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/lit/ - Literature

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21934667 No.21934667 [Reply] [Original]

>I'm going to study the philosophy of Karl Marx
Yeah he made some good points about capitalism
>I'm going to study the philosophy of Ayn Rand

Why do people react this way?

>> No.21934680

Just read Adam Smith and Henry George.

>> No.21934702

>Why do people react this way

>> No.21935277
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Because lefties blindly worship ideas of Marx without having even read the Manifesto, or any of this other works. Some of his books were honest critiques of crony capitalism, but people don't talk about Marx's other works, other than Manifesto. He wrote this one about Mill Workers being treated poorly that was excellent, though, Socialism and communes and shared property never work, especially within the context of government policy, because eliminating private property, independence, individualism, freedom and liberty of the pursuit of happiness, is to ignore human nature.

Ayn Rand, on the other hand, wrote from a completely different perspective, in favor of individualism and capitalist philosophy, introducing objectivist philosophy which works very well to empower real people in daily lives, and promote minarchist government policy, which is possible on the Local Level. The Founding fathers were monarchists(Some were what we call Classical Liberals today, as well as Republicans) who wanted America to flourish with minimal government intervention, with the people providing most of the service to society, letting the economy do what it does best, provide, not just for profits, but for balance. Commerce is important to have, everybody should trade valuable goods for equally valuable goods they would need, as well as own their stuff, and pay with real money (gold and silver), and never have to pay taxes. While the modern landscape would suggest that big government is here to stay, that doesn't stop people from establishing their own territories and writing their own laws with No-Go Zones and the like(The Muslims are already building these sorts of communities, any group could do this, and wall off their neighborhoods, providing the essentials of a community, and locally protect their own, fencing themselves off from the world, and the cops leaving them alone in the process, patrolling their own streets and upholding their own laws).

Remember, All Politics are Local, and you as an individual can make a big difference. Ayn Rand's big message was this, amongst other subtle political messages, that we have power to make a difference in our lives. And Marx, as controversial as he is(and by no means, I promote socialism in any context, I'll never be a commie or a Nazi), his big message was to not let money be worshipped and to prioritize family and other people(a community of individuals whom all were self-sufficient, not where everyone depends on each and shares everything like a commune, which is different from a close knit community of individuals) over money, which is respectable, and very important, because community and inner well being is all very important, but private property, wealth, self-defense, and Establishing their own freedom is key.

At the end of the day, reactions of others are often a distraction, unless they are from people that we love and hold dear, and whom live in our communities. So prioritize where you belong.

>> No.21935304

Because Ayn Rand was right and is more threatening to the contempary power structures than Marx. An enormous parasitic public employee class depends on socialist esque philosophies of redistribution. If people were to realise it's all bullshit and they are stealing from you millions of powerful people would be out of work and would have to actually contribute like the rest of us.

>> No.21935319

You can read her it's just you need to be American to care about her

>> No.21935393

Because Marx did make some good points about capitalism, while reading Rand as a 20 year old has proven entirely useless outside of shitting on her shill nerds on /lit/

>> No.21935399

>muh capitalism

>> No.21936151

If you think people don't talk about any of his works besides the Manifesto that's on you. You interact in retarded social circles. People move past the Manifesto after studying Marx for a week, it's just a propaganda piece, not an actual theoretical work.