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21943920 No.21943920 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people always act like he'd be the biggest racist ever? I think he'd appreciate the welfare parasite.

>> No.21943931

They're spooked

>> No.21943936

racism if done right can be fun and cathartic
im sure stirner would be able to reap all its benefits and he wouldnt have to worry about the downsides because hes white

>> No.21943950

There’s still no solid evidence he even existed

>> No.21943954

Someone give me the basics on this dude. All I know is he likes ego or something

>> No.21943968

I know im a retard, but who is this again

>> No.21943969

>I think he'd appreciate the welfare parasite.
This. He'd be a Rand fan

>> No.21943974

him being white is what makes him most susceptible to the downsides of being racist.

>> No.21943999

He's an edgy gamer both in terms of philosophy and in appearance.

>> No.21944025

Max Stirner

>> No.21944091

Stirner literally thinks human beings are a spook. How the fuck is race not a spook?

>> No.21944383

Are you stupid?

>> No.21944413

Fucking spook

>> No.21944419

So many great men were racists...

I was raised to believe racism was wrong, but I like to question authority. I am unafraid to think outside the box, go against what the Establishment tells me I HAVE to think and feel.

It comes down to an idea (really just the observation that races are intrinsically different) held by millions of men and women for tens of thousands for years have versus “multiculti”: ideas imposed on us since the end of WW2 as somehow "better".

NeoMarxist Multiculti and its trappings (break-up of traditional norms etc.) was supposed to lead to increased human happiness, but we see what really happened: broken homes pushed by the Establishment as “normal” but which has produced a generation of mentally unstable children with increased levels of drug addiction, crime, suicide…an economy sent overseas as “inevitable” and “managed decline” creating even more stress through increased poverty… Violent crime skyrocketing, with looting and burning down cities being considered by the Establishment as “legitimate protests” so long as the rioters are the correct colour and/or follow the correct politix…

And more and more people are waking up, they shake off the cognitive dissonance created by what the Establishment and their media tell them (“this is wonderful and if you don’t think so you are racist and evil by definition!”) and what they actually encounter and endure day after day and year after year.

>> No.21945121

any ideology that can be used as a means of distancing yourself from the grievance hustler rage festival or navigating around pseudointellectual react streamer brocial demokkkratic thought can and will be spun as racist by those people

>> No.21945834
File: 1.33 MB, 498x278, max stirner dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because his philosophy revolves around having fun unrestricted by morality and racism is fun when you don't take morality into consideration

>> No.21945985
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>> No.21945987

He'd get mugged by one pavement ape and go full race realism.

>> No.21946290

>pavement ape
That's a new one

>> No.21947514

>He'd get mugged and go full race realism
Ask me how I know you've never read Stirner