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21948243 No.21948243 [Reply] [Original]

why so many n-words?

>> No.21948249

it was a different time

>> No.21948255

Imagine someone wrote a 4chan western and every ten words it's "nigger", "fag", and "kys" haha

>> No.21949340

there were a lot of them running around in the time and place the story is set.

>> No.21949342

That word was already a no-no in the mid 1980s.

>> No.21949346

Not really. There's just one.

>> No.21949358

It was 1849.

>> No.21949450


>> No.21949462

actually I don't think it has that many, Child of God has a bunch. Early Mac is all semi autobiographical and they're chock full of niggers, he is essential chudcore

>> No.21949473

The book was published in 1985 and most of the n words are said by the narrator.

>> No.21949477

I've just read Outer Dark where two good old boys are too scared of the bucks down at the river and their "big knives" to go get whiskey.

>> No.21949485

His latest book is essential trannycore, though. Science, positive portrayal of trannies, schizophrenia, degeneracy, etc.

>> No.21949495

It would be far more offensive to portray slavery era America where everyone is saying "African American"

>> No.21949498

>positive portrayal of
You didn't read a Cormac McCarthy book then son.

>> No.21949501

Because nigger is fun to say you stupid nigger. Reminder words are only as powerful as you make them and that will never not be true.

>> No.21949512

true, I think some of that is about securing his legacy since he's been called racist and shit so he has the positive tranny character (literally named the Bussy lmao) but no niggers although in Stella Maris Alicia does deride IQ by saying it's irrelevant because the average black IQ is 85 but that black guy could be a genius at music or something. McCarthy is old and reclusive but he is keenly aware of the current landscape and wants to be remembered fondly, can't blame him

>> No.21949515

I just read that a few weeks ago, can't say I recall that part

>> No.21949523

It's a natural progression. Many trannies are reformed chuds.

>> No.21949524
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>> No.21949823

I can see why trannies exist now. He had nothing going for him as a man. Now he's a mid tranny. Not great but an improvement.

>> No.21949843

why not

>> No.21949867


>> No.21950085

>an improvement

At least as a man he had a chance at conquering his goals.
Now he has been conquered by the kike transexual trap.

>> No.21950354

The narrator is very much from the same pov as the characters, only just suspended above them. He has a lot of other tells toward that too such as when he refers to the little Indian boy as an 'it.'
Lol. You just know that he applied that software engineering autism to transitioning.
These people don't have any higher ideals.

>> No.21950357

Because people liked saying nigger at this point in time you stupid libtarded nigger

>> No.21950372

He was a 5/10 man, pretty much unfuckable until he’d have enough money to marry some worn-down 32 yo whore. Now she’s a 7/10 woman, can get all the premium Chad cock she desires, then bag a husband and never work again, maybe write a bestselling memoir about her trans journey.
Huge win.

>> No.21950382

>least repulsive atheist materialist

>> No.21950396

Those are just facts. Also, you’re in for big gaping surprise on your wedding night if you expect a semi-decent looking church girl to be a virgin lmao.

>> No.21950402

Those are facts, what makes you repulsive is the fact that you think he won anything at all.

>> No.21950407

He’s realistically improved the quality of his life by like 500%.

>> No.21950414

Yeah, but he's a fag so what's it matter. And you're a fag too since you don't seem to get this. Fag.

>> No.21950471


>> No.21951117

What was the point of the scene with the dead african american heart?
a reflection of the kids future?

>> No.21951132

>implying anyone actually fucks trannies
He went from a 5% chance of fucking the occasional landwhale to a 1% chance of getting fucked in the ass by a obese fetishist. All the while being ostracised by his friends and family

>> No.21951139

>The narrator is very much from the same pov as the characters, only just suspended above them.
"Just suspended above them"? He's omniscient. He quite literally says the kid won't ever see his sister right at the beginning. He can see the future. So it's very jarring for a narrator that sophisticated to say "nigger" as if he was one of the period's characters.
>He has a lot of other tells toward that too such as when he refers to the little Indian boy as an 'it.'
Babies and toddlers were an "it" in English before the modern day, as far as I know.

>> No.21951146

>can get all the premium Chad cock she desires, then bag a husband and never work again
is this real? is this something that regularly happens in the US?

>> No.21951164

I don’t think he’s gonna get what he wants. A society can’t survive trannyism no matter what you think of the scientific and cultural basis for feelings about it in either direction

>> No.21951166

>believing anything written on this site regarding dating or relationships

>> No.21951298

The Jewish science degeneracy stuff was wholly negative. The degeneracy is bad, and a product of the godless scientific obsession. There's a gloom and doom looming over the father being involved with the Manhattan project, as an evil inheretence that the siblings try to come to terms with but ultimately fail to do so, hence the mental illnesses, degeneracy, lonelyness and suicide. The answers to life are not found in science. These are hardly positive things like you describe. Still like I first said, the tranny scene is gross and unforgivable, especially since it adds nothing to the story other than insert pro tranny propaganda.

>> No.21951327

>believing anything written on this site

>> No.21951339
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>> No.21951571
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>> No.21951958

Love his books. Buy it seems like he really loves seeing mexicans suffer. I'll keep reading his books/watching movie adaptations, but I'd watch my back if I ever met him irl kek

>> No.21951996

I liked the part where the main character asks for work at a plantation.
He is told to see the overseer who is in the corral.
He walks over to the corral and sees a white men and two black men.
He asks the white man if he is the overseer. The white man just looks at him for a second then says.
“Why no, I work for these here niggers.”

>> No.21952078

wtf. is it that easy to be a semi attractive female?

>> No.21952089

To be fair this dude already kind of looked like a girl, face wise. Even despite the beard and balding