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21929539 No.21929539 [Reply] [Original]

>comfy, the book

>> No.21930493

I think it gets a little less comfy as it goes on and veers in to less pleasant themes, but it still pretty good. the beginning when he is dragging stuff to his settlement through the snow is absolutely wonderful

>> No.21930843

Thanks for the discovery of this author.

>> No.21930883

Even on its grimmest, it still evoking a strong imagery of a comfy life on the outdoors.
Barbro and inger's sister deserve suffering tho

>> No.21931647

I read the plot section of this book's Wikipedia page and I've got to say that this is probably the worst book I've ever heard of.

>> No.21932002

Bumpu ~

>> No.21932008

This book is awful.

>> No.21932018

amateurish bait

>> No.21932032

Your reply is a great example of cognitive dissonance.

>> No.21932055

Why did Axel accept Barbro at the end? Why was he such a pathetic cuck

>> No.21932071

Words cannot express how bad this book is.

>> No.21932235


>> No.21932253

i enjoyed this book, and hunger and pan as well. sucks that hamsun was a racist weirdo and a nazi tho.

>> No.21932514

I was in the hospital when I started reading it and my health's deteriorarion coincided with the times where I read this book the most. I stopped and was out in less than a week. This book is honestly a disgrace to literature.

>> No.21932746

What the hell? I had terrible back pain when I started reading it and I had good posture and all but the moment I finished it was the moment I felt the biggest relief ever, like a weight was lifted off my back -- literally. I hope people steer clear from this book, it's so bad.

>> No.21932759

Not really. I just took the opportunity to bump a thread.

>> No.21932772

I have a similar experience. I was dealing with a viral infection, and as I read this book my condition only got worse. By the time I reached the last few chapters, I needed to be hospitalized, and only recovered after pushing through and finishing it. This book nearly killed me

>> No.21932790

I had erectile dysfunction when I started reading this book. The very moment I put this book down my dick shot through the ceiling and collapsed the roof, killing everyone inside.

>> No.21932810

I have bad memories about this book because my grandma died on the day that I decided to start reading it. I almost cried when I saw the front cover as the picrel. I haven't picked it up since. Also I fell down the stairs and broke my leg.

>> No.21932984

I hate this book.

>> No.21932998

Why didn't he answer?

>> No.21933018

10/10 until the fucking woman shows up

>> No.21933046

Isn't that like page 40

>> No.21933099

Being alone sucks

>> No.21933940

Beautiful book

>> No.21933943

“Plot summary”
Can’t be serious.

>> No.21933950

I can’t believe you retards are hating on this beautiful peace of art. Please fuck off and stop polluting this place.

>boohoo plot is boring

You should genuinely feel horrible about the state of your mind.

>> No.21933952

Hunger is better.

>> No.21934141

dreadfully newfaggy post

>> No.21934146

mysterier bros rise up

>> No.21934168

Novels are inherently comfy. A novel that purposely tries to be comfy risks being sleep-inducing.

>> No.21934221
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what happened to this board?

>> No.21934300


>> No.21934778

You're acting like there is something mystical within the writing to overwrite how bad the plot is. It's downright disgusting what I skimmed over, I can't imagine what the people who read it went through.

>> No.21934802
File: 144 KB, 1024x1280, wp5004133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book was so bad that I went outside and threw it in a public trash can. It wasn't even worthy of being in my trash and you're worshipping it? Lmao.

>> No.21934830
File: 13 KB, 275x400, 2b2t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your subtle implication of veterancy under the guise of outward criricism should've made you feel humiliated - yet you posted it and thought that we would affirm your identity.

>> No.21934896

This is the correct opinion.

I disagree. Hunger showcases much more literary inventiveness and has an energy and uniqueness that his later authorship completely lacks. While Growth of the Soil is a very worthwhile piece of craftsmanship, it is squarely within the genre conventions of standard-issue pastoral elegies, and as sympathetic as its message is in the wake of World War I (the reason he received the Nobel prize for it), it is not nearly as compelling a critique of modernity (which was his overarching project throughout the entire authorship) as his earlier works, Hunger included, where he manages to illustrate, via stylistic invention, the dionysian and dissolving effects of modernity on subjectivity itself. I cannot stress this enough. This is the source of Hamsun's genius and why he was lauded by artist-intellectuals like Mann and phenomenological philosophers like Heidegger.
Johan Nagel is one of the greatest characters ever written, mercurial and paradoxically, oblique and transparent at the same time. He is the archetype of modernity. I consider Hamsun's stream-of-consciousness even better than Joyce's in the three works of the 1890's that merit GOAT status, especially in Mysteries. And needless to say, more original. The lyricism of Pan and Hunger are unmatched in the rest of his authorship and among the GOAT of all literature. At times, Pan reads like prose poetry in the vein of Baudelaire, but singing to the praise of all creation rather than the abject dread of the gutter - reading it is a nearly religious experience. All three of these, Hunger, Mysteries and Pan outrank the rest of his authorship, and the majority of world literature - which is frankly insane, that he could produce three absolute masterpieces in the span of 5 years - the frenetic energy of his production mirroring the frenetic energy of his works.

Do you have any idea how fucking great it is to make the narrator of Hunger try to disprove Kantian practical philosophy with a stump of pencil and a scrap of paper, so he can sell his essay and eat? This is Hamsun summarizing the entire ethos of the fin-de-siecle modernity shitting on Kantian enligthtenment thought, in a profoundly intellectually compelling way, in a dry joke. It's the sort of divine inspiration found in mania, and Hamsun manages to infect you with it in his early works - if you are receptive to it.

Growth of the Soil does not have that. I am not saying it is bad. I am saying that 1890's Hamsun is GOAT so hard that it makes your head spin.

>> No.21934907


>> No.21935788

This book sucks.

>> No.21935796
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The worst book maybe ever in the history of literature.

>> No.21936170

People like this book?

>> No.21936326


>> No.21936356

Nigga you are DUMB, read books nigga damn no one gives a fuck about your whinging and bitching especially when you don't even know what the fuck you're talking about. Dumb nigga really just said plot summary

>> No.21936406

Comfy? More like boring af.

>> No.21936415

Posts like these >>21936406 are why we need unique ID tags

>> No.21936670

This book should be regulated as a medicinal-grade sedative.

>> No.21936685

Extreme samefaggery ITT
Imagine getting this upset about a vintage cottagecore novel

>> No.21936981

I'm reading it now, when does it get good?

>> No.21936993
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>> No.21937250

> skimmed
> plot

Why the fuck are so many retards on this board?

>> No.21937254

Is this real?

>> No.21937263
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What the fuck happened in this thread with this samefaggotry? And why with this book?

>> No.21937374

Tanizakifags are such retards

>> No.21937760

There is an anon who wants someone to articulate a reason for why the book is good, likely because he found himself in some position where he articulated the standard-issue /lit/ opinion that it is good, but he doesn't know why.
Hence, he baits for someone to effortpost some original insight he can regurgitate, should the need ever arise, without having to think for himself, which he can't.
Unfortunately, effortposts are few and far between, and the only one made in the thread so far favors early Hamsun over late Hamsun, and goes into some detail why Growth of the Soil is a more mediocre work.

Good post, but keep in mind Matthew 7:6 going forward.

>> No.21937772

Why are the penguin editions so expensive

>> No.21938000

OP, did you like the book or not? You make one post about it being comfy and like 20 that are hating on it.

>> No.21938004

This book? Throw it in the trash!

>> No.21938234

Mid book.

>> No.21938240

Very not good.

>> No.21938298
File: 88 KB, 600x847, beyond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is much comfier, IMO.

>> No.21938672

Dumb book.

>> No.21938689

You mean Inger or Oline?
I fucking hated Oline. Inger was cool in the beggining but after her comeback she's just your average "wife that you hate".
Also Geissler is so based, loved him. He's a force of nature.

>> No.21938723

Inger is ugly. You like a book that praises the ugliness of the woman by marrying her off to the main character? Disgusting.

>> No.21939101

I kinda agree.

>> No.21939115

Geissler is my favorite character.
Also this book taught me that women ruin everything.

>> No.21939126

It's a "Slow/fast" board. In that we have no jannies cleaning it up so 90% of threads fall off the board with sub<20 replies and endless new threads about nothing//pol//women are spammed pushing each other off. This thread needs text controls like R9k where there's a minimum post length to start a thread.

>> No.21939246

She was ugly but very hard working. After her comeback it's stated multiple times that she was beautiful and the only thing that made her ugly was her harelip.

>> No.21939298

She loses the harelip but still has a scar so she is still ugly despite what the book says.

>> No.21939718
File: 83 KB, 864x855, 1682107123283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excerpt? qrd?

>> No.21939848

Whom is that.

>> No.21940085

thanks for the recommendation, this is excellent
I hope it doesn't have a tragic ending

>> No.21940710

Bump (I'm not OP)

>> No.21941634

So are you dead?

>> No.21941765


>> No.21942508

Book was dumb.

>> No.21942845

I seriously don't understand the appeal of this book.