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/lit/ - Literature

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21939928 No.21939928 [Reply] [Original]

incoherent gibberish

>> No.21939930

No way, there's lots of good stuff in the Waste Land. That said, Eliot is definitely show-offy of his learning.

>> No.21939934


>> No.21939949

>incoherent gibberish
But...it's perfectly understandable. Pretty much all of The Waste Land has a very clear meaning

>> No.21939957

OP is the dumbest nigger, making
shitposts out of brain mush, mixing
sophistry and niggery, posting
dull bait with twig wrists.
Gookmoot please delete this website

>> No.21939976

>filtered by babby's first modernist poem
/lit/ gets worse and worse by the day

>> No.21940103


>> No.21940169

What do you not get about it

>> No.21940173

I think it’s purposefully poised between the coherent and incoherent. It wouldn’t be as powerful a poem as it is if we felt we could work out all of its mysteries.

>> No.21940174


>> No.21940177

Modernism is the abstract expressionism of literature. The masses are too smart to fall for it, but academics eat it up.

>> No.21940179

>The masses are too dumb to understand it, but academics do.

>> No.21940194

wtf two wasteland threads?!?

>> No.21940201

My experience with academics is that they will swallow anything they're fed. E.g. Art critics who look at a Rothko or Hirst and monologue on the genius of the piece because they were told in school that it means something, when it has been proven modern art is more about money laundering than actual beauty. But you do you boo.

>> No.21940206

The irony here being that the Waste Land was
1. massively popular with all people
2. would be immediately understood by anyone in England where it was published

Only video game playing faggots such as yourself have this supposed difficulty of understanding. I say supposed because you probably haven’t putt the slightest effort into understanding any of Eliot’s poetry. Fuck off

>> No.21940210

>comparing a master of literature like TS Eliot to Rothko
Please leave the board, and while you do that remind yourself that you’re significantly less intelligent than you believe yourself to be

Also, you write like a fucking faggot. Go have fun with Little Dark Age edits you LARPing fuck

>> No.21940220

Most critics hated the Waste Land when it was published. It was only through people’s identification with Eliot’s art that it became as massive as it is. Of course, you don’t know anything about anything but have no problem speaking like a snarky know it all son of a bitch

>> No.21940222

>My experience with academics is that they will swallow anything they're fed.
Literature academics are meant to analyze and study literature. They are not Goodreads reviewers who "loved" or "didn't like" this and that. Unsure how can you even compare T. S. Eliot to money laundering art.

>> No.21940228


>> No.21940232

You are so fucking stupid it’s not even funny. It’s mind boggling to read this and think you’ll read these responses and go “Ha! They don’t know anything. They don’t have an understanding of the world like I do. They just DONT GET IT.” And all the while you know nothing about Eliot, nothing about modernist literature —nothing about literature in general — and are likely on this board because you have an inflated sense of your own intelligence and think your low IQ takes on literature are important even though you basically read nothing ever. Maybe like one or two books you found on this board

>> No.21940236

You ever seen a Rothko in person?

>> No.21940247

Pretty amazing that the proles used to appreciate TS Eliot and Shakespeare and now can barely speak one coherent sentence.

>> No.21940256

>Don't do drugs.
>Eat well.
>Sleep well.
Now you can try reading real literature.

>> No.21940267

The decline is even evident in children. Something like Alice in Wonderland was written for children back in the day but the children of today are not equipped to read it so they read a watered down version instead (if anything).

>> No.21940271

How can roots be dull?

>> No.21940286

Dull… as in brownish grey in hue…. from the arid dry desert air…..

>> No.21940289

I know this is bait but The Waste Land has a real subconscious power over me in a way few things do

>> No.21940292

Dull does not mean brownish grey in hue.

>> No.21940320

>be Eliot
>witness old Europe destroyed by war
>see the onslaught of mass urbanization and the budding of an international commerce undermining culture
>write a poem to reflect what you have witnessed and the changes you see coming
>[artistic ethos is to find a way to truth by overcoming your own subjective feelings and express multiple viewpoints/ways in]
>write an epic in only 433 lines
>intentionally fragmented to express what Europe has lost due to the war and shifting culture
>intentionally fragmented for the purpose of viewing the theme from multiple viewpoints (from a decaying sybil to cockney women discussing false teeth)
>predict the bastardization of culture and translate traditional artistic references to that emerging context ("I never thought death had undone so many" as per Virgil seeing those at the gates of hell who were too cowardly/indicisive to stand for good/evil, now Eliot upon seeing the (at the time new) phenomenon of urban commuters)
>up to the reader to find how the dozens of allusions made still are or aren't meaningful (the one above can be taken multiple ways)
>100 years later filtered retards insist it doesn't make sense
>they can only offer shallow ideas of what constitutes modernism while ironically complaining about academics, betraying that they're missing the point that the poem is about the death of traditions and the oncoming hegemony of meaninglessness
>the emergence of a wasteland

>> No.21940322
File: 24 KB, 408x612, istockphoto-524290145-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are so fucking stupid it’s not even funny. It’s mind boggling to read this and think you’ll read these responses and go “Ha! They don’t know anything. They don’t have an understanding of the world like I do. They just DONT GET IT.” And all the while you know nothing about Eliot, nothing about modernist literature —nothing about literature in general — and are likely on this board because you have an inflated sense of your own intelligence and think your low IQ takes on literature are important even though you basically read nothing ever. Maybe like one or two books you found on this board

>> No.21940326
File: 40 KB, 1050x300, 2342323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That anon was just mentioning an example of what dull roots might look like.

>> No.21940395

A dull glow makes sense and is in line with the meaning of the word. Are roots typically expressed in terms of shine or brightness? Obviously not.

>> No.21940405

Dull is literally synonymous with lifeless you retard

>> No.21940406

Shh stop making sense anon we're fellating famous people here, they must be good because they're famous.

>> No.21940415

It's "literally" not you simpering ape.

>> No.21940452
File: 55 KB, 1286x362, 345443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It literally is, retarded negro.

>> No.21940462

NTA but "literally" also means "figuratively" now. Don't blame me for the bastardization of language.

Anyway, this argument between you two is stupid. I'm out.

>> No.21940469

>a word is figuratively synonymous with other word
That's not what he meant.

>> No.21940550



>> No.21940561

Reading classic novels for children like Alice as an adult and having the prose actually be very good is a real treat. Our society definitely went down the wrong path in the latter half of the 20th century

>> No.21940569


And then johnncage came along and triumphed over himnhandily with 4:33, the greatest piece of classical piano in the last century, completely btfo’ing eliots wasp conceit! Bravo

>> No.21940652

>>they can only offer shallow ideas of what constitutes modernism while ironically complaining about academics, betraying that they're missing the point that the poem is about the death of traditions and the oncoming hegemony of meaninglessness
Cage is post-modern and Phrygian Gates is great: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7r8XV1bylY

>> No.21940699

Eliot was filtered by Shakespeare’s Hamlet so it can’t be that hard of a read

>> No.21940910


>> No.21940940
File: 37 KB, 429x696, Joyce-f-wake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>incoherent gibberish
You posted the wrong graphic

>> No.21941122

It works though

>> No.21941158

U r jewish>>21940201

>> No.21941159

Semite detected

>> No.21941160

More than T. S. Eliot?

>> No.21941165

Disliking Eliot is the opposite of antisemitism. You illiterate retard.
>“Most overrated: T. S. Eliot, all of him, verse and prose; the academy, or clerisy, needed him as their defense against their own anxieties of uselessness. His neo‐Christianity became their mast, hiding their sense of being forlorn and misplaced. His verse (mostly) weak; his prose is wholly tendentious. ”
>Harold Bloom
The ONLY reason he held this opinion was Eliots reputation as a Christian antisemite.

He (Eliot) was great friends with Ezra Pound

>> No.21941286

A man too based for /lit/.
>speaking like a snarky know it all son of a bitch
These "intellectuals" hate normal people who have common sense. Fuck 'em.
We're not leaving your precious board you fucking faggots.

>> No.21941312

>common sense is when I'm retard
okay homo

>> No.21941370

Why did Eliot feel the need to add explanatory footnotes if the meaning is clear?

>> No.21941379

>The number of people ITT seething over bait

>> No.21941384
File: 22 KB, 694x402, 454554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21942167

You've just proven you've no idea what literally means. Dull is literally a synonym of lifeless. It's not figurative. You are a moron :-)

>> No.21942619

shitty bait

>> No.21942629

The best writers and readers followed none of this advice