia

>> No.21921873

>The BIG Jewish Book For JEWS!

>> No.21921875

Race: la luz extinguido
Age: 28~35
Sexuality: 2D
Virginity status: Forever and ever

>> No.21921885

is folio society a good brand? why buy from them instead of something that's 99 cents at a used bookstore for the same text

>> No.21921902

The book teaches you how to make money like a Jew and also to understand the enemy also the Jew

>> No.21921905

What do you think about that Butler's translation on that Homer? Been thinking about getting it even if it is prose over verse, more interested in the story as background for other western literature.

>> No.21921963

>Race: Yugoslav
>Age: 74
>Sexuality: Straight
>Virginity Status: Lost to a Slovenian supermodel.

>> No.21922001 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21922067

Started reading last year
Embarrassed about Game of Thrones books.
Saw two philosopher heads during an inspired moment in a goodwill and thought of the intellectual points he'd win.
idk what's going on here. The King Henry sippy cup looks kind of cool.
>Dictionary in 2023 Anno Domini
Impressive, very nice. Best in thread........ so far.
I did not look at books.
Draft dodger. Will be on Bakhmut frontlines by end of month (either Globohomo Task Force 69 or Russia Cannon fodder Battalion 420 w/e).
Spent so much time on Pathology book, neglected everything else.
Chaotic bookshelf = chaotic personality. I don't even want to know what your room looks like.
Is that an abridged bible?

>> No.21922076

>Dictionary in 2023 Anno Domini

>> No.21922090

Those are American revolutionary war soldier book ends.

>> No.21922171

Do your dishes.

>> No.21922218
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I apologize for having to splice each shelf together. But it was the only way I could keep the book spines mostly legible.

>> No.21922269
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Just the books in my bedroom.

>> No.21922274

blessed post

>> No.21922330

Why don't you uh, just take a seat right over there

>> No.21922333
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>> No.21922361
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>> No.21922363

best yet

>> No.21922376

needs more lenin and parenti

>> No.21922384
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Ive commented before that I like this fellas books, but not necessarily the folio bits, keep up the good work

A few more serious books would help

I like those Everyman's...love my Antonia

Are you kidding? I have the most scholarly collection of anyone here. Every one of these monographs is signed by a colleague who wrote it, so fuck yourself.

>> No.21922389

fellow aussie detected
the orange penguins are pretty shit quality but i guess you get what you pay for. also points for william blum

>> No.21922394
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>> No.21922396

Yeah, I got it for like 2 dollars at a book sale so I'd say it was worth it. I haven't read Killing Hope yet but I plan to pretty soon, I also have Rogue State in the male since I got an insanely good deal for it.

>> No.21922398

troon post

>> No.21922409
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Anyone else here have nonesuch books?

>> No.21922585
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The nonesuch Dryden, quixote, and a few gems next to them. I like the Yale series on western thought

>> No.21922822
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Check 'em.

Also, not bad, OP.

>> No.21922846

Your shelf and stack both look deranged but I'm envious of those David Tibet books. Very nice

>> No.21922875
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Goddamn I love books

>> No.21922904
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>American Psycho next to Art of the Deal

>> No.21922912

Know for a fact that the OP is an indian coz that FP edition of Odyssey is by an indian publisher kek

>> No.21923049
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I am getting a small oak bookshelf next weekend for my birthday. I was wondering what else I could decorate it with, /lit/? I already have this Napoleon head bust to go on top. All my books are currently stored in my desk and bedside cabinet.

>> No.21923076
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based ancient home consumer
you could try smaller busts, or things like bookstoppers, small globes or even hanging painting prints around the area of bookshelf to complement it

>> No.21923079

lonesome dove is kino

>> No.21923082

Just googled it and it really sounds kino, maybe comfy even. Too bad I'm ESL and couldn't read a book in English to save my life.

>> No.21923088

start with the easy ones

>> No.21923095

it's both for sure. Really gives you the feeling of the expansive nature of the ol' wide open range" of the early American west. Try the audiobook. I've listened to it and it's good.

>> No.21923123 [DELETED] 

I've read Catcher in the Rye and got through it without problems, but besides that I think it was all nonfiction I think, which is way easier.

I might do this. I have a lot of free time when commuting but usually just end up listening to music.

>> No.21923128

I've read Catcher in the Rye and got through it without problems, but besides that it was all nonfiction I think, which is way easier.

I might do this. I have a lot of free time when commuting but usually just end up listening to music.

>> No.21923350

>Putin (Cyrillic)

>> No.21923383
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>> No.21923385

18, browses reddit, smokes marijuana, virgin

>> No.21923454
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I miss having these books close by

>> No.21923467
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It's now all military history books because I'm running out of space and had to place most books somewhere else

>> No.21923477

Who's that little green fella on top of your shelf?

>> No.21923512

Can you please tell me the name of that 7 green books set, behind the figure of that ninja turtle?

>> No.21923702

Why’s that? Anons collection is pretty neat

>> No.21923796

checked. blessed post anon.

>> No.21923880

Of course. It's Plato's complete Dialogues

>> No.21924396
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Picked these up today, gibbons decline and fall, 12 volumes, leatherbound1806 I believe.
Not in the best condition, but not too bad either

>> No.21924832
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heres two.

>> No.21924987
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>based ancient home consumer
Yeah, I just found out about them a few months ago. People seem to rate Ancient Homes very highly. I was thinking about possibly getting some Willow Tree figurines like pic related as well.

>> No.21925188

I’d rate them highly as well, but have found some better statues/busts sometimes at better prices on things like Etsy, though for what they do they’re great
I think pic related would be super befitting as well, you should go for it, it seems very subdued and less can for sure be more which I’ve learned the hard way

>> No.21925196

That’s a great find, gibbons decline and fall is slow and at times dreary imo but all around superb

>> No.21925477
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>> No.21925530
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>> No.21925588
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This is the best pic I have of my shelf but it’s mainly a picture of my cat so have a go. It’s 1/2 of my 1/2 shelves

>> No.21925612

>the buttplug

>> No.21925655
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Sorry, I don't have a proper shelf to fit everything neatly. Also, I am not much of a reader, as you can probably tell.


>> No.21925675

I want the Cossacks and Other Stories
Is that the annotated Lolita?
How is it?

>> No.21925678

18 year olds don't have bookshelves like that

>> No.21925685

The handmafe kaleidoscope?

>> No.21925686

Seeing the hobit and lotr in different places hurts

Put them next to each other.. please

>> No.21925771

You will always be a woman.

>> No.21925829
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A zombie bottle-opener; a gift from a friend from years ago.

>> No.21925836
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Open to all suggestions. Note: books are doubled up behind and I have all of them + hundreds more on kindle anyway, which I read more often.

>> No.21926808
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I've too many stacks for shelves

>> No.21926984
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>> No.21927001

Don Quixote
2023 World Almanac
National Geographic Desk Reference
Holy Bible, KJV
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Rat shaped book holder / bookend
Tin with my cash money tips in it
Websters Merriam Dictionary
Buzzcut trimmer
Laptop bag for storage( when i need a clear desk top)
Paradise Lost
3 Notebooks I fldrew with maps and bible verses in them
DK atlas of world
A Tale of Two Cities
A book of Old English poetry and riddles

Prefers mtf trannies and grannies

>> No.21927653

"I'll have 2 meters of red books, please?"
"Would you care for some green books, sir?"
"Why not, give me one meter!"

>> No.21927657

Ever came in it's mouth?

>> No.21927996
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Not quite a meter!

>> No.21928011
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The green books could be a meter if properly arranged

>> No.21928840

Why would that thought even cross your mind, anon?

>> No.21929243

I liked the cossacks, we need more short fiction

>> No.21929261


>> No.21929277

Answer the question

>> No.21929469
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>> No.21929473
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>> No.21929486
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>dedicated Giger section
>he doesn't have Necronomicon I and II, and Biomechanics (they are the largest books I own in terms of front cover surface area), an attribute for which they compensate in their literal (and thematic, if one wants to be uncharitable to the popular edgy artist) lack of depth

Some anon has some Kubin books (a directly related artist), I think he posted something else recently. But you appear to be distinct from that one. In order for me to make an annotation in a book (much more an art book), it has to be a truly special and correct observation. When I compared Giger's "Self-Portrait" with Kubin's early self-portrait, I saw at once that the young Giger had cribbed Kubin's entire composition in a youthful experiment, simply permuting elements. As I wrote in an earlier post:

"-In a claustrophobic, medium frame, a "boxy" severed head is at left, and its headless owner stands upright at right.
-Kubin's small black upright, representing blood gushing from the body's neck, becomes a small vertical bar on Giger's window.
-Giger's decision to include an axe with a curved blade may have been influenced by the curved shoe worn by Kubin's headless man."

This prompted me to write, in excited capitals on page 27 of my own copy of "www HR Giger com", where Giger's self-portrait is reproduced: "ALSO: KUBIN, SELBSBETRACHTUNG!!" Giger's youthful compostion also reminds one of Durer's Jerome in his Study: black and white, a skull (another severed head) and domed elements at left, a few props and bric-a-brac.

Nor would this be the first time that Giger had cribbed predecessors. In Alien, it is known that the exterior of the alien spacecraft ultimately derives from Böcklin's Isle of the Dead (Hitler loved this painting), while the initial chestburster concept was a re-hash of the ugly chicken figures at the base of Bacon's Crucifixion.

>> No.21929488
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>> No.21929496
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Why not just put them all neatly in a single spot? (Yes, I have subsequently got Fall into Time and the two major English secondary works).

>> No.21929509
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>he doesn't have Necronomicon I and II, and Biomechanics
But I do have them, anon. I also have several Kubin books.
Thank you for noticing!
I personally I'm a big fan of pages 102 to 113 in www HR Giger com where he presents his collected paintings and there are things like Poumeyrol, Dado and Fuchs in it.

>> No.21929527



>> No.21929548
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They usually live on my oversize books shelf space (shared mainly with Arno Schmidt's typoscripts) though which is why they can't be with their friends on the edgy shelf.

>> No.21929622

I think I know you IRL.

>> No.21929658

Really? Give me a hint.

>> No.21929691


>> No.21929730
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>> No.21929743

The Bronte comes with 'The Professor.' Nice

>> No.21929749
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>> No.21929805

I will deny it if you ask me.

>> No.21929942

what are those books on the top right?

>> No.21929949

That's the critical edition of Karl May. I kinda regret getting all of these (I have 59 volumes of it, after all) because the literary quality is unimaginably low but I also find them kinda neat regardless.

>> No.21930144
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Lifes good hobbesbros, been eatin well

>> No.21930153

>almost exclusively hardbacks

>> No.21930162

>latro in the mist
based. have you read soldier of sidon yet?

>> No.21930181
File: 2.97 MB, 3024x3149, 66463077-716A-4A83-8010-B092A7AB7763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1/2 - Spiritual material

>> No.21930182
File: 3.82 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20230418_214437377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're that guy who's always posting his elephant hide LoTR editions.

>> No.21930194
File: 3.87 MB, 2606x3874, 9956469E-7334-4CCD-89ED-7BE96EF68C33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2/2 - Other reading
>2 weeks from 30
>Married for 5 years, 10 year relationship total, 8 month-old baby has made me feel like a virgin again with how tough it is to have sex anymore

>> No.21930199

Nope haven't read that book yet actually, just got it in a couple weeks ago. Loved Book of the New Sun and haven't read anything else by him, its next on my list.

Nope thats not me, that lotr I have sucks, wouldn't recommend

>> No.21930204

I may not know much, but I know Moby Dick is not that big.

>> No.21930213

It's the old people with shit eyesight version. It's like 8 words a page.

>> No.21930217

The Magic Mountain. Very nice.

>> No.21930225

This shelf is ass and still full of itself.

>> No.21930227
File: 2.63 MB, 3024x3293, M6xWh7x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just my library while living in temporary exile, my library back home is bigger

I love those old orange penguins, but I imagine all the pages are just falling off by now

if only Everyman's Library didn't pick P&V translations for Dostoevsky...

Folger is based, but that Homer tome is worthy of scorn

>> No.21930235

Catholic bro meets Barnes and Noble. Did you know St. Thomas More's name is on a Communist monument in Red Square?

The proto-Communist.

>> No.21930375

Tell me about, I've always preferred constance garnet. I didn't care for the house of the dead Everyman translation. It has more mechanical language and the hallmarks of an insignificant pedant.

>> No.21930379

This is one of the best shelves I've seen here, gives me hope and a drive towards improving mine own shelf, vielen danke

>> No.21930390

Bookshelf: Don't got none.
>Virginity Status:
None of your business, glownigger.

>> No.21930398

Post yours

>> No.21930490

I did, I have the Theodore Fontane 10 volume set

>> No.21930507

Oh noes, not the Fontane. Did you finish the Wanderungen?

>> No.21930576
File: 96 KB, 189x189, implying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Pill Book
Ten To Zen
Can't Read it / Ben Hur
The Golden Chain of Homer
incredible shelf. I am jelly.
I'm skipping this one because of the figurines.
The Crusades
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Can't read that shit.
A Portrait Of The Artist As a Young Man
Donnie Brasco book.
really cool shelf
The King's Two Bodies
Synopsis of the Four Gospels
Plato Complete Works
Can't read that.
Martin Chuzzlewit
Reflections on the Revolution in France
>The Implied Reader
The Art of Computer Programming vols 1 and 2.
Douay Version
THe Book of Common Prayer
The Possessed
Nice cat
The Annals
Great Expectations
Ben Franklin
Paradise Lost
All Gall Is Divided
Walton Ford erect monkey penis book
Tao Te Ching translation?
The Oxford Handbook of The Bronze Age Pervert

>> No.21930627

Some of the penguins are in surprisingly good condition, but you're right about many of them falling apart. All still very much readable, though.

>> No.21930746

Most apt response in thread

>> No.21931283

>A Portrait Of The Artist As a Young Man
>Donnie Brasco book.
What's wrong with that?

>> No.21932084

What do you mean by this, unironically?

>> No.21933292

Does anyone have signed books?

>> No.21933361

Several. Some small works that are passion projects. Dubliners (signed by the editor of the annotated edition). A handful of signed Walter Moers books as well which are rare because he's basically Germany's Pynchon.

>> No.21933505

where are all your dust jackets? what have you done to them?

>> No.21933609

He has to use them to support his sagging shelves

>> No.21933931

Should The Great Gatsby be easy enough?

>> No.21933946

ESL here. I tried The Great Gatsby as my third English book or so and it was impossible. I had to read some more Murakamis and Pratchetts and Dahls and then I was ready for Gatsby, McCarthy, Nabokov, and Joyce.

>> No.21933971

This is looking like b8, but anyway why would you ever read Murakami in English if you're ESL?

>> No.21933977

I read Murakami in English because I had already read him in my first language. It made it easier to get used to English books.

>> No.21934807
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>> No.21934810

really like that stalin painting. Would like something similar for my own study. Shame about the tranny weebtoys - you were so close.

>> No.21936098

some good ones in der

>> No.21937185

Which Mein Kampf is the best?

>> No.21937238
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who am i

>> No.21937304

probably underage is what you are

>> No.21937315
File: 2.24 MB, 2310x3080, got two books from 1811 today.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21937327

30+ white dude tries to act more cultured than he really is by buying modern leather bound editions of books

possibly repressed homosexual who has had sex with one or two ladies

>> No.21937494

Manheim's is somber, sentimental, maudlin. James Murphy's is austere, confrontational, bold, and being commissioned by the NSDAP, it's likely closest in tone to what Hitler had in mind. Ford's is journalistic, conversational, novelistic. All are quite different, likely owing to the translator's personal biases and interpretations, which makes them all worth reading.

>> No.21937524
File: 3.95 MB, 1700x1275, Screenshot 2023-04-20 2309391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still have a book or two I want to be Rid of but I am mostly happy with the progress

>> No.21937529

American White
Have had sex with a few partners

>> No.21937549

What about the Stalag edition?

>> No.21937550

That is mostly true.

what makes you think that?

>> No.21937584

Haven't read that one. Read the Manheim version first and then looked into others. There are so many translations it's hard to distinguish what you're looking for. It would be best to learn German and read the original. Looks like the Stalag edition may be superior though.
I've been there bro.

>> No.21937897

White dude in his early 20s with no defined taste, mostly taking whatever this board shitposts about as recommendations. Leaning towards hetero and if you lost your virginity, it was probably by accident.

>> No.21937923

This is mostly wrong.

Though I do take recommendations from this board. I have little serious literary recommendations from the people in my life. I want to understand specific things that interest me and I really have no interest in following specific ideas like "start with the Greeks" regardless of the fact that it sounds like good advice.
Maybe that makes me a fool. Its all I've got.

>> No.21938047
File: 1.87 MB, 3060x3482, 20230420_121456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relativly new to reading.

>> No.21938072
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>> No.21938075

Nice. I hope you keep at it.

>> No.21938322

I'll throw a couple recommendations your way. There's a series of history books called the Modern Library Chronicle series. They are relatively short, like 200 pages, and they give concise explanations of major historical events and periods. "Inventing Japan," by Ian Buruma is especially interesting and entertaining. They are a good way to get a quick and easy familiarization with history, and they're enjoyable to read.
Another good series in the same vein is Penguin Lives, which are biographies that are similar in style to the Chronicles. They are fairly short, yet very well written and detailed. A couple good ones from that series is the book on Mao, and Robert E. Lee.
Get rid of the Jordan Peterson, the Laws of Power and probably Bronze Age guy. That stuff will just turn you into a neurotic psychopath, spending every moment of your day wondering if you're doing something wrong, while judging everyone else for not living up to Jordan Peterson's standards. They're all just pseudo-Nietzscheans anyway, BAP even says so. If you read Nietzsche, don't bother trying to talk to anybody about it. Read him for the pleasure of it. Marcus Aurelius is alright, and Seneca's "On the Shortness of Life," is very good. Aristotle is a headache, don't bother. Read Plato's shorter books like Symposium, Gorgias and Theaetetus to see if you like the style. Read Confucius' "Analects," the "Tao Te Ching," and the "Dhammapada." That should be a good start.

>> No.21938356

Thanks :)

>> No.21938366
File: 563 KB, 564x762, 2023-04-21_14-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my racism, sexism, homophobia, antisemitism cabinet collection

>> No.21938372

I only recently acquired the laws of power and will read it as a tactical understanding of possible future endeavors. ( I am a business major)
Jordans stuff I am not so interested in, it is something that just happened my way.
As for BAP, that is straight up garbage. I read likely 30 or so pages in before it dawned upon me that his entire point was to mock those who take him seriously.
As a side point, I think what you have put forward here is almost unbelievably considered for this board and I will take it seriously. I don't think I will get rid of the books, just due to the fact that I think they are important markers on my mental progress, if statements of infamy if nothing else, but I think you may be right about them. I haven't finished the laws of power yet and I still hold out hope for the contents therein.
Overall, I want to say thank you for such a well developed and genuine comment on what I have been considering.

>> No.21938415

>Business Major
As sad as it is, it's probably a good idea to hold on to that book because some of these guys out here swear by it, live their lives by it, and you gotta know what you're dealing with, absolutely. I say what, not who, because these guys are products, not people. Guys who love "The Wolf of Wall Street." Psychopaths. Twitter users. Read up on it.

>> No.21938454
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>> No.21938471
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pls be kind. I'm a simple man with simple tastes who has most of the same books he had when he was 12.
Also the bookshelf is being shared with my gf hence all the John Green

>> No.21938474
File: 305 KB, 2048x1217, bookshelf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my horror section. I've kept all my Goosebumps and almost have a complete Horrorland collection.

>> No.21938475
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>> No.21938479

I can smell the imposter snydrom

>> No.21938484
File: 251 KB, 2048x1113, bookshelf4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my most proud shelves. I'm a huge Peanuts fan and I have all 50 years of Peanuts along with a cool Valentines card my gf got me, some Peanuts playing cards, A Charlie Brown Christmas Jim Shore statue, some Peanuts pins and some Peanuts Pop Vinyls that I should really chuck out but I got the whole set for like $10 so I don't want to.

>> No.21938502
File: 100 KB, 1000x750, skala_eresou_beach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spent a week in Skala Eresou in '09. Heaven on Earth.

>> No.21938509
File: 1.11 MB, 1600x1600, bookshelf9-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's the last 3 shelves all put into 1 so I don't need to spam the thread anymore

>> No.21938516

If you can afford it you should buy the complete edition of Plato; reading the Republic alone without the context of his other works isn't usually to be recommended.

Have you read The Brothers Karamazov, yet? He's my favourite author and all his works are marvelous, but I especially recommend Demons, my favourite novel, and Notes from the Underground, which is short enough that one can happily read it without too great a time commitment.

>> No.21938520

White American
Married with children

>> No.21938535 [DELETED] 

The RE: Trailer Trash book is mine, the other books are all written by my friends. I have so many author friends atm that I don't really regard books that aren't written by my bros at all anymore.

Hetero dude
Lost at 23, two seven-year long relationships with gfs that didn't work out, a few flings. Currently single and living writer hermit life, never been happier.

>> No.21938537
File: 1.89 MB, 3264x1836, 20230419_145836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ffffff it ate the image when the captcha reloaded or smth

>> No.21938542

And then it quoted the wrong post fml

>> No.21938598

blurry pic can’t even see what half of titles are.

>> No.21938602

the only bust any man should have is Christ.

>> No.21938607

Freshman Math major

>> No.21938962

What an odd thing to say. You're implying positive things and I don't believe that you mean to.

>> No.21939169
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>> No.21939179

Half way through with karamazov. Yeah didnt started republic yet, but I wanted small books so i can easily carry them around, because I mainly read outside in parks or in cafes. So I went with the 5 dialogues and the republic first. Dialogues I am almost through.

>> No.21939567

Not him but I'm that, slightly older, and much larger shelved

>> No.21939575
File: 2.47 MB, 4080x3072, IMG_20230421_141710510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have dozens of field guides

>> No.21939593

Hard mode: post books that have actually been read.

>> No.21939809

i find most of my books in the dumpster :D

>> No.21939838
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>> No.21940135


>> No.21940419
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>> No.21940502


>> No.21940575

/pol/ but he actually did his homework

>> No.21940587

uncracked spines so I guess he didn't

>> No.21940596

He skipped some important ones, but I guess he picked up some memes.
I don't understand. Are you incapable of reading without fucking your books up?

>> No.21940598

The Jewish Study Bible!
I only have a pdf that I read a lot, I assume the quality of the hardback is garbage that's not even sewn?

>> No.21940601

I like a man with a big shelf

>> No.21940659

those long penguins don't get read without a little ware

>> No.21940704
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>> No.21940709
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>> No.21941393

Pretty much! It's the standard Oxford published study bible. Very very thin pages. Pages from my copy is already coming out. But I prefer printed material over pdf. The content is quite good.

>> No.21941895

ugly hardbacks

>> No.21942056

Well in your case I think feeling like an imposter is justified. Your library looks like the who is who of /pol/ literature but there's actually no depth. It's like you asked leftists what books are taboo and then bought them all to own the left. It's all very superficial. Why not own Machiavellis entire works, why not own Kevin McDonald's other works? You only possess their most famous titles you saw in threads and that makes me think you're a shallow person and an imposter

>> No.21942089
File: 3.69 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20211202_113444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21942094

>ex army
>deals with crippling chronic pain in his knees and spine

>> No.21942122
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>> No.21942474




Either say European, Caucasian or, best of all, specifically which nation and bloodline you descend from.

Fucking mongrels.

>> No.21942617

>imposter is justified
You're basing this on this guy's possible worldview. You wanna talk about "shallow"? Damn, man. You deserve the shitty life you definitely have, even if you are right.
And I'm not him.
>why not own Kevin McDonald's other works?
It's funny you mention that because I implied this here: >>21940596
Good luck.

>> No.21942620

What people call ""hite" isn't Caucasian. That is a very specific area and few people are that. I do not know why this meme started.
>specifically which nation and bloodline you descend from.
This is way better. But I agree with "european" as well.

>> No.21942822

Keep reading those Imperium Press book and keep watching Red Ice TV, one day whites will wake up and will follow you guys

>> No.21942841

But I don't watch Red Ice TV. I'm above politics. I just enjoy learning about political theories. I'm particularly fond of 3p, but I would also read any recommended left-wing anti-liberal literature.

>> No.21943122

Thanks for confirming every single thing I assumed about you

>> No.21943161

It's a kids baseball trophy turned sideways kek

>> No.21943360

If you're really worried about continued existance: Just do what I do: Constantly self-improve, get a wife, have as many kids as possible, home school them, and connect with like-minded individuals. Realize that everything else is pointless in a culture war and just be ready to take action when you have to. There is nothing wrong with being a militant traditionalist that doesn't bother with modern politics.

>> No.21943410

Only good shelves thus far.

>> No.21943421

Incorrect since you didn't quote mine

>> No.21943507
File: 2.22 MB, 3022x2696, 6D60957A-E29F-4B0D-A44E-D971E29EA944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21944917

unread larp stack assembled exclusively for brownie points in /lit/'s hourly [tranny/jew/commie] seethe threads

>> No.21946246

Military history, fascinating

>> No.21946421

Low IQ trash. Go jump off a cliff.

>> No.21946425
File: 3.01 MB, 4032x3024, 8AE4474C-64EE-431E-A8F9-ACA18C24A162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21946741

>het male

>> No.21946967

listens to Jocko Willnick podcast
Involved in MKP
Trying to get back in touch with god

>> No.21946985
File: 2.77 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20230423_111539685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls don't bully me too much 1/4

>> No.21946994
File: 2.32 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20230423_111556102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2/4 living room bookshelf btw

>> No.21947001
File: 2.87 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20230423_111609574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bedroom bookshelf.
Used to have enough books to fill all my bookshelves but I sold/gave away half of my books since I was moving around a lot.

>> No.21947006
File: 2.89 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20230423_111700851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the books I have on my headboard for current reading. Currently reading Roadside Picnic and Blood Meridian (not pictured)

>> No.21947009

Please post your Warhammers.

>> No.21947021
File: 602 KB, 3120x4160, pain boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a painboy I painted up before I based him

>> No.21948447

is that the new reprint of v and col49? how are they?

>> No.21948902
File: 3.34 MB, 4080x3060, 20230423_220317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't get a better angle

>> No.21948939
File: 2.24 MB, 1366x1021, 2023-04-23-200652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok folks, I have for a couple years now been trying to get the complete works of Seneca from U of Chicago press in their original cloth bindings. A couple were easy to find, a couple took much longer, but I now have 6/7. The one I'm missing is Hardship & Happiness. I've scoured the internet and continue to look for it every couple months in case it pops up on abebooks or somewhere else, but I have yet to find it. Part of the problem is that UChi press start making these abysmally shitty hardcovers after the first edition, but they re-used the same ISBN as used for the first printing, so the only way I would be able to distinguish the shitty one from a good one is if the seller has a picture or includes extra information in the description. I've contacted sellers dozens of times asking whether it's the cloth or the cheap version, but every single time, they say they're just shipping from another location and they don't have access to the book to check.

here's the book -- https://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/chicago/H/bo5759240.html
isbn -- 9780226748320

Does anyone here have it? Or any idea where I could look? Are there services that can help people track down rare books? At this point I'd be willing to pay hundreds of dollars for a copy in decent or better condition. There is someone somewhere with a copy of it who would be happy to sell it for the price I'm willing to offer. I just don't know who that person is or where to find them.

>> No.21948958

ah forgot to answer the questions
race: white
age: 30
sexuality: het
virginity status: not

>> No.21948964

God, I wish there was a service for tracking down books. I've spent so many hours searching for stuff and sometimes it takes years until something pops up. It's very tiresome.

>> No.21948985

Good collection.

>> No.21948989
File: 2.90 MB, 4080x3072, IMG_20230423_202813112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I just picked up the hardy collection from folio and a signed copy of Margaret thatcher

>> No.21949006

I was looking at getting that folio hardy collection, but I hate when I can't get all or most-all of the books from an author in the same edition. It's stopped me from buying a lot of books from folio. I mostly only use them for books where they have the only ones I'd ever conceivably want from the author -- eg I've got Doctor Zhivago from them, partially because they had an exclusive translation done for them and partially because I have no interest in anything else from Pasternak -- although maybe that'll change when I finally get around to reading it.
but those look great though. You've got a great collection

>> No.21949049

Personally, I started finding it very pleasing to have full collections of authors in first editions, especially if they changed publishers a couple of times.

>> No.21949077

there might be good news. I thought earlier today to email the four people who contributed translations to the book to see if they might have an extra copy I could buy off them. I'd already emailed the editor of the series a year or so ago and she looked around her office and asked colleagues but couldn't find one. I looked them up, turns out one of them is dead sadly, but I emailed the other three.
One of them replied saying he didn't have a copy but he had found a used site a listing described as clothbound with sewn binding and dust jacket, and I decided to order that and return if it isn't correct (I think it's most likely a seller who just copied/pasted info based on the ISBN, which as I mentioned is shared with the shoddy later printings, but it's worth a shot).
But another replied just a couple minutes ago saying he thinks he might have a copy lying around and said he'd check his office tomorrow. If that turned out, I'd be ecstatic. like losing my virginity ecstatic. It's crazy how long I've been looking for this thing.
interesting, what authors do you have some/all of their first editions?

>> No.21949125

>what authors do you have some/all of their first editions?
Nothing too fancy, of course:
Walter Moers
Jurij Brezan
Akif Pirincci
and I'm close getting the full first editions of Arno Schmidt

>> No.21949386

>no Schopenhauer On Women

>> No.21949620

It's a shorter work generally added in the notes, it appears in a few of my collected volumes

I can certainly appreciate the feeling about uniformity. The problem is that some books aren't particularly popular and there's not much of a drive to produce Daniel Deronda, or the princess of Cleve's. So you've gotta do what you can. I did manage to get half of Trollopes collection from folio, but it will be years before I finish that beast.

>> No.21949702
File: 2.58 MB, 4608x2184, 20230423_235414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21949709

This is awesome

>> No.21949910

Is Man and His Symbols a good read?
I really like Jung as of late

>> No.21950737 [DELETED] 


>> No.21951731

yeh definitely, my desire for uniformity is basically impossible to achieve for any author with more than 5 books. Sometimes even with 5 books it's not achievable -- eg Everyman's Library has Dubliners, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, and Ulysses, but not Finnegan's Wake. Not that I'd ever be able to read Finnegan's Wake anyway haha
looks like I'm getting the book. One of the translators has an extra copy and is sending it to me. I can't believe it's actually happening. Holy shit. I'd resigned myself to likely never getting this last volume, but it's actually happening. Words are insufficient here. It's like how Christmas felt when I was a little kid. Will post pics in the next shelf thread after it arrives.

>> No.21951787
File: 2.25 MB, 1857x1234, buks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give it to me straight, doc

>> No.21951789

based consoooomer

>> No.21951943
File: 2.23 MB, 2992x2992, 20230424_163751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It ain't much because I go to the library quite a bit, but here goes:

>> No.21952169

Race: pasty
Age: 34
Sexuality: straight (but sometimes scared you might not be)
Virginity status: not virgin but self-conscious in bed to the point of feeling like sex is a chore (would rather spend time reading Sanderson)

>> No.21952195

>atomic Habits
My Nigga.

>> No.21952679
File: 3.69 MB, 4032x3024, AD2CE3CF-3D75-41BF-8F14-9F33C5295DB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21952699

You have Xenophon Anabasis but not Hellenica? No Herodotus but Thucydides?
Funny thing is i also like some of 40k books.

>> No.21952783

is that landmark series in hardback?

>> No.21952820

thank you, I haven't read it yet, but I bought it after a friend explained the "method" to me and I've found it helpful so far. I assume that reading the full book will help more, though

>> No.21952825

where did you cop this shelf on the left famfrfr on god?

>> No.21952836

my zoomerese is a bit rusty, what are you asking?

>> No.21952844

Shiiiii, I'm 30 bruh, but good super close

>> No.21952849

where did you buy this book shelf on the left?
-steve and rhoda ginsberg

Sent from my iPad

>> No.21952856

mid 30s

based urantia enjoyer

>> No.21952875

the "famfrfr on god?" is the part I was confused by lmao
I know "senpai" and "fr" is "for real"? but what's the thing about god?
anyway it's a westelm shelf, unfortunately expensive for the quality of construction, but they look nice. the one in the right is the same, just a wider version.
narrow version
wide version

>> No.21952889

thanks babe

>> No.21952909
File: 1.48 MB, 965x1391, 143920193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21953127

wtf I didnt even know they made that. Was the hardcover a limited print run or something? those things are like $200+

>> No.21953135
File: 3.06 MB, 3072x4080, PXL_20230422_072159744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21953138

How is that Oxford Shakespeare? I've been thinking about getting a complete works but I can't decide if I should go Pelican, RSC, Oxford, Norton or Arden

>> No.21953521 [DELETED] 

Herodotus got lost in the mail and I'm still angry about it so I haven't ordered a replacement

>> No.21953531

Herodotus got lost in the mail and I'm still angry about it so I haven't ordered a replacement

>> No.21953666

I like the plushies.

>> No.21953694

where'd you get that version of the manifesto?

>> No.21954033

Yes it is. You might want to get Oxford, the quality is quite good, although I haven’t touched the book in several years.

>> No.21954726

the hardcovers of all of them only got a single printing, I think, so if you didn't order them shortly after release, they got pretty expensive secondhand. the herodotus I think I ended up paying about $100 for used when I got it, and Xenophon'sHellenika like $70, but the rest I got new for the original price, something like $40. (Thucydides was released before Herodotus and Hellenika, but for whatever reason is still available for $40 in hardcover, whereas the others are not.)
I'd say the hardcovers aren't superb quality, they're not clothbound or anything fancy like that, but they feel sturdier than the paperbacks. Probably not worth $200 each though if that's what they're going for now.