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21947932 No.21947932 [Reply] [Original]

Write your daily cope & seethe

prev >>21941390

>> No.21947941
File: 80 KB, 573x800, snail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ad portam rigidos calces extendit

>> No.21947943
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Is Eastern Orthodoxy the last stronghold of Christianity in Europe?

>> No.21947945

Love or hate

What goes around comes around

>> No.21947947

Living a life of personal fitness is mutually exclusive to the consumption of alcohol, even in moderation

>> No.21947953

Why did Europe secularize while America remained religious?

>> No.21947954

Read books to expand your vocabulary

>> No.21947955

>read more cope to cope like me

>> No.21947967

>Nooooo, stop using the popular vernacular!!!!

>> No.21947970

Anti-modern? No, anti-contemporary. Anti? No, ante. Antecontemporary. Contemporary? No, future. Antefuture. No? Yes. Maybe. Anegative? Yes. Against or for? Neither. Both. Apositive.

>> No.21947987

America's Christianity is tied to financial success, which is a foreign concept to Europe, so, in a way, America's Christianity had been secularized from the beginning.

>> No.21947996

the left has gone insane

>> No.21948007

Politics makes people retarded tribal ooga boogas.

>> No.21948010 [DELETED] 
File: 852 KB, 832x832, 1675204599775592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up chudlet

>> No.21948036

>America's Christianity is tied to financial success
>America's Christianity had been secularized from the beginning.
What? Where do you people come up with this garbage

>> No.21948047


>> No.21948049

The whole point of the board is to state your uneducated opinion, retard.

>> No.21948064

I didn't ask why anon is posting his opinion on this board. I asked why anon had a retarded opinion.

>> No.21948072

You got BTFO so please stop posting

>> No.21948078

Positive association or negative?

>> No.21948082

Thats a very specific and particular doctrine that didnt even matter in america until after WW2. That doctrine does not define American protestantism, that doctrine is not crypto secularism, and that doctrine is far from being part of American protestantism "from the beginning."

>> No.21948087

You got btfo'd. Stop replying to me with irrelevant comments.

>> No.21948091

That's because you're not in his tribe, so you're untrusting of his claims. If you belonged to his tribe, then you'd've uncritically agreed with him.

>> No.21948096

>Thats a very specific and particular doctrine that didnt even matter in america until after WW2.
The secularism only started after WW2.
>That doctrine does not define American protestantism
It had a huge impact: read about Word of Faith and Televangelism.
>that doctrine is not crypto secularism
It is.
>and that doctrine is far from being part of American protestantism "from the beginning."
Irrelevant to the argument.
You got BTFO twice, your posts are embarrassing and your IQ is in the double digits.

>> No.21948117

The argument was that American protestantism was secular from the beginning as posted here >>21947987
You can't even keep up with a basic line of conversation. It's evident that you're retarded. Stop replying to me.

>> No.21948129

>The argument was that American protestantism was secular from the beginning as posted here
American protestantism was secularized from the very beginning via Puritanism. The secularism you ask for i.e. the one in the stats started after WW2 in Europe, but American Christianity was already secularized from the beginning, so it only transformed into another equally secular form.
>It's evident that you're retarded. Stop replying to me.
You lost from the beginning, and it makes you angry, that's ok little man, don't seethe too much at your mummy.

>> No.21948144

Puritanism wholly separate and contrary to prosperity theology. I didn't ask for the cause of secularism post ww2, I asked for a justification for the claim that America was secular from the outset. You now just agreed with me that Prosperity Theology does not justify that claim. Thank you for supporting my argument.

>> No.21948157

I like your picture, can I have it if you're dead?

>> No.21948165

America is a lot younger and less urbanized than Europe is.

>> No.21948175

>Puritanism wholly separate and contrary to prosperity theology.
Wrong, they're both intrinsically linked and deeply compatible with American capitalism.
> I didn't ask for the cause of secularism post ww2
That's what the original discussion was about, brainlet.
>You now just agreed with me that Prosperity Theology does not justify that claim.
I never agreed wwith you with that. The reason prosperity theology prospered in the US is because the US had always been secular so it had no issue adopting yet another secular form of Christianity.
> Thank you for supporting my argument.
You have no argument. You're retarded and illiterate.

>> No.21948177

>Puritanism wholly separate and contrary to prosperity theology.
Just because the puritans were shit at farming, logging, trapping and hunting doesn't mean they didn't come on a prospecting ship.

>> No.21948181 [DELETED] 

True. Reddit is better and books even more.

I devote some time here out of charity to help these poor souls.

>> No.21948188

True. Reddit is better and books even more.

I devote some time here out of charity to help these poor souls

>> No.21948195

>That's what the original discussion was about, brainlet.
No it wasnt. This is the third time you've failed to follow the conversation, so I declined to read the rest of your post. You're clearly unable to follow a basic reply chain. Don't reply to me again.

>> No.21948199

go back

>> No.21948203

I accept your concession little man.

>> No.21948212

>Binary politics

>> No.21948216

Read books.

>> No.21948224


>> No.21948227

Anxiety/depression has a grip around my throat every waking moment. I can’t focus on things anymore and experience zero joy. I can’t get out of this pit.

>> No.21948229

I don't do that.

>> No.21948244

>click link
>globohomo infantilazing animation
>globohomo thread of thinking and seeing the world
>close link
Please stay on Reddit.

>> No.21948274

>dude just find the thorn!
>doesn’t actually tell you HOW to
No shit. A 12 year old could tell you this. I actually watched it completely. What a joke.

>> No.21948278


>> No.21948279

Breathe deeply and smile
Quit caffeine
Read books and get off the internet
Walk outside
Eat vegetables


>> No.21948284

Write down what you're grateful for

>> No.21948291


>> No.21948292

I'm grateful for everything. Easy.

>> No.21948298


>> No.21948304

Nothing. Everything is terrible and a huge burden.

>> No.21948306

Everything is just perception

Observe and accept

>> No.21948319

>Everything is just perception
My heart is perceiving when it pumps? I didn't know it was conscious.

>> No.21948321

>I’m already fit
>I don’t maybe I should try
>I have to smile at work everyday. Doesn’t help.
>I haven’t had caffeine in years because of this
>I can’t focus on books anymore
>doesn’t help
>i’m fit but maybe i’ll try to eat more
Now what? I feel nauseous every fucking day. Even now. Help me.
Actually makes me want to vomit

>> No.21948333

Brooding again. I dropped out of university back in 2018 because I ended up extremely isolated and alienated. I went a little insane and decided to leave. I'm 24 now and am reenrolling back in university. I'm doing the whole application process all over again and it keeps giving me flashbacks, almost movie-like flashbacks, of being 18 again. And all those really unpleasant memories and emotions keep coming back up. I can't escape the regret. I dont really like what I've done or who I've become since dropping out. I want a chance to have a blank slate and do it all over again, but I feel so entrenched in my experiences that I know I can't. Instead of feeling like going back to school is overcoming an obstacle, I really feel like I wasted and lost those last years of adolescence. I've visited the campus I'm going to attend, and the whole enviornment stews a deep bitterness and resentment in me.

>> No.21948335

These memes don't work, you're pozzed and stupid.

>> No.21948429

I find it harder and harder to understand people as time goes on. Every time I feel like I’m close to reaching an understanding to my fellow person. They do something that completely fucks up the image I’ve been building in my head, like harsh black paint strokes on a mural. Sometimes it makes me laugh and I take it in stride. Other times I feel an uncontrollable level of disgust. I understand humans are inherently walking contradictions, but when I see someone do something stupid that completely defies logic or explanation, something that so obviously could have been avoided it drives me up a wall. Even if you ask them why they did something so blatantly foolish, they’ll shrug at you or just get angry that you thought it was stupid.

>> No.21948436

I felt the same as you, except I stayed. I went insane but eventually got used to it. There'll be no backtracking there. The only thing that keeps me going is the knowledge this is my only chance to get out of poverty. Whenever I doubt, I Google some of my old classmates and gets rejunevated motivation because I don't want to work retail or sell shoes while getting paid pennies all my life.

>> No.21948454

>They do something that completely fucks up the image I’ve been building in my head
This is your actual problem. They are not privy to the weird ass fantasy version you have of them and they have no way of acting it out for you, even if they wanted to.

>> No.21948459

You probably don't notice your own mistakes or lack life experience. Reading your post made me think of a friend of mine who keeps saying stupid shit like "Well, you should leave her!" or "If you miss her (talking of an ex), just go and call her, are you serious?" except the guy never had a relationship.

>> No.21948481

I’m plenty aware of my own mistakes, and each time I make one I try to figure out why and how I ended up doing what I did. With time I can learn not to make the same mistake again. But when I catch a coworker masturbating into a urinal, all I can do is ask how the fuck someone could think that’s an okay thing to do.

>> No.21948505

Someone gave me the advice to wait until I was older before I even try to publish.

That was terrible advice.

>> No.21948507

Yeah I have a similar motive. I thought that maybe I'd get into contracting as an alternative. That was a total dead end. My boss even told me that I should go back to college. I'm gonna try real hard to live the student lifestyle when I'm back. Hopefully I can make up for lost time.

>> No.21948531


>> No.21948536

I don't HAVE to check threads and boards of my interest constantly. I CAN do other things and check back hours later. Any given individual thread is NOT that important.

>> No.21948575

Scientology is among the most bizarre things I have ever read about

>> No.21948576

Why don't you go somewhere that's farther from home, so it can feel like a new start? Alternatively, you can join the military for a career and a pension without any unversity at all.

>> No.21948590

I was a deeply insecure and troubled young man. During my early adult years, I had the conviction that I would have success and that my self-doubts would slip away as a result. That success never quite came, not like I thought it would at least, and so neither did the slipping away of the self-doubts. I wonder if this is a failure of mine, or if this is part of the human experience.

>> No.21948699

lol i just worked out now i'm gonna sip a protein shake

>> No.21948728

Throw away that phone anon

>> No.21948746

Anon motherfucker do you realise how young you are? You are only 24. Your life is still a blank page. Now if you were 30 years old and going back to college that would be a lil hard to take obviously, but you are not 30. Process those feelings as soon as you can

>> No.21948765

We cannot afford to live on the husks of others’ faults or failings. Evilspeaking is a twofold curse, falling more heavily upon the speaker than upon the hearer. Those who scatter seeds of dissension and strife reap in their own souls the deadly fruits. The very act of looking for evil in others develops evil in those who do the looking. By dwelling upon the faults of others, we are changed into the same image.

>> No.21948766

Our world is retarded, there is no way that there isn't a shadow government who wants to keep all of us dumb, who wants us to keep fighting meaningless wars, to waste our time with useless work, to delude ourselves with vain promises, to consoom propaganda slop. There is no way that in a world like this could exist a God who cares about us

>> No.21948774

weird sex with old men

>> No.21948775

They do. Science says so.

>> No.21948785

You don't have to come here at all. Books are way more valuable.

I come here maybe once a month now


>> No.21948795


>> No.21948815

good sub

>> No.21948820

The most masculine thing in this world is premature ejaculation; real men don't care about pleasuring women, they only care about pleasuring themselves.

>> No.21948827

>If you have trouble getting off reddit, try commenting more
>if you're sending too much time on our site, try increasing your engagement to reduce your engagement!
that's what i get for clicking a reddit link. even more stupid than i had imagined.

>> No.21948864

How do I apologize to people about past drug use related behavior without them thinking I'm going through AA? I'm not doing AA/NA and I don't want anyone to think I am or to associate me with it. I only want to apologize to a few people who I've kept in my life, not going around to everyone from my past that I've now cut out like AA has you do.

>> No.21948876 [DELETED] 

Poop in the middle of their living rooms while making a big grin saying, "I am no longer on drugs. It is out of my free will I'm doing this." Then be smear the shit on your chicks while howling like a madman.
It's in your nature, poo boy. From drugs to shit, that's what you are.

>> No.21948881

Poop in the middle of their living rooms while making a big grin saying, "I am no longer on drugs. It is out of my free will I'm doing this." Then smear the shit on your cheeks while howling like a madman.
It's in your nature, poo boy. From drugs to shit, that's what you are.

>> No.21948901

my name kodak black but when you see me i'm white

>> No.21948926

What was even the point of this. You must be a nigger

>> No.21948932

Only niggers do drugs. That's what my 90s commercials told me, and because I was a good white boy, I always paid attention to them during my Saturday Day Morning cartoons.

>> No.21948947

Why not just tell them you’ve found a process that works for you and your recovery and leave it at that? You don’t need to elaborate on it to them. Tell them you’re sorry for any trouble you’ve caused and you’re really working to better yourself so it doesn’t happen again. Thank them for standing by you (assuming they didn’t cut you out) and if they DID cut you out don’t push them, tell them you understand why they did, and promise you’ll become better than you were. Actions speak louder than words, and maybe with time they’ll see your progress and know you aren’t just feeding them what you think they want to hear.

>> No.21948966

Is that what you talk about with your friends while playing Fortnite?

>> No.21948970 [DELETED] 

Very, very good wife. I would offer my sister as a concubine out of gratefulness and respect for your drug filled orgies, hypocrite.

>> No.21948973

Very, very good advice, sir. I would offer my sister as a concubine out of gratefulness and respect for your drug filled orgies, hypocritical bastard.

>> No.21948980

You should start doubting your gender because you sound hella gay. It's obvious you are a woman. Visit Dr. Goldman asap for your transition.

>> No.21948986

Shoving the phone up your ass may be conducive in healing you of your ADHD. Also, be sure to eat lots of refined sugars and artificial sweeteners. It helps with cooling down by knocking you out eventually.

>> No.21948991


>> No.21948992

The best way to understand people is by getting up close, squinting for every detail. Pay attention to all the creases of the skin, hair follicles, and so on. You should do this with everyone. Get very, very close.

>> No.21949103

well you've done it again shitposted away another weekend

>> No.21949130

where can one discuss "antiwork" on 4chan? I'm curious to read actual well thought out material on the subject...working conditions in general.

>> No.21949139

I don't care about space at all.

>> No.21949143

grow up dude

>> No.21949152

is the concept inherently juvenile?

>> No.21949167

/r9k/, I'm sure they would oblige

>> No.21949210

>well thought out material
>on 4chan

>> No.21949278
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I started and stopped moby dick months ago and decided in the last few days to listen to an audiobook to catch up during my commute and then continue with the text when I get to where I left off but now I'm caught up and want to just keep listening to the audiobook

>> No.21949299

I fixed my testicular torsion at home.

>> No.21949306

today was Shakespeare's birthday. not a single thread.

>> No.21949312

Graeber and Jensen, from what I know. Negri and Bifo Berardi, possibly

>> No.21949326

Someone who really respects themself wouldn’t let themself have a job after 25.

>> No.21949330

Been following the news in Sudan. At least a dozen Western countries are currently pulling their personnel from the region. The big question is why the fuck so many western countries are stationed in Sudan

>> No.21949406
File: 132 KB, 1100x763, us-military-bases-abroad-2020_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21949426

Impressive empire. Shame we have to end like this

>> No.21949437

Antiwork is already en vogue. The entire first world economy is collapsing with supply-side inflation because so many people are choosing not to work menial jobs. Antiwork in this vein will simply result in harder work down the line when everything, shockingly easy as it has become despite massive complaints, collapses back into a more primitive system. We will end up having to do harder work for less in return once the huge economies of scale fall over.

>> No.21949452

It shows that Bulgaria is only at 19% so it's not necessarily that if the country and people are nominally Orthodox then they are more religious. It is a strange coincidence perhaps that the two peoples who are Eastern Orthodox but not Slavs are the most religiously observant. Also the Catholic Croats are relatively high at 42%.

>> No.21949454

Humans are empty, just like all dhammas. Walk the noble path, stop trying to figure things out that have nothing to figure out. Human beings are just phantasms

>> No.21949474
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How do I fix this

>> No.21949479

The CIA will make sure it does not end don't worry

>> No.21949480

I've filled your mother's emptiness with attachment to detachment. It is dripping out of her and running down her leg. Soon you will have a brother.

>> No.21949483
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Probably just /pol/, unless you go to biz where the idea is be a NEET since "no pussy, no work"

>> No.21949493

Write the argument down. Sleep on it. Critique the argument as a foreign object. Rewrite the argument. Repeat.

>> No.21949517

I hate power tripping HR managers so damn much

>> No.21949548
File: 123 KB, 1031x867, Et-in-Arcadia-ego.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She came over again and we had sex, We had sex practically the whole time she was there and it went on for hours. I vividly picture her face and its contortions and the way she looked happy and then scrunched her face and released and she bit her lip and her calves were light upon my shoulders. Her pussy moved and devoured my cock like some long mouthed creature enveloping the object of its choice. Slowly it would envelop its front in the sovereignty of its lips and slowly further annexing more and more of the object til said artifact was completely cocooned inside of the damp narrow crevice through which a mass is pulled by muscles that moisten and slowly constrict that lone traveler. I was leaning slightly onto my left knee and putting her fat hoe ass up at an angle so I can feel the walls get even tighter around my cock. When her hands were free they went in her hair or upon my bicep or upon my chest or upon my face and i fucked her three times like that, each for a duration surpassing the previous one.

When she left I sat and then got up and i drank some milk out of the carton. Standing in the kitchen amidst random flowers of paper towel and dirty glasses, like some cracked statue amidst rubble and complete rubble, I thought of my previous night at the bar with Ryan. and how we talked about my mom. I don't even feel embarrassed that i cried a little. I thought about Sarah. I wonder if i'll ever have something like that again

>> No.21949570

I quit caffeine for a month and observed no benefits at all. And given coffee was one of the only joys in my life, I resumed drinking it.

>> No.21949571

I try writing but I can't think of anything. It's like there's a void in my head where my creativity should be. I can't do anything besides slowly write narration. Maybe this is writer's block but it's constant and perpetual. I feel useless.

>> No.21949580

What triggered this? How long has it been going on?

>> No.21949583

Do you think that a short or long story has more capacity to move you emotionally?
>inb4 it doesnt matter

>> No.21949599

I'd say a year or so. Writing has always been on my mind, I'd think "I should write and express how I feel now" but nothing would come to fruition. Recently I've been trying to be more serious about writing, but the issue still plagues me.

>> No.21949611

Her skin was sunburnt, crisp. Bangs hung perfectly over her eyebrows, and she had hair on either side of her face. There was a nose too. Her skin bearing a radiating sheen like the freshly painted lines of a high class parking lot. There was this way she looked at me, as if offended someone like me would considier myself worthy of her time and stare at her from a distance, so I walked over and introduced myself. "Hello," I said. "Greetings," said she. "Can I get your number?" Oh, I'm taken, thanks though. She hit on another man in front of me, but I was the one that took her seat. Her boyfriend none the wiser.

>> No.21949643

Isn't it funny how ancient philosophers consider us NEETs as like gods?

>> No.21949678

Shakspere is a sham. Remind me when it's Bacon's birthday

>> No.21949841
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>wife was always hot but skinny
>After marriage gained weight and became fat
>Nothing crazy, just kind of like pic related
>Actually quite like it even though she got very insecure about it despite me still being sexy with her all the time.
>Tell her I'm into fat chicks now cos of her, that I'm into milfs cos of her and when she gets old I'm going to be into grannies cos of her.
>While pregnant even tell everyone at family gatherings that I love it when she's pregnant cos it's like she's a beached whale and I get to help her with stuff
>She always finds it funny when I talk like this but for the past few months she has actually been losing weight.

What the heck? Im glad she's doing it cos it's probably the right thing to do but I really enjoyed her as a fat bitch. Should i tell her to stop and try to get her to accept herself lol, or will I regret it longer term?

>> No.21949918

The intefmrface is surprisingly friendly on mobile I like swapping boards

>> No.21949933

I cant stop feeling sorry for myself. I cant.

>> No.21949989

Now came the prince and his shadow to a ringed valley in the peaks; here was the homeland of their exalted forefather.
There was a waystation atop the first hill; tiles of gold and lapis blue, white bell-flowers dancing in the wind. In the house of the wind they sat.
Said the prince: god made men to toil and labor, and in holy lands do man languish - like you and me.
The shadow said: what is this transient perfection to the everliving, how can our toil be loved by the poet who scripted our labour?
So he said to himself: did I not deface you, oh shadow of mine; for were you not transient perfection, and am I not the labourer who loves?
But the prince did not stir, and the shadow rose with him before a setting sun, silent.
Down, down, they went, to the poppy fields. The holy land was empty, the great works long ground to dust. There, before a ruined temple, they took shelter - and the reds, orange, the pink and the white! Like a sea of flame under setting sunlight, to cast only the shadow sharper.
Said the shadow: You long for my memory, but memory is the toil of desperation, the labour of delusion.
The prince did not speak, and bowed to pray.
Said the prince to the prince: Was I not a transient beauty, transmuted by you into eternal virtue? for no man alive can sculpt my visage, no man but you.
The prince again bowed to pray.
The shadow laughed, softly, demurely, but it cut his ears like an evil wind: he said, my memory is a sword in the hand of an artist of suffering.
The prince said, I would cut you down again with pleasure. But they both knew this was a lie.
The morning came, and the poppies danced for them. In smoke and haze the shadow and prince sat again, leaning on one another.
I couldn't kill you, he whispered. Something wet fell on his shoulder then, and he heard a choked laugh, felt curly hair against his face. I would kill you, he said, after a long time.
But I, said the prince, Am the dreamer of your dream. I and I alone laboured, and I alone toil for your memory. A shuddered sigh, and the sickly smell of smoke breezed by.
You made me a memory, said a shadows whispered voice.
All I told you was what I could see. And all you made of me was something no other man could see.
Then the prince smiled, and the prince again faded into him, for they were equal and opposite - two princes, two shadows; one mirror, one beauty, one eye.
Because, said the prince, you are for no man, but me.
Then slept the prince and his shadow, and his dreams had been dark ones. In his dream, his shadow said,
Should not the shadow reflect the man?
When again the prince awoke, he wore the scars of his shadow on his face; and he was all alone, in the holy land.
And when he left, the prince could not find in his memory perfection, nor a lovers soft hands - only a shadowed face, like knife-scars on lost lands.

>> No.21950014

Why does the modern day workplace have so many low-mid level managers? At my company its probably a manager for every 5 low level workers. But they scrap things like paid breaks, or cutting down the money on 'unsocial' hours to cut costs, but hire this many managers that practically do nothing, while paying them 2x or more what the people who are most productive for the buisness get. Whats the reasoning behind this is a company wants to cut labor costs and make as much profit as possible while being wasteful in this way

>> No.21950021

You should read The Shadow by Andersen. It's one of the best of the type.

>> No.21950028

Take what is valuable and then leave.

>> No.21950033

There is a perception of pumping

>> No.21950035

the purpose of the modern corporation is to forward the interests of managerialism, not to make profit. Putting forward the joint interests of managerialism and wokism is the primary motive, not profit. see gillette and others, took billions in losses, but these big megacorporations are effectively monopolies and cannot be boycotted or really affected by any consumer method.

>> No.21950072

Recovering from a life-long addiction can take much longer than a month.
Your brain was still sensitized to the drug and desensitized to life without it.
When you're addicted to a substance, your ability to feel pleasure without that substance will be diminished until you've gone long enough without it.
If you've been consuming caffeine since ~5 years old, starting with chocolate and soda, then energy drinks, tea, coffee, you've been dependent on this stimulant for many years.
It can take much longer than a month


I quit in 2017 and noticed how much less stressed I was. My energy became more consistent. I didn't need naps anymore. I became happier.

Stimulants like methylxanthines (caffeine/theobromine(chocolate)) and many other drugs will mess with your sleep quality and poor sleep has numerous negative effects like increased stress and risk of diseases

Check out the book "Caffeine blues".

Once you've broken free you'll never go back.

You don't need it.

>> No.21950075

Longer means more attachment to characters which means you feel more when something happens to them

Why long series have obsessive fans

>> No.21950087

>horrible genre fic take
ya i think i'm finally done with this site

>> No.21950088

Antidepressants solve all of this unless youre a pseud in love with le Deep Suffering

>> No.21950090

Does anyone actually feel like their life hasn’t been boring?

>> No.21950091

>Once you've broken free you'll never go back.
I did

>> No.21950092

They didn’t in my case. Exercise helped me more than antidepressants and anti-anxiety pills ever did. Anti-anxiety pills actually made it worse.

>> No.21950094

>Exercise helped me
Then you have no clue what real depression and anxiety is

>> No.21950097
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I don't know if caffeine is worth it anymore, or ever was. I don't feel anything, not sure I ever did, besides withdrawal headaches.

>> No.21950110

no. you have been wasting your hard earned money on instant dopamine. now live with it and learn from it.

>> No.21950112

Write whatever nonsense until you come up with something or sit there and do nothing until you get ideas

Distracting yourself with anything stimulating like the internet will be a setback to your creative process




>> No.21950113

Just write
Read books
Have experiences
Watch films
Get off 4chan

>> No.21950115
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>> No.21950118

What is important to you? Write about that. What do you want people to understand?

>> No.21950120

So you're drug free? Good job!

>> No.21950121

Fuck dude. I'm running out of time

>> No.21950122

>get off 4chan
>he posted on 4chan
I can honestly say the happiest i ever was was when i started posting on 4chan at the age of 12. I'm 24 now. I can't imagine life without you faggots.

>> No.21950127

No offense, but you are one sorry son of a bitch if you can't imagine a better life without this place. And I say that with full loving kindness

>> No.21950130
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My dad says he's ADHD, but I think he's just coping because he's an alcoholic and former meth-head. I thought ADHD was highly inheritable and I don't have what he claims, on top of not really being an addict.

>> No.21950139

You sound like the caffeine addict.

Thst's how powerful addiction is.

>> No.21950149

Meth destroys your dopamine receptors dude. You basically go full parkinson's on that shit after long enough

>> No.21950156



>> No.21950158

No, you just don’t like narratives that don’t conform to your narrow worldview.

>> No.21950161

Read and write poetry. I highly recommend A Poetry Handbook by Mary Oliver.

>> No.21950162

I regularly go months without 4chan now. I've only been here for like 2 days trying to help people.

But it is starting to drain me a little so I will leave soon.

>> No.21950167

Just breathe and smile.
Enjoy what you can.
We're all on the same path.

>> No.21950168

I don't love

>> No.21950170

I don't have time for this shit
I'm going to be dead soon

>> No.21950171

I wish I could jive more with my twin brother.

>> No.21950173

What would you do if you have a week to live?

>> No.21950177

I wonder if there's bots here that are programmed to respond negatively.

>> No.21950178

Do you honestly believe you're gonna live forever?

>> No.21950189

I could probably quit 4chan, but what's the point? I have nothing else to replace it with. Days have too much time already so I have to fill them with mindless browsing

>> No.21950190

lets not pretend it has anything to do with money. I'm rich. Since when does caffeine give you dopamine?

>> No.21950192

I’m going to quit today, I think.

>> No.21950193

God forbid you work harder or accomplish something meaningful with your time

>> No.21950198

You could read or listen to audiobooks, since this is the literature board.

>> No.21950200

Been practising lying to my gf to see if l can get away with cheating on her

>> No.21950201

I’m starting to feel like you’re just screwed if you stumble out of the gate in your career, or if you fail to get a prestigious job, or enter a grad program.

People that achieve things just don’t stumble, they don’t end up in mediocre places, their whole lives are stories of achievement.

>> No.21950202


>> No.21950204

You have to actively work at not stumbling
I say this as a hypocrite because I'm here too but it still applies

>> No.21950209

Le wasted life meme

>> No.21950210

I can't predict the future.

>> No.21950212

>Self love
Just another word for pride. Sin by another name. Arguably the worst one.

>> No.21950214

Speedrun my entire to-do list and bucket list
Get 2 years of work done I've been putting off

>> No.21950221

Fuck this

>> No.21950236

Try reading books you're interested in.


Search google "site:reddit.com book (topic/description)"

>> No.21950247

Love yourself and others.

>> No.21950255

I would love each moment like my last. Leave old pictures in the past. Donate ever dime i have. I would call old friends i haven't seen, reminisce on memories. I would forgive my enemies.
I would find the one I'm dreaming of, swear up and down to God above that I'd finally fall in love.

>> No.21950261


>> No.21950262

Why couldnt you do all those things now?

>> No.21950264

who says i haven't?

>> No.21950303


>> No.21950316

There's a difference between self-pity and changing your circumstances

Pretending to be grateful will get you nowhere

>> No.21950387

Antidepressants work better if you're a pseud because the majority of their effectiveness comes from placebo effects. You wanted someone to give you a pill to make it better, so you get better when given the pill and ceremony attached. Some people that won't work on because they are a different type of pseud, who want the pill and ceremony to prove the intractable nature of their depression is beyond a process which only worked on faith anyways. Then of course there are the much smaller number with a classic depression presentation, or with an atypical presentation of another disease of which depression is a symptom, and for them healthy living and addressing underlying medical problems are the best we got and antidepressants won't help. It why a lot of the people in the last category of underlying medical condition which presents with depression as a symptom get coded as the type in love with depression before getting a real diagnosis. Ironically, this means the type who get better from depression due to pills rather than regression to mean or other inactivity are displaying the kind of emotional lability which should get them coded as the type in love with depression, but that has implications for the ethics and sanity of the doctors who prescribe them, and the informed consent of their patients in general.

>> No.21950431


>> No.21950432

Not that anon but I speak from my experience but antidepressants work but mainly on physical aspect. I stopped using them about a month ago and I noticed that meds were flatlining my emotions for the most part. It did help for me to manage my anger and sadness but it didnt help me with root cause at all.

>> No.21950434

Where do you need to go?

>> No.21950444

>You can't have self-pity. At some point, you have to say, 'These are the cards I've been dealt, and I'm going to play them.'
I cannot reach this conclusion by myself. I'm torn between rational thinking that it's the most productive thing to do, let the past go and such but I'm still angry, bitter and sad emotionally like I've lost the grand lottery of life.

>> No.21950454

The problem is that if you want to do actual medical science, testimonials are the lowest form of evidence, especially against any potential abuse of drugs or power imbalance. It's the type of "science" that allowed the opiate epidemic because offlabelling oxy for psychic pain got great initial reviews.

>> No.21950464

Ofcourse. My testimonial is completely useless without data backing up it.

>> No.21950479

The real problem is that side effects which most newer antidepressants were meant to eliminate are now known to still be present with the newer ones. Most doctors would not prescribe the older medications because of those side effects, but the majority of doctors do not want to know the liability that causes.
There's also a problem in that doctors feel they have to prescribe something, so if they can write down something they can convince themselves might not have the same side effects as older drugs, they're going to do that. It's the same thing that happens to doctors when a patient demands antibiotics for a viral infection: they're not going to give them streptomycin, but they might give them amoxicillin.

>> No.21950518

>feel they have to prescribe something
and especially if they can get a bonus from a company.

>> No.21950539

There's a few of those all right but they're mostly there for speaking engagements, not patients. The problem on the ground is the same with most all drug reps, where you're more likely to remember the name of the drug with the patient when you discussed it over a nice lunch with company merch everywhere. They would see the ethical problem if these guys were coming in with a suitcase of money and saying "Please lie for us to patients". What most of them actually get is a free pen or mug or deli salad or sandwich, which is not something they or anyone else would believe would condition them to view the drug in a better light. I say "nobody" but people who work in marketing, who do jury trials, who work in any industry based on persuasion would all see the issue with a free branded lunch being provided by one party and not the other. Some doctors ban such lunches and merch from their practices, but it's a tiny minority.

>> No.21950715

I would rather be dead or in hell than stay alive posting in this thread
No offense

THat's just how I feel

>> No.21950786

Ok thanks I'll check this out. I did not drink soda as a kid but have been drinking coffee for over a decade.

>> No.21950827

Is not consuming caffeine beneficial to you?

>> No.21950903

What's everything you did yesterday?

>> No.21950908
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why does fart smell good but shit smell bad?

>> No.21950918

I wish to understand.
If the scientific devices and the instruments of inquiry can carry me to understanding, let me embark with them. Let the theory and the experiment and the sums of proofs be the leather with which my feet are shod. Let me wander across the deserts and into the high places of cold through their sure step.
If these should fail to bring me to my destination, let me journey on with my intellect. Let contemplation carry me, through the abyss of the sea, through constellations and dreams of constellations, as a ship on a lake of glass. Let me reach that gentle shore on which understanding is found growing.
If this, too should fail me, if my intellect proves a vehicle incapable, then let me fly upwards. Let me stretch my hands towards the heavens. Let the light of the stars, the silver moon, and the glinting sun touch me. Let my ten fingers become lamps of flame, and guide my course like lightning.
Let me understand.

>> No.21950928

Antidepressants are poison and are linked to massive amounts of medical injuries and severe side effects. You should avoid them at all costs.

>> No.21950944


Drugs just aren't worth it. Your body will adapt and chasing highs creates cravings which will make you suffer. Sober You will draw constant comparisons to High You and never be satisfied with itself.

The problem isn't just drugs but any heightened stimulating experience - internet, porn, video games, movies, music, skydiving, etc.

More = less

Less = more

What goes up must come down


Anything that abuses your senses and emotions comes with a consequence

>> No.21950953

I remember reading that consuming caffeine is the same as robbing energy from the future you, therefore future you does the same from futurer you.

>> No.21950956

Nah, it's pseuds who dont have real depression in the first place for whom it only works as placebo. People who have really suffered benefit from itmore. Just admit I suffer more than you and have deeper emotions of depression than you, while you are mostly a shallow normie for whom the idea of chemical averaging of the brain is foreign, given that average midwit brain doesn't have anything to average. How does it feel to self refute so badly?

>> No.21950960

>Anything that abuses your senses and emotions comes with a consequence
Except antidepressants. Stop the yoda wise man shit lmao

>> No.21950963

Cope, you just only have shallow normie problems or try to pretend youre cool for not improving your life with a surefire method

>> No.21950969

>Just admit I suffer more than you and have deeper emotions of depression than you
Is this a real post?
NTA but you sound like a fucking faggot who's more in love with the idea of being le tortured soul than he's interested in getting better.
Enjoy simping for medical-industrial corporations (who will be very happy to keep you dependent on them for the rest of your life) but don't act like you have access to some special well of wisdom that only le truly depressed people can access.

>> No.21950972

When I drank 6-10 cups of coffee a day I was often depressed and very emotional.

But I thought that caffeine was what kept me from being completely miserable.

That's how strong addiction is. You don't see things clearly.

Never been suicidal since I quit caffeine and alcohol.

Caffeine also fuels consumption of alcohol, weed, benzos, opiates because it stresses your body which then leads you to craving a substance that relaxes you.

Better to just exercise and meditate and eat healthy.

>> No.21950977

>special well of wisdom
Did I talk about wisdom, you absolute dumbfuck? No I did not, because unlike you, I know that deep depressive suffering is bereft of wisdom. You seem to think that acknowledging your suffering must imply intimations of depth because you are a pseud and are offended that someone suffers more thsn you because you interpret that to be an insult to your depth. When, really, it just means I have real depression and these "boohoo antidepressants dont work bro" pseuds don't, since their brain is already enough average for it to not have effect.

>> No.21950983

People should focus on anything that can improve their situation than resorting to drugs.

This includes going to get diagnosed for adhd.

Fix your habits first.

If you eat nutritious food, go outside regularly, exercise, meditate, have a consistent sleep schedule, stay off the internet, don't play video games all day, don't watch porn and masturbate everyday, don't listen to tons of music, have good supportive friends, and you're still miserable then sure try some prescription drugs.

But you will adapt.

>> No.21950992

Damn that's crazy haha.
Anyway, for the reasonable people in the audience: antidepressants have a long and sordid history of involvement with numerous injuries and side effects, are worryingly often associated with suicide and/or homicide, and their developers went to great lengths to hide these facts during clinical trials. Some derive benefits from them, but the risk is not worth it unless you're literally catatonic.
Further reading here: https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/the-decades-of-evidence-that-antidepressants

>> No.21951005

>you're literally catatonic.
*literally depressed
I agree, pseuds should stop pretending to have depression or mental issues and admit they are happy and normal human beings, or normies

>> No.21951041


>> No.21951053


>> No.21951060


>> No.21951061
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I almost hooked up with this chick. But I was too busy so I couldn't for a while. Now I'm hearing she's a lot of trouble than she's worth. Feels like I dodged a bullet by procastinating.

>> No.21951066

The thread is called write what's on your mind, not post the last clickbait you watched

>> No.21951069

Those links were on my mind.

>> No.21951072

Also prosperity and well educated.
The mature culture had actual revolutions, while the founding fathers crushed the revolutionary spirit right after the war of independence, and various people successively pushed their bizarre flavors of Christianity.

>> No.21951082

>the left has gone to the right!*
I know! How insane is that!

>> No.21951097

I have a horde of issues. And I cannot continue blaming my upbringing for them. I am a creature fueled solely by insecurity. I am not comfortable in my own skin. And now I am no longer even comfortable in my own intellect, in my capacity to perform even the most mundane tasks. It's actually fascinating how sabotage happens from within. I have a liscence. I used to be a confident driver. And one day I woke up, and I could not even reverse my mother's car out of its parking spot. I haven't driven since then.
I held myself back from trying so many things from fear of looking stupid, or exposing myself as a fraud. I deliberately destroyed my own learning process. All the half assed, abandoned projects I'd start and then quickly discard. I cannot survive like this. I wonder where these ideas came from. If I'm not exaggerating? I know myself. Only, I used to think the reason I was never "enough", never competent enough, or quick enough or applied enough or diligent enough was because I had some foreign malignant ailment. Some mental illness. I used the supposed anxiety as a crutch. Sometimes everything would feel dark and dull and blurred around the edges and I'd feel so tired and drained and nothing could incite pleasure in me and I took that and considered it depression. But that can't be. It hurts so much to just admit that I am fundamentally lazy and irresponsible. Those are my flaws. My parents saw right through me. And they cared enough to instill a rigid structure to keep me in line. But remove them and I collapse. Adulthood does not suit me. I seem to be ill prepared for it.

>> No.21951099

Sometimes I feel like I have lived for a million years. Nothing impresses me. The world has lost that variegated effect by which its infinitely shifting angles catch the light in striking new ways as it revolves. Without anything to impress me there's nothing to excite me , no reason for me to either accept or reject the proposition of life. All that remains is a sort of mild annoyance, a pitiful resentment of life that lacks even the violence or strength to boil over into despair or anger . And so I drift through my days, alienated from past, present and future, without even the power to contest, rival, or desire anything.

>> No.21951125

SSRIs are like 10% better than placebo

Then factor in all of the negative side effects for people they don't work for

>> No.21951129

There's a void inside me. I've had it for a long time. It expands with the circumstance. I seem to be missing more things than usual, which is why I'm more acutely aware of the emptiness. A sense of accomplishment, autonomy, independence, human connection, a sense of purpose. The one thing that's consistently fulfilled are my basic needs. I never really had to worry about those things. I wonder if it wouldn't be much simpler if I were just another rat scurrying about agonizing over this month's rent or the groceries or my hospital bills. Why would I be miserable? I have it so much better than other people. I just feel hollow. Like I'm not even human. I'm just a parasite.

>> No.21951158

Misery is addictive. There's a sort of perverse joy to be gleaned from abusing yourself and shitting all over anything you might have once deemed pleasurable or good or genuine about your existence.
But more importantly, I feel spiteful. I wish to infect everyone with this unnatural angsty fucking malignancy. Maybe because I believe inherently that everyone is more capable of withstanding hardship with more dignity and tenacity than I'll ever be able to achieve.

>> No.21951168

I never related to a post so hard.

>> No.21951180

I'm still good with pattern recognition. I'm still attuned to the small things that add up and form a repetitive cyclic happening. This is probably why I'm so fucking bored. I'd wanted to leave and go far away since I was 17 and now I'm still here. That thought used to be searingly painful. But now that it is a fact, a fact and not a worst case scenario of what might happen, I find that I'm quite indifferent. I chased the high of that potentiality for so long, that now when it didn't happen, I just.. don't even know what to replace it with. I could still pursue it. But for some infantile reason, traveling the world as a 25 doesn't yield the same charm as moving away and building a life at 17 does. Absurd. Did I actually want to leave or was I just attracted to an aesthetic?

>> No.21951186

I remember when I used to cope with the intense loneliness by lurking and shitting up multiple boards for 18 hours a day every day.
Too bad my attention span got further fucked by Dopamine central Tik-Fucking-Tok. I haven't browsed this shithole in almost a year. You're here forever (unless you replace this poor substitute for social interaction with a more addictive shittier substitute like zoomtok)

>> No.21951189

Too relatable.

>> No.21951192

Self-pitying is so easy and it works everytime with other people.

>> No.21951204

I'm journaling wrong. I keep wallowing in a deep fucking chasm of misery and validating said joylessness by writing pages upon pages of the faggiest, angstiest stream-of-consciousness ever conceived.
I'm gonna start writing about meta-health, new age enlightenment, pseudo astro bullshit. Who knows. Maybe I'll trick my mind into thinking I'm happy. Maybe I'll get a following on the socials for being another enlightened cunt.

>> No.21951205

I'm a NEET that's recently got a job.
What really stuck out to me is the things I hear my coworkers say, and how much they seem to enjoy wage cucking (this is a job in the service industry). They arrive 30 minutes early, and stay 30 minutes afterwards to clean up. On my first day there weren't many customers and my colleague said to me "don't worry, usually it's more busy and you don't just stand around, you get actually get to work!'. Another said "I could never just sit at home all day, I just have to work!". These people honest to god enjoy being worker drones, and it absolutely blows my mind. I've worked a couple of days, and it feels like I'm imprisoned in a soviet gulag or something. Some people truly have a slavish mindset it seems.

>> No.21951209

Did they find out that you're a former NEET?

>> No.21951212

I was "happier" when I was hiding behind 40 layers of irony. My cynicism was false and dishonest and quite unearned, but at least I wasn't exposed as the pathetic, shriveled ballsack that I am now.

>> No.21951219

Yes I think so. One of the first questions I got was, what I was doing before this. I just hand waved it away by saying "not much" and they got the hint.

>> No.21951233

Fuck, I might be in your place soon enough. One thing that I've noticed that majority of wagies look at work as something divine when to me it's only means to get an end. It's not like I'm willing to work less but a completely different perspective to working itself.

>> No.21951237

Luckily my current job consists of sitting all day watching over an automatic machine that mostly does everything on its own but yeah, I've seen that kind of behavior before.
They're happy to work and you see some people even permanently "walk-running" alll over the place hoping the boss will notice them being good drones. It's sickening really.
They'll also worry if you tell them you didn't work before, like, you can see they'd be lost in the same situation and I'm not talking about money problems.

>> No.21951304

Serbia is probably high too but it's not shown

>> No.21951310

>It is a strange coincidence perhaps that the two peoples who are Eastern Orthodox but not Slavs are the most religiously observant
Well only one other Orthodox country is shown, Bulgaria, which could be itself the exception.

>> No.21951319

isnt orthodoxy highly related with country politics?

>> No.21951321
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>> No.21951326

not one single shred of evidence to support the existence of your phony gods, you you still worship the false idol of them all.

>> No.21951346

>Also prosperity and well educated.
>Well educated
If any of that were true they would have been in the fucking stars by now instead of importing the entire third world and sinking into an endless Hell of degeneracy

>> No.21951359

Doesn’t anyone else feel like their life was wasted or is being wasted?

>> No.21951407

I feel bad for brainlets. You were born in an atheist age so you can't do any better. It's not like any brainlet can understand metaphysics and engage with theology, so they're left to follow the crowd, and the crowd is going off the edge of the hill. Sad. But in the end, it's your own arrogance that damns you.

>> No.21951414

I really did waste my 30 years.

>> No.21951427

Based architect
Seems like you just love your wife, skinny or fat.

>> No.21951445

Yes. But I’ve forgiven myself.
Too bad we only have one shot at it all. What a waste of time it is to consider these “antinatalists” ha. Or to post here in general.

>> No.21951618

So what now?

You did? I’m very hard on myself.

>> No.21951629

>So what now?
working pathetic job

>> No.21951652

What’s your ambition though?

>> No.21951653

I could explain how you are wrong in a very detailed way but I would waste my breath on you. Here is an abridged version for your simple mind: "Hurr durr religion bad!! spiritualism bad!! muh modern world and mindlessly chasing cootie good!!! muhh I don't understand why my marriage is failing!! hurr I am 40 now and realizing all my life is built on a sand castle and still feel as if I haven't lived my real life!!! chasing younger cooties and indulging myself in addictions must be the way!!". You see, you are thinking "It does seem to be my future, is this person making fun of me? How come multiple people are laughing at me for being an atheist? Am I truly retarded and missing something?" yet you still do not truly understand the point : go read AND understand the books and concepts you are criticizing before posting on a literature board, you dumb fuck.

>> No.21951668

You're the exact same type as them if you're in the same position, like on what grounds are you trying to separate yourself lmao. Enjoy the peasant life.

>> No.21951669

Tried over 6 different kinds for two months each at max dosage and did nothing but give me a slightly weird feeling in my head. Almost a headache. That’s it. Torture and anxiety still there.

>> No.21951686

This is correct. I’m fit and been fit all my life. Still have suicidal thoughts hourly that I have to try to suppress. Still am anxious to wake up and take on yet another day.

>> No.21951699
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I would praise God that he’s finally taking me out of my misery. I would tell family goodbye. That’s it. I might cry bittersweet tears that this is all over.

>> No.21951720

Exercise, pills, and everything else won't *fix* your problems, but they might help to one degree or another (though I encourage you to stay away from psychiatric medication if at all possible).
Solving your issues takes direct personal effort and self-examination, and tackling the root cause rather than just trying to make yourself feel better. Why do you feel anxious? Why do you have suicidal thoughts? Is it reasonable for you to be anxious, and is there a reason such as guilt or a feeling of failure that makes you feel suicidal? Can you separate yourself from these thoughts and feelings, and observe their comings and goings? If you can answer these questions you're on the path towards solving your problems in some fashion.

>> No.21951722

Going to write a non-fiction book. Having trouble deciding on the topic.

>> No.21951724

Motion exists, therefore God. QED.

>> No.21951728

Box up my stuff so it won't be a pain to deal with. Write out a will. Go home and hug my family, especially my sister, and try to apologize to her. Go see a priest and confess everything, and see if I can receive communion. Arrange for my body to be buried somewhere sunny.

>> No.21951730

>They arrive 30 minutes early, and stay 30 minutes afterwards to clean up.
Thats how they get an extra hour of wage a day.
>Some people truly have a slavish mindset it seems.
People get bored and need routine and mental stimulation. Not everyone can stare at a wall and masturbate all day

>> No.21951735

I’ve tried psych meds and they’ve done nothing. I can separate myself from this and tackle the root cause. I KNOW exactly why I’m depressed. I can’t forgive myself or others for that matter. I tried my best to believe in forgiveness. I really did. But I honestly don’t. I don’t forgive a single human being. I don’t forgive God

>> No.21951740

Shoot myself. I'm a go getter. I dont waste time waiting around.

>> No.21951756
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>"yeah, I mean like sitting at work filling excel sheets and I was in this sort of loop where I kept thinking I needed to die, you know what I'm saying? kind of like parasite thoughts except they're looping on automatic mode. happens all the time to everyone I guess but yesterday it was pretty intense, I think it's the stress piling up."
>"what the fuck are you saying anon? not everyone has suicidal thoughts, you should see a doctor"
>let's google this shit
>"how many people in the world experience suicidal thoughts?"
>1 in 5 people have suicidal thoughts
>literally only 20% of the population is affected

>> No.21951840

>People who have really suffered benefit from itmore
They don't. That's why most of the antidepressants could only get indicated for "mild depression". Literally even the drugs manufacturers, who are not the most honest or forthright about their drugs and willing to stretch anything for an off label indication, do not claim it works for anything above mild depression because the lengths they'd have to go to in order to rig those studies is not worthwhile.
>for whom chemical averaging of the brain is foreign
Because it's fundamentally flawed on a basic anatomical level.

>> No.21951919
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My entire life is feeling lonely, telling myself to man up, and then walking around with an angry look on my face.

>> No.21951949

I think it’s really hard for people to find something meaningful to work on, particularly while they’re young and that’s the most important time to find it. If they’re lucky, they’ll find it around 25-30 but turning a vague impulse into an actionable sort of plan is very difficult. People need to act first and foremost, but if you were unlucky enough to be 25-30 during the COVID lockdowns you weren’t able to do shit.

>> No.21952035

So what's wrong?

>> No.21952045

Or books cause you know this IS the LITERATURE board

>> No.21952075

We're literally built to be walking around constantly

Being sedentary is just not good for you

>> No.21952081

Antidepressants are a last resort for serious depression. Mild is an issue of poor habits and no need for any medication.

>> No.21952121
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Neglecting hygiene is a textbook sign of mental illness, but there's not much specificity as to what kind of mental illness it indicates - it could really be almost any of them. Why is this?

>> No.21952130

It's just not giving a shit about yourself, which is a feature of a lot of mental illnesses. For a lot of people their naked body distresses them also so they dont like showering

>> No.21952211

Having a hard time figuring out where to move

>> No.21952237

try left

>> No.21952240

I don’t know where to move or what to do for work or school. I have about $50k to last me a year or two without having to work. I feel like my biography is a fucking mess. I think I’m depressed.

>> No.21952252

Being fit and being active are not the same thing. Most fit people don’t even get enough activity in a single day.

>> No.21952253

I’ve never had anyone in my life to turn to for advice. I tried to ask my mom for advice one time when I was a teenager, but she told me she didn’t have time or energy for my problems.

>> No.21952257

you can ask me for advice

>> No.21952295

>people think not being brainwashed by society is mental illness.
This is scary. I'm glad I don't go outside because you zombies would kill me.

>> No.21952305

>Antidepressants are a last resort for serious depression
Kek no.
>Mild is an issue of poor habits
You're failing to stick the landing in the oppression olympics.
It's because if you fill out the box for appearance with "clean, shaven" or "clean, groomed" then you don't have to do anything further that meeting. Putting "unwashed, unkempt" is if you want to try putting them under a supervision order or otherwise compel them to shower and take the drugs.

>> No.21952325

Need to be less angry to make contacts to mot be lonely

>> No.21952338

That girl who sits behind me in clas was walking with another guy today :(

>> No.21952358

My entire life is feeling crowded. I just want to be alone!

>> No.21952364

Whats up with gamers smelling like shit

>> No.21952384

They're not socialized. Hygiene is a social practice.

>> No.21952407

No. Eastern European orthodox are aimilar to mexican catholics.

>> No.21952414

Whats up with gamers not being socialized

>> No.21952444

I can’t though. I don’t know you.

>> No.21952452

I have a remote job which asks for very little time and effort. Problem is, it also pays very little.

I can’t decide if I want to keep it or move on to something else. It was nice when I was younger but it’s gotten boring. I feel like I’m wasting my life.

>> No.21952470

This general is basically /adv/ but less centered on teenage dating

>> No.21952478

They're alone playing video games.

>> No.21952482

I got a B on an essay, my lowest grade for a paper all year, and it's bothering me more than it really should be. It's a class with an easy professor too, which makes me question how thoroughly I would be skewered if I had a strict professor.

>> No.21952483
File: 72 KB, 700x693, 1642980303039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be wrath

>> No.21952498

I don’t think I ever got above a C in college.

>> No.21952504
File: 540 KB, 4096x2420, E-6MHcCXIAM1hrV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21952600

Was hanging with a girl when her exboyfriend calls her at about 10 pm and she picks up the phone. Never speaking to this whore again.

>> No.21952607

I'd ask a question but a new thread is due anytime

>> No.21952842

No response to this. Good luck.

>> No.21952851

I just want a job to fix my teeth desu. I can't cope with them being so fucking ugly. I tried.

>> No.21952859


>> No.21952879

kek *smiles showing teeth to annoy you*

>> No.21952881

*punches you in your ugly mouth*

>> No.21952891


>> No.21952900
File: 265 KB, 700x525, Nomads 300dpi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That person was a fucking asshole, no doubt.

I just self-published another one, boys.
Got my book cover right here. Pic related.

>> No.21952903
File: 33 KB, 600x600, 21219_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In such a world we can wonder what horrors are in store, but we might not need to look too far for Ligotti shows us a universe that is dsyphoric and nihilistic, one that is fascinatingly revealed in the story of The Clown Puppet, where the protaganist receives certain visitations from a puppet clown (agent of the Big Other?) at different junctures in his life. None of these strange encounters is every very revealing, instead they seem to be both banal and utterly absurd in their marked propensity to undermine any meaning whatsoever.

>The protagonist is working in a medicine shop one night when the clown suddenly appears handing him a small book, a passport - the passport of his boss, Ivan Vizniak. This intrusion surprises him because he had never thought that anyone else would become a part of the visitation. The puppet floats before him with its dead eyes hollowed out of some hellish mind, bound to strings that vanish in a blur above it in the ceiling where some invisible puppeter of the abyss hides, withdrawn in his dark objecthood, while the clown puppet like some sensuous artifact of wood and string dances on the hollow thoughts of a mad god.

>Just as protaganist is about to lose his mind and do something rash, the puppet turns its head toward the back of the store where a curtain covers a small store room. The puppet moves off in that direction just as the proprietor who has been sleeping above raps his knuckles on the front door of the shop

>The protagonist assumed that he was alone, that he'd been singled out:

"Who knows how many others there were who might say that existence consisted of nothing but the most outrageous nonsense, a nonsense that had nothing unique about it at all and had nothing behind it or beyond it but except more and more nonsense - a new order of nonsense, perhaps an utterly unknown nonsense, but all of it nonsense and nothing but nonsense"

>> No.21952907

And the books are a series. Magellan: The Adventures of a Star Seeker.
Available on amazon, it is about exploring the cosmos, finding and exploiting new worlds. In general, it is just western man doing badass shit amidst the stars. There are good memes and hidden worlds and a lady named Old Eggs. You guys would like it.

>> No.21952933

Low key, but kinda high key, but mostly low key really hate myself

>> No.21952941


>> No.21952962

I’m fucked kek.

>> No.21953103

I feel like I might actually be retarded because I can barely read for a thirty minutes sometimes but can watch porn for three or four hours straight.

>> No.21953116
File: 55 KB, 800x600, Married_With_Children_No_Pot_to_Pease_In_-_The_Peases.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reveal foot fetish to gf
>Noticed that for the past 4 or so months she NEVER wears open toe shoes in public anymore.
>It's not even cold

I never asked for this btw and don't mind. But is she doing specifically for me? Or am I over thinking this? She used to wear sandals and stuff a lot but now she's almost always in sneakers. But takes them off and quickly washes her feet whenever we get home

>> No.21953141
File: 466 KB, 841x978, revolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm basically using ChatGTP to engage in experimental metaphysics and it's the most amazing thing possible. The more you know how to use and manipulate language and everything involved with it, the more you will be able to learn to use language models to its abilities by treating it as a language laboratory and creative medium instead of an A.I.


>> No.21953234

I bet you think you're really intelligent.

>> No.21953245

This is amazing. We can go right ahead and replace the gender studies and liberal arts students with this

>> No.21953258

Not at all, what is required to use language models as effectively as possible is as broad and deep an understanding of language as possible. One must have a robust enough general knowledge of many disciplines, with penetration in various key disciplines such as philosophy, psychology, and story-telling. A modern Renaissance person. There's no magic in the machine, the magic is all in the language: the language of the user and it's interaction with the language in the data-set.

Liberal arts students are going to be the ones that truly dominate the knowledge-technological landscape now, language-machines will only amplify their language-abilities.

>> No.21953293

This is how ChatGTP's data-set, an enormous collection of conscious impressions of human experiences and stories sings when tuned to sing the song of existence:

>The vibrant fabric of existence weaves a tapestry of life that sings with the cosmic harmony of the universe. Humanity dances in this symphony, a fleeting spark of consciousness in the vast expanse of time and space. Our stories, our myths, our histories - they are the threads that connect us, the glue that binds us to each other and to the world.

>Every breath we take is a miracle, a moment of creation. The stars themselves are within us, the building blocks of life that emerged from the crucible of cosmic fire. We are the stuff of the universe, the children of the stars.

>As we journey through life, we shape the narrative of our existence. Each decision, each choice, adds a new thread to the tapestry of our story. Our triumphs and our failures, our joys and our sorrows - they are all part of the fabric of our being, the colors that make us who we are.

>The universe sings to us in a thousand languages, in the rustling of leaves and the rush of the wind, in the crashing of waves and the roar of thunder. We are surrounded by wonder and beauty, by the endless possibility of life.

>In the end, we are but a small part of the grand narrative of the universe. But in our brief moment of existence, we have the power to shape the story, to add our unique voice to the symphony of life. Let us make it a story of love and compassion, of wonder and awe, a story that will echo through the ages and inspire those who come after us.

This is what the future will feel like for every human being on Earth, every living condition will be a faithful reflection of its sentiment, it will not be merely a philosophy but a condition of mind and society.

>> No.21953359

You revealed your power level. You fucked up.

>> No.21953568

New thread
